08-14-2014 (Construction Code) Minutes 74/ Wylie Construction Code Board
Wylie Construction Code Board
Thursday August 14, 2014—6:00 PM
Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Chairman Bryan Rogers called the meeting to order and a quorum was present. Board
members present with the Chairman were; Board Member Billy McClendon, Board
Member Sunil Verma, Board Member Zachary Herrera, Board Member Karen McGinnis,
Board Member Sonny Lee Mosby, Board Member Charles Barton and Board Member
Dale Davenport.
Staff present was Building Official Brian Killebrew, Code Enforcement Officer Pat
Mitchell, Secretary Alicia Chavez and Development Services Director Renae 011ie.
1. Board Member McClendon nominated and made a motion to elect Board
Member Rogers as Chairman. The motion was seconded by Board Member
Mosby. Motion passed 7-0.
2. Board Member Herrera nominated and made a motion to elect Board Member
Mosby as Vice Chairman. The motion was seconded by Board Member
McClendon. Motion passed 6-1.
Chairman Rogers opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the
Commissioners, Chairman Rogers closed the Citizens Participation.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the May 8, 2014, Regular
2. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the July 17, 2014, Work
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Verma and seconded by Board Member
McClendon. Motion passed 7-0.
Minutes August 14, 2014
Wylie Construction Code Board
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Regular Hearing
1. Consider, and act upon, a variance to the City of Wylie Sign ordinance section 22-449
regarding Off-Premise development signs. These signs would be located in multiple
locations, along Alanis Drive, South Ballard and along FM 544.
Citizen Comments
Mr. John Arnold, Developer of Construction, for Braddock Place, the applicant for
the request, stated that the purpose for the temporary variance is to bring in more
sales. Mr. Arnold stated they have even increased their advertising by $8,000 and
still no luck with the sales. Mr. Arnold stated another builder wanted to develop there
as well but backed out of the contract due to no traffic. Mr. Arnold stated these signs
would be temporary due to all the construction going on in that area and once all that
cleared, they would remove them. Mr. Arnold stated they never tried using the
kiosk's because they don't catch the eye of everyone and that is why they wanted to
use these temporary signs.
Staff Comments
Mr. Killebrew stated that Off-Premise signs are not allowed. Mr. Killebrew also
stated that these signs are not small in size, they are 4x4 and 4x8. Mr. Killebrew did
mention that no other builders have come in complaining about sales or receiving less
traffic due to the construction. Mrs. 011ie stated that in 2007 Council adopted Builder
Directional Sign program, which was to eliminate the bandit signs. Mrs. 011ie stated
that the kiosk signs are for the builders and we have multiple locations. Mrs. 011ie
presented a slide show indicating the locations Mr. Arnold is requesting signs, we
currently already have kiosk signs.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member McClendon and seconded by Board Member
Herrera, to deny the request for a variance. Motion carried 6-1.
2. Consider, and act upon, a variance to the City of Wylie Sign Ordinance Section 22-
449 regarding the 65x16 banner. This property is located at 100 N 1st St.
Citizen Comments
Mr. Charlie Busby, of First Baptist Church, stated that the maximum of 32 sq ft
banner is not big enough for the church's size building. They are requesting the
65x16 banner to be able to read from the street and it would fit the building size.
Staff Comments
Mr. Killebrew stated that the new Sign Ordinance would not restrict the Church's
banner size limit. Board Member Verma asked Mr. Killebrew if he would pass the
variance request as submitted and Mr. Killebrew said he would pass it.
Minutes August 14, 2014
Wylie Construction Code Board
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Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member McClendon and seconded by Board Member
Verma, to approve the 65x 16 banner request. Motion carried 7-0.
3. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to City Council regarding amendments to
Article XX. Sign Regulations, Section 22 of the City Code of Ordinance No. 2009-
Staff Comments
Mr. Killebrew presented to the board members a preview of the Sign Regulations,
and the amendments to Article XX that he would like to have recommended to City
Council. Mr. Killebrew advised the Board Members that Sign Variances will be
going to the Zoning Board of Adjustments for consideration.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member McClendon and seconded by Board Member
Herrera, to approve the amendments made to Article XX and to have the Sign
Variance requests be considered by the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Motion
carried 7-0.
Public Hearing
1. Hold a public hearing, consider, and act upon providing evidence, seeking a
determination that a building(s) located at or near 705 Flagstone Way, Westwind
Meadows #3, Block 3, Lot 18, Wylie, Collin County, Texas was in violation of
standards set out in Ordinance #2008-49 DANGEROUS BUILDINGS and or
PUBLIC NUISANCES Ordinance 92-14 of the City of Wylie, Texas; and seeking an
order of approval of the Emergency Secure conducted on May 28, 2014.
Staff Comments
Ms. Mitchell stated that she found the property located at 705 Flagstone Way once
again unsecured in the back where the stagnant in-ground swimming pool was
located. The yard was mowed and the property was secured. Liens were filed and
have been satisfied. This home is vacant.
Chairman Rogers opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Board,
Chairman Rogers closed the Public Hearing.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member McClendon and seconded by Board Member
Sunil to approve the emergency secure of 705 Flagstone Way. Motion carried 7-0.
Minutes August 14, 2014
Wylie Construction Code Board
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A motion was made by Board Member Herrera and seconded by Board Member Verma
to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
rn ogers, Chairman
Alicia Chavez, Secretary
, ,
Minutes August 14, 2014
Wylie Construction Code Board
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