10-21-2014 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes .....• I; Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Planning& Zoning Commission Tuesday October 21, 2014—6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ron Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00PM. Those present were: Commissioner Randy Owens, Commissioner Dennis Larson, Commissioner Jerry Stiller, and Commissioner Diane Culver. Commissioner David Williams arrived late. Commissioner Mike McCrossin was absent. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Jasen Haskins, Planner, Charles Lee, Senior Planner, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PIM Commissioner Larson gave the invocation and Commissioner Culver led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Smith opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Smith closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the October 7, 2014, Regular Meeting. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Culver and seconded by Commissioner Larson to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried 5 — 0, with Commissioner Williams arriving after the vote, and Commissioner McCrossin being absent. ram, Minutes October 21,2014 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 8 REGULAR AGENDA Regular Hearing Item 1 Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 2B consisting of 25 acres to establish 76 single family residential lots and 2 open space common areas for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road (F.M. 2414) and east of Aztec Trail. Staff Presentation Mr. Lee stated that the engineer who is Jacobs Engineering is present. The Final Plat is Phase 2B of a master planned development within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Wylie. The subject property is 25 acres, and will create 76 single family residential lots and two common are lots. The average lot size is approximately 12,000 square feet with minimum 7,800 square feet. Board Discussion Commissioner Culver questioned the number of lots for the whole master planned development. Staff stated that including all the other jurisdictions the development projecting 700, but the number is a moving target. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Stiller and seconded by Commissioner Larson to recommend approval to City Council for Final Plat for Inspiration Phase 2B. Motion carried 6—0. Item 2 Consider, and act upon, denial of a Site Plan for a single store 10,000 square foot retail building, being Lot 4A, Block A of the Wylie Retail Office Park shopping center. Situated on 1.151 acres and generally located southwest of SH 78 and Kreymer Lane. Staff Presentation Mr. Lee stated that the applicant is Dollar Tree. The proposal will develop a single-story 10,000 square foot retail building on 1.151 acres on one lot. The lot is located at the hard corner outparcels of an existing retail center. The existing retail center was developed in 2006 as Wylie Retail Addition. The exterior elevations do not conform to the Zoning Ordinance's Non- Residential Design Standards Section 4, which requires exterior materials and building articulation to be consistent with surrounding developments. Staff is recommending denial. Minutes October 21,2014 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 8 Board Discussion The Commissioners questioned why the applicant was not meeting the 0.4 standard requirements, and what the standards were that they were not meeting. Mr. Lee stated that the short version was the comments and landscaping requirements were met, but the building exterior requirements were not met. Certain elements of the proposed building do not meet with the existing retail shopping center. The building articulation for the offset is not met. Mr. Cory Bronenkamp, developer, 3601 Springhill Business Park, Mobile, Alabama, stated that the owner is Dollar Tree and desired to have their footprint for the architecture. Ms. 011ie stated that the ordinance requires 20% stone on the front façade and a four foot offset. In reviewing the plans that were submitted and provided to the Commissioners, the calculation for the front façade is not met. The east elevation which is another street frontage, the requirement is is to break up the bland wall. The arch entry is not compatible with the existing shopping center, which has a more flat entryway design. Mr. Bronenkamp stated that the purpose of coming before the Commissioners is to receive clear comments on the design that is recommended and required. The owner, Dollar Tree, desires to develop the property and willing to make it work. The Commissioners suggested adding awnings on the eastern side. Ms. 011ie famil suggested that the applicant visit the existing shopping center adjacent to Wal- Mart and view the awnings that are located at the back side. Mr. Paul Howard, Architect, 2601 Springhill Business Park, Mobile, Alabama, stated that the east of the building will have signage, as well as the stack stone at the bottom. The difference between the existing development and the proposed is stucco versus split face block. Mr. Bronenkamp asked for direction. Commissioners recommended tabling the Site Plan until November 4, 2014 Regular Meeting. Mr. Bronenkamp requested for definitive idea for the east elevations that is familiar to all the Commissioners and not negotiable and meets the standards of the ordinance. The Commission reiterated that the base requirements be met and the added awnings or height variations be included. Ms. 011ie stated that she would contact the applicant and discuss the design articulation for the eastern side of the building. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Larson and seconded by Commissioner Stiller to table the Site Plan for Dollar Tree until November 4, 2014, per the request from the applicant. Motion carried 6—0. '"'' Public Hearing Minutes October 21,2014 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 8 Public Hearing Item 1 Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat miiiil for Wylie Retail Office Park, Block A, Lot 4A generally located at the southwest corner of SH 78 and Kreymer Lane. j Staff Presentation Mr. Lee recommended that the Replat, which is connected to Site Plan on the current agenda, be tabled until November 4, 2014. The Site Plan for Lot 4A is tabled until then also. Chairman Smith opened the Public Hearing, and with no one coming forth, he stated that the Public Hearing will continue until November 4, 2014 meeting. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Larson, and seconded by Commissioner Culver to table the Replat Wylie Retail Office until November 4, 2014. Motion carried 6—O. Public Hearing Item 2 Continue Public Hearing, and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding change in zoning from Townhouse (TH) to Planned Development (PD-TH). Proposed single-family attached dwellings on separate lots, generally located at the southeast corner of Westgate Way and Fleming Street. (ZC 2014-08) Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Williams and seconded by Commissioner Larson to remove the Zoning Case 2014-08 from the table and continue Public Hearing. Motion carried 5 —0, with Commissioner Stiller temporarily stepping out. Staff Presentation Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant worked with Staff, and addressed the comments that were made. The Planned Development Conditions and the Concept Plan outline the revisions: the street width to 31'; therefore Fire does not require parking to be limited to one side of the street; the exterior materials are 100%brick as required; and parallel parking in lieu of head in along the north-south connector. Board Discussion Commissioner Culver questioned the width of the alley. Ms. 011ie stated that the City Engineer's response was that 20' is the standard, fire will not use the alleys, and wasn't sure if trash will be collected in the alley, and he was not concerned with the 15' width. Ms. Debbie Harris Nail, 2250 E Brown, Wylie, stated that fences will be regulated by HOA and prohibited for rear entry garages. Ms. 011ie recommended that within the 1.1.11 motion to include that there will be no fences, for rear-entry garages. Minutes October 21,2014 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 8 •••, With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Smith closed the Public Hearing. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Owens, and seconded by Commissioner Larson to recommend approval to the City Council Zoning Case 2014-08, with addition of Number 10 to the Special Conditions to state: No fences for rear-entry garages. Motion carried 6—0. Public Hearing Item 3 Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending regulations to Zoning Ordinance No. 2009-24, Article 6, Section 6.3 as it relates to district boundaries and design standards within the Downtown Historic District (ZC 2014-06) Staff Presentation Ms. 011ie stated that the desire is to expand the Downtown Historic District to include the west side of Cottonbelt and Keefer. Due to no quorum at a Special Called Meeting „., on October 9, 2014, the item is scheduled for a Special Called Meeting on November 13, 2014. Staff is recommending the Public Hearing Zoning Case 2014-06 to be tabled until December 2, 2014. The item was advertised, therefore, the public hearing should be opened. Chairman Smith opened the Public Hearing. No one approached the Commissioners. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Larson and seconded by Commissioner Williams to table the Public Hearing Zoning Case 2014-06, until December 2, 2014. Motion carried 6—0. Public Hearing Item 4 Hold a Public Hearing, and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding change in zoning from Commercial Corridor District (CC) to Light Industrial District (LI), to allow for a Pawnshop use, generally located north of FM 544 and east of Springwell Parkway, (2801 FM 544). (ZC 2014-09) Staff Presentation Minutes October 21,2014 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 5 of 8 Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is Kathy Young. The request is to allow a pawnshop use within a single lease space. The property totals .588 acres and contains a 6,600 square foot building with multi-tenant spaces of varied commercial uses. The applicant is requesting change in zoning from Commercial Corridor to Light ""'1 Industrial. Staff is recommending denial for several reasons. First of all, the property is zoned Commercial Corridor, and the location is off primary thoroughfare streets. Within the report is background information on the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance for pawnshops, which restrict the use to Light Industrial Zoning Districts only. In 2003, a variance to the landscape ordinance was granted to the previous property owner to allow a reduction from 20%required to 19% provided. The property was developed for warehouse/office uses with 17 parking spaces. Based on the active certificates of occupancy, 12 parking spaces are required, leaving a total of five available for future tenants. In 2007 a shared parking agreement was approved by City Council to allow the two adjoining properties to share parking spaces. However, a new agreement would have to be sought and approved, due to ownership changing. Fourteen notifications were mailed; with one response returned favoring the request and two in opposition of the request. Board Discussion Ms. Young, 3905 McCreary Road, Parker, Texas, the applicant, stated that they have been in the pawnshop busy for 23 years, and are currently retired. The desire is to have a pawnshop in two units, and continue other lease spaces. Chairman Smith opened the Public Hearing. Public Comments Ms. Brenda Byboth, 2722 West FM 544, Wylie, expressed opposition for the zoning change, and stated that there are places for pawnshops but not on the main thoroughfare of FM 544. Mr. Red Byboth, 2722 West FM 544, Wylie, stated that he is representing several property owners directly across from the subject property, and expressed opposition for the zoning change. Chairman Smith closed the Public Hearing. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Culver, and seconded by Commissioner Larson to recommend denial to the City Council for Zoning Case 2014-09. Motion carried 5— 1, Commissioner Stiller voting in opposition. 7 Minutes October 21,2014 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 6 of 8 Public Hearing Item 5 Hold a Public Hearing, and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending Worn Planned Development Ordinance 2011-07, to Planned Development (2011-07) front and rear yard setbacks. (ZC 2014-10). • , . • •1, Staff Presentation Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is Matthew Alexander, Campbell Wylie Partners. The subject tract was part of a Planned Development approved on March 27, 2001 in order to develop a master planned residential community. The intent of the amendment is to decrease the front and rear yard setbacks for Tract A and Tract B to address builder and market demands for a deeper pad for the purpose of construction larger homes. The applicant is proposing a decrease; tract A lots front setback from 25 feet to 20 feet; tract A lots rear yard setback from 25 feet to 20 feet; tract B lots front yard setback from 30 feet to 25 feet; and tract B lots rear yard setback from 25 feet to 20 feet. Nine notifications were mailed, with one response returned favoring the request and no response opposing the request. Board Discussion Mr. Matthew Alexander, Cambridge Wylie Partners, developer, gave a presentation to the Commissioners, with a revised name for the development as Kingsbridge versus Estates at Creekside. The request to decrease the setbacks will increase the pad size and provide a larger home. Several builders have submitted letter of intent if the pad size was increased. Public Comments Chairman Smith opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Smith closed the Public Hearing. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Culver, and seconded by Commissioner Owens to recommend approval to the City Council for Zoning Case 2014-10. Motion carried 6—O. Minutes October21,2014 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 7 of 8 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Larson and seconded by Commissioner Williams to adjourn the meeting at 8:25PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. ^-, Puma b.ctii,* Ron Smith,Chairman ATTEST: (\( 13A0A L Mar Briley,Administ Live Assistant eimi Minutes October 21,2014 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 8 of 8