03-24-2014 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITY F WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday, March 24,2014-6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road,Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.with Board Member Chesnut,Board Member Ward, Board Member Harris,Board Member Jones and Board Member Ulmer present. Board Member White was not present at the meeting,and Board Member Harris left the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Staff members present: Parks and Recreation Superintendent,Robert Diaz and Parks Board Secretary,Janet Hawkes. Also present were Parks Manager, Shohn Rodgers,and Consultant for Dunaway Associates,Elizabeth Mcllrath. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens addressed the Board. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon the vendor request from Girl Scout Troop#3345 father/daughter fundraiser event at Olde City Park on June 7, 2014. Board Action: Superintendent Diaz informed the Board that the requested event is a new one,and the applicants plan to sell food items to the public;however,they expect most of the attendees to consist of the invited guests and families of local area Girl Scouts.Board Member Harris made a motion, seconded by Board Member Ulmer, to approve the Girl Scout Troop#3345 vendor application for their fundraising event at Olde City Park on June 7,2014.A vote was taken and passed 6-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Review 95% completed plans for the Municipal Complex Trail project with project consultant,Elizabeth Mcllrath, of Dunaway Associates. Superintendent Diaz approached the bench to introduce Elizabeth Mcllrath,trail consultant for Dunaway Associates,invited by staff upon Board request,to receive first hand input and address questions or concerns. The first issue brought up by the Board was considering the trail loop located behind the Recreation Center. Ms. Mcllrath discouraged this idea from a design standpoint as she felt it would create more of a running track experience instead of a trail experience within a natural preserve. She advised that the Board's idea of a loop could be a possible future addition easily accommodated with connectors;however,she recommends against it because a complete loop would separate the natural grassy meadow as well as impose an excessive amount of concrete in the natural preserve. Additionally,the Board stated their interest in extending the Brown Street trailhead further east,lining up with the meadow tree line,directly across the existing sidewalk from Sanden Road.Ms.Mcllrath stated that an existing drive apron in the aforementioned area is located there to accommodate plans for a potential parking lot,and trying to connect to the Sanden sidewalk is not,in her opinion,necessary due to the existing Brown Street sidewalk available as a connector. Board Member Harris advised Ms.Mcllrath of his rough cost estimate figured during the February PARB meeting which showed a potential savings of approximately$40,000 if the plans were bid out at 10 feet wide instead of 12 feet wide.Regarding trail width throughout,Ms.McIlrath reiterated,the connector trails at Lakefield,the Recreation Center and the Library parking lot are all planned at an eight foot width;however, the remaining spine of the trail,the 1378 bridge and the pedestrian bridge are all planned at a 12 foot width. She advised that at this phase of the plan,changing to a primary width of 10 feet will necessitate amending the grading sheets and possibly offsetting the current line forms.Ms. McIlrath recommends a 12 foot wide trail as it is the recommended width in our Trails Master Plan and is the national standard at this time. In consideration of width uniformity with other area park trails,she is not suggesting the entire city trail system be 12 feet wide,but as the first phase of the main trail system that will be accessible to the entire community, a 12 foot width will accommodate more users,provide a safer usage passage and complement the plan to eventually connect to the Master Plan Trail in this area. Ms.McIlrath informed the Board that the idea of connecting the trail near the intersection of FM544 is too expensive due to the old FM1378 road grade not meeting accessibility standards and requiring several retaining walls to accommodate the trail.The eight foot wide Lakeway connector is convenient due to the pre-existing HWY 1378 road bed and is a transitional connection point to the existing neighborhood trail. Superintendent Diaz recognized that the Board desires a completed project,but stated that the Municipal Trail property has been considered a high demand project since adopting the TrailMaster Plan book,and it must be done in phases as additional funding becomes available. Board Member Ward expressed he did not feel a wider 12 foot trail was necessary and supported bidding the project out at a 10 feet width therefore utilizing only grant funds to pay for any extra amenities such as signage,benches and FM1378 bridge area improvements.Ms. Mcllrath stated that benches and signage could be added since they were included in the grants,but those items were not included in the scope of the current project budget. Board Member Ward expressed that he does not want to see west zone Acquisition& Improvement funds go toward the Municipal Complex Trail project,but instead prefers those funds go toward other west zone projects.He noted that the Municipal Complex Trail and Founders Park,two major City properties located in the west zone,would utilize funds for potential projects in other west zone neighborhood parks. Superintendent Diaz stated that a few benches and some signage is shown in the plans and are included as part of the grant funding,but he is considering working with area churches,scouts and other non-profit groups to assist with installation of these park improvements.He added that the basic operating budget for retainage funds could also be considered to aide in purchasing additional amenities. Superintendent Diaz recommended that the Board consider benches and signage be funded as a separate item at a later time,thus allowing staff to move forward in completing the trail plans and then begin the bid process. Board Member Harris expressed concerns over rising concrete fees as they could affect the total cost of the trail project,and Ms. Mcllrath noted that the trail plan included a cost estimate for concrete at$4.50 per square foot. Superintendent Diaz advised that the State discourages cities from going out to bid prior to receiving grant funds;however,the final Archeological Survey report and GeoTech Survey are both complete and in possession of the State awaiting review.County grant funds are secure,but the bid process cannot begin until the state funds are secure and trail plans are at 100 percent. The Board requested add alternatives be made prior to the project going out for bid.Ms.McIlrath cautioned the Board that it was important to keep add alternatives simple and at a minimum otherwise the risk of confusing the Contractor could cause them to pad numbers and include higher added premiums into the bid, which will result in driving up the Municipal Trail project's total cost. She explained that to protect their budget and profit margin,contractors will often bid a project higher if the plans presented included too many complicated or numerous add alternatives. Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that staff would review the meeting discussion and either send updates in the weekly division reports,or bring the item back again for discussion at the next PARB meeting. He confirmed that staff would not proceed until the bid form is compiled and reviewed by the Board. sol Minutes March 24, 2014 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Jones and seconded by Board Member Ulmer. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m. ATTEST: /1. </ Janet Hawkes, Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman Minutes March 24, 2014 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 3