08-30-2005 (City Council) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF SPECIAL CALLED MEETING
August 30, 2005
6:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers/Council Conference Room
2000 State Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one
motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the
Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Approval of the Minutes from the Special Called Meeting/Work Sessions of August 16, 2005 and the
regular City Council Meeting of August 23,2005. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary)
B. Consider and act upon approval of a Joint Election Contract between Collin County and the City of
Wylie for election services to be administered by Collin County Elections Administration to be held
November 8,2005.
C. Consider and act upon Ordinance No. 2005-39 that the City of Wylie finds certain rate case expenses
of CoSery Gas Ltd. are reasonable; providing for recovery of rate case expenses; providing for
repeal of conflicting ordinances.
Public Hearing
1. Hold a Public Hearing on the fiscal year 2005-2006 Proposed Budget. All interested persons shall be
given an opportunity to be heard, either for or against any item on the proposed budget. At the end
of the hearing, the City Council will schedule the time and place that the vote will be taken on the
proposed budget.
Executive Summary
The purpose of the public hearing on August 30, 2005, is to give the taxpayers an opportunity to express their views on the
proposed budget. At the end of the hearing, The City Council must schedule and announce the meeting to adopt the
proposed budget currently set for September 13, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers, Wylie Municipal Complex,
2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas 75098
2. Hold the Second Public Hearing on the proposed tax rate for fiscal year 2005-2006 and provide
taxpayers an opportunity to express their views on the tax rate. At the end of the hearing, the City
Council must set and announce the date, time, and place of the meeting at which it will vote on the
final proposed tax rate.
Executive Summary
In accordance with the "Truth in Taxation"laws of the State of Texas,on August 9, 2005,the City Council took a roll call
vote on the proposed tax rate and scheduled a two public hearings on the tax rate. The first public hearing was held on
August 23, 2005. The second public hearing is scheduled for August 30, 2005. The notice of the two public hearings were
published in the McKinney Courier-Gazette on August 15,2005,and the Wylie News on August 17,2005. The purpose of
the second public hearing on August 30, 2005, is to give the taxpayers an additional opportunity to express their views on
the tax rate. At the end of the hearing, the City Council must set and announce the date, time, and place of the meeting at
which it will vote on the final proposed tax rate.
In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,Council may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open
meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be
open. Should Council elect to convene into Executive Session, those exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any
subsequent action,as a result of this Executive Session,will be taken and recorded in open session.
I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 26th day of August,2005 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance
with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media contacted. As a courtesy,this agenda
is also posted to the City of Wylie Website at www.ci.wylie.tx.us
Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed
The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be
requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's office at 972/442-8100 or TD 972/442-8170.
Special Called Meeting
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
4:30 p.m.
Wylie Community Center
100 West Oak Street
Wylie,Texas 75098
Mayor Mondy called the meeting to order at 4:33 p.m. Council Members present were: Mayor Pro Tern
Eric Hogue, Councilwoman Reta Allen, Councilman Merrill Young, Councilman Earl Newsom,
Councilman Rick White and Councilman Carter Porter.
Staff present were: City Manager, Mark Roath, Assistant City Manager, Mindy Manson, City Engineer, Chris
Holsted; Planning & Zoning Director, Claude Thompson; Library Director, Rachael Orozco; Public Services
Director,Mike Sferra; Police Chief,Jeff Butters; Fire Chief, Shan English; WEDC Director, Sam Satterwhite;
City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich,Public Information Officer,Mark Witter, and many support staff.
• Discussion of"Truth in Taxation Laws" regarding the proposed 2005-06 Tax Rate and proposed
2005-06 Budget.(L. Williamson, Finance Director)
Mayor Mondy explained that with new state laws regarding "Truth in Taxation", and the complexity
surrounding the laws, he had requested a work session for Council to explain the proposed tax rate and the
laws governing truth in taxation and rollback margins. Mayor Mondy then asked Finance Director Larry
Williamson to give a short overview of the 2005-06 FY Budget and the tax rates that could be adopted to
support the budget.
Finance Director Williamson addressed Council stating that the Effective Tax Rate is a calculated rate that
would provide the City with roughly the same revenue it received the year before, on properties taxed in both
years. If property values rise, the Effective Tax Rate will decrease and vice versa. The Effective Tax Rate
calculation does not include new construction. The City's Effective Tax rate is calculated by dividing last
years adjusted taxes of$9,305,436.by this year's adjusted tax base of$1,403,520,093, giving an Effective Tax
Rate of$.6630 per$100 of taxable value.
The Rollback Rate is a calculated maximum rate allowed by law without voter approval. The Rollback Rate
provides the City with roughly the same revenue it spent the previous year as well as an 8 percent increase in
operation revenues, plus funds to pay for debt service in the coming year. The City's Rollback Rate is
calculated by dividing last years operating taxes of $7,443,117 by this year's adjusted tax base of
$1,403,520,093 to arrive at this year's effective operating rate of .530318 per $100 of taxable value. By
multiplying the effective operating rate of .530318 by 1.08% we get this year's maximum operating rate of
$.572743 per$100 of property valuation. By adding together this rate and the City's Interest and Sinking Fund
Minutes—Auguat 16,2005(4:30 p.m.)
Wylie City Council
Page 1
that is higher than the rollback tax rate, voters have the right to circulate a petition calling for an election to
limit the size of the tax increase. He explained that the tax rate to fund the proposed budget and maintain a
minimum 15% ending fund balance is $.6266 per $100 of taxable value. He explained that concern needs to
be given when approving a tax rate, in regards to funds available for future years and unexpected expenses that
can occur during the fiscal year. The City Administration understands that the City Council has a broad range
of tax rates it can select for the coming year. Staff recommendation, as a good compromise, would be an
effective tax rate of$.6630 per $100 of taxable value. Mr. Williamson explained that this recommended rate
would be an actual tax reduction of 3.2 cents / $100, and setting up a favorable environment for the bond
Direction from Council was to hold a budget work session in the near future and then determine an effective
tax rate. Public Hearings on the proposed tax rate will be held August 23, 2005 and August 30, 2005 with the
final adoption of the FY 2005-06 tax rate on the 13`h of September.
With no further business before Council, Mayor Mondy adjourned the meeting at 5:28 p.m. Consensus of
Council was to adjourn.
John Mondy,Mayor
Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary
Minutes—Auguat 16,2005(4:30 p.m.)
Wylie City Council
Page 2
Special Called Meeting
Tuesday,August 16, 2005
6:00 p.m.
Wylie Community Center
100 West Oak Street
Wylie,Texas 75098
Mayor Mondy called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Council Members present were: Mayor Pro Tem Eric
Hogue, Councilwoman Reta Allen, Councilman Merrill Young, Councilman Earl Newsom, Councilman
Rick White and Councilman Carter Porter.
2005 Wylie Citizen Advisory Bond Committee members present were: Dan Chestnut, Jamie Gregg, Dennis
Larsen,Jerry Smith,Doris Craighead, Chris Seeley,Jim Griffin,and Jim Cummings.
Staff present were: City Manager, Mark Roath, Assistant City Manager, Mindy Manson, City Engineer, Chris
Hoisted; Planning & Zoning Director, Claude Thompson; Finance Director, Larry Williamson; Library
Director, Rachael Orozco; Public Services Director, Mike Sferra; Police Chief, Jeff Butters; Fire Chief, Shan
English; WEDC Director, Sam Satterwhite; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, Public Information Officer, Mark
Witter, and many support staff.
Tabled Item from 8-09-05
Motion to remove from table and:
Council Action
A motion was made by Councilman Young to remove discussion of Citizen Bond Advisory Committee
Recommendations for possible projects in a Bond Election from the table. Consensus of Council was to
remove and discuss.
• Discussion of Citizen Bond Advisory Committee recommendations for possible projects in a
Bond Election. (M.Roath, City Manager)
Public Services Director Sferra addressed Council stating that some questions had been posed at the last
meeting in regards to the CBAC Bond Recommendations and possible street construction and repairs. At that
time the CBAC explained to Council that the only sidewalk construction recommended in the proposal was for
sidewalks adjacent to new streets within Proposition #1. Mr. Sferra presented a power point presentation
laying out the sidewalks in the City needing repair and the cost to repair these sidewalks. Also in the
Minutes—August 16,2005(6:00 p.m.)
Wylie City Council
Page 1
presentation were pictures of areas needing sidewalks and some of the issues with regard to constructing
sidewalks in existing areas with utility easements. Mr. Sferra gave several cost estimates regarding both repair
of sidewalks and construction of new sidewalks He explained that to repair all sidewalks including the
replacement of landscaping in areas disturbed by the construction, would be around $1,144,375 The
construction of new sidewalks in areas of the City currently with no sidewalks would be an additional
$1,071,000. Mr. Sferra explained to Council that these were estimates presented to the City in 2004 and could
be higher.
Bond Recommendation Discussion
City Manager Roath and Finance Director Williamson along with Department Heads reviewed the individual
proposed propositions and answered questions asked by Council. There was some discussion between the
CBAC members and council regarding the proposed library and the additional cost to build the entire shell
utilizing the unused portion for other services. Mr. Roath stated that this would save the rising costs of future
additions to the building. Some concern was raised regarding the Aquatic Center and whether it should be part
of the Recreation Center indoors or a theme park located outside. Council members were also concerned about
the usage of such a project and the maintenance costs involved. Council also asked staff if the renovation of
the existing Municipal Complex, for Public Safety occupancy,needed to be part of the bond package or wait to
see if the new City Hall proposition passed, making it necessary for the renovation. Some discussion regarding
the renovations to the Animal Shelter centered on the use of general funds to expedite the construction of that
David Mednich representing First Southwest was present to address Council stating that he felt the projected
future tax revenues were conservative. He stated that there was no way to know exactly what those numbers
would be but he was very comfortable with the estimates presented to Council tonight.
After much discussion between Council, CBAC members and staff, Council recommended the following
revisions to the proposed bond resolution:
Proposition#1 authorized bonds in the amount of$31,600,000 for road projects to include;FM 1378(Brown to Parker),
Stone (Ballard to Collins), Brown (1378 to Ballard), and Brown (78 to Anson). Council direction was to revise this
proposition to include all of the proposed projects and add the construction of street improvements to Brown from FM
1378 to Ballard (previously Anson), Alanis from Twin Lakes Drive to FM 544, Stone Road (FM 544) from Ballard
Avenue to Vinson Road, and any remaining funds being used to construct or repair other streets and thoroughfares
within the City; including drainage, curb, gutters, sidewalks, landscaping, and traffic signalization and acquisition of
land and rights-of way therefore.
Proposition#2 shall authorize bonds in the amount of$500,000 for the renovation of the existing City Complex into a
Fire, Police and Municipal Court Building. Direction from Council was to revise the Resolution omitting this
Proposition#3 shall authorize bonds in the amount of$1,500,000 for the construction of a new Fire station. Direction
from Council was to make no changes to this proposition.
Proposition#4 shall authorize bonds in the amount of$6,715,000 for the construction, improvement, and equipment of
park and recreational facilities at Founders Park and Community Park. Direction from Council was to revise this
proposition to include$250,000. for additional concrete parking for Community Park.
Proposition#5 shall authorize bonds in the amount of$10,200,000 for the construction of a new Recreation Center/Park
Administration facility, including the acquisition of land. Direction from Council was to make no changes to this
Minutes—August 16,2005(6:00 p.m.)
Wylie City Council
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Proposition #6 shall authorize bonds in the amount of$4,680,000 for permanent public improvement of an aquatics
facility,including the acquisition of land.Direction from Council was to revise the Resolution omitting this proposition.
Proposition#7 shall authorize bonds in the amount of$400,000 for the construction, improvement,and equipment of an
animal shelter.Direction from Council was to revise the Resolution omitting this proposition.
Proposition #8 shall authorize bonds in the amount of$8,645,000 for the construction of a new City Hall facility.
Direction from Council was to make no changes to this proposition.
Proposition#9 shall authorize bonds in the amount of$5,110,000 for the construction and equipment of a new Library.
Direction from Council was to add$3,030,000 to the proposition in order to complete the shell for the new Library.
Council asked that an additional proposition be added to include $500,000 for permanent public improvements and
public purposes for the construction and repair of sidewalks within the City.
Robert Dransfield representing Fulbright&Jaworski L.L.P. was present to answer questions regarding legal aspects of
the proposed Resolution and Bond Election. He explained that he would take the recommendations made by Council
and revise the resolution to be presented to Council at the August 23, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting for
consideration and possible action.
1. Consider and act upon approval of Resolution#2005-25(R)ordering a bond election to be held in the
City of Wylie, Texas, making provision for the conduct of the election and resolving other matters
incident and related to such election.(M.Roath, City Manager)
Council Action
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Hogue, seconded by Councilman White to table Item#1 to the August
23, 2005 Regular Council meeting. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
With no further business before Council,Mayor Mondy adjourned the meeting at 9:34 p.m. Consensus of
Council was to adjourn.
John Mondy,Mayor
Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary
Minutes—August 16,2005(6:00 p.m.)
Wylie City Council
Page 3
Wylie City Council
Tuesday, August 23, 2005 — 6:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
2000 State Highway 78 North
Mayor Mondy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council Members present were: Mayor Pro
Tern Eric Hogue, Councilwoman Reta Allen, Councilman Merrill Young, Councilman Earl Newsom,
Councilman Rick White and Councilman Carter Porter.
Staff present were: City Manager, Mark Roath; Assistant City Manager, Mindy Manson; City Engineer,
Chris Hoisted; Planning & Zoning Director, Claude Thompson; Finance Director, Larry Williamson;
Library Director, Rachael Orozco, Public Services Director Mike Sferra; Fire Chief Shan English;
Public Information Officer,Mark Witter, and City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich.
Councilman Newsom gave the invocation and Mayor Pro Tem Hogue led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Lissette Rodriquez residing at 202 S. Westgate Way, Wylie, Texas addressed Council stating that she was very
much in favor of adding the Aquatic Center as an indoor facility to the Bond package for the November 8, 2005
Special Election. She stated that the youth in Wylie needed a facility that teens could use in a constructive way.
She encouraged Council to place the proposition on the ballot to let voters decide.
Jerry Smith residing at 106 N. Carriagehouse Way, Wylie Texas read a letter from the office of First Lady Laura
Bush regarding the proposed new library and suggested sources to apply for federal grants.
Shannon Nolan residing at 315 Callie Court, Wylie, Texas addressed Council stating that the improvement to
Founders Park and Community Park were very much needed because of the lack of fields for the Wylie Baseball
Association to schedule games.
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted
by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be
removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Approval of the Minutes from the regular City Council Meeting of August 9, 2005. (C.
Ehrlich, City Secretary)
B. Consider and act upon a Final Plat for WISD Center Addition, generally located at 951
Ballard Street. (C. Thompson,Planning& Zoning Director)
Minutes—August 23,2005
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C. Consider and act upon a Final Plat for Wylie Lakes Phase 1A and 1B,generally located east
of Forrest Ross Road and south of Skyview Drive. (C. Thompson, Planning & Zoning
D. Consider and act upon authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with SBC through
the Department of Information Services (DIR) for Internet Access and Long Distance
Service.(M.Roath, City Manager)
E. Consider and act upon authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement with the
North Texas Municipal Water District to locate a 400 MHz repeater antenna on an existing
200' foot radio tower. (S.English, Fire Chief)
Council Action
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue, seconded by Councilman Newsom to approve the
Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
Tabled Item from 8-16-05
Motion to remove from table and:
Council Action
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue to remove Item#1 from the table. Consensus of Council
was to remove and consider.
1. Consider and act upon approval of Resolution #2005-25(R) ordering a bond election to be
held in the City of Wylie, Texas, making provision for the conduct of the election and
resolving other matters incident and related to such election. (M.Roath, City Manager)
Executive Summary
City Manager Roath addressed Council stating that on March 22, 2005, the City adopted Ordinance #2005-12,
which created a Citizen Bond Advisory Committee(CBAC)that was charged with making"recommendation(s)to
the City Council . . . about the total amount of the Bond issuance and the specific projects to be included in the
proposition(s)presented to the voters." The CBAC held six meetings on April 28, May 12, May 19, June 2, June
16 and July 6,2005. On July 26,2005,the CBAC recommended a Bond Program to the City Council. In turn,the
City Council reviewed the CBAC's recommendations on August 16, 2005, which the Council modified after
discussing said revisions with the CBAC. Presented tonight for Council consideration is the revised Resolution
including recommendations made by Council at the August 16,2005 work session.
Council Discussion
Councilman Young stated that he had researched a statement made in regards to the Aquatic Center being added
on to the CBAC recommendations at the 11`h hour. He reported that this issue had been brought up for discussion
several times through the bond recommendation discussion by the CBAC. Councilman Young stated that many
citizens and youth in the city had asked him to propose this proposition be put back on the Resolution presented
tonight. Councilman Young also stated that he was in favor of pushing the whole bond issue back to the May
2006 election. Mayor Mondy stated that the recommendation from Council was to omit this item regarding the
Aquatic Center.
Minutes—August 23,2005
Wylie City Council
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Council Action
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue, seconded by Councilwoman Allen to approve
Resolution #2005-25(R) calling for a November 8, 2005 Special Bond Election and reading the
individual propositions included in this Resolution. A vote was taken and passed 6-1 with Mayor
Mondy, Mayor Pro Tem Hogue, Councilman Newsom, Councilwoman Allen, Councilman White, and
Councilman Porter voting for and Councilman Young voting against. Propositions included in
Resolution#2005-25(R)and read by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue are as follows:
"SHALL the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas,be authorized to issue general obligation bonds of the
City in the principal amount of$38,000,000 for permanent public improvements and public purposes, to
wit: construction of street improvements at FM 1378, from Brown Street to the southern intersection of
Parker Road; Stone Road (FM 544), from Ballard Avenue to Vinson Road; Brown, from FM 1378 to
Ballard Avenue; Brown,from SH 78 to Stone Road and Alanis from Twin Lakes Drive to FM 544 with any
remaining funds being used to construct or repair other streets and thoroughfares within the City;
including drainage, curb, gutters, sidewalks, landscaping and traffic signalization and the acquisition of
land and rights-of-way therefor; such bonds to mature serially or otherwise over a period not to exceed
FORTY(40)years from their date,to be issued and sold in one or more series at any price or prices and to
bear interest at any rate of rates (fixed, floating, variable or otherwise) as shall be determined within the
discretion of the City Council at the time of issuance or sale of the bonds; and whether ad valorem taxes
shall be levied upon all taxable property in the City sufficient to pay the annual interest and provide a
sinking fund to pay the bonds at maturity?"
"SHALL the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas,be authorized to issue general obligation bonds of the
City in the principal amount of$500,000 for permanent public improvements and public purposes, to wit:
construction and repair of sidewalks within the City; such bonds to mature serially or otherwise over a
period not to exceed FORTY (40)years from their date, to be issued and sold in one or more series at any
price or prices and to bear interest at any rate or rates (fixed, floating, variable or otherwise) as shall be
determined within the discretion of the City Council at the time of issuance or sale of the bonds; and
whether ad valorem taxes shall be levied upon all taxable property in the City sufficient to pay the annual
interest and provide a sinking fund to pay the bonds at maturity?"
"SHALL the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas,be authorized to issue general obligation bonds of the
City in the principal amount of$1,500,000 for permanent public improvements and public purposes,to wit:
construction, improvement and equipment of fire fighting facilities; such bonds to mature serially or
otherwise over a period not to exceed FORTY (40) years from their date, to be issued and sold in one or
more series at any price or prices and to bear interest at any rate or rates (fixed, floating, variable or
otherwise) as shall be determined within the discretion of the City Council at the time of issuance or sale of
the bonds; and whether ad valorem taxes shall be levied upon all taxable property in the City sufficient to
pay the annual interest and provide a sinking fund to pay the bonds at maturity?"
"SHALL the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas,be authorized to issue general obligation bonds of the
City in the principal amount of$6,965,000 for permanent public improvements and public purposes,to wit:
construction, improvement and equipment of park and recreational facilities for Founders/ Community
Park, including the acquisition of land therefor; such bonds to mature serially or otherwise over a period
not to exceed FORTY(40)years from their date,to be issued and sold in one or more series at any price or
prices and to bear interest at any rate or rates(fixed,floating,variable or otherwise) as shall be determined
Minutes—August 23,2005
Wylie City Council
Page 3
within the discretion of the City Council at the time of issuance or sale of the bonds; and whether ad
valorem taxes shall be levied upon all taxable property in the City sufficient to pay the annual interest and
provide a sinking fund to pay the bonds at maturity?"
"SHALL the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas,be authorized to issue general obligation bonds of the
City in the principal amount of$10,200,000 for permanent public improvements and public purposes, to
wit: construction, improvement and equipment of park and recreational facilities for new Recreation
Center/Park Administration facilities, including the acquisition of land therefor; such bonds to mature
serially or otherwise over a period not to exceed FORTY(40)years from their date,to be issued and sold in
one or more series at any price or prices and to bear interest at any rate or rates(fixed,floating,variable or
otherwise) as shall be determined within the discretion of the City Council at the time of issuance or sale of
the bonds; and whether ad valorem taxes shall be levied upon all taxable property in the City sufficient to
pay the annual interest and provide a sinking fund to pay the bonds at maturity?"
"SHALL the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas,be authorized to issue general obligation bonds of the
City in the principal amount of$8,645,000 for permanent public improvements and public purposes,to wit:
construction,improvement and equipment of City Hall facilities; such bonds to mature serially or otherwise
over a period not to exceed FORTY(40)years from their date,to be issued and sold in one or more series at
any price or prices and to bear interest at any rate or rates(fixed,floating,variable or otherwise)as shall be
determined within the discretion of the City Council at the time of issuance or sale of the bonds; and
whether ad valorem taxes shall be levied upon all taxable property in the City sufficient to pay the annual
interest and provide a sinking fund to pay the bonds at maturity?"
"SHALL the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas,be authorized to issue general obligation bonds of the
City in the principal amount of$8,140,000 for permanent public improvements and public purposes, to wit:
construction, improvement and equipment of municipal library facilities; such bonds to mature serially or
otherwise over a period not to exceed FORTY (40) years from their date, to be issued and sold in one or
more series at any price or prices and to bear interest at any rate or rates (fixed, floating, variable or
otherwise) as shall be determined within the discretion of the City Council at the time of issuance or sale of
the bonds; and whether ad valorem taxes shall be levied upon all taxable property in the City sufficient to
pay the an
2. Hold the first of two Public Hearings to discuss acceptance of the proposed Ad Valorem Tax
of$0.695 per $100 valuation and Calculation of an Effective Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2005-
2006. (L. Williamson, Finance Director)
Staff Comments
Finance Director Williamson addressed Council stating that in accordance with the"Truth in Taxation"laws of the
State of Texas, notices must be published and two public hearings must be held if an entity's proposed tax rate
exceeds the effective tax rate. Since the proposed tax rate exceeds the effective tax rate, the City is required to
vote on the proposed tax rate and publish the results of the roll call vote at least seven (7) days prior to the first
scheduled public hearing on August 23rd A 21th public hearing is scheduled for August 30"'. The Council may not
adopt the tax rate at these hearings. Instead, at the end of the second hearing, it must set and announce the date,
time and place of the meeting at which it will vote on the final proposed tax rate.This meeting must take place no
less than three (3) days and no more than fourteen (14) days after the second public hearing. The City Council's
vote on the tax rate is scheduled for September 13t.
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Mayor Mondy opened the public hearing at 6:20 p.m.
With no one present to speak, Mayor Mondy closed the public hearing at 6:20 p.m.
Mayor Mondv announced there would be a second Public Hearing on August 30, 2005 to discuss
acceptance of the proposed Ad Valorem Tax Rate of$0.695 per $100 valuation and allow citizens
an opportunity to speak. Final approval of a tax rate will be at the September 13, 2005 Council
3. Consider and act upon Ordinance No. 2005-38 amending the fees, policies and procedures of
the Bart Peddicord Community Center. (M.Sferra,Public Services Director)
Mayor Mondy announced that Item#3 had been withdrawn by staff.
No action was taken on this item. Consensus of Council was to withdraw the item.
4. Consider and act upon approval of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation FY 2005—
2006 Budget.(S Satterwhite, WEDC Director)
Staff Comments
WEDC Director Satterwhite addressed Council giving an overview of the proposed FY 2005 — 2006 WEDC
Budget. The WEDC has reviewed the proposed budget and will approve the same on August 22, 2005. He
explained that Council will note that there are significant increases over FY 2004—2005 within the following line
items: incentives, advertising, and debt service. This is in part a result of the sale of five acres at the Extruder's
site. He also explained that there would be special projects in the future that funds could be used for as well.
Council Action
A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue to approve the Wylie
Economic Development Corporation FY 2005-2006 Budget as presented. A vote was taken and passed
There were no ordinances passed to read into the official record.
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• Council training for web-mail use for email (S. Doville,IT Technician)
Mayor Mondy announced that the training for web-mail had been cancelled due to the absence of IT
Technician, Shone Doville. He stated that the work session would be held at a later date.
With no further business before Council, a motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue, seconded by
Councilman Newsom to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 p.m. Consensus of Council was to adjourn.
John Mondy,Mayor
Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary
Minutes—August 23,2005
Wylie City Council
Page 6
City Secretary's Use Only
Council Meeting Of: August 30, 2005 Originating Department: City Secretary
Prepared By: Carole Ehrlich
Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: August 18, 2005
Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Two
AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon approval of a Joint Election Contract between Collin County and
the City of Wylie for election services to be administered by Collin County Elections Administration to be held
November 8, 2005.
By the terms of this contract, Collin County Elections Administrator will administer services and equipment for
the November 8, 2005 Special Election.
This election will be a shared cost with Collin County at a cost of$5,793.73 with 90% of the cost ($5,214.36) due
to Collin County Elections Administration by September 16, 2005. (See attached tabulations)
APPROVED BY: Initial Date
Department Director: CE \ 8/18/05
City Manager: tom$', \ 6/2‘/bC-
November 8, 2005
Special Election
Contract for Election Services
City of Wylie
November 8, 2005
Special Election
Table of Contents
I .Duties and Services of Contracting Officer
II ....Duties and Services of the City
III Cost of Services
IV General Provisions
Exhibit A Early Voting Schedule and Locations
Exhibit B.... ...Election Day Polling Locations
Exhibit C Cost of Services
November 8,2005,Special Election—City of Wylie
8/18/2005 Page 2
BY THE TERMS OF THIS CONTRACT made and entered into by and
between the CITY OF WYLIE, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY," and SHARON
ROWE, Elections Administrator of Collin County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as
"Contracting Officer," pursuant to the authority in Subchapter D, Section 31.091, of
Chapter 31, of the Texas Election Code, agree to the following particulars in regard to
coordination, supervision and running of the City's November 8, 2005, Special Election.
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into in consideration of the mutual covenants
and promises hereinafter set out. IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS:
Officer shall be responsible for performing the following duties and shall furnish the
following services and equipment:
A. The Contracting Officer shall arrange for appointment, notification
(including writ of election), training and compensation of all presiding judges, alternate
judges, the judge of the Central Counting Station and judge of the Early Voting Balloting
a. The Contracting Officer shall be responsible for notification of
each Election Day and Early Voting presiding judge and alternate judge of
his or her appointment. The recommendations of the City will be the
accepted guidelines for the number of clerks secured to work in each
polling place. The presiding election judge of each polling place,
however, will use his/her discretion to determine when additional
manpower is needed during peak voting hours. The Contracting Officer
will determine the number of clerks to work in the Central Counting
Station and the number of clerks to work on the balloting board.
Election judges shall be secured by the Contracting Officer with the
approval of the City.
b. Election judges shall attend the Contracting Officer's school of
instruction (Elections Seminar)to be held Friday,November 4, 2005, at
November 8, 2005,Special Election—City of Wylie
8/18/2005 Page 3
the Collin County 380 Courts Building, Central Jury Room, 1800 N.
Graves, McKinney, Texas at 10:00 A.M.
c. Election judges shall be responsible for picking up from and
returning election supplies to the county election warehouse located at
2010 Redbud, Suite 102, McKinney. Compensation for this pickup and
delivery of supplies will be $25.00.
d. The Contracting Officer shall compensate each election judge and
worker. Each judge shall receive $10.00 per hour for services rendered.
Each alternate judge and clerk shall receive $8.00 per hour for services
B. The Contracting Officer shall procure, prepare, and distribute voting
machines, election kits and election supplies.
a. The Contracting Officer shall secure election kits which
include the legal documentation required to hold an election and all
supplies including locks,pens, magic markers, etc.
b. The Contracting Officer shall secure all tables, chairs, and legal
documentation required to run the central counting station.
c. The Contracting Officer shall provide all lists of registered voters
required for use on Election Day and for the early voting period required
by law. The Election Day list of registered voters shall be arranged in
alphabetical order by polling place, in lieu of alphabetic by each precinct
in each polling place.
d. The Contracting Officer shall procure and arrange for the
distribution of all election equipment and supplies required to hold an
1. Equipment includes the rental of voting machines, ADA
compliance headphones and keypads (1 per site), transfer cases,
voting signs and tote boxes.
November 8,2005,Special Election—City of Wylie
8/18/2005 Page 4
2. Supplies include smart cards, sample ballots, early
voting mail ballots,pens, tape, markers, etc.
C. The Contracting Officer, Sharon Rowe, shall be appointed the Chief
Deputy Early Voting Clerk by the City.
a. The Contracting Officer shall supervise and conduct Early Voting
by mail and in person and shall secure personnel to serve as Early Voting
b. Early Voting by personal appearance for the City's November 8,
2005, Special Election shall be conducted during the time period and at the
locations listed in Exhibit"A", attached and incorporated by reference into
this contract.
c. All applications for an Early Voting mail ballot shall be received
and processed by the Collin County Elections Administration Office,
2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069.
1. Application for mail ballots erroneously mailed to the City
shall immediately be faxed to the Contracting Officer for timely
processing. The original application shall then be forwarded to the
Contracting Officer for proper retention.
2. All Federal Post Card Applicants (FPCA)will be sent a
mail ballot. No postage is required.
d. All Early Voting ballots (those cast by mail and those cast by
personal appearance) shall be prepared for count by the Early Voting
Ballot Board in accordance with Section 87.000 of the Texas Election
Code. The presiding judge of this Board shall be appointed by the
Contracting Officer. The Board shall meet for preparation of the early
voting ballots on Saturday, November 5, 2005, at 10:00 A.M. They will
recess and continue the preparation process and begin tabulation after the
mail is received on Tuesday, November 8, 2005, at 9:00 A.M. They will
reconvene to process provisional ballots and late mail ballots from outside
the country Monday,November 14, 2005 at 10:00 A.M.
November 8,2005,Special Election—City of Wylie
8/18/2005 Page 5
D. The Contracting Officer shall arrange for the use of all Election Day
polling places. The City shall assume the responsibility of remitting the cost of all
employee services required to provide access,provide security or provide custodial
services for the polling locations. The Election Day polling locations are listed in Exhibit
"B", attached and incorporated by reference into this contract.
E. The Contracting Officer shall be responsible for establishing and operating
the Central Counting Station to receive and tabulate the voted ballots in accordance with
Section 127.001 of the Election Code and of this agreement. Counting Station Manager
and Central Count Judge shall be Sharon Rowe. The Tabulation Supervisor shall be Patty
Seals and paid as a contract expense.
a. The tabulation supervisor shall prepare, test and run the county's
tabulation system in accordance with statutory requirements and county
policies, under the auspices of the Contracting Officer.
b. The Public Logic and Accuracy Test of the electronic voting
system shall be conducted on Friday,November 4, 2005, at 2:00 P.M.,by
the Contracting Officer.
c. Election night reports will be available to the City at the Central
Counting Station on election night. Provisional ballots will be tabulated
after election night in accordance with new law.
d. The Contracting Officer shall prepare the unofficial canvass report
after all precincts have been counted, and will provide a copy of the
unofficial canvass to the City as soon as possible after all returns have
been tallied.
e. The Contracting Officer shall be appointed the custodian of the
voted ballots and shall retain all election material for a period of 60 days.
1. Pending no litigation and as prescribed by law, the voted
and unused ballots shall be shredded 60 days after the election.
November 8,2005,Special Election—City of Wylie
8/18/2005 Page 6
2. The City can obtain the list of registered voters from the
Elections Administration Office after this 60-day retention period.
Pending no litigation and if the City does not request the lists, the
Contracting Officer shall destroy them 90 days after the election.
f. The Contracting Officer shall conduct a manual count as
prescribed by Section 127.201 of the Texas Election Code and submit a
written report to the City in a timely manner. The Secretary of State may
waive this requirement. If applicable, a written report shall be submitted
to the Secretary of State as required by Section 127.201(E) of the
aforementioned code.
II. DUTIES AND SERVICES OF THE CITY. The City shall assume the
following responsibilities:
A. The City shall prepare the election orders,resolutions, notices,justice
department submissions, official canvass and other pertinent documents for adoption by
the appropriate office or body. The City assumes the responsibility of posting all notices
and likewise promoting the schedules for Early Voting and Election Day.
B. The City shall provide the Contracting Officer with an updated map and
street index of their jurisdiction in an electronic or printed format.
C. The City shall procure and provide the Contracting Officer with the ballot
layout and Spanish interpretation in an electronic format.
a. The City shall deliver to the Contracting Officer as soon as
possible, but no later than Friday, September 2, 2005, the official wording
for the City's November 8, 2005, Special Election.
b. The City shall approve the "blue line" ballot format prior to the
final printing.
D. The City shall post the publication of election notice by the proper
methods with the proper media.
November 8,2005,Special Election—City of Wylie
8/18/2005 Page 7
E. The City shall prepare and submit to the U. S. Department of Justice under
the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, any required submissions on voting changes.
F. The City shall compensate the Contracting Officer for any additional
verified cost incurred in the process of running this election or for a manual count this
election may require, consistent with charges and hourly rates shown on Exhibit"C" for
required services.
G. The City shall pay the Contracting Officer 90% of the estimated cost to
run the said election prior to Friday, September 16, 2005. The Contracting Officer shall
place the funds in a "contract fund" as prescribed by Section 31.100 of the Texas Election
Code. The Deposit should be delivered within the mandatory time frame to:
Collin County Treasury
200 McDonald, Suite 310
McKinney, Texas 75069
ATTN: Alice Dobecka
H. The City shall pay the cost of conducting said election, less partial
payment, including the 10% administrative fee,pursuant to the Texas Election Code,
Section 31.100, within 30 days from the date of final billing.
A. Nothing contained in this contract shall authorize or permit a change in the
officer with whom or the place at which any document or record relating to the City's
November 8, 2005, Special Election is to be filed or the place at which any function is to
be carried out, or any nontransferable functions specified under Section 31.096 of the
Texas Election Code.
B. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will provide copies of all invoices
and other charges received in the process of running said election for the City.
C. The Contracting Officer shall file copies of this contract with the County
Judge and the County Auditor of Collin County, Texas.
November 8,2005,Special Election—City of Wylie
8/18/2005 Page 8
Sharon Rowe
Elections Administrator
Collin County, Texas
Attested: Carole Ehrlich John Mondy, Mayor
City Secretary City of Wylie, Texas
City of Wylie, Texas
November 8, 2005,Special Election—City of Wylie
8/18/2005 Page 9
November 8, 2005, SPECIAL ELECTION
City of Wylie
Early Voting Locations and Hours
Collin County Election Department 2010 Redbud Blvd. #102 McKinney
(Main Early Voting Location)
Wylie Municipal Complex 2000 N. Hwy. 78 Wylie
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
October 23 October 24 October 25 October 26 October 27 October 28 October 29
8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm
October 30 October 31 November 1 November 2 November 3 November 4 November 5
8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 7am-7pm 7am-7pm
November 6 November 7 November 8 November 9 November 10 November 11 November 12
Election Day
NOTE: To provide additional convenience to the City of Wylie voters, all
Early Voting locations adopted for use in the November 8, 2005, Special
Election, will be available for use.
November 8,2005,Special Election—City of Wylie
8/18/2005 Page 10
November 8, 2005, SPECIAL ELECTION
City of Wylie and Wylie ISD
Election Day Polling Locations
Poling Place Collin County Voting Address City
; . Precincts
Wylie High School 25, 27, 33, 41, 56, 83, 133, 2550 W. Hwy. 544 Wylie
144, 153, 159
1A (Rockwall County),
2601 (Dallas County)
November 8,2005,Special Election—City of Wylie
8/18/2005 Page 11
November 8,2005
Exhibit"C"-ELE XXX
Number of Early Voting Locations 1
Number of Election Day Location: 1
Units Cost WCTY Units Cost WCTY/County
Sample Ballots $1.10 each 50 $55.00 300 $330.00
Early Voting Mail Ballots $1.20 each 5 $6.00 50 $60.00
Early voting and election day kits $25.00 each 0 $0.00 2 $50.00
Central Counting kit and supplies $50.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $50.00
County Precinct Maps $12.00 each 0 $0.00 2 $24.00
Printer Labels for EV $15.95 each 0 $0.00 6 $95.70
Total $61.00 $609.70
Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 2
SubTotal $61.00 $304.85
Grand Total $365.85
Number of Early Voting Locations 1
Number of Election Day Location: 1
Units Cost WCTY Units Cost WISD/WCTY
Voting Machines $200.00 each 0 $0.00 9 $1,800.00
Machine Drayage $28.00 each 0 $0.00 9 $252.00
L&A Testing $20.00 each 0 $0.00 9 $180.00
Transfer Cases $5.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $5.00
Metal Signs $1.00 each 0 $0.00 2 $2.00
Wood Signs $2.00 each 0 $0.00 2 $4.00
Large Early Voting Signs $5.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $5.00
Early Voting Cabinet $50.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $50.00
Tote Box $1.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $1.00
Early Voting Computer $300.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $300.00
Total $0.00 $2,599.00
Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 2
SubTotal $0.00 $1,299.50
Grand Total $1,299.50
Number of Early Voting Locations 1
Workers each location 4
Units Cost WCTY Units Cost WCTY/County
EV Ballot Board Fluctuates 1 $50.00 0 $0.00
Mailed Ballot Kits $1.00 each 5 $5.00 50 $50.00
Postage for Ballots $0.58 each 2 $1.16 20 $11.60
Assemble EV Location $50.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $50.00
Total Judge Hours $10.00 each 0 $0.00 127 $1,270.00
Total Alt.Judge&Clerk Hours $8.00 each 0 $0.00 375 $3,000.00
Pickup&Delivery of Supplies $25.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $25.00
Total $56.16 $4,406.60
Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 2
SubTotal $56.16 $2,203.30
Grand Total $2,259.46
Number of Election Day Locations 1
Workers each location 4
Units Cost WCTY Units Cost WCTY/County
Total Judge Hours $10.00 each 0 $0.00 14 $140.00
Total Alt.Judge&Clerk Hours $8.00 each 0 $0.00 42 $336.00
Election Day Technical Support $100.00 per site 0 $0.00 1 $100.00
Pickup&Delivery of Supplies $25.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $25.00
Total $0.00 $601.00
Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 2
SubTotal $0.00 $300.50
Grand Total $300.50
Number of Early Voting Locations 1
Number of Election Day Locations 1
Units Cost WCTY Units Cost WCTY/County
Manual Recount Deposit $60.00 each 1 $60.00 0 $0.00
Process Pollworker Checks $1.50 each 0 $0.00 8 $12.00
Process Election Judge Notices $1.50 each 0 $0.00 4 $6.00
Total $60.00 $18.00
Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 2
SubTotal $60.00 $9.00
Grand Total $69.00
Tabulation Network $4,000.00
Programming $2,050.00
Notice of Tabulation Test $100.00
Total $6,150.00
Cost for Central Count Workers $1,500.00
FICA on Election Workers $2,500.00
Assemble EV Location $50.00
Early Voting Machines in McKinney(6) $1,200.00
L&A Testing of Equipment(6) $120.00
Early Voting Computer in McKinney $300.00
Early Voting Personnel in McKinney $3,000.00
Printer Labels for Early Voting $200.00
County Overtime and Temporaries $10,000.00
FICA& Retirement for County Employees $2,000.00
Total $20,870.00
Total for Tabulation &Centralized Costs $27,020.00
Proportionate Sharing based on Registered Voters:
Total Collin County - 356,230 96.4% of Total = $26,047.28
City of Wylie - 13,119 3.6% of Total = $972.72
EARLY VOTING $2,259.46
Total $5,267.03
10% Administrative Fee $526.70
Grand Total $5,793.73
90% Due By September 16, 2005 $5,214.36
City Secretary's Use Only
Council Meeting Of: August 30, 2005 Originating Department: City Manager
Prepared By: Mark B. Roath
Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: August 24, 2005
Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One
AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon Ordinance No. 2005-39 that the City of Wylie finds certain rate
case expenses of CoSery Gas Ltd. are reasonable; providing for recovery of rate case expenses; providing for
repeal of conflicting ordinances.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Pass Ordinance 2005-39 approving $260,041 in rate case expenses for CoSery
Gas Ltd. as reasonable and necessary costs for the recent rate proceeding and allowing recovery of approved
expenses of CoSery and Cities through a customer surcharge.
Council previously acted to approve the settlement of CoServ's rate increase request and to approve expenses
incurred by the Coalition of Cities. The settlement reduced the Company's proposed annual revenue increase
from $1,165,525 to $500,000.
CoSery requested $443,000 in rate case expenses. However, the cities considered that amount to be excessive and
negotiated with the Company for a reduction to $260,041.
CoSery originally proposed recovery of approved rate case expenses only from in-city customers with the
calculation of the customer surcharge to be based on lower system gas volumes delivered in previous years.
Negotiations with the Company resulted in a system-wide allocation of expenses with the surcharge to be
calculated on estimated gas volumes for 2005. Using a broader customer base and higher volumes resulted in a
significantly lower per-customer charge.
Customer surcharge will last approximately twelve months and is expected to be about $0.10 Mcf. The Company
will only be allowed to recover the actual amount of expenses approved for the Company and those reimbursed to
the Cities. The estimated impact on average monthly residential customer bills will be $0.62. Of that amount,
approximately $0.09 is attributable to city expenses and the remainder is due to expenses approved for the
APPROVED BY: Initial Date
Department Director: \
City Manager: MBR \ 8-25-05
WHEREAS, on or about August 25, 2004, CoSery Gas Ltd. ("CoServ" or"Company"), filed with
the City of Wylie a Statement of Intent to change gas rates in all municipalities within the CoSery System
effective October 1, 2004; and
WHEREAS, the City has exclusive original jurisdiction to evaluate the Company's Statement of
Intent as it pertains to the distribution facilities located within the City, pursuant to Texas Utilities Code
§§ 102.001(b) and 103.001; and
WHEREAS, the Company and the Coalition of Cities Served by CoSery ("Cities") reached an
agreement as to CoServ's filed request to increase rates; and
WHEREAS, the agreement between the Company and the Cities was finally approved by the City
of Wylie by Ordinance dated January 25, 2005; and
WHEREAS, the issue of rate case expenses incurred by the Company was severed from the
Ordinance approving the agreement; and
WHEREAS, the City has retained jurisdiction over the rate case expense reimbursement issue as
a result of extensions of the jurisdictional deadline by CoServ, pursuant to said agreement; and
WHEREAS, the City has previously determined that the Cities' rate case expenses are reasonable
and should be reimbursed by CoServ; and
WHEREAS, the Cities' rate case expenses do not include the expenses incurred by the City of
Denton and Denton has agreed that its rate case expenses shall be billed to the Company separately by
that city and shall not be surcharged to any customers outside the City of Denton; and
WHEREAS, the amount of rate case expenses incurred by the Company that were reasonable and
necessary are $260,041.00.
SECTION 1. That the Cities' rate case expenses have previously been found to be reasonable and
shall be reimbursed promptly by the Company.
SECTION 2. That it is in the best interest of the City and its residents to approve rate case
expenses incurred by CoSery Gas Ltd., in the total amount of $260,041.00 and only those Company
expenses are hereby found to be reasonable and necessary.
Ordinance No.2005-39
CoSery Gas Rate Increase Expenses
SECTION 3. That the Company is authorized to recover the rate case expenses reimbursed to the
Cities, exclusive of those incurred by the City of Denton, and the Company's rate case expenses approved
herein through a consumption-based 12-month surcharge calculated on a system-wide basis. The
surcharge shall be based upon anticipated system-wide volumetric consumption for the calendar year
2005, estimated by the Company to be 28,949,610 Ccf.
SECTION 4. That after submission of the Cities' expenses, the Company shall calculate the
surcharge and submit the calculation to the City. Six months after the first date on which any rate case
expense surcharge is due from customers, the Company shall submit a statement to the City showing the
amount recovered by the Company through the surcharge and the amount remaining to be recovered. The
Company shall also submit a final reconciliation to the City, not more than thirty (30) days after one year
from the first date on which any rate case expense surcharge is collected by the Company, to prove that
the Company has not over-recovered rate case expenses. Any over-recovery shall be promptly refunded
by the Company. The Company may submit the initial calculations and progress reports to the Cities'
rate steering committee chairman and legal counsel to comply with this provision, unless the City makes a
written request that the calculations and reports be submitted to the City.
SECTION 5. That all relief requested by CoSery not specifically addressed herein is denied.
SECTION 6. That it is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this
Ordinance is passed is open to the public as required by law and that public notice of the time, place and
purpose of said meeting was given as required.
SECTION 7. That a copy of this ordinance, constituting final action on rate case expense issues
resulting from the CoSery Statement of Intent filed with the City to change gas rates in all municipalities
within the CoSery System, be forwarded to the appropriate designated representative of the Company,
Charles D. Harrell, Chief Financial Officer, CoSery Gas Ltd., 7701 South Stemmons, Corinth, Texas
76210-1842, within ten(10) days.
SECTION 8. Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall be construed now or hereafter as limiting
or modifying, in any manner, the right and power of the City under law to regulate the rates and charges
of CoSery Gas Ltd.
SECTION 9. All ordinances, resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with this Ordinance are
repealed to the extent of such conflict.
DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the
30th day of August, 2005.
City Secretary City Attorney
Date of Publication in The Wylie News—September 7, 2005
Ordinance No.2005-39
CoSery Gas Rate Increase Expenses
Item No. 1
CITY OF WYLIE City Secretary's Use Only
Council Meeting Of: August 30, 2005 Originating Department: Finance
Prepared By: Larry Williamson
Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: August 24, 2005
Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One
AGENDA SUBJECT: Hold a Public Hearing on the fiscal year 2005-2006 Proposed Budget. All interested
persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard, either for or against any item on the proposed budget. At the
end of the hearing, the City Council will schedule the time and place that the vote will be taken on the proposed
RECOMMENDED ACTION: The City Council must schedule and announce the meeting to adopt the
proposed budget currently set for September 13, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers, Wylie Municipal
Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098
The City is required by law to follow certain meeting and notice (publication) guidelines.
APPROVED BY: Initial Date
Department Director: LW \ 8/24/05
City Manager: eopi. g/za/ate
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Article VII Section 3 of the City of Wylie City Charter,that the Wylie City Council will conduct a public hearing on the
proposed City Budget for Fiscal Year 2006 on the 30th day of August 2005,at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex,2000 SH78 North,
Wylie,Tx.Copies of the proposed budget are available for inspection by the public at the Reta and Truett Smith Library,the City Secretary's Office and the City Manager's
Office during regular business hours.
The following is a General Summary of the budget which has been proposed.
BEGINNING BALANCES $ 3,251,080 $ 3,310,670 $ 571,130 $ 321,620 $ 4,478,280 $ 2,048,880 $ 205,370 $ 1,307,570 $ 15,494,600
Ad Valorem Taxes 8,951,520 - 2,119,460 - - - - - 11,070,980
Non-Property Taxes 1,849,140 1,838,640 - - - - - - 3,687,780
Franchise Fees 1,479,850 - - - - - - - 1,479,850
Licenses&Permits 1,114,000 - - - - - - - 1,114,000
Intergovernmental 305,250 109,100 - - - - - 414,350
Service Fees 1,580,700 697,000 - - - 7,977,400 406,770 10,661,870
Court Fees 371,000 - - - - - - - 371,000
Interest&Misc.Income 158,000 29,500 15,000 3,000 50,000 100,000 2,000 30,000 387,500
TOTAL REVENUES 15,809,460 2,674,240 2,134,460 3,000 50,000 8,077,400 2,000 436,770 29,187,330
Transfers from Other Funds 442,920 260,000 - 606,280 - - - - 1,309,200
TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 19,503,460 6,244,910 2,705,590 930,900 4,528,280 10,126,280 207,370 1,744,340 45,991,130
General Government 4,618,690 - - - - - - 51,000 4,669,690
Public Safety 7,069,220 1,070,080 - - - - - 172,000 8,311,300
Development Services 1,037,720 - - - - - - - 1,037,720
Streets 1,501,740 - - - - - - - 1,501,740
Community Services 1,989,750 708,810 - - - - - - 2,698,560
Utilities - - - - - 6,734,080 - 13,000 6,747,080
Debt Service - - 2,198,650 606,280 - 2,254,080 - - 5,059,010
Capital Projects - - - - 3,000,000 - - - 3,000,000
Economic Development - 1,433,630 - - - - - 1,433,630
TOTAL EXPENDITURES 16,217,120 3,212,520 2,198,650 606,280 3,000,000 8,988,160 - 236,000 34,458,730
Transfers to Other Funds 260,000 629,200 - - - 420,000 - - 1,309,200
ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 3,026,340 $ 2,403,190 $ 506,940 $ 324,620 $ 1,528,280 $ 718,120 $ 207,370 $ 1,508,340 $ 10,223,200
TOTAL REVENUES $ 30,496,530
CiCitySecretata ry's Use Only
Council Meeting Of: August 30, 2005 Originating Department: Finance
Prepared By: Larry Williamson
Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: August 24, 2005
Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Two
AGENDA SUBJECT: Hold the Second Public Hearing on the proposed tax rate for fiscal year 2005-2006 and
provide taxpayers an opportunity to express their views on the tax rate. At the end of the hearing, the City
Council must set and announce the date, time, and place of the meeting at which it will vote on the final proposed
tax rate.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: The City Council must schedule and announce the meeting to adopt the tax rate
currently set for September 13, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers, Wylie Municipal Complex, 2000
Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098
In accordance with the "Truth in Taxation" laws of the State of Texas, on August 9, 2005, the City Council took a
roll call vote on the proposed tax rate and scheduled a two public hearings on the tax rate. The first public hearing
was held on August 23, 2005. The second public hearing is scheduled for August 30, 2005. The notice of the two
public hearings were published in the McKinney Courier-Gazette on August 15, 2005, and the Wylie News on
August 17, 2005. The purpose of the second public hearing on August 30, 2005, is to give the taxpayers an
additional opportunity to express their views on the tax rate. At the end of the hearing, the City Council must set
and announce the date, time, and place of the meeting at which it will vote on the final proposed tax rate.
The official detailed effective tax rate calculations are available in the office of the Collin County Tax
Assessor/Collector (Kenneth L. Maun) in McKinney. A copy is also maintained in the Finance Department for
the Council and public to view.
The proposed budget is based on the proposed tax rate of$0.695 per $100 valuation. This is the rate previously
discussed by the Council. Any change in the proposed tax rate will require revision of the proposed budget.
The City is required by law to follow certain meeting and notice(publication) guidelines.
APPROVED BY: Initial Date
Department Director: LW \ 8/18/05
City Manager: P4 \ g/z4/o'
Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase
Last year, the Wylie City property tax rate was $0.695000. That rate
raised $9,349,704, a portion of which was used to fund operations such
as: Maintenance and Operations Fund and Interest and Sinking Funds
This year, Wylie City is proposing a property tax rate of$0.695000. That
rate would raise $10,888,265, which is $1,538,561 more than taxes
imposed last year.
There will be two public hearings to consider that increase. The first
public hearing will be held on August 23, 2005 at 6:00 PM at City
Council Chambers, Wylie Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North,
Wylie, Texas 75098. The second hearing will be held on August 30,
2005 at 6:00 PM at City Council Chambers, Wylie Municipal Complex,
2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098.
You have a right to attend the hearings and make comments. You are
encouraged to attend and make comments if you wish.
2005 Property Tax Rates in Wylie City
This notice concerns 2005 property fax rates for Wylie City. It presents Information about three tax rates. Last year's
tax rate is the actual rate the taxing unit used to determine property taxes last year.This year's effective tax rate would
Impose the same total taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. This year's rollback tax rate is
the highest tax rate the taxing unit can set before taxpayers can start tax rollback procedures. In each case these rates
are found by dividing the total amount of taxes by the tax base(the total value of taxable property)with ad)usenents as
-required by state law.The rates are given per S100 of property value.
ilk yeri`it tisk'hits: ''' '', . . Qi
Last psArsbfkretlrg taxes" "-' -"," $7,478,526$1,671,178
Last year's debt taxes $1,871,178
Last year's total taxes g1,3$9,349,704
Last year's tax base 51,345,200/,151
Last years total tax rate
This year's effective tax rate:
Last year's adjusted taxes(after subtracting taxes on lost property) S9,305,436
+Thia year's adjusted tax base(after subtracting value of new property) S1,403,520,093
:This years effective tax rate
(Maximum rate unless unit publishes notices and holds hearings.)
This year's rollback tax rate: $7,443,t 17
Last year's adjusted operating taxes
(ater;subtracting taxes on lost property and adjusting for any transferred function,tax increment financing.and/or
enhanced indigent health care expenditures)
+This year's adjusted tax base $1,403,520,093
=This years effective operating rate 0.530318/5100
x 1.00=this years maximum operating rate 0.572743/5100
+This years debt rate 0.133053/$100
=This years total rollback rate 0.705796/5100
Statement of Moreaste/Decrease
If Wylie City adopts d 2005 tax rate equal to the effective tax rate of 50.663006 per$100 of value,taxes would increase
compared to 2004 taxes by$1,037.325.
Schedule A-Unencumbered Fund Balances
The lollowing estimated balances will be left in the unit's property tax accounts at the end of the fiscal year.These bal-
ances are not encumbered by a corresponding debt obligation.
Type of Properly Te Eund @aim==
M&O $3,012,310
18 S $568,170
Schedule B-2006 Debt Service
Principal or Wares)io be
Contract Payment Rid from
Description le be Paid from Properly Amaums Total
of Debt Property Taxes Taus _toed._ Payment
(ten.Ohag.Series $66,667 $57,41 i $500 SI24.581
. 1997
Gen.0611g.Scrim $125900 $133.919 $500 $259,419
Gen.Wig.Series $75.000 $89.423 5500 $16.923
Urn.(lbllg.Series $11931C0 $180,763 $500 $311.263
Tax Naas Series $110,0)) $1,925 $5(0 $112,425
Gen.Oblig.Seties $85,000 $92.329 $500 $177,829
Tax Nan Inks $50.000 $1.993 $500 $52,193
Public Rq•.Fin. $65,000 $1,658 $.500 $67.158
Contr.0blig 1999
Oee.0bag.Refund $365,000 $418.906 $5000 $784,406
A lrrkeovernenl
Cont.Tax A $215,000 $251 311 $500 $166,811
Total Required for 20)5 Debt Service $2,551.308
.Annual tx any)paid Iran atoll listed in Scheduk A $0
.Ararat(a any)pakt from other reso rcer $466,811
-Excess collections last year SO
s Total to be paid Sow taxes In 2005 $2,084,497
s Anxsad added in anticipation that Ira wait will 30
called Daly 100.00%of in taxer in 2005
-,Total Debt t.ety S2,084,497
TM notice contains a eurtatsy of actual effective and rollback tax rates'calculations.You can
1orlw-t a copy of the full eakutatious al 1800N.Groom,Suite 170.McKinney.Texas.75069.
Nnnte of pries preparing this office:Kenneth Main
Title:Collin Country Tax Assessor Collator
Date Prepatad:August 5,2005 r