01-08-2008 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council CITY:F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda January 8, 2008 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex- Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North John Mondy Mayor M. G. "Red" Byboth Mayor Pro Tem David Goss Place 1 Kathy Spillyards Place 3 Merrill Young Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Carter Porter Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS • Presentation to 3rd Six Weeks Star Students — Character Trait of "Caring". (I Mondy, Mayor/Council) CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. January 8,2008 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes from the December 5, 2007 Special Called Meeting, December 11, 2007 Regular Meeting, and the December 20, 2007 Special Called Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2008-01(R) establishing a public newspaper of general circulation to be the "Official Newspaper" for the City of Wylie and further designating a secondary newspaper for notices requiring specific legal requirements. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) C. Consider, and act upon, approval and final acceptance of Nortex Pump Station Improvements and authorize final payment to Crescent Constructors, Inc., in the amount of $28,273.48, and accept the project as complete. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) D. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2008-02(R) authorizing submittal of grant applications to the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) for state solid waste implementation funds. (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) E. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2008-01 amending Zoning Ordinance 2005- 28 Article 3 (Residential District Regulations) as it relates to Yard Requirements. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearings 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, an amendment to Zoning Ordinance 2006-04, Article 5, Section 5.1(F)(3): Retail, Personal Service and Commercial, establishing regulations specifying the location of Major Automobile Repair uses. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Executive Summary Staff has conducted research on the permitted uses within the Light-Industrial (LI) District. Particularly Automobile Repair, Major. Currently the use is allowed by right in Commercial Corridor and Heavy- Industrial Zoning Districts. Staff has been approached by a property owner who wishes to operate such use in the City limits of Wylie. However, the property is currently zoned LI. The subject property is located within the Regency Business Park Addition. 2. Hold a Public Hearing for the annexation of a 0.1079 acre tract of land situated in the H. Maxwell Survey, Abstract No. 579, Collin County, Texas, generally located south of F.M. 544,west of Maxwell Creek Road, and adjacent to Woodbridge North Development. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) January 8,2008 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 Executive Summary This annexation is at the request of the City of Wylie. The property is located south of F. M. 544, west of Maxwell Creek Road, and adjacent to Woodbridge North Development. Whereas, the City Council of the City of Murphy, Texas has disannexed from the corporate limits of the City of Murphy (Ordinance 07-11- 737), Collin County, Texas, as described in Exhibit A and as further depicted in Exhibit B (attached), a 0.1079 acre uninhabited tract of land that contains no residents of the City of Murphy,Texas. General Business 3. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P., in an amount not to exceed $1,048,000, for the design of the expansion of Brown Street from FM 1378 to Ballard Avenue. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) Executive Summary The 2005 City of Wylie Bond Program identified $9,000,000 for the design and construction of approximately 9,500 linear feet of 4-lane concrete pavement section with sidewalks on Brown Street from FM 1378 to Ballard Avenue. $4,453,750 was also included in the recent Collin County Bond Program for the project as shown on the attached table. Total funds available for the project are$13,453,750. The first bond issue included$1,220,000 for engineering and right of way acquisition for this project. 4. Consider, and act upon, approval of the proposed City of Wylie Storm Water Management Plan to be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) Executive Summary The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)issued regulations in 1999 to protect storm water quality in urbanized areas. In Texas, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)was delegated the responsibility for implementing the regulations, commonly called the Phase II Storm Water program. The City of Wylie is one of several hundred cities, counties, and other public entities required to develop a program to protect storm water quality under Phase II regulations. The EPA required the TCEQ to develop permit conditions for General Permit Number TXR040000 by December 9,2002 to regulate public entities such as the City. The TCEQ finalized the permit on August 13, 2007 requiring the City to develop and submit a plan for a storm water management program within 180 days. The program will need to be implemented over the next five years. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article III, Section 13-D. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certj t that this Notice of Meeting was posted on A° I ,J12nuary, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texc ,v 0' °and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As courtesy, this n is also pi`t ph' City of Y ea;}vebsite: www.wylietexas.gov. , Carole E lie , ity Secretary �: Da Notice em ved '''ii -C I E TV"P nIIIIIIIItt"o Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 8, 2007 Item Number: Presentation Department: PIO (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Craig Kelly Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: December 26, 2007 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: Subject Presentation to 3rd Six Weeks Star Students—Character Trait of"Caring". Recommendation N/A Discussion As a "Partner in Education," the Wylie City Council honors Star Students in conjunction with the Wylie Independent School District's Character Education Program. Every six weeks, each WISD campus selects one student who exemplifies the highlighted character trait. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CK 12/26/07 City Manager Page 1 of 1 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie City Council Special Called Meeting Tuesday, December 5, 2007 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Mondy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council Members present were: Mayor Pro Tem Red Byboth, Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman David Goss, Councilman Rick White, Councilman Merrill Young and Councilman Carter Porter. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; Library Director, Rachel Orozco; Planning Director, Renae' 011ie; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff. WORK SESSION • Presentation update and discussion related to the design development and construction of the new Library, Recreation Center and City Hall including "LEEDS" (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design). (ARCHITEXAS, Architect/Holzman Moss, Architecture) Craig Melde, Principal for ArchiTexas opened the discussion and introduced members of the Wylie team. They included: Malcolm Holzman, Principal; Doug Moss, Principal; Daniel Arbelaez, design architect, and Margaret Sullivan, design architect from Holzman Moss Architecture. Mark Scruggs, Kenneth Heinzmann, and Eduardo Churquina representing ArchiTexas and Sam Buskarkhah, engineer for Baskarkhah Engineering, Inc. Rick Rogers and Justin Burt representing the construction management team from Thomas S. Byrne. Mr. Melde stated that he was very excited to present the conclusion of the design development phase. He explained that the design process included a very hefty set of design plans to insure that the project was on budget and stated that he was pleased to report that the project, at the final design development, was on budget. He noted that what the team was presenting tonight is what can be built within the schematic design and budget approved by the Council. He explained that some of the site work came in a little high, therefore some value engineering was completed for Minutes— 12-5-07 Special Called Meeting Wylie City Council Page 1 the design of the building to stay within the design intent but stay within budget. Mr. Melde reviewed with Council some of the value engineering items that were incorporated into the project. These included: gravel fire lane rather than grass pavers, replacing poplar wall paneling with custom wall covering, replace ACME wall with interior storefront; deleted automatic light- dimming system with occupancy sensors; replaced underground ducts with overhead duct distribution in the council chambers, and reduced the steel tonnage in all three buildings. These revisions, if approved by Council, would save $809,765 in overall costs. Mr. Melde explained the presentation agenda would include discussion regarding sustainability recommendations that have been incorporated into the final design, budget costs, presentation of the interior design and exterior design and finally a question and answer period. He noted that what the team wished to accomplish was approval regarding the design presentation to allow the team to move into the next phase of the projects which would be the construction documents. David Moss presented the exterior design of the building, noting that the roof would allow for collection of water to be reused for the irrigation systems and toilets by collecting the water from the roof area into bins on the south side of the building. He explained the green areas around the parking lanes would also collect water during heavy rain storms. He reported this would save the City approximately $10,000 per year and would pay the cost of constructing within the first five years. Councilman Young asked if these collection areas could be converted to ponds. Mr. Moss explained that the areas would have to be enlarged both in depth and width to allow that to take place. Some of the "greener" structure designs also included natural light throughout the buildings, equipment to govern the amount of air needed to be heated and cooled based on the time of day, amount of use, and number of people actually in an area, including economizer cycles. He noted that the exterior of the building on the north side would be stone block walls both on the interior and exterior, which represent tradition and comes from Texas. The design will feature a "unique symbolic vision of the community" and will feature an 8 foot long wall arranged in such a way to create an interesting texture when light falls on it and allow for movement of North Texas soil, without cracking. The south side of the building will be constructed of painted steel metal panels of varying colors that will look over the "meadow area". Mayor Mondy and Council members had concerns regarding the amount of steel on the south side of the buildings; noting this did not meet exterior construction codes for Wylie. Mayor Mondy stated that the City needed to meet or exceed construction standards approved for the City. He explained that the city set higher standards for its citizens; "we as a Council need to meet those standards". Councilman White stated that "the City needed to comply with the same standards they are asking the builders to comply with; to do anything else would be hypocritical." Mayor Mondy asked Mr. Holzman what the cost would be to replace the steel exterior on the south side with masonry. Mr. Holzman reported that the cost would be approximately three times the cost of the metal panels which are estimated at over $600,000. Councilman Goss asked if some of the cost could be saved by making the interior wall on the north side, a material other than the stone block. Mr. Holzman stated that the team would report back with some options for materials within the building and zoning standards. Some of the other design items included in the presentation were: double height entrance lobby, open glass doors and walls to each department area, and restrooms on each floor. Mayor Mondy stated that he believed the restrooms; during peak times would not accommodate the patrons and employees for each floor, especially on the first floor with council meetings and other activities. He asked if in twenty years this would accommodate the additional staff and public. He suggested the design team take a look at this issue and extend the number of stalls. Mayor Mondy also suggested the design team look at security issues within the council chambers. Mr. Moss reported that the team had not addressed this item yet, but would be reviewing for inclusion in the final design and construction documents. Minutes— 12-5-07 Special Called Meeting Wylie City Council Page 2 Council Direction Council members urged the design team to replace the metal with some type of masonry and report back to Council with options including the cost for each option. Direction was also given to reduce costs in other areas to compensate for the masonry changes. Councilman Young asked that the team review the construction standards for percentage of"other materials" which could be used within the "special areas". Mayor Mondy asked the library staff and design team to look at the most advantageous positioning of the librarian's desks. Councilman White asked the team to review some type of material like stone that could be placed around the detention receptacles on the south side of the building. Councilman Goss asked that the structural integrity of the building remain with regard to changes to the wall materials. He also noted omitting the electronic nets for both the basketball and volleyball courts. He also asked the team to review the acoustic material going to the floor in the library. Direction from Council with regard to LEEDS was to construct the buildings using energy efficiently and incorporate LEEDS items, without the LEEDS certification. Mr. Holzman reported that the team would report back to Council in approximately a month with options for the south exterior wall. Mr. Melde asked, with the exception of the areas discussed if the consensus of Council was to move forward with construction documents. Council direction was to move forward. Mr. Melde reported that construction documents should be complete by May of 2008 with ground-breaking in June or July of 2008. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before Council, Mayor Mondy adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. Consensus of Council was to adjourn. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes— 12-5-07 Special Called Meeting Wylie City Council Page 3 WYLIE.SUSTAINABLE STRATEGIES NUALf DS' COST O Pf*C1,ffC" ABt}l E `TEARS ft3R; ITEM 'QUALITATIVE BENEFIT' QUANTITAT1vEBEME f SAVU'$ 'TRADmQNAkSELECTION`;` PAYBACK SITE Bioswales and detention ponds Absorbs surface runoff from paved areas and reduces site erosion. Saves water. Use of native plant species Requires less water,maintenance and herbicides. Saves water. Selection of Buffalograss instead of Bermudagrass Uses 50%less water and is resistant to drought conditions. Saves water. High-Efficiency Irrigation system Minimizes usage and delivers water directly to root zone. Saves water. Light-colored concrete for parking lot Minimizes heat-island effect. Lowers temperature. Pervious surface for fire lane Reduces surface runoff. Reduces load on storm sewers. Site Lighting Design Eliminates light pollution,reduces sky-glow. Reduces impact on nocturnal environments. High ratio of open space Promotes biodiversity and increases connection to outdoors. Provides habitat for vegetation and wildlife. Green buffers between parking bays Encourages stormwater infiltration to replenish underground aquifers. Reduces load on storm sewers. PLUMBING Waterless urinals No water use; Reduced installation and maintenance costs. 337,000 gallons of water saved. $ 2,938 <$15,000 <5 Captured stormwater from roof Used for toilets and irrigation;Reduces use of municipal water. 2,077,000 gallons of water saved. $ 10,385 >$50,000 >5 Reduced-flow plumbing fixtures 25%water use reduction over standard fixtures. 108,000 gallons of water saved. $ 540 <$2,500 <5 HVAC High-Velocity hand dryers 80%less energy cost per use vs conventional hand dryers. Saves energy. 95%cost savings vs.paper towels. 860,000 paper towels saved. Eliminates cost of ordering,storing,replenishing and disposing of paper towels. 860,000 paper towels saved. Occupancy Sensors Uses less electricity. Reduces cooling costs. Saves energy. T5 high-efficiency light fixtures Uses less electricity. Reduces cooling costs. Saves energy. Economizer Cycle Lower operating cost.40%reduction in energy costs. 168,000 Kwh saved. $ 16,800 <$85,000 <5 Variable Air Volume Distribution Lower operating cost. Saves energy. $ 3,666 <$18,000 <5 Variable Chilled Water pumping Lower operating cost. Saves energy. $ 2,730 <$13,000 <S Demand Control Ventilation for Gym and Library Lower operating cost. Saves energy. $ 4,320 <$21,000 <S Solar Shading of south overhang Reduced cooling costs. 20 tons of cooling saved. $ 2,400 ARCHITECTURAL High-performance insulated glazing Reduced solar heat gain and cooling costs. Saves energy. Daylighting Reduces dependence on electricity. Increases connection to outdoors. Saves energy. Low-Emitting materials Improves Indoor Air Quality. Increased productivity.Less absenteeism. Roof overhang Reduced solar heat gain and cooling costs. Saves energy. Recycled and/or refurbished work stations Reduces demand on virgin materials and reduces waste. Reduces move-in costs. High-reflectance roof Minimizes heat-island effect.Reduces cooling costs. Saves energy. Recycled-content materials Reduces demand on virgin materials. Reduces waste. Regional stone from within 500 mile radius Supports regional economy.Reduces environmental impact from transportation. Contributes to regional economy. - --------------Metal siding from within 500 mile radius Supports regional economy.Reduces environmental impact from transportation. Contributes to regional economy. Construction waste management plan Reduces waste generated from construction. Generates material for re-use. Reduces landfill waste. STRUCTURAL Recycled Steel Reduces use of natural resources Saves resources. I LJ % VEHICULAR �" �°'ee,�,ee,�,,se!►1°'e0hbO. �/ /0 %j #7-?�� 47 r aj , ��� `/ i j = .� ) co CURRENT SCHEME ����h II��? ;'� II,.. PLANTED AREA: 2.57 ACRES / to, r 49 +. ,.." �✓ �`O PAVED AREA: 3.95 ACRES ✓ •• + c) /_ TOTAL AREA: 6.52 ACRES �� � � � ^� ` PARKING QUANTITY BA , 6', M. /k VISITOR 200 VVVam. ,, I jELEET 17 / ■ `,/ WVCITY HALL EMPLOYEE 104 II- 1 ` I IREC CENTER EMPLOYEE 10 ' �- 'LIBRARY EMPLOYEE 19 TOTAL 350 / d L. r- , r - -_i �J v , nT..u I44111 see1.sq 4w`o eearse_rel1—,, +�� `U� r? llba ll 6s 10NT'WIT ALTERNATE SCHEME / Ut`,;.•V/ „/f� ��I�� :0:: � .ItPLANTED AREA: 0.67ACRES 11y1. !V! VPAVED AREA: 3.95 ACRES 9 � V V41 a TOTALAREA: 4.62ACRES•vvll (�J' � ��� (U ��� PARKING QUANTITY / /n:; ,���fR �� •'I�n. ,04.4 �:.'�•G � ��� , ,VISITOR 223 ,tie �i/ 6 � CITY HALL EMPLOYEE- 104 4iiiiiiiima. �'isomma�,,� �- � � JREC CENTER EMPLOYEE 10 iiiiiiiii�- ,LIBRARY EMPLOYEE 20 TOTAL 377 _ N wri amt. / IIIN MI iir i F uua:,--so.od dd 2.05.07 PARKING WYLIE CIV - !� ::2 ENE WYLIE, TEXASICCENTER �� AZ';-:, b' $:iOl. • (7 : '; ,! :::::: . RI NG_ f . 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CR, TEC a UIl r 12.05.07 TOTAL PROJECT COST MODEL CITY HALL REC CENTER LIBRARY RcnITFTAE TOTALS D a HALL ITV HALL VARIANCE EC CENTER E[�NTER VARIANCE ARV tlaR/,RV 1 TOTAL TOTAL E UDGEr DD ESmMMTE SD WDGEr DD F ET DD ESTIMATE VARIANCE SD BUDGET DD ESTIMATE VARIANCE AREA GROSS SQUARE FEET 43,500 43,518 18 44,500 45,579 1,079 45,960 45,960 1 • 133,960 135,057 I 1,097 I.CONSTRUCTION COSTS 1.Site $166,707 $7%,7931 96S166,7071 5796,793 $166,707 5796,794 5500,121 52,390,380. 51,890,259 2.Buildings $9,922,532_ 59,887,115 $35,417 $9,837,241 I 1_ $8,653,251 $1,183,990 09,164,7031 58,493,851 5670,852 528,924,476 S27,034,217' 01,890,259 Total Construction Costs(includes 6.00%contingency) $10,089,239 $10,683,9081 -$594,669 510,003,948i $9,450,044 $553,904 59,331,410 S9,290,645 $40,765 529,424,597 $29.424,597 50 Cost per Square Foot $231.94 5245.51 5224.81 $207.33 5203.03 $202.15 $219.65 $217.87 II.OTHER PROJECT COSTS I Arco una $100,892 5100,892 50 $100,039. $100,039 S0 $93,314- $93,314 00 5294,245 $294,2451 SO 5918,503 5918,503 50 $1,501,096 51,501,096 00 $1,218,974 Testing Services S0 552,500 $52,500 $0 552,500 $ t$52,500'974 S0 5$157,500 S$157,507$52,500 552,500 50 Owner Furnished FF6E(Telephone) S87 000 S87 000 SO S177,460 $177,460 50 $44,500 544,500 $0 $45,%0 $q5,%0SO Professional Fees 6 Expenses $1,371,018 $1,371,018 SO $121,132 $121,132:' SO $0 $1,535,000 $1,S35,003 $0 $1,535,000 $1,535,005 Owner Administrative Cost-CM Pre Construction Fees $35,000 $35,000 $O 54,121,132 54,121,132j SO SO $35,000 $35,OD0 50 535,000 535,000I SO S105,000 $105,000 50 Other Project Cost Subtotal $2,564,913 S2,564,913 $0 53,155,394 S3,155,394 S0 52,773,603 $2,773,603 5188,774 0100,892 0187,922 SI00,041 $181,196 $93,3141 S$557,890 $5557,812 $0 'Project Contingency $0 Total Other Project Costs $2,753,687 $2,665,805 551,802 551,802 $3,313,316 $3,255,435. $2,954,799 $2,866,917 - $9,051,B02 $9,051,802 III.TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Total Project Costs $12,842,926 $13,349,713 -$506,787 $13,347,264 $12,705,4791. $641,785 $/2,286,2091 $12,157,5621 5128,647 S38,476,399 S38,476,3991 Total for all Projects $38,212,754' 1 1 IV.BOND FUNDING initial Project Bond S27,189,421 Additional Bond Funding Necessary $11,023,333 I $27,789,427 $27,189,427 Total Project Bond $38,212,754 - 517,286,978 $11,286,978 Deficit $0 • - $38,476,399 $38,476,399 SO SO SO V.ADDITIONAL FUNDING-Other Sources 1.Landscape end Off Site Development Landscaping/Irrigation/Site Lighting $261,250' S261,250 S261,250 5261,250I 5261,250 $261,250 $783,750 $783,750 2.FF6E • AV/Food Service/Fitness Equipment $112,013 $112,013- $514,588 S514,5881 $142,016 5142,016 $768,617 $768;6/7 Computer,prtnter,copier,etc - $239,250 0239,250 $133,500 $133,5001 - 5137,880 $137,880 4.Library Expenditures $510,630 $5f0,630 Collection aterfal,Security,Software $0 $0 - M $0) SO 5275,000 $275,000 $275,000 5275,000 5.Owner's Administrative Casts Moving Expenses $45,000 $45,000 $5,000 $5,0001 $25,000 $25,000: $75,000 6.Increased Parking lot $62,000 $62,000 $61,000 to accommodate city requirements $0 $185,000 I Total Additional Funding $657,513 $719,513 -$62,000 5914,338 0976,3381 -562,000 5841,146 5902,1461 461,000 $2,412,997 52,597,9971 4185,000 VALUE ENGINEERING ITEMS INCLUDED IN ABOVE DD ESTIMATE SAMPLE OF VE ITEMS COST SAVINGS Deleted grass pavers for Fire Lane and replaced with gravel $188,359 Replaced poplar wall paneling w/custom wallcovering S333,533 Deleted ACME wall.Replaced with interior storefront $481,587 Deleted automatic light-dimming system.Replaced with occupancy Sensors 5480,587 Used overhead duct distribution at Council Chamber in lieu of underground ducts $25,000 Reduced the steel tonnage in ail 3 buildings S809,765 Holzman Moss Archlleoture ArchiTexas Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie City Council Tuesday, December 11, 2007 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex- Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Mondy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council Members present were: Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman David Goss, Councilman Rick White, Councilman Merrill Young and Councilman Carter Porter. Mayor Pro Tem Red Byboth was absent. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; Finance Director, Larry Williamson; Planning Director, Renae' 011ie; Assistant Police Chief, John Duscio; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; Wylie Economic Development Executive Director, Sam Satterwhite; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Fire Chief Corbin gave the invocation and Councilman Young led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Mondy announced that Items #3, #4, and #5 of the agenda would be considered first to allow time for Wal-Mart representatives to arrive and conclude Fire Department items. PRESENTATIONS • Presentation on the 2030 Plan and its impact on the City of Wylie. (K. Shelton, DART/J. Butters, Assistant City Manager) Kay Shelton, DART Planning and Development representative presented an overview of the DART System. She displayed a map showing the light rail build out which included plans for the Southwest Corridor and Northwest Corridor both to be completed in 2010. She explained that these additional corridors will take DART from the Fort Worth Area to near Wylie/Garland. The Green Line Expansion will include Victory Station and service to Fair Park and run from Garland to Rowlett by September 2010. A grant for $700 million dollars was received from the Federal Government to complete this project. She displayed the Red Line Interface Options that could take the Cotton Belt Corridor and run the corridor further east to connect close to Wylie and Lavon. There will also be plans to extend the Irving/DFW Corridor and a 2nd Downtown Alignment by the year 2013 to 2018 respectively. Ms. Shelton explained that these plans were Minutes— December 11, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 1 still being considered for options for future funding. The options could also include an additional transportation sales tax if approved by the legislature. She thanked the Wylie City Council for their support of the proposed expansion projects by passage of Resolution No. 2007-35(R). • Donation of Funds for Weather Radios. (R. Corbin, Fire Chief) Fire Chief Corbin introduced Wal-Mart Manager, Paula Stover, employee Denise Aparico and Jon Bodie representing the Wylie Amateur Radio Team. He explained that Mr. Bodie was instrumental in obtaining a grant from Wal-Mart for Weather Radios to be used during inclement weather. Mr. Bodie reported he had contacted Wal-Mart regarding a donation for the radios and was assisted immediately with funding to purchase the equipment. Chief Corbin stated that he would like to acknowledge their generosity, and the way this donation moves Wylie towards being certified as a Storm-Ready Community by the National Weather Service. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. There was no one present to address Council under Citizens Comments. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes from the November 27, 2007 Special Called Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat creating nine (9) commercial lots and one (1) open space lot for Regency Steel Business Campus, Block A, Lots 1-10, generally located east of Regency Drive and north of Steel Road. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-42 setting the time and place for all regular City Council Meetings in 2008. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) D. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of October 31, 2007. (S. Satterwhite, Executive Director, WEDC) Council Action Councilman Goss requested Item C be pulled from the Consent Agenda and consider individually. Consensus of Council was to remove and consider individually. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilwoman Spillyards to approve Items A, B, and D of the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Byboth absent. Minutes— December 11, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 2 Individual Consideration C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-42 setting the time and place for all regular City Council Meetings in 2008. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Council Discussion Councilman Goss suggested amending the proposed ordinance to set the meeting time to 7:00 p.m. opposed to 6:00 p.m. Mayor Mondy stated that he was not in favor of changing the time due to the staffing required for the Council meetings and the overtime involved in the additional work time. Councilman White stated that he had received some comments from citizens regarding the 6:00 p.m. meeting time and the issue of not having enough time to get from work to the Council meetings. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Goss, seconded by Councilman White to approve Ordinance No. 2007-42 with an amendment to change the time of meeting from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for all City Council meetings. Mayor Mondy stated that a no vote was to approve the Ordinance leaving the time at 6:00 p.m. A vote was taken with the time change failing 2-4 with Councilman Goss and Councilman White voting for the time change and Mayor Mondy, Councilwoman Spillyards, Councilman Porter and Councilman Young voting against the time change. REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearings 1. Hold the second and final Public Hearing on the need to continue, abolish or modify the City of Wylie Juvenile Curfew Ordinance No. 2005-08 and consider, and act upon, the need to continue, abolish or modify the City of Wylie Juvenile Curfew Ordinance No. 2005-08. (J. Duscio, Assistant Police Chiej) Staff Comments Assistant Police Chief Duscio addressed Council stating that the Texas Local Government Code § 370.002 (a) states that before the third anniversary of the date of adoption of a juvenile curfew ordinance by a general-law municipality or a home-rule municipality or an order of a county commissioners court, and every third year thereafter, the governing body of the general-law municipality or home-rule municipality or the commissioners court of the county shall (1) review the ordinance or order's effects on the community and on problems the ordinance or order was intended to remedy; (2) conduct public hearings on the need to continue the ordinance or order; and (3) abolish, continue, or modify the ordinance or order. He explained that this was the second of the two required public hearings and following the second public hearing, staff is recommending that the City continue the current ordinance. Minutes— December 11, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 3 2nd Public Hearing Mayor Mondy opened the second public hearing regarding Curfew Ordinance No. 2005-08 at 6:40 p.m. asking anyone present to address Council to come forward and keep their comments to 3 minutes. No one was present to address Council regarding the Curfew Ordinance. Mayor Mondy closed the public hearing at 6:40 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Young to continue the Wylie Juvenile Curfew Ordinance No. 2005-08. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Byboth absent. Tabled from November 13, 2007 Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White to remove Item #2, from the table and continue the public hearing and consideration of zoning yard requirement amendments. Consensus of Council was to remove and consider. 2. (MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE)Continue a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, an amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 2005-28, Article 3 (Residential District Regulations) as it relates to Yard Requirements. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Executive Summary Planning Director 011ie addressed Council stating that after careful review and consideration a change in the ordinance is recommended to allow for the construction of attached patio covers that may not otherwise be possible under the current ordinance. The current ordinance does not take into consideration the multitude of residential homes that are built on or near the rear building set-back lines. In addition, many of these homes are built with pre-poured concrete patios that extend from the main structure into the rear yard set-back. Under the current ordinance, no cover can be constructed over these patios without a variance. Council Discussion Mayor Mondy asked if these amendments included required materials to construct patios. Planning Director 011ie replied that it did not. She stated that it would be hard to regulate materials unless they were specifically addressed within the amendments. She reported that outlying cities, for the most part did not require certain materials. City Manager Manson reported that most cities allowed the Homeowner's Associations to address these requirements. Mayor Mondy asked Planning Director 011ie how many times the zoning Board of Adjustment had denied a request. Ms. 011ie replied only once that she could remember and it involved a very large cover on the side of the residence. Mayor Mondy stated that he had concerns regarding the control of aesthetics with no material regulations in place. Councilwoman Spillyards stated that there were materials made from woods that were very attractive. She asked if the City wanted to be so rigid as not to allow for some of these aesthetically pleasing materials. Councilman Goss stated that if the City required continuous roof materials, they would loose some of the very nice patio materials such as copper from the equation. Mayor Mondy asked if this Minutes— December 11, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 4 amendment included car ports. Planning Director 011ie replied that it did not cover car ports; they were included in the amendments to "accessory buildings" previously approved by City Council. Mayor Mondy asked if with these amendments a resident could use any type of material to construct a patio. Planning Director 011ie replied that was correct, as long as it was structurally safe. Councilman Goss stated that he believed the materials should be left to the resident and the City should stay out of those regulations. He stated that at the present time the Zoning Board of Adjustments was approving all materials; the only difference with the approval of these amendments would be that the resident would not have to apply for a variance. Councilman Young stated that he could see problems with no regulations regarding materials. Public Hearing Mayor Mondy continued the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. asking anyone wishing to address Council on this item to come forward and keep their comments to 3 minutes. No one was present to address Council regarding amendment to rear yard requirements. Mayor Mondy closed the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman White to approve an amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 2005-28, Article 3 (Residential District Regulations) as it relates to Yard Requirements as presented. A vote was taken and passed 4-2 with Councilwoman Spillyards, Councilman Porter, Councilman White, and Councilman Goss voting for and Mayor Mondy and Councilman Young voting against. Mayor Pro Tern Byboth was absent. General Business 3. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2007-41(R) declaring expectation to reimburse expenditures with proceeds of future debt. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Staff Comments Finance Director Williamson addressed Council stating that the Texas Constitution requires a city to have funds on hand sufficient to fund any contract entered into. Because the Certificates of Obligation's proceeds will not be available until early January 2008, the city is declaring that it has other monies on hand to enable a construction contract for the new fire station. In order for the city to reimburse the General Fund for monies it may spend on the fire station prior to funding of the Certificates of Obligation, this reimbursement Resolution is required. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Councilman White to approve Resolution No. 2007-41(R) declaring expectation to reimburse expenditures with proceeds of future debt. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Byboth absent. Minutes— December 11, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 5 Tabled from November 27, 2007 Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter to remove Item #4, consideration and action upon all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of $2,000,000 "City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007B" from the table. Consensus of Council was to remove and consider. 4. (MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE) Consider, and act upon, all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of $2,000,000 "City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007B", including the adoption of Ordinance No. 2007-43 authorizing the issuance of such Certificates of Obligation. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Staff Comments Finance Director Williamson addressed Council stating that the City approved a 5 year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) which identified Fire Station #3 as being funded with Certificates of Obligations. The City negotiated with American National Bank on the interest rate using the JJ Kenny index for A rated tax-exempt securities with an average life of 13 years. A rate of 4.40% was agreed upon. The debt service for these obligations is included in the City's l&S tax levy for this year. This ordinance authorizes the sale of these Certificates of Obligation to American National Bank at a coupon rate of 4.40 %, with closing scheduled for early January, 2007. Mayor Mondy asked Finance Director Williamson why the funding was not bid to several banks. Mr. Williamson explained that with the timeline of the construction documents and subsequent bid process, there was not time to publish the notices required and bid the bond sale. He noted that the proposal presented tonight was researched for the "best" rate and negotiated with American National Bank; this is a very good rate. Mayor Mondy stated that in the future, a timeline should be determined so to allow for the bond sale bidding process. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Porter to approve Ordinance No. 2007-43 authorizing the issuance of "City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007B" in the aggregate principal amount of $2,000,000; approval and execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and a Purchase Agreement and resolving other matters incident and related thereto. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Byboth absent. 5. Consider, and act upon, approval and award of a bid for the construction of Fire Station Number 3. (R. Corbin, Fire Chiej) Staff Comments The City's 2006 General Obligation Bonds provided $1,500,000 for the construction of Wylie Fire Station Number 3. Subsequent construction cost estimates indicated that at least twice that amount would be needed to construct the facility as designed. Council has agreed to provide additional funding in the amount of $2,000,000. Competitive sealed bids have been solicited for the construction in accordance with Chapter 252 of the Texas Local Government Code. Fire Chief Corbin advised Council that the low bid had been received from J. C. Commercial in the amount of$2,843,777. Minutes— December 11, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 6 Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Porter to award a bid, in the amount of $2,843,777.00 to J. C. Commercial, Inc. for the construction of Fire Station Number 3. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Byboth absent. 6. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2007-42(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute an Ad Valorem Tax Abatement and Sales Tax Reimbursement Agreement between the City of Wylie and Greenway-Springs, Ltd., Greenway-Columbia, L.P., and Greenway-Wylie, L.P. (S. Satterwhite, Executive Director, WEDC) Staff Comments Wyllie Economic Development Executive Director Satterwhite addressed Council stating that this was a great day for the WEDC and the City of Wylie. A tremendous amount of time has been spent on this project; we are one step closer in facilitating the remediation of the old landfill here in Wylie. He explained that in anticipation of Ad Valorem Tax Abatement between the City and Greenway-Springs, Ltd., Greenway-Columbia, L.P., and Greenway-Wylie, L.P. (hereinafter `Greenway'), the Wylie City Council created Reinvestment Zone #6 on 11-13-07 in addition to Guidelines and Criteria governing tax abatement. The incentive package as presented, utilizes a combination of ad valorem tax abatement and sales tax reimbursements to offset costs associated with the environmental remediation of a 15.72 acre site within the 27.83 acre Reinvestment Zone #6. He explained the reimbursement was capped at $2,000,000 from WEDC and the City and required cost verification during the four year process. He reported that all expenses would be verified for acceptance within the agreement and to insure they were reasonable. He explained that the tax abatement was phased in with the development over the next four years with the highest advantage to Greenway being to complete the project as soon as possible. He explained that the key to this program is that it is 100% performance based. Greenway must pay for all remediation costs up front. Should Greenway not develop the area to its greatest potential, or more realistically should the retail market not support the aggressive delivery of new and expanded facilities within the next 10 years, Greenway bears all the risk of not being reimbursed to the greatest extent possible. He reported that a cost benefit analysis has been provided for review by the Council in addition to the Ad Valorem Tax Abatement and Sales Tax Agreement. He reported that the City of Wylie abatement policy requires that ten year tax abatements receive a three-quarter vote of the City Council. He requested Council to make one change to the agreement which was a typo on page 3, 3.1 (c) changing the end date to March 1, 20012 rather than March 1, 20011.He noted that the WEDC Board will consider the same Agreement on December 19, 2007. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Councilman Porter to approve Resolution No. 2007-42(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute an Ad Valorem Tax Abatement and Sales Tax Reimbursement Agreement between the City of Wylie and Greenway-Springs, Ltd. Greenway-Columbia, L.P. and Greenway-Wylie, L.P. with one amendment to Section 3.1 © (page 3) to change the submission date from March 2, 2011 to March 1, 2012. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Byboth absent. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article III, Section 13-D. City Secretary Ehrlich read the captions to Ordinances No. 2007-42 and 2007-43 into the official record. Minutes— December 11, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 7 Mayor Mondy recessed into Executive Session at 7:15 p.m. reading the exception as follows: EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: §§551.087 Deliberations regarding economic development negotiations. To discuss commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governing body is conducting economic development negotiations. • Discussion regarding economic negotiations with Direct Development Mayor Mondy reconvened into Open Session at 8:10 p.m. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session, including but not limited to: No action was taken as a result of Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the Wylie City Council, Mayor Mondy adjourned the meeting at 8:11 p.m. Consensus of Council was to adjourn. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes— December 11, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 8 Dallas Area Rapid Transit Update Wylie City Council Briefing Kay Shelton DART Capital Planning a Development December 11,2007 Agenda • DART System Overview • Light Rail Buildout • 2030 Transit System Plan • Regional Transit Initiative • Transit-Oriented Development 1 DART Mission Statement ✓To build and operate a safe, efficient and effective transportation system that, within the DART Service Area, provides mobility, improves the quality of life and stimulates economic development. 31 Miles of HOV Lanes 45 Miles of Light Rail FY06 tt Ridership by Mode U d Y E 36.1 Million 18.6 Million 35% 2.4 Million 44.7 Million cg 570 11 a � 35 Mites of Commuter Rail 100+ Bus Routes Et Paratransit Service 7 Light Rail Expansion through 2018 Northwest Corridor --t 2010 f • ,. - Rowlett Corridor �� `� 2012 ,..t,t.,„ r-n7 v t trw.Pi -.: ' ‘ i . \ ,-----: % !'s----% . -- -, '----r- - 4.- - --,`-',-,:--r ..?.'!..v!: Irving/DFW Corridor ..' - �» 4 ;; " - 2011 2013 � °�, `-11tn r r� b g tom,. , S • /tom, ?, 4 €'-: - [. a ." ,,,sk ", • ,7 <, ✓re'`` # -•_ _- _ 2nd Downtown Alignment ,>, 2014 •-,N 4 - '.-Ilac oa. , — ---- --- r ;\ Southeast Corridor A ,i" ` S' r� 2009-10 'Ait R.18Ltt to,8.^os(G¢t.ag) rs' .' l 'ti \ - urns Ral Red tr.8 S xnlEmmn7 ,iq .2w� arilrr,y4,�sE sTF � - s _... T as: t unfv,,1 R,Igc'. I ' iroesx <iaeaus rni e en a; t- '- South Oak Cliff Extension 1.7 ►lfii07 ban. Pori Cn:�rn:an '. _ 1. 2018 Green Line Expansion . , � " �_..�. • Victory Station open Arai"'" ✓ Special event service -• , ,,„„, 1„I,11,.s >C._ - ,:',a;;, until 2009 x 3.'',.- • Revenue service will ., 'e _„., 'm .' .. start in 2009-2010 - s : ✓ f arc ^w E Service to Fair Park in r , , t,4 September 2009 ine s, • • 19 new stations i � e. ---- ✓ 11 Northwest - ..3., < � v. 8 Southeast --- t i ,�,. .-" • Construction in k , ` -, . , . progress ress �:ua ' • $700 M Federal grant , 1 Green Line - Southeast Corridor „.. ,»+ .'r-, M --; ry as+ i;44,1 -: jam f �-r v .�tlL 'may'` :`" ,4 1'',V=0,4,--'*7`,,. '-_, . ,„ .,, , .. Asa g.4-m ', j a f° k ,4,�e _ y gyy.4' :lr • ''J„1 w, a t•+. Green Line - Northwest Corridor Market Center Station It*, 4 r `a,: 114, 'y 4 is m v 1 ,fib.:, # a 4 Green Line - Southwestern Medical DistrNorthwestict/ParklandCorridor Station k r«' ",f' 4` utea,.s _ 1•4 '' ��iw `�A a* �w . .77,a ram* E " -. 'P ;fry•' .i*, �iT, Aii 7F 1}RS ug h f T T }` 4 M G"-'l9F y. '''-."d...d!-r.,,°" - ; d� , �.., , 2030 Transit System Plan dRP 5 2030 Transit System Plan . . I 7"7= x Managed HOVLanes ' - Parat,amit Systemwide Mobilrty 140 . . Rail Element Cotton Belt 2030 Trarls•r,Syslenl Plar Rad Dement II / ••'• • • •- -• . . . 2030 Rail Scyene West Dallas sr.,IS 3,4,.(1.1iPti r,in,a 20154, mirme K if Deak qtmeway KIpti 1.1 r 10/76.In.nutP f,varon-peal.,eadviay West Oak Cliff . Ex • 43 mites of new rail lines Extension Southport • Service anticipated in 2025-2030 timeframe • $1.6 billion capital cost (2006$) 12 6 Cotton Belt Corridor - Concept Vehicle .#,� of ' s A} s" x^ m ,' a 'a s*ram sea z s ; �s rsrss*� cm�,� DIFVd hftTjf�R'f �' � � . ' r L'r ,' ! G3 k Vim'. �r q! ' „471.116--- ''.7717-r--:,:t'4'1":,:l ''.41 • . Diesel powered light rail vehicle to be used in Austin 1 Cotton Belt Corridor • Near term efforts: ✓Examine connections at: • DFW Airport • Downtown Carrollton • Richardson/Plano ✓Technology Review • Freight issues • Compatibility with DART light rail 7 DFW Airport Access DART Tt1t?T Ct7LODh,BE1C f t g e � ��*��+e �9�; .��' '"e� «ash �`'� ta„ vY2 104. : r t�' as a. ¢ - + Light Rail Rail i" **^ Dallasa!�i Ai h Carrollton Rail Station Master Plan Y w Cotton Belt ,' F { � ,k si �"l �. p.� Y � f .- t \ k i a !? r t'' * t tt ��` e '�c x y' ;�r'X r .p' ,�� , s. DCTA V* 4 i"1 b� k t 'b'ry z, C A f(q l l t q f1 "Y >� 4 $5 t.T O v!ii town fl "', a RaSI Sta tiara ��'� � 7 � � S � Master Ftan ��� i f� l F � t a 5 h N'i � �i .jt _v-- a ,6 BNSF r a . e 8 Red Line Interface Options Turn north into Plano Requires vehicle compatible ith w DART Light Rail ...:, : .,,..,,,_:,,r1,,:740,,,.,,,,,:yr...4.:‘,..77.tz,...1.1...tzt.,::"4,;:z.,, ::::‘,_s::t:,,,,,tF;7;., ,F 3 ?b Q .k;.'; Pw `, 6c, xxl,' Y S 13 t:C t ' ti • 3 e }^"!,..ram H u,""'" ,_ e Y rL i e�} . , '# ° ; Opportunity to T, �n RF ,_. ,. 7 m 'ram` - �_ ° ; F continue east ,, _ . s < ),. '6 "j � 4 Y , } Yak * i',' '' rt'*+- -- Turn south transfer at Bush Turnpike Station Any rail vehicle Regional Transit Initiative 9 eIn I t-y The Metropolitan I I Transportation Plan Rail Recommendations Dependent Wylie/Lake Lavon Corridor on Regional Transit Initiative Funds Legend —Existng Service Programmed Projects and Projects tinder Development —Projects Pending AlternahJe Funding boating Rail Corndors F Wonh CBDID Paultna 4,GAO/Ahracameo lieb. 70.K.A. necessary to nereorma ta.rnelaar Amman(n Fultom 12..a an,portatrin dithin ttidtormtin 111310...Itlitiatir*0.15.111,awed ardaa",.,-31mcnle at G An, ir'r 239 Rd l Miles In Jeopardy Ciet' 2030 Transit System Plan - Vision Element Corridors that: >> • Are technically 1.8asmaak.hooteiatelsa P3 System sound, but not 0- Pt — Duerr ,[5,0 affordable through 2030 • Need additional t ' land use planning to -7, :171 4 maximize rail potential Corridors will be: :II • • Monitored and reevaluated in future -4-Transit System Plan updates a 10 I 1,3,r \ . ." (01, gyx 1 0 City Support for RTI �►. ,� F ', ft��ayn�w Nmthl�„ '�� � ' "`i� zs"' l.1 de b � r �r �� 1 4.G P le„,,�'• «Na � Transit-Oriented Development 11 Transit Oriented Development $4.3 Billion Existing and Under Development fF y1 t¢'`` sa� o' w a ; t t•Y '„ash ,y Srr' oY¢t Downtown Plano w $ ,z a• 4cc "„ ham, 0,M1k � ;f i3 > 4. n y,. :well# frh eSpa1+-h:''. y�,� "fir„,,! ,�, 5 y4F�. .r f :, • G.A. 17 Baylor Station 2 R0 b „„zy fr , 8 g 4 s., i' -sari V4){t s �' x Y'a? ��� ' kF � f. 4. A .� d F • 13 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie City Council Special Called Meeting Tuesday, December 20, 2007 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Mondy called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Council Members present were: Mayor Pro Tem Red Byboth, Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman David Goss, Councilman Rick White, Councilman Merrill Young and Councilman Carter Porter. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Wylie Economic Development Corporation Executive Director, Sam Satterwhite, and City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Byboth gave the invocation and Councilwoman Spillyards led the Pledge of Allegiance. REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing to hear evidence for or against the taxation of certain tangible personal property held temporarily within the City of Wylie, Texas. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) Staff Comments WEDC Executive Director Satterwhite addressed Council stating that In the 2007 session, the Texas Legislature passed HB621 which amends the Texas Tax Code, Section 11.253. The bill is very similar to the Freeport exemption passed many years ago, but has potentially larger impact as time goes on. The Minutes— 12-20-07 Special Called Meeting Wylie City Council Page 1 City of Wylie has not passed the Freeport exemption and continues to tax goods in transit, which is primarily inventory of companies such as Sanden International, Bayco Products, Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing, and Extruders division of Atrium Companies, Inc. HB 621 exempts goods, principally inventory, that are stored in a location that is not owned by the owner of the goods and transferred from that location to another location within 175 days. He explained that to continue taxing these goods, the City of Wylie must hold a public hearing to determine whether the subject goods become exempt. Failure to act to tax these goods will allow them to become exempt for the 2008 tax year. He explained that a mild opinion had come from the Texas Attorney General stating that if it was found that a company was moving inventory solely to eliminate paying taxes, the AG would not allow the exemption however, Mr. Satterwhite reiterated that the best way to insure this was to hold a public hearing and pass an ordinance to tax the inventory. He reported that the Council, at any time, could come back and choose to exempt any property on an individual basis. Mayor Mondy asked Mr. Satterwhite to explain the Freeport Tax. Mr. Satterwhite explained that there were two; the Freeport Tax and the Super Freeport Tax. He explained that the Council had voted some time ago to not tax those goods that come to a company and then leave the State within 175 days. He reported that the Freeport exemption is very broad and applies to many types of goods whether their owned by the entity or not or whether they are housed in a facility owned by the entity or not. He explained that at some point this Council or a future Council will want to consider the areas near the railroad tracks as certain exemptions may be warranted because Council will be considering hundreds of millions of dollars in inventory; in order to develop a tract like that, Council will need to at least consider some Freeport Exemptions. in order to develop that area. He explained that most of the neighboring entities that are aggressively developing these tracts are doing so. Mayor Pro Tem Byboth asked Mr. Satterwhite how the boundary for this tax was defined. Mr. Satterwhite replied that the boundary for taxation was based on the incorporated City limits. Public Hearing Mayor Mondy opened the Public Hearing regarding the Freeport Exemption at 6:31 p.m. No one was present to address Council on this item. Mayor Mondy closed the Public Hearing at 6;32 p.m. General Business 2. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-44 to tax tangible personal property which would otherwise be exempt pursuant to Texas Tax Code, Section 11.253. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) Staff Comments WEDC Executive Director Satterwhite addressed Council explaining that In 1999, the Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) chose to recommend to the City Council against approving the Freeport Exemption within the City of Wylie based upon the lack of interest in exempting the existing Freeport value at the time of $31.7 million. Staff is unaware of what the current Freeport valuation is at this time. HB 621 amended the Texas Tax Code, Section 11.253 allowing the exemption from taxation inventory goods stored in a location that is not owned by the owner of the goods and are transferred from that location to another location within 175 days. The City Council may act to tax these goods in the year following the year which the Council takes action. To continue to tax these type goods, Council must act in such a manner prior to December 31, 2007. Minutes— 12-20-07 Special Called Meeting Wylie City Council Page 2 Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Byboth to approve Ordinance No. 2007-44 to tax tangible personal property which would otherwise be exempt pursuant to Texas Tax Code, Section 11.253. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article III, Section 13-D. City Secretary Ehrlich read the captions to Ordinances No. 2007-44 into the official record. Mayor Mondy recessed into Executive Session at 6:36 p.m. reading the exception as follows: EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: §§551.087 Deliberations regarding economic development negotiations. To discuss commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governing body is conducting economic development negotiations. • Discussion regarding economic negotiations with Direct Development Mayor Mondy reconvened into Open Session at 8:10 p.m. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session, including but not limited to: Staff Comments The City Council reconvened into open session at 7:45. Sam Satterwhite reviewed the proposed Letter of Intent regarding the retail development known as Woodbridge Crossing, stating that it included a cap of a $12 million sales tax reimbursement to Direct Development over a period not to exceed 12 years. The reimbursement would be generated from 85% of the City's one cent sales tax and 85% of the WEDC 1/2 cent sales tax generated by Woodbridge Crossing in years 1 - 4, and a 65% reimbursement from both entities in years 5 - 12. In return Direct Development will develop McCreary Road from FM 544 to Maxwell Creek Road adjusting the signalization; the portion of Springwell Parkway south of FM 544 adjacent to the property including a signal light; an additional signal light at the mid-point of the property. Direct Development will develop a 530,000 square foot retail complex in Phase I, with the ultimate build-out of 575,000 square feet. Minutes- 12-20-07 Special Called Meeting Wylie City Council Page 3 3. Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of a Letter of Intent from Direct Development relating to the proposed retail development on FM 544. (M. Manson, City Manager) Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth, seconded by Councilman Porter to authorize the Mayor to sign the Letter of Intent. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7 — 0 by a show of hands. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before Council, Mayor Mondy adjourned the meeting at 7:51 p.m. Consensus of Council was to adjourn. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes— 12-20-07 Special Called Meeting Wylie City Council Page 4 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 8, 2008 Item Number: B Department: City Secretary (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Carole Ehrlich Account Code: N/A Budgeted in individual Date Prepared: December 21, 2007 Budgeted Amount: departments Resolution No. 2008-01(R) Distribution and Cost Exhibits: Comparisons-Memo Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2008-01(R) establishing a public newspaper of general circulation to be the "Official Newspaper" for the City of Wylie and further designating a secondary newspaper for notices requiring specific legal requirements. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2008-01(R) establishing the Wylie News as the "Official Newspaper" of the City of Wylie; and further establishing the Dallas Morning News (Collin County and Metro East Sections) as the secondary paper for notices requiring specific legal requirements. Discussion Texas Local Government Code, §52.004 states that at the beginning of each fiscal year, municipalities must designate an official newspaper. This must be done as soon as practicable. The municipality shall contract with the newspaper designated by ordinance or resolution. There are two requirements that must be met for a newspaper to meet the statutory requirements as a newspaper of general circulation. (a) Designating Official Newspaper. The publication must be a newspaper as defined by § 2051.044, Texas Government Code. The section defines the term newspaper as: § 2051.044, (a) (1) any newspaper devoting not less than 25% of its total column lineage to the carrying of items of general interest (2) published not less frequently than once each week, (3) entered as second class postal matter in the county where published (4) having been published regularly and continuously not less than twelve (12) months prior to the making of any publication... Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 § 2051.044, (b) Publication of Notice in Newspaper. Where a law which requires or authorizes the publication of a notice in a newspaper by a municipality, and does not specify the manner of the publication, including the number of times that the notice is required to be published and the period during which the notice is required to be published, the above requirements (a) pertain; additionally, (b), (4) states that a municipality shall publish notices in a newspaper that is published in the municipality, and which meets the above requirements and will publish the notice at or below the legal rate. If no newspaper published in the municipality meets these requirements, then the municipality shall publish the notice in a newspaper that is published in the county in which the municipality is located and will charge the legal rate or a lower rate. GC §2051.048. Staff has attached the legal rates for both the Wylie News and Dallas Morning News reviewed earlier this year. Some legal notices require that the notice be published in all counties within the incorporated city; in this case the City Attorney's office has noted that it is best to publish these notices in the three county editions of the Dallas Morning News as well as the Wylie News. (see attachments) The City of Wylie Home Rule Charter additionally states in Article X1, Section 2; The City Council shall declare an official newspaper of general circulation in the city. All captions of ordinances, notices and other matters required to be published by this charter, by city ordinances, or by the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, shall be published in this official newspaper. The Wylie News meets the criteria for an official publication as provided by the statute and provides the most cost efficient legal notice fees. The Wylie News has been the official publication for the City for many years. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CE 1/8/08, City Manager ��'�� % 13 /0 (2 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-01 (R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION TO BE THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE. WHEREAS,Section 52.004,Local Government Code,requires the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas("City Council")to determine,by ordinance or resolution,a public newspaper to be the official newspaper for the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie"); and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the Wylie News is a public newspaper of general circulation and: (1) devotes not less than 25%of its total column lineage to general interest items; (2) is published at least once a week; (3) is entered as 2nd class postal matter in the county where published; (4) has been published regularly and continuously for at least 12 months before the governmental entity or representative publishes notice; and WHEREAS,the City Council finds that the Wylie News is a publication that meets all of the criteria legally required of an officially designated newspaper for the City of Wylie; and NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: (1) The Wylie News is designated as the official newspaper for the City of Wylie for Fiscal Year 2008, commencing January 1, 2008. (2) This Resolution is effective immediately upon passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, and this the 8th day of January 2008. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution 2008-01(R) Establishing Official Newspaper 2008 (From the Desk of Carol Et 1t, FR214C CitySecretary Office Wiemo To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Carole Ehrlich,TRMC CC: Date: December 31, 2007 Re: Publication Costs and Requirements Honorable Mayor and Council, Attached is a summary of cost comparisons between the Dallas Morning News Collin County and Metro East Zones and the Wylie News for publication of ordinance captions, public hearing notices, and other legal notices. Some of these costs are covered under legal notices at a cost per line (ordinance captions) and some, like the election notice and tax notices are figured under classified at a cost per inch. I have also included the average circulation of the DMN daily and Sunday editions as well as the Wylie News current circulation totals for your review. The Wylie Charter requires that the City declare an "official newspaper". All ordinances, captions of ordinances, notices and other matters required to be published by this Charter be published in this "official newspaper". In some cases due to legal requirements regarding publication of some notices, in all three counties, it has been advised by Julie Fort that the City publish in the DMN Collin and Metro East Zones as well as the Wylie News. In other instances, even if the DMN was the "official newspaper", we would be required to publish in the Wylie News; an example of this is the Election Notice which must be published in a local paper circulated and mailed from within the City, if available. A recommendation for the resolution denoting the "official newspaper" would be to add a section to designate a secondary newspaper for notices requiring specific legal requirements. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Regards, Carole 1 PUBLICATION COST SUMMARY Dallas Morning News Wylie News August 2007 Dallas Morning News (Collin County and Metro East Section) Legal Notices (Ordinance Captions, Public Hearings P & Z) Zoned Edition Open (no contract) $2.55 per line/$15 liner-$20 disp online With Contract($3,000/yr.) $1.60 per line/$15 liner-$20 disp online (Based on 11 columns per page) Full Dallas Morning News Open $14.00 per line/$15 liner-$20 disp online Full Dallas Morning News ($3,000/yr) $5.50 per line/$15 liner-$20 disp online Classified Rates (Election Notices) $2.55 per line/$15 liner-$20 disp online With Contract ($3,000/yr.) $1.60 per line/$15 liner-$20 disp online Display Rates (Budget/Tax Notices) Open $43.29 to $64.31 per inch With Contract($3,000/yr) $32.89 to $48.87 per inch Wylie News Legal Notices (Ordinance Captions, Public Hearings P & Z) Open (no contracts available) $2.41 per line(disp online included in price) (Based on 8 columns per page) Classified Rates (Election Notices) $14.00 per column inch(disp online included in price) Display Rates (Budget/Tax Notices) $13.95 per column inch(online not available) Circulation Within the City Dallas Morning News (for zip code 75098) 2,782 (Mon/Sat paper) 4,258 (avg. circulation Sunday paper) Wylie News (Wylie) 5,000 (Wylie News) Notices are published in the Murphy/Sachse Wylie editions (8,000 total circulations) Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 8, 2008 Item Number: C Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: 613-5723 Date Prepared: 11/05/07 Budgeted Amount: $ 1,229,280.00 Exhibits: 3 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval and final acceptance of the Nortex Pump Station Improvements and authorize final payment to Crescent Constructors, Inc, in the amount of$28,273.48, and accept the project as complete. Recommendation Motion to approve and authorize final payment to Crescent Constructors, Inc., in the amount of$28,273.48, and accept the project as complete. Discussion On December 12, 2006, a construction contract was awarded to Crescent Constructors, Inc. in the amount of $1,021,000.00 for improvements to the Nortex Pump Station. The project included construction of a new pump building and three 1,600 gpm vertical turbine pumps and related piping, valves and electrical equipment. All punch list items have been addressed by the contractor. One change order in the amount of$137,815.00 was issued for the project which added two additional pumps. The final contract price with quantity adjustments is $1,130,939.00. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 11/5/07 City Manager /t Page 1 of 1 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Avenue,#220 Dallas,Texas 75231 Fax(214)361-0204 Phone(214)361-7900 MEMORANDUM To: Mr.Chris Hoisted,P.E. and Crescent Constructors,Inc. (Mike Daigre) From: Joe R.Carter Date: October 31, 2007 Subject: City of Wylie—Nortex Pump Station Improvements—Final Punch List On October 29, 2007,representatives of the City of Wylie,Crescent Constructors, Inc. and Birkhoff, Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P.met at the Nortex Pump Station Improvements project site to walk the project and create a punch list of items of work necessary to complete the project. The outstanding items of work discussed and observed are as follows: Electrical Building 1] Patch the holes in cinder block on the inside north and south walls. 2] Caulk a crack in mortar in the northeast corner above the equipment. 3] Provide missing hardware for the back door. 4] Fix the roof where the Contractor hit it with the track hoe. 5] Patch the holes in the roof where the old electrical conduit penetrations were removed. 6] Paint the cinder blocks where the Contractor patched a hole on the west side. Pump Building 1] Provide an electrical cover for the wire into the Control Valve for Pump 3. 2] Provide correct valve handle for pressure meter on Pump 5. 3] Clean-up excess aluminum conduit and bottles of cleaning solution. 4] Repair the padlock mechanism on the north door(spinning). 5] Replace the PSI gauge on pump#3 with the same as the rest of the gauges. 6] Seal the floor of the building or provide an acceptable credit to the City for not sealing the floor. 7] Repair or replace the security light at the back door(not working). 8] The oil level for all pump motors show the minimum level. Since there is a 2-year maintenance bond the Contractor might want to have more oil added. Site 1] Repair the drain clean-out immediately west of the Pump Building. 2] Remove the temporary power pole and related items. 3] Repair or replace the fence pole that was bent over near the temporary power pole. Please contact us when these items have been addressed to the City's satisfaction. j:klerical\wylie\2006-120 nortex pump station\construction bid\letters\construction\k\punchlist.doc Crescent Constructors, Inc. 1100 Grinnell Drive Richardson,Texas 75081 Phone(972) 783-6901 Cell(469) 576-0612 Fax (972) 437-2845 December 11, 2007 Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway. L.L.P Consulting Engineers 7502 Greenville Ave.. #220 Dallas, TX. 75231 Attention: Joe Carter. P.E. Reference: Nortex Pump Station (City of Wylie) Gentlemen: Crescent Constructors, Inc. (Crescent) has completed all items noted by the Final Punch List. Kendall Edge agrees that we completed the items and instructed his employee to have us remove our lock from the gate. Please request the City to release the remainder of the retainage as soon as possible. It has been a pleasure doing business with you and the City. Sincerely, Michael G. Daigre Cc: Chris Hoisted (City of Wylie) Crescent Constructors, Inc. 1100 Grinnell Drive Richardson,Texas 75081 Phone(972)783-6901 Cell(469)576-0612 Fax(972)437-2845 December 17,2007 Birkhoff, Hendricks&Conway, L.L.P Consulting Engineers 7502 Greenville Ave.,#220 Dallas, TX. 75231 Attention: Joe Carter, P.E. Reference:Nortex Pump Station(City of Wylie) Gentlemen: Crescent Constructors, Inc. (Crescent)is in receipt of the attached statement from Henry Pratt Company. The amount shown is for their Final Retainage. We have attached a copy of Check#5007 which is for the$793.50 shown on the statement. The Contractor's Affidavit of Final Payment and release signed,executed,and transmitted to you clearly states that all just bills have been paid and that Crescent waives any right to file a claim against the City. Furthermore,the release states this includes any third party claims. It is important that everyone understands that Crescent has complied with the language of the release that states all just bills have been paid. Retainage is not due to our suppliers until we receive the same from the City. This ensures we have leverage on our suppliers in the event the City deems there is a problem with their work. Also,The Consent of Surety that was submitted to you allows the Owner to release our retainage without any concern. However,we are attaching a copy of the check that is currently in our office ready to mail to Pratt as soon as they sign the release we have sent to them. Please have our Final Retainage released immediately. Sincerely, Michael G. Daigre Cc: Chris Halsted(City of Wylie) Toby Burke(Harrison& Steck) Mary Prey(Traveler's Surety) I MAINTENANCE BOND No. 1 0 4 7 9 5 5 5 0 THE STATE OF TEXAS } } KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DALLAS } I THAT Crescent Constructors,Inc. as Principal, and Travelers Casualty & Surety Co. of America a Corporation organized under the laws of Connecticut ,as sureties,do hereby expressly Iacknowledge themselves to be held and bound to pay unto the City of Wylie , a Municipal Corporation,Texas, the sum of One Million,Twenty-One Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($ 1,021,000.00 ), for the payment of which sum I will and truly be made unto said City of Wylie,Texas and its successors,said principal and sureties do hereby bind themselves,their assigns and successors jointly and severally. THIS obligation is conditioned;however, that whereas,the said Crescent Constructors,Inc. Ihas this day entered into a written contract with the said City of Wylie,Texas to build and construct Nortex Pump Station Improvements—Phase 1 I which contract and the plans and specifications therein mentioned, adopted by the City of Wylie,Texas are hereby expressly made a part thereof as through the same were written and embodied herein. II WHEREAS, under the plans, specifications, and contract, it is provided that the Contractor will maintain and keep in good repair, the work herein contracted to be done and performed, for a period of two(2)years from the date of the acceptance of said work, and to do all necessary repairs and/or reconstructing in whole or in part of said improvements that should be I occasioned by settlement of foundation, defective workmanship or materials furnished in the construction or any part thereof or any of the accessories thereto constructed by the Contractor. It being understood that the purpose of this section is to cover all defective conditions arising by reason of defective material and charge the same against the said Contractor, and sureties on this obligation, and the said Contractor and sureties hereon shall be subject to the liquidation damages mentioned in said contract I for each day's failure on its' part to comply with the terms of said provisions of said contract. Now, therefore, if the said Contractor shall keep and perform its' said agreement to maintain said work and keep the same in repair for the said maintenance period of two (2) years, as provided, then these presents shall be null and void, and have not further effect, but if I default shall be made by the said Contractor in the performance of its' contract to so maintain and repair said work, then these presents shall have full force and effect, and said City of Wylie shall have and receive from the said Contractor and its' principal and sureties damages in the premises, as provided; and it is further agreed that this obligation shall be a continuing one against the principal and sureties, hereon, and that successive recoveries may be and had hereon for successive branches I until the full amount shall have been exhausted; and it is further understood that the obligation herein to maintain said work shall continue throughout said maintenance period, and the same shall not be changed, diminished or in any manner affected from any cause during said time. IIN WITNESS THEREOF,the said Crescent Constructors,Inc. has caused these presents to be executed by Michael G.Daigre,President and the said Travelers Casualty & Surety Co. of America has caused these presents I to be executed by its'Attorney in fact and the said Attorney in fact Chris M. Hill ,has hereunto set his hand,the 1 2 th day of December ,20 0 6 . ISURETY: PRINCIPAL: Travelers Casualty & Surety Co. of Crescent Constructors,Inc. ��® America / By: < y�� /"7' l By: 6Gz Chris M. Hill, Attorney—In—Fact Michael G. aigre,P sident 1 itWITNESS: — ATTEST• d/ i J s P. Fulton Secretary r IOTE: Date of Maintenance Bond must not be prior to date of Contract. IIj:\clerical\wylie\2006-120 nortex pump station\construction bid\specs\contract\m-bond.doc Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 8, 2008 Item Number: D Department: Public Services (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: December 20, 2007 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Resolution Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2008-02(R) authorizing submittal of grant applications to the North Central Texas Council of Governments for state solid waste implementation funds. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2008-02(R) authorizing the submittal of grant applications to the North Central Texas Council of Governments for state solid waste implementation funds. Discussion The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) has requested project applications for local government solid waste management funding. The purpose of this program is to provide funding for eligible local and regional municipal solid waste management projects in support of the goals and objectives of the adopted SEE Less Trash Regional Solid Waste Management Plan for the NCTCOG region. Funding for this program is provided through a grant from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Through grant funding from the state, NCTCOG is the administrator of the solid waste funds collected from a fee on solid waste disposal. Approximately $1.4 million of reimbursable project funding is available for implementation projects in the current planning cycle. Staff received notice in October 2007 that the NCTCOG was accepting grant applications for projects. In November 2007, staff attended a project development workshop with the NCTCOG to become familiarized with the application process. Two grant applications were submitted prior to the January 4, 2008 deadline. The NCTCOG has allowed applicants until January 18, 2008 to submit an accompanying Resolution authorizing the filing of the applications. Notification of awards will be made in March 2008. If the City's applications are successful, an Interlocal Agreement between the NCTCOG and the City of Wylie will need to be executed shortly thereafter. The term of this funding cycle begins in March 2008, and all projects must be completed prior to July 2009. The first project application seeks $119,000 in funding to support and expand the current Wylie Cleanup Greenup program. One of the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan's goals is to reduce the number of illegal dumpsites and expand clean-up events through public and private partnerships. This proposed project seeks funding to reimburse the City for costs associated with cleanup events tentatively scheduled for May and October 2008 and February and May 2009. In addition to the usual Cleanup Greenup activities, the project proposes to educate the public about illegal dumping, and the project also includes the participation of the Public Services Department in cleaning up illegal dumpsites in conjunction with the scheduled cleanup events. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 The second application seeks $16,300 in funding to conduct two creek clean up events tentatively scheduled for November 2008 and March 2009. This project supports the same Regional Solid Waste Management Plan goal, and would be a new program to further educate the public about illegal dumping while encouraging public participation in cleaning up the community. At this time, areas in Creekside Estates and the Sage Creek subdivisions are being considered as possible locations for implementing the proposed November 2008 event. Staff will work on identifying other sites that are good candidates for the proposed March 2009 event. The Park Division budget for FY07-08 includes funding for the Wylie Cleanup Greenup event tentatively scheduled for May 2008. During the past budget process, the City Council indicated a preference for funding at least three Cleanup Greenups per year; consequently, staff will request funding for three events as part of the FY08-09 budget. If the grant application is successful, the City will be reimbursed up to $119,000 for all four of the above events. Additionally, as part of the FY08-09 budget, staff will request funding for the two proposed creek clean up events. If the budget request is approved and the grant application is successful, the City will be reimbursed $16,300 for the cost of those events as well. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MS 12/20/97 City Manager `l 1 I'lA\ 1/3/c 5� RESOLUTION NO. 2008-02(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A PROJECT APLICATION WITH THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (NCTCOG) FOR A REGIONAL SOLID WASTE PROGRAM LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT; DESIGNATING A PROJECT OFFICIAL IN ALL MATTERS RELATED TO THE APPLICATION; AND PLEDGING THAT IF FUNDING FOR THIS PROJECT IS RECEIVED, THE CITY OF WYLIE WILL COMPLY WITH ALL PROJECT REQUIREMENTS OF NCTCOG, TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND THE STATE OF TEXAS. WHEREAS, the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is directed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to administer solid waste project funds for the implementation of NCTCOG's adopted SEE Less Trash Regional Solid Waste Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie in the State of Texas is qualified to apply for project funds under the Request for Project Applications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE: SECTION 1: That the City of Wylie hereby authorizes and directs its City Manager or her designee to request project funding under the North Central Texas Council of Governments' Request for Project Applications of the Regional Solid Waste Local Project Funding and act on behalf of the City of Wylie in all matters related to the project application and any subsequent project contract that may result. SECTION 2: That if the project is funded, the City of Wylie will comply with the requirements of the North Central Texas Council of Governments, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the State of Texas. SECTION 3: The project funds and any project-funded equipment or facilities will be used only for the purposes for which they are intended under the project. Resolution No.2008-02(R) Grant Application with NCTCOG Solid Waste Local Implementation Project SECTION 4: That activities will comply with and support the adopted regional (and local) solid waste management plans adopted for the geographical area in which the activities are performed. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas this 8th day of January, 2008. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No.2008-02(R) Grant Application with NCTCOG Solid Waste Local Implementation Project Wylie City Council CITY of WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 8, 2008 Item Number: E Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 12/13/07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2008-01, amending Zoning Ordinance 2005-28 Article 3 (Residential District Regulations) as it relates to Yard Requirements. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2008-01, amending Zoning Ordinance 2005-28 Article 3 (Residential District Regulations) as it relates to Yard Requirements. Discussion To amend, supplement, or change the regulations provided in the Zoning Ordinance requires passage of an Ordinance making the appropriate amendments; and providing a penalty clause, a repeal clause, a savings clause, a severability clause, and an effective date. Zoning Ordinance 2005-28 Article 3 (Residential District Regulations) Subsection 4 (Additional Provisions) of Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, is amended herein by the granting of this Ordinance. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 12/13/07 City Manager l l l��\ /13 /D� Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2008-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 2005-28 ARTICLE 3 (RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS) AS IT RELATES TO YARD REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 2005-28 Article 3 (Residential District Regulations)as it relates to Yard Requirements; and WHEREAS, Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code only authorizes Wylie to establish zoning districts within the city limits; and WHEREAS, Wylie has complied with all notices and public hearings as required by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that in the best interest of the citizens of Wylie to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 2005-28 Article 3 (Residential District Regulations) as it relates to Yard Requirements, should be amended as set forth in Exhibit A (attached). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 2005-28 Article 3 (Residential District Regulations) as it relates to Yard Requirements. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 2005-28 Article 3 (Residential District Regulations)as it relates to Yard Requirements, is hereby amended to read as shown in Exhibit A (attached): SECTION 3: Savings/Repealing Clause: Wylie's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 2001-48, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this or any other Ordinance. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Ordinance No.2008-01 Amending Ordinance 2006-28,Article 3 Residential District Regulations (Yard Requirements) SECTION 4: Severability: Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 5: Penalty Provision: Any person, firm, corporation or entity violating this Ordinance or any provision of Wylie's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 2001-48, as amended, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each continuing day's violation under this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 6: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its adoption and publication as required by law the City Charter and by law. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS on this 8th day of January, 2008. John Mondy, Mayor ATTESTED TO AND CORRECTLY RECORDED BY: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd& Joplin, P.C. Julie Y. Fort City Attorneys Date of publication in The Wylie News—January 16, 2008 Ordinance No.2008-01 Amending Ordinance 2006-28,Article 3 Residential District Regulations (Yard Requirements) EXHIBIT "A" Subsection 4 (Additional Provisions) of Sections 3.1.A.4.e, 3.1.B.4.d, 3.2.A.4.b, 3.2.B.4.b, 3.3.A.4.b, and 3.3.C.4.e shall read: Non-Enclosed attached patio covers, although an addition to and part of the main structure, shall be exempt from the rear yard set back requirements above. Patio covers shall be allowed to extend into the rear setback no closer than 10 feet from the rear property line provided maximum lot coverage is not exceeded. The following lot coverage shall be made a part of Article 3 Residential District Regulations: Figure 3-1 - Agricultural District (AG/30) Yard Requirements — Main Structures Lot Coverage 45% Figure 3-2 - Single Family 1 Acre District (SF-1A/30) Yard Requirements — Main Structures Lot Coverage 45% Figure 3-4 - Single Family 20 District (SF-20/26) Yard Requirements — Main Structures Lot Coverage 45% Figure 3-5 - Single Family 10 District (SF-10/24) Yard Requirements — Main Structures Lot Coverage 45% Figure 3-7 - Townhouse District (TH) Yard Requirements — Main Structures Lot Coverage 60% Figure 3-9 - Manufactured Home Subdivision (MH) Yard Requirements — Main Structures Lot Coverage 50% Ordinance No.2008-01 Amending Ordinance 2006-28,Article 3 Residential District Regulations (Yard Requirements) Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 8, 2008 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 12/13/07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, an amendment to Zoning Ordinance 2006-04, Article 5, Section 5.1(F)(3): Retail, Personal Service & Commercial, establishing regulations specifying the location of Major Automobile Repair uses. Recommendation Motion to amend Zoning Ordinance 2006-04 Article 5, Section 5.1(F)(3): Retail, Personal Service & Commercial, allowing Major Automobile Repair uses with an SUP in the Light Industrial and the Commercial Corridor Zoning Districts. Discussion Staff has conducted research on the permitted uses within the Light-Industrial (LI) District. Particularly Automobile Repair, Major. Currently the use is allowed by right in Commercial Corridor and Heavy-Industrial Zoning Districts. Staff has been approached by a property owner who wishes to operate such use in the City limits of Wylie. However, the property is currently zoned LI. The subject property is located within the Regency Business Park Addition. The 1962 Zoning Ordinance allowed automobile repair shops subject to no out door storage or outdoor work being performed in the Commercial 1 and Industrial Zoning Districts. However, with the adoption of the 1985 Zoning Ordinance Commercial Business Districts C-1 & C-1-R were further refined and replaced with Retail and Business Districts B-1 & B-2. Automobile repair garage became a permitted use by right within the B-2 Business District and the Industrial Zoning District. The intent of the B-2 district was to provide uses that are not generally carried on completely within a building or structure. Additional revisions and amendments came in 2001 in which the old B-1 and B-2 Districts converted to either Community Retail or Commercial Corridor Districts. The Regency Business Park Addition annexed in 1984 was rezoned from Industrial to Business Center (BC) in February 2002 with the adoption of the new city-wide Zoning Ordinance and Map. The new Business Center District allowed for light assembly and office warehouse uses. In 2006, the City implemented major revisions to Article 5 of the Zoning Ordinance and the official Zoning Map. Ordinance 2006-04 & 2006-58 eliminated Business Center(BC) District and Industrial (I) District and created Light Industrial (LI) and Heavy Industrial (HI) Districts. In considering this item, the Commission is recommending that major automobile repair uses should be allowed Page l of 2 Page 2 of 2 within the Light Industrial Zoning District with a Specific Use Permit. The Light Industrial Zoning District includes less-intensive assembly, warehousing and distribution of products, while excludes uses such as but not limited to meat packing, chemicals and petroleum processing and manufacturing and foundries. The Special Use Permit would provide a means for developing certain uses in a manner in which the proposed use will be compatible with adjacent properties and allows for site specific conditions where certain impacts may exist that require additional review to ensure compatibility between uses. For example, by requiring an SUP, outside storage could be restricted or limited, whereas without such conditions, outside storage would be allowed by right within the LI District. There are no screening requirements in LI Districts unless adjacent to residential districts. The SUP process would afford the Commission and Council the opportunity to impose screening requirements to protect neighboring property owners even in the same zoning district. In addition to the LI District it is recommended that the Commercial Corridor(CC) District be amended to reflect the need for an SUP for major automobile repair. Under the current CC regulations, outside storage must be screened from view from any public street unless screened by an intervening building. There are no screening requirements when adjoining property is within the same zoning district. Again, the SUP would allow for specific conditions to be imposed on the property to ensure compatibility between uses. The figure below illustrates a city comparison of where major automobile uses are allowed through out the local area. CITY /***.v f/e/Sj /le mo"' Automobile Repair, Major CC P P P P S LI P P P P P P P P HI P P P P P P P Text Amendments are only required to be notified 15 days prior to the public hearing in the official newspaper of the City. This requirement has been met. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 12/13/07 City Manager 1VA\ I I�l � I 7; Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 8, 2008 Item Number: 2 (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: November 14, 2007 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Three Subject Conduct a Public Hearing for the annexation of a 0.1079 acre tract of land situated in the H. Maxwell Survey, Abstract No. 579, Collin County, Texas, generally located south of F. M. 544, west of Maxwell Creek Road, and adjacent to Woodbridge North Development. Recommendation Conduct Public Hearing only. No action is necessary. Discussion This annexation is at the request of the City of Wylie. The property is located south of F. M. 544,west of Maxwell Creek Road, and adjacent to Woodbridge North Development. The City Council of Murphy, Texas has de-annexed the subject property from its corporate city limits(Ordinance 07-11- 737), as described in Exhibit A and further described in Exhibit B (attached),the vacant 0.1079 acre tract does not contain any residents of the City of Murphy. Before a municipality may begin annexation proceedings, the governing body of the municipality must conduct two (2) public hearings at which persons interested in the annexation are given the opportunity to be heard. The notice for each hearing must be published at least once on or after the 20th day but before the 10th day before the date of the hearing and must remain posted on the municipality's website until the date of the hearing. In compliance with state law,the following schedule has been adhered to: Notice published for Public Hearings December 26, 2007 First Public Hearing January 8, 2008 Second Public Hearing January 22, 20087 Adoption of Ordinance February 12, 2008 Article 1, Section 3 of the Wylie City Charter authorizes the City Council to adjust boundaries. This annexation is being conducted in compliance with Sections 43.052 (h)(2)and 43.063 of the Local Government Code. Approved By Initial Date Department Director ill 11/14/07 City Manager /1l WI /3/N Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 07-11-737 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MURPHY, TEXAS, DISANNEXING CERTAIN CORPORATE TERRITORY, AS FURTHER DESCRIBED AND DEPICTED HEREIN FROM THE CITY OF MURPHY, TEXAS, AND RELEASING ALL RIGHTS TO SAID DISA:NNEXED TERRITORY AS THE CITY OF MURPHY'S EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION; PROVIDING FOR AMENDING AND CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL MAP AND BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF MURPHY, TEXAS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A REPEALER CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Murphy(the"City")is a home-rule municipality; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority granted in Section 43.142 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended, a home-rule municipality may disannex an area in the municipality according to rules as may be provided by the charter of the municipality and not inconsistent with the procedural rules prescribed by state law;and WHEREAS, Section 1.03 of the City of Murphy, Texas, Home-Rule Charter authorizes '1 the City to disannex an area of the City;and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Murphy, Texas, finds and determines the area to be disannexed, as described in Exhibit A and as further depicted in Exhibit B of this Ordinance, consists of approximately 0.1079 acres, is uninhabited, and contains no residents of the City of Murphy,Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MURPHY,TEXAS: Section 1. FINDINGS INCORPORATED The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. • Section 2. DISANNEXND TERRITORY That the corporate territory, as described in Exhibit A, and as further depicted in Exhibit B of this Ordinance, be and is hereby disannexed from the corporate limits of the City of Murphy, Collin County, Texas, and the same is hereby no longer a part of the City. Further, the City hereby simultaneously releases all rights to said disannexed territory, as described in Exhibit A, and as further depicted in Exhibit B of this Ordinance, as the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction("ETJ"),upon the City of Wylie,Texas,lawful annexation of said territory. Section 3. AMENDMENT OF OFFICIAL MAP That the official map and boundaries of the City heretofore adopted and amended be and are hereby amended so as to exclude the area, as described in Exhibit A, and as further depicted in Exhibit B of this Ordinance, from the corporate limits of the City. Section 4. PERFORMANCE OF ALL NECESSARY ACTIONS That the City Manager is hereby directed and authorized to perform or cause to be performed all acts necessary to effectuate this Ordinance, including any corrections to the official map of the City to reflect the City's boundaries and ETJ as well as all appropriate filings with any and all governmental agencies or entities so affected by the acts described in this Ordinance. Section 5. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE If any section, subsection, sentence, phrase, or word be found to be illegal, invalid, unconstitutional or if any portion of said properties is incapable of being disannexed by the City of Murphy, Texas, for any reason whatsoever, such adjudication shall not affect any other section, sentence, phrase, word, paragraph or provision of this Ordinance, or the application of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, paragraph or provision to any other person or portion of said properties, situation or circumstance, nor shall such adjudication affect any other section, sentence, phrase, word, paragraph or provision of any other ordinance of the City of Murphy, Texas. The City Council declares that it would have adopted the valid portions and applications of this Ordinance and would have disannexed the properties without the invalid part and invalid properties and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 6. REPEALER CLAUSE Any provision of any prior ordinance of the City whether codified or uncodified, which are in conflict with any provision of the Ordinance, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict, but all other provisions of the ordinances of the City whether codified or uncodified, which are not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication as required by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Murphy, Texas, on this the 5th day of November,2007. Bret M. Baldwin, ayor City of Murphy Page 2 of 5 ATTEST: I* ti- a '*= GrS •a�� Aimee Nemer,City Secretary '-.,,FIygiR 2°;:��.�` City of Murphy �'ii�'�aii�u.'� APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Robert F. Brown, City Attorney ,.I Page 3 of 5 1-* EXHIBIT "A" 1 RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR MAXWELL CREEK ROAD l 0.1079 ACRES H. MAXWELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 579 CITY OF MURPHY, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS • BEING a tract of land out of the H. Maxwell Survey,Abstract Number 579,in the City of Murphy, Collin County, Texas,and being a part of a called 11.176 acre tract of land described In deed to Hellen Pickard,recorded In County Clerk's File No.96-0043722 of the Land Records of Collin County,Texas,and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8-Inch iron rod found in the south right-of-way line of F.M.Highway 544 for southwesterly corner of the 0.0572 acre tract of land described in deed to State of Texas for F.M.Highway 544,recorded in Collin County Clerk File's No.96-0043722 of the Land Records of Collin County,Texas, same being the northerly common corner of the beforemntioned 11.176 acre tract of land and the called 61.746 acre tract of land described in deed to Woodbridge North Development, LLC,recorded under instrument No.2006040500442250 . of the Official Public Records of Collin County,Texas. THENCE with the said common line of the 11.175 acre tract and 61.746 acre tract,South 00°00'00"East,a distance of 319.99 feet to a 5/8-inch Iron rod set with a plastic cap stamped"KHA"for the beginning of a o non-tangent curve to the left; M1 THENCE leaving the said common lines,the following courses and distances to wit: S --Northerly,with the said curve to the lett, through a central angle of 10°22'15",having a radius of 790.00 a - feet and a chord bearing and distance of North 05°11'07"West, 142.80 feet,an arc distance of 142.99 feet to a N 5/8-inch Iron rod set with a plastic cap stamped"KHA"for the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right; --Northerly, with the said curve to the left,through a central angle of 10°21'07",having a radius of 878.00 feet and a chord bearing and distance of North 05°11'41"West, 158.42 feet,an arc distance of 158.64 feet to a g 5/8-inch Iron rod set with a plastic cap stamped"KHA"for the end of said curve; g -North 00°01'07"East,a distance of 20.00 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod set with a plastic cap stamped"KHA" for corner in the south right-of-way line of F.M.Highway 544; THENCE with the said south right-of-way line,North 89°59'24"East,a distance of 27.25 feet to the POINT OF 4 R J' BEGINNING and containing 0.1079 acres(4,701 square feet)of land,more or less. X= 1Ul 22l T ,0 Bearing system based on the monuments found along the common line of the 11.176 acre tract of land described :ii in deed to Hellen Pickard,recorded in County Clerk's File No.96-0043722 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas and the called 61.746 acre tract of land described in deed to Woodbridge North Development,LLC, �.x recorded under instrument No.2006040500442250 of the Official Public Records of Collin County,Texas using =a South 00°00'00"West. �4 o w oi N flsd \ i'S m JOHN VICAIN m -- 4097 r C'9 ••A-E SS- ;'0� Ei SUR`l as =x i Page 1 of 2 ❑t© Orktibm andAysedNa,Ma I7—ELEVEN I 544 ADDITION _--, CAB. N PG. 919 /r ) \ F.M. HIGHWAY 544 STATS E OF 55CC N 89'59'24" E VOL 4457, P . 2146 2z 26, BEGINNING ` LRcB_C T. _ _ • ti N 0O'01'07" W----ar_ D t. Vie` rRr c o A,; ,r 20.00 ,,, •,,.,� ,OVERHEAD POWER LINE ¢k,1 ALONG PROPERTY LINE LI=10`21'07" r,.+r > R=878.00 '= :;,f4 o 8 L=158.64 a�; ,� a w CB=N0571'41"W it cn 3 C=158.42' t�],ir 01 w o s Called 11.176 ACRES "l Pi L.)�. o Culled 61.746 ACRES HELLEN PICKARD ' ``';, �`' ^ WDODGR1pGE NORTH ":� 1 C.C.C.F. No. 96-0043722 h'kTi DEELOPMENT LLC L.R.C.C.L.R.C.C.T. ;4 Lu >c ti I et. No. 20060405000442250 4--1022'15" Q L. 0.P.R.CC.T. F R=790.00 0r. L=142.99 0 x C8=N0511'07"W o C=142.80 ; irj 4 in �. •..... iY �As ..¢FG15T :FI., i is uAj U) f4 JOHN VICAIN m X 4 c3 Lat . 0 4097 �;:; W,. CQ % (q FESS��a c.) 8 i. ry u o EXHIBIT "B" RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR MAXWELL CREEK ROAD 0.1079 ACRES H. MAXWELL. SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO. 579 e.. CITY OF MURPHY, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS J Page 2 of 2 CM lea Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 8, 2008 Item Number: 3 (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Engineering Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: Date Prepared: December 21, 2007 Budgeted Amount: $1,220,000 Exhibits: Agreement Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P., in an amount not to exceed $1,048,000, for the design of the expansion of Brown Street from FM 1378 to Ballard Avenue. Recommendation Motion to approve a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P., in an amount not to exceed $1,048,000, for the design of the expansion of Brown Street from FM 1378 to Ballard Avenue. Discussion The 2005 City of Wylie Bond Program identified $9,000,000 for the design and construction of approximately 9,500 linear feet of 4-lane concrete pavement section with sidewalks on Brown Street from FM 1378 to Ballard Avenue. $4,453,750 was also included in the recent Collin County Bond Program for the project as shown on the attached table. Total funds available for the project are $13,453,750. The first bond issue included $1,220,000 for engineering and right of way acquisition for this project. Engineering services for the project include the design of a 4-lane paving section, storm sewer, sidewalks, utility relocations, erosion control, traffic control, and right of way documents. A summary of the proposed engineering fee is shown below: Summary of Fees Preliminary Design Phase $294,000 Final Design Services $420,000 Bid Phase Services $25,200 Construction Phase $100,800 Additional Services $208,000 TOTAL $1,048,000 The additional services include field survey, right-of-way map, field note descriptions, flood study, grade Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 separated railroad crossing study, franchise utility locates, geotechnical report, signal warrant study, landscape and irrigation plans, and street lighting plans. The survey, right-of-way, and field note services are necessary to complete the project, however, the other services are optional and can be made a part of this project if Council so chooses. Additional services are billed on an hourly basis and the proposal suggests a maximum amount that is necessary to complete each task. The projected completion schedule indicates a preliminary schematic in March 2008, preliminary construction plans in August 2008, and advertising the project for construction in January 2009. Construction funds for the project will be available in the next bond issue which is scheduled for 2009. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 12/21/07 City Manager 1\ I f e C BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave.,#220 Dallas,Texas 75231 Fax(214)361-0204 Phone(214)361-7900 JOHN W.BIRKHOFF,P.E. RONALD V.CONWAY,P.E. GARY C.HENDRICKS,P.E. JOE R.CARTER,P.E. PAUL A.CARLINE,P.E. MATT HICKEY,P.E. December 6, 2007 Chris Hoisted, P.E. City Engineer City of Wylie 949 Hensley Lane Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: West Brown Street Improvements—Country Club Drive to North Ballard Avenue Professional Engineering Services Agreement Dear Mr. Hoisted: We are pleased to submit the Professional Engineering Services Agreement for design of West Brown Street Paving and Drainage Improvements from Country Club Drive to North Ballard Avenue for the City of Wylie as you requested. We are providing three (3) copies of the agreement for your use. Please have all three copies of the Agreement executed by the City of Wylie and return one copy to us for our files. Do no hesitate to call us if there are questions related to this agreement. We look forward to working with you on this important project and are available to discuss the project at your convenience. Sincerely yours, Joe R. Carter, P.E. Enclosures 1\7015 contdev\wylie\west brown\transmit-agreement.doc BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007-???? CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: 06-Dec-07 Project: West Brown Street Paving and Drainage Improvements Country Club Drive to North Ballard Avenue By: JRC ENGINEER'S PRELIMINARY OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description Quantity Unit Price Amount Project Description:A 4-lane divided Thoroughfare transition to 4-lane undivided at east end,12-foot lanes,8-inch thick,reinforced concrete street with curbs and underground storm drainage(Proposed 90-foot Right-of-Way) Project Length 9,500 L.F. Normal Width Each Side 25 B-B Expected Average Depth of Roadway Excavation 2.50 feet Lime Stabilized Subgrade Application Rate 8% by unit weight 1 Right-of-way Preparation 95 Sta. $ 4,500.00 $ 427,500 2 Unclassified Excavation 79,167 C.Y. $ 8.00 $ 633,300 3 12-inch Lime Treated Subgrade(10%for Median Cuts&Left Turns) 62,700 S.Y. $ 4.75 $ 297,800 4 Hydrated Lime @ 65#/S.Y. 2,038 Tons $ 115.00 $ 234,300 5 Moisture Treated Subgrade(3.5'Below Lime Stabilized Subgrade) 66,500 C.Y. $ 4.50 $ 299,300 6 6-inch Monolithic Concrete Curb(plus 5%for Median Openings) 39,900 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 79,800 7 8-inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement(10%for Median Cuts&Left Tur 58,056 S.Y. $ 35.00 $ 2,032,000 8 Reinforced Concrete Driveways(24 ea.x 15'wide x 20'deep) 800 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 32,000 9 Side Street Concrete Transitions(10 ea.x 25'wide x 50'deep) 1,400 S.Y. $ 40.00 $ 56,000 10 Remove Existing Concrete Pavement and Driveways 2,200 S.Y. $ 12.00 $ 26,400 11 Remove Existing Asphalt Pavement 25,333 S.Y. $ 10.00 $ 253,300 12 Finish Grade and Sodding(plus 10%outside ROW) 37,328 S.Y. $ 7.00 $ 261,300 13 5-foot Wide Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk(both sides) 10,278 S.Y. $ 36.00 $ 370,000 14 Handicap Ramps 20 Ea. $ 1,550.00 $ 31,000 15 Temporary Pavement for Construction Phasing(10'x 9000') 10,000 S.Y. $ 20.00 $ 200,000 Paving Improvements Subtotal(Rounded to Nearest$1,000): $ 5,234,000 16 Underground Storm Drainage Improvements(Rounded to Nearest$1,001 30% of Paving Improvements $ 1,570,000 17 (4) 10'x 10'Reinf. Concrete Box Culverts with Headwalls 1 L.S. $400,000.00 $ 400,000 18 (2) 10's x 8'r Reinf. Concrete Box Culverts with Headwalls 1 L.S. $180,000.00 $ 180,000 19 (1)9's x 5'r Reinf. Concrete Box Culvert with Headwalls 1 L.S. $110,000.00 $ 110,000 20 Offsite Storm Drainage Improvements 500 L.F. $ 200.00 $ 100,000 Drainage Improvements Subtotal(Rounded to Nearest$1,000): $ 2,360,000 21 Signalization Improvements at Westgate Way and North Ballard Ave. 1 L.S. $480,000.00 $ 480,000 22 Landscaping&Irrigation Improvements 9,500 L.F. $ 60.00 $ 570,000 23 Street Lighting Improvements 9,500 L.F. $ 80.00 $ 760,000 24 Rai#a a Gr s*pro etrsents �13 O er ) ` , x. .:SPt. .350,000:'004 >$. :, a 35000.. Aesthetics,Signalization&R.R.Subtotal(Rounded to Nearest$1,000): $ 2,160,000 Paving,Drainage,Aesthetics,Signalization&R.R. Subtotal: $ 9,754,000 Miscellaneous Contingencies(Rounded to Nearest$1,000): 15% $ 1,463,000 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost(Rounded to Nearest$10,000): $ 11,220,000 Project Cost per Linear Foot: $ 1,181.05 .\Forms\Estimate\Office99\W Brown Conceptual Budget.xls\Paving,Drainge&Utilities Page 1 of 2 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2007-???? CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: City of Wylie Date: 06-Dec-07 Project: West Brown Street Paving and Drainage Improvements Country Club Drive to North Ballard Avenue By: JRC ENGINEER'S PRELIMINARY OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description Quantity Unit Price Amount Engineering Design,Bidding&Construction Administration: 7.49% $ 840,000 Field Surveys: 0.24% $ 26,400 Deed Research and Right-of-way Strip Map: 0.16% $ 18,000 Right-of-Way and Easement Document Preparation: 0.16% $ 18,000 Pothole Existing Franchise Utilities: 0.05% $ 5,200 Geotechnical Investigation&Pavement Design: 0.16% $ 18,300 Flood Study at Main Tributary to Muddy Creek: 0.18% $ 20,000 Grade Separation Investigaiton at Railroad: 0.16% $ 18,500 Landscaping, Irrigation, Street Lighting and Signalization: 0.75% $ 83,600 Subtotal,Professional Fees: 9.34% $ 1,048,000 Project Total Including Probable Construction Cost&Fees: $ 12,268,000 USE (ROUNDED TO NEAREST $10,000): $ 12,270,000 -Represents Design Not Included In Proposed Agreement Page 2 of 2 1:Worms\Estimate1Office97\W Brown Conceptual Budget.xls\Paving,Drainge&Utilities PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the City of Wylie, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "City", and Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P., hereinafter referred to as "Engineer", to be effective from and after the date as provided herein. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City desires to engage the services of the Engineer to complete engineering design and provide surveying services for the West Brown Street Paving and Drainage Improvements from Country Club Drive to North Ballard Avenue (approximately 9,500 feet) hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and WHEREAS, the Engineer desires to render such engineering design services for the City under the terms and conditions provided herein. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for and in consideration of the covenants contained herein, and for the mutual benefits to be obtained hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. Employment of the Engineer The City hereby agrees to retain the Engineer to perform professional engineering services in connection with the Project; Engineer agrees to perform such services in accordance with the terms and condition of this Agreement. II. Scope of Services The parties agree that Engineer shall perform such services as are set forth and described in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and thereby made a part of this Agreement. The parties understand and agree that deviations or modifications, in the form of written changes may be authorized from time to time by the City. III. Schedule of Work The Engineer agrees to commence services immediately upon execution of this Agreement, and to proceed diligently with said service to completion as described in the Completion Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and thereby made a part of this Agreement. Professional Services Agreement—West Brown Street Paving& Drainage Improvements (12/6/07) Page 1 of 15 1:17015 contdevlwylie\west brown\agreement-I2-O6-07.doc IV. Compensation and Method of Payment The parties agree that Engineer shall be compensated for all services provided pursuant to this Agreement in the amount and manner described and set forth in the Payment Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and thereby made a part of this Agreement. Engineer further agrees that it will prepare and present such monthly progress reports and itemized statements as are described in said Exhibit"C". City agrees to pay invoices upon receipt. V. Insurance Engineer agrees to procure and maintain for the duration of the contract Professional Liability Insurance ($1,000,000), Worker's Compensation, General Liability and Automobile Insurance. VI. Assignment and Subletting The Engineer agrees that neither this Agreement nor the services to be performed hereunder will be assigned or sublet without the prior written consent of the City. The Engineer further agrees that the assignment or subletting of any portion or feature of the work or materials required in the performance of this Agreement shall not relieve the Engineer from its full obligations to the City as provided by this Agreement. VII. Contract Termination The parties agree that City or the Engineer shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other. In the event of such termination without cause, Engineer shall deliver to City all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, reports, photographs or other items prepared by Engineer in connection with this Agreement. Engineer shall be entitled to compensation for any and all services completed to the satisfaction of City in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement prior to termination. VIII. Engineer's Opinion of Cost The parties recognize and agree that any and all opinions of cost prepared by Engineer in connection with the Project represent the best judgment of Engineer as a design professional familiar with the construction industry, but that the Engineer does not guarantee that any bids solicited or received in connection with the Project will not vary from the opinion by the Engineer. Professional Services Agreement— West Brown Street Paving&Drainage Improvements (12/6/07) Page 2 of 15 l\7015 contdev\wvlie\west brown\agreement-12-06-07.doc IX. Ownership of Documents Original drawings, specifications and reports are the property of the Engineer; however,the Project is the property of the City. City shall be furnished with such reproductions of drawings, specifications and reports. Upon completion of the services or any earlier termination of this Agreement under Article VII, Engineer will revise drawings to reflect changes made during construction as reported by the City and contractor, and he will furnish the City with one complete set of reproducible drawings, two sets of record prints, and electronic files. X. Complete Contract This Agreement, including the exhibits hereto numbered "A" through "D" constitutes the entire agreement by and between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof. XI. Mailing of Notices Unless instructed otherwise in writing, Engineer agrees that all notices or communications to City permitted or required under this Agreement shall be addressed to City at the following address: Mr. Chris Hoisted, P.E. City Engineer City of Wylie 949 Hensley Lane Wylie, Texas 75098 City agrees that all notices or communications to Engineer permitted or required under this Agreement shall be addressed to Engineer at the following address: Joe R. Carter, P.E. Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P. 7502 Greenville Ave., #220 Dallas, Texas 75231 Phone: (214) 361-7900 All notices or communications required to be given in writing by one party or the other shall be considered as having been given to the addressee on the date such notice or communication is posted by the sending party. Professional Services Agreement West Brown Street Paving&Drainage Improvements (12/6/07) Page 3 of 15 I\7015 contdev\wylie\west brown\agreement-12-06-07.doc XII. Contract Amendments This Agreement may be amended only by the mutual agreement of the parties expressed in writing. XIII. Effective Date This Agreement shall be effective from and after execution by both parties hereto. WITNESS OUR HANDS AND SEALS on the date indicated below. CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. By: By: c Mindy Manson, City Manager Joe R. arter, P.E., Partner Date: Date: 0.ece.nher- 6 "7 ATTEST ATTEST By: By: Professional Services Agreement—West Brown Street Paving&Drainage Improvements (12/6/07) Page 4 of 15 1:17015 contdev\wvlie\west brown\agreement-12-06-07.doc EXHIBIT "A" ENGINEERING SERVICES West Brown Street Paving & Drainage Improvements (From Country Club Drive to North Ballard Avenue) Part I: DESIGN PHASE Prepare plans, specifications and bidding documents for construction of West Brown Street Paving and Drainage Improvements (From Country Club Drive to North Ballard Avenue). The project parameters generally consist of a 4-lane divided reinforced concrete street with integral monolithic concrete curbs and underground storm drainage from Country Club Drive to Rustic Trail and a 4-lane undivided reinforced concrete street with integral monolithic concrete curbs and underground storm drainage from Rustic Trail to North Ballard Avenue. The 2 lanes on each side of the divided section shall be 25 ft. back-to-back and the 4-lane undivided section shall be 49 ft. back-to-back. The right-of-way for the divided section will be 100 feet wide and the right-of-way for the undivided section will generally be 70 feet wide. This right-of-way width allows for construction of 5-foot wide sidewalks with at least 5 feet remaining for grass or a landscaped parkway. A project location map and typical paving improvement sections are included at the end of this Exhibit "A". The design phase services include: A. Preliminary Design Phase 1. Coordinate and attend a design conference with the CITY and other interested parties regarding the project. The purpose of the design conference will be to identify special project requirements, including but not limited to: a) Geometries b) Existing Water Line Relocation c) Typical Pavement Sections d) Utility Coordination and/or Relocations e) Coordination with Railroad f) Coordination with Wylie Independent School District 2. Perfoiiii Deed Research and develop a Right-of-Way Strip Map. 3. Develop a Roadway Schematic with proposed geometry and location of sidewalks. 4. Determine drainage areas and perform flood study for the major creek crossing. Underground storm drainage system will be based on a 100-year storm frequency. 5. Preparing for and attending one (1) public and/or neighborhood meeting to discuss the project parameters and Roadway Schematic. Professional Services Agreement-- West Brown Street Paving&Drainage Improvements (12/6/07) Page 5 of 15 I\7015 contdev\wylie\west brown\agreement-12-06-07.doe B. Final Design Phase Prepare plans and specifications for construction of the West Brown Street Paving and Drainage Improvements. Construction plans and specifications will be submitted for review at the 60% complete and 90% complete stages. An Engineer's Opinion Of Probable Construction Cost is to be submitted at the 90% and 100% complete stages. The final design phase of this project shall include: 1. Cover Sheet, Location Map and Sheet Index 2. Coordinate and Survey Control Sheets for Contractor's Construction Surveying 3. Pavement and Structure Removal Plan 4. Roadway Plan-Profile Sheets prepared at a Scale of Not Less Than 1" = 20' 5. Drainage Area Map and Drainage Design Computations 6. Storm Sewer Plan Sheets and Profile Sheets prepared at a Scale of Not Less Than 1" = 20', including Culverts, Offsite Storm Sewers or Channels 7. Contour Grading Plan for Intersections 8. Construction Phasing and Traffic Control Plan 9. Quantity Summary Sheet 10. Permanent Signing and Pavement Marking Plan 11. Erosion Control Plan 12. Incorporate Standard Details and Design Standards 13. Special Details, as Required 14. Preparation of routine submittals to State Regulatory Agencies, as required 15. Assistance in preparation of Highway, Railroad and Utility Permits, as required 16. Coordination with Utility Companies, Southern Pacific Railroad and the Wylie Independent School District 17. Attend Design Review Meetings once a month with City Staff 18. Complete a Quantity Takeoff and develop Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for the 90% and 100% complete stages 19. Preparation of Specifications and Bidding Documents 20. Print Preliminary Plans (11" x 17") for review by the City and Utility Companies at the 60% complete stage, and Preliminary Plans and Specifications for the 90% complete stage Professional Services Agreement—West Brown Street Paving&Drainage Improvements (12/6/07) Page 6 of 15 1:\7015 contdev\wylie\west brown\agreement-12-06-07.doc Part II: BIDDING PHASE A. Assist the City staff in advertising for bids. This will include e-mailing "Notice to Contractors" to contractors experienced in this type of construction. City will have Notice published in local newspaper. B. Sell bidding documents to potential bidders and their suppliers and other parties. C. Provide bidding documents to City of Wylie, the Testing Lab and a Plan Room. D. Assist during opening of bids and provide bidding tally sheets. E. Provide bid tabulation to City and contractors who submitted bids. F. Obtain the following information from the lowest bidder: 1. Past work history, 2. Physical resources to produce the project. Formulate opinion from information received and provide the City a summary of the opinion for their use in selection and award of the construction contract. G. After award of contract, furnish eight (8) sets of 11" x 17" prints of the final plans with specifications and documents to the City for construction use by the City and Contractor. Part III: CONSTRUCTION PHASE A. Conduct pre-construction conference, including preparing an agenda. B. Attend coordination meetings with contractor, quality control personnel, and City representatives to discuss strategy, problem areas, progress, and required coordination. C. Review shop drawings and other submittal information, submitted by the Contractor. This review is for the benefit of the Owner and covers only general conformance with information given by the Contract Documents. The contractor is to review and stamp their approval on submittals prior to submitting to the Engineer. Review by the Engineer does not relieve the Contractor of any responsibilities, safety measures or the necessity to construct a complete and workable facility in accordance with the Contract Documents. D. Provide written responses to requests for information or clarification to City or Contractor. E. Prepare and process routine change orders for this project as they pertain to the original scope of work. F. Prepare monthly pay request from information obtained in the field. G. Accompany the City during their final inspection of the project. Professional Services Agreement—West Brown Street Paving&Drainage Improvements (12/6/07) Page 7 of 15 I:\7015 contdev\wvlie\west brown\agreement-12-06-07.doc H. Recommend final acceptance of work based on information from the City on-site representative. I. Revise contract drawings, with the assistance of the Resident Project Representative to reflect available information as to how the work was constructed. Furnish a set of reproducible mylars of these revised drawings to the City. Part IV: ADDITIONAL SERVICES Additional Services are not included in the Basic Services described previously. A description of each Additional Service that may be included in this Agreement follows together with the proposed subconsultant (if applicable) and whether the services are considered as required or optional. The Geotechnical Investigation is an optional service that is strongly recommended. A. Field Surveys for Design and Construction Layout based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System. Field Surveys for Locating Property Corners for use in development of right-of-way and easement field note descriptions and exhibits. (BHC-Required) B. Prepare a Right-of-Way Strip Map with property boundaries based on Field Surveys, available Deed Information, TxDOT Right-of-Way Maps and Plats supplied by the City. (BHC-Required) C. Prepare field note descriptions and exhibits as requested by the City for City use in acquisition of additional street right-of-way and drainage, slope or utility easements. The budget in Exhibit "C" is based on preparation of field note descriptions and exhibits for ten (10) properties on this project. (BHC-Required) D. Conduct a Flood Study for the tributary to Muddy Creek near the west end of the project. The Flood Study shall include Hydraulic Models for the Pre-Project and Post-Project Conditions with the 100-year frequency flow, a report summarizing the findings of the study, cross sections, and a topographic work map. The City shall provide the 100-year frequency storm flow from a model developed by others. (BHC-Optional) E. Conduct a Grade Separation Study for West Brown Street and the Southern Pacific Railroad. The Grade Separation Study will include a Plan and Profile with proposed grades for West Brown Street to be Elevated over the Railroad or to be Lowered under the Railroad, assuming the Railroad maintains existing elevation and grade. The Grade Separation Study will include Opinions of Probable Construction Cost for both options. (BHC-Optional) Professional Services Agreement—West Brown Street Paving&Drainage Improvements (12/6/07) Page 8 of 15 1 17015 contdev\wvlie\west brown\agreement-12-06-07.doc F. Pothole existing Franchise Utilities with a Vac-truck to determine horizontal and vertical location. The number of locations will be as requested by the Engineer and approved by the City. (BHC/John Burns-Optional) G. Geotechnical Engineering Investigation and Pavement Design Report. The Geotechnical Investigation to include seven sample borings to a depth of 20 feet and three sample borings to a depth of 35 feet for the box culverts. The Report to include logs of the samples, results of sample testing and engineering analysis and recommendations for pavement and subgrade and culvert bearing support values. (CTL Thompson-Optional) H. Review available traffic volume data for the intersections of West Brown Street at Westgate Way and North Ballard Avenue. Conduct a 24-hour traffic count for each approach to the intersection. Collect available crash data from the City of Wylie Police Department. Evaluate the warrants for installation of a traffic signal based on the latest edition of the Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The results of the evaluation will be presented in the form of a technical memorandum. Prepare signalization plans for the intersections of West Brown Street at Westgate Way and at North Ballard Avenue utilizing TxDOT design standards. Plans will include infrastructure to allow installation of signals in the future if signals are not currently warranted. Infrastructure may include conduit, pull boxes, cable and foundations if required. Review of shop drawings and assistance during contract administration is included. (Lee Engineering-Optional) I. Preparation of Landscape and Irrigation plans and specifications for West Brown Street. Both Landscaping and Irrigation will be design for areas where sufficient right-of-way will allow for construction and maintenance of plantings and irrigation system. Review of shop drawings and assistance during contract administration is included. (Dunkin, Simms Stoffels-Optional) J. Preparation of Street Lighting plans and specifications for West Brown Street. Contact the electric utility and coordinate the Street Lighting design. Streetlights will be designed to be located in the median for the divided portion of the project and in the parkway where practical in the undivided portion of the project. Review of shop drawings and assistance during contract administration is included. (McCreary & Associates-Optional) Professional Services Agreement--West Brown Street Paving&Drainage Improvements (12/6/07) Page 9 of 15 1:\70I5 contdev\wylie\west brown\agreement-12-O6-07.doc Part V: EXCLUSIONS The intent of this scope of services is to include only the services specifically listed herein and none others. Services specifically excluded from this scope of services include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: A. Environmental impact statements and assessments and Categorical Exclusions. B. Texas Department of Transportation reviews and design process. C. Fees for permits or advertising. D. Certification that work is in accordance with plans and specifications. E. Flood plain reclamation plans or application to FEMA for Conditional Letter of Map Revision or Letter of Map Revision. F. Trench safety designs. G. Quality control and testing services during construction. H. Services in connection with condemnation hearings. I. Phasing of Contractor's work. J. On-site safety precautions, programs and responsibility. K. Consulting services by others not included in proposal. L. Revisions and/or change orders as a result of revisions after completion of original design (unless to correct error on plans). M. Title searches for preparation of right-of-way dedication or easement documents. N. Preparation of the Contractor's Storm Water Prevention Pollution Plan (SW3P). O. Preparation of Plans or Specifications for Southern Pacific Railroad Improvements. Professional Services Agreement—West Brown Street Paving&Drainage Improvements (12/6/07) Page 10 of 15 117015 contdev\wvIie\west brown\agreement-I2-06-07 doc - C -) _ - .. } . = q 'fin '' _ _ Ii 11 • h3 s t PROJECT :ill egin Ei I i.'® A �' �I�k r- , / r : ell E'.,g' ..®g _.®= --LOCATION 111.� _ gi�_ �a� s ,___ 1 E1 = �' % a' / �ew��mangy aeeo / / 7:11' ,1,ummum=--..r. If!kli .� 1] _ 'j , __ :, iin, ,t:n -0 0 ' lir r- f_ r s \ I i-- N, i \ �� z , 7 1 :,-_-_V-e-1-7-1-J+1- '-/ : -11: ' 0 2000 4000 6000 1111 Nil HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET Professional Services Agreement- West Brown Street Paving&Drainage Improvements(12/6/07) Page 11 of 15 VARIABLE WIDTH EASEMENT (TYPICAL BOTH SIDES) 80' R.O.W. MINIMUM _ 0 40' 40' o QC QC Z _ 8.5' 24' 7.5' 7.5' 24' 8.5' 4 F—F F—F 4 I 1 8" REINF. CONC. 1/4 YET 1/4%r 1/4/ /PA CEMENT _ 1/4 j %Fr / 4 _—J/ 1�4/ 1/4'/FT. l— 4 \__ 12" LIME STABILIZED 1 1 SUBGRADE 1 NO. 4 BARS ON 18" CTRS. OR 1 NO. 5 BARS ON 24" CTRS. BOTH WAYS DIVIDED TYPICAL SECTION VAR/ABLE WIDTH EASEMENT (TYPICAL BOTH SIDES) 55' R.O.W. MINIMUM 3 3 0 27.50' 27.50' o Z Z z 3.5' 24' 24' 3.5'ccii 4 1 A RMENT CONC. 1 4 I 4 1/4/� i/�—/— i 1/ _ 1/4'/f7 4 • 12" LIME STABILIZED 1 SUBGRADE 1 NO. 4 BARS ON 18" CTRS. OR NO. 5 BARS ON 24" CTRS BOTH WAYS UNDIVIDED TYPICAL SECTION Professional Services Agreement- West Brown Street Paving&Drainage Improvements(12/6/07) Page 12 of 15 Birkhof Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. EXHIBIT "B" PROJECTED COMPLETION SCHEDULE The schedule assumes the Engineering Agreement is executed by December 18,2007. 'Task Description I Dec.07J Jan.081 Feb.081 Mar.081 Apr.0811 May 081 Jun.081 Jul.08'Aug.081 Sep.081 Oct.08 J Nov.081 Dec.081 Jan.091 Feb.091 Mar.09 I Apr.09 I May 091 Jun.091 Obtain Permission to Survey from all Property Owners Initial Field Surveys&Soil Borings(Assume Permission Is Obtained) Initial Development of Project Schematic(Alignment,Plan&ROVV) City Review Preliminary Schematic(Alignment,Plan&ROW) — Finalize Project Schematic(Alignment,Plan,ROW,Profile and Flood Study) Win . City Review Final Schematic(Alignment,Plan,ROW,Profile and Flood Study) "111111 ' ' . . : . . Prepare Grade Separation Study Mill . City Review Grade Separation Study Prepare Preliminary ROW Strip Map,Exhibits&Descriptions .City Review ROW Strip Map,Exhibits&Descriptions Prepare Final ROW Strip Map,Exhibits&Descriptions City Acquires Right-of-Way and Easements(Council Update) Prepare 60%Construction Plans&Quantities City Review 60%Construction Plans&Quantities Prepare 90%Construction Plans,Quantities&Specifications — City Review 90%Submittal of Construction Plans&Quantities _ Prepare Final Plans,Specifications&Quantities MP City Final Review Advertise Project for Construction Open Bids&Recommend Award City Award Contract Contractor and City Execute Contract Documents Utility Companies Relocate Existing Facilities . _, . . _ _ Begin Construction of Improvements Potential Schedule Delaying Factors Interim City reviews are shown for a duaration of 2 weeks and longer review time will extend the schedule accordingly. Utility Company Relocations could take more than 14 weeks shown&usually will not begin until all right-of-way and easements have been acquired. BHC Scheduled Event: City Scheduled Event: City Council Meeting: Utility Companies Scheduled Event: Contractor&City Scheduled Event: City Scheduled Event: It should take approximately 12 to 15 months to complete construction of this project. Construction should be complete by the end of June 2010 unless there are delays. Professional Services Agreement-West Brown Street Street Paving Drainage Improvements (12 6 2007) Page 13 of 15 r.:vo1swvro\wrst B«,.n Street xsYpn s,;neauie..i: EXHIBIT "C" PAYMENT SCHEDULE Payment for the basic services described under Parts I, II, and III, shall be on a Lump Sum Basis in the following Amounts: Part IA: Preliminary Design Phase $294,000 (35%) Part IB: Final Design Phase $420,000 (50%) Part II: Bidding Phase $ 25,200 (3%) Part III: Construction Phase $100,800 (12%) Total Amount,Basic Services (Parts I—III): $840,000 (100%) For the Additional Services described in Part IV, we propose to be compensated on a salary cost basis times a multiplier of 2.35, with expenses at actual invoice cost times 1.15. Automobile mileage for Special Services will be invoiced at $0.50 per mile. Surveying services will be invoiced at $150 per hour including mileage and miscellaneous expenses. Please initial in the space provided to the right of each Optional Additional Service accepted for this project. We suggest you budget the following amounts for additional services on this project: Accepted A. Field Surveys (Design, Property& Control) $26,400 B. Prepare Right-of-Way Strip Map $18,000 C. Prepare Ten (10) Field Note Descriptions and Exhibits for Right-of-Way, Slope, Drainage or Utility Easement Acquisition $18,000 D. Perform a Flood Study for the Tributary on West End Of Project $20,000 E. Perform Grade Separation Study at the Southern Pacific Railroad $18,500 F. Pothole Existing Franchise Utilities $5,200 G. Geotechnical Evaluation and Report (CTL Thompson) $18,300 H. Conduct signal warrant study for West Brown Street at Westgate Way and for West Brown Street at North Ballard Avenue, prepare Signalization Plans and Specifications (Lee Engineering) $27,600 I. Prepare Landscape & Irrigation Plans and Specs (Dunkin, Simms, Stoffels) $21,500 J. Prepare Street Lighting Plans and Specifications (McCreary & Associates) $34,500 Total Amount, Additional Services (Part IV) $208,000 Payments are to be made monthly based on the percent complete of the design or construction phase for the Basic Services, and based on the actual hourly expenditures or invoice amounts for Special Services. The maximum overall fee of $1,048,000 as approved and established herein shall not be exceeded without written authorization from the City, based on increased scope of services. Professional Services Agreement—West Brown Street Paving&Drainage Improvements (12/6/07) Page 14 of 15 I:\7015 contdev\wvlie\west brown\agreement-12-06-07.doc EXHIBIT "D" INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE CITY The City will provide the following information necessary for this Project: 1. All the City's plat, easement and construction plans and electronic drawing files for water, sewer, paving and drainage improvement projects related to this Project will be made available. City will provide copies of such information at no cost. 2. City will provide access to and assist in the locating of all manholes, cleanouts, water meters and valves and will provide access to all City right-of-way and easements along the project. 3. The City's Utility Operations Department will excavate to locate existing water and sewer lines for horizontal and vertical ties as necessary and requested by the Engineer. The Engineer will call to schedule a time when the work can be done. 4. The City will take appropriate steps to notify the residents of any necessary public meetings. 5. The City will provide both electronic drawings and hard copies of any existing topography maps in the vicinity of the project. 6. The City will provide and disclose all factors pertinent to the Project including the known or suspected location of underground or buried obstacles or utilities. 7. The City will be responsible for determination of the proper handling of historical monuments, homes, or other structures of importance and for informing the Engineer of the disposition of these elements. 8. The City will retain the services of a professional real estate appraiser for determination of fair market value for all right-of-way and easements required for the Project. The City agrees to report promptly in writing to the Engineer of any perceived fault or defect in the Engineer's services or non-conformance with the provisions of this agreement. The City will designate a single representative to act in its behalf, with respect to the Project, who shall examine plans and specifications submitted by the Engineer and shall render decisions pertaining thereto promptly to avoid unreasonable delay in the progress of the Engineer's services. Professional Services Agreement— West Brown Street Paving&Drainage Improvements (12/6/07) Page 15 of 15 I:\7015 contdev\wvIie\west blown\agreement-12-06-07.do, Collin County 2007 Bond Program Transportation Prepared for COUNTY 11. 825 North McDonald Street, Suite 160 McKinney, Texas 75069 Prepared by Carter:Burgess 7950 Elmbrook Drive Dallas, Texas 75247 July 2007 Collin County 2007 Bond Program Transportation Project Shortlist(Tier 1 Projects) July 11,2007 P reject:i n.cn P1 ee Cost B4O3id6ICn Initial Ccreenirn Traffic Evalunton ,L„ Giy e _r Total G si Band Cost I P. C,1y Re�rt,,is I r, r,r,, s LPtr,n, tCt I r r,rl2c[ t C n') C A7d O !. 2U_U FPrI... E't c Ett t cnt n Kank r /YI>cl si ()SIC ..rtils .r P!i... Pa 1 �cl i ,an ..nPtc f' rrs A� n n rill FIC', -. [x� CP Pert' 1'o:� !el i f_�Ir cl,-, (1) (21 1.'I (4) (5) 161 (77) (8) (`) 110) (11) (12) (131 (14) (15) (161 1171 (18) (I°) (20) (21) (221 (23) City of Princeton 815,642,000 80 $7,771,000 $7,771,000 Princoton001 I 1 ICR 407(Monte Carlo Blvd) US 380 FM 75 2.27 Reconstruction 2 4 2009 $15,542,000 $7,771,000 $7,771,000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14,000 1.33 488.46 244.23 I 'City of prosper $9,754,575 80 $4,877,288 $4,877,288 Prosper001 1 Prosper Trail DNT Preston Rd 1.98 IMdening/Reconstruc0on 2 4 2008 $4,435,425 $2,217,713 82,217,713 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5,100 0.49 439.24 219.62 Prosper002 2 First St Preston Rd Cott Rd 1.25 Reconstruction 2 4 2008 $3,033,344 $1,516,672 $1,516,672 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9,600 0.91 252.78 126.39 Prosper003 3 Cos Rd First St US 380 1.00 Reconstruction 2 4 2008 $2,285,806 $1,142,903 $1,142,903 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 20,800 1.98 109.89 54,95 I 'City of Richardson 51,894,000 80 $947,000 $947,000 Richardson001 1 Alma Rd Renner Rd N/A Intersection Improvements 2008 5115,000 $57,500 $57,500 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A Rrchardson002 2 Jupiter Rd Renner Rd N/A Intersection Improvements 2008 $295,000 $147,500 $147,500 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A Richardson003 3 Jupiter Rd SH 190 N/A Intersection Improvements 2008 $185,000 $92,500 $92,500 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A Richardson004 4 SH 190 Renner Rd N/A Intersection Improvements 2008 $145,000 $72,500 $72,500 Yes Yes Yes Yee Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A Richerdson005 5 Performance Dr SH 190 Renner Rd 0.28 Engineering 0 4 2008 $254,000 $127,000 $127,000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 11,300 N/A 79.12 39.56 Rrchardson007 6 Renner Rd Narthster Dr Murphy Rd 1.80 Engineering 4 8 2009 3900,000 $450,000 $450,000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 13,600 045 36.66 18,33 r 'City of Sachs* $3,410,000 80 81,705,000 $1,705,000 Sachse001 1 Ranch Rd W.of Woodbridge Unit 14 Hwy.78 0.61 Widening 2 4 2009 $960,000 $480,000 ,$480,000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4,100 0.39 383,85 191.92 Sechse002 2 DeWitt St Ingram Rd Ranch Rd 0.48 Widening 2 4 2008 $720,000 $360,000 8360,000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4,100 0.39 382,20 181.10 Saclse004 4 Maxwell Creek Rd Ranch Rd North city limit 0.93 Reconstruction 2 4 2012 $1,730,000 $865,000 $865,000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4,100 0,39 453.71 226.86 I !City of Wylie $27,248,750 30 813,824,376 813,624,376 Wyli0001 1 Brown St FM 1378 Ballard Avenue 1.80 Reconstruction 2 4 2009 $8,907,500 $4,453,750 $4,453,750 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5,500 0.52 900.13 450.08 Wylle002 2 McMillan Rd(Perk Blvd) E.of McCreary FM 1378 1.09 Reconstruction 2 4 2009 $8,298,750 $4,149,375 14,149,375 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2,000 0.19 3810.21 1905.10 Wyfie004 4 Stone Rd Aldn Ln County Line Rd 1.99 RecornWc$on 2 4 2009 810,042,500 $5,021,250 $5,021,250 Yes Yes Yea Yes Yes 5,800 0.55 870.68 435.34 Tier I Projects 3 of 4 7/11/2007 City of Wylie Bond Program ATTACHMENT A Scheduling and Drawdown Plan Design and ROW Construction Profits 4st Qtr ( 2ndOrt I. 3►d Qt I 4th flit lst Qtr I 2nd Girt I ant Olt i 4th Girt lst Qtr I 2110 Qrt I 3rd Ott I 4th Qrt, Totals Streets FM 1378 500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 3,000,000 1,500,000 700,000 9,700,000 Stone Rd-Phase 1 500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 700,000 3,250,000 Stone Rd-Phase 2 1,150,000 Brown Street-West 1220,000 Brown Street-East 900,000 Alanis Drive 100,000 1,750,000 363,000 2,600,000 Streets Total 150,000 665,000 652,000 800,000 1,975,000 5,195,000 3,358,000 3,725,000 1,600,000 700,000 18,820,000 Sidewalks 250,000 250,000 Fire Station 3 300,000 405,000 500,000 150,000 1,500,000 0 Community Park Founders Park 200,000 100,000 750,000 1,750,000 1,250,000 1,000,000 250,000 5,470,000 Recreation Center and Parks Admin. 600,000 Ci Hall Facilities 545,000 Libra Facilities 1,500,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 1,900,000 625,000 8,140,000 TOTAL 195,000 730,000 892,000 1,095,000 2,805,000 6,155,000 6,458,000 7,530,000 4,940,000 3,650,000 875,000 35,325,000 CUMULATIVE TOTAL 925,000 1,817,000 2,912,000 5,717,000 11,872,000 18,330,000 25,860,000 30,800,000 34,450,000 35,325,000 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 8, 2008 Item Number: 4 (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Public Services Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: December 26, 2007 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of the proposed City of Wylie Storm Water Management Plan to be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Recommendation Motion to approve the proposed City of Wylie Storm Water Management Plan to be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Discussion The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued regulations in 1999 to protect storm water quality in urbanized areas. In Texas, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) was delegated the responsibility for implementing the regulations, commonly called the Phase II Storm Water program. The City of Wylie is one of several hundred cities, counties, and other public entities required to develop a program to protect storm water quality under Phase II regulations. The EPA required the TCEQ to develop permit conditions for General Permit Number TXR040000 by December 9, 2002 to regulate public entities such as the City. The TCEQ finalized the permit on August 13, 2007 requiring the City to develop and submit a plan for a storm water management program within 180 days. The program will need to be implemented over the next five years. The implementation schedule and measurable goals for the five-year permit term were selected to meet the minimum requirements of the TCEQ and to minimize the impact upon the City budget. The City is required to develop a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) that describes specific actions that will be taken over a five-year period to reduce pollutants and protect the City's storm water quality. The specific activities to be implemented are referred to as Best Management Practices (BMP). Various BMPs have been developed for each of the six "minimum control measures" required by the General Permit. The SWMP also sets measurable goals and provides a schedule for the implementation of the BMPs. Implementation of the selected BMPs is expected to result in reductions of pollutants discharged by the City. As part of the FY07-08 midyear budget process, Council authorized funding for consultant services to assist in development of the SWMP with the stipulation that funds not be expensed until the TCEQ issued the General Permit. When the permit was finalized in August 2007, Freese and Nichols, Inc., a firm familiar with the City's Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 storm water needs and SWMP development, was contracted to assist in developing the plan. Staff completed the draft document in December 2007. To be in compliance with the TCEQ's 180 day deadline, the attached plan, with any changes suggested by Council, needs to be submitted to TCEQ by February 11, 2008. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MS 12/26/07 City Manager ���� 1 0� City of Draft Wylie Storm Water Management Plan Developed to comply with the requirements of Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit No. TXR040000 Permit Term: Cii CITY OF WYLIE August 2007 - July 2012 Prepared: December 2007 Prepared by Freese and Nichols, Inc. 1701 N. Market Street, Suite 500 LB51 111114111 Dallas, Texas 75202 (214)217-2200 Freese and Nichols www.freese.com WLE07465 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 9 1.1 The City of Wylie 9 1.2 Water Quality 10 2.0 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 14 2.1 Overview 14 2.2 Permit Applicability And Coverage 15 2.3 Definitions 16 3.0 APPROACH 18 3.1 Best Management Practice Selection Process 18 3.2 Selection Process for Measurable Goals and Implementation Schedule 19 4.0 MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE REQUIREMENTS 20 4.1 Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts 20 4.2 Public Involvement/Participation 20 4.3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 21 4.4 Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control 22 4.5 Post-Construction Storm Water Management in New and Redevelopment 22 4.6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations 23 4.7 Authorization for Municipal Construction Activities (Optional) 24 5.0 BMPS, MEASURABLE GOALS, AND IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE 26 6.0 MEASURABLE GOAL EVALUATION PROCESS 20 7.0 ASSESSMENT OF NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES 21 8.0 RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING 22 8.1 Recordkeeping 22 8.2 Annual Report 22 8.3 Plan Updates 22 8.4 Reference Material 22 9.0 STORM WATER PERMITS FOR CITY-OWNED FACILITIES 24 Page ii TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan FIGURES Figure 1 . Wylie Urbanized Area Map Error! Bookmark not defined. TABLES Table 1 . Designated Uses/Water Quality Issues of Water Bodies near Wylie 13 APPENDICES Appendix A List of BMPs A Appendix B BMPs by Regulatory Requirement B Appendix C BMPs by City Department Responsibility C Appendix D Individual BMP Descriptions D Appendix E Blank BMP Annual Report Forms E Appendix F Multi-Sector General Storm Water Permits for Industrial Activity F Appendix G TPDES Phase II MS4 General Permit G Appendix H Record of Plan Updates H Appendix I Year 1 Completed BMP Annual Report Forms I Appendix J Year 2 Completed BMP Annual Report Forms J Appendix K Year 3 Completed BMP Annual Report Forms K Appendix L Year 4 Completed BMP Annual Report Forms L Appendix M Year 5 Completed BMP Annual Report Forms M Page 11i TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan 1.0 INTRODUCTION The U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued regulations in 1999 to protect storm water quality in urbanized areas. In Texas, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) was delegated the responsibility for implementing the regulations, commonly called the Phase II Storm Water Program. The City of Wylie is one of several hundred cities, counties, and other public entities required to develop a program to protect storm water quality under Phase II regulations. The EPA required the TCEQ to develop permit conditions for General Permit Number TXR040000 by December 9, 2002 to regulate public entities such as the City. The TCEQ finalized the permit August 13, 2007. With the permit requirements finalized, the City will have 180 days to develop and submit to the TCEQ a plan for a storm water management program. The program will then need to be implemented over the next five years. The City has developed a storm water management plan (SWMP) to comply with the requirements of the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) General Permit No. TXR040000. The SWMP includes best management practices (BMPs) that will be implemented by the City to reduce storm water pollution to the "maximum extent practicable," as regulations require. Existing City storm water programs and activities designed to protect the City's water quality were identified and included in the SWMP. They will be supplemented with several new BMPs to provide even more protection of storm water quality. A schedule to implement the storm water management program, as well as measurable goals to track the implementation progress, has been developed for each of the BMPs in the SWMP. Each BMP was selected based on the projected effectiveness in protecting storm water quality and its ability to aid in compliance with permit conditions. The implementation schedule and measurable goals for the first five-year permit term were selected so that the storm water program will be steadily implemented. The City will review the implementation progress each year and modify the storm water management program as necessary. Annual updates will be provided to the TCEQ. 1.1 The City of Wylie The city of Wylie, Texas is located south of Lavon Lake in southcentral Collin County in North Central Texas, north of State Highway 78 . It is 23.3 miles northeast of Dallas and 10.6 miles northeast of Garland. Wylie's population in the year 2000 stood at 15,132 people, with a density of 1,504 people per square mile, and a total area of approximately 19.4 miles. Wylie grew extremely rapidly in the 1990's, by over 62%; its population more than doubled again (over 116%) from 2000 to 2006. While its residential land use is largely built out, only about one-third of its commercially designated land is built out. Wylie is located within the Texas Blackland Prairie ecoregion, specifically the Northern Blackland Prairie. This ecoregion is characterized by fine textured, clayey soils, and predominantly prairie natural vegetation. The area is characterized by a humid, subtropical continental climate with hot summers and mild winters. The average Page 9 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan maximum temperature of the Northern Blackland Prairie occurs in July (96.3 degrees F); the average minim;um temperature occurs in January (34.2 degrees F), with an annual average temperature of 65.7 degrees F. Rainfall is distributed throughout the year, reaching a slight peak in spring. Snowfall is infrequent. Prevailing winds in the area are from the south. 1.2 Water Quality 1.2.1 Storm Water and Water Quality in Texas Storm water affects the quality of water in urban lakes, rivers, neighborhood creeks, and storm drains. These drainage ways, both natural and man-made, effectively remove storm water runoff quickly from urban areas. In this part of the country, storm drain systems are separate from sewage systems, and untreated runoff flows directly to the nearest bodies of water. Any pollutants such as pesticides, oil, and detergents that are present on urban land, streets, or other surfaces are also carried along. In order to protect water quality, we must identify the types and sources of pollution, and implement plans to protect our water resources. Historically, waters have been protected through State and Federal regulation of "point-sources" or end-of-pipe sources of pollution. As a result, it has become more evident that overland sources of pollution, such as storm water runoff, can create serious problems in our water ways and impact our quality of life. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is charged through federal mandate with protecting the quality of waters within the State. The TCEQ's approach to this mandate includes measuring water quality at locations across the state, determining if the quality in streams, lakes, and creeks is acceptable, and implementing plans to clean up water bodies that are impacted. The Texas Surface Water Quality Standards are rules designed to establish goals for water quality throughout the state, and provide a basis for regulatory programs to attain those goals. Water quality standards serve to signal a situation where water quality may be inadequate to meet the use or uses of a particular water body. Five categories for water use are defined in Texas: general, aquatic life use, contact recreation, public water supply, and fish consumption. These are known as "designated uses." Most streams in the State have been classified with designated uses but many smaller, intermittent streams have not been classified and do not have associated designated uses. Because it would be impossible to test every water body for every possible pollutant, assessments of water quality in Texas are performed by evaluating indicators of water quality. Indicators are an indirect measure of the health or quality of a particular part of the aquatic system. Some indicators, such as the health of fish communities, are tied to specific designated uses, while others such as nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) are not. Some of the most common indicators used by TCEQ to determine the quality of water bodies include bacteria, dissolved oxygen, dissolved solids, metals, and organic substances. If the indicator data published in the Texas Water Quality Inventory (305(b) report) reveal that water quality is inadequate to meet the goals of the water body's designated use, Page 10 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan the TCEQ puts the water body on the State's 303(d) list. This list is required by the federal Clean Water Act and is submitted to EPA for approval. Water bodies put on the list are subject to a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) assessment. The TMDL is an intensive assessment of the root cause of poor water quality and development of a plan by local stakeholders to remediate pollution sources. 1.2.2 Water Quality in the Wylie Area Figure 1, Wylie Urbanized Area, displays the major water bodies receiving urban storm water runoff from Wylie: Lake Ray Hubbard (Segment 0820 of the Trinity River Basin) and Lake Lavon (Segment 0821 of the Trinity River Basin). Both Lake Ray Hubbard and Lake Lavon are classified water bodies in the Trinity River Basin. The designated water body uses for both lakes are Aquatic Life Use, Contact Recreation Use, General Use, Fish Consumption Use, and Public Water Supply Use. Lake Ray Hubbard and Lake Lavon are not identified as impaired in the TCEQ 2006 303 (d) list. There are however, some water body concerns. Lake Ray Hubbard has nutrient enrichment concerns from high levels of ammonia and nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen levels. Lake Ray Hubbard also has algal growth concerns from excessive algal growth. Lake Lavon has nutrient enrichment concerns from high levels of nitrate and nitrite nitrogen levels. Lake Lavon also has aquatic life use concerns from depressed dissolved oxygen levels. Data collected from streams upstream of Lake Ray Hubbard indicate potential water quality issues. Muddy Creek (Segment 0820C), an unclassified stream above Lake Ray Hubbard, is included on the 303(d) list for bacteria. There are also aquatic life use concerns from depressed dissolved oxygen, as well as nutrient enrichment concerns from ammonia and nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen levels. Table 1 lists water quality indicators that reveal potential problems with local water quality in the vicinity of Wylie. Page 11 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Table 1 . Designated Uses/Water Quality Issues of Water Bodies near Wylie Indicator Revealing Water Body Designated Uses Water Quality Concerns Lake Ray Hubbard Aquatic Life Use None Contact Recreation Use None General Use None Fish Consumption Use None Public Water Supply Use None Various nitrogen compounds N/A* Ammonia Excessive Algal Growth Muddy Creek Aquatic Life Use Depressd Dissolved Oxygen Contact Recreation Use Bacteria Fish Consumption Use None N/A* Various nitrogen compounds Ammonia Lake Lavon Aquatic Life Use Depressed Dissolved Oxygen Contact Recreation Use None General Use None Fish Consumption Use None Public Water Supply Use None N/A* Various nitrogen compounds Source: TCEQ Trinity River Basin:2004 Assessment and 2006 303(d) List *indicator of water quality concern is not associated with a specific designated use Page 13 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan 2.0 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Under the requirements of the Clean Water Act, the EPA is required to protect the water quality for natural waters throughout the country. The EPA established the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program to identify sources of water pollution and work to reduce or eliminate the pollutants from the waters of the U.S. The EPA has delegated responsibility for the NPDES program in Texas to the TCEQ. In addition to issuing discharge permits to "point sources," such as municipal wastewater treatment plants, the TCEQ is also responsible for minimizing pollution from "non-point sources", such as storm water runoff from construction sites, industrial facilities or municipal storm sewer systems. The TCEQ has issued requirements for minimizing storm water pollution from construction sites and industrial facilities through the issuance of general permits. Sites and facilities comply with these requirements by developing and implementing site-specific storm water pollution prevention plans. To protect storm water quality from pollution entering municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) in highly populated areas such as Wylie, the TCEQ developed a general permit with conditions for municipalities to follow. This SWMP has been developed for Wylie to meet those TCEQ MS4 permit requirements. 2.1 Overview The City is required to develop a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) that describes specific actions that will be taken over a five-year period to reduce pollutants and protect the City's storm water quality. The SWMP also sets measurable goals and provides a schedule for the implementation of BMPs over the next five years. The permit will be renewed every five years, and permit conditions will reflect progress made in the City to improve storm water quality. Various BMPs must be developed for each of six required minimum control measures that are expected to minimize or eliminate storm water pollutants discharged into the storm sewer system and provide water quality protection for receiving water bodies. An optional seventh minimum control measure, to address construction runoff from development of municipal projects, may also be implemented if the City elects to use it. A general description of the six required and one optional minimum control measures is provided below. The specific requirements for each minimum control measure are provided in Section 4. 2.1.1 Public Education and Outreach The City is required to distribute educational materials and perform outreach to inform the public about the impacts polluted storm water runoff discharges can have on water quality. The TCEQ has identified several groups that must be specifically targeted, including residents, businesses, visitors, commercial and industrial facilities, and public service employees. Page 14 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan 2.1.2 Public Participation/Involvement The City must provide opportunities for citizens to participate in the development and implementation of the storm water management program. Proper advance notice of public meetings must also be provided. 2.1.3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination A plan must be developed and implemented to detect and eliminate illicit discharges to the storm sewer system. This includes developing a storm sewer system map, implementing an ordinance prohibiting non-stormwater discharges, and conducting periodic inspections of the system to identify and eliminate illegal dumping, sanitary system cross connections, dry weather discharges, and other illicit discharges. The City must also educate the community about hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste. 2.1.4 Construction Site Runoff Control The City must develop and implement an erosion and sediment control program for construction activities within the City. Operators of construction sites that disturb one or more acres of land will be required to submit erosion control plans to the City. The City is required to have a process in place to review the plans, as well as provide an opportunity for the public to view and comment on the plans. Through the use of an ordinance, the City must prohibit unauthorized discharges from regulated construction sites in the City. The City is required to have a program to inspect the construction activities and enforce the erosion control ordinance requirements. 2.1.5 Post-Construction Runoff Control The City must develop a program to minimize discharges of polluted or erosive post- construction storm water runoff from new development and redeveloped areas. Like the construction runoff control requirement, this measure must be implemented with an ordinance enforced by the City. The specific requirements would be specified in the storm water ordinance and/or the storm water design manual. 2.1.6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping The City must work to identify potential sources of storm water pollution from municipal operations. Actions that will be required to be taken will include employee training, maintenance of the storm water system, and other best management practices. The TCEQ has specified a number of municipal operations that must specifically be addressed. 2.1.7 Authorization for Municipal Construction Activities (optional) This optional control measure provides the authorization of storm water discharges from municipal construction activities. 2.2 Permit Applicability And Coverage The TPDES Phase II MS4 permit applies to operators of publicly-owned storm sewer systems in urbanized areas in Texas. The U.S. Census Bureau defines the urbanized areas based on the population density and total population for an area. The City is located Page 15 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan within the "Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex" U.S. Census Urbanized Area. Figure 1 shows the current city limits of Wylie with respect to the 2000 Census urbanized area. Only the urbanized area of the City is required to be included in the Phase II MS4 storm water management program. Components of the SWMP may be voluntarily implemented by the City within the non-urbanized areas of the City as well. 2.3 Definitions Following are definitions to key words or phrases that are used throughout this SWMP. The definitions are taken directly from the TPDES Phase II MS4 draft general permit. Best Management Practices (BMPs) - schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of"waters of the United States." BMPs also include treatment requirements, operating procedures, and practices to control plant site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage. Construction Site Operator-The person or persons associated with a small or large construction project that meets either of the following two criteria: (a) the person or persons that have operational control over construction plans and specifications (including approval of revisions) to the extent necessary to meet the requirements and conditions of this general permit; or (b) the person or persons that have day-to-day operational control of those activities at a construction site that are necessary to ensure compliance with a storm water pollution prevention plan for the site or other permit conditions (e.g. they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan or comply with other permit conditions). Illicit Discharge - any discharge to a municipal separate storm sewer that is not composed entirely of storm water except discharges pursuant to a NPDES permit (other than the municipal separate storm sewer) and discharges resulting from fire fighting activities. Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP) - level of effort required of a local government when implementing a BMP. This is a technology-based discharge standard for MS4s to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges that was established by CWA § 402(p). A discussion of MEP as it applies to small MS4s is found at 40 CFR 122.34. NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) Permit - National program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, terminating, imposing and enforcing requirements, under sections 307, 402, 318, and 405 of the Clean Water Act (Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended in 1977). Outfall - For the purpose of this permit, a point source at the point where a municipal separate storm sewer discharges to waters of the United States (U.S.) and does not include open conveyances connecting two municipal separate storm sewers, or pipes, tunnels, or other conveyances that connect segments of the same stream or other waters of the U.S. and are used to convey waters of the U.S. Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) - refers to a conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains): (i) Owned or operated by Page 16 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan the United States, a state, city, town, borough, county, district, association, or other public body (created by or pursuant to State law) having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, storm water, or other wastes, including special districts under State law such as a sewer district, flood control district or drainage district, or similar entity, or an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization, or a designated and approved management agency under §208 of the CWA; (ii) Designed or used for collecting or conveying storm water; (iii) Which is not a combined sewer; (iv) Which is not part of a publicly owned treatment works (POTW) as defined at 40 CFR §122.2; and (v) Which was not previously authorized under a NPDES or TPDES individual permit as a medium or large municipal separate storm sewer system, as defined at 40 CFR §§122.26(b)(4) and (b)(7). This term includes systems similar to separate storm sewer systems at military bases, large hospital or prison complexes, and highways and other thoroughfares. This term does not include separate storm sewers in very discrete areas, such as individual buildings. For the purpose of this permit, a very discrete system also includes storm drains associated with certain municipal offices and education facilities serving a nonresidential population, where those storm drains do not function as a system, and where the buildings are not physically interconnected to an MS4 that is also operated by that public entity. Surface Water in the State - Lakes, bays, ponds, impounding reservoirs, springs, rivers, streams, creeks, estuaries, wetlands, marshes, inlets, canals, the Gulf of Mexico inside the territorial limits of the state, and all other bodies of surface water, natural or artificial, inland or coastal, fresh or salt, navigable or non-navigable, and including the beds and banks of all water-courses and bodies of surface water, that are wholly or partially inside or bordering the state or subject to the jurisdiction of the state; except that waters in treatment systems which are authorized by state or federal law, regulation, or permit, and which are created for the purpose of waste treatment are not considered to be water in the state. TPDES (Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) Permit - State of Texas version of the NPDES Permit, which is authorized by the USEPA. Cities and counties are currently required to obtain storm water permits from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and comply with State storm water rules. Urbanized Area - An area of high population density, which may include multiple MS4s, as defined and used by the U.S. Census Bureau in the 2000 decennial census. Page 17 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan 3.0 APPROACH The City of Wylie (City) developed this SWMP to comply with TPDES requirements for storm water discharges and certain non-storm water discharges. The SWMP is intended to aid in the City's efforts to reduce storm water pollutants from the City's municipal separate storm sewer system to the maximum extent practicable as required by the TPDES General Permit. The SWMP describes specific actions that will be taken over a five-year period to reduce pollutants and protect the City's storm water quality. The specific activities to be implemented are referred to as best management practices. Various BMPs for the City have been developed for each of the six "minimum control measures" required by the General Permit. The SWMP also sets measurable goals and provides a schedule for the implementation of the BMPs. Implementation of the selected BMPs is expected to result in reductions of pollutants discharged into Wylie's streams, ponds, and lakes. Wylie Public Services Department has been responsible for the development of the SWMP, but most areas of the City's functions will have some degree of responsibility in the implementation of the plan. As a result, input from each of the staff in the affected departments has been obtained to identify the best SWMP for the City. 3.1 Best Management Practice Selection Process A two-step process was utilized to select the BMPs to be included in Wylie's SWMP. The first step in selecting BMPs included an evaluation of existing practices in the City. The second step included meetings with staff from affected City departments to identify new BMPs. Various structural and non-structural BMPs will be implemented throughout the five-year permit term authorized under the General Permit. 3.1.1 Initial Assessment The City of Wylie has historically implemented various BMPs intended to protect storm water quality. An important aspect of developing an effective, compliant, and cost efficient TPDES Phase II SWMP is to account for these existing programs. Details of the City's existing storm water-related practices were identified and included as BMPs selected for this SWMP. In particular, the City of Wylie has made progress towards improved water quality in the areas of: • Storm drain marking to educate the population and discourage illegal dumping • Classroom education on the importance of surface water quality • Bulk waste cleanup • Sanitary sewer line inspection • Control of erosion and sediment from construction sites • Evaluating the affect on the City's stream network of proposed changes in the City's Land Use Plan Page 18 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan As shown in Section 4, the minimum control measure requirements already met by each existing BMP are noted. Some of the City's existing programs meet specific permit requirements, while others serve as a foundation for the continued development of additional BMPs to meet the requirement of reducing pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. 3.1.2 Identification of Additional BMPs Additional BMPs were selected to supplement the City's existing programs and to satisfy unmet requirements of the Phase II MS4 permit. The supplemental BMPs were evaluated based on their ability to meet at least one, and preferably several, of the minimum control measure requirements. The evaluation process involved researching a variety of sources of BMPs, such as regulatory agencies, industry associations, and private enterprises. Some of the additional BMPs were selected directly from standard BMP "toolboxes" available from the EPA or the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), while others were tailored to the specific needs of Wylie. Each BMP considered was evaluated based on the following criteria: • Which of the minimum control measure requirements does the BMP meet? • How does the BMP fit into the City's existing goals, operations, and activities? • What is the anticipated effectiveness of the BMP? • What is the general cost range to implement the BMP? Specific costs for the BMPs were not identified for the development of this plan; however, BMPs with clearly significant investment requirements and relatively minor storm water quality benefit were not selected. Budget requirements will be evaluated for each BMP in the first year of the plan's implementation. 3.2 Selection Process for Measurable Goals and Implementation Schedule Specific measurable goals have been developed for each BMP. In accordance with the permit requirements, measurable goals have been developed to evaluate the success of the City's SWMP toward reaching the goal of protecting water quality and reducing pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. Goals were selected with a consideration toward achieving steady implementation, assessing the ability to measure and track progress, and working within budgetary constraints. For the first five-year permit term, the TCEQ has authorized the steady implementation of the SWMP over a five-year period. In general, measurable goals for existing BMPs monitor the effectiveness of the BMP, whereas measurable goals for new BMPs monitor their implementation progress. The first year of the permit program is largely dedicated to identifying the programmatic and budgetary requirements of each of the BMPs. Years Two through Five focus on evaluating the effectiveness of existing BMPs and tracking the implementation of new BMPs. Page 19 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan 4.0 MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE REQUIREMENTS The EPA and the TCEQ have specified six types of "minimum control measures" (MCM) for inclusion in each SWMP. Specific requirements have been developed by the TCEQ for each control measure. The City has identified numerous existing and supplemental BMPs that will be included in the SWMP. Additional discussion of the BMPs is provided in Section 4 of the SWMP. Following are the regulatory requirements for each minimum control measure. 4.1 Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts (a) A public education program must be developed and implemented to distribute educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities that will be used to inform the public. The MS4 operator may determine the most appropriate sections of the population at which to direct the program. The MS4 operator must consider the following groups, and the SWMP shall provide justification for any listed group that is not included in the program: (1) residents; (2) visitors; (3) public service employees; (4) businesses; (5) commercial and industrial facilities; and (6) construction site personnel. The outreach must inform the public about the impacts that storm water runoff can have on water quality, hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste, and steps that they can take to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff. (b) The MS4 operator must document activities conducted and materials used to fulfill this control measure. Documentation shall be detailed enough to demonstrate the amount of resources used to address each group. This documentation shall be retained in the annual reports required in Part IV.B.2. of this general permit. 4.2 Public Involvement/Participation The MS4 operator must, at a minimum, comply with any state and local public notice requirements when implementing a public involvement/participation program. It is recommended that the program include provisions to allow all members of the public within the small MS4 the opportunity to participate in SWMP development and implementation. Correctional facilities will not be required to implement this MCM. Page 20 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan 4.3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (a) Illicit Discharges A section within the SWMP must be developed to establish a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges to the small MS4. The SWMP must include the manner and process to be used to effectively prohibit illicit discharges. To the extent allowable under state and local law, an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism must be utilized to prohibit and eliminate illicit discharges. Elements must include: (1) Detection The SWMP must list the techniques used for detecting illicit discharges; and (2) Elimination The SWMP must include appropriate actions and, to the extent allowable under state and local law, establish enforcement procedures for removing the source of an illicit discharge. (b) Allowable Non-Storm Water Discharges Non-storm water flows listed in Part II.B and Part VI.B. do not need to be considered by the MS4 operator as an illicit discharge requiring elimination unless the operator of the small MS4 or the executive director of the TCEQ identifies the flow as a significant source of pollutants to the small MS4. In lieu of considering non-storm water sources on a case-by-case basis, the MS4 operator may develop a list of common and incidental non-storm water discharges that will not be addressed as illicit discharges requiring elimination. If developed, the listed sources must not be reasonably expected to be significant sources of pollutants either because of the nature of the discharge or the conditions that are established by the MS4 operator prior to accepting the discharge to the small MS4. If this list is developed, then all local controls and conditions established for these listed discharges must be described in the SWMP and any changes to the SWMP must be included in the annual report described in Part IV.B.2. of this general permit, and must meet the requirements of Part II.D.3. of the general permit. (c) Storm Sewer Map (1) A map of the storm sewer system must be developed and must include the following: (i) the location of all outfalls; (ii) the names and locations of all waters of the U.S. that receive discharges from the outfalls; and Page 21 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan (iii) any additional information needed by the permittee to implement its SWMP. (2) The SWMP must include the source of information used to develop the storm sewer map, including how the outfalls are verified and how the map will be regularly updated. 4.4 Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control The MS4 operator, to the extent allowable under State and local law, must develop, implement, and enforce a program to reduce pollutants in any storm water runoff to the small MS4 from construction activities that result in a land disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre or if that construction activity is part of a larger common plan of development or sale that would disturb one acre or more of land. The MS4 operator is not required to develop, implement, and/or enforce a program to reduce pollutant discharges from sites where the construction site operator has obtained a waiver from permit requirements under NPDES or TPDES construction permitting requirements based on a low potential for erosion. (a) The program must include the development and implementation of, at a minimum, an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to require erosion and sediment controls, as well as sanctions to ensure compliance, to the extent allowable under state and local law. (b) Requirements for construction site contractors to, at a minimum: (1) implement appropriate erosion and sediment control BMPs; and (2) control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout water, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impacts to water quality. (c) The MS4 operator must develop procedures for: (1) site plan review which incorporate consideration of potential water quality impacts; (2) receipt and consideration of information submitted by the public; and (3) site inspection and enforcement of control measures to the extent allowable under state and local law. 4.5 Post-Construction Storm Water Management in New and Redevelopment To the extent allowable under state and local law, the MS4 operator must develop, implement, and enforce a program to address storm water runoff from new development and redevelopment projects that disturb greater than or equal to one acre of land, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will result in disturbance of one or more acres, that Page 22 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan discharge into the small MS4. The program must ensure that controls are in place that would prevent or minimize water quality impacts. The permittee shall: (a) Develop and implement strategies which include a combination of structural and/or non-structural BMPs appropriate for the community; (b) Use an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to address post-construction runoff from new development and redevelopment projects to the extent allowable under state and local law; and (c) Ensure adequate long-term operation and maintenance of BMPs. 4.6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations A section within the SWMP must be developed to establish an operation and maintenance program, including an employee training component, that has the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations. (a) Good Housekeeping and Best Management Practices (BMPs) Housekeeping measures and BMPs (which may include new or existing structural or non-structural controls) must be identified and either continued or implemented with the goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations. Examples of municipal operations and municipally owned areas include, but are not limited to: (1) park and open space maintenance; (2) street, road, or highway maintenance; (3) fleet and building maintenance; (4) storm water system maintenance; (5) new construction and land disturbances; (6) municipal parking lots; (7) vehicle and equipment maintenance and storage yards; (8) waste transfer stations; and (9) salt/sand storage locations. (b) Training A training program must be developed for all employees responsible for municipal operations subject to the pollution prevention/good housekeeping program. The training program must include training materials directed at preventing and reducing storm water pollution from municipal operations. Materials may be developed, or obtained from the EPA, states, or other organizations and sources. Examples or descriptions of training materials being used must be included in the SWMP. (c) Structural Control Maintenance Page 23 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan If BMPs include structural controls, maintenance of the controls must be performed at a frequency determined by the MS4 operator and consistent with maintaining the effectiveness of the BMP. The SWMP must list all of the following: (1) maintenance activities; (2) maintenance schedules; and (3) long-term inspection procedures for controls used to reduce floatables and other pollutants. (d) Disposal of Waste Waste removed from the small MS4 and waste that is collected as a result of maintenance of storm water structural controls must be properly disposed. A section within the SWMP must be developed to include procedures for the proper disposal of waste, including: (1) dredge spoil; (2) accumulated sediments; and (3) floatables. (e) Municipal Operations and Industrial Activities The SWMP must include a list of all: (1) municipal operations that are subject to the operation, maintenance, or training program developed under the conditions of this section; and (2) municipally owned or operated industrial activities that are subject to TPDES industrial storm water regulations. 4.7 Authorization for Municipal Construction Activities (Optional) The development of a MCM for municipal construction activities is an optional measure and is an alternative to the MS4 operator seeking coverage under TPDES general permit TXR150000. Additionally, contractors working for the permittee are not required to obtain a separate authorization if they do not meet the definition of a "construction site operator," as long as the permittee meets the status of construction site operator. Permittees that choose to develop this measure will be authorized to discharge storm water and certain non-storm water from construction activities where the permittee can meet the definition of "construction site operator" in Part I of this general permit. The authorization to discharge under this MCM is limited to the regulated area, such as the portion of the MS4 located within an urbanized area or the area designated by TCEQ as requiring coverage. However, an MS4 operator may also utilize this MCM over additional portions of their MS4 that are also in compliance with all of the MCMs listed in this general permit. This MCM must be developed as a part of the SWMP that is submitted with the NOI for permit coverage. If this MCM is developed after submitting the initial Notice of Intent (NOI), a Notice of Change (NOC) must be submitted notifying the executive director of this change, and identifying the geographical area or boundary where the activities will be conducted under the provisions of this general permit. Utilization of this MCM does not preclude a small MS4 from obtaining coverage Page 24 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan under the TPDES Construction General Permit, TXR150000, or under an individual TPDES permit. (a) The MCM must include: (1) a description of how construction activities will generally be conducted by the permittee so as to take into consideration local conditions of weather, soils, and other site specific considerations; (2) a description of the area that this MCM will address and where the permittee's construction activities are covered (e.g. within the boundary of the urbanized area, the corporate boundary, a special district boundary, an extra territorial jurisdiction, or other similar jurisdictional boundary); and (3) either a description of how the permittee will supervise or maintain oversight over contractor activities to ensure that the SWP3 requirements are properly implemented at the construction site; or how the permittee will make certain that contractors have a separate authorization for storm water discharges. (4) a general description of how a SWP3 shall be developed, according to Part VI.E. of this general permit, for each construction site. Page 25 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan 5.0 BMPS, MEASURABLE GOALS, AND IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE In accordance with TCEQ's General Permit requirements, Wylie's initial SWMP specifies existing and planned BMPs to protect storm water quality within the City as it reaches creeks, rivers and lakes. An implementation plan has been developed to show the City's planned schedule for expanding the scope of existing BMPs or developing and implementing new BMPs. Methods and measures to track the success of the implementation of the program have been developed for each BMP. As noted in Section 3.0, the TCEQ requires BMPs to be implemented to meet six minimum control measures, and a seventh measure can be included at the option of the City. The BMPs identified in this SWMP for each of the minimum control measures generally fall into one of the following types: • Public education and involvement activities • Coordination between the City, the citizens, businesses, and public entities • Ordinances • Inspections • Plan reviews • Training • Maintenance activities • Structural controls Appendix A contains a list of each BMP selected for inclusion in the City's SWMP. A description of each BMP is provided, along with an implementation schedule with associated measurable goals over the next five years. For existing BMPs, measurable goals will be based on the effectiveness of the protective measure. Measurable goals tracking the implementation progress of each new BMP are shown for protective measures not already in place. Page 26 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan 6.0 MEASURABLE GOAL EVALUATION PROCESS The selected measurable goals for each BMP will be evaluated on an annual basis. Implementation of each BMP will be tracked as appropriate during each permit year in order to provide documentation of the BMP activities. Relative success at achieving the measurable goals, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of each BMP, will also be evaluated on an annual basis. Multiple City departments will be responsible for implementing portions of the SWMP and for tracking and evaluating the City's success in meeting the plan's measurable goals. Each City department with activities or responsibilities that may impact storm water quality will be required to provide to the Water Quality Specialist documentation showing progress towards meeting the annual measurable goals for each BMP. Page 20 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan 7.0 ASSESSMENT OF NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES In accordance with the requirements of the Phase II MS4 permit, the following non-storm water discharges were assessed in order to determine whether they are known to be significant contributors of pollutants to the City's water bodies: (a) water line flushing; (b) runoff or return flow from landscape irrigation, lawn irrigation, and other irrigation utilizing potable water, groundwater, or surface water sources; (c) discharges from potable water sources; (d) diverted stream flows; (e) rising ground waters and springs; (f) uncontaminated ground water infiltration; (g) uncontaminated pumped ground water; (h) foundation and footing drains; (i) air conditioning condensate; (j) water from crawl space pumps; (k) individual residential vehicle washing; (I) flows from wetlands and riparian areas; (m) dechlorinated swimming pool discharges; (n) pavement and exterior building wash water conducted without the use of detergents or other chemicals; and (o) discharges or flows from fire fighting activities. Non-storm water discharges from the list above were evaluated by the City to determine if any known, significant, water quality impacts were created as a result of the discharges. There is no knowledge of adverse impacts to the City's water quality from any of the listed discharges. Page 21 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan 8.0 RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING 8.1 Recordkeeping The City will maintain all records, a copy of the TPDES general permit and all data used to complete the application (NOI) for this permit, for a period of at least three years, or for the term of this permit, whichever is longer. A current, up-to- date copy of the Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) and a copy of the general permit requirements will be maintained at the City of Wylie City Hall. The City will make the compiled records, including the NOI and SWMP, available for public viewing at City Hall. The SWMP will be available for viewing during normal office hours, and available supporting documents will be able to be viewed within ten working days following the request from the public. Other records will be provided within 10 working days, unless the request requires an unusual amount of time or effort to assemble. In such a case, Texas law regarding the Public Information Act will be followed. Reasonable charges, in accordance with Texas law, may be levied by the City for researching and preparing any requested materials. 8.2 Annual Report The City will submit an annual update report to the Executive Director of the TCEQ by the reporting deadline each year of the permit term. The City will maintain copies of the annual reports at City Hall in the Public Services Department office. The annual report will address the requirements listed in the TPDES Phase II MS4 general permit rules. Generally, the update report will document the storm water- related activities for the previous year, evaluate the success of each BMP relative to their measurable goals, and discuss plans for the upcoming year, including modifications to the SWMP. Modifications may include replacement of previously selected BMPs, alteration of the implementation schedule, or other changes. 8.3 Plan Updates This plan may be updated by the City at any time. When considering eliminating a BMP, it is necessary to review the information in Appendix B to determine if the removal of the BMP will result in non-compliance for any of the minimum control measures. This would occur if the BMP is the only BMP that provides compliance for a specific permit provision. In such a case, the BMP would need to be replaced with a new BMP that continues to meet the relevant permit requirement. Documentation of plan updates involving changes in BMPs, measurable goals, or the implementation schedule are maintained in Appendix H. 8.4 Reference Material Several sources of information are available for use in the maintenance and update of the SWMP. Each of these resources are recommended for additional information about alternative BMP options. Page 22 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) has developed a Construction BMP Manual, which is available to NCTCOG member cities and can be found on the Internet at www.dfwstormwater.com. The U.S. EPA has developed an electronic storm water management BMP Toolbox specifically for use by Phase II-regulated entities. It contains a list of BMPs for each minimum control measure. The state of California recently issued four BMP manuals for public reference. Like the EPA and NCTCOG manuals, the California manuals contain a list of BMPs available for use to protect storm water quality. The manuals are divided into four categories: Municipal, Construction, Post-Construction, and Industrial. Page 23 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan 9.0 STORM WATER PERMITS FOR CITY-OWNED FACILITIES Site-specific storm water management programs are required to be developed, implemented and maintained for certain types of facilities specifically designated in the federal and state storm water regulations. The City of Wylie has no facilities subject to the requirements for site-specific storm water management programs and the TPDES multi-sector general permit. Page 24 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Appendix A List of BMPs Page 25 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Appendix B BMPs by Regulatory Requirement Page 26 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Appendix C BMPs by City Department Responsibility Page 27 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Appendix D Individual BMP Descriptions Page 28 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Appendix E Blank BMP Annual Report Forms Page 29 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Appendix F Multi-Sector General Storm Water Permits for Industrial Activity Page 30 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Appendix G TPDES Phase II MS4 General Permit Page 31 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Appendix H Record of Plan Updates Page 32 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Appendix I Year 1 Completed BMP Annual Report Forms Page 33 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Appendix J Year 2 Completed BMP Annual Report Forms Page 34 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Appendix K Year 3 Completed BMP Annual Report Forms Page 35 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Appendix L Year 4 Completed BMP Annual Report Forms Page 36 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Appendix M Year 5 Completed BMP Annual Report Forms Page 37 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices DepartmentMeasurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 1 Utility Bill Insert/ Public Services III.A.1. Public Education Action Action Action Action Action Educational Utility Billing (a)(1)Residents Develop an outline of the Distribute educational Distribute educational Distribute educational Distribute educational Flyer information to be information as a utility bill information as a utility bill information as a utility bill information as a utility bill Water Quality (a)(2)Visitors communicated over a 5 insert one time per year. insert one time per year. insert one time per year. insert one time per year. Specialist (a)(4)Businesses year period. Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities (a)(5)Commercial/Industrial Identify budget Document the amount of Document the amount of Document the amount of Document the amount of (b)Documentation requirements for BMP. information distributed. information distributed. information distributed. information distributed. Documented Activities Document the outline and the budget requirements. BMP 2 Web Site Public Services W.A.i. Public Education Action Action Action Action Action Public Information (a)(1)Residents Develop storm water Develop storm water- Revise and update the Revise and update the Revise and update the Officer (a)(2)Visitors website concept.Identify related content on the storm water website as storm water website as storm water website as Water Quality budget requirements. City's web site with needed.Solicit input and needed.Solicit input and needed.Solicit input and (a)(3)Public service employees information,links,and feedback from the feedback from the feedback from the Specialist Documented Activities references for additional public for storm water public for storm water public for storm water (a)(4)Businesses Document the concept information. quality issues and quality issues and quality issues and (a)(5)Commercial/Industrial and the budget Documented Activlties opportunities in the City. opportunities in the City. opportunities in the City. (a)(b)Construction Site Personnel requirements. Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Establish and maintain an (b)Documentation accessible website. Maintain an accessible Maintain an accessible Maintain an accessible website. website. website. III.A.2.Public Involvement/Participation BMP 3 Public Public Services III.A.I. Public Education Action Action Action Action Action Reference Water Quality (a)(1)Residents Identify and research Acquire,develop and Acquire,develop and Acquire,develop and Acquire,develop and Specialist (a)(2)Visitors available storm water provide copies of provide copies of provide copies of provide copies of educational material for educational materials at educational materials at educational materials at educational materials at (a)(4)Businesses public educational use. the Public Library and the Public Library and the Public Library and the Public Library and other public access other public access other public access other public access (a)(5)Commercial/Industrial Identify budget locations,such as City locations,such as City locations,such as City locations,such as City (a)(6)Construction Site Personnel requirements to conductesearch,acquire existing Hall,as appropriate. Hall,as appropriate. Hall,as appropriate. Hall,as appropriate. r(b)Documentation educational material, Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities and develop additional Document the amount of Document the amount of Document the amount of Document the amount of material,as necessary. information distributed. information distributed. information distributed. information distributed. Documented Activities Document the budget requirements. A- I City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management Department Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices p Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 4 Storm Drain Water Division III.A.]. Public Education Action Action Action Action Action Marking Public Services (a)(1)Residents Develop schedule to Inventory storm drain Recruit volunteers for the Recruit volunteers for the Recruit volunteers for the Public Information (a)(2)Visitors inventory and then mark inlets in the city using placement of storm drain placement of storm drain placement of storm drain Office storm drain inlets in the available technology. markers.Track location of markers.Track location of markers.Track location of (a)(3)Public service employees city over the permit term placed markers and use placed markers and use placed markers and use Documented Activities Water Quality with volunteer of volunteer effort. of volunteer effort. of volunteer effort. Specialist (a)(4)Businesses participation.Identify Document the (a)(5)Commercial/Industrial budget requirements to inventoried storm drain Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities (a)(6)Construction Site Personnel acquire drain markers,as inlets. Document the marked Document the marked Document the marked well as recruit and storm drain inlets. storm drain inlets. storm drain inlets. (b)Documentation coordinate volunteers. Documented Activities III.A.2.Public Document the budget Involvement/Participation requirements. III.A.3.Illicit Discharges (a)(2)Appropriate actions to eliminate illicit discharges BMP 5 Classroom Public Services III.A.1. Public Education Action Action Action Action Action Education Water Quality (a)(1)Residents Build on success of Provide storm water Provide storm water Provide storm water Provide storm water Specialist existing third grade education curriculum education curriculum education curriculum education curriculum (b)Documentation classroom presenation to and material as and material as and material as and material as III.A.2.Public coordinate with the determined by determined by determined by determined by Involvement/Participation School District to coordination meetings coordination meetings coordination meetings coordination meetings determine feasibility of with the School District in with the School District in with the School District in with the School District in providing storm water Year 1. Year 1. Year 1. Year 1. education curriculum. Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Identify budget requirements and Document the amount of Document the amount of Document the amount of Document the amount of resource needs. materials provide. materials provide. materials provide. materials provide. Documented Activities Document the budget requirements. A-2 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management Department Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices p Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 6 General Public Services III.A.1. Public Education Action Action Action Action Action Education of Water Quality (a)(3)Public service employees Identify and research Conduct employee Conduct employee Conduct employee Conduct employee City Employees Specialist available storm water education a minimum of education a minimum of education a minimum of education a minimum of (b)Documentation educational material for once per year. once per year. once per year. once per year. III.A.3.Illicit Discharge Detection public employees. Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities and Elimination Determine methods to (a)(1)detection provide education to Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of employees.Identify educational meetings. educational meetings. educational meetings. educational meetings. (a)(2)elimination budget requirements to conduct research, acquire existing educational material, and develop additional material,as necessary. Documented Activities Document the budget requirements. BMP 7 Education of Public Services III.A.1. Public Education Action Action Action Action Action Elected Officials Water Quality (a)(3)Public service employees Provide overview of Provide overview of Provide overview of Provide overview of Provide overview of and the Public Specialist Phase II MS4 permit Phase II MS4 permit Phase II MS4 permit Phase II MS4 permit Phase II MS4 permit (b)Documentation requirements and annual requirements and annual requirements and annual requirements and annual requirements and annual III.A.2.Public updates of updates of updates of updates of updates of Involvement/Participation implementation progress. implementation progress. implementation progress. implementation progress. implementation progress. Conduct a minimum of 1 Conduct a minimum of 1 Conduct a minimum of 1 Conduct a minimum of 1 Conduct a minimum of 1 public meeting per year. public meeting per year. public meeting per year. public meeting per year. public meeting per year. Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of meetings per year. meetings per year. meetings per year. meetings per year. meetings per year. A-3 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management Department Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices p Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 8 Business, Water Quality III.A.1. Public Education Action Action Action Action Action Commercial Specialist (a)(4)Businesses Identify methods of Distribute educational Distribute educational Distribute educational Distribute educational and Industrial Public Information communication about information to local information to local information to local information to local Education Officer lal(5)Commercial/industrial storm water issues with businesses a minimum of businesses a minimum of businesses a minimum of businesses a minimum of facilities local businesses,such as one time by the one time by the one time by the one time by the (b)Documentation through mailers,the method(s)determined in method(s)determined in method(s)determined in method(s)determined in Chamber of Commerce, Year 1.Solicit feedback Year 1.Solicit feedback Year 1.Solicit feedback Year 1.Solicit feedback etc. once per year and revise once per year and revise once per year and revise once per year and revise dentify budget program if appropriate. program if appropriate. program if appropriate. program if appropriate. Irequirements and Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities appropriate approaches Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of to effectively educate businesses receiving businesses receiving businesses receiving businesses receiving businesses about their educational information. educational information. educational information. educational information. potential storm water impacts and methods to minimize storm water pollution. Documented Activities Document the budget requirements. r BMP 9 Developer/ Engineering III.A.1. Public Education Action Action Action Action Action Builder/Engineer Building Inspection (a)(6)Construction site personnel Analyze developing Provide educational Provide educational Provide educational Provide educational Education and Water Quality (b)Documentation cooperative program material and/or training material and/or training material and/or training material and/or training Training Specialist with developers,builders, opportunity at least once opportunity at least once opportunity at least once opportunity at least once and engineers to provide per year for builders, per year for builders, per year for builders, per year for builders, A.4.Construction Site Storm education about erosion developers,engineers developers,engineers developers,engineers developers,engineers III.Water Runoff Control control requirements and that are active in Wylie. that are active in Wylie. that are active in Wylie. that are active in Wylie. best practices. Develop an information Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities (b)construction site requirements Collect erosion control packet specific to storm education materials and water protection Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of sources measures for developers, educational materials educational materials educational materials III. . A.S.Post-Construction Storm builders,and engineers distributed. distributed. distributed. Water Management in New and Documented Activities to be distributed upon Redevelopment Document I of collected request and for new (a)structural and non-structural materials and sources. construction projects. BMPs Documented Activities (b)ordinance Develop an information (c)long-term BMP maintenance packet. Document the number of educational materials distributed. A-4 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 r FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management Department Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices p Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 10 City Inspector Engineering III.A.1. Public Education Action Action Action Action Action Training Water Quality (a)(3)Public service employees Evaluate existing site Provide appropriate Provide appropriate Provide appropriate Provide appropriate Specialist inspection training construction site erosion construction site erosion construction site erosion construction site erosion (b)Documentation program and determine control training to control training to control training to control training to the need for additional inspection personnel at inspection personnel at inspection personnel at inspection personnel at Ill A.4.Construction Site Storm training or a formalized least once every three least once every three least once every three least once every three Water Runoff Control erosion control inspection years. years. years. years. program. Provide appropriate Provide appropriate Provide appropriate Provide appropriate (c)(3)site inspection and enforcement of control measures Identify a program to training for new training for new training for new training for new track and document the inspectors prior to them inspectors prior to them inspectors prior to them inspectors prior to them training of individual conducting unassisted conducting unassisted conducting unassisted conducting unassisted III.A.6.Pollution Prevention/Good inspectors.Identify site inspections. site inspections. site inspections. site inspections. Housekeeping for Municipal budget requirements for Require COG training for Require COG training for Require COG training for Require COG training for Operations the inspector training site inspectors. site inspectors. site inspectors. site inspectors. program. (a)(5)new construction and land Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities disturbances Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of (b)Training Document the budget individuals trained. individuals trained. individuals trained. individuals trained. requirements. I A-5 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices DepartmentMeasurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 11 Storm Water Utility Administration III.A.2.Public Action Action Action Action Action Hotline Water Quality Involvement/Participation Develop plan for storm Establish the storm water Continue to educate the Continue to educate the Continue to educate the Specialist water hotline program hotline and educate the public about the public about the public about the Public Information A.3.Illicit Discharge Detection through Public Services public about its existence of the storm existence of the storm existence of the storm Officer and Elimination Department. availability through water hotline through water hotline through water hotline through dentify procedures for various Public Education various Public Education various Public Education various Public Education I(a)(l)Detection re calls,routing BMPs. BMPs. BMPs. BMPs. calls to appropriate Document each call and Continue documenting Continue documenting Continue documenting personnel for proper dispatch to appropriate each call,dispatching to each call,dispatching to each call,dispatching to response,and department for proper appropriate department appropriate department appropriate department documenting subject of response,as necessary. for proper response. for proper response. for proper response. call for future analysis. Documented Activities Conduct annual review Conduct annual review Conduct annual review Identify budget of calls to identify trends of calls to identify trends of calls to identify trends Document the number of requirements for storm (i.e.,repeated reports of (i.e.,repeated reports of (i.e.,repeated reports of water hotline. calls received. illegal dumping in certain illegal dumping in certain illegal dumping in certain Documented Activities areas of the City), areas of the City), areas of the City), general needs for hotline general needs for hotline general needs for hotline Document the budget improvement,and areas improvement,and areas improvement,and areas requirements. requiring additional requiring additional requiring additional educational or educational or educational or enforcement effort to enforcement effort to enforcement effort to protect storm water protect storm water protect storm water quality. quality. quality. Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of calls received. calls received. calls received. BMP 12 Bulk Waste Parks and Recreation III.A.2.Public Action Action Action Action Action Cleanup Water Quality Involvement/Participation Continue bulk waste Continue existing trash Continue existing trash Continue existing trash Continue existing trash Specialist cleanup program twice cleanup activities. cleanup activities. cleanup activities. cleanup activities. III.A.3.Illicit Discharge Detection per year. Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities and Elimination Evaluate opportunities, Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of (a)(2)Elimination public receptiveness, cleanup events taken cleanup events taken cleanup events taken cleanup events taken and budgetary place. place. place. place. requirements for continued trash cleanup events. Documented Activities Document the number of cleanup events taken place. A-6 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management Department Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices p Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 13 Park Cleanup Parks and Recreation III.A.2.Public Action Action Action Action Action Water Quality Involvement/Participation Begin brainstorming Develop program to Conduct cleaning once Conduct cleaning once Conduct cleaning once Specialist possible park cleanup identify number of actual per year for selected per year for selected per year for selected III.A.3.Illicit Discharge Detection locations and Park Cleanup locations parks. parks. parks. and Elimination procedures. and the number of Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities potential Park Cleanup (a)(2)Elimination locations. Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of Documented Activities cleaning events. cleaning events. cleaning events. Document a list of identified Park Cleanup locations. BMP 14 Illicit Discharge Public Services III.A.3.Illicit Discharge Detection Action Action Action Action Action Prohibition/ and Elimination Review existing Draft revised/new illicit Issue final illicit discharge Continue education- Begin penalty-based Elimination (a)illicit discharges ordinances to determine discharge prohibition prohibition ordinance. focused enforcement of enforcement of illicit Ordinance need for additional ordinance,if necessary, new ordinance discharge ordinance. (b)non-storm water discharges Conduct education ordinance requirements for public review and requirements. to meet this minimum comment.Solicit input activities to inform the Documented Activities control measure. from the public for the public about the new Documented Activities Document instances of ordinance requirements. dentify methods and draft ordinance. Document instances of such enforcement and Ibudget requirements to Documented ActivitiesBegin education-focused such enforcement and action taken to eliminate develop(if necessary) enforcement of action taken to eliminate illicit discharge. and enforce ordinance Complete the draft of ordinance. illicit discharge. requirements. the ordinance. Documented Activities Documented Activities Document instances of Document the budget such enforcement and equirements and action taken to eliminate rnecessary development illicit discharge. methods. A-7 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management De arfment Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices p Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 15 Storm Sewer Planning and III.A.3.Illicit Discharge Detection Action Action Action Action Action System Map Development and Elimination Collect existing mapping Identify regulated storm Continue development Continue development Continue development Public Services (c)storm sewer map information for the storm water outfalls in the City. of a map of storm water of a map of storm water of a map of storm water sewer system. Begin development of a outfall drainage areas in outfall drainage areas in outfall drainage areas in Develop plan and map of storm water the City. the City. the City. budget requirements for outfall drainage areas in Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities effort necessary to the City. Document the percent Document the percent Document the percent identify regulated storm Documented Activities mapped. mapped. mapped. water outfalls and drainage areas or system Document the percent features. mapped. Documented Activities Document the written plan and budget requirements. BMP 16 Illicit Discharge Water Quality III.A.3.Illicit Discharge Detection Action Action Action Action Action Inspections Specialist and Elimination Develop plan to inspect Train personnel in illicit Train personnel in illicit Train personnel in illicit Train personnel in illicit Wastewater (a)illicit discharges the storm sewer system discharge detection discharge detection discharge detection discharge detection (b)non-storm water discharges for illicit connections, procedures. procedures. procedures. procedures. illegal dumping,and dry Begin conducting illicit Continue conducting Continue conducting Continue conducting weather discharges. discharge inspections for illicit discharge illicit discharge illicit discharge Identify inspection staff, the City's regulated inspections for the City's inspections for the City's inspections for the City's inspection schedule,and y g p y p y p y training procedures. outfalls. regulated outfalls. regulated outfalls. regulated outfalls. Documented Activities Establish procedure to Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities eliminate detected illicit Document outfalls Document outfalls Document outfalls Document the written discharges.Identify screened,observations screened,observations screened,observations plan. budget requirements for made,and corrective made,and corrective made,and corrective illicit discharge actions taken,if any. actions taken,if any. actions taken,if any. inspections. Documented Activities Document outfalls screened,observations made,and corrective actions taken,if any. A-8 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management Department Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices p Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 17 Sanitary Sewer Wastewater III.A.3.Illicit Discharge Detection Action Action Action Action Action Line and Elimination Maintenance Water Quality Conduct sanitary sewer Conduct sanitary sewer Conduct sanitary sewer Conduct sanitary sewer Conduct sanitary sewer and Inspection Specialist (a)illicit discharges inspections. inspections. inspections. inspections. inspections. (b)non-storm water discharges Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Document the number Document the number Document the number Document the number Document the number and location of lines and location of lines and location of lines and location of lines and location of lines inspected each year. inspected each year. inspected each year. inspected each year. inspected each year. BMP 18 Erosion Control Engineering III.A.4.Construction Site Storm Action Action Action Action Action Ordinance and Water Runoff Control Building Inspectors Evaluate the City's Develop Issue final ordinance. Continue education- Begin penalty-based Requirements (a)ordinance existing ordinances to modified/updated draft focused enforcement of enforcement of illicit for Construction Planning and Conduct education identify adequacy of ordinance,if necessary, new ordinance discharge ordinance. Site Contractors Development (b)contractor requirements activities to inform the erosion control to meet permit requirements. Water Quality requirements and conditions. public about the new Documented Activities ordinance requirements. Documented Activities Specialist enforcement Documented Activities Document the instances mechanisms in meeting Begin education-focused Document the instances of such enforcement and the MS4 permit Provide draft to enforcement of of such enforcement and action taken to eliminate requirements. regulated community for ordinance. action taken to eliminate unauthorized discharges. Documented Activities review and input. Documented Activities unauthorized discharges. Identify budget Document the number of requirements needed to education activities and update the ordinance. instances of enforcement and action taken to eliminate unauthorized discharges. BMP 19 Site Plan Review Engineering III.A.4.Construction Site Storm Action Action Action Action Action Planning and Water Runoff Control Evaluate existing plan Revise plan review Continue to conduct Continue to conduct Continue to conduct Development (c)(1)site plan review review procedures for procedures,if necessary, plan reviews. plan reviews. plan reviews. Water Quality compliance with permit to include adequate Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Specialist requirements. consideration of Identify any necessary potential storm water Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of modifications to the quality impacts. site plans reviewed. site plans reviewed. site plans reviewed. procedures needed to Educate the public achieve compliance with about new plan review the permit conditions. procedures. Documented Activities Documented Activities Document the updated Document the methods plan review procedures. used to educate the public about site plan review procedures. A-9 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management Department Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices p Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 20 Construction Site Engineering III.A.4.Construction Site Storm Action Action Action Action Action Inspection and Water Quality Water Runoff Control Evaluate existing site Revise site inspection Continue to conduct Continue to conduct Continue to conduct Enforcement Specialist (c)(3)site inspection and inspection procedures for procedures,if necessary, erosion control site erosion control site erosion control site Building Inspections enforcement compliance with permit to include documented inspections. inspections. inspections. requirements. inspection of erosion Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Identify any necessary control measures. modifications to the Educate the public Document inspections, Document inspections, Document inspections, procedures needed to about new site inspection instances of enforcement instances of enforcement instances of enforcement achieve compliance with procedures. activity,and reasons)for activity,and reason(s)for activity,and reasons)for the permit conditions. non-compliance. non-compliance. non-compliance. Identify budget Documented Activities Document the corrective Document the corrective Document the corrective requirements for erosion Document the method action taken to protect action taken to protect action taken to protect control site inspections, of educating the public storm water quality. storm water quality. storm water quality. documentation,and on new site inspection tracking. procedures. Documented Activities Document the updated site inspection procedures and budget requirements. BMP 21 Receipt and Utility Administration III.A.4.Construction Site Storm Action Action Action Action Action Consideration of Water Quality Water Runoff Control Develop written Implement procedures to Continue Continue Continue Information from Public Specialist (c)(2)public information submittals procedures for receiving, receive and consider implementation of the implementation of the implementation of the Public Information considering,and tracking public comments. procedures. procedures. procedures. Officer comments from the Document comments Document comments Document comments Document comments public for construction received and received and received and received and site activities. consideration made for consideration made for consideration made for consideration made for Identify budget each set of comments. each set of comments. each set of comments. each set of comments. requirements to Educate the public Educate the public Educate the public Educate the public implement the about the mechanisms about the mechanisms about the mechanisms about the mechanisms procedures. needed to make needed to make needed to make needed to make Documented Activities comments or submittals. comments or submittals. comments or submittals. comments or submittals. Document the written Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities procedures and budget Document comments Document comments Document comments Document comments requirements. received and methods of received and methods of received and methods of received and methods of educating public. educating public. educating public. educating public. A- 10 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management Department Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices p Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 22 Post- Engineering III.A.5.Post-Construction Storm Action Action Action Action Action Construction Public Services Water Management Review the City's existing Draft a revised storm Issue final ordinance. Implement any new Begin penalty-based Storm Water (b)ordinance ordinance to identify if water ordinance for post- ordinance requirements. enforcement of new Ordinance Planning and additional language is construction Conduct education ordinance requirements. Development (c)long-term operation and necessary to meet the requirements,as activities to inform the Conduct education maintenance of BMPs Phase II MS4 post- necessary,and make public about the new activities to inform the Documented Activities ordinance requirements. public about the new construction available for public ordinance requirements. Document the number of requirements. review and input. Begin education-focusededucation activities, dentify budget Documented Activities of Continue education- instances of Irequirements to revise ordinance. focused enforcement of enforcement,and action Complete the draft post- ordinance. taken to eliminate and update the Documented Activities ordinance to meet the construction storm water Documented Activitiesunauthorized discharges. permit conditions. ordinance,and Document the number of document the method education activities, Document the number of Documented Activities for eliciting public review instances of education activities, Document the budget and input on the draft. enforcement,and action instances of requirements. taken to eliminate enforcement,and action unauthorized discharges. taken to eliminate unauthorized discharges. BMP 23 Engineering Engineering III.A.5.Post-Construction Storm Action Action Action Action Action Design Review Water QualityWater Management Continue existingdesign Continue existingdesign Continue existingdesign Continue existingdesign Continue existingdesign 9 9 9 g 9 Specialist (a)appropriate use of review process of all review process of all review process of all review process of all review process of all structural/non-structural BMPs planned construction planned construction planned construction planned construction planned construction (c)long-term operation and projects at least one acre projects at least one acre projects at least one acre projects at least one acre projects at least one acre maintenance of BMPs in size to verify in size to verify in size to verify in size to verify in size to verify compliance with the compliance with the compliance with the compliance with the compliance with the long-term protective long-term protective long-term protective long-term protective long-term protective maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance requirements for new requirements for new requirements for new requirements for new requirements for new and redeveloped areas and redeveloped areas and redeveloped areas and redeveloped areas and redeveloped areas to protect storm water to protect storm water to protect storm water to protect storm water to protect storm water quality. quality. quality. quality. quality. Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of sites reviewed. sites reviewed. sites reviewed. sites reviewed. sites reviewed. A-il City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices DepartmentMeasurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 24 Land Use Plan Planning and III.A.5.Post-Construction Storm Action Action Action Action Action Development Water Management Continue the existing Continue the existing Continue the existing Continue the existing Continue the existing Engineering (a)appropriate use of process of assessing process of assessing process of assessing process of assessing process of assessing Water Quality structural/non-structural BMPs proposed zoning proposed zoning proposed zoning proposed zoning proposed zoning Specialist changes in relation to the changes in relation to the changes in relation to the changes in relation to the changes in relation to the City's existing land use City's existing land use City's existing land use City's existing land use City's existing land use plan. plan. plan. plan. plan. Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of assessed zoning change assessed zoning change assessed zoning change assessed zoning change assessed zoning change proposals. proposals. proposals. proposals. proposals. BMP 25 Chemical Parks and Recreation III.A.6.Pollution Prevention/Good Action Action Action Action Action Applications Public Services Housekeeping Continue Continue Continue Continue Continue Management (a)11)park and open s ace implementation of Wylie's implementation of W lie's implementation of W lie's implementation of Wylie's implementation of W lie's Water Quality Specialist maintenance existing chemical existing chemical existing chemical existing chemical existing chemical (b)training management program. management program. management program. management program. management program. Evaluate appropriateness Evaluate appropriateness Evaluate appropriateness Evaluate appropriateness Evaluate appropriateness of program every two of program every two of program every two of program every two of program every two years. years. years. years. years. Provide and document Provide and document Provide and document Provide and document Provide and document refresher training for refresher training for refresher training for refresher training for refresher training for chemical applicators at chemical applicators at chemical applicators at chemical applicators at chemical applicators at least every three years. least every three years. least every three years. least every three years. least every three years. Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of Document the number of individuals trained. individuals trained. individuals trained. individuals trained. individuals trained. A-12 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011 -2012 BMP ID Management Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices DepartmentMeasurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 26 Storm Sewer Public Services III.A.6.Pollution Prevention/Good Action Action Action Action Action System Wastewater Housekeeping Develop a schedule to Implement the inspection Implement the inspection Implement the inspection Implement the inspection Maintenance (a)(4)storm water system conduct visual schedule. schedule. schedule. schedule. maintenance inspections of the City's Perform maintenance as Perform maintenance as Perform maintenance as Perform maintenance as storm sewer system and necessary. necessary. necessary. necessary. evaluate the need for maintenance. Clean system as needed Clean system as needed Clean system as needed Clean system as needed Develop a system to in response to complaints in response to complaints in response to complaints in response to complaints monitor and track storm or reported problems. or reported problems. or reported problems. or reported problems. sewer maintenance Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities activities. Document areas Document areas Document areas Document areas Clean system as needed inspected,observations inspected,observations inspected,observations inspected,observations in response to complaints made,problems made,problems made,problems made,problems or reported problems. reported,and reported,and reported,and reported,and dentify budget maintenance performed. maintenance performed. maintenance performed. maintenance performed. Irequirements to perform routine maintenance on the storm sewer system. Documented Activities Document the inspection schedule and budget requirements. BMP 27 Street Sweeping Public Services III.A.6.Pollution Prevention/Good Action Action Action Action Action Housekeeping Continue existing street Continue existing street Continue existing street Continue the street Continue the street (a)(2)street,road,or highway sweeping program for sweeping program and sweeping program and sweeping program. sweeping program. maintenance City streets.Evaluate begin implementation of complete Documented Activities Documented Activities (a)(b)municipal parking lots effectiveness of current any needed adjustments implementation of any street sweeping program. identified in the needed adjustments Document schedule for Document schedule for (d)disposal of waste evaluation. identified in the street sweeping activities, street sweeping activities, Adjust schedule for street sweeping activities as Documented Activities evaluation. volume of waste volume of waste ndicated. Documented Activities collected,and method collected,and method iDocument schedule for of waste disposal. of waste disposal. Identify budget street sweeping activities, Document schedule for requirements for street volume of waste street sweeping activities, sweeping program. collected,and method volume of waste Documented Activities of waste disposal. collected,and method of waste disposal. Document the sweeping schedule and budget requirements. A-13 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management De arfmenl Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices p Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 28 Safe Material Public Services III.A.6.Pollution Prevention/Good Action Action Action Action Action Storage Parks and Recreation Housekeeping Continue protective Continue protective Continue protective Continue protective Continue protective (a)(9)salt/sand storage locations practices of existing practices of existing practices of existing practices of existing practices of existing material storage for road material storage for road material storage for road material storage for road material storage for road materials stockpiles. materials stockpiles,and materials stockpiles,and materials stockpiles,and materials stockpiles,and Evaluate the begin implementation of continue implementation continue implementation continue implementation effectiveness of current any identified of any identified of any identified of any identified practices and identify improvements,if improvements,if improvements,if improvements,if recommendations for necessary. necessary. necessary. necessary. improvements,if Evaluate effectiveness of Begin implementation of Continue Continue necessary. practices each year, material management implementation of implementation of dentify materials used in document results of procedures for the material management material management Imunicipal activities that evaluation,and identify identified municipal procedures for the procedures for the may contribute to storm recommendations for activities and the identified municipal identified municipal water pollution. improvements,if municipal facilities that activities and the activities and the necessary. store raw materials. municipal facilities that municipal facilities that Identify the municipal Develop material Evaluate and update store raw materials. store raw materials. facilities that store the management materials management Evaluate and update Evaluate and update raw materials. procedures for the procedures as needed. materials management materials management Documented Activities identified municipal Documented Activities procedures as needed. procedures as needed. activities and the Document the results of municipal facilities that Document the Documented Activities Documented Activities the evaluation of the store raw materials. implemented material Document the Document the current protective management implemented material implemented material practices. Documented Activities procedures and list any management management Document the identified Document the updated procedures. procedures and list any procedures and list any municipal activities with implemented protocols, updated procedures. updated procedures. a potential to contribute the implemented to storm water pollution management and the identified procedures,and the facilities storing raw numbers of city personnel materials. undergoing Document the material management procedures. A-14 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management Department Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices p Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals 8MP 29 Structural Public Services III.A.6.Pollution Prevention/Good Action Action Action Action Action Control Housekeeping Maintenance Engineering Evaluate the municipal Evaluate the municipal Evaluate the municipal Evaluate the municipal Evaluate the municipal (a)(4)storm water system storm sewer system for storm sewer system for storm sewer system for storm sewer system for storm sewer system for maintenance the need for structural the need for structural the need for structural the need for structural the need for structural (c)structural control maintenance controls. controls. controls. controls. controls. Documented Activities Identify budget Identify budget Identify budget Identify budget Document the requirements for requirements for requirements for requirements for evaluation related to necessary controls.If necessary controls.If necessary controls.If necessary controls.If structural controls. structural controls are structural controls are structural controls are structural controls are established,develop a established,develop a established,develop a established,develop a plan for inspection and plan for inspection and plan for inspection and plan for inspection and maintenance of the maintenance of the maintenance of the maintenance of the controls. controls. controls. controls. Documented Activities Establish controls to Establish controls to Establish controls to Document the monitor private industry monitor private industry monitor private industry evaluation and budget structural control structural control structural control requirements related to maintenance maintenance maintenance structural controls. (documentation records) (documentation records) (documentation records) and monitor public and monitor public and monitor public maintenance of maintenance of maintenance of structural controls structural controls structural controls through documented through documented through documented inspection. inspection. inspection. Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Document the Document the Document the evaluation,inspection, evaluation,inspection, evaluation,inspection, and maintenance and maintenance and maintenance activities related to activities related to activities related to structural controls. structural controls. structural controls. 8MP 30 Spill Response Fire Department III.A.6.Pollution Prevention/Good Action Action Action Action Action Water Quality Housekeeping Continue Continue Continue Continue Continue Specialist (a)good housekeeping and BMPs implementation of implementation of implementation of implementation of implementation of (d)disposal of waste existing spill response existing spill response existing spill response existing spill response existing spill response procedures and training procedures and training procedures and training procedures and training procedures and training through Wylie Fire through Wylie Fire through Wylie Fire through Wylie Fire through Wylie Fire Department. Department. Department. Department. Department. Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Document spill response Document spill response Document spill response Document spill response Document spill response events. events. events. events. events. Document training for Document training for Document training for Document training for Document training for spill response personnel. spill response personnel. spill response personnel. spill response personnel. spill response personnel. A- 15 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management De arfment Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices p Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 31 Employee Various Departments III.A.6.Pollution Prevention/Good Action Action Action Action Action Training Water Quality Housekeeping Identify municipal Identify effort and Begin BMP training for the Continue BMP training for Continue BMP training for Specialist IN training operations in which method necessary to municipal employees the municipal employees the municipal employees activities have the properly train affected responsible for activities responsible for activities responsible for activities potential to impact storm employees. that may impact storm that may impact storm that may impact storm water. Develop budget water quality. water quality. water quality. Documented Activities requirements for Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Document the identified employee training Document the training of Document the training of Document the training of municipal operations. program. city personnel. city personnel. city personnel. Documented Activities Document the budget requirements. BMP 32 Disposal of Public Services III.A.6.Pollution Prevention/Good Action Action Action Action Action Collected Storm Wastewater Housekeeping Identify sources of waste Perform proper disposal Perform proper disposal Perform proper disposal Perform proper disposal Sewer System (d)disposal of waste requiring disposal as part of waste materials. of waste materials. of waste materials. of waste materials. Waste Water Quality of storm water Specialist management program Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities activities. Document the proper Document the proper Document the proper Document the proper dentify proper methods disposal of waste disposal of waste disposal of waste disposal of waste Ifor handling and disposal materials. materials. materials. materials. of waste materials. Develop budget requirements for waste handling and disposal. Documented Activities Document budget requirements and the proper disposal of waste materials. A-16 City of Wylie List of Storm Water Management Program Best Management Practices Best Responsible FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 BMP ID Management Department Applicable Control Measure(s) Practices p Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals Measurable Goals BMP 33 Municipal Public Services III.A.6.Pollution Prevention/Good Action Action Action Action Action Operations and Parks and Recreation Housekeeping ndustr Activity Evaluate municipal Conduct assessments of Begin implementation of Continue the Continue the Water Quality (a)(3)fleet and building operations with the municipal operations the BMPs identified implementation of the implementation of the Specialist maintenance potential to impact storm and develop through municipal BMPs identified through BMPs identified through (a)(7)vehicle and equipment water quality. Identify recommendations for operations assessments. municipal operations municipal operations maintenance and storage yards the budget requirements BMPs. Documented Activities assessments. assessments. to conduct assessments Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities (e)municipal operations and of the municipal Document the industrial activities operations. Document the recommended BMPs and Document the Document the Documented Activities recommended BMPs and notify TCEQ in the annual recommended BMPs and recommended BMPs and notify TCEQ in the annual report of BMP notify TCEQ in the annual notify TCEQ in the annual Document the budget report of BMP modifications and/or report of BMP report of BMP requirements. modifications and/or additions. modifications and/or modifications and/or additions. additions. additions. BMP 34 Authorization for Public Services III.A.7.Authorization for Municipal Action Action Action Action Action Municipal Construction Activities Develop a Storm Water Develop a Storm Water Develop a Storm Water Develop a Storm Water Develop a Storm Water Construction Pollution Prevention Plan Pollution Prevention Plan Pollution Prevention Plan Pollution Prevention Plan Pollution Prevention Plan Activities for each construction site for each construction site for each construction site for each construction site for each construction site that disturbs 1 acre or that disturbs 1 acre or that disturbs 1 acre or that disturbs 1 acre or that disturbs 1 acre or more(including larger more(including larger more(including larger more(including larger more(including larger common plan sites)in common plan sites)in common plan sites)in common plan sites)in common plan sites)in accordance with the accordance with the accordance with the accordance with the accordance with the technical requirements of technical requirements of technical requirements of technical requirements of technical requirements of TPDES Construction TPDES Construction TPDES Construction TPDES Construction TPDES Construction General Permit General Permit General Permit General Permit General Permit TXR150000. TXR150000. TXR150000. TXR150000. TXR150000. Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Documented Activities Maintain a list of Maintain a list of Maintain a list of Maintain a list of Maintain a list of municipal construction municipal construction municipal construction municipal construction municipal construction projects that are covered projects that are covered projects that are covered projects that are covered projects that are covered under the Storm Water under the Storm Water under the Storm Water under the Storm Water under the Storm Water Management Plan. Management Plan. Management Plan. Management Plan. Management Plan. A- 17 Appendix B: Storm Water Management Program BMPs By Permit Requirement Public Education and Outreach Requirements BMP ID BMP Name (a) A public education program must be developed 1 Utility Bill Insert/ Educational Flyer and implemented to distribute educational materials to the community or conduct 2 Web Site equivalent outreach activities that will be used 3 Public Reference to inform the public. The MS4 operator may 4 Storm Drain Marking determine the most appropriate sections of the population at which to direct the program. The 5 Classroom Education MS4 operator must consider the following groups 6 General Education of City Employees and the SWMP shall provide justification for any listed group that is not included in the program: 7 Education of Elected Officials and the (1) residents; Public 8 Business, Commercial and Industrial (2) visitors; Education (3) public service employees; 9 Developer/ Builder/ Engineer (4) businesses; Education and Training (5) commercial and industrial facilities; and 10 City Inspector Training (6) construction site personnel. (b) The MS4 operator must document activities 1 Utility Bill Insert/ Educational Flyer conducted and materials used to fulfill this 2 Web Site control measure. Documentation shall be detailed enough to demonstrate the amount of 3 Public Reference resources used to address each group. This 4 Storm Drain Marking documentation shall be retained in the annual reports required in Part IV.B.2. of this general 5 Classroom Education permit. 6 General Education of City Employees 7 Education of Elected Officials and the Public 8 Business, Commercial and Industrial Education 9 Developer/ Builder/ Engineer Education and Training 10 City Inspector Training Appendix B pg. 1 Appendix B: Storm Water Management Program BMPs By Permit Requirement Public Involvement Requirements BMP ID BMP Name The MS4 operator must, at a minimum, comply with 2 Web Site any state and local public notice requirements when 3 Public Reference implementing a public involvement/participation program. It is recommended that the program 4 Storm Drain Marking include provisions to allow all members of the public 5 Classroom Education within the small MS4 the opportunity to participate in SWMP development and implementation. 7 Education of Elected Officials and the Correctional facilities will not be required to Public implement this MCM. 11 Storm Water Hotline 12 Bulk Waste Cleanup 13 Park Cleanup Appendix B pg. 2 Appendix B: Storm Water Management Program BMPs By Permit Requirement Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination System BMP ID BMP Name Requirements (a) Illicit Discharges 4 Storm Drain Marking A section within the SWMP must be developed 6 General Education of City Employees to establish a program to detect and eliminate 11 Storm Water Hotline illicit discharges to the small MS4. The SWMP must include the manner and process to be 13 Park Cleanup used to effectively prohibit illicit discharges. To 14 Illicit Discharge Prohibition/ Elimination the extent allowable under state and local law, an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism Ordinance must be utilized to prohibit and eliminate illicit 15 Illicit Discharge Inspections discharges. Elements must include: 17 Sanitary Sewer Line Maintenance and (1) Detection Inspection The SWMP must list the techniques used for detecting illicit discharges. (2) Elimination The SWMP must include appropriate actions and, to the extent allowable under state and local law, establish enforcement procedures for removing the source of an illicit discharge. (b) Allowable Non-Storm Water Discharges 14 Illicit Discharge Prohibition/ Elimination Non-storm water flows listed in Part II.B and Part Ordinance VI.B. do not need to be considered by the MS4 15 Illicit Discharge Inspections operator as an illicit discharge requiring 17 Sanitary Sewer Line Maintenance and elimination unless the operator of the small MS4 Inspection or the executive director identifies the flow as a significant source of pollutants to the small MS4. In lieu of considering non-storm water sources on a case-by-case basis, the MS4 operator may develop a list of common and incidental non- storm water discharges that will not be addressed as illicit discharges requiring elimination. If developed, the listed sources must not be reasonably expected to be significant sources of pollutants either because of the nature of the discharge or the conditions that are established by the MS4 operator prior to accepting the discharge to the small MS4. If this list is developed, then all local controls and conditions established for these listed discharges must be described in the SWMP and any changes to the SWMP must be included in the annual report described in Part IV.B.2. of this general permit, and must meet the requirements of Part II.D.3. of the general permit. Appendix B pg. 3 Appendix B: Storm Water Management Program BMPs By Permit Requirement Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination System BMP ID BMP Name Requirements (c) Storm Sewer Map 15 Storm Sewer System Map (1) A map of the storm sewer system must be developed and must include the following: (i) the location of all outfalls; (ii) the names and locations of all waters of the U.S. that receive discharges from the outfalls; and (iii) any additional information needed by the permittee to implement its SWMP. (2) The SWMP must include the source of information used to develop the storm sewer map, including how the outfalls were verified and how the map will be regularly updated. Appendix B pg. 4 Appendix B: Storm Water Management Program BMPs By Permit Requirement Construction Site Runoff Control Requirements BMP ID BMP Name The MS4 operator, to the extent allowable under State and local law, must develop, implement, and enforce a program to reduce pollutants in any storm water runoff to the small MS4 from construction activities that result in a land disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre or if that construction activity is part of a larger common plan of development or sale that would disturb one acre or more of land. The MS4 operator is not required to develop, implement, and/or enforce a program to reduce pollutant discharges from sites where the construction site operator has obtained a waiver from permit requirements under NPDES or TPDES construction permitting requirements based on a low potential for erosion. (a) The program must include the development and 18 Erosion Control Ordinance and implementation of, at a minimum, an ordinance Requirements for Construction Site or other regulatory mechanism to require erosion Contractors and sediment controls, as well as sanctions to ensure compliance, to the extent allowable under State and local law. (b) Requirements for construction site contractors to, 9 Developer/ Builder/ Engineer at a minimum: Education and Training (1) implement appropriate erosion and 18 Erosion Control Ordinance and sediment control best management Requirements for Construction Site practices; and Contractors (2) control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout water, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impacts to water quality; (c) The MS4 operator must develop procedures for: 10 City Inspector Training (1) site plan review which incorporate 19 Site Plan Review consideration of potential water quality 20 Construction Site Inspection and impacts; Enforcement (2) receipt and consideration of information 21 Receipt and Consideration of submitted by the public; and Information from Public (3) site inspection and enforcement of control measures to the extent allowable under state and local law. Appendix B pg. 5 Appendix B: Storm Water Management Program BMPs By Permit Requirement Post-Construction Site Runoff Control Requirements BMP ID BMP Name To the extent allowable under state and local law, the MS4 operator must develop, implement, and enforce a program to address storm water runoff from new development and redevelopment projects that disturb greater than or equal to one acre of land, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will result in disturbance of one or more acres, that discharge into the small MS4. The program must ensure that controls are in place that would prevent or minimize water quality impacts.The permittee shall: (a) Develop and implement strategies which include 9 Developer/ Builder/ Engineer a combination of structural and/or non-structural Education and Training BMPs appropriate for your community; 23 Engineering Design Review 24 Land Use Plan (b) Use an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism 9 Developer/ Builder/ Engineer to address post-construction runoff from new Education and Training development and redevelopment projects to 22 Post Construction Storm Water the extent allowable under state and local law; Ordinance and (c) Ensure adequate long-term operation and 9 Developer/ Builder/ Engineer maintenance of BMPs. Education and Training 22 Post- Construction Storm Water Ordinance 23 Engineering Design Review Appendix B pg. 6 Appendix B: Storm Water Management Program BMPs By Permit Requirement Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for BMP ID BMP Name Municipal Operations Requirements A section within the SWMP must be developed to establish an operation and maintenance program, including an employee training component, that has the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations. (a) Good Housekeeping and Best Management 10 City Inspector Training Practices 25 Chemical Applications Management Housekeeping measures and BMPs (which may 26 Storm Sewer System Maintenance include new or existing structural or non- structural controls) must be identified and either 27 Street Sweeping continued or implemented with the goal of 28 Safe Material Storage preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations. Examples of municipal 29 Structural Control Maintenance operations and municipally owned areas include, but are not limited to: (1) park and open space maintenance; (2) street, road, or highway maintenance; (3) fleet and building maintenance; (4) storm water system maintenance; (5) new construction and land disturbances. (6) municipal parking lots; (7) vehicle and equipment maintenance and storage yards; (8) waste transfer stations; and (9) salt/sand storage locations. (b) Training 10 City Inspector Training A training program must be developed for all 25 Chemical Applications Management employees responsible for municipal operations 31 Employee Training subject to the pollution prevention/good housekeeping program. The training program must include training materials directed at preventing and reducing storm water pollution from municipal operations. Materials may be developed, or obtained from EPA, states or other organizations and sources. Examples or descriptions of training materials being used must be included in the SWMP. Appendix B pg. 7 Appendix B: Storm Water Management Program BMPs By Permit Requirement Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for BMP ID BMP Name Municipal Operations Requirements (c) Structural Control Maintenance 29 Structural Control Maintenance If best management practices include structural 30 Spill Response controls, maintenance of the controls must be performed at a frequency determined by the MS4 operator and consistent with maintaining the effectiveness of the BMP. The SWMP must list all of the following: (1) maintenance activities; (2) maintenance schedules; and (3) long-term inspection procedures for controls used to reduce floatables and other pollutants. (d) Disposal of Waste 27 Street Sweeping Waste removed from the small MS4 and waste 30 Spill Response that is collected as a result of maintenance of 32 Disposal of Collected Storm Sewer storm water structural controls must be properly System Waste disposed. A section within the SWMP must be developed to include procedures for the proper disposal of waste, including: (1) dredge spoil; (2) accumulated sediments; and (3) floatables. (e) Municipal Operations and Industrial Activities 33 Municipal Operations and Industrial The SWMP must include a list of all: Activity (1) municipal operations that are subject to the operation, maintenance, or training program developed under the conditions of this section; and (2) municipally owned or operated industrial activities that are subject to TPDES industrial storm water regulations. Appendix B pg. 8 Appendix B: Storm Water Management Program BMPs By Permit Requirement Authorization for Municipal Construction Activities BMP ID BMP Name The development of a MCM for municipal construction activities is an optional measure and is an alternative to the MS4 operator seeking coverage under TPDES general permit TXR150000. Additionally, contractors working for the permittee are not required to obtain a separate authorization if they do not meet the definition of a "construction site operator," as long as the permittee meets the status of construction site operator. Permittees that choose to develop this measure will be authorized to discharge storm water and certain non-storm water from construction activities where the permittee can meet the definition of "construction site operator" in Part I of this general permit. The authorization to discharge under this MCM is limited to the regulated area, such as the portion of the MS4 located within an urbanized area or the area designated by TCEQ as requiring coverage. However, an MS4 operator may also utilize this MCM over additional portions of their MS4 that are also in compliance with all of the MCMs listed in this general permit. This MCM must be developed as a part of the SWMP that is submitted with the NOI for permit coverage. If this MCM is developed after submitting the initial NOI, a NOC must be submitted notifying the executive director of this change, and identifying the geographical area or boundary where the activities will be conducted under the provisions of this general permit. Utilization of this MCM does not preclude a small MS4 from obtaining coverage under the TPDES Construction General Permit, TXR150000, or under an individual TPDES permit. (a) The MCM must include: 34 Optional Minimum Control Measure #7 (1) a description of how construction activities will generally be conducted by the permittee so as to take into consideration local conditions of weather, soils, and other site specific considerations; (2) a description of the area that this MCM will address and where the permittee's construction activities are covered (e.g. within the boundary of the urbanized area, the corporate boundary, a special district boundary, an extra territorial jurisdiction, or other similar jurisdictional boundary); and Appendix B pg. 9 Appendix B: Storm Water Management Program BMPs By Permit Requirement (3) either a description of how the permittee will supervise or maintain oversight over contractor activities to ensure that the SWP3 requirements are properly implemented at the construction site; or how the permittee will make certain that contractors have a separate authorization for storm water discharges. (4) a general description of how a SWP3 shall be developed, according to Part VI.E of this general permit, for each construction site. Appendix B pg. 10 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Water Quality Specialist List of BMPs for Phase II MS4 Storm Water Management Program Name of BMP BMP Number Utility Bill Insert/Educational Flyer BMP 1 Web Site BMP 2 Public Reference BMP 3 Storm Drain Marking BMP 4 Classroom Education BMP 5 General Education of City Employees BMP 6 Education of Elected Officials and the Public BMP 7 Business, Commercial and Industrial Education BMP 8 Developer/Builder/Engineer Education and Training BMP 9 City Inspector Training BMP 10 Storm Water Hotline BMP 11 Bulk Waste Cleanup BMP 12 Park Cleanup BMP 13 Illicit Discharge Inspections BMP 16 Sanitary Sewer Line Maintenance and Inspection BMP 17 Erosion Control Ordinance and Requirements For Construction Site Contractors BMP 18 Site Plan Review BMP 19 Construction Site Inspection and Enforcement BMP 20 Receipt and Consideration of Information from Public BMP 21 Engineering Design and Review BMP 23 Land Use Plan BMP 24 Chemical Applications Management BMP 25 Spill Response BMP 30 Employee Training BMP 31 Disposal of Collected Storm Sewer System Waste BMP 32 Municipal Operations and Industrial Activity BMP 33 Appendix C pg. 1 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Public Services List of BMPs for Phase II MS4 Storm Water Management Program Name of BMP BMP Number Utility Bill Insert/Educational Flyer BMP 1 Web Site BMP 2 Public Reference BMP 3 Storm Drain Marking BMP 4 Classroom Education BMP 5 General Education of City Employees BMP 6 Education of Elected Officials and the Public BMP 7 Illicit Discharge Prohibition/Elimination Ordinance BMP 14 Storm Sewer System Map BMP 15 Post- Construction Storm Water Ordinance BMP 22 Storm Sewer System Maintenance BMP 26 Street Sweeping BMP 27 Safe Material Storage BMP 28 Structural Control Maintenance BMP 29 Disposal of Collected Storm Sewer System Waste BMP 32 Municipal Operations and Industrial Activity BMP 33 Optional Minimum Control Measure #7 BMP 34 Appendix C pg. 2 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Fire Department List of BMPs for Phase II MS4 Storm Water Management Program Name of BMP BMP Number Spill Response BMP 30 Appendix C pg. 3 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Utility Billling List of BMPs for Phase II MS4 Storm Water Management Program Name of BMP BMP Number Utility Bill Insert/Educational Flyer BMP 1 Appendix C pg. 4 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Public Information Officer List of BMPs for Phase II MS4 Storm Water Management Program Name of BMP BMP Number Storm Drain Marking BMP 4 Business, Commercial and Industrial Education BMP 8 Receipt and Consideration of Information from Public BMP 21 Storm Water Hotline BMP 11 Appendix C pg. 5 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Water Division List of BMPs for Phase II MS4 Storm Water Management Program Name of BMP BMP Number Storm Drain Marking BMP 4 Appendix C pg. 6 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Engineering List of BMPs for Phase II MS4 Storm Water Management Program Name of BMP BMP Number Developer/Builder/Engineer Education and Training BMP 9 City Inspector Training BMP 10 Erosion Control Ordinance and Requirements For Construction Site Contractors BMP 18 Site Plan Review BMP 19 Construction Site Inspection and Enforcement BMP 20 Post- Construction Storm Water Ordinance BMP 22 Engineering Design and Review BMP 23 Land Use Plan BMP 24 Structural Control Maintenance BMP 29 Appendix C pg. 7 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Building Inspection List of BMPs for Phase II MS4 Storm Water Management Program Name of BMP BMP Number Developer/Builder/Engineer Education and Training BMP 9 Erosion Control Ordinance and Requirements For Construction Site Contractors BMP 18 Construction Site Inspection and Enforcement BMP 20 Appendix C pg. 8 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Utility Administration List of BMPs for Phase II MS4 Storm Water Management Program Name of BMP BMP Number Storm Water Hotline BMP 11 Receipt and Consideration of Information from Public BMP 21 Appendix C pg. 9 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Parks and Recreation List of BMPs for Phase II MS4 Storm Water Management Program Name of BMP BMP Number Bulk Waste Cleanup BMP 12 Park Cleanup BMP 13 Chemical Applications Management BMP 25 Safe Material Storage BMP 28 Municipal Operations and Industrial Activity BMP 33 Appendix C pg. 10 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Planning and Development List of BMPs for Phase II MS4 Storm Water Management Program Name of BMP BMP Number Storm Sewer System Map BMP 15 Erosion Control Ordinance and Requirements For Construction Site Contractors BMP 18 Site Plan Review BMP 19 Post- Construction Storm Water Ordinance BMP 22 Land Use Plan BMP 24 Appendix C pg. 11 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Wastewater List of BMPs for Phase II MS4 Storm Water Management Program Name of BMP BMP Number Illicit Discharge Inspections BMP 16 Sanitary Sewer Line Maintenance and Inspection BMP 17 Storm Sewer System Maintenance BMP 26 Disposal of Collected Storm Sewer System Waste BMP 32 Appendix C pg. 12 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Public Works List of BMPs for Phase II MS4 Storm Water Management Program Name of BMP BMP Number Chemical Applications Management BMP 25 Appendix C pg. 13 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 1 Utility Bill Insert / Educational Flyer Description Distribute educational material to residents via utility bill inserts. The inserts will include storm water education in general per the TCEQ general permit guidelines. Various inserts will also include information specifically relating to fertilizer, herbicide, and pesticide usage, proper disposal of household hazardous waste and oils, and other educational and participatory opportunities. Recordkeeping FY 2007 - 2008 • Develop an outline of the information to be communicated over a 5-year period. • Identify budget requirements for BMP. FY 2008- 2012 • Distribute educational information as a utility bill insert one time per year. • Document the amount of information distributed. Additional Information If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 1 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 2 Web Site Description Develop storm water-related content for the City's web site. The web site will include storm water education information. The web site will provide specific information regarding the City's TPDES Phase II program, educational and participatory opportunities, and links to other local, state, and national storm water-related web sites. Recordkeeping FY 2007 - 2008 • Develop storm water website concept. • Identify budget requirements. • Document the concept and the budget requirements. FY 2008- 2009 • Develop storm water-related content on the City's web site with information, links, and references for additional information. FY 2009 - 2012 • Revise and update the storm water website as needed. • Solicit input and feedback from the public for storm water quality issues and opportunities in the City. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 2 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 3 Public Reference Description Provide educational material for reference at the public library, city hall, and other appropriate public places. Materials to be provided will include copies of educational materials used for other educational BMPs, access to Wylie's storm water website, information regarding Wylie's storm water program, and other miscellaneous storm water educational material as deemed appropriate. Recordkeeping FY 2007 - 2008 • Identify and research available storm water educational material for public educational use. • Identify and document the budget requirements to conduct research, acquire existing educational material, and develop additional material, as necessary. FY 2008 - 2012 • Acquire, develop and provide copies of educational materials at the Public Library and other public access locations, such as City Hall, as appropriate. • Document the amount of information distributed. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442 8108. Appendix D page 3 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 4 Storm Drain Marking Description Utilize volunteer effort to place storm drain markers on local storm drains in an effort to increase awareness and to prevent dumping into the storm drain system. Solicit assistance from the public to place storm drain markers. Record keeping FY 2007 - 2008 • Develop schedule to inventory and then mark storm drains inlet in the city over the permit term with volunteer participation. • Identify and document budget requirements to acquire drain markers, as well as recruit and coordinate volunteers. FY 2008 - 2009 • Inventory the number and location of storm drain inlets in the city. FY 2009 - 2012 • Recruit volunteers for the placement of storm drain markers. • Track and document the location of placed markers and use of volunteer effort. • Document the marked storm drain inlets. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 4 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 5 Classroom Education Description Provide classroom education and curriculum materials to the School District. Materials and curriculum will be assessed and selected from existing, readily available programs, and through discussions with the School District staff. Recordkeeping FY 2007 - 2008 • Coordinate with the School District to determine feasibility of providing storm water education curriculum. • Identify and document budgeting requirements and resource needs. FY 2008 - 2012 • Provide storm water education curriculum and material as determined by coordination meetings with the School District in Year 1 . • Document the amount of materials provide. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 5 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 6 General Education of City Employees Description City employees will receive storm water education on general storm water protection topics. Employees with job responsibilities with potential storm water impacts will receive additional job-specific training, as appropriate, for storm water protection. Recordkeeping FY 2007 - 2008 • Identify and research available storm water educational material for public employees. • Determine methods to provide education to employees. • Identify and document the budget requirements to conduct research, acquire existing educational material, and develop additional material, as necessary. FY 2008- 2012 • Conduct employee education a minimum of once per year. • Document the number of educational meetings. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 6 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 7 Education for Elected Officials and Public Description City elected officials and the public will receive storm water education on general storm water topics, as well as an overview of the Phase II MS4 permit requirements. Record keeping 2008- 2012 • Provide overview of Phase II MS4 permit requirements and annual updates of implementation progress. • Conduct a minimum of 1 public meeting per year. • Document the number of meetings per year. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 7 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 8 Business, Commercial and Industrial Education Description Develop a partnership program for providing educational material to Wylie's businesses, including commercial and industrial facilities. Record keeping FY 2007 - 2008 • Identify methods of communication about storm water issues with local businesses, such as through mailers, the Chamber of Commerce, etc. • Identify and document the budget requirements and appropriate plan to effectively educate businesses about their potential storm water impacts and methods to minimize storm water pollution. • Evaluate the feasibility of sending letters to each business within Wylie at least once. The letters would provide information on Wylie's storm water program and would solicit feedback from the business community. FY 2008 - 2012 • Distribute educational information to local businesses a minimum of one time by the method(s) determined in Year 1 . • Solicit feedback once per year and revise program if appropriate. • Document the number of businesses receiving educational information. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 8 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 9 Developer/Builder/Engineer Education and Training Description Provide educational material to the development community and offer training opportunities. Recordkeeping FY 2007-2008 • Analyze developing cooperative program with developers, builders, and engineers to provide education about erosion control requirements and best practices. • Collect education materials and sources. FY 2008- 2009 • Provide educational material and/or training during at least once with builders, once with developers, and once with engineers that are active in Wylie. • Develop an information packet specific to storm water protection measures for developers, builders, and engineers to be distributed upon request and for new construction projects. • Document the number of educational materials distributed. FY 2009 - 2012 • Provide educational material and/or training during at least once with builders, once with developers, and once with engineers that are active in Wylie. • Document the number of educational materials distributed. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 9 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Wafer Management Plan BMP 10 City Inspector Training Description Continue to train City construction site inspectors for erosion control protection. Recordkeeping FY 2007- 2008 • Evaluate existing site inspection training program and determine the need for additional training or a formalized erosion control inspection program. • Identify a program to track and document the training of individual inspectors. • Identify and document the budget requirements for the inspector-training program. FY 2008 - 2012 • Provide appropriate construction site erosion control training to inspection personnel at least once every three years. • Provide appropriate training for new inspectors prior to them conducting unassisted site inspections. • Document the number of individuals trained. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 10 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 11 Storm Water Hotline Description Develop and advertise a storm water hotline to solicit information related to illicit discharges and illegal dumping, complaints, and general comments regarding Wylie's storm water management program. Record keeping FY 2007-2008 • Develop plan for storm water hotline program through Public Services Department. • Identify procedures for receiving calls, routing calls to appropriate personnel for proper response, and documenting subject of call for future analysis. • Identify and document the budget requirements for storm water hotline. FY 2008 - 2009 • Establish the storm water hotline and educate the public about its availability through various Public Education BMPs. • Document each call and dispatch to appropriate department for proper response, as necessary. FY 2009-2012 • Continue to educate the public about the existence of the storm water hotline through various Public Education BMPs. • Continue documenting each call, dispatching to appropriate department for proper response. • Conduct annual review of calls to identify trends (i.e., repeated reports of illegal dumping in certain areas of the City), general needs for hotline improvement, and areas requiring additional educational or enforcement effort to protect storm water quality. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 11 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 12 Bulk Waste Cleanup Description Continue Wylie's existing volunteer trash cleanup program to reduce floatables and other debris that pollute the storm water system and receiving waters. Recordkeeping FY 2007 - 2008 • Continue sponsoring Wylie's existing volunteer cleanup program a minimum of once per year. • Evaluate opportunities, public receptiveness, and budgetary requirements for continued trash cleanup events. • Document the number of cleanup events taken place. FY 2008 - 2012 • Continue existing trash cleanup activities. • Document the number of cleanup events taken place. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 12 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 13 Park Cleanup Description Volunteer effort to maintain parks and minimize trash debris and animal waste. Record keeping FY 2007 - 2009 • Begin brainstorming possible park cleanup locations and procedures. FY 2008- 2009 • Develop program to identify number of actual Park Cleanup locations and the number of potenital Park Cleanup locations. • Document a list of identified Park Cleanup locations. FY 2009 -2012 • Conduct cleaning once per year for selected parks. • Document the number of cleaning events. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 13 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 14 Illicit Discharge Prohibition/Elimination Ordinance Description Ordinance that prohibits and requires elimination of non-storm water discharges that significantly contribute pollutants to the municipal storm sewer system. Record keeping 2007 - 2008 • Review existing ordinances to determine need for additional ordinance requirements to meet this minimum control measure. • Identify and document the methods and budget requirements to enforce ordinance requirements. 2008- 2009 • Draft revised/new ordinance, if necessary, for public review and comment. • Solicit input from the public for the draft ordinance. 2009 - 2010 • Issue final ordinance. • Conduct education activities to inform the public about the new ordinance requirements. • Begin education-focused enforcement of ordinance. • Document instances of such enforcement and action taken to eliminate illicit discharge. 2010 - 2011 • Continue education-focused enforcement of new ordinance requirements. • Document instances of such enforcement and action taken to eliminate illicit discharge. 2011- 2012 • Begin penalty-based enforcement of illicit discharge ordinance. • Document instances of such enforcement and action taken to eliminate illicit discharge. Appendix D page 14 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 15 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 15 Storm Sewer System Map Description Develop a storm sewer map in accordance with TCEQ requirements. Update the City's storm sewer system map as needed to record new pipes/systems created by new development. Recordkeeping 2007- 2008 • Collect existing mapping information for the storm sewer system. • Develop and document the plan and budget requirements for effort necessary to identify regulated storm water outfalls and drainage areas or system features. 2008- 2009 • Identify regulated storm water outfalls in the City. • Begin development of a map of storm water outfall drainage areas in the City. • Document the percent mapped. 2009- 2012 • Continue development of a map of storm water outfall drainage areas in the City. • Document the percent mapped. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 16 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 16 Illicit Discharge Inspections Description Conduct inspections of the storm sewer system to identify the presence and sources of illicit connections and illegal dumping activities. Recordkeeping 2007- 2008 • Develop plan to inspect the storm sewer system for illicit connections, illegal dumping, and dry weather discharges. • Identify inspection staff, inspection schedule, and training procedures. • Establish procedure to eliminate detected illicit discharges. • Identify budget requirements for illicit discharge inspections. • Document the written plan. 2008- 2009 • Train personnel in illicit discharge detection procedures. • Begin conducting illicit discharge inspections for the City's regulated outfalls. • Establish procedure to eliminate detected illicit discharges. • Identify budget requirements for illicit discharge inspections. • Document outfalls screened, observations made, and corrective actions taken, if any. 2009- 2012 • Train personnel in illicit discharge detection procedures. • Continue conducting illicit discharge inspections for the City's regulated outfalls. • Document outfalls screened, observations made, and corrective actions taken, if any. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 17 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 17 Sanitary Sewer Line Maintenance and Inspection Description Conduct smoke testing of sanitary sewers in order to identify potential cross- connections with the City's storm sewer system. Recordkeeping 2007 - 2012 • Conduct sanitary sewer inspections. • Document the number and location of lines tested each year. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 18 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 18 Erosion Control Ordinance and Requirements for Construction Site Contractors Description Ordinance prohibiting the unauthorized discharge of polluted storm water to the MS4 from construction sites one acre or greater in size. Construction site contractors are required to implement appropriate erosion and sediment control BMPs and to control waste, such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout water, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste that may adversely affect storm water quality. Recordkeeping 2007- 2008 • Evaluate the City's existing ordinances to identify adequacy of erosion control requirements and enforcement mechanisms in meeting the permit requirements. • Identify budget requirements needed to update the ordinance. 2008- 2009 • Develop modified/updated draft ordinance, if necessary, to meet permit conditions. • Provide draft to regulated community for review and input. 2009- 2010 • Issue final ordinance. • Conduct education activities to inform the public about the new ordinance requirements. • Begin education-focused enforcement of ordinance. • Document the number of education activities and instances of enforcement and action taken to eliminate unauthorized discharges. 2010- 2011 • Continue education-focused enforcement of new ordinance requirements. • Document the number of education activities and instances of such enforcement and action taken to eliminate unauthorized discharges. 2011- 2012 • Begin penalty-based enforcement of illicit discharge ordinance. • Document the number of education activities and instances of such enforcement and action taken to eliminate unauthorized discharges. Appendix D page 19 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 20 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 19 Site Plan Review Description Procedure to review erosion control plans for construction projects that may discharge runoff to the storm sewer system. Record keeping 2007- 2008 • Evaluate existing plan review procedures for compliance with permit requirements. • Identify any modifications necessary to the procedures needed to achieve compliance with the permit conditions. • Document the updated plan review procedures. 2008- 2009 • Revise plan review procedures, if necessary, to include adequate consideration of potential storm water quality impacts. • Educate the public about new plan review procedures. • Document the methods used to educate the public about site plan review procedures. 2009 - 2012 • Continue to conduct plan reviews. • Document the number of site plans reviewed. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 21 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 20 Construction Site Inspection and Enforcement Description Procedures to conduct construction site inspections and maintain enforcement of control measures to protect storm water quality. Recordkeeping 2007- 2008 • Evaluate existing site inspection procedures for compliance with permit requirements. • Identify any modifications necessary to the procedures needed to achieve compliance with the permit conditions. • Identify budget requirements for erosion control site inspections, documentation, and tracking. • Document the updated site inspection procedures and budget requirements. 2008- 2009 • Revise site inspection procedures, if necessary, to include documented inspection of erosion control measures. • Educate the public about new site inspection procedures. • Document the method of educating the public on new site inspection procedures. 2009 - 2012 • Continue to conduct erosion control site inspections. • Document inspections, instances of enforcement activity, and reason(s) for non- compliance. • Document corrective action taken to protect storm water quality. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 22 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 21 Receipt and Consideration of Information from Public Description Develop and implement a program for the receipt and consideration of public comments regarding erosion control. Record keeping 2007- 2008 • Develop written procedures for receiving, considering, and tracking comments from the public for construction site activities. • Identify budget requirements to implement the system. • Document the written procedures and budget requirements. 2008- 2009 • Implement the system to receive and consider public comments. • Document comments received and consideration made for each set of comments. • Educate the public about the mechanisms needed to make comments or submittals. • Document comments received and methods of educating public. 2009 - 2012 • Continue implementation of the system. • Document comments received and consideration made for each set of comments. • Educate the public about the mechanisms needed to make comments or submittals. • Document comments received and methods of educating public. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 23 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 22 Post-Construction Storm Water Ordinance Description Review and update the City's ordinance requirements to require adequate long-term maintenance and protection of storm water quality in new and redeveloped areas. Record keeping 2007- 2008 • Review the City's existing ordinance to identify if additional language is necessary to meet the Phase II MS4 post-construction requirements. • Identify and document the budget requirements to revise and update the ordinance to meet the permit conditions. 2008- 2009 • Draft a revised storm water ordinance for post-construction requirements, if necessary, and make available for public review and input. • Complete the draft post-construction storm water ordinance, and document the method for eliciting public review and input on the draft. 2009- 2010 • Issue final ordinance. • Conduct education activities to inform the public about the new ordinance requirments. • Begin education-focused enforcement of ordinance • Document the number of education activities, instances of enforcement, and action taken to eliminate unauthorized discharges. 2010- 2011 • Implement any new ordinance requirements. • Conduct education activities to inform the public about the new ordinance requirements. • Continue education-focused enforcement of ordinance. • Document the number of education activities, instances of enforcement, and action taken to eliminate unauthorized discharges. Appendix D page 24 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan 201 1- 2012 • Begin penalty- based enforcement of new ordinance requirements. • Document the number of education activities, instances of enforcement, and action taken to eliminate unauthorized discharges. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 25 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 23 Engineering Design Review Description Continue existing design review process to evaluate plans for adequate protection of storm water through the development of erosion control plans. Recordkeeping 2007 - 2012 • Continue existing design review process of all planned construction projects at least one acre in size to verify compliance with the long-term protective maintenance requirements for new and redeveloped areas to protect storm water quality. • Document the number of sites reviewed. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 26 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 24 land Use Plan Description Continue to utilize the City's existing land use plan. Recordkeeping 2007 - 2012 • Continue the existing process of assessing proposed zoning changes in relation to the City's existing land use plan. • Document the number of assessed zoning change proposals. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 27 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 25 Chemical Applications Management Description Continue existing herbicide, pesticide and fertilizer management program. Record keeping 2007 - 2012 • Continue implementation of Wylie's existing chemical management program. • Evaluate appropriateness of program every two years. • Provide and document refresher training for chemical applicators at least every three years. • Document the number of individuals trained. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 28 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 26 Storm Sewer System Maintenance Description Remove floatables, sediment, and other debris from the storm sewer system to reduce storm water pollution and minimize drainage impediments. Recordkeeping 2007- 2008 • Develop a schedule to conduct visual inspections of the City's storm sewer system and evaluate the need for maintenance. • Develop a system to monitor and track storm sewer maintenance activities. • Clean system as needed in response to complaints or reported problems. • Identify and document the budget requirements to perform routine maintenance on the storm sewer system. • Document the inspection schedule and budget requirements. 2008 - 2011 • Implement the inspection schedule. • Perform maintenance as necessary. • Clean system as needed in response to complaints or reported problems. • Document areas inspected, observations made, problems reported, and maintenance performed. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 29 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 27 Street Sweeping Description Continue existing street sweeping program. Recordkeeping 2007- 2008 • Continue existing street sweeping program for City streets. • Evaluate effectiveness of current street sweeping program. • Develop and document schedule for street sweeping activities. • Identify and document the budget requirements for street sweeping program. 2008- 2009 • Continue existing street sweeping program and begin implementation of any needed adjustments identified in the evaluation. • Document schedule for street sweeping activities, volume of waste collected, and method of waste disposal. 2009- 2010 • Continue existing street sweeping program and complete implementation of any needed adjustments identified in the evaluation. • Document schedule for street sweeping activities, volume of waste collected, and method of waste disposal. 2010- 2012 • Continue the street sweeping program. • Document schedule for street sweeping activities, volume of waste collected, and method of waste disposal. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 30 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 28 Safe Material Storage Description Continue existing material storage management program. Recordkeeping 2007- 2008 • Continue protective practices of existing material storage for road materials stockpiles. • Evaluate effectiveness of practices each year, document results of evaluation, and identify recommendations for improvements, if necessary. • Identify materials used in municipal activities that may contribute to storm water pollution. • Identify the municipal facilities that store the raw materials. • Document the results of the evaluation of the current protective practices. 2008-2009 • Continue protective practices of existing material storage for road materials stockpiles, and begin implementation of any identified improvements, if necessary. • Develop material management procedures for the identified municipal activities and the municipal facilities that store raw materials. • Document the material management procedures. 2009-2010 • Continue protective practices of existing material storage for road materials stockpiles, and begin implementation of any identified improvements, if necessary. • Begin implementation of material management procedures for the identified municipal activities and the municipal facilities that store raw materials. • Evaluate and update materials management procedures as needed. • Document the implemented material management procedures and list any updated procedures. 2010-2012 • Continue protective practices of existing material storage for road materials stockpiles, and begin implementation of any identified improvements, if Appendix D page 31 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan necessary. • Continue implementation of material management procedures for the identified municipal activities and the municipal facilities that store raw materials. • Evaluate and update materials management procedures as needed. Document the implemented material management procedures and list any updated procedures Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 32 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 29 Structural Control Maintenance Description No structural controls have been identified under the current SWMP. However, additional structural controls may be identified during the permit term. Maintenance activities, schedules, and inspection procedures will be identified and incorporated into the SWMP at that time as appropriate. Record keeping 2007 - 2008 • Evaluate the municipal storm sewer system for the need for structural controls. • Document the evaluation related to structural controls. 2008- 2009 • Evaluate the municipal storm sewer system for the need for structural controls. • Identify budget requirements for necessary controls. • If structural controls are established, develop a plan for inspection and maintenance of the controls. • Document the evaluation and budget requirements related to structural controls. 2009 - 2012 • Evaluate the municipal storm sewer system for the need for structural controls. • Identify budget requirements for necessary controls. • If structural controls are established, develop a plan for inspection and maintenance of the controls. • Establish controls to monitor private industry structural control maintenance (documentation records) and monitor public maintenance of structural controls through documented inspection. • Document the evaluation, inspection, and maintenance activities related to structural controls. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 33 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 30 Spill Response Description Continue implementation of existing spill response procedures and training. Record keeping 2007 - 2012 • Continue implementation of existing spill response procedures and training through Wylie Fire Department. • Document spill response events. • Document training for spill response personnel. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 34 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 31 Employee Training Description Conduct good housekeeping and pollution prevention training as part of existing employee training programs. Tailor training to practices of employees that have the potential to impact storm water quality. Recordkeeping 2007- 2008 • Identify municipal operations in which activities have the potential to impact storm water. • Document the identified municipal operations. 2008- 2009 • Identify effort and method necessary to properly train affected employes. • Develop budget requirements for employee training program. • Document the budget requirements. 2009- 2010 • Begin BMP training for the municipal employees responsible for activities that may impact storm water quality. • Document the training of city personnel. 2010- 2012 • Continue BMP training for the municipal employees responsible for activities that may impact storm water quality. • Document the training of city personnel. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 35 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No.TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 32 Disposal of Collected Storm Sewer System Waste Description Dredge soil, accumulated sediment, and floatables collected through the implementation of storm sewer maintenance activities, street sweeping activities, and other routine City operations will be disposed of properly. Disposal of such materials will be tracked in conjunction with tracking efforts for the implementation of the individual BMPs. Recordkeeping 2007- 2008 • Identify sources of waste requiring disposal as part of storm water management program activities. • Identify proper methods for handling and disposal of waste materials. • Develop budget requirements for waste handling and disposal. • Document budget requirements and the proper disposal of waste materials. 2008 - 2012 • Perform proper disposal of waste materials. • Document the proper disposal of waste materials. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 36 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 33 Municipal Operations and Industrial Activity Description General evaluation of the municipal operations that have a potential to adversely impact storm water quality. Recordkeeping 2007- 2008 • Evaluate municipal operations with the potential to impact storm water quality. Identify the budget requirements to conduct assessments of the municipal operations. 2008- 2009 • Conduct assessments of municipal operations and develop recommendation for BMPs. • Document the recommended BMPs and notify TCEQ in the annual report of BMP modifications and/ or additions. 2009- 2010 • Begin implementation of the BMPs identified through municipal operations assessments. • Document the recommended BMPs and notify TCEQ in the annual report of BMP modifications and/ or additions. 2010- 2012 • Continue the implementation of the BMPs identified through municipal operations assessments. • Document the recommended BMPs and notify TCEQ in the annual report of BMP modifications and/ or additions. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 37 TPDES General Permit City of Wylie No. TXR040000 Draft Storm Water Management Plan BMP 34 Authorization for Municipal Construction Activities Description The development of this control measure provides an alternative to seeking coverage under TPDES General Permit No. TXR150000. The inclusion of this minimum control measure is voluntary and allows for coverage of municipal construction activities, within the regulated area, under TPDES General permit No. TXR040000. Recordkeeping FY 2007 - 2012 • Develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for each construction site that disturbs 1 acre or more (including larger common plan sites) in accordance with the technical requirements of TPDES Construction General Permit TXR150000. • Maintain a list of municipal construction projects that are covered under the Storm Water Management Plan. Storm Water Management Plan If you have any questions or need any additional information about how to meet this BMP requirement, please contact the Storm Water Coordinator at (972) 442-7588. Appendix D page 38