07-17-2014 (City Council) Agenda Packet ttft Wylie City Council CITY O F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Special Called Work Session Agenda July 17, 2014 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Eric Hogue Mayor Keith Stephens Mayor Pro Tern Nathan Scott Place 2 Todd Wintters Place 3 Bennie Jones Place 4 William Whitney Ill Place 5 David Dahl Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WORK SESSION • FY 2014-2015 Budget Discussion and Department Presentations to Council (Finance/HR/Utility Billing; PD/Animal Control; Public Services; City Mgr) RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. July 17,2014 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 ADJOURNMENT If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: CERTIFICATION I cert0;that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 11 th day of July, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date Notice Removed Linda Bartz , Finance Director Fiscal Year 201 4 - 1 5 Budget i r Illu i V � 1 lo, ooloolooloono000000000000000000001,11V0011111111111 kk\ 0,1,3plio(0,0',j 0)11 fit//)7/1/; i w 4, ; o oilliO11111111111111111,101,1„111111111 1 1 1 1111111 00000Oo) *qMilio'1(3111,Fi!,lo/iivii, 11111111 ���ii�iIII1111111 1)1� 1�OI'�W�illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllluuuuum oul� o,��� �� �' t11110,k,,,im,i,t$,,71,ifi?r,y,;,ori ����10d�1f '�,�oa ���1i1� „IIIp ui 11111 ,I, � � iiii f� �� ��.11��,�%�i��%rr,i �����1111:1� y��� ��I�j��ff���j01���,����������������ul�huuii ilh /"� � ® qq I15�1 �1 � I��IIII��IV�Illll���illlllluuui �uil�lll�llllll PI �, /,)ff�l�l� 1//r (� Y ll� ���� III mull ��� III ��� �� �j / 1 ill 11 h'W �;fiii� �i��uil Illl lllllo 11111111111111110 ���N;�ii'i° III y'���1 ���1�° ; �utll�lt�lllllluu,� Iv.. ,rrrr „�������m1,11111111u�l�lll���ll�1 I�I����� ill V ipiiiiiii ,�i '����1' oloo 7 o1 11111 �ai iris YI IIIIII �� // hi ��I� IV1111I 10,11 U ;l ✓ / 7I,„,4,7/(i16/fAfokIrdolpill,i,lq41,11i)1\\v ‘\\, � ( 0 � Illllllllluum �i��lr� �III��II���� �� J ,,,r, �� , )1 f 111�� h iii���� �����fof���� ��� ���� (U ��1 ��� '" % �'��j 11 ��lllluuum FINANCE ► Accomplishments for 2014: • Awarded Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financing Reporting by Government Finance Officers Assoc for 201 2 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for 24th consecutive year • Awarded Budget Presentation Award by Government Finance Officers Assoc for 2014 Budget for 3rd consecutive year • Implemented positive pay check processing procedure with bank Allows checks to be verified with our records prior to payment, reducing fraud potential ► Objectives for 201 5 : • Designation in Texas State Comptroller's Leadership Circle program 11111m11111111111 110, Related to online financial transparency of local governments 1111111 filIIIIIII 1101,1111111 10000010100,010'/,, 7, liligSw40,,', 11,111111411111111,111111„11111110.1111111111110\4001/t/itixfol,,,„„, HI III ,;'; //11%,'1'„, ,,,,,01,,,,10,011000000000001100011110 l PU RC HAS N G ► Accomplishments for 2014: • Established internet-based bid distribution partnership with Public Purchase • Created contract forms for professional services agreements ► Objectives for 201 5 : • Buyer Position • Better compliance with State laws • Better support to City staff including quotes, bids & ins tracking alleviating duties from depts • Back up coverage for the Purchasing Dept • Complete updating purchasing policies • Train designated employee from each dept • Complete basic quote forms To increase efficiency in processing time to depts 11,11111,1110, 00.00000 1111 111 11,1111,111 donnoulkkodrl;„ thifehlilhoo) II III // ; III UTILITy BILLING ► Accomplishments for 2014: • Assisted in dissemination of information to customers regarding water usage restrictions ► Objectives for 201 5 : • Implement advancements to website allowing utility customers to have access to more real-time account information • Armored car service for bank deposits Improved safety for City employees and funds Better use of staff time • Front counter safety glass Provide for more secure work area for employees op 11, 01111 1101101 pp 1000oppoiloi,,fotiorii,if„f„„001;00,p,, 111 ff � / HUMAN RESOURCES ► Accomplishments for 2014: • Won title of top 60 "Best Places to Work" in DFW by the Dallas Business Journal • Received "Gold Fit Friendly" company designation by American Heart Assoc for 2nd consecutive year • Third team of ICAN mgmt trainees will graduate Nov 2014 ► Objectives for 201 5 : • Applicant tracking software • Core management education using free TML training program • Achieve "Platinum Fit Friendly" designation by American Heart Assoc by continuing wellness initiatives and encouraging inter-departmental wellness initiatives • Employee Art Show in Nov 2014 to showcase employees' talents outside of work and improve interaction between employees 11111111,111111110 111411111111111111,001,11111001111100000000000001011,ftio,?1#1,,,, 1111111 111110, 1 0 1 1101111001111111.11.1.0,1,A01,04y, 2 ,,, /11000,0„, hff f MUNICIPAL COURT ► Accomplishments for 2014: • Continued to increase efficiency and accuracy by using imaging and court software Implemented Juvenile Case Manager position • Purchased 19 new ticket writer devices Used by Police, Fire, Code Enforcement and Animal Control Funded from Court Technology Fund ► Objectives for 201 5 : • Implement an online payment module working with Chase Bank • Juvenile Case Manager programs for youth to reduce recidivism • Municipal Court Technology Fund - Equipment for courtroom Including sound system and printer 11,111111111. 100 1111111111111 oil 1� f 11111111 111 II II 000000000000100yOrziet,,,, q1111,11 I pool 000yp,,ii,,,b/)fxt(,fiofi,qt, pilli Noommilkoliff,,th III mil 1111 0 111ff � of" icAlA ninon o f I I Ufia .1„1,11. 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Seva4Vitsidlt,:' ',***,q,*******'A*n,n' :, • A , . .,*A,, *,,, •******************************A***A,*,*,,,,,,*,A.********************. **********, . , , ,A***A*s ,- ,s -' -_ * ****•**• '**************************************,,****,***„A*******,**e********A, Mi***104****, * ,1***********,,,,',„„ • ., -H.,m,,,, / `,. .,,, Ay 1, ****A*,,,,,,,,,,,,*************************ettempasoq)***************,...******,* ' ' lite N, VII AV,AvVii,A,Y4AIA, ,II, RECREATION PROGRAMMER, SENIOR ACTIVITIES 4; .4 A4)0440 I4P Currently,Activity management responsibilities for the senior recreation programs , vi,,,,,,,,,,,,• , ;,iiir)„,x(iiir ii(ki, „hoiti)Ifo)(4,( 1 , 1(1*(0 „„is,ion at Wylie Senior Recreation are divided between ail of the center staff: the one full time staff person (Recreation Supervisor) and 8— 12 part-time staff. Keep up with programming needs for participants. fSf Coordinate expanded senior programs. Iii„, 4' 4 Assist with managing the facilities (Sr. Rec. and Bart Peddicord Com. Center). ii 'ixo(1,4*-4( no,if hvfx lil'ft fl ' '--4 Planning programs and activities, booking facilities, manage contracts with :.) * * V' instructors, coordinate special events. V '1,,ttt' ‘, '74.4, FIBER RING Currently, the Internet and City of Wylie network connection is made possible through a Verizon Fios connection. The connection has been found significantly ium-eliable, crashing daily, The permanent solution is to connect to WISD fiber ring, which will ensure more consistent internet connection for: , Staff to efficiently perform daily tasks. - Activity registration and facility bookings (reservations at Bart Peddicord Community Center). ,„,,,,,,_. 4-,, iii( ,.,-;,,,i, ), z • Customer service„ c';ht,,300,1titigitritrit,J',/, ,, itifet,„ql., . Senior computer access. illrofir,„)„,ri(1 ,1F4rollrilr4i(o,,')IM)i,(„, hix.:44:' ,,i,,ofw,,,,,„ ,,::vi,,,„;',,,t4ri‘.','4,,,v, .`4,•;•#8,,'Y 'Iy....A ',.\'' ,-' ANNUAL SR PROM It' 4,,, t RECREATI„„ii,k ''''„,'''7,Ve,Tiir ,,.. ' ON PART-TINIE HOURS INCREASE Senior guest participation has experienced significant growth, senior recreation programs continue to expanded while rentals continue at Bart Peddicord Community Center, Additional hours are requested to: - Monitor recreation activities. Facilitate senior programs. Provide consistent customer interaction. ACCESSIBLE ENTRY,,,,:: Currently the Wylie Senior Recreation Center has no security access and there is no motorized door opener. Requesting: Secure card access, Motorized door for participants that use wheelchairs or scooters. Of**ddf.0 ddddddd,d Id, 11410044:X„NtOWdiddddd ,I0I,W1,44)VOIdddddd '0IIVIONVI'cdkRddd' tdd;ddddt;td,dAddd'd d.d:„ 'ddddd :77 Oddd MINIVAN , , ,, ,,/,::::',',,,,",',„„,„„W, Replace the current 10 passenger van (Unit 123) with a 7 passenger minivan. ii lititlili) iiiiiii:iiii! iiiiiiiVi' - Transport seniors on the normal pick up route and for senior outings. it,itiiiii iii",iili , 4,,,,iivA. ! „,,estd Iddded•PtdidAddedAdi,dd,44 VINdf The current van is difficult for seniors to board and step out of due to the height. * The minivan can also be used for supply runs, small senior outings and when the larger bus is not needed. , Unit 123 could be put back m service by the Public Works-Sewer Division for the „ sewer camera program. iiiosArgir(r iii .,.; )'14i4 i,•e,e: pile1, •` %.[P,'6,,,.." ,47,,V71,7,,,,,.43.,...63.6.14'''.**.: ' ' '‘f\ , „,,,,,,,,,,Y,4,,,,',•''Y^- 4 74777 FULL TIME RECREATION PROGRAMMER, CUSTOMER SERVICE The center averages 240,000 +visitors/year and available 105 + hours/week with only three full-time staff plus a team of part-time staff. Per the initial Enterprise '',..'.. efAtomerk,,, ' , ii, '11. ) 41#001)00,„:e ,,, 1 f Plan in 200$ by Ballard-King and the 2014 draft of the Operations Assessment, the if.V. ,,titililPiii;„'444.44,°%,„4,'' ,4" . i.A.I ,i`,-2',‘ r, '.4, (,,,,,).t',,,,t4;21)”,1;),:c4Ii;;;17),'''„',•.,, recommended full-time staff person dedicated to front desk operations supports: ,,i4i)" '''' A," ',1---).%)'," i''' 4,i,%iTY,,,,,,,,),,i,% . Optimal guest customer service while best managing resources. Connection and communication with guests. oi?1, !,,,,,,,ii„:„.1%.,, %„, ,,,i,,,,,,,"•%,%„, ,,z,,i: i Internal consistency while allowing for reallocation of time to other improvements and growth. ...,z, 04.„%,„ ,- i,*1 ,y,o,f vi„, t 4* Limiting i , ,e,i4,04%,,,,i'% aiittp .. the expense of part-time staff turnover while keeping professional staff - I 'i 'Iiiitiiisg'ile, , ,'00,4 on board with desirable skill sets. - . * ABSORB ACTIVENET TRANSACTION FEES ,,tAizttottowohitiVi)*., ,v41+$4,gtegla04,0)), 4,q.,,,vf , . - ;;Noi ',1000600441",10 itt#0 Currently, a transaction fee is applied to all online registrations for activities e77„;77,',1,1,/.4;001.1' f otosottit4k,r,* „,,AitAoleeeeetme,,e,q1mrome,e0, through our third party provider and passed directly on to the payer. Many guests ,i,•:,,,e,,,,,,ii,iii.iii,,,A,-,ii!;:44,31010Iiiik , ")/I ,,,,,,,,, Apii,,,,,i,,,,,,,, . Virk/N.',, '''P'1!,f state that they avoid online registration due to the transaction fee.Absorbing these fees will: - • , . - ,,„, ,,,,,,,,,„ ,,,0, .„,,,,,,,,,%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . . ,,,, ,,,,.„ „, ''',,,, 7,„,,, ',' •:,,R`i' ,,,,,$1,001t4e) • Provide elevated customer service to our increasingly digitally mobile guests„ , ,,,,,, ,,, ,%.,„,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,• ,4, , ,,1.,,,,,,,.,,,,„ki.„4,„!,„,„. . Increase revenue while promoting online registrations. * Increase registrations per transaction. ,„„,„.7,...p 7•.7 em., ',7• ',6 7', ,,,, 7•., ,' '...\'.g; „ ,, 7"', . q ', 11 la g E pit , ,,,,,,, , _, , ANUHE 111110011 illiek 9' n #R 4 r�" AA" e . 1S iiip CARDIOIP ENT ' The original cardio equipment has been in the facility for three (3) years and technology has since improved. Replacing equipment will enhance the guest experience and promote Rec Pass purchase and retention by: f` f • Providing upgraded technology. Replacing equipment that is at the end of its useful life. �f: PROMOTIONAL IE OF ACTIVITY MENUS IIIttr it, The main promotional source for activities and passes is the seasonal Activity Menu. Currently,�� paper copies are available at City facilities. Funds requested to print and mail Activity Menus to current users (10,500 households, annually) will: Encourage registration for activities, pass sales and revenue generation. Deliver valuable information about parks and recreation services and opportunities and events. 0 goo. **4tilit‘P' i i, '' PART TI • Staff-Led Activities- Currently, 95% of activities are offered via contract. Ideally, IP, staff should lead new classes, daytime programs and some fitness programs as i 1 A w a cost-saving and revenue producing measure, • Rental Add-On - requested service that will generate revenue. Enhance the JANY,xM guest experience by offering renters the option of a part flare staff person providing set up and clean up services.--Programmer Functions Reassign some administrative duties from the FITN . IS-- ":-. TRecreation Programmers so they may better focus on developing exceptional LKLIGHT programs, promotions and community outreach. ZU PARTY { 1 i ' ., : . ,„.„,w-:,-„,,li,,•it 4 l'i i . , % :;.,1 4:ii.,(4,2; .• • ,,4 ''., ' ',0', '', N. ' ,:4 •.,:q , - '''''' , , r lig ' REPLACEMENT ZEROTURNRADUS MOWER i S Primary mowers for all our operations. Used in parks and on athletic fields. illii r NEW TRUCK FOR IRRIGATION TECHNICIAN POSITION Contingent upon creation of Irrigation Tech Position. '7; 7:14,,,s,c*:Eg'.!:././.." Necessary dedicated vehicle for performing service, repair and troubleshooting 41e „Lt.- ' .1..T of irrigation systems city-wide. *..,,Yiteilf, VIBRATORY AERATOR WITH SEEDING BOX 74'''41: e''4";4.:4114,' ' *4'../: • Will i m p rove turf quality by allowing increased aerification frequency at park '•' . .' ittie. ‘,''-' ' ' ''''..*V -.'t .- , , ,... ..:., and athletic sites. '' i:: ,..R., :' 1P-444 -,'''-,:' • Seeding box allows planting of grass seed, prairie seed or wildflower seed with - , ' . • ,, *I4., *0 ;4'0,004 t'0%.,`,0,,*(',,,'4:0 ' '''-.0 '* - •s4 ' ',/ greater precision. ;,,, *. 1.1.*4....,1'2,-;‘,. t*:* 4..'11, ,,,,1 ,,'„-0. . • -' , , ''' • 4,, '-A . 44004, ' - '-' '-'1-----'--'---- PIGNUT iEE.,,, ., 4 ,,,,,,,,,,,, i:::,:',:,',,,,,:, „,,,'•?,, i:,,,, „,,•,-,• ,,,,,,,,,,,;, -,,,,,,‘,„ - - ' •,-- ::,,,,,sv,, ,i',, ,,,*„:-, :,,, ,,,,,:',ii,:',),4„:: ,,,Ati,44,4' '''''''''' I,-;:-:': i',',-'-'" ,,'",:,-;',1,'• 1,, '::: '',,,,,',, ,,,,,,,,,r,' „43,i;',:i,:•,:,';',,qV,',:',,,,aiiris.,iii:4041:Nx:;:; -,,'-,,,,,::::,, r::: ,„ i,:, ,': :: ' ,,.;4441s4,J," -,-;.,,, ,44.,..„.44R„,,,-'„:,.„:::',,,!!',A•-7;14.N,4.,14.14,44.01, . . 4,4 .:,.„,4,z ...,;if#4,41111',A.-141:'!'' .„„ 44 `,:,..47,,f,44:.4•..'„! REPLACEMENT TRUCK 26 . . 20 ' #158 is a * sion repair. s d and transmission ds front-en ••" "i'-'-4,-9' , 'fii,',!,,i.'1%,,,•'...li.11tiiiiiiiiiYi i4,‘,iteiel7.,,,,ii,:;': ''..i.!:;''llikii Unit#158 nee l'',Iiiiii,r...,..,, , NA,',.•,;.' ..;:,*-iti;,..ill'iNi:?;l: 1•*'..";,ilf'"'„,fT,:ill.„...:.l.....„.i.:„..iLLl,„.„ ,,i„. ,,,),•,;;;.4.,,,,,..::-..,,i * rifotkii ,,,„l'.:„::,/,! '1,..';:„'',,,,,y,1410,4,ir,„.„..i.i'. ,•'. '••:l• ' 2„,;;;.. ,I 03 model with 73, 3 miles. saving t ..,,,,',..,,,- ..„ ,.....,,,„,,,,,:: CHPPER/SHREDDER 4,H ,,,,...,:o , '., ::,. . ;', ''l', ,.',,,,,:; Will allow staff to shred debris and trimmings ;#;:".% :-.4i,:,,,t* '::::.'"iiit,-- , ;,,...*: kil,.'",:.:,,,,'lli ar ',',:.'a!::..4..•, ,N.:!,:e,1:11( disposal. . Ili.i,,l'ir-.iiiiiiill%!l„.„ •',Fill.,i,'''i,ii,w,e. kl?,',,,,,l.,,,;iiri Ifl -::,'k, ''''', ,,4,,,.:',',' -,,,,:,C,,i'',1,.:;,.:,".:','-,.?,' f`',";!,iii,1?::.;:',?'' '"'"*.'.... '..,:: ::.'::;:',',.t.A..',:,:',,t,::::':111 ''•'::: : 0,4 Vr,,,::':1' • i. Trimmings y on-site, ravel time for i may be used as mulch at somen „sites ,,i../*ti.iiii,:,:,,,' .4:,***,.i.„ 'H',,,,, A ":y.,•.:?..!„,„.• ..,3 •,..... ),,,_. ,,t'-r .,,..!'..,;,,,,,.• „.,10:_,Iri,,,,,,, '''''''' ''. .::'„ :,'''.,, . it i , ,,`', „,',,,,,',,,,,'' . i er repair. ,, _ i i conditioner air c . ' - , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, iiivii4,,,, ,,,,,!:I,. • i,,y, 1', r It',.%t :,, ',, al. f' * “ seats and k,*ii'i,i4V -3.' ••:, • ,, li . ir. •.,,,' I, ';;:i.i,:i...i:'i,:-...', ' 153 needs replacement . , Pe EPuinAitC#E1M5E3Ni sT aTR201/0C5K m 0 ' ' ,?;:. t ,,t''' ,,..'.., 6:4-cz:,c,-., -1.';':!-,4, . Unit# -40ist.":„ ;.{: i , , , :, :r„:, :*, ;'''''''',4 1 del with 69,536 miles. .w,„„, , ii, , ' , ' '.;„,ii i,...,, i '',440',; ' ,, ,'; 1•''' , , x,,,4 "..' ', ''' 1;A:','' ---iit''';'''''. ' „ „:,...:;,-,,..t, 7''. '',,*,-*%'.',,' ''''''. .''4:':' '' ,,.. ,,,,,,i. , ,,;„,.„,• , to . . . , . , .'., .44 4. it:. '• . , . 111111 ii , . 1 , , it, ..:, 4 44-' .,,, , . I A, ' ,4144„, , 1 1 exi,„,,„,,,, 1:. III : %, 1 f -,,,,::,,,,,4,.;,,,„ 1,.., !: ..,,, : lifilcowpoomvp.„, ,,:„..:::, _ ::,,,,,„ 4.04„. • vp,,•::.••::„ • %• •— cw 1/,'•Iik' VN":1:;,:44''•:'tir''•''.;!•',••':'••,:.' .'•'' ''"'';.ilb •cs:f.' ',• ?:',,, .. '):',',•44,,,,,,"-':;T').0144f:..=.119A1•••'''', '*"'''''''''''''lc ''•,. lit'' '.:44. 1' SIPA ;.4,,,,,=4:"I'','','11;:iii,''''i'H',.:-•". 4164,111,it4"'"'" ,;',„,.,...,,,:,:',',:::Z4***m* .':,,:.;',„:,48, it *el 't,g,M 44",'k P,,h"",,',INOR,!!!W;',,,44''''"C'7; •":,* ,.'''''''"1 ilq, 4,,4,0N.S444.4 ".:?!9i4 :19,,,,,.4'"'''''':'''''...,*• t i"''''''' 1, D '4* . . „ '''''" *, I . . . . . . A,otkottio**41.03itormoSiOriT*4rtfi:iktailitfriO**4.1 Al:.,tVetl:;,':;,•;.;;.3„A,Z;A:!‘;''',*','ItlYittISINst'itim.::,,,,,i,,,,„,_ Plit „ „„!. *, It:,..;0„,- , ,„,-,- , tab, 1 ,,-..i ,,-,:-:1,4,i4::4,itc,r4' :,1„, ,,-, ,, ' -' ., , Aitirii •,,,,;:;.,401.4,,, .,,,,q6':!:.".1tp,,,„, ,ogit . , fit vo .40001;,,,,,,,,,, ,,;,,,:koik....,.. • *el, . 4.V4'llieti •.. :ONIA•fitl-''',,"::'''''-':.‘Sc,,: ii, letiirvi , . . „ (...,411*,**4 t*YPOrt t*Itt*kt*Att,,t, , l'Aii41 44 ,4HtttAt 410,,ot„,,161 C,14.44,,` IRRIGATION TECHNICIAN POSITION '. ykir,,,4440,: ,,4A,,,,kt.,, r ,4, ..„:„„„.r....,,,,r.., 1141,11t,,,,;.„4:„...A.4144,, „ . . . . r!'''!Nifetilt5igolsor..,,,451, '4, ' ',, '') . Dedicated position to maintain and repair complex irrigation systems at parks, itig;;Nii:"40, ''' '''' ,:, , ,, . ,41.40g:,00,,,, ' :....1„„ ',:!',,:.:..::::, public building sites and athletic complexes. -,orisfp','"0"olhh ' '''' - '•'-,,,..hp,iii,kisft)imilot, . AilifilliNix„.•,!. ''vh• ,,,, ',,,;.•41,1,140,tkor if '., . Necessary to improve water conservation through more thorough management tr ,/' '•ir,rtr 'Of'gNA41,1Airei: VM,1, VAtirik of irrigation systems. • ..x. ,*44,,,,1,:ttit It4t,...*' : , At, *******Ailit PUBLIC TREE INVENTORY „ ' 1:0 ••4,-.",,,,. r` ' ''''''':::"''':''' ''"'''''' ''''' Study will give us a clear picture of the make-up and health of our urban forest. „ .. ,.„ .„.„, ,r',...:,14/ ,„,„:„4:A Ii,-,,;‘,,iatti„,;,‘„.!„ ''''' ':''',,:,:":,‘::".'',;;.,..,,...,,! . issues lf.A,,,,r40,19,05,,1:-,44,......,. 0:::.;:.-:':,,,, „,,''',„,„''::, ':''''' ':''''':'-:',:'6':''';' * Will provide valuable information about the value of public trees for i like Its5ii.i••"..-.',',...,"!!!ii./..:::,..:,, ••ii;;iiii„;,;i:h.h ''"A .,k,v4iiith„..iii '‘4144 im,,,,,,,P,9!,. ''''„,....::,'''',..,:mtgkr.:*,:.:!':':7',....F'''':,..',R,1%:V11:4:'''''''''''' '•''"' . storm water mitigation and air cleaning. ','1,.{figi'h,,,••,•::" ..,,';:i'igts,0•24: ;iiii:.'iiiitlifoioti;:',Nifjr:5 Nii. tdrerilzio:,•hii„,•.„"•-hiteiiiih,,,etitANNirocikik4si„.....:,.... ,• - . ., ''''''''.',';'•:••';Aii,gtiliiiiigi...:',..:,i''.'''''':.:.:0"?'r..':'''''404"'"'"'..ii,',,,.'ilkitgaliikt... ."':,1!'':';.f,,,l':.'i'::::;':.'.'.', MUSCO LIGHTING CONVERSION AT TENNIS COURTS Will convert control system for court lights to the I'Vlusco system. This system is already in use at Founders and Community Parks for sports fields. h , •i•,,..?.'..,,,,,•,'Ilt4,ii,*•. '!!, , .,,,f, !„::.,.:14„„..,•l.e,,,f;• ':''''''4 :,•4461 ',:i;,'!':„ft4000;kt'fi, '‘,,V 14'4,9999419199' 9 9`''''''9 499999,99999991999.„99i 4!,, iii,....,,Air litit„.:„'...",, „„ , „ . „.„...:., “ NFIll, .J.:. !..:„.. : .:..::,,:: 19* "\.0.40•xv,,"F.., A t ' t , * Ot*,*#: .. . . 4 r tl#?'itt'<<`c,sS F?y`?,),,A ' irk'iiM�iq' � ?t<7�, rt$ ivy �f .i�" �� , si.<{i f,10 I,S$,t4401 t ��t� 2,iStil St`yt;t��{ }S�fgS,t w#�{#kt�{{S�32sf?1t10 ';�:v,s` #}f��ttl{.tt$ll�ik}s{ii}tt�ti<f{#}tl#t#�f���}fit{+(ii#)�}}lt�t���}��'j# f��{����� F{}?y�lst{�l}t#?{�� �Si. 3}}�{}�It ti, }k tl tf, {0004 tftYii{t#tl,ttN$tt tit}ti{ }kyt t1 #�t4t{0 Siss Ttsi044 ##lil tlltlt}ki.:# if k#)7srFt?. s1t#�s}st,,koliltc7t}1404 �,,}{it#{}l100,.Fe ttSt�S:;!}�itj4ik{{jtjt{t}ttr;t,00 f?t{2{i000 ki0 f }0 r{itr ..� tt 1 it#'' to tj tl r~.{{tatt}{ tlRtil* i s t ki k tits . 1 ot2 (kl ttk tv *� iti' , t t ktt s k t:yilftt s e #k s t i s , 41,0 y t t CONTRACT HERBICIDE APPLICATION Will retain a contractor to apply herbicide to turf four times yearly on medians ` and at Public Building sites. `on - Will improve turf quality and allow staff to concentrate on more easily- , ui; accessible areas. r4-. . �, SWING SET FOR PIRATE COVE PLAYGROUND "" o. ? k ` ,� Current wooden structure is aging and requires multiple repairs yearly. '`` * New unit would be constructed of metal, and would provide a safer play event. fl V v h a R , R @" r 4 E' MUNICIPAL COMPLEX PLAYGROUND " * Would provide an outdoor recreation opportunity at the Municipal Complex for Roc Center users, Library patrons and the general public. " , n Would provide a positive outlet for children who may" not be able to afford a " recreation pass. k { This is a requested service. }nn w n ..So- .' tln " ,;�.. �� Iwz r fi i„ a or s n inllOkinio,„.n.:„ o intnowinonnoPoolintAnto pan ilOnitrArnil4TolitiliOnilo. nnliloninoin'O ono f ffV ; •i ill r1 A 6 n � i{�u i ,,..ti:„„.rt,„,, ,,, ,,,,,,;,„,,,,.,,,,,„,7,,,,,,,24„,..„ttrAlt,,,...t„,,,,.,,,,,......„.„.„ t „, „„„.. .„. ,,,,,,. );:„„tt„„,,,,,,i4 .,,,, ,,,, ,, ,,! t gr i t i, il . ,t,,,,,i44,1 ,itt,,,,,„„,,,,,,,,,,,st 'et . „i yy , ; ' , i c,, ;,.., ,.....„ , ..' '( , —' d , -#t „ 5 d'�'' �`, Ct,e�a,,,,,,t '' aa a . I11M.. a 1,1 1, 4 1 xs 'aY "' al yg kkItt qaaq tr. qq n � s ' DESIGNSERVICES :; / N'r To replace the existing 917,000 gallon bolted-steel storage tank. ia �� ����� �'� ]otal rehabilitation is not economically feasible. ii li.; i ; "° tank was purchased "used" in 1986 and reassembled on site. New 1 million gallon tank estimated cost of 1,500,000. ti t$ Construction next fiscal year FY15-16). ii 11 ,io fi 1.' " lit SANITARY SEWER SSESS E '' . First two phases of four phase project. i 7l,rPo Mapping/manhole inspection and temporary flow monitoring. To be followed M , by smoke testing then cleaning/CCTV inspection in subsequent FY. Then repairs. $,a ;; - Last performed in 1998 when system was 1/3 its current size. .,„ 11 /,, Goal is to adequately maintain and prolong the life of the system which in turn ,! k" provides uninterrupted service to customers. area `t4 .0 '�i� "%flew: A AA ,x, yaw n G' ill 11 ;y ,,, gad. �"s�Aw u,.;,, ,Aw'� 1;1 Ad a I1.1 &';' ,: }'„ ££t4 a W" t 4 j Pfltl TWO GPS LOCATION UNITS - These units will be able to locate any City appurtenances to within 3 meters. This can be invaluable when looking for fire hydrants, water valves, meter boxes or any item that can be buried or otherwise covered. ii These units can be used to enter data into our current PubWorks maintenance software as well as any future GIS mapping system. SKID-STEER LOADER Ideal size for working in alleys, digging and grading. * Versatile attachments front-end bucket,jack hammer, sweeper, post hole e :pi OP ,p1,. auger and forks. - Used daily and frequently. ;10 s 4'4'4 COVERED PARKING AT THE SERVICE CENTER IT- Proposed 11,250 square feet metal parking/storage area. Protects the City's investment and prolongs the useful life of essential equipment j, j, 11„, J,J4JIJ components on backhoes, mowers, Vac truck, etc. 4v, -Yroif High temperatures will affect computerized equipment such as the Wastewater • inspection cameras and Water valve maintenance equipment Ultraviolet rays will cause hoses, plastics and fabrics to degrade. Cover will also provide 1P,0,4:4',,lat 1904 4,qt: protection from severe storms, e.g. hail. WATER ,ksio airt, STALL NEAR COMMUHITY PARK 7.4( .00 4, 40A . -till ititt ett . til,,tiii ti ,j ..1 ..!..;:„„);. A ,i iitilliltilti.l;tl tilitil., ' till 4PiSitSti ICAO , tR.11;tiiigliii 1',7„;,,„'„'„„7-"ii:',i,„'1, i f;iiiiiiigi!iii„;;ii;niiii.4ii,_!.."i'itVii.!iii-i„iiii.liaii4;ii.4.'"iiiiiiri „:„4.1„,„' -: „;i,-.-,-,-- 11ri „„:„;„"i'„:„!...-„i FLEET EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN .,.i::,1t; ,; !L- : ..; : ;:'tt':.. ',:A'.t,',; -::,-t;t;ette:; . ...,'!, to .:;itt- .:„;:„ titOpaitikti..1,44.4 te; ; itt. . . . ;iki.01.0,. t..,,„„„„ , t 1,,,t..„,„ #.004,4 1.140040tf.0tRittr ,,,,, , .., tit To help maintain the 160-vehicle City fleet. ii44„,41.15.,r0,.... . „•-.---,,,,i...;.,ii..; i--; ;.-- Bulk of maintenance s performed on Utility vehicles and equipment. - Currently using Utility Department personnel to assist which reduces labor force available for utility repairs. , ., ..., .,,... .. .. ...,...,..„ . 4001111.0004iiifikiiiiiiffittOlgiillisilifiAtialigetffilftiltAg,,trigalKisi,- iiIiillillglejiiii01$111/100.4.Atiktillyel(411Ortiii3tAtiiiilltilli ,„„„i„-„,„„„.2-,'., -„-„,;;,„ BACK-UP POWER, DIESEL GENERATOR FOR REDWOOD LIFT STATION. Would prevent overflows and backups during loss of power. Prevention of sanitary sewer overflows is key in meeting regulatory compliance. REPLACEMENT BACKHOE •:.,,,,i,..,,t:,,tii,,..!,,;;;;;;;;,....,„:0,,,4„„i,„40,008sorgosaillatervilitogoloolomonto ,,,,,.f.,?,,,,,,,,,:i.„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Replacement backhoe to replace 10-year old unit experience high maintenance and hydraulic system degradation.This piece of equipment is near the end of it's life cycle and is requiring more maintenance than is expected both mechanically and with the hydraulic system. •y.,,„. ...,, ...„, . . --- , „,,...............,„, ..... """""""--...............- - ...' 1 WE Jim1 t,,,.i. ,-,,;;..,,,,r,, ,,, , ,,,.. .. .,;,. ,,,, %.e.r.1,!,,Ay„,,tir L'iro i ..!•,:r"...„, (,„ : - ,L,".. c."-,•:".-•••;" '-,'LL'''-'' -"•:.; .„-'::'',. ,,,:-:" ,,. '.; i;.- •k .i L, -,. ,-.3 ...: ; "„' ". '.' : -•..;.,- , f. ., .-', ,..' •:.• '.'.. 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Save wear and tear on smaller mowers. ,i4E.,,,:::::::::::;;;,L,,,,,,: :,,L-it floipaiii'.,If f:',0,4)4roitg•OpolyitiggAkl.•,..'•,:i.,,:ylk:„., •...t.,,i.:§"011:!!!,'Llii4',, ti.E....'.;"t•e:•.4,,'''it 4,mikow.w. 1,4;:,...,:utyg0,4,44,0:ito a?,16,...,... ....:0,,,,,,g,,.—,5,.,4k4i000,4, .t'..1,„'d,„„:.1.,!,.,i.„„: „••',iikili,:.:;„,metfik4",1,4%,'...„iovRtzitki-Tf","',.:‘44 il'. 1$"'"-''',",',,;',„.„4„,htlf,Ottfti SUBMERSIBLE MIXER - For Rush Creek Lift Station. nd clean mpellors. me Breaks up solids forsleasosowdeoawroafnid tefaorromaintenance to pull and i ich would reduce odor emissions. .: .... „„..„OttillAteli?' ,,,...,......g...;::.H:.4k,,,4',....% c,,,,:.:,:.'",','''',. : • :'.:::": VilFit71; - '....lii..,:‘:.:'..,li•gfg:',',',!:,,A;g:.:::;;;'1.t ''''•,',5,;ili.c,'4:1;,.';;,•.,, .. ..•en,,,,,,„ ''.• tet'i,'I , .,..:,.:,*::.,:,.::,::::..iiiii...::.::,:„..,•;*""""';:.1.i....r.":':'II •.',"..,,y4.4k,!:: . ..“..' ., ''':, thc:o„ , .... 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Clear and maintain ditches, drainage flumes, creeks, easements, storm inlets and collection system. - ..„.„ ,r- „ .• ...1r__.... 4,, late:.:„1,,.„,, . .7::., ',,,,,,,,'.:,:.,':,,,7,..... - , Ytirryeyiyy:i --, NEW 12-YARD DUMP TRUCK . „ * With the growth of the City the Streets division is performing larger and more 4.0 4 4,4004-0,fft.:44 4000t.t, complex jobs. Truck will allow for more efficient time management; allowing for more m"," `:..,., ' • ,,,r,:kri:;:1400POPA151:04tWitretTSes.,t1r,..Pr,,Vigitt,ft; material to be transported in fewer trips. ''.‘,4:::,,,,,yi.fiy,,,,„::*igiiimoiyyiyiiiiymitiyitynifyoi:N.4yietiiiit: ..„,„4il,::loryyytiz.,I„iy.,,,:f.,in;y.lyyyyyyyy: yyoutp,0„,ts .,..,,,..,,. „..,...r. Current unit will replace existing unit that has reached the end of its life „,....y.7,ilisiiyysiiyoykyymy-i-Y.Yl:',:-,:t4 .k4,ft felt fit expectancy. „yyy.pyotie:y00444000110410.1fikYll": 414100401 44,4400,0,04„0,40,0144,04K,!..,„"Atotooct,-,-,:ap,111,40004,00,kookomow,,,,,,„„,„.,.,:„, '"';,4=4440,'"10110101,0ithoittiotommooloiligam,„?,,,ktio,' (,,,-,Pfi ,q,i,f4.,,L,'.;,,,,,iff.,,:*,,:c4„nk,:,,34tomolootolookomosoommtof4vi.,,,zsol."4„, .,, 44.' . . ,, ,..,*4#4110:'.:.i., , ,, 00109,M0i-;.'',, ,,,KAI, t ,. ..'' 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Allow most all equipment to be safely lifted for ease of maintenance and repair. ..."...yuyyy-Y-yoyiY,Yokyymi iy,:yy,,,,,y0i,yyymyri,,,,iyityiyymbiyoyyi,0,w,,,,,y.,,,,,,,,,tymiyilyywyikim,tooviiiillitilywoolltromiMenkow:er:Arlivolo kiidgomoothonovimiinininiviemixilyiyiiiiiiianyiymyyryymyyyyylyitioyil,amyy yiloymikioyiyiyiximyymyivaymyyytoxyntionyysomilyiiiyiviiyiiiioiteiyiiiiiiii . Will allow for better access and safety procedures when performing ,,,,„4„,,,,,,,„„yykikiiiyygymytiyiyytyytyydyyyynoymioyywiyiyiloymilyisy loyoyiiwylityyyyymyiiiyayiyieyyymityyyyyy,ilemyyyyloy,400 yysyyyytioydliiiimixemyyminiponyioiyiliilyyyytyymyyiyoyikiwykyy maintenance. iipp:iginyiitioiiioginivoinvigiomiiiyoyiyymyyykyyyyyiiyagyogioyisoyo iityyiyikiyymytyiyiiyeey„„„y„,„„„,..,„„yyyymyyytygyiiyymyymyiyiyiiiyoy filittylillgYlIfillifilitillillfAeliplliggillettilfilVilltilfglitlitoll$1410,1; ivY:Ypookrqpiyiyiiiiyiyoyytyyyysoyitowykyytyyyyykyystyytyylityyy ktyydyyytytioysixiwiyinYtomiilitiiiwityytogyuyykyyjayspyistyylio, yoyiYikyyyvyymyymyytyityymiyityyl,iyiyiyynyio:Yilyysiiy,liiiiiioloyixt yy.eyyyqrsiyy,iiyymyymyyyytiymyykyiliiiyiyiyiyityiiiyimiyyitiy00,0 yyiiy, y„„,,„„„„,y.,„„,,,y,„yiiyyy,yyiyyyiyiyyiyyyyuyyy:Yyyiyyyyyyyy-,iy Atioty ,y,„„,,diyyyyy:y,yiyiy,i„,yy.,y„„,yyyiyyyiiyyyiyyyyyyyyyyyyyAyxt,yyif ReN444411WanbgW00040,,Mefil4Virgillktkik00$14#004140,4,401W ' 14tAtt 00,910),V*0110n,V44,0MV0404,0410VOMOdel'OMNIWOMR4g,Ok , VIS04$ '4i444444414110,44,V4,A61,44*:04,640,4,,,0,010.)0,y,410,,4411:41",,,,ymi, 1,,, f , ,,..,,,,, Afft404404444t0g0 k 4 t f t if r t ft', ° ' 0 0 4 t ' t ' t t t fi° t 1 f 'f tt.f0 '1,44,44444044,444,44$4444,44$44,6400,4940#040414$4100,,,,4444$44$1, ,,,4 .. ..,, ' . . , . , „ mogoothito,o,80#40.4.0,4100004#0044:upAkm,gwoegmhogis.0,44,,%,t,,, 1, 7/()[)',4i,\Vv4[1. lilitalitga Ititibilikaldi e'eliarittattAitteatilitt sit it 14.,..,1 i nk piTjlAtrclmcvoithoui0009,4**Iter kKOISOWNPOPIMIONfillifik 1,1MI00401000.0,0100414060: 01100000401:40411404:041g.910P '" 1411 40000000,APOOSWO"N;40.;' 4000141Xitc,KAOAVIMORPAO " Z40014,44.04000,14f4AP,'F!t.. inglitigggigOan hatiel,tr 11916W ION •;, CRACK SEALING MACHINE ..„, Used to fill cracks in City streets caused by expansion and contraction of'the „ pavement. Currently renting equipment that is subject to availability and weather to perform work. * Will increase flexibility in allowing work to be performed when need dictates it. • h MINI SOLAR-POWERED MESSAGE BOARD For traffic control for employee safety. ,„. - Used to provide advance warning to traffic of short term work ahead. , - Helps protect employees in work zones, •"' Can be used to notify traffic of detours or other messages as needed. PNEUMATIC CORE DRILL „r For dowel installation. Used 'to drill holes for steel dowels for concrete street repairs. Drills holes faster than hand held drills. Decreases risk of injury to personnel. �`t'!r>t�,t`t; I d .v.,.o� !. w. .,.rw� 'i`•£:�;tyfi�,ir,}=4'"r� :�''�,"�<;',.'��.";°�n!;ha;''C'i' :rd.4�wiM' ::�i:;°p�uu M�M'm , '";%:}`<ib"<+�. rqF".",.�h'''��ro,yv oa✓ia';,rn�rrc-::6 e �� 'Fiit '�d:,rwx;o'; �h:�.^;9.�:$j4y.. .'a muv� '"''"p': °1.�';<;M�aw2im:�",:,,tVY!:"�'fio'%''?'fe,Rt�'�;x.a.. ti p'i"�'M';rl';i'q'j^' .�,p.1:,�,,°w�,`....M ,,{}S yS�•J � — y :4:1,1 a a 1('1 1 , ' A, CITY LYLIE rtCa"•1111a f ' 4 , 4,h,'„<„tip • sst„ t :..`t#P $ ".s 41,�,f1':411�jhr rlS'`' '' att!„`;',t. �'�,n ','r�yf'eg4< £ \E I{?IP�It`,F?7}'S}at:t��',,.;,!," ' ,::,4 r� tSSt7tt,2ytittt{r.'�7j}4`;,,as, _ t >f.}ir t}'rr tt=;st�tt,;{.;5,,, '' '1 "'i• j�,,jH,o,, ",•;it a£... lilt y17 ty & �� n r .. v� (,,:,,,,,,,....,,,,„,,„ „,, El' ",., , ,,- -4,4 ,,, ,,„ .4tto•i•!It,`'i'.4eOy2.1"`"2. 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W;: � " `"' ,a+nxwtvo-tr„rk ° vy''v'' W,,,,2Nky 1 .wqu��,a,%°w *:,';, _ .. 1„_ ,T,r #: , n+,xsa*rr,.rw,W„>a,�t� o.mz:r�r k,'$4; �, � .�_ ` L W}Myn, w� " w"�� ��,� � a .f=k. ram r®e� ,° '� :�,..� '.r :,, ,,,w:a, ^`�._, . ... ............. ,,,,..,;�rrxwr rr�,,,.,",,,„„•.,.w.,r.., Gy. ,,,,. - — a � " ?. ;n„ ;' ,, ., 4�:Tit " " ." .r,.•, e:, r5r °w ,�;,:., , ., :,.: .,, r `w';,! ,::.4 �.p.,;p }i�w e�� `" ' <';. , :t,itc. `�` ,v 'k' "r„L�, • • � .. f,n +eye ,. e,:v�•s,,,rc.�" w,°�7£"s1�!`:,tT`14,,a��g ',, ,.L,, S. ;'4=ur'.' ,,.. '854 { �=Yt,, „ :;,j`1, - ., y, ,'';'�.�;,.=a,,Y,s:a.`;ti� ;ry„ fl ;o tt; 4}, ,,£ot,•3hfyI , r o;::r,s„r ,,, ,a,."}_ ,4 ';s':e .... .. , a' 'f?Ls�rIE =?r,:('„ ,.... ,. e,,: ..,,m w, = s. . „. „t,,,,,, `.'�'+ ,1,'1/'t".a o,oN re,,.:wo o, .. : ...„, x ..!✓* R,mr," Police D Budget Presentation 2014-15 ffidof o Mission • Mission Statement • "To make Wylie a safe place to live, work, and visit". • Values • Do what's right • Do the Best You can • Treat others the way you would want to be treated ...._..__.. �o�aaa�� my����r/✓ I ' Organizational Charry ... .,, ,.„.. . lineYMIneYN.1.4110...4.•••,..,.,„ Adrn i n Aclmirt Lt. Assist. 2 Records Crirnc. clerks ACC7 �ilii r ii 'r kiiiid Viniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sup. 1t, �, Wll0llllllllllllll00001lllllllllllllll �IIWI I�II .. .... �� 00000000000001000000010000000000000 ���� I un�l ACO , I �II �[_Admin III I I 0 00 r rrcim•.IIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiI Ipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill w000000wuu JuuJu0Ju ILLIL.IIL Sec. IIIIIIIh . ip llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrfi lllllllliiiiiiiiiiii�lllllliiiiiiiii iiii II. W uuuu 111 1 : IIu''I'iil'i.'::iohiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii VuIV „ IIIIIII uuuuuuuumoluumumuuuuuuuu,„, s s WW ��' � Illlell�l��ll�l�llllllllllll�ll 111 II II iiiiiii i iii ---------7 , , Staffing /Sworn Personnel (4le 1 wf, 60 50 1211111111 lin. 11110 11 1 111111 1i111111 1 1I1 11.111 i Ill IIIII I III I 11 111 11 ill I I 11 111I1111 11111 111111111 Vacancies Imo El Actual 30 11 20 ' 11 11111111 1 I 10 1 1 1 ffl /" 1110 L 111111111H 1 1 NW lill 0000 mid 1111 1111 0 00 00 il, I 100 Mill' T T"' 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Staffingcontinued 9 • We are authorized 53 sworn police officer positions. • There are 49 currently on staff with 4 vacancies. • 4 of the 49 officers are in field training making our actual available response force 45. • There are positions within the department that have yet to be filled due to staffing needs in the patrol division. Patrol is the only division within the department that has a mandatory minimum staffing. The set minimum is 5 officers per shift. • 2 positions in particular which are waiting to be filled are the Narcotics Investigator positions approved during the 2013-14 budget process. The officers have been selected and will be reassigned once trainees are released from training. Approximate date is August 2014. oi „zz,,�iiii0Uo/o 000 o.,,,, Wa r oa • Workload allocation is vital when considering staffing needs and considering how to improve distribution of tasks either through increased staff or specialization of tasks. Typically there are 5 officers on duty per shift. On average the workload breakdown below equates to 3 officers being busy/ unavailable per hour leaving 2 officers available to respond to other community needs. Patrol Workload Breakdown II Galls for service Om Officer Initiated discretionary time ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Workload continued In consideration of future growth specialized units such as Traffic and Commercial Vehicle Enforcement units are being identified as areas of needed staffing. These tasks are currently being addressed by patrol officers whose workload is steadily increasing. By adding specialized units these additional officers will focus on a specific task thus freeing and making available patrol units for critical responses as well as allowing for more pro-active / preventative patrol. .- ...._..__.. �o�aaa/1/0 0)//✓ ....., ,.. 0. 0c ,„...0( Response Time ,,,,,i • Response times are also an indicator of performance and efficiency. As indicated below response times have improved over the last two years. Response in Minutes 6�00 _ ��� �llllllllllluuu, .. � ._�.�---..Illlllllliiii������ 1 uu�,111������� 10 iiii IIIIIIIIIII 4:48 Iliillli�i II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 IIIIIIIU �� i ._�..,,... 3:36 — �I� �.�.._....._ �I(�l((I@(�@1dd � IIIIII _ I'I'I�I'I'I'Idlll�ldldl' z.zq �������� ��� ail 111111111111 Il�l�lllll��llll�i�lllllliii�� illl�� �������IIIIIIIII 11111 gy 1° 1111111111 �q I : .w_ I��11111 t11111111111111111111111111111111111111111,!, � !!�����l :... w. 2012 2008 ...m... �..... I� �IIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIII�I�I�I�I�I�!!! li+! 2009111 II;I;I;IIIII IIIllll'' 111111111111111111 ._.m.._.._...._.m ......,.. ._�...m uuui�i��i��u� 2010 2011 dd 2013 ...._..__.. �o�aaa/1// ��r/✓ *� Population ITI: • Population estimates are a vital tool in planning resources for future staffing. There has been a consistent increase in population of approximately 2% per year. Population Estimate MINdddddi;� mnnnnnnm ` uu� 40,000 35,000 30,000 ;° 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 //.... 111111 f ^' 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 . �aa/logor/✓ po 4, u" Calls , � a x • Calls for service are generated by citizens calling the police for assistance or by police officer initiated calls such as traffic stops. The number of calls received and officer initiated activity has increased commensurate with population growth. Calls for Service mujjjuuuuu mil iiioi`%// 35000 '��1111111111��' a r�„ �d�plh�Illllii ul11 Miry" 001001000 i ��,���i/ll%llllllllllli�� , ���� � Ill 30000 fr f •l I�`���h IN 10 1 1 (11 25000 �L...... 20000 I 1 00 Ill 15000 11 11111 10000 11 5000 ��11 ill I IIII III 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ...._..__.. �aa/1000)///✓ 4, p o ,u* Crimerate . ,a • Crime Rate is a snap shot of crime from year to year. The rate of crime per 1,000 citizens has been consistent or has reduced over the last several years. Crime Rate can and often does have an impact on how citizens view their fear of crime and quality of life. 18 Y i. 9°wNw, 16 —"' ......... ����� ......... ......... ........ ... r�l�PfY dig' ..... 14 —"" 12 �.� 10 6 8 L g 0 I I I Y I 1 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 -, — WI! Op e rat i o n s u ge .„ Highlights ,,, i,„. • Increase in overtime to cover in-house training as well as firearms training and qualifications. • Increase in ammunition for training and qualification. • Decrease in tools and equipment. • Increase in training. Wylie PD has become less dependent on other agencies in our investigative capabilities due to training and unfortunately experience in investigating major crimes. A well trained department performs well Planning the future x • Planning and preparing for future growth in infrastructure, residential and commercial development, and employee development and retention. • Strategic Goals in line with the goals of the City and Council • Health, Safety and Well-Being. • Community Focused Government. • Economic Growth: • Infrastructure. • Workforce: • Culture. • Financial Health • Planning Management. Future Consideration re • KCS Intermodal- • Increased commercial vehicle traffic • 300 plus unit Apartment complex- • Additional call load • Jail- • Civilian jailers to monitor prisoners • Public Safety Building - • Space for future growth. JPs office? y Objectives k zc a • Strategic Goals: Health, Safety and Well Being • Research and plan for crime trends that affect the quality of life of Wylie citizen. Strive to maintain or reduce the crime rate by 3%. • Strategic Goals: Health, Safety and Well Being; Community Focused Government • Provide a safe learning environment in our schools through our continued partnership with WISD and the School Resource Officer program addressing growth and need of additional resources. • Strategic Goals: Health, Safety and Well Being; Infrastructure • Plan and prepare for future projects such as the KCS intermodal facility. Address the impact of increased commercial vehicle traffic through our city. ectives continued • Strategic Goals: Workforce • Create a work environment focused on career development and opportunities to expand the knowledge base of our employees creating a well-rounded department. • Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government • Engage citizens and expand partnerships with the Faith Based Community, Business Community, Service Community, School District and the City to provide much needed resources to families in need. 2014 - 15 requestt} ':,,, ,a k, zc i .. • All requests submitted are in furtherance of the Strategic Goals of the City and the Department in order to provide the best possible service to the citizens of Wylie. "::c(:;44. Health, Safety&Well r g: rq • Add One ,(1 ), School Resource Officer. • Add two ,(2),Commercial Vehicle enforcement Officers / Traffic officers . We are anticipating and planning for the KCS Intermodal Facility that will bring increased commercial vehicle traffic or multi-axle vehicles carrying cargo. Officers must be specially trained and certified in order to inspect and enforce commercial vehicle violations. The addition of these traffic officers will assist in reducing motor vehicle accidents as well as freeing patrol officers time committed to accident investigations. or cforce • Upgrade Property evidence / Quartermaster to Crime Scene Tech. • Upgrade four,(4), officers to Corporal. Upgrade 4 FTO positions to Corporal positions. • Upgrade Records supervisor to Administrative Assistant 1 • Upgrade records clerk to records supervisor • Add one,(1 ), part-time records clerk to assist with the increased demands with open-records requests. Workorc e continued • Replacement of Vehicles and equipment in order to provide the tools necessary to deliver services to our citizens and to provide our employees with reliable tools and equipment so that they can safely and effectively perform their duties. „/„, Questions ? y