08-06-2014 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks and Recreation Board CITY:F WYLIE Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes Special Meeting Agenda August 6,2014—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Public Services-3rd Floor Conference Room 300 Country Club#100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Meeting began at 6:33 p.m.with Board Member Chesnut,Board Member Harris,and Board Member White present. Councilman Nathan Scott was also in attendance. Staff members present: Parks and Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz and Parks Manager, Shohn Rodgers. A QUORUM OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS WAS NOT PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. NO ACTION OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING WAS TAKEN. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION N/A DISCUSSION ITEMS • Identify goals/objectives for the subcommittee. In order to clarify the goals and objectives for the subcommittee,Parks and Recreation Board Chair Matt Rose created a list of goals for the subcommittee to review. The goals consist of review Master Plan to identify future projects,verify amounts of open space needed for future projects,identify opportunities for neighborhood parks,review Trails Master Plan to identify future trail needs,and identify needs that are not currently in the Master Plan. • Continue discussion of the 2010 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan Action Plan items and they relate to future park projects. The subcommittee continued Master Plan discussion of the Future Alanis Community Park,Eastfork Park (USACOE property),neighborhood park development i.e. Pheasant Creek,Creekside, Southbrook/Twin Lakes,Municipal Complex property,and Future Muddy Creek Park. • Continue discussion of potential additional practice areas at existing park sites. Shohn Rodgers,Parks Manager reviewed with the committee various existing park areas that could support practice areas. Parks identified for future backstops would be Friendship,Creekside,Joel Scott,Pheasant Creek,and Oncor/Lavon Parks. Staff will look at determining which areas could be funding in the current and future budgets and keep the committee and Parks and Recreation Board updated. ADJOURNMENT The meeting ended at 8:16 p.m. A future meeting date is TBA. ATTEST: Rob ct-Diaz, Parks and Recreation B an Cheslut, Parks Board Member Liaison