08-11-2014 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITY F WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday,August 11,2014—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.with Board Member Ulmer,Board Member Chesnut,
Board Member White,Board Member Harris and Board Member Kinser present. Board Member Jones arrived to the
meeting at 6:33 p.m.
Staff members present: Director,Mike Sferra,Parks Board Secretary,Janet Hawkes,and Parks Division Manager,
Shohn Rodgers.
Board Chairman Rose was nominated by Board Member Chesnut and seconded by Board Member Jones,to be re-
elected as Parks Board Chairman for the 2014-2015 term. A vote was taken and passed 6-0.
Board Vice-Chair Lisa Ulmer was nominated by Board Chairman Harris and seconded by Board Member Chesnut,
to be re-elected as Parks Board Vice-Chair for the 2014-2015 term. A vote was taken and passed 6-0.
No citizens addressed the Board.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the July 14, 2014 meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member White made a motion,seconded by Board Member Kinser,to approve the minutes from
the June 9,2014 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
2. Consider and act upon parkland dedication for the Wilson Creek Development.
Douglas Properties will be making a presentation.
Board Action:
Director Sferra pointed out a typo on the Agenda Report for the item of discussion,in that the total funds
required in lieu of land dedication would be$246,000(not the incorrect amount shown as$280,000).
Director Sferra advised the Board that Douglas Properties is seeking approval of parkland dedication for
Wilson Creek Development. The Developer is proposing to satisfy parkland dedication requirements
through a combination of land dedication and improvements(funds in lieu of land dedication).
The current parkland dedication requires five acres per 100 lots;Douglas Properties proposes 123 lots on
37.75 acres or 3.26 lots per acre. The minimum parkland dedication required is seven acres. Funds in
lieu of land dedication would be assessed at$2,000 per lot.
The Developer is proposing to install$262,107.77 worth of park improvements including engineering
costs and hand clearing,and he proposes to dedicate 2.8 acres of land to the City as parkland. All park
areas will be dedicated to the City of Wylie and accessible to the public. Park maintenance will be the
responsibility of the developer and eventually the homeowner's association,similar to the approach used
in Kreymer Estates and Lewis Ranch.
Jim Douglas,Douglas Properties owner/developer,addressed the Board advising that the planned Wilson
Creek Development is located East of W.A.Allen and Kreymer Estates. He plans to connect the Kreymer
Estates hike and bike trail with the proposed Wilson Creek's trail system,thus gaining access leading to
the nearby Akin Elementary School. Mr. Douglas stated that the current trail plan shows what he
considers as the"worst case scenario"or second option plan by placing a five-foot wide trail in front of
the homes on the south area of Wilson Creek. Mr. Douglas advised that the creek is channelized and its
banks are very steep possibly making it difficult to construct a trail behind the homes along the creek. Mr.
Douglas's preference and goal,however,is to determine if the topography in the rear of the homes is
acceptable and then request a variance from Planning and Zoning to allow a shorter front yard setback for
the houses on the affected lots,thus moving them closer to the street,enabling location of the eight-foot
trail to be constructed behind the homes. In this case,construction would be done by using a boardwalk-
type trail system. He added that the area along the east side of Wilson Creek Development has no
adequate location to put a trail other than along the street.
Mr.Douglas advised Wilson Creek will be similar to Kreymer Estates by being HOA maintained
constructing standardized trails,roads and crossings,with matching street buttons,striping and signage,
possibly flashing lights,benches and trash receptacles.
Board Member White inquired on how the developer would approach developing the parkland near the
cemetery in the Avalon subdivision. Mr. Douglas responded that his crews would be clearing the
underbrush by hand looking for indications of gravesites,possibly using detectors to aide in location,then
either replacing or expanding the existing fence to encompass the markers. Mr. Douglas also assured the
Board that no heavy equipment would be used in the park as to not disturb any of the area around the
The Board consensus was for Douglas Development to locate the hike and bike trail behind the homes as
he suggested. Mr.Douglas advised that the park land is 2.8 acres that is pretty evenly split by a road;
however,most of the land dedication is flood plain,isn't considered to be of any value and was not
included in the parkland dedication required amounts. The trail will consist of a transitioning five to eight
feet width. Board Member Kinser inquired on the$25,000 expense for irrigation inclusions. Mr.
Douglas's son advised irrigation will be installed along Stone Road,the picnic and bench areas,grassy
areas northeast of Avalon Park and some of the wider areas located behind the homes where trails will be
located. Mr.Douglas advised that nothing will be omitted from plans if the concept to put trail behind
homes ends up being possible,and amenities will be added to the plans if trail is put in the front of the
homes at a lower cost.
Board Member Chesnut made a motion, seconded by Board Member White,to approve the parkland
dedication for the Wilson Creek Development by Douglas Properties,but with the intent for the developer
to construct the trails behind the homes along the creek line as opposed to the front. A vote was taken and
passed 7-0.
• Subcommittee update from August 6,2014 meeting.
Board Member Chesnut advised the Board that the meeting discussion was primarily in regards to the
various practice fields available as well as alternatives and how it was necessary for the leagues to
communicate to the teams as to locations of advisable practice areas. Board Chairman Rose reminded
that the City is no longer issuing permits to reserve practice areas effective beginning the fall season.
Parks Manager, Shohn Rodgers,advised that the City has available several safe but undesignated open
areas within the City,plus very limited openings at two of Founders Park lighted softball fields and two of
Community Park lighted miscellaneous athletic fields where teams can practice for a fee. All related
information has been updated on the website. Board Member Rose inquired about permitting the league
and/or teams to personally add improvements to the City fields,such as adding fill dirt and grading the
Minutes August 11, 2014
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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areas. Parks Manager Rodgers advised that the City allowed a team to do some minor improvements such
as those at Dodd Park last year and that this was a possible option that could be considered in the future if
• Fall parks and facilities tour dates.
Public Services Director,Mike Sferra,stated that the Parks and Recreation Board typically plan park tours
twice a year,once in the spring season and once in the fall season. Dates are selected according the
ongoing league sport schedules so that Board Members can see park usage in full swing. The east side of
Wylie is toured in the spring,the central-west zone is toured in late September or early October,each
lasting approximately 2 %to 3 `/2 hours with approximately 12 or more parks being visited. The Board
agreed to narrow down the fall tour dates choosing between September 27,2014 and October 11,2014
and then bringing back the discussion to the next Board meeting to decide on an accepted date.
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Chesnut and seconded by Board
Member Jones. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Janet Hawkes,Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose,Parks Board Chairman
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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