07-15-2014 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes Wylie Planning and Zoning
Wylie Planning& Zoning Commission
Tuesday July 15, 2014-6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
The Commissioners took a census on Interim Chair Person. The consensus of the
Commissioners was to have Commissioner Diane Culver as the Interim Chair.
Interim Chair Diane Culver called the meeting to order at 6:33PM. Present were:
Commissioner Ron Smith, Commissioner Dennis Larson, Commissioner Randy Owens,
and Commissioner Mike McCrossin.
Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Charles Lee, Senior Planner, and Mary
Bradley, Administrative Assistant.
Interim Chair Culver gave the invocation and Commissioner Owens led the Pledge of
1. Commissioner McCrossin nominated and made a motion to elect Commissioner
Smith as Chairman. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Owens. Motion
carried 5 - 0.
2. Commissioner McCrossin nominated and made a motion to elect Commissioner
Larson as Vice Chairman. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Owens.
Motion carried 5 - 0.
Chairman Smith opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the
Commissioners, Chairman Smith closed the Citizens Participation.
Minutes July 15,2014
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the June 17, 2014,
Regular Meeting.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Culver, and seconded by Commissioner
McCrossin to approve the minutes as written. Motion carried 5 - 0.
Regular Hearing
Item 1
Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for 544 Industrial Park, Block 2, Lot 1 D, generally
located north of FM 544 and approximately 454 feet east of Westgate Way.
Staff Presentation
Mr. Lee stated that the proposed site plan will develop a Chick-A-D's
Restaurant with Drive Through facility. The property is zoned Corridor
Commercial (CC) District. The CC district allows for restaurant with drive
through facilities uses. The property is Lot l D, Block 2 of the 544 Industrial
Park Addition and is on 1.153 acres.
The Landscaping and parking exceeds the requirements from the Zoning
The main entry is off FM 544, the drive to the west is not approved
connection, however a stub-out is provided.
Board Discussion
Mr. Ron Miller, 7315 Stonemeadow, Rowlett, Texas, representative for the applicant,
stated that TxDot has given verbal approval for curb cut in the center of the property.
The property has existing storm and sewer drainage easements, therefore allowing the
access to be in the center of the property.
P&Z Board members did raise concerns and requested clarification in allowing for a
single point of access to serve the property rather than two points. Staff provided
clarification and explained unique constraints with providing the two point of access
due to certain uses on abutting properties. Fire Department concurs and finds the site
meets minimum design for emergency access.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner
Owens, to approve Site Plan for Chick-A-D's Restaurant. Motion carried 5 0.
Minutes July 15, 2014
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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A motion was made by Commissioner Owens, and seconded by Commissioner
McCrossin, to adjourn the meeting at 7:20pm. All Commissioners were in consensus.
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Ron Smith, Chairman
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Mary ra ley, Administr ive Assistant
Minutes July 15,2014
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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