10-20-2014 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Agenda Packet Zoning of ustments (A',1:1:"F Irp.t CUri -/ 111( 11.1-tiff ilir,irelOPAiL\ A\ \f \141)111-- 4co, u4 , COLORA00 —' S 0_,Tx FE RAILWgr i' 04 01887° 4 -144OFT -S October 20, 2014 Regular Business Meeting Page 1 of 33 40 OF twptf u ligirere Wylie Zoning Board of *r M_ , Adjustment Log g��F Fc•.qw.r I .r:FsS7�r5 NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Monday, October 20, 2014 - 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Linda Jourdan Chair Jason Potts Vice Chair Robert Holcomb Board Member William Hiney Board Member Kevin Finnell Board Member Karyn McGinnis Alternate Board Member Andres Gonzalez Alternate Board Member Renae' 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the August 18th, 2014 Meeting. Page 2 of 33 October 20,2014 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA _ Public Hearing 1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Gary Taylor for a Variance to Section 3.F.3.a of the Zoning Ordinance requiring the base materials for residential buildings be brick, stone, or masonry stucco, property located at 1204 South Birmingham being Tract 28 in the E.C. Davidson Survey. ZBA 2014-07. 2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Eddie Borden for a Variance to Section 2.5.C.2(c)4 of the Zoning Ordinance for properties requiring a minimum 20 foot side yard setback for accessory buildings on corner lots, property located at 701 Georgetown Drive, being Lot 16, Block E of the Westgate Phase 3 Addition. ZBA 2014- 08. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 17th day of October, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Page 3 of 33 This page is intentionally blank Page 4 of 33 Wylie Zoning Board of CITY OF WYLIE Adjustment Minutes Zoning Board of Adjustment Monday, August 18, 2014 — 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chair Linda Jourdan called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. and stated that a quorum was present. Board Members present were; Vice Chair Board Member Jason Potts, Board Member Robert Holcomb, Board Member Kevin Finnell and Board Member Andres Gonzalez. Staff members present were: Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Charles Lee, Senior Planner, Jasen Haskins, Planner, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the July 21, 2014 Meeting. A motion was made by Board Member Finnell, and seconded by Vice Chair Potts, to approve the Minutes from the July 21, 2014 Meeting as submitted. Motion carried 5 — 0. 2. Consider and act upon changing the start time for Meetings. A motion was made by Board Member Holcomb, and seconded by Board Member Finnell, to change the meetings to start at 6:30PM instead of 7:00PM. Motion carried 5 — 0. PUBLIC HEARINGS Item 1 —ZBA 2014-05 Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Cesar Guevara for a Variance to Section 2.5.C.2(c)5 of the Zoning Ordinance for properties requiring a minimum 20 foot rear setback for accessory buildings, property Minutes August 18, 2014 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 1 of 4 Page 5 of 33 located at 103 Towngate Drive, being Lot 23, Block A of the Westgate Phase 3 Addition. ZBA 2014-05. Staff Comments Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant is requesting the minimum setback be reduced to five feet, in order to construct a carport. The property is a rear entry property on the end of an alley, located at 103 Towngate Drive. The Zoning Ordinance Development Standards, Section 2.5.C.2(c)5 requires a Single Family Residential SF-10/24 structure to have a twenty (20) foot rear yard setback. The purpose of the setback standard is to ensure adequate spacing between structures and between structures and easements. A five (5) foot setback could still meet the purpose of the Ordinance for utility and drive aisle spacing. Public Comment Forms were mailed to sixteen (16) property owners within 200 feet. Four (4) comment forms were received in favor, and there were no comments in opposition of the request. Public Comments Chairperson Jourdan opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Cesar Guevara, 103 Towngate Drive, Wylie, applicant for the request, explained that the purpose for the carport was to protect from inclement weather, a F250 pickup truck, he inherited from his late brother. The carport will be metal and will measure 25 x 25. Chairperson Jourdan closed the Public Hearing. Board Discussion Board Member Holcomb expressed concern of the carport being too close to the property line and easements, as well as setting precedence. Staff stated that each request is based on its own merit, and considered individually. Board Members expressed concern of future development on the west and to the north of the alley. Staff responded that the property to the west is Nortex Pump Station and the property to the north is open space owned by New Hope Christian Church. Minutes August 18, 2014 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 2 of 4 Page 6 of 33 Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Finnell, and seconded by Vice Chair Potts, to Grant the request for Section 2.5.C.2(c)5 with five (5) foot rear yard setback. Motion carried 4 — 1, with Board Member Holcomb in opposition. Item 2 —ZBA 2014-06 Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Don Clark for a variance to Section 5.2.E parking regulations of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the required Recreational, Entertainment, and Amusement use, to allow parking spaces calculated at 1:200 in lieu of the required 1:150. Property located at 103 Security Court, being Lot 5R Block A of the Hooper Business Park Addition. ZBA 2014-06 Staff Comments Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is proposing a gymnasium business which is classified in the Zoning Ordinance as a Recreational, Entertainment, and Amusement Use. The Ordinance defines the Recreational, Entertainment, and Amusement Use to require a ratio of 1:150. For the size of the building, the requirement is 80 parking spaces. The uniqueness of the request is the type of business and hours of operation. The applicant is requesting for a variance to reduce the required parking to a ratio of 1:200, based on their specific type of business use, not on general cheerleading type of business. This would allow 60 parking spaces. However, the applicant when speaking before the Board tonight will ask for a modification in the ratio of 1:250, which would lead to 48 parking spaces. The building is not constructed at this time. If approved for the variance, then the applicant would submit a Site Plan and Plat for Planning and Zoning Commission review. The site plan proposes 68 parking spaces. Public Comments Chairperson Jourdan opened the Public Hearing. Mr. John Von Runnen, 1609 Ridgecove, Wylie, applicant for the subject request, stated that the use is an elite cheerleading business. The property is located at 109 Security Court and they are requesting a ratio to 1:250 required parking spaces. Forty (40) percent of the parents drop and go. An estimate of the twenty-eight (28) percent of the students shares a ride. The hours of practice are generally after 5:00 PM and on the weekends, except during the Minutes August 18, 2014 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 3 of 4 Page 7 of 33 summer. Coaching is provided to students that attend Wylie High School or Wylie East High School during the summer. The parents sign a contract with a clause stating that there will be no on-street parking. The site plan will propose a drive-up to encourage a drop and go, with 68 parking spaces. The Contractor for the applicant stated that there are zero residential uses near the property. The Board Members questioned if competition for the cheerleaders will be held at the use. Mr. Von Runnen stated that the facility is not large enough for competition and the staff is not equipped to handle a competition. Chairperson Jourdan closed the Public Hearing. Board Discussion Board Members questioned the ratio for the parking spaces on uses. Staff stated that the user will know the number of parking spaces their use will require. After communicating with several developers, and comparing with surrounding cities, the parking requirements were amended in November 2013. Board Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Potts, and seconded by Board Member Holcomb, to Grant the variance with ratio of 1:250 parking requirements. Motion carried 5 — 0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Vice Chair Potts, and seconded by Board Member Gonzalez, all Board Members were in consensus, and the meeting adjourned at 8:10p.m. Linda Jourdan, Chairperson ATTEST: Mary Bradley, Secretary Minutes August 18, 2014 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 4 of 4 Page 8 of 33 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY OF WYLIE ' AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 20, 2014 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Case Number: 2014-07 Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Project Location: 1204 South Birmingham Date Prepared: October 8, 2014 Subdivision Name: E.C. Davidson Survey Location Map,Exhibits, Notification List and Map Exhibits: with Responses Subject Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Gary Taylor for a Variance to Section 3.F.3.a of the Zoning Ordinance requiring the base materials for residential buildings be brick, stone, or masonry stucco, property located at 1204 South Birmingham being Tract 28 in the E.C. Davidson Survey. ZBA 2014-07 Discussion The applicant requests a variance to Section 3.F.3.a of the Zoning Ordinance requiring the base materials for residential buildings be a masonry product of brick, stone, or stucco. The request is to allow for the wood residential building to be renovated while maintaining the original aesthetics. Currently the building is legally non-conforming and is allowed to continue operation and occupancy. Non-conforming means that the building does not meet the standards of the current Zoning Ordinance. Legally non-conforming status is usually a result of the Ordinance being changed after the building was occupied(grandfathering) or the building changing ownership with the same or similar use continued(continuing use). The applicant is proposing to improve the building by applying a fiber cement product instead of the required brick, stone, or stucco. In addition, the applicant is proposing to make numerous other interior and exterior improvements to the structure. One proposed improvement, the addition of a second floor landing/deck, will also need to be considered by the Board as it is an expansion of a currently non-conforming structure as outlined in Section 9.4.B.2(ii). A unique circumstance may exist on the property due to the current building due to the inability, according to the applicant, of the current structure to hold a brick exterior. In addition, while a majority of the residential structures in the surrounding area are brick, several are not and those that are not 100% brick as requirements were different when they were constructed. Public comment forms were mailed to 19 property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. No responses were received at the time of this posting. The Board shall not grant a variance to the development code which: (1) Permits a land use not allowed in the zoning district in which the property is located; or (2) Is in the public right-of-way or on public property; or (3) Alters any definition of the development code; or Page 1 of 2 Page 9 of 33 Page 2 of 2 ZBOA 2014-07 (4) Is other than the minimum variance that will afford relief with the least modification possible to the requirements of the development code; or (5) Is based on physical conditions or circumstances of the property so general or recurring in nature as to reasonably make practicable the formulation of a general regulation to be adopted as an amendment to the development code; or (6) Is based exclusively on findings of personal or financial hardship. In order to grant a variance to the development code the Board shall find that all the following have been satisfied: (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical condition particular to the affected property; (2) That because of these unique physical circumstances or conditions,the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the development code; (3) That due to such unique physical circumstances or conditions,the strict application of the development code would create a demonstrated hardship; (4) That the demonstrable hardship is not self-imposed; (5) That the variance if granted will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; (6) That the variance, if granted will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; (7) That the variance, if granted is in keeping with the intent of the development code; and (8) That the variance, if granted will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. The appellant shall act on an approved variance or interpretation within 90 days from the date of the favorable action of the Board or an extended period specifically granted by the Board at the time of the hearing. If the appellant fails to act within the time period, the action of the Board is void and the appellant shall begin the appeal process or variance process anew. Approved By Initial Date Department Director JH 10/16/14 Page 10 of 33 -- -- J i r **- 4-" . _College Sorer <- - -- i g1 j I j igli i p,MN .0�11ir — to' - L7 1 I4 ! 111 i I i I , lik lir \ ilk i =� -1 ! _ 111111 it - IMINIM ---1-- .—— 1 ) " West Kirov Stroet 1t.._.._..----- � .-.... cute—a P'- ! . \.. .__. _—_-_, Sto a Ij r R - - ;°— - III e, Or/ - ,, 'yam - -- —11 AW 7 inIN1IF 111111 ,9' ,0. 4 1 Subject - wr S �1'$$ HProperty 4 - �/ai 4 ill° me. 14,____ , _ . \-. 1 L - -- J 1111111111111111 - ` 1 1 ! ! _IIIIrial11111111111111111111iiE=Azi 54 - ,F-r —�r—'-mi- -1. - Oa - ] F C g NE:NE `�.�. y 2 $ l ve cra"� e e MIN Ell Ell Ell .f; r aAI 111 U 1 .00 i ! --- �__1 i i _________ . .........._ iWA * L.-J AJaus Drive Alanis Drive I -- I - ( - - I. LOCATION MAP ZBA CASE #2014-07 Page 11 of 33 TAYLOR & • Agre,/ City of Wylie Planning Board of Adjustments Property: 1204 S Birmingham Pag109 N Jackson Ave Wylie,Tx 75©98 469.666.8600 Background / History Taylor and Son Properties, LLC is wholly owned and operated by Wylie residents Gary Taylor, Sam Taylor and Chris Funk. It is always our desire to enhance the appearance and quality of properties we purchase in Wylie. Our position is to always present "best product, best value" in every location. In March of 2014. Taylor and Son purchased the property at 1204 S Birmingham Street. Property consists of a main house (single family) and two one bedroom garage apartments (upper and lower). All lease units were leased and occupied. Upon purchase it was determined that neither garage apartment tenant would be renewed. Previous owner was an out-of-town investor and failed to keep the garage apartments properly maintained. The existing tenants further exacerbated the situation with litter and trash accumulations. During initial inspection the floors were only minimally visible. We could not present "best product, best value" without making changes. Both tenants vacated in July. At that time, plans were cosmetic: paint, flooring, countertops, etc. However, once the units were vacated and all debris removed it was clear that a more extensive "refresh" would be required. We plan to own this property for a long time. Therefore, we do not desire to simply throw some paint on it and lease it out to the same quality of tenants. This property is a little over one-half acre and abuts Valentine Park on the west; making it a quiet, desirable location. However, the present layout of the units is unconducive to attracting quality tenants. There is no space in either unit for dining. In the downstairs unit, there is no closet in the bedroom. The only closet area is in the utility room on the opposite side of the unit. Page 13 of 33 Solution / Request 1. Lower unit • Replace existing hardboard sheathing with fiber cement lap siding • Relocate entry door to open into living room • Modify interior layout to more properly utilize space 2. Upper Unit • Relocate entry door from south wall to east wall •Allowing room to establish breakfast bar at end of cabinets between kitchen and living room • Modify interior layout to more properly utilize space 3. Exterior • Replace existing hardboard sheathing with fiber cement lap siding on east wall of lower unit • Replace damaged existing hardboard sheathing on second floor with fiber cement 4x8 panels • Of the twenty two (22) existing panels, ten (10)will be replaced •If granted permission, all existing panels would be replaced with 4x8 fiber cement panels with 1x2 battens on 2' centers •We desire permission to utilize the 4x8 panels to provide architectural interest on the gabled walls • Install fiber cement lap siding on gables at east and west walls 4. Stairs • Stairs currently lead to second floor entry door on south wall • To meet code stairs would encroach upon lower unit egress at south east corner • New stairs with landing •Begin stairs at south east corner progressing westward to mid landing • Stairs turn back east to landing / deck of upper unit • Landing / deck provides shelter for lower unit entry Page 14 of 33 Request • Allow footprint expansion of second floor landing/deck o Enabling stairs to be constructed to code without impinging on first floor egress o Accommodating relocation of second floor entry door to allow room for breakfast bar in kitchen/living room o Support posts for landing/deck set atop curb approximately eight feet (8') from east wall • Allow use of fiber cement siding and panels on second floor rather than masonry o Footing and fastening of existing stone is unknown o Letter attached from structural engineer advising against the use of masonry façade due to additional weight o Use of 4x8 panels as opposed to lap siding on second floor • Weight differences • Architectural diversity Attachments • Photos • Letter from Blake Wilson, P.L.L.C. o Structural engineer • Plans o Existing first floor o Existing second floor o East Elevation o North Elevation • Page 15 of 33 a 46* �� r$* 'r � rx • '' a �. ilinillf,. 4 East side of apartments -Entry g; Mi , it A t { `�- • itai' ,..,-'„All ri,„. `A 'f .. ... 5� ,. ,......_. ., .,,,,_. "li 41'''' " . w : ,. ,., . f"►. South Side of Building Page 16 of 33 • 4 / /v\ ', Iv\ tit\-41,40 i T + e! ',� i 1 y� fix_. • * , , l- ! .rye } ?-., ' .ew o f �t l.y,y} h 'S, 1 { 'n art,'}r R r North Side of Building • , \,.... .- ..--..._ --.,_,_ ,..,_,', -••v. -N • • - \ r illa C"a 'lrAi ..- t • West Side of Building Page 17 of 33 Blake Wilson Engineering. P.L.L.0 637 IV. Hurst Blvd., Hurst,Texas 76053 Phone (817) 268-2345 www.blakewilsonengineering.com Texas Firm No. F-3843 ENGINEERING LETTER PROPOSED EXTERIOR MASONRY VENEER DATE: September 18, 2014 TO: Taylor and Son Builders, LLC 109 North Jackson Avenue Wylie, Texas 75098 ATTN: Gary Taylor ne)T RE: Two-Story Dwelling• 1204 South Birmingham, Wylie, Texas ,;*.• .*• t f*: • Engineering Letter Prepared By, T. BLAKE WILSON T. Blake Wilson, P.E. 1t1�``*`A s � Principal Consulting Engineer DESCRIPTION The structure is a 2-story dwelling with a slab-on-grade foundation, rock veneer on the lower level and exterior siding paneling around the upper level walls. The structure is reported to be approximately 50 years old. This structure was apparently originally a single-story garage that has been converted to a 2 story apartment residence. PROPOSED ADDED MASONRY EXTERIOR SIDING AT 2ND LEVEL The existing siding at the 2nd level of this building is distressed and weathered. Consideration is being given to replacing this existing siding with rock or brick veneer. This engineering letter is intended to address this proposed replacement. ENGINEERING ASSESSMENT OF PROPOSED MASONRY VENEER To install masonry veneer (rock or brick) bearing on the existing exterior rock veneer, several concerns arise. The foundation of the structure may not have sufficient capacity to support the added weight imposed by placing new brick veneer as proposed. The building was originally constructed as a single story garage. The original foundation was not necessarily constructed with capacity for this added loading. Also, the added masonry veneer would bear on the top of the existing veneer. It is not evident that the existing rock veneer has structural capacity or is properly fastened to the existing structural framing with masonry ties. Page 18 of 33 Page 2 ENGINEERING LETTER—PROPOSED MASONRY VENEER September 18, 2014 RE: Two-Story Dwelling 1204 South Birmingham,Wylie,Texas CONCLUSION AND ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATION Based upon our assessment, we recommend the following: 1. We do not recommend installing masonry brick or rock veneer at the 2nd level of this structure. 2. The exterior of the 2nd level of this building should be replaced with Hardie- Plank Lap Siding or other similar durable exterior grade cladding. If you have additional questions or if we may be of further service in this matter, please contact this office. cc. file 104744.0 doc Page 19 of 33 _ ,-- • „ „, :, . ,, ,• :. .•; :'. ,, I ;; ___ • • i . .. i; SPINDLES NOT 23-12n I I . 0 .• II :i SHOWN i ;. •i •• FOR ; • ,• .:.,,,,, : :, •, „ ii CLARITY' 1' •1 II 11 „'•';' I; ;I • ;I if I I I I! II •I • •• . II 1! 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"160 N..fackson Avenue . 1 Gary Taylor Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows PO Box 13 2 Blk 1 I Lot 14 I R-1179-001-0140-1 Ramon Flores Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows 1667 CR 3504 3 Blk 1 1 15 I R-1179-001-0150-1 Marvin Franke Sulpher Springs,Texas 75482 Westwind Meadows 304 Willow Way 4 Blk 1 I 16 I R-1179-001-0160-1 Danny Meek Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows 302 Willow Way 5 Blk 1 I 17 I R-1179-001-0170-1 Aubrey Nethery Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows 6 Blk 4 I Lot 1 I R-1179-004-0010-1 No Information Available Westwind Meadows 1208 S.Ballard Avenue 7 Blk 4 I 2 I R-1179-004-0020-1 Yoriko Iwata Wylie,Texas 75098 m Westwind Meadows 1206 S.Ballard Avenue 8 Blk 4 I 3 I R-1179-004-0030-1 Van Nham Wylie,Texas 75098 ^' Westwind Meadows 300 Country Club Road#100 w 9 Blk 4 I 4 I R-1179-004-0040-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 0' WISD Center Addn 951 S.Ballard Avenue 10 Blk A Lot 1 R-9329-00A-0010-1 Wylie Independent School District Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 309 Memorial Drive 11 Blk 3 Lot 14 R-1165-003-0140-1 Lee Roy Davis Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 307 Memorial Drive 12 Blk 3 15 R-1165-003-0150-1 Daniel Vaughan Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 305 Memorial Drive 13 Blk 3 16 R-1165-003-0160-1 David Dees Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 303 Memorial Drive 14 Blk 3 17 R-1165-003-0170-1 Douglas Roark Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 301 Memorial Drive 15 Blk 3 18 R-1165-003-0180-1 Steven Robinett Wylie,Texas 75098 Meadows of Wylie 1018 S.Ballard Avenue 16 Blk 1 Lot 51 R-1852-001-0510-1 Jerrell King Wylie,Texas 75098 403 SH 78 South 17 Abst 267 Tract 28 R-6267-000-0280-1 Taylor&Son Properties LLC Wylie,Texas 75098 300 Country Club Road#100 18 Abst 267 29 R-6267-000-0290-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 300 Country Club Road#100 19 Abst 267 30 R-6267-000-0300-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 49 �o� 1 14 ' 8 1010 wor; -.,00 -5c)N n,6)- ,pc3 ' Cyt49 10P ,`', -1V 50 1014 12 3 ♦ I rive ,it 016 1 3 AQ), F ;} 1 . S • I 15 18 ' \ a'' ' ® T?grace 07 0 Park / ' rr •Zei . fir3° 2 Ez_t_) q Abst 2,407 z---) , .... _ Ti- E 26 t\ L. 12 13 14 D ! ,f CI + 15P or 1, goo �08 306 0 CeaFer Add -a — LA-- 1 304 16 •- 0 ,q'� �ti �,, -__ 2 120 .13 30 J 1 I 1 13 1 1210 300 18 i / \ (I)...d I .. T, ;.-i . , 5 I 4 19 20 ? 1 1281 1 n OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZBA CASE #2014-07 Page 23 of 33 This page is intentionally blank Page 24 of 33 Wylie Zoning Board of iftitt Adjustment CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 20, 2014 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Case Number: ZBA 2014-08 Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Project Location: 701 Georgetown Drive Date Prepared: October 7, 2014 Subdivision Name: Westgate Phase 3 Location Map, Site Layout, Applicant Pictures, Notification List and Map Exhibits: with Responses Subject Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Eddie Borden for a Variance to Section 2.5.C.2(c)4 of the Zoning Ordinance for properties requiring a minimum 20 foot side yard setback for accessory buildings on corner lots, property located at 701 Georgetown Drive,being Lot 16,Block E of the Westgate Phase 3 Addition. ZBA 2014-08 Discussion Applicant: Eddie Borden Owner: Edward Matthew Borden The applicant is requesting a variance to Section 2.5.C.2(c)4 of the Zoning Ordinance Development Standards for SF- 10/24 zoned properties that requires a 20' side yard setback on corner lots. The purpose of the setback standard on corner lots is to ensure adequate spacing between structures, between structures and drive lanes for the maintenance of visibility triangles, and the reduction of visual clutter. (The visibility triangle is the areas off an intersection that is kept clear of obstruction to maintain visibility for vehicles entering a roadway or intersection.) The applicant is requesting the minimum setback of 20' be reduced to 5' to add an accessory storage building to the side yard of the property. The applicant has an existing 8' fence on the rear and side of the property that would surround the proposed accessory building. A unique circumstance may exist on the property due to the accessory building not hindering the visibility triangle any more than the 8' fence currently does. In addition, with the proposed storage building being behind an 8' fence visual clutter is not affected. Public comment forms were mailed to thirty-one (31)property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. At the time of this posting one response was received, in favor of the proposed variance, and no response received in opposition. The Board shall not grant a variance to the development code which: (1) Permits a land use not allowed in the zoning district in which the property is located; or (2) Is in the public right-of-way or on public property; or (3) Alters any definition of the development code; or (4) Is other than the minimum variance that will afford relief with the least modification possible to the requirements of the development code; or Page 1 of 2 Page 25 of 33 Page 2 of 2 ZBOA 2014-08 (5) Is based on physical conditions or circumstances of the property so general or recurring in nature as to reasonably make practicable the formulation of a general regulation to be adopted as an amendment to the development code; or (6) Is based exclusively on findings of personal or financial hardship. In order to grant a variance to the development code the Board shall find that all the following have been satisfied: (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical condition particular to the affected property; (2) That because of these unique physical circumstances or conditions,the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the development code; (3) That due to such unique physical circumstances or conditions,the strict application of the development code would create a demonstrated hardship; (4) That the demonstrable hardship is not self-imposed; (5) That the variance if granted will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; (6) That the variance, if granted will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; (7) That the variance, if granted is in keeping with the intent of the development code; and (8) That the variance, if granted will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date JH Department Director 10/16/14 Page 26 of 33 raiiliit111 O` +`s• t!• + ++ r► C` iivi .. -.... /�1� ,,���i,,,,�� ++;�+`�+% • IAA 10-L— �=-� A\1I11 kiiks </. /. 41° + 4"43'2A=Ii- - NIP n mill/r• . 111i���1 Sys •�+++;�+++1` ++ ;i! !*� �, �., �� Ij ++ +++ 4,0" ,iii Imo- Wiwi* !! 4,0 11117 ii .. /7— ///7 _Ii iii new Town Strml 1 i . th t ! - ►pe_y u ' gars �ooptio■or ,t% hr!- mUniir. 4� , 'APP us.. .• . PA. [ ���r0-'::1 2r►Ali 7 4�►,��4-4� ;, mii 11 .c 11 + AMMO 1•1 U.E 111 1sr iii 1■II►r 1:II■a.. E �� 1111ii11� ��+:-� !: l_iiti, ABIMIl s . . . ♦ ► Illlllllllli., •• pill-§ °.k s- .�� ���i11��111�i � IIIIIIIiii1� �� iv, r�1111^I�i' � ....cm* i- *41 11 1t1/It \ m,,I,! U .... E �4,411i11111111111/ �i 1111l1ii11llllrlil ll1�ii1� mum.. !. IIf111t11111111tr 4i► itilllllllllllllltililllllllll{lllllll 1111n11111II e 0� .^ . ;ç/_ yç (�1�,! MI NIsmI ♦�Ili s �*f.rA. — = b IV ,-y� - - Ju ng: 1‘,----.1"ILM\'z4i -3 0 mi i.� ftior 1 RI Cii �my' - ill liar iiii# irm. min .4nmin 1 ie ---------__________\\PM 544 A mig lrr o r. Milippyr - alarm v _-= „ .. iv, 1 liErEligrilipla if _ . 4.% wit'll %,:ilgri!qt,":%, 1111 s, * loins 1 I fi re 1111�111 gm 111 i"ultIpim :1ui11111111i _. Ilmillil � .il NE �. d.i..0. , ... ....i. , ,..i.„,..0. I .. .idol ,..l:..i � N11111;11 —7/ I .. �� .ai. cs 0- iiiitilil till _ �: / I I r I LOCATION MAP ZBA CASE # 2014-08 Page 27 of 33 _ . SURVEY PLAT ) This is to certify that I have, this date, made a careful and accurate survey on the ground of property located at No. 701 GEORGE TOWN DRIVE ,In the city of WYL 1E Lot No. 16 Texas. of Pluck No. E WESTOATE PHASE 3 an addition to the City of WYL.IE ,Texas, according to the MAP THEREOF recorded In Volume K et Page 727 of the MAP Records of 6OLLIN__GOUINTY,TEXA5. GEORGETOWN pR IVE 501 R.O.W. ASSUME 100.00 e TOG O L 85.05` 5 69.4/31" E pie- R ,-. 225.00' 1 11 tiq 20.00 N . V��, — �� 99.28 —_ 140.23 �� V ° 101 49 _� 98.4!` ra g ° -- \ 1 ' \ \ \ 'ter 101.34 I01.54 I N 15.7' —. 12.0'\� . , -�pi a.9" ,�r�' st'� 99 78 , 8.0° cy 4.0' \al'. — •-k o < �, TWO STORY _ , O 1 SR F K AND —O— ° ❑—aa✓ *� • FRAME 1., 0s' 3 i LOT I Qlr I6 0 I A/G - , rLJ� z 2.0' 0- L {V F— LOT 1\\ A/iG ' w ' IOi.49 27•01 100.2 LL1 I5 0 _ , 4 20.7' 100.59 VI A isl- J• �F 101.09 .101.40 a itI • 9. , 4 i Naf 4 T! 0,3' V 99 43 tlO° 1• . 67' , , 91'55 ::: 0 •99.39 r4 3.411N 89413J! w�} L �6.- + R 115.00 20.001 005' 201 ALLEY NOTE: BEARINGS, EASEMENTS AND BUILDING LINES ARE BY RECORDED PutNirtaclITIVRW1SE NOTED. NOTE: According to the F.I.R_M. in Map No, 480856 0470 G ,this property does lie in Zone X tj. nnri rineq nni Bo will.:.. }km Inn ..r__ II.—-I ___. 6- g: 7t t& 6.-->i t . I , i ?- ,.. L_j 1. E V , (v3 / . clef 5J5 � - o�x 6 gl 3/.� P l l x �l sIc. �' lam- (. - ` v � J 7, Size - /��7' Windows).— > t Y3 ' Style Siding J Door ?C ,f W Studs /6+ e Trim /x Roofing A.4, Anchors iiti., Paint 4/ 009( 11 Imo�(A&Ln d 1 n p���' 13013 .e A '' `e r'ce Ins 5 evl % � qLW t \en `3t�t\k af\ L c7'r tka t� (,c�ti, 6 .1\0- ,--,5 , e., ` C-er -�t-JA Dr act!5e co-iu su- �\--( [k-e TX e75 E 5 .` p eor 1N1CKCIV111t 5 �0 701 '?01 703 705 707 -) 1 1 17 117 709 30 • 711 4 13 114 6 L '' 1.)7 , / 1-e 16 115 0 NI\O , CD , �Irilre , , - - - 15 113 41111 31 700 On 7{ c� 7 n _1 Q� 0 14 1 1 1 1 28 B 706 ck"ov\itl R eej3C 710 , • AV 13 109 712 f----i 1 3‘14 12 107 1 ( ,...‘ V. ,,,, -t ami 0 r------- �' 11 105 1 () Or 715 709 IO 103 10 713 71. 1 AiraiL) 1 1 1 E_i 89 101 l 0 IP 20 101 Oak 5fred 0 R 18R 17R 16 R 1 (,\\ (0Oq De\ 15R 1 � cb e0� (0N 4 5 a1 g '1 I "P. 100 OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZBA CASE #2014-08 Page 30 of 33 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Eddie Borden APPLICATION FILE 2014-08 701 Georgetown Drive Wylie,Texas 75098 T # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D.# PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant 701 Georgetown Drive 1 Eddie Borden Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 705 Nickelville Lane 2 Blk B Lot 3 R-3952-00B-0030-1 Vanessa Page Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 707 Nickelville Lane 3 Blk B 4 R-3952-00B-0040-1 Jessica Planas Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 710 Georgetown Drive 4 Blk B 29 R-3952-00B-0290-1 Jeffery Weaver Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 708 Georgetown Drive 5 Blk B 30 R-3952-00B-0300-1 John Horton Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 706 Georgetown Drive 6 Blk B 31 R-3952-00B-0310-1 Anthony Aspden Wylie,Texas 75098 up Westgate#3 704 Georgetown Drive 7 Blk B 32 R-3952-00B-0320-1 Roger Duncan Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 702 Georgetown Drive c. W 8 Blk B 33 R-3952-00B-0330-1 Derek Daniels Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 700 Georgetown Drive 9 Blk B 34 R-3952-00B-0340-1 Stephen Boyer Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 709 Logan Court 10 Blk E Lot 12 R-3952-00E-0120-1 Frederico Medeiros Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 707 Georgetown Drive 11 Blk E 13 R-3952-00E-0130-1 Robert Freimann Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 705 Georgetown Drive 12 Blk E 14 R-3952-00E-0140-1 Richard Ostinelli Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 703 Georgetown Drive 13 Blk E 15 R-3952-00E-0150-1 Kimberly Konvalinka Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 701 Georgetown Drive 14 Blk E 16 R-3952-00E-0160-1 Edward Borden Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 107 N.Westgate Way 15 Blk E 17 R-3952-00E-0170-1 Mario Billanueva Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 105 N.Westgate Way 16 Blk E 18 R-3952-00E-0180-1 Ramzi Aridi Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 101 N.Westgate Way 17 Blk E 19 R-3952-00E-019R-1 Merlyn Neel Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#3 101 N.Westgate Way 18 Blk E 20 R-3952-00E-019R-1 Merlyn Neel Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#1 114 N.Westgate Way 19 Blk 13 Lot 1 R-2151-013-0010-1 Randall Reininger Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#1 10901 Woodmeadow Pkwy#122 20 Blk 13 2 R-2151-013-0020-1 Michael Enfield Dallas,Texas 75228 Westgate#1 110 N.Westgate Way 0 21 Blk 13 3 R-2151-013-0030-1 Ken Vandagriff Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#1 108 N.Westgate Way 22 Blk 13 4 R-2151-013-0040-1 Adil Khan Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#1 106 N.Westgate Way 23 Blk 13 5 R-2151-013-0050-1 Lee Wilson Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#1 104 N.Westgate Way 24 Blk 13 6 R-2151-013-0060-1 Gerald Jennings Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#1 102 N.Westgate Way 25 Blk 13 7 R-2151-013-0070-1 Eric Hogue Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#1 100 N.Westgate Way 26 Blk 13 8 R-2151-013-0080-1 Susan Chaffin Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#1 103 Pullman Place co 27 Blk 13 10 R-2151-013-0100-1 Roger Hargrave Wylie,Texas 75098 w Westgate#1 105 Pullman Place 0 28 Blk 13 11 R-2151-013-0110-1 Wayne Lanham Wylie,Texas 75098 W Westgate#1 107 Pullman Place 29 Blk 13 12 R-2151-013-0120-1 Margaret Mitchell Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#1 109 Pullman Place 30 Blk 13 13 R-2151-013-0130-1 Michael Keith Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate#1 111 Pullman Place 31 Blk 13 14 R-2151-013-0140-1 Hana Teshome Wylie,Texas 75098 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 300 Country Club Road Building 00 Wylie, exas 75098 I am FOR the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2014-08. I am AGAINST the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2014-08. - - -Date,'Location-&Time of-- - - - — -_ - - -- - ____y.._.---_ ----- Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday,October 20,2014,6:30 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: l(Qr Vct vi ji Q 3 G l � (please print) Address: ‘ I 0 / `,L. r".s-i-c3 Q/ e Signature: Date: COMMENTS: Page 33 of 33