07-14-2014 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITYYOF WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday,July 14,2014-6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Board Vice-Chair Ulmer called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. with Board Member Chesnut,Board Member Jones,
Board Member Kinser and Board Member White present. Board Chairman Rose and Board Member Harris were both
absent from the meeting.
Staff members present: Parks and Recreation Superintendent,Robert Diaz and Parks Board Secretary,Janet Hawkes.
No citizens addressed the Board.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the June 9, 2014 meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member White made a motion,seconded by Board Member Jones,to approve the minutes from the
June 9,2014 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 5-0.
• The Marketplace DFW concept for Olde City Park.
Superintendent Diaz introduced to the Board,Kim and Kirk Lovett,owners of Event Marketing Solutions
Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lovett previously approached staff with the concept of producing a European style
farmer's market in Olde City Park,calling it The Marketplace DFW. They currently produce market
events in the cities of Garland and Mesquite with approximately 30-40 vendors per city,which include
local growers,artisans,craftsmen,merchants with handmade goods and live music. Approximate
attendance at these events is between 500-700 people in Garland and 300-400 people in Mesquite.
Although not a non-profit organization,Event Marketing Solutions Inc.does support local non-profits
with a percentage of proceeds from the events. The proposed markets would take place in Wylie on the
fourth Saturday of each month,April through September,from 9:00am-2:00pm.
The Lovett's presented this concept to the Board because they would like to hold the event in Olde City
Park and due to the City of Wylie Code of Ordinance Section78-105,it was necessary to treat this concept
similar to a vendor application request. The applicant had previously met with the Wylie Downtown
Merchants Association(WDMA)for support,and a letter of support was included in the Board packet.
If the Parks and Recreation Board approves the concept at a subsequent meeting,the City Council would
still need to review and vote on final approval of the request. A Temporary Use Permit to operate the
event would need to be pursued and obtained by the Lovett's.
Board Member Jones addressed the Lovett's as to why Wylie became a target area for their organization
as well as what they expected to see result from opening a Marketplace here. Mrs. Lovett explained that
the Marketplace concept is a competitive business throughout the nation, and that their interest sparked
after establishing a working relationship with The Winery, a merchant located in downtown Wylie,who
has become a vendor in their Garland Marketplace. Mrs. Lovett expressed that she anticipates the
Marketplace as being well received in Wylie and pointed out that the Marketplace will serve local people
as well as surrounding areas,all of which she expects will enhance and aid in bringing more business to
the existing Wylie Merchants. Mr. Lovett added that their business works very proactively with non-
profit organizations by helping them gain exposure and raise awareness to their cause.
Board Member Kinser asked the Lovett's if their organization was self-contained to which Mrs. Lovett
advised that at this point,other cities have not been charging them for space,usage fees,water or electric
and offer staff to maintain trash receptacles. They also work with the City to assist in advertising,media
announcements and press releases to spread the word about the Marketplace events;however,the Lovett's
take on the bulk of the responsibility for advertisement. Mr. Lovett added that no street closures have
been necessary and typical space for a vendor is 10x10 with the other larger vendors on wheels or trailers
(i.e.food trucks,etc.) Set up begins at 7:00am and tear down is complete by 3:00pm.
He also informed that three considerations by staff are whether to charge the Lovett's for pavilion/gazebo
rental,treat as a vendor application,or come up with an agreement for possible revenue stream to be
received by the City. Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that staff would further research logistics of
the Marketplace concept and the process of permitting and related concerns. This discussion item will be
brought back to another Parks and Recreation Board meeting as a business item
• Subcommittee report from June 18, 2014 meeting.
Subcommittee Member Dan Chesnut advised that the first Subcommittee meeting which included Jeff
Harris,David White,Robert Diaz,Shohn Rodgers and himself,met to discuss future park projects but
mostly focused on athletic practice field inventory. He stated that Superintendent Diaz and Parks
Manager Shohn Rodgers agreed to continue looking into ideas to enhance,maintain and identify
additional practice fields,primarily for backstops. Two potential areas discussed are one owned by the
Wylie Independent School District(WISD)and another owned by the North Texas Municipal Water
District(NTMWD). Staff expressed concern over using these areas as it would cause an increase of
maintenance that the City would have to manage. The WISD has worked with the leagues in the past to
offer areas for practice first come,first served,primarily with space accommodating soccer practices.
Open areas at Community Park,Friendship Park and Joel Scott Memorial Park are all possible locations
being considered to add practice backstops and soccer fields.
Superintendent Diaz reminded the Board that effective August of 2014,the Parks Division is no longer
issuing permits at the practice backstops and soccer fields located at Avalon,Creekside,Dodd,Lakeside
and Valentine Parks,and they will be available first come,first served only. One primary reason behind
the decision is that the process of this free service became very time consuming as too many permits were
being issued within and outside of Wylie,of which many were often going unutilized. Board Member
Chesnut advised that he feels the responsibility primarily should rest with the leagues in regards to
practice space;however with the immense city growth it has become necessary for additional practice
space to be acquired by the City. Staff agreed to get a list of potential additional practice areas at existing
parks and review those with the committee at the next meeting.
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Jones and seconded by Board
Member Kinser. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Janet Ha es, Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman
Minutes July 14, 2014
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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