Ordinance 2014-34After Recording Please Return To: City of Wylie I I I I I III II I III II 300 Country Club Rd. #100 11:54:38 AM OR 1119 Wylie, TX 75098 ORDINANCE NO. 2014-34 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ABANDONING 4,318 SQUARE FEET OF PUBLIC RIGHT - OF -WAY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF STATE HIGHWAY 78 AND OAK STREET, WITHIN THE RAILROAD ADDITION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the property described herein is platted as public right -of -way bounding the northeast corner of S.H. Highway 78 and Oak Street in the Railroad Addition, said right -of -way being a remnant of roadway realignment of Oak Street and 9,629 square feet of previously abandoned 3rd Street to the east; and WHEREAS, the Nayeb Family LP, principal owner of the property adjacent to said right -of -way has requested that the right -of -way be abandoned and offered for sale according to State law and Section 2.12 of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie has determined that said right -of -way is no longer needed for public access purposes, provided that existing utilities located within said right -of -way are converted to easements through replatting or other legal instruments by the new owners acquiring said right -of -way; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the above described right -of -way and as shown in Exhibits "A" & "B" attached are no longer necessary for public access purposes, provided that existing utilities shall be located within easements, and that said portion of right -of -way should be abandoned in favor of adjacent property owners. SECTION 2: That this abandonment shall extend only to the public right -of -way, title and interest which the City of Wylie, Texas may have in and to said right -of -way, and shall be construed to extend only to such interest that the governing body of the City of Wylie may legally and lawfully abandon. SECTION 3: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council, as the law in such cases provides. Ordinance No. 2014 -34 Abandoning Right of Way Hwy. 78 and Oak Street DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 14`h day of October, 2014. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, Ci y Secretary DATE OF PUBLICATION: October 22, 2014, in the Wylie News Ordinance No. 2014 -34 Abandoning Right of Way Hwy. 78 and Oak Street �t N' re OF TL%p' EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION For City of Wylie Right -of -Way Abandonment 0.099 Acres 4,318 Square Feet Being all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in the S. B. Shelby Survey, Abstract Number 820 and the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract Number 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, being part of Lot 37, Block 16, Railroad Addition according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 77, Page 494 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, part of the existing right-of-way of Oak Street according to said plat and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a' /i" capped rebar (G S A) set at the intersection of the north right-of-way line of Oak Street and the west right-of-way line of 3'd Street, being the southeast comer of said Lot 37, Block 16, Railroad Addition; THENCE West, 32.07 feet, along the north right-of-way line of Oak Street, to a %" capped rebar (G & A) set at the point of curvature of a curve to the right; THENCE Northwesterly, across said Lot 37, Block 16, Railroad Addition, being the new north right-of-way line of Oak Street, and with the arc of said curve having a radius of 125.00 feet, a central angle of 25 °53'28 ", whose chord bears N 53 058'50" W, 56.01 feet, an arc length of 56.49 feet, to a %" capped rebar (G & A) set on the southerly right-of-way line of State Highway 78 (variable width R.O.W.); THENCE N 51 018'17" E, 99.13 feet, along the southerly right-of-way line of State Highway 78, to a %" capped rebar (G & A) set on the west right -of -way line of 3rd Street, being the east line of said Lot 37, Block 16, Railroad Addition; THENCE South, 94.91 feet, along the west right-of-way line of 3nd Street and the east line of said Lot 37, Block 16, Railroad Addition, to the POINT OF BEGININNING, and containing approximately 0.099 acres or 4,318 square feet of land. Subject to any easements or other encumbrances that may apply. Kent M. Mobley, RPLS No. 47960 Date Grantham and Associates, Inc. STgq��,, c:;r * o KENT M. MOBLEY ��•• . 4796�v4 .r r S� Q1�Ab�0 A Y¢ DOLLAR GENERAL ADDrnON LOT 1, BLK A CAB K. PG. 900 D.R.CCT I .0.6. OAK STREET (l0 ROW) LOT 2, BLK. A CAB. K, PC 900 D. R. C C. T RAILROAD ADD17ION BLOT NUMBER I RADIUS DELTA ANGLE ARC LENGTH CHORD DIRECTION ,CHORD LENGTH C1 125.00. 25'53'28" 56.49' N 53'58'50" W 56.01' 7 LOT r7 T LOT r 3RD STREET GrantWarn S Assoc &Associates, Inc. lGrantham Q:s' c13rEB •� 6 PO`vr m aow.rwrpm rm.a�mu.: nn ew7m i>sl S� L 0.099 ACRES �`� * w j¢A 4318 SO. O = IRON ROD SET. IRON ROOS. WHERE INDICATED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, KENT M. MOBLEY N ®l�fMi�QQ� ������ ARE TO BE SET AND ARE IRON RODS. ONE HALE INCH M DIAMETER. TWENTY FOUR INCHES LONG WITH A PLASTIC CAP PLACED ON THE TOP 1 1 EXHIBIT "B" BEARING THE INITIALS G &A. 9` :9oA Ofil,�O �..PSSI,.: o .y F, O L h Z D.R. C.C. T. = DEED RECORDS COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS SURV LOT 37, BLK 16 Z KENT M. MOBLEY RAILROAD A001nON j g VOL 77, PG 494 w D.R.0 C. L O z .r r S� Q1�Ab�0 A Y¢ DOLLAR GENERAL ADDrnON LOT 1, BLK A CAB K. PG. 900 D.R.CCT I .0.6. OAK STREET (l0 ROW) LOT 2, BLK. A CAB. K, PC 900 D. R. C C. T RAILROAD ADD17ION BLOT �•^ RAILROAD ADDIRON BLOCK 21 7 LOT r7 T LOT r 3RD STREET GrantWarn S Assoc &Associates, Inc. lGrantham Q:s' c13rEB •� 6 PO`vr m aow.rwrpm rm.a�mu.: nn ew7m i>sl LEG EN �`� * > c.r.o gym.. wm :w O = IRON ROD SET. IRON ROOS. WHERE INDICATED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, KENT M. MOBLEY N ®l�fMi�QQ� ������ ARE TO BE SET AND ARE IRON RODS. ONE HALE INCH M DIAMETER. TWENTY FOUR INCHES LONG WITH A PLASTIC CAP PLACED ON THE TOP '•.e 4996 �t� 1 EXHIBIT "B" BEARING THE INITIALS G &A. 9` :9oA Ofil,�O �..PSSI,.: o .y F, O Z D.R. C.C. T. = DEED RECORDS COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS SURV CITY OF WYLIE KENT M. MOBLEY R.P796 EXHIBIT "B" PROCEDURE FOR ABANDONMENT OF A PUBLIC RIGHT- OF- WAY/EASEMENT A. Formal application for right -of -way abandonment shall be made by the applicant submitting to the Planning Department an application and all required documentation stating reason for abandonment and a description of the land. The City Council shall have the final authority to approve or deny an abandonment request. 1. Application required: Attached to this information sheet is an application form for the abandonment of public right -of- way /easement. 2. Submission deadline: The application must be completed and returned to the Planning Department. The Planning Department will circulate the application among the various City departments for review and approval. After all City departments have executed the application, it will be placed on the next available Council agenda. The City Council holds regular meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers, 300 Country Club, Building 100, Wylie, Texas 75098 3. First page of application: On the first page of the application, the heading information to be filled in includes the name of the addition or subdivision in which the public right -of- way /easement is located. The exception to this case would be the abandonment of a street, in which case the street name would appear in the heading. The date the application is prepared should be entered in the appropriate space. Item No. 6 on the first page should set out the names and addresses of the abutting property owners who have not consented to the vacation and abandonment which you seek. Abutting property owners are owners of land that abut any portion of the land immediately next to the public right -of- way /easement proposed to be abandoned. You should also state why their consent was not obtained; that is, if you were unable to locate the abutting property owners or if the abutting property owner refused to give his or her consent, you should so state briefly setting out the points of objection that such owner might have to this abandonment. Additional sheets may be used if necessary to fully explain. 4. Item No. 7 provides space for a brief statement of the reason such right -of- way /easement should be abandoned. Item No. 8 should relate briefly the history of the use of the right -of -way /easement sought to be abandoned. 5. It is very important that the full name and address of the applicant be shown in the space provided. This will insure proper notifications to the applicant. The applicant's signature must appear immediately above the typed name and the notary certification must be completed. Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW Page 1 499299A 6. Exhibit No. 1: Please note that the abandonment of right -of -way /easement may convey, by law, part of the property to the abutting property owner on the other side. You must provide, attached to the application, a metes and bounds description (dividing the area in half) of the area sought to be abandoned. This item is most easily furnished by a licensed land surveyor. 7. Exhibit No. 2: You must provide, attached to the application, a copy of a plat or detailed sketch of the right -of -way /easement sought to be abandoned. Again, this item is most easily furnished by a licensed land surveyor. It must clearly show the surrounding areas to the nearest streets in all directions, abutting lots, and the block or blocks in which the area sought to be abandoned is located. It shall also show the names of the record owners of the lots abutting the area sought to be abandoned. 8. Exhibit No. 3: As applicant you are responsible for circulating the application and securing the signatures of the authorized representatives or requesting a letter from the authorized representatives. Upon receiving the required signatures/letters, these documents must be made part of this application. 9. Exhibit No. 4: The Planning Department will be responsible for circulating the application amongst the City departments. 1 O. Exhibit No. 5: All property owners abutting such right -of -way shall be notified by the applicant of such request by certified letter. A written response from each abutting property owner must be received by the City or attached to this application prior to staff review. Sample letter included for your use. 11. Exhibit No. 6: All applicants shall obtain a certified appraisal of the land to be abandoned, unless a waiver to this requirement has been obtained. 12. Exhibit No. 7: All property owners abutting the right -of -way to be abandoned must execute the Release of Claims in favor of the City. 13. An applicant shall have six (6) months from the date of City Council approval of the abandonment to complete all steps required for purchase of the abandoned right -of -way, obtaining City approval of the plat or replat and filing the plat or replat with the county. The approval shall expire on the last day of the six -month period if all steps are not complete. Reapproval of an abandonment by the City Council may be applied for at any time subsequent to the date such abandonment becomes invalid by following the procedures set forth herein. If the Director of Planning or City Council should deem changes necessary in the reapproval of an abandonment in light of new or significant information or requirements, it shall so inform the applicant. Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW Page 2 488299A B. Content: 1. The abandonment document shall be in accordance with the final plat requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance, including but not limited to Article II, Section 2.12. C. Abandonment of Fire Lanes: 1. In instances where fire lanes are depicted on a plat of record, the owner of the property may submit request for a certificate of abandonment to remove the fire lane from the plat. The request shall be submitted to the Director of Planning in the manner prescribed by the Director. 2. The request shall include an accurate diagram of the proposed abandonment and reference the exact name of the plat, including volume and page number where the plat was recorded. The request shall be forwarded to the City Council for consideration. 3. Not withstanding any action regarding the certificate of abandonment of a platted fire lane, fire lanes shall be provided in accordance with the City of Wylie Fire Code. 4. The certificate of abandonment for a fire lane shall expire if it is not filed with the appropriate county clerk within six (b) months from the date of approval. Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW Page 3 488299.v 1 For Office Use Only CC Case Number: Date Submitted: CITY OF WYLIE ABANDONMENT OF PUBLIC ROW -OF- WAY /EASEMENT APPLICATION MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ❑ A completed copy of the attached Abandonment of Public ROW /Easement application. • All exhibits processed (except for Exhibit No. 4, which will be processed by staff). • Attach responses from all abutting property owners. (sample letter enclosed). • A certified appraisal of the value of the land to be abandoned. ❑ A certified check to the City for the amount of the Appraisal. ❑ An executed Release of Claims from each abutting property owner. ADDRESS/NAME OF ADDITION /SUBDIVISION Lot 37 Block 16 Railroad Addition LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 37, Block 16, Railroad Addition S.B. Shelby Survey Abstract No. 820 & Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688 APPLICANT (Primary Contact for th Project): � � l Name /QV e b F mil, L E -Mail � � aw 4 S6ca Street Address 410 % /'W City Gj/ A / & State %^ X Zip Code 7 To ! � f / Phone Number 21q T L 1 3— 2 6 8 Fax Number Gn� of % 7 (j U l PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (if different from above): L Name F1�' A D AIAY E a E -Mail e� SbC jloka l,/le Street Address C � 1 o D w)e /V Z— City R %C & 4 t U S D n State Z>K Zip Code 7 S-0 yo� Phone Number / Fax Number _P41 The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached he to are true and correct. S tore of Owner, AgfKt or Applicant Date Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW Page 4 488299.vI APPLICATION FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF A PUBLIC RIGHT -OF- WAY /EASEMENT TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE: The undersigned hereby makes application for the abandonment of that portion of the above right -of -way particularly described in Exhibit No. 1, attached. In support of this application, the undersigned represents and warrants the following: 1. Attached, marked Exhibit No. 1, is a metes and bounds description (dividing the area in half) of the area sought to be abandoned. 2. Attached, marked Exhibit No. 2, is a copy of a plat or detailed sketch of that portion of the public right -of- way /easement sought to be abandoned, and the surrounding area to the nearest streets in all directions, showing the abutting lots and block, and the subdivision in which the above described right -of -way /easement is situated, together with the record owners of such lots. 3. Attached, marked Exhibit No. 3, is the written consent of all public utilities to the abandonment. 4. Attached, marked Exhibit No. 4, is the consent of the City of Wylie staff to the abandonment. 5. Attached, marked Exhibit No. 5, is the written consent of all the abutting property owners, except the following: (if none, so state) 6. Such public right -of- way /easement should be abandoned because: � /' L1 1/ 4 Tn /:- ',tnn.,i� njd irn &vA1/0_ O.tic'�ino 'A,./10 /A `-/0/ At -a * 7. Such public right -of- way /easement has been and is being used as follows: Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW Page 5 488299-0 8. Attached, marked Exhibit No. 6, is the certified appraisal of the value of the land to be abandoned. 9. Attached, marked Exhibit No. 7, is a Release of Claims executed by each abutting property owner. I swear that all of the information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Applicant's Signature: Applicant's Name: E/� WA D zV A E e Applicant's Address: A a 9o� W?, En/ Ric,ba j -1s 5 -70 SL Applicant's Phone Number: 2111 5 q3 - � 6 87 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § Subs r �ibed and sworn �tp befo a me, a Not Public, this �� day of 34 y , sv Po M Y -2017 Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW 488299.v I (�L - V. &,90.11 — — Nota Pubp in and for the S I to of Texas Page 6 Application for Abandonment of a Public Right -of- Way /Easement Located: Lot 37, Block 16, Railroad Addition EXHIBIT NO. 1 Attached is a copy of the metes and bounds description (dividing the area in half) of the public right -of- way /easement situated in P, Q;/ R&-a-d Addition /Subdivision to the City of Wylie, IBS County, Texas, sought to be abandoned. Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW Page 7 488299.v 1 Application for Abandonment of a Public Right -of- Way /Easement Located: Lot 37, Block 16, Railroad Addition EXHIBIT NO.2 Attached is a copy of a plat or detailed sketch of the public right -of- way /easement sought to be abandoned in the above - mentioned application, showing the surrounding area to the nearest streets in all directions, abutting lots, the block or blocks in which the portion of the public right -of- way /easement sought to be vacated is situated, and the addition or subdivision in which the portion of the public right -of -way /easement sought to be abandoned is situated. Also, the names of record owners of the abutting lots are shown. (If the property has not been platted, applicant has six months from date of City Council approval to complete all steps required for purchase of the abandonment and filing a plat or replat with County in accordance with the final plat requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance.) Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW Page 8 488299.v I Application for Abandonment of a Public Right -of- Way /Easement Located: Lot 37, Block 16, Railroad Addition EXHIBIT NO. 3 The undersigned public utility companies, using or entitled to use, under the terms and provisions of our respective franchises with the City of Wylie, that portion of the public right -of -way /utility easement sought to be abandoned in the Application for Abandonment above referred to, do hereby consent to the abandonment of the described portion thereof. /U / A GAS COMPANY M Title All A BY: Title TELEPHONE COMPANY N/ J9 ELECTRIC COMPANY BY: Title Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW Page 9 488299.v I Application for Abandonment of a Public Right -of- Way /Easement Located: Lot 37, Block 16, Railroad Addition L*M 11:1 k A 2 IQX! The undersigned, City staff of the City of Wylie, certify that they have carefully considered the Application for Abandonment of the public right -of- way /easement referred to above pursuant to City ordinances and with respect to present and future needs of the City of Wylie and see no objection to the requested abandonment from the City's standpoint. Il... . ! 'Vol Planning Director 4#IV1V - Director of Public Se ices Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW 488299A F.-VM�P� F S r Fire Marshal Page 10 k� Application for Abandonment of a Public Right -of- Way /Easement Located: Lot 37, Block 16, Railroad Addition EXHIBIT NO. 5 The attached letters represents, owners of property abutting upon that portion of the public right -of- way /easement named and described in the Application for Abandonment of a Public Right -of- Way /Easement referred to above, do hereby consent to such abandonment. '*') I A Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW Page 11 488299.v I EXHIBIT NO.5 CITY OF WYLIE [DATE) ti I [Name & Address] RE: Abandonment of Right -of -Way Located at: Lot 37, Block 16, Railroad Addition To Whom It May Concern: An abutting property owner of the above referenced public right -of -way has requested that the City abandon said right -of- way /easement. The City Council will consider this request in the near future. If abandoned, the half of the width of the right -of- way /easement will be offered for sale to the owners of abutting properties at the appraised fair market value, in accordance with Ordinance No. 2007 -21, Section 2.12 of the Subdivision Regulations of the City of Wylie. County records indicate that you are an owner of property abutting the subject portion of right - of -way /easement. Please complete the questions below, and return this letter to the City of Wylie Planning Department, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Second Floor, Wylie, Texas 75098 at your earliest convenience. I do ( ), I do not ( ), agree to the abandonment of the subject right -of- way /easement. If abandoned by the City, I am ( ), I am not ( ), interested in purchase of, at fair market value, that portion of the right- of-way /easement abutting my property. If you do not wish to purchase the offered land, it will be offered to the other abutting property owners. All of the abandoned right -of -way must be purchased by the abutting property owner(s) within six (6) months of City Council approval. Unless the entire area is sold, the right -of- way /easement will not be abandoned. Signature of property owner or authorized agent Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW Page 12 488299.v 1 EXHIBIT 6 CERTIFIED APPRAISAL OF THE VALUE OF THE LAND Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW Page 13 488299.vl EXHIBIT 7 RELEASE OF CLAIMS In consideration of the abandonment of 4,318 square feet of public right -of -way which is a part of the Railroad Addition, Lot 37, Block 16, and adjacent to Lot 1 of Block A of the Dollar General Addition, and contiguous to the recently abandoned right -of -way of 3'd and Oak Streets of the Original Town of Wylie, Texas, as recorded in Volume 5872, Page 1536, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes (the "Right -of- Way "), the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, we, n 60/e e b release any and all claims against the City of Wylie, Texas, and its Council Members, officers, agents, employees and representatives, which we may possess at the time of the execution of this document, or which come to exist as a result of conduct occurring prior to our execution of this document, relating in any way to the Right -of -Way. We are fully authorized and empowered to execute and enter into this Release upon the terms stated herein, and fully authorized and legally competent to execute this Release as the legal, valid and binding act and deed of the releasing party(ies). We represent and warrant that the claims released above are currently owned solely by us, Fa w a d n a ye h , free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, pledges, assignments, claims and security interests of any kind or nature. We further represent and warrant that we have the right to compromise and settle the claims and any other claims that could have been asserted by us which relate in any way to the Right -of -Way. We agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Wylie, Texas, and its Council Members, officers, agents, employees and representatives from any and all costs and damages arising from claims or encumbrances contrary to the representations and warranties contained in the preceding paragraph of this Release. This Release shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties' respective legal heirs, successors and assigns. Should any portion (word, clause, phrase, sentence, paragraph or section) of this Release be declared void or unenforceable, such portion shall be considered independent and severable from the remainder, the validity of which shall remain unaffected. s In witness whereof, we have W02 , 20#. Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW 488299A executed this Release on the LL day of �WA D MY E -8 Page 14 .. ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OFp�_ § Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared _hay -X. NILVeb , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office on this the day of , 2011. 1v�Y'�s MARY V. BRADLEY r° NOTARY PUBLIC * * STATE OF TEXAS V A A. µy Comm �m 01-31-2.017 Nota P lic, State of Texas My Commission Expires: D - 3l -aoo� Filed and Recorded official Public Records Stacey Kemp County Clerk Collin County, TEXAS 11124/2014 11:54:38 AM $94.00 CJAMAL 20141124001281360 Procedure for Abandonment of a Public ROW Page 15 488299.vI