06-08-2010 (City Council) Agenda Packet 74 Wylie City Council
Regular Meeting Agenda
June 8, 2010 - 6:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Chambers/Council Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Eric Hogue Mayor
M. G. "Red" Byboth Mayor Pro Tern
David Goss Place 1
Kathy Spillyards Place 3
Bennie Jones Place 4
Rick White Place 5
Carter Porter Place 6
Mindy Manson City Manager
Richard Abernathy City Attorney
Carole Ehrlich City Secretary
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal
Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the
required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website:
The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience
are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation.
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
• Presentation to 6th Six Weeks Star Students Displaying the Character Trait of
Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and
address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse,
deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
June 8,2010 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one
motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the
Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the May 25, 2010 Regular Meeting of
the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary)
B. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the City Manager to execute a proposal from InTEC
for testing services for the FM 1378 Brown Street to Parker Road project in an amount not
to exceed $88,389.00
C. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the City Manager to execute a proposal from Hooper
Engineering Laboratories, Inc. for testing services for the FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown
Street project in an amount not to exceed $40,671.00
1. Consider and act upon Ordinance 2010-08 amending Ordinance No. 2009-12
(Comprehensive Fee Ordinance) to include Wylie Recreation Center Fees and updates to
the Bart Peddicord Community Center Fees and Park Pavilion Rental Fees. (R. Diaz,
Recreation Superintendant)
Executive Summary
Over the past several months, City staff has been meeting with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and
discussing proposed rental rates and fees for the new Recreation Center which is anticipated to open near the end of
2010. An Enterprise Plan was prepared for the City in 2007-08, and it has been used as the basis for staff's
discussion with the Board. The Enterprise Plan studied area demographics and other public and private recreation
facilities in the vicinity. The Plan suggested staffing levels, proposed fees and rental rates, potential numbers of
memberships, operating hours, etc. Staff presented the Enterprise Plan to City Council on May 13, 2008 and noted
that the Plan would be updated and brought back to Council prior to the opening of the Recreation Center. Before
bringing a final set of recommendations forward for Council consideration, the Board suggested holding a joint
work session with the City Council to receive Council input regarding various fee and rate options.
2. Consider, and act upon, approval of additional locations of kiosk plazas in accordance with
Ordinance 2009-21, Section 9.E. (R. 011ie, Planning Director)
Executive Summary
In moving forward in providing homebuyers and citizen's directions to housing developments, public facilities and
community events within the city, staff is presenting additional locations for the Kiosk program in accordance with
Ordinance 2009-21.
June 8,2010 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3
3. Consider, and act upon an Ordinance to dis-annex a 2.0 acre tract of land situated in the
Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, Block 1, Tract 201, Collin County, Texas,
generally located east of Paul Wilson Road and south of Skyview Drive. (R. 011ie, Planning
Executive Summary
At the direction of Council, staff has gathered additional information regarding the request to dis-annex a 2.0 acre
tract,citing failure of the City to provide city services to the property.
Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article III, Section 13-D.
Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit:
Section 551.087 (Economic Development Negotiations) of the Local Government Code, Vernon's
Texas Code Annotated (Open Meetings Act).
• Consider issues surrounding Project CRI
In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions, Council may convene into Executive Session at any point during
the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require
that a meeting be open. Should Council elect to convene into Executive Session, those exceptions will be specifically
identified and announced. Any subsequent action, as a result of this Executive Session, will be taken and recorded in open
Take any action as a result from Executive Session.
• Overview of the FY 2010/2011 Proposed Budget
I cert that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 4th day of June, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance
with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this
agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov.
Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed
Wylie City Council
Wylie City Council
Tuesday, May 25, 2010 — 6:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Mayor Pro Tern Byboth called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. with the following Wylie City
Council members present: Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman David Goss,
Councilman Carter Porter, Councilman Bennie Jones and Councilman Rick White. Mayor Eric
Hogue was away on city business.
Staff present were: Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; Assistant
Finance Director, Melissa Beard; Administrative Lieutenant, Mike Atkison; Senior Planner,
Charles Lee; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly, and various
support staff.
Don Hallum gave the invocation and Boy Scout Troop 418 presented the colors and led the
Pledge of Allegiance. Troop members present included: Hayden Rhodes, Reece Rhodes,
Jayden Bruring, Dakota Gracy, Darien Richardson, and Hudson Gregg. Troop Leader Ronnie
Rhodes was also in attendance.
Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their
name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not
allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
Mary Davis, residing at 7515 Courtney Circle, Sachse, TX, addressed council in support of
moving the senior center to the present library space in 2011. Several citizens were present in
support of the recommendation.
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by
one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed
from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
Minutes May 25, 2010
Wylie City Council
Page 1
A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the May 11, 2010 Regular
Meeting and the May 18, 2010 Special Called Canvass Meeting of the Wylie City
Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary)
B. Consider, and act upon, approval for a Re-plat of the Williams Addition, Block A,
Lots 3-5 creating three commercial lots. Subject property being generally located
north of FM 544 and approximately 825 feet west of Springwell Parkway. (R. 011ie,
Planning Director)
C. Consider and act upon executing a contract between the Corp of Engineers and the
City of Wylie for Lake Patrol. (Police Department)
D. Consider and place on file the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure
Reports as of April 30,2010. (L. Bantz, Finance)
E. Consider, and place on file, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the
Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of April 30, 2010. (S. Satterwhite,
Wylie Economic Development Corporation)
F. Consider, and act upon awarding a bid for the purchase and installation of a new
emergency generator. (I Holcomb, Purchasing)
Council Action
A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman White to approve the
consent agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Mayor Hogue
Public Hearing
1. Conduct a Public Hearing for the dis-annexation of a 2.0 acre tract of land situated
in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, Block 1, Tract 201, Collin
County, Texas, generally located east of Paul Wilson Road and south of Skyview
Drive. (R. 011ie, Planning Director)
Public Hearing
Mayor Pro Tern Byboth opened the public hearing on Item #1 at 6:25 p.m.
Michelle Blocker, applicant, addressed council stating that she did not know what her plans
were for the property but was requesting dis-annexation. She explained that property located
near the requested property was not in the city limits.
With no one else wishing to speak during the public hearing, Mayor Pro Tern Byboth closed the
public hearing at 6:33 p.m.
Staff Comments
Senior Planner Lee addressed council stating that this dis-annexation is at the written request of the
property owner, MICHELLE BLOCKER. She is requesting that the City dis-annex the subject property,
citing failure of the City to provide city services to the property. Owners who reside on property to be dis-
annexed can force dis-annexation for non-provision of services. Ms. Blocker does not reside on the
Minutes May 25, 2010
Wylie City Council
Page 2
property and cannot force the City to dis-annex. However, the Council may grant the request, though it
does not have to, by adoption of an ordinance dis-annexing the property.
Mr. Lee asked for direction from council regarding a future agenda item on this dis-annexation.
Council Direction
Council members asked that several questions be addressed and brought back at the next
regular city council meeting for consideration and possible action regarding the request for dis-
annexation. They included:
1. Feasibility of adding sewer service to the property.
2. How close are we required to provide a sewer line to a property?
3. Can we allow septic for a commercial property?
4. What is required and what is the cost of allowing septic?
No action by the Wylie City Council was taken other than holding the public hearing as required.
General Business
2. Consider and act upon the final art design recommendation for the Founder's Park
CIP Public Art Project and authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement to
commission the art. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary/Public Arts Advisory Board)
Staff Comments
PAAB liaison Carole Ehrlich addressed council stating that the Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board is
recommending the selection of "Catch" by artist Madeline Wiener as the final design for the Founder's
Park Public Art Project. She explained that the proposed space for the art project is located in a circular
area in the middle of the main concession stand/restroom area near the soccer fields.
She reported that artist Wiener was a semi-finalist for the Municipal Complex Site #2 art project and
PAAB felt she would be a good artist for the park project as her sculpture was interactive and would fit
nicely in a park setting. The board used direct selection to procure her services for a proposal.
In the course of the presentation to both the selection panel and the board, Wiener presented different
designs to accomplish the best design to enhance both the art space and the activities that would be
taking place in the park. The artist and panel/board members also discussed the best way to display the
art from a pedestrian vantage point, coming into this area from either walkway. The board also wanted to
insure there was space within the area for seating.
Artist Comments
Madeline Wiener addressed the council from Denver, Colorado by Skype and gave a short bio regarding
her years of experience in art sculpture using both stone of all types and marble. She reported that the
final design for Wylie creates two sculptures catching an imaginary ball. Larger risers to each sculpture
were added to allow additional seating. The "catcher" will measure 6 feet in width by 6 feet in length and
will be installed on a riser 9 feet in width and 18 inches in height bringing the total height to over 7.5 feet.
The sculpture throwing the imaginary ball will be 5 feet in width by 5 feet in length and will be installed on
a 6 foot riser with 18 inches height, bringing the total height to over 6.5 feet. This will still leave ample
space within the circular art space (26 foot in diameter) and will allow both interaction with the sculptures
and areas for rest. She explained that the sculpture would invite interaction for both adults and children
and would portray the activities going on in the park space such as soccer, baseball, and other sports.
Council Action
Minutes May 25, 2010
Wylie City Council
Page 3
A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Porter to approve the final design of
"CATCH" by Madeline Wiener and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract in the amount of
$40,000 to commission the art. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Mayor Hogue absent.
Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article III, Section 13-D.
There were no ordinance captions to read into the official record.
With no further business before the Wylie City Council, a motion was made by Councilman
Porter, seconded by Councilman White to adjourn the meeting at 6:48 p.m. A vote was taken
and the motion passed 6-0.
Eric Hogue, Mayor
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary
Minutes May 25, 2010
Wylie City Council
Page 4
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: June 8, 2010 Item Number: B.
Department: Engineering
(City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: 413-5443-58210
Date Prepared: 06/01/10 Budgeted Amount:
Exhibits: 1
Consider, and act upon, authorizing the City Manager to execute a proposal from InTEC for testing services for
the FM 1378 Brown Street to Parker Road project in an amount not to exceed $88,389.00.
Motion to authorize the City Manager to execute a proposal from InTEC for testing services for the FM 1378
Brown Street to Parker Road project in an amount not to exceed $88,389.00.
The attached construction materials testing proposal from InTEC specifies testing services for the
reconstruction of FM 1378 from Brown Street to Parker Road. InTec estimates 220 density tests, 204 lime
gradations, and 1180 concrete cylinders. City inspectors will determine the exact number of tests needed which
is typically less than the proposed amount. The project was funded in the 2005 City of Wylie Bond Program.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director CH 6/1/10
City Manager 6/I ho
Page 1 of 1
InTEC Integrated Testing and Engineering Company of DFW Metro,Inc.
Geotechnical,Environmental&Geological Engineering.Construction Services.Civil Site Development
June 14,2009
Mr. Joseph Tidwell
City of Wylie
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,TX 75098
Re: Construction Materials and Quality Control Testing
FM 1378 Paving and Drainage Improvements
Wylie, Texas
Proposal# RP092014
Dear Mr. Tidwell:
Integrated Testing and Engineering Company of DFW Metro, inc. (inTEC) is pleased to
submit this estimated budget proposal for Construction Materials Testing and Quality Control
Testing for the above referenced project site. InTEC is a minority owned firm that can provide
environmental and geotechnical analysis as well as construction materials testing to clients
throughout the state of Texas. With five offices located throughout the state (Euless,
Richardson, Austin, Houston, and San Antonio) and one located-in Denver, Colorado, InTEC
has the technical capabilities, personnel and equipment resources and local expertise to provide
you with superior testing services.
InTEC proposes to provide experienced, technical personnel to perform testing and
inspection services as requested in general accordance with project specifications. InTEC
proposes to accomplish the work on a unit rate basis in accordance with the unit rates of this
proposal. The actual costs for CMT services can decrease or increase with changes in the
scope of work or with the contractors work method. All work will be performed in accordance
with the Standard Terms and Conditions attached herein and considered a part of this proposal.
InTEC will proceed with the work upon receipt of a signed proposal. Please sign and
return one copy of this proposal intact. InTEC looks forward to providing services to The City of
Wylie during construction of the FM 1378 Paving and Drainage Improvements located in Wylie,
Texas. For your convenience, we will provide you with the mobile phone numbers of InTEC's
Project Manager, Kyle Pate (214-585-3865). We appreciate and wish to thank you for the
opportunity to be of service to you for any.of your company's projects_
350 E.Glade Road• Euless,Texas 76039*(817)858-0870 •fax(817)858-0036•www.intec-geotech.com
Austin Houston San Antonio So.California Denver
(512)252-1218 (281)371-3330 (210)525-9033 (949)389-0678 (303)463-9317
fax(512)252-1219 fax(281)371-3334 - fax(210)525-9032 fax(949)231-1700 fax(303)463-9321
Proposal#: RP092014
Page 2 of 4
If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. 1 look forward
to being able to work with you on this project.
Very Truly Yours,
Integrated Testing and Engineering Company of DFW Metro, Inc.
Shawn Wilson, P.E.
Regional VP
Attachments: Project Assumptions
Estimated Materials Testing Cost Breakdown
Standard Terms and Conditions
Proposal#: RP092014
Page 3 of 4
• Density tests will be billed at a daily rate of$12.00 per test or$40 minimum
• 1 Density per 300 It per 2 foot lifts for utility backfill
• Estimated 30 trips for utility backfill
• Estimated 2 trips for drill pier operation(Light Poles)
• Estimated 80 trips for the paving lime subgrade preparation
• Estimated 31 trips for concrete paving operation
• Estimated 47 trips for driveways,sidewalks and ramp operation
• Estimated 20 trips for density control embankment operation
Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Item Total
A.Earthwork and Utility
Laboratory Moi store Den sky RelatdonshipsesTUown Bath 15 $13 5.00 S2,025.00
AtterbemLimils Each 15 $45.00 5675.00
Densi ties for Util ities Each 220 S12.00 52,640.00
Technician for UOity Backlit! Hour 285 532.00 $9,120.00
Densities k Paving Subgrade Each 204 S12.00 52,448.00
Lime Depth Checks Each 204 S15.00 S3,060.00
Lime Gradations Each 204 S25.00 S5,100.OD
Technician for Paving Subgrade Hour 320 S32.00 S10,240.00
Densities Br Embankment Buds 100 S12.00 51,200.00
Technician for Embankment Hour BO S32.00 S2,560.00
Sub-Tool 539,068.00
B.Concrete(Paving do&lerul ks de Ramps)
Concrete Comp maim Cl hiders(Trains MAXIM,AHD CUMHG4Arrl5Ca l CM)) Each 1180 $1 2.00 $14,160.00
Technician for concrete placement Hour 438 S32.00 S14,016.00
Technician for concrete placement OT Hour 62 S48.00 52,976.00
Technician for Pier Inspection Hour 16 S3 4.00 8544.00
Sub Total 531,6%.00
C.Ptnjed Maoagcment/rrip Charges/htiseellaneohs
Site Visit 'hip 225 525.00 S5,625.00
Sample pick up when no at her work scheduled Each 30 S125.00 S3,750.00
Project Man gemmt(Report Review) Hour 110 S75.00 $8,250.00
Sub Total S17,625.00
Materials Testing Estimate $88,389.00
Unit prices are In effect for 6 months from the date of this proposal and are subject to chance without notice thereafter. All rates are
billed on a portal-to-portal basis.Charges for services performed outside of 8 hours per day and on Saturdays will be billed at 1.5
times the listed rates.Services performed on Sundays and holidays will be performed at 2.0 times the listed rates.Transportation
and per diem will be charged at the applicable rate, A minimum charge of 3 hours applies to field-testing and observation services.
Scheduling or cancellation of field testing and observation services is required no less than the working day prior to the date the
services are to be performed. Services cancelled without advance notice will be assessed a minimum 3 hour charge. For
construction materials testing and observation services, a project management charge to schedule and supervise personnel and
evaluate and review reports will be billed at a minimum of 0.2 hours per report issued. Concrete compression testing will be
charged 0.1 hour of review time for a set of cylinders. Drilling and field service rates are based err OSHA Leven O personnel
protection. For sites where drilling is to occur that are not readily accessible to a truck-mounted drill rig, rates for rig mobility
equipment,site clearing,and crew stand-by time will be charged as applicable. Services and fees not listed on this schedule may
be quoted on request.
Proposal#: RP092014
Page 4 of 4
invoking b Payment
Invoices are due and payable upon receipt,unless specific arrangements have been made. Accounts become delinquent 30 days after the Invoice
date.Any balance remaining unpaid on the account 30 days after the Invoice date shall be subject to a teance charge,at a periodic rate of 1.50%per
month,which is an annual percentage rate of 18%.InTEC of DFW Metro,Inc.computes the Mane charge by applying the periodic rate to the
adjusted balance of you account.Taking the balance owed by the client at the end of the previous billing cycle and subtracting all payments and credits
received curing the present billing cycle determines the balance. To avoid the finance charge,clients must pay the new balance shown on the billing
statement within 30 days following the presentation of the billing.The client will be held responsible for any and all costs related to collections,including
attomey's fees.
Inherent in our dealings with clients,as a third party Independent consulting engineering company,is the confidentiality of all work preformed for any
client.All reports are submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed.
The significance of the report is subject to the adequacy and representative character of the samples, and the comprehensiveness of the test,
examination or surveys.No quotation from our reports or use of InTEC of DFW Metro,Inc.name is permitted except as authorized by InTEC of DFW
Metro,Inc in writing.
Sampling and testing is performed in general accordance with applicable standard test methods except when otherwise noted. Samples will be
discarded 30 days atter completion of the test. Upon written request by the client,Samples will be returned and,or stored at an agreeable charge.
Property Survey:
The location of existing and proposed improvement wells endior drain fields are not the result of a property survey. Improvement bragons are •
approximate.It is the property owner's responsibility to define property boundaries and ensure all onste Improvements are located within the platted
site and out of inappropriate easements.All separation distances are to be verified prior to excavation.
Representations and Limitations of Professional Liability
InTEC of DFW Metro,Inc(InTEC)represents that services will be performed with the care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession
practicing in the locality at time the services ere rendered.No other representations.expressed or implied,are made or intended by the rendering of
consulting services of by the furnishing of oral or written report of the findings and laboratory tests performed.InTEC of DFW Metro,Inc.makes no
implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose of warranty of merchantability whatsoever,InTEC of DFW Metro,Inc.liability for damages,due to
professional negligence,wli be limited to a sum not to exceed$10,000 or fee paid whichever is greater.
InTEC will contact the local one-call public utility locator service and take reasonable precautions to avoid damage or injury to identified underground
structures or utilities. Client shall provide any documents necessary or helpful in locating all private underground structures and utiities. Client shall
assume responsibility for the accuracy of any information provided. Client agrees to hold harmless,defend.and Indemnify InTEC for any damages to
underground structures and utilities, and any damage, injury or death arising drredy or Indirectly therefrom, which were not Identified an the
documents furnished,or by local utility Identification agencies.
Delay and Faroe MaleurQ
InTEC will be excused for delay in the performance of services under this Agreement if caused by acts of God:inclement weather,acts of utility
companies,unions,organized labor,or inspectors;or other unforeseen contingencies;beyond tnTEC's reasonable control
To the fullest extent permitted by law,Client shall hold harmless,indemnify,and defend InTEC from and against all claims and causes of action for
bodily injury,death,and property damage that may arise from the performance of services under this Agreement,except where such bodily Injury,
death or property damage arises direly from the sole negigence,errors,or omissions of InTEC.
Lltigption Sgenord
tf InTEC is required by operation of law,subpoena,or other legal process to appear,participate,or give testimony as an expert or fact witness,in any
legal discovery,administrative,or court proceeding,as a result of the performance of services under this Agreement Client agrees to compensate
InTEC pursuant to InTEC's current fee and rate schedule, and to reimburse InTEC for all reasonable costs and expenses InTEC may incur in
connection with such activities,including the fees of any attorney InTEC may retain on its own behalf.
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: June 8, 2010 Item Number: C.
Department: Engineering
(City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: 413-5443-58210
Date Prepared: 06/01/10 Budgeted Amount:
Exhibits: 1
Consider, and act upon, authorizing the City Manager to execute a proposal from Hooper Engineering
Laboratories, Inc. for testing services for the FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street project in an amount not to
exceed $40,671.00.
Motion to authorize the City Manager to execute a proposal from Hooper Engineering Laboratories, Inc. for
testing services for the FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street project in an amount not to exceed $40,671.00.
The attached construction materials testing proposal from Hooper Engineering Laboratories, Inc. specifies
testing services for the reconstruction of FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street. Hooper estimates 600 density
tests, 60 lime gradations, and 320 concrete cylinders. City inspectors will determine the exact number of tests
needed which is typically less than the proposed amount. Funds from the 2005 City of Wylie Bond Program
will be used for the testing services.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director CH 6/1/10
City Manager tOtA (, /f /tc
Page 1 of 1
Hooper Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
Construction Materials Testing
April 26, 2010
Mr. Joe Tidwell
City of Wylie, Inspection Department
949 Hensley Lane
Wylie, TX 75098
Re: Construction Material Testing Services
FM 1378 Phase II Wylie, TX
Dear Mr. Tidwell,
Enclosed is our fee schedule and estimated budget, "Exhibit A", for Material
Testing and Inspection services required for the project listed above.
The testing is based on estimated quantities; actual quantities will vary from this
estimate. Only those items requested and authorized will be provided and billed.
Invoices for services are payable net 30 days with no retainage.
Unit prices are for local services Monday thru Friday from 7:00am to 5:00pm,
portal to portal. Overtime will be charged at 1.5 times the normal rate, with the
exception of Sundays and Holidays which are charged at 2.00 times the normal rate.
I appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal, and look forward to
continuing our relationship on this project. Please sign and return this authorization:
Your truly,
Gene Boss
Manager of Construction Materials Testing
Authorized Signature
2870 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas, Texas 75229 (214) 351-6419 Fax (214) 351-5148
PROJECT:FM 1378 Phase II Wylie,TX DATE: 26 April 2010
CLIENT: City of Wylie, Inspection Department
Attn: Mr. Joe Tidwell
Moisture-Density Relationship, each 135.00 20 $2,700
Plasticity Index, each 40.00 20 800
Sampling Charge, per hour 35.00 10 350
In-Place Density Test, each 22.00 600 13200
(Minimum 3 tests per trip)
Gradation, each 22.00 60 1320
(Minimum 3 tests per trip)
Lime Depth Check, each 22.00 40 880
(Minimum 3 tests per trip)
Lime Series, each 200.00 10 2000
(Includes processing and pi results)
PE Certification,each 200.00 IF REQUIRED
Pier Inspection, per hour 35.00 IF REQUIRED
(Includes concrete&reinforcing inspection)
Review of Submitted Mix Design, each 125.00 3 375
(Includes sampling and sieve analysis)
Analysis of Concrete Aggregate, per hour 35.00 8 280
Sampling of Aggregate, per hour 35.00 12 420
Technician Time,w/o inspection, per hour 35.00 240 8400
(Estimated 80 sets of cylinders at 3 hr per set)
Cylinders w/o inspection, each 12.50 320 4000
(Includes 4 cylinders per set)
Cylinder pick-up charge, per trip 60.00 50 3000
Batch Plant Inspection, per hour 35.00 IF REQUIRED
(Minimum 3 hours per trip)
Laboratory Extraction/Gradation,each 150.00 6 900
Laboratory Density/Stability,each 175.00 IF REQUIRED
Rolling Pattern Assistance, per hour 35.00 18 630
(Minimum 3 hours per trip)
Sampling Charge, per hour 35.00 12 420
Asphalt Patty for Unit Weight, each 50.00 12 600
(Minimum 2 patties per sample)
Field Density, each 22.00 18 396
(Minimum 3 tests per trip)
Asphalt Cores for Depth,each 60.00 IF REQUIRED
(Minimum 3 tests per trip)
A. Laboratory may not release, revoke,alter,or enlarge on requirements
of Contract Documents.
B. Laboratory may not approve or accept any portion of the work.
C. Laboratory may not assume any duties of Contractor.
D. Laboratory has no authority to stop work.
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: June 8, 2010 Item Number: 1
Department: Public Services (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code:
Date Prepared: May 28, 2010 Budgeted Amount:
Exhibits: 2
Consider and act upon Ordinance 2010-08 amending Ordinance No. 2009-12 (Comprehensive Fee Ordinance)
to include Wylie Recreation Center Fees and updates to the Bart Peddicord Community Center Fees and Park
Pavilion Rental Fees. (R. Diaz, Recreation Superintendent)
Approve Ordinance 2010-XX amending Ordinance No. 2009-12 (Comprehensive Fee Ordinance) to include
Wylie Recreation Center Fees and updates to the Bart Peddicord Community Center Fees and Park Pavilion
Rental Fees.
Over the past several months, City staff has been meeting with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and
discussing proposed rental rates and fees for the new Recreation Center which is anticipated to open near the
end of 2010. An Enterprise Plan was prepared for the City in 2007-08, and it has been used as the basis for
staff's discussion with the Board. The Enterprise Plan studied area demographics and other public and private
recreation facilities in the vicinity. The Plan suggested staffing levels, proposed fees and rental rates, potential
numbers of memberships, operating hours, etc. Staff presented the Enterprise Plan to City Council on May 13,
2008 and noted that the Plan would be updated and brought back to Council prior to the opening of the
Recreation Center. Before bringing a final set of recommendations forward for Council consideration, the
Board suggested holding a joint work session with the City Council to receive Council input regarding various
fee and rate options.
The Parks and Recreation Board received input from the City Council at the joint meeting in March, and they
also discussed this issue at a Special Meeting held on April 12, 2010. The Board tabled the item at the April 12,
2010 meeting to have staff further clarify items such as variable recovery rates for the Recreation Center. Staff
reviewed all the input from previous meetings with the Parks and Recreation Board at the April 26, 2010
regular meeting. The Board made recommendations for Council, and staff brought forward the following items
for review by the City Council at a work session on May 11, 2010:
V Operating name for new Recreation Center and Bart Peddicord Community Center.
✓ Operating hours and rental fees for the new Recreation Center.
V Recreation Center membership fees-annual, resident/non-resident, 1-month, 3-month, and daily
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✓ City of Wylie employee and employee family membership fees for the Recreation Center.
Council contributed their input, and staff has been coordinating with the City Attorney on developing an
amendment to the Fee Ordinance. As part of that review process, and for consistency in administering Park and
Recreation programs and facilities, it is also necessary to amend the Fee Ordinance regarding rental rates and
Wave program fees. A Section-by-Section explanation of the proposed amendments are as follows:
Section A.
Park Pavilion Rental fees need to be amended to reflect City Council's direction regarding all Wylie non-profit
groups being able to reserve facilities. The Council gave direction to staff during the two work sessions that
due to a previous opinion provided by the City Attorney, non-profit groups need to be treated equitably.
Therefore staff is recommending that the Council choose to have Wylie non-profits (including Scout groups)be
charged for park pavilions or they can determine to let them be reserved at no cost.
Section B.
Wylie Wave/Summer program Fees would need to be eliminated from the ordinance since this is considered a
program, and staff is proposing that the City Manager or their designee have the ability to set program fees
based on the authority provided by the City Council. This would eliminate staff from repeatedly approaching
Council to amend the fee ordinance as new programs are developed or to accommodate minor changes in
existing program fees.
Section D.
Community Center Rental Fees would need to be adjusted to accommodate City Council direction to provide all
Wylie non-profit groups with space at the Bart Peddicord Community Center at no cost. Non-resident rates and
kitchen rental rates also have to be adjusted to come in line with rates proposed at the new Recreation Center.
Section E.
Continuing Education Classes would need to be eliminated from the ordinance since this is considered a
program and could be handled the same as Section B above.
Section G.
Wylie Recreation Center Fees are listed and have been reviewed by the City Council and Parks and Recreation
In regards to Council's questions at the last work session regarding cancellation fees and clean up fees, staff has
researched both of those issues and provides the following information:
Cancellation Fee
The cities of Plano, Cedar Hill, and Lancaster use cancellation fees. The amounts are $10, full amount of rental
fees paid, and 50% of rental fees paid, respectively. In Plano, the fee is imposed if a reservation is cancelled
within one week of the planned event; in Cedar Hill if the event is cancelled within 60 days of the reserved date;
and in Lancaster if the event is cancelled with 13 days of the rental date. The purpose of the fee is to prevent
reservation of the facility and then suddenly cancelling the reservation as the rental date approaches. Abrupt
cancellations preclude others from reserving the facility and also result in lost revenue. Under our existing
ordinance, the Bart Peddicord Community Center has a cancellation fee in place. This fee is rarely
implemented. The proposed amendment to the fee ordinance stipulates that a cancellation fee would be charged
only for any cancellations that occur within ten days prior to the rental date at both the Community Center and
new Recreation Center. From previous experience, staff feels ten days is a sufficient amount of time in case
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other patrons are attempting to locate and reserve a facility to host an event.
Cleanup Fee
Since the previous work session, staff researched other cities such as Plano, Cedar Hill, and Lancaster and has
found that these cities have patrons perform their own cleanup after an event instead of charging a fee. One of
the difficulties in establishing a cleanup fee involves the broad amount of possible types of events that can be
held in a rented space. Some rentals may include hundreds of people, confetti, ceiling decorations, and
streamers while another event may have just as many people but without all the party decorations. It would be
difficult to establish an objective one-size-fits-all fee. As an alternative to establishing a cleanup fee, staff can
retain all or part of the rental deposit in case the renter fails to clean up after their event. This approach is
currently practiced at the Community Center and can also be implemented at the Recreation Center. The
proposed ordinance does retain a deposit fee in the fee schedule. Therefore, staff has removed the previously-
proposed clean up fee from the ordinance now under consideration.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director RD 5/28/10
City Manager
ORDINANCE 2010- 08
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has adopted
Ordinance No. 2009-12 establishing a consolidated fee ordinance ("Consolidated Fee
Ordinance") for the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie"); and
WHEREAS, the City will soon complete the construction of a new recreation center
("Wylie Recreation Center"); and
WHEREAS, the City staff has submitted recommended fees for the Wylie Recreation
Center to the City Council for their approval; and
WHEREAS, the City staff has additionally recommended that the City Council authorize
the City Manager or his or her designee to establish and/or amend fees for programs, classes and
related services provided by Wylie Parks and Recreation; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that it would be in the
best interest of the citizens of Wylie to establish fees for the use of the Wylie Recreation Center
by residents and non-residents and authorize the City Manager or his or her designee to establish
and/or amend fees for programs, classes and related services provided by Wylie Parks and
Recreation; and
WHEREAS, as a result of the new fees established for the Wylie Recreation Center, the
City Council has investigated and determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens to
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amend some of the Parks and Recreation fees already set forth in the Consolidated Fee
Ordinance for clarification and to maintain consistency in the application of Parks and
Recreation fees; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that it would be
advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of Wylie to amend the Consolidated Fee Ordinance in
the manner stated above.
SECTION 1: Findings. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of
this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein.
SECTION 2: Amending Ordinance No. 2009-12 (Consolidated Fee Ordinance).
Ordinance No. 2009-12 (Consolidated Fee Ordinance) is hereby amended as identified in Exhibit
"A," attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes.
SECTION 3: Penalty Provision. Any person, firm, corporation or entity that violates
this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be
fined a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) if the violation relates to the public
health and sanitation, otherwise the fine shall be a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars
($500.00). Each continuing day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. The penal
provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude the Wylie from filing suit to enjoin
the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state
and federal law.
SECTION 4: Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with
this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not
abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal
prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of
the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 5: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of
this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is
expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full
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force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each
section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more
sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid.
SECTION 6: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its
passage and publication as required by the City Charter and by law.
WYLIE, TEXAS, on this day of June, 2010.
Eric Hogue, Mayor
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary
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G. Water and Sewer Service Deposit.
Each water customer shall make a deposit to the City of Wylie, Texas for water service
and sewerage service in accordance with the following schedule:
(i) Water Deposits
(1) 3/ inch meter domestic $75.00
(2) 3/ inch meter irrigation with domestic account $50.00
(3) 3/ inch irrigation meter without domestic account $125.00
(4) 1 inch meter domestic $125.00
(5) 1 inch irrigation with domestic account $75.00
(6) 1 inch irrigation without domestic account $200.00
(7) 2 inch meter domestic $225.00
(8) 2 inch irrigation with domestic account $115.00
(9) 2 inch irrigation without domestic account $340.00
(ii) Sewer Deposit
(1) Residential $20.00
(2) Commercial $20.00
B. Water Rates.
(1) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all domestic residential
customers within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas. ALL PRICES
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered
water consumption: $8.90
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons:
1,001 to 10,000 gallons: $2.82
Over 10,000 gallons: $3.68
(2) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all domestic commercial
customers, (other than apartments, mobile home parks and other multi-unit
dwellings not individually metered) within the corporate limits of the City of
Wylie, Texas:
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of
metered water consumption: $12.15
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(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding
1,000 gallons: $3.22
(3) The following water rates shall apply to all domestic apartments, mobile home
parks, and other multi-unit dwellings, not individually metered, within the
corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding
1,000 gallons $3.22
(4) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all irrigation meters within the
corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water:
(1) Residential irrigation $8.90
(2) Commercial & Multifamily $12.15
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons:
(1) Residential irrigation $4.08
(2) Commercial irrigation $4.08
(5) The monthly water charge for any customers (residential, commercial, apartment,
mobile home park, or other multi-unit dwelling not individually metered) located
outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be at the rate of one
hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the rate charged customers inside the corporate
limits of the City.
(6) Any bulk water customer who desires to withdraw water from a hydrant or other
source not metered and charged directly to them, shall fill out a water application
form and sign the form in the same manner as a regular metered customer. Bulk
water rate charges are to be charged in twenty-five (25) gallon increments at the
same rates as the commercial customers.
C. Sewage Collection and Treatment Rates.
(1) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to all
residential customers of the City of Wylie, Texas:
G. Customers who are 65 years of age or older and have a homestead
exemption on the service address which appears in the tax
records $20.00
(b) Customers who are disabled and have a homestead exemption on the
service address which appears in the tax records $20.00
I All other customers $27.00
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(2) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to all
commercial customers of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) Monthly minimum charge first 1,000 gallons of metered water...... $21.50
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons ..$ 1.82
(3) A sewer fee of twenty-seven dollars ($27.00) shall be charged for each apartment
unit, multiple-family unit, or mobile home space and special areas such as
washateria, swimming pools, etc., where the apartment, multiple-family
development or mobile home park is on a master meter for water consumption
with the City of Wylie, Texas.
(4) The monthly sewer charge for any customers (residential, commercial, apartment,
mobile home park, or other multi-unit dwelling not individually metered) located
outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be at the rate of one
hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the rate charged customers inside the corporate
limits of the City.
(5) The monthly water and sewer rate charge for residential and commercial
customers located outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall
be at the rate of one hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the rate charged customers
inside the corporate limits of the City.
D. Returned Check Charge.
Each and every check or bank draft, used as payment to the City for services, which is returned
for insufficient funds, shall have a charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) assessed against the
E. Utility Account Establishment Charge.
Each time a customer changes his place of occupancy and requests water service or a change in
billing address or a new account is established, a charge of five dollars ($5.00) shall be made.
F. Past Due Account Penalty; Restoration Charges.
(1) The charges for water and or sewer service shall be billed and collected monthly as a
utility charge payable to the City of Wylie, Texas. All charges not paid within fourteen
(14) days from the date that the bill is rendered shall be delinquent, except when the
fourteenth (14`h) day falls on Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday under which condition
such bill shall be due by 5:00 p.m. Central Time, on the next working day following such
Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
(2) All payments made after the fourteenth (14`h) day will bear a late charge or penalty of
five(5%) percent on amounts over twenty dollars ($20.00).
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(3) A customer's utility service may be disconnected if a bill has not been paid or a deferred
payment agreement entered into within twenty-six (26) days from the date of issuance of
a bill, if proper notice has been given. Proper notice shall consist of a separate mailing or
hand delivery at least ten (10) days prior to a stated date of disconnection, with the words
"termination notice" or similar language prominently displayed on the notice. The
information included in the notice shall be provided in English and Spanish as necessary
to adequately inform the customer. Attached to or on the face of the termination notice
shall appear a statement notifying the customer that if they are in need of assistance with
payment of their bill, they may be eligible for alternative payment programs, such as
deferred payment plans, and to contact the water department of the City of Wylie, Texas
for more information. If mailed, the cutoff day may not fall on a holiday or weekend, but
will be on the next working day after the tenth(10) day. Service may not be discontinued
for non-payment of a residential account if a permanent occupant of the residence will
become seriously ill as a result of discontinued service. If a customer seeks to avoid
termination on this basis, the customer must have the attending physician call or contact
the water department within fourteen (14) days of the issuance of the bill. A written
statement must be received by the water department from the physician within twenty-six
(26) days of the issuance of the bill. The limit on termination shall last sixty-three (63)
days from the issuance of the bill or a lesser period if agreed by the parties. The customer
who makes such request shall enter into a deferred payment plan to accomplish payment
of the bill.
(4) If it is necessary to terminate water service for nonpayment, a charge of fifty dollars
($50.00) shall be paid prior to restoration of the service if the service is restored between
the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Central Time, on weekdays. At other times, the
restoration charge shall be sixty-five dollars ($65.00).
(5) If water and sewer service are terminated by customer request, the charge for restoring
the service shall be ten dollars ($10.00)which will be added to the next month's bill.
G. Temporary Connection Charge.
A fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be paid in advance for temporary water service to a utility
customer for activities such as cleaning, plumbing checks, remodeling and so forth. This service
will be for three (3) working days, excluding the date the fee is paid.
H. Special Service Connection Fee.
Upon receipt of an application for service and payment of all required deposits, connection of
utility service shall be made by the City. If requested by the customer, and if the application and
deposit are received prior to 12:00 noon, all reasonable efforts will be made to connect service
by the end of the same working day. If the application and deposit are received after 12:00 noon,
and upon payment in advance of a twenty-five ($25.00) special service connection fee, service
will be connected by the end of the same working day. Otherwise, all reasonable efforts will be
made to connect service by the end of the following day.
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I. Special Meter Reading Charge.
A special meter reading charge of ten dollars ($10.00) shall be charged on the existing water bill
when requested by a customer if the reading is determined to be correct. No reading charge will
be made if it is determined the original reading was not correct.
J. Development/Subdivision Water Charges.
All developers or sub-dividers who are tying into the water and sewer system of the City of
Wylie, Texas shall pay an initial fee equivalent to the gallon capacity of their water system
distribution lines multiplied by a factor of three (3) at the prevailing lowest rate per one thousand
(1,000) currently in effect at the time actual usage occurs. The final determination of the amount
of gallons to be charged shall be determined by the City Engineer. Any water used subsequent to
the initial loading and flushing of the installed lines shall be accomplished by the developer or
sub-divider securing a meter attachment to a fire hydrant. This fee shall be due and payable prior
to approval of the final plat.
K. Charge for Replacing Meter Box.
The cost for replacement of 1 inch and under plastic water meter box is seventy-five($75.00).
L. Charge for Replacing Sewer Clean Out Caps.
The cost for replacement of property line sewer clean out caps is five dollars ($5.00).
M. Meter Testing Fee.
When any utility customer is of the opinion that a water meter is registering incorrectly, the
customer may make a request to the City for testing of the meter. A field test will be provided
for the customer's meter without charge once every two (2) years. If the customer desires a
calibration and certification test, then at the time such request is made, the customer shall make
a twenty-five ($25.00) deposit with the City. If the test shows that the meter is registering
consumption in excess of actual flow by more than two (2) percent, the meter shall be replaced
with an accurate one at the expense of the City, and the twenty-five dollars ($25.00) deposit
shall be returned to the customer. If the test shows that the meter is registering consumption at
less than actual flow or in excess of actual flow by two (2) percent or less, the twenty-five
dollars ($25.00) deposit shall be retained by the City to defer the cost of such test.
N. Threshold Conditions
In regards to implementation and enforcement of the Drought Contingency Plan (the"Plan"), the
City Manager is designated as the official responsible for implementation and enforcement, and
the guidelines for the threshold determinations as listed in the Plan are hereby adopted. In the
event severe or critical conditions persist (as defined in the Plan) for an extended period of time,
the City may ration water usage and/or terminate service to selected users of the system in
accordance with the following sequence of increasing priority:
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(1) Recreation Users
(2) Commercial Users
(3) Industrial Users
(4) School Users
(5) Residential Users
(6) Hospitals, Public Health and Safety Facilities
O. Penalty
(1) Users of City water except for the City, that do not comply with Section 3 of this
Ordinance shall be subject to a penalty and fine of not less than one hundred dollars
($100.00) per day no more than one thousand dollars ($1000.00) per day for each day of
non-compliance and/or disconnection or discontinuance of water services to such users
by the City. The fines shall be listed on Table B of the Plan.
(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to do, commit or assist in committing any of the
following things or acts in the City:
Remove any water meter that has been placed by the City, or changing, interfering with
or tampering with any water meter in any manner; prevent water, by any means or
devices, from passing through any meter connected directly or indirectly with the lines or
mains of the City waterworks, whether sewer service customer only or both water and
sewer; prevent a meter from registering the amount of water passing through such meter,
or prevent or obstruct a meter from accurately registering the quantity of water supplied;
or in any way interfere with a water meter's purpose, action or just registration; or
whoever, without the consent in writing of the director of the water department diverts
any water from any pipes, lines or mains of the waterworks, or otherwise uses or causes
to be used any water produced or distributed by the waterworks, or retains possession
thereof shall be fined one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) and pay for the water
estimated by the City to have been used without proper metering. This fine is in addition
to any criminal penalties that may be imposed by the City.
(3) The presence at any time on or about any meter, water lines or mains of the City, whether
such meter, if any, is owned or operated by the City or others, of a pipe or any device or
pipes resulting in the diversion of water or the prevention of its free passage and
registration by any such meter, or resulting in the diversion from such meter, or resulting
in the prevention of water reaching the meter, or resulting in the prevention of just
registration of the meter or meters or resulting in the taking of any water except through a
lawfully installed meter shall constitute prima facie evidence on the part of the person
owning or having custody or control of the room, building, place or premises where such
device or pipe is located, of knowledge of the existence thereof and/or knowledge of such
existence to the person who would be benefited by the failure of the water to be
accurately metered shall further constitute prima facie evidence of intention on the part of
such person or persons to defraud and tamper with a meter, and shall bring such person
prima facie within the scope, meaning and penalties of this section. This section shall not
apply to employees or agents of the City when acting in their official capacity.
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G. That a convenience fee of three dollars ($3.00) per transaction be collected at the point of
sale for those persons wishing to use a credit/debit card to purchase city services.
(a) A convenience fee of three dollars ($3.00) per transaction will be collected at the
point of sale for those persons wishing to use a credit/debit card to purchase city
G. That a convenience fee per transaction of one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) for
residential customers and business customers be collected at the time of sale for those
persons wishing to use credit/debit card to purchase city services on-line.
A. Residential Fee; Deposits.
(1) The collection and removal of garbage, rubbish and brush in one (1) polycart container
from residential premises, one(1)time per week and one recycle polycart one(1) time per
week, shall be made for a charge of eleven dollars and thirty cents ($11.30) per residential
unit for each calendar month.
(2) Nonresidential customers shall be required to make a deposit equivalent to three (3)
months' charges, or a minimum thirty-four dollars ($34.00).
(3) Residential fees for each unit of single-family detached or duplex (not master metered)
either curbside or alley side service, shall be eleven dollars and thirty cents ($11.30) per
month and shall be charged each month on the utility bill.
(4) The following collection fees are based upon the type of establishment or collection, to
(a) Duplex,per unit $11.30 per unit
(b) Multifamily $11.30 per unit
I Trailer park $11.30 per unit
(5) Each additional Polycart $4.00
B. Commercial Charges.
G. Commercial Hand Collection, per ninety-five(95) gallon polycart
Automated Collection Cost:
Once (1)per week $22.94
Two (2) carts once (1)per week. $43.58
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(2) Front Load Container Rates
lxwk 2xwk 3xwk 4xwk 5xwk 6xwk
2 cu $ 78.40 $149.80 $208.60 $291.06 $377.76 $ 465.85
3 cu $ 86.80 $163.80 $226.80 $314.16 $423.50 $ 503.12
4 cu $ 92.40 $172.70 $242.20 $337.26 $433.66 $ 538.52
6 cu $107.80 $197.40 $277.20 $381.92 $496.34 $ 613.06
8 cu $120.40 $226.60 $312.20 $428.12 $553.94 $ 685.73
G. Additional Charges
Additional charge of$8.75 per pick up for containers on Casters
Additional charge of$8.75 per pick up for containers with 4 sided enclosures
Additional charge of$8.75 per pick up for containers with locks
8 cubic yard Cardboard Recycling Container 1 X per week $84.28
8 cubic yard Cardboard Recycling Container 2 X per week $176.74
Front load container exchange charge $78.94
(4) Extra Pick Ups
2 cubic yard $47.37
3 cubic yard $48.42
4 cubic yard $49.47
6 cubic yard $51.58
8 cubic yard $52.63
(5) Refills
2 cubic yard $36.84
3 cubic yard $37.89
4 cubic yard $38.95
6 cubic yard $41.05
8 cubic yard $42.11
(6) Rolloff Charges:
20 cubic yard per haul $482.31 (M-F)
30 cubic yard per haul $492.84 (M-F)
40 cubic yard per haul $524.42 (M-F)
Delivery and Exchange $369.76 (M-F)
Daily Container Rental $7.89
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(7) Compactors:
6 cubic yard compactor haul charge $265.11 (M-F)
8 cubic yard compactor haul charge $297.79 (M-F)
30 cubic yard compactor haul charge $492.84 (M-F)
35 cubic yard compactor haul charge $492.84 (M-F)
42 cubic yard compactor haul charge $492.84 (M-F)
Disposal will be billed at $29.23 per ton; rates based on 4 ton minimum.
(8) Returned Check Charge. $26.31
(10) Front Load Container Rates
Size/Pickup 1 x week 2 x week 3 x week 4 x week _5 x week 6 x week_
2 Cu Yd $ 67.03 $128.08 $178.35 $248.86 $322.99 $398.30
3 Cu Yd $ 74.21 $140.05 $193.91 $268.61 $362.09 $430.17
4 Cu Yd $ 79.00 $147.23 $207.08 $288.36 $370.78 $460.44
6 Cu Yd $ 92.17 $168.78 $237.01 $326.54 $424.37 $524.17
8 Cu Yd $102.94 $190.32 $266.93 $366.04 $473.63 $586.30
WISD front load rates are net to contractor, does not include billing fee, franchise fee and
sales tax do not apply.
C. Fees for Special Collection of Brush and Bulky Waste Items.
Special collection of brush and bulky items, in excess of twenty-four (24) cubic yards per
resident per year, will be made available to residents at the rate negotiated between the
contractor and the resident.
D. Denial of Service.
In the event of nonpayment of charges for the above services, the City shall have the right to
deny further service to such nonpaying person or customer.
G. Building, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Permit Fees.
When a building, plumbing, mechanical or electrical permit is required by the Building,
Plumbing, Mechanical or Electrical code adopted by the City of Wylie, Texas the following fees
shall be assessed:
EXCEPTION: Permit fees shall not be required when the permit is for a building owned and
occupied by a public agency.
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(1) New Single-Family Fees (including duplexes) - $700.00+ .10 cents a square foot
(a) A non-refundable plan review deposit of fifty dollars ($50.00) is due at
time of plan submittal. The plan review deposit will be applied toward the
cost of the building permit only if the building permit fee is paid within six
(6)months of the date the plan was submitted for review.
(2) New Multi-Family Fees (3 attached units or more) - $250.00 per unit
(a) A non-refundable plan review deposit equal to ten percent (10%) of the
permit fee is due at time of plan submittal. The plan review deposit will
be applied toward the cost of the building permit only if the building
permit fee is paid within six (6) months of the date the plan was submitted
for review.
(3) New Commercial Fees
(a) Building Permit Fees for New Construction
1. $200.00+ .08 cents a square foot
2. Fees for tenant finish out and shell buildings will be seventy-five
percent (75%) of the above fees.
3. A non-refundable plan review deposit equal to fifty percent (50%)
of the building permit fee is due at the time of plan submittal. The
plan review deposit will be applied toward the cost of the building
permit only if the building permit fee is paid within six (6) months
of the date the plan was submitted for review.
(b) Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical fees for New Construction (each)
1. $50.00 + .03 cents a square foot
2. Fees for tenant finish out and shell buildings will be seventy-five
percent (75%) of the above fees.
G. Fees for Additions, Alterations, Repairs, Demolition, Screening Walls, Retaining
Walls and Accessory Buildings.
The following fees shall be charged for small construction jobs involving
additions, alterations and repairs. Larger projects that involve substantial work
shall be charged as new construction at the sole discretion of the Building
Value of Construction Permit Fee
$0.00 to $2,500.00 $ 50.00
$2,500.01 to $5,000.00 $ 60.00
$5,000.01 to $10,000.00 $ 75.00
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$10,000.01 to $25,000.00 $100.00
$25,000.01 to $50,000.00 $150.00
$50,000.01 to $100,000.00 $225.00
$100,000.01 or more $300.00 for the first $100,000.00
plus $50.00 for each $50,000.00
or fraction thereof.
B. Miscellaneous Fees.
Any activity listed below shall be charged the following fee associated with the activity:
Commercial Certificate of Occupancy or Completion $75.00
(Existing building/space or unoccupied clean and show,applicable to shell or structure/space)
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy $75.00
(Charged for all Temporary Certificates of Occupancy(ies))
Commercial Temporary Utilities Releases (Electrical or Gas Services) $100.00
Residential Temporary Utilities Releases (Electrical or Gas Services) $50.00
(All temporary utility releases require signed affidavit by contractors/builders)
Manufactured Home Construction Permit Fee $300.00
Manufactured Home License Application Fee $500.00
(All original license applications and license transfers shall be accompanied
by a fee of $500.00)
Manufactured Home Space Fee $50.00 per space
Manufactured Home Park Annual Inspection Fee ..$10.00 per occupied space
Manufactured Home Park License Fee ..$500.00
Minimum Miscellaneous Permit Fee(Residential) $50.00
Minimum Miscellaneous Permit Fee(Commercial) $100.00
Fence Permit $40.00
In-ground swimming pool $300.00
Spa or above-ground pool $100.00
Lawn Sprinkler $50.00
Tent $50.00
Construction trailer $75.00
Drive Approach $50.00 per approach
Sidewalk $50.00 per lot
Structure Moving Permit $75.00
(Any structure moved through or into the City of Wylie,Texas that exceeds 250 square feet)
Additional Plan Review $50.00 per hour(Minimum one hour)
Appeal to the Construction Board $150.00
Duplicate Building Permit $10.00
Garage Sale $5.00
Administrative fee/change contractor or change on issued permit.. $25.00 per contractor
Re-stamp Plans $50.00 per hour-Minimum one hour
Sign Permit $75.00
Promotional Signs $ 40.00
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574745.v 1
Dance Hall License $100.00
Pool Hall License $100.00
Massage Establishment Permit $500.00
Individual License to Perform Massage $50.00
Sexually Oriented Business License $500.00
Food Service Establishment Permit (annual) $50.00
Retail Food Store Permit Fee(annual) $50.00
Junkyard or Salvage yard License $250.00
Dangerous Building Abatement Administrative Fee $750.00/per lot
Abatement of Graffiti Employee Hourly Rate plus cost of Materials
Weeds, High Grass, and Trash Abatement Administrative Fee.......$75.00 per lot or tract
of land
C. Registration and License Fees.
General, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical and Irrigation contractors shall not be eligible to
receive a permit within the City of Wylie, Texas until they have registered with the City as a
contractor and paid the following fee. Fees shall be paid annually and registration will be valid
from January 1 through December 31. Registrations received and fees paid between December 1
and December 31 of any calendar year shall be valid from that date until December 31 of the
following calendar year.
General Contractor $100.00
Plumbing Contractor $100.00
Mechanical Contractor $100.00
Irrigation Contractor $100.00
Backflow Tester $100.00
Pool Contractor $100.00
Fence Contractor $100.00
Electrical Contractor $100.00
Master Electrician $25.00
Journeyman Electrician $10.00
Residential Specialist $10.00
Master Sign Electrician $25.00
Journeyman Sign Electrician $10.00
D. Special Inspection Fees.
Re-inspection Fee $50.00
After Hours Inspection $75.00/hr-3hr minimum
Special Inspection .$75.00
House Moving Inspection Fee $100.00
House Moving Inspection Mileage Reimbursement... current government mileage
reimbursement rate
Ordinance No. 2010-08
Amendment to the Consolidated Fee Ordinance Page 15
A. Water and Sewer Impact Fees
(i) Service unit—means the standardized measure of consumption, use, generation or discharge
attributable to an individual unit of development that has been calculated in accordance with the
generally accepted engineering and/or planning standards. The water and wastewater service
unit is defined to be a 3/4-inch water meter. Other meter sizes can be compared to the 3/4-inch
meter through a ratio of water flows as published by the American Water Works Association and
as shown in Table No. 7 of the "Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update 2005-2015" which is
attached as Exhibit A to Ordinance 2006-25 and incorporated by reference herein, as may be
amended from time to time.
(1) Calculating Impact Charges
For each single family living unit equivalent (SFLUE) to be served by the water system
there shall be a water impact fee of one thousand three hundred four dollars and ninety
seven cents ($1,304.97). For each SFLUE to be served by the sewerage system there
shall be a sewerage impact fee of one thousand two hundred thirty one dollars and one
cent ($1,231.01).
B. Thoroughfare Impact Fees
(i) Service unit — means the standardized measure of consumption, use, generation or discharge
attributable to an individual unit of development, that has been calculated in accordance with the
generally accepted engineering and/or planning standards, as indicated in the land use
equivalency tables located in the "Roadway Impact Fee 2008-2017" report which is attached as
Exhibit A to Ordinance 2007-34 and incorporated by reference herein, as may be amended from
time to time.
(1) Calculating Impact Charges
Thoroughfare Impact Fees shall be calculated at the rate of four hundred thirty four
dollars and eighty-two cents ($434.82) per service unit for the Western zone and seven
hundred eighteen dollars ($718.00) per service unit for the Eastern zone.
C. Special District Fees.
(1) In addition to all other fees, the City Council may designate by ordinance, certain special
districts. These districts shall be formed in order to collect pro rata fees to offset the cost
of capital improvements to the water and sewer system that benefit only a particular
section of the City.
G. When such action is deemed appropriate by the City Council, said area shall be deemed
by clearly understood boundaries. Then the fee per unit shall be determined by using the
following formula:
No. of Units per Total Cost of Project
Acres x Acre = No. of Shares = Special District Fee
(3) Units existing within the special district prior to the establishment by the City Council
shall not be charged the determined special district fee unless the parties involved
Ordinance No. 2010-08
Amendment to the Consolidated Fee Ordinance Page 16
request such service be provided.
D. Engineering Inspection Fees
Each project shall be charged an engineering inspection fee. The fee shall be three percent (3%)
of the City's estimate for the cost of the public work utilities and streets of new construction
which are to be dedicated to the City of Wylie, Texas as well as private commercial parking
areas. Such items shall include, but not be limited to: street paving, storm drainage, water mains,
sewer mains, commercial parking areas and other items designated for conveyance to the City
after completion of improvements through the process of public dedication. These fees shall be
paid prior to the start of construction.
E. Grading Fees
(1) Grading Permit $100.00
G. Grading Permit Deposit:
One acre or less $500.00
Once acre or more $500.00 for first acre+ $100.00 for each additional acre
G. Shelter Impound Fees (All Animals).
First Offense $40.00
Second Offense $60.00
Third Offense $80.00
B. Boarding Fees (Daily Rates).
All Animals $10.00 (per calendar day)
C. Adoption Fee.
$75.00 (includes $50.00 voucher for sterilization)
D. License, Registration for Dangerous Dogs, Euthanasia, Disposal, Surrender Fees and
Trap Deposits.
License Fee $10.00 per animal
Fee for Lost License Tag. $2.00 per animal
Euthanasia Fee. $25.00 per animal
Disposal Fee $10.00 per animal
Surrender Fee $15.00 per animal
Trap Deposits $60.00 per trap
Annual Registration Fee for Dangerous Dog $50.00 per animal
Fee to register dangerous dog at new address $25.00 per animal
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574745.v l
G. Maintenance Bonds.
Refer to Subdivision Regulations Section 6.7: Maintenance and Guarantee of Public
The property owner shall maintain all required public improvements for a period of two (2) years
following acceptance of the subdivision by the City, and shall also provide a two (2) year
maintenance bond (warranty) that all public improvements will be free from defects for a period
of two (2) years following such acceptance by the City.
B. Zoning and Platting Fees.
Zoning Change Application $325.00 + $15.00/acre
(Including standard districts,planned development districts and special use permits)
Zoning Change Re-notification/Re-publication $200.00
(When request is tabled by applicant)
Site Plan Application $250.00
Preliminary Plat Application $200.00+$12.00/acre
Final Plat/Amended Re-plat/Minor Application $325.00 +$25.00/acre
Annexation/Disannexation Application $200.00
Variance Application $100.00
(Zoning Board of Adjustment and all others i.e. commission waive planned development acreage, alleys,
Verification Letter $50.00
(Zoning,comprehensive plan,utilities)
Right-of-Way Abandonment $50.00
(fee toward appraised market value)
C. Material
Comprehensive Plan $10.00+ Sales Tax
Zoning Ordinance $20.00 + Sales Tax
Subdivision Regulations $15.00+ Sales Tax
Prints of Plats and As-Builts (24 x 36) $3.00/sheet+ Sales Tax
Special Area Study Map (8 Y2 x 11 x 36) $5.00/sheet+ Sales Tax
City-Wide Planning Maps $15.00/sheet+ Sales Tax
(Land use,zoning thoroughfare,development trends,city limits)
CD Copies $5.00 each+ Sales Tax
(Scanned plats,as-builts)
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574745.v l
Parade Permit Fee $25.00
Special Event Permit Fee
Registration Fee $75.00
Permit Fee $75.00
Fingerprinting Fee $5.00
Accident Report Fee
Copy of accident report $6.00
Certified copy accident report $8.00
Open records request $.10 cents (per page)
Certify Open Records Request $2.00
Barcode Fee $1.00
DVD Case Fee $3.00
Lost Item Cost of material+ $3.00
Damaged Item Cost of material + $3.00
Black and white $.10 per page
Color $.25 per page
Fax $.50 per sheet
Library Replacement Card $1.00
Extended Use Fee
DVD $.50 per day/per item
All other $.10 per day/per item
Interlibrary request fee $2.00
Book Jacket Fee $1.00
Art Work(DVD) $1.00
CD Case (Music) $1.00
CD Case (Books) $3.00
(replacement) $1.00
Spine Label $1.00
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574745.v 1
A. Definitions.
Corporate shall mean any company or business with an address in the City of Wylie. The City
may require written proof of address of the company or business.
Non-Resident shall mean any person or persons who reside outside of the City of Wylie city
Resident shall mean any person or persons who reside in the City of Wylie city limits and can
provide proof of resident status by showing a current utility bill.
Wylie Non-Profit Group shall mean a qualified non-profit group that provides a benefit and/or
service in the City of Wylie. The City may require written proof of non-profit or 501(c)(3)
B. City Manager Authority.
The City Manager or his or her designee shall have the authority to establish and/or amend fees
related to the programs, classes and related services available through Wylie Parks and
C.Pavilion Rental (excluding neighborhood parks)
Wylie Non-Profit Groups $5.00 per hour
Residents $10.00 per hour
Non Residents $25.00 per hour
D. Athletic Field Reservation Fees.
Per person, per sport season, 18 and under $5.00
Per person,per sport season, 19 and older $10.00
Athletic field light per hour/per field $18.00
Tournament or single use—per field reservation $10.00 per hour+ lights
Light Key $100.00 deposit
Late payment fee (athletic fields) Amount owed+ 10%
E. Bart Peddicord Community Center Fees.
(2 hour minimum)
($100.00 deposits required on large events)
Room Rental:
Wylie Non-Profit Groups No charge
Residents $25.00 per hour
Non residents $35.00 per hour
Kitchen Use Fee:
Ordinance No.2010-08
Amendment to the Consolidated Fee Ordinance Page 20
Wylie Non-Profit Groups No charge
Resident $25.00 per hour
Non-Resident .$35.00 per hour
Cancellation fee $50.00
(within ten(10)days of rental date)
F. Park Land Dedication Fees.
(Land Dedication-Minimum 5 acres and 5 acres per 100 lots.)
Five or more lots per acre $1,500.00 per lot
3 or 4 lots per acre $2,000.00 per lot
1 or 2 lots per acre $3,000.00 per lot
Apartment units $800.00 per unit
G. Wylie Recreation Center Fees.
Residents Non-residents
Membership Fees
Adults 17 and older Annual $175.00 $225.00
Membership Fee
Youth(3-16)Annual Membership $105.00 $135.00
Senior 55 and older Annual $105.00 $135.00
Membership Fee
Family Annual Membership up to 4 $325.00 $405.00
Corporate Annual Membership $185.00
(individual must present most recent
check stub as proof of employment)
Adult 3 month $65.00 $80.00
Youth 3 month $30.00 $40.00
Senior 3 month $30.00 $40.00
Family 3 month $120.00 $150.00
Adult 1 month $30.00 $40.00
Youth 1 month $25.00 $30.00
Senior 1 month $25.00 $30.00
Adult Daily Pass $8.00 $8.00
Youth Daily Pass $5.00 $5.00
Senior Daily Pass $5.00 $5.00
I.D. Card Replacement(per card) $5.00 $5.00
Facility Fees
Aerobics Room/hour $35.00 $45.00
Classroom/hour $30.00 $40.00
Climbing Wall/hour $55.00 $65.00
Meeting Room(per section)/hour $45.00 $55.00
Kitchen/hour $35.00 $45.00
Gym(1/2 court)/hour $55.00 $65.00
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Amendment to the Consolidated Fee Ordinance Page 21
Gym(full court)/hour $105.00 $135.00
Gym(all sections/4hour minimum) $325.00 $405.00
Meeting Room(all sections/4hour $255.00 $325.00
Full Facility(all sections of gym and $495.00 $645.00
meeting rooms)/4 hour minimum-
$125 per hour after 4 hours
Cancellation Fee $50.00 $50.00
Deposits $100.00 $100.00
Wylie Non-Profit Groups Regular Rates Regular Rates
The rate for the use of the Wylie Recreation Center by City employees is free. Family members
of City employees may receive a twenty-five percent (25%) discount on their membership fee to
the Wylie Recreation Center, based upon resident rates.
Water Tap $2500.00
(Residential or commercial)
Wastewater Tap—0' to 8' deep $3000.00
Wastewater Tap—Greater than 8' deep Cost plus $310.00
Fire Hydrant Installation $3000.00
(In City ROW)
Tap/Fire Hydrant Inspection $200.00
A. Development Fees
Residential Fire Development Fees $626.00 per lot
Commercial Fire Development Fees $.30 cents per sq. ft.
B. Annual Contractor Registration Fees
After Hours Inspections $100.00 additional
(before 8 a.m.and after 5 p.m.)
Combustible Liquid Storage Tanks $100.00
Fire Sprinkler Backflow $100.00
Hazardous Materials Storage $100.00
Hydrant Flow $100.00
Overhead Sprinkler $100.00
Paint Booth $100.00
Re-inspection Fee $75.00
Temporary Structure $100.00
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574745.v 1
Underground/Above Ground Storage Tanks $100.00
Underground Sprinkler $100.00
Vent-A-Hood $100.00
C. Permit Fees
Aircraft Refueling Vehicles (annual) $25.00
Asbestos Removal (per job) $25.00
Assembly $25.00
(parties with 50 or more guests including weddings)
Automobile Wrecking Yard (annual) $25.00
Backflow $10.00
Bowling pin or Alley Refinishing Job (per job) $25.00
Burn Permit $25.00
Candles and Open Fames in Assembly Areas (annual) $25.00
Carnivals and Fairs $50.00
Cellulose Nitrate Film (annual) $25.00
Cellulose Nitrate Storage (annual) $25.00
Combustible Fiber Storage (annual) $25.00
Combustible Material Storage (annual) $25.00
Commercial Fire Alarm Installation Permit
(Per building)
Less than 10 devices $50.00
11 to 25 devices $75.00
25 to 100 devices $150.00
100 to 200 devices $200.00
More then 200 devices $400.00
Commercial Limited Access Security Gates and Perimeter Fencing $100.00
Commercial Rubbish Handling Operation(annual) $25.00
Compressed Gasses (annual) $25.00
Cryogens (annual) $25.00
Dry Cleaning Plants (annual) $25.00
Dust-Producing Operations (annual) $25.00
Explosives and Blasting Agents (annual or per job) $25.00
Fireworks Event(per event) $500.00
Fire Sprinkler Overhead Permit(suppression system)
(per sq.ft.of building area)
0- 100,000 sq. ft $0.015 per sq. ft
100,001 -300,000 sq. ft $.014 per sq. ft
($1,500 for the first 100,000 sq. ft.plus$0.014 for each additional sq. ft.of area or fraction
300,001 + sq. ft $0.009 per sq. ft
($4,200 for the first 300,000 sq. ft.plus$0.009 for each additional sq. ft.of area or fraction
(includes two inspections per system and on re-inspection)
Fire Sprinkler Underground Permit (suppression system) $250.00
(Includes three inspections per system: Visual,Hydrostatic Test,Flush and one re-inspection.)
Fruit Ripening(annual) $25.00
Fumigation or Thermal Insecticidal Fogging (annual) $25.00
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Hazardous Production Materials (annual) $25.00
High Piled Combustible Storage $25.00 per building
Hydrant Flow Test $50.00 (2 hydrants)
Hydrant Installation $50.00
(per installation)
Liquid or Gas Fueled Vehicles or Equipment in Assembly Building
(annual or event) $25.00
Lumber Yard (annual $25.00
Magnesium Working(annual) $25.00
Mall, Covered (annual or event) $25.00
Organic Coatings (annual) $25.00
Ovens, Industrial Baking and Drying(annual) $25.00
Paint Booth $50.00
Radioactive Material (annual) $25.00
Refrigeration Materials (annual) $25.00
Spaying or Dipping (annual) $25.00
Special Fire Suppression System Permit $75.00
Temporary Structure $25.00 per tent
(tents and temporary membrane structures)
Tire Storage (annual) $25.00
Trench Burns $500.00/$100.00
($500 initial and$100 per re-inspection)
Underground/Above Ground Storage Tanks $250.00
(Includes flammable and combustible liquid storage and liquefied petroleum gas,per tank)
Vent-A-Hood $50.00
Welding and Cutting Operations $50.00
(annual fixed occupancy or per job)
D. Plan Reviews
1 — 100,000 sq. ft $0.02 cents per sq. ft.
(per sq.ft.of building area,minimum$60.00)
100,001 —300,000 sq. ft $0.17 cents per sq. ft.
($3,500 for the first 100,000 sq. ft.plus$0.017 for each additional sq. ft.)
300,001 + sq. ft $0.01 cent per sq. ft.
($6,900 for the first 300,000 sq. ft.plus$0.01 for each additional sq. ft.)
E. Annual Alarm Permit Fees
Burglar Alarm Permit Fee $50.00
(commercial or residential)
Other Alarms Permit Fee $50.00
(All alarm systems that are not burglar alarms,including,but not limited too,panic,fire,and EMS
alarms,whether commercial,residential or otherwise.)
False Alarm Notification Fee $50.00
(If after three(3)false alarms in the twelve month period immediately preceding any false alarm,the
permit holder shall be assessed a service fee of$50.00 for such false alarm.)
Ordinance No.2010-08
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Municipal Court Building Security Fee $3.00
Municipal Court Technology Fund $4.00
Driving Safety Course Administrative Fee $10.00
Warrant Fee $50.00
Consolidated Court Costs $40.00
Judicial Fee
County $5.40
City $.60
Arrest Fee $5.00
State Jury Fee $4.00
Time Payment Fee—Efficiency $2.50
Time Payment Plan
Local $10.00
State $12.50
Traffic Fund $3.00
State Traffic Fee $30.00
Administrative Fee $20.00
Consolidated Court Costs $17.00
Corrections Management Fee $.50
Fugitive Apprehension $5.00
Juvenile Delinquency $.50
Judicial Training $2.00
Child Safety Fee $25.00
Indigent Defense Fee $2.00
School Crossing Guard Fee $20.00
Juvenile Crime/Delinquency Act $.25
Compensation to Victims Crime Fund $35.00
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574745.v 1
ORDINANCE 2009- 12
74-09, § 4; 74-14, § 5 (1), (2); 78-17, ARTICLE III, § 13.00; 84-16,
ARTICLE III, § 8 (d), ARTICLE IV, § 5 (d); 85-5, §§ 3.02, 3.04; 85-34A, §
21.00; 87-15, § 78-107; 89-13, § 2; 93-12, § 13-6; 93-17, §§ XI, XII; 98-29, §
1.06(a); 99-17, § 1 (B); 00-01, § 3 (D) (1); 01-03, §§ 42.01, 42.05, 42.06; 01-
12, § 1.00; 02-10, §§ 42.01, 42.02, 42.05,42.06; 02-18, §§ 3.00, 4.00; 02-29, §§
2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04; 03-15, §§ 2.00, 3.00, 5.00; 03-32, § 8.00; 04-01; §§ 2.00
(b), 8.00; 05-01, § 1.00; 05-09, § 1.00, 05-11, §§ 12.00, 18.00; 05-27, § 3.00
(B-1); 05-28, ARTICLE III, § (C-3-a); 05-32, § 8.00; 05-49, §§ 17.03, 17.06;
05-68, § 20.00; 05-69, §§ 1.01, 3.00 (d), 5.00; 05-72, § 42-95 (a) (2); 06-58, §
1.00; 06-61; §2.00; 06-70, §2.00; 07-03, § 18.00; 07-05, § 2.00; 07-12, § 3.00;
08-20, § 1.03; 08-44, §§ 1.02, 1.03; 08-49, § 22.211 (s) (1) TO DELETE
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has
previously adopted Ordinance No. 98-16 of the City of Wylie ("Wylie") establishing a
consolidated fee ordinance; and
WHEREAS,the City Council has investigated and determined that Ordinance No. 98-16
was not subsequently amended properly as a consolidated fee ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that it would be
advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of Wylie to repeal Ordinance No. 98-16 and 06-05
and amend the ordinances referenced herein in order to establish a consolidated fees and charges
ordinance for Wylie as set forth herein; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that it would be
advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of Wylie, Texas to establish a consolidated fee
ordinance for citizens to determine fees with greater convenience and for the City Council to
more easily amend fees as necessary.
Ordinance No.2009-12
Consolidated Fee Ordinance Page 1
SECTION 1: Findings. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of
this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein.
SECTION 2: Ordinance Nos. 98-16 and 06-05 Repealed. Wylie Ordinance Nos. 98-16
and 06-05 are repealed in their entirety and replaced by this Ordinance. The effective date of the
repeal discussed in this Section shall not occur until the effective date of this Ordinance at which
time Ordinance Nos. 98-16 and 06-05 shall be repealed. Such repeal shall not abate any pending
prosecution and/or lawsuit or prevent any prosecution and/or lawsuit from being commenced for
any violation of Ordinance Nos. 98-16 and 06-05 occurring before the effective date of this
Ordinance and violations that occurred under said ordinances shall count when determining
whether a violation of this Ordinance is a subsequent violation.
SECTION 3: Amendment to Ordinance No. 74-09, deleting the language in Section 4.
The language in Section 4 of Ordinance No. 74-09 is hereby deleted and the term [RESERVED]
is inserted in its place.
SECTION 4: Amendment to Ordinance No. 74-14, deleting the language in Sections 5
(1) and(2). The language in Sections 5 (1) and (2) of Ordinance No. 74-14 is hereby deleted and
the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 5: Amendment to Ordinance No. 78-17, deleting the language in Article III,
Section 13.00. The language in Article III, Section 13.00 of Ordinance No. 78-17 is hereby
deleted and the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 6: Amendment to Ordinance No. 84-16, deleting the language in Article III,
Section 8 (d) and Article IV, Section 5(d). The language in Article III, Section 8(d) and Article
IV, Section 5(d) is hereby deleted and the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 7: Amendment to Ordinance 85-5, deleting the language in Sections 3.02 and
3.04. The language in Sections 3.02 and 3.04 of Ordinance No. 85-5 is hereby deleted and the
term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 8: Amendment to Ordinance No. 85-34A, deleting the language in Section
21.00. The language in Section 21.00 of Ordinance No. 85-34A is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
Ordinance No.2009-12
Consolidated Fee Ordinance Page 2
SECTION 9: Amendment to Ordinance No. 87-15, deleting the language in Section 78-
107. The language in Section 78-107 of Ordinance No. 87-15 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 10: Amendment to Ordinance No. 89-13, deleting the language in Section 2.
The language in Section 2 of Ordinance No. 89-13 is hereby deleted and the term [RESERVED]
is inserted in its place.
SECTION 11: Amendment to Ordinance No. 93-12, deleting the language in Section 13-
6. The language in Section 13-6 of Ordinance No. 93-12 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 12: Amendment to Ordinance No. 93-17, deleting the language in Sections XI
and XII. The language in Sections XI and XII of Ordinance No. 93-17 is hereby deleted and the
term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 13: Amendment to Ordinance No. 98-29, deleting the language in Section
1.06(a). The language in Section 1.06(a) of Ordinance No. 98-29 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 14: Amendment to Ordinance No. 99-17, deleting the language in Section
1(B). The language in Section 1(B) of Ordinance No. 99-17 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 15: Amendment to Ordinance No. 00-01, deleting the language in Section 3
(D)(1). The language in Section 3 (D)(1) of Ordinance No. 00-01 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 16: Amendment to Ordinance No. 01-03, deleting the language in Sections
42.01, 42.05, and 42.06. The language in Sections 42.01, 42.05 and 42.06 of Ordinance No. 01-
03 is hereby deleted and the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 17: Amendment to Ordinance No. 01-12, deleting the language in Section
1.00. The language in Section 1.00 of Ordinance No. 01-12 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 18: Amendment to Ordinance No. 02-10, deleting the language in Sections
42.01, 42.02, 42.05 and 42.06. The language in Sections 42.01, 42.02, 42.05 and 42.06 of
Ordinance No. 02-10 is hereby deleted and the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
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SECTION 19: Amendment to Ordinance No. 02-18, deleting the language in Sections
3.00 and 4.00. The language in Sections 3.00 and 4.00 of Ordinance No. 02-18 is hereby deleted
and the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 20: Amendment to Ordinance No. 02-29, deleting the language in Sections
2.01, 2.02, 2.03 and 2.04. The language in Sections 2.01, 2.02, 2.03 and 2.04 of Ordinance No.
02-29 is hereby deleted and the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 21: Amendment to Ordinance No. 03-15, deleting the language in Sections
2.00, 3.00 and 5.00. The language in Sections 2.00, 3.00 and 5.00 of Ordinance No. 03-15 is
hereby deleted and the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 22: Amendment to Ordinance No. 03-32, deleting the language in Section
8.00. The language in Section 8.00 of Ordinance No. 03-32 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 23: Amendment to Ordinance No. 04-01, deleting the language in Sections
2.00(b) and 8.00. The language in Sections 2.00(b) and 8.00 of Ordinance No. 04-01 is hereby
deleted and the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 24: Amendment to Ordinance No. 05-01, deleting the language in Section
1.00. The language in Section 1.00 of Ordinance No. 05-01 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 25: Amendment to Ordinance No. 05-09, deleting the language in Section
1.00. The language in Section 1.00 of Ordinance No. 05-09 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 26: Amendment to Ordinance No. 05-11, deleting the language in Sections
12.00 and 18.00. The language in Sections 12.00 and 18.00 of Ordinance No. 05-11 is hereby
deleted and the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 27: Amendment to Ordinance No. 05-27, deleting the language in Section
3.00(B-1). The language in Section 3.00(B-1) of Ordinance No. 05-27 is hereby deleted and the
term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 28: Amendment to Ordinance No. 05-28, deleting the language in Article III,
Section (C-3-a). The language in Article III, Section (C-3-a) of Ordinance No. 05-28 is hereby
deleted and the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
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SECTION 29: Amendment to Ordinance No. 05-32, deleting the language in Section
8.00. The language in Section 8.00 of Ordinance No. 05-32 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 30: Amendment to Ordinance No. 05-49, deleting the language in Sections
17.03 and 17.06. The language in Sections 17.03 and 17.06 of Ordinance No. 05-49 is hereby
deleted and the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 31: Amendment to Ordinance No. 05-68, deleting the language in Section
20.00. The language in Section 20.00 of Ordinance No. 05-68 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 32: Amendment to Ordinance No. 05-69, deleting the language in Sections
1.01, 3.00(d) and 5.00. The language in Sections 1.01, 3.00(d) and 5.00 of Ordinance No. 05-69
is hereby deleted and the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 33: Amendment to Ordinance No. 05-72, deleting the language in Section
42-95(a)(2). The language in Section 42-95(a)(2) of Ordinance No. 05-72 is hereby deleted and
the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 34: Amendment to Ordinance No. 06-58, deleting the language in Section
1.00. The language in Section 1.00 of Ordinance No. 06-58 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 35: Amendment to Ordinance No. 06-61, deleting the language in Section
2.00. The language in Section 2.00 of Ordinance No. 06-61 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 36: Amendment to Ordinance No. 06-70, deleting the language in Section
2.00. The language in Section 2.00 of Ordinance No. 06-70 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 37: Amendment to Ordinance No. 07-03, deleting the language in Section
18.00. The language in Section 18.00 of Ordinance No. 07-03 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 38: Amendment to Ordinance No. 07-05, deleting the language in Section
2.00. The language in Section 2.00 of Ordinance No. 07-05 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
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SECTION 39: Amendment to Ordinance No. 07-12, deleting the language in Section
3.00. The language in Section 3.00 of Ordinance No. 07-12 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 40: Amendment to Ordinance No. 08-20, deleting the language in Section
1.03. The language in Section 1.03 of Ordinance No. 08-20 is hereby deleted and the term
[RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 41: Amendment to Ordinance No. 08-44, deleting the language in Sections
1.02 and 1.03. The language in Sections 1.02 and 1.03 of Ordinance No. 08-44 is hereby deleted
and the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 42: Amendment to Ordinance No. 08-49, deleting the language in Section
22.211(s)(1). The language in Section 22.211(s)(1) of Ordinance No. 08-49 is hereby deleted
and the term [RESERVED] is inserted in its place.
SECTION 43: Establishing a Consolidated Fee Ordinance. The Consolidated Fee
Ordinance is hereby established as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated
herein for all purposes.
SECTION 44: Penalty Provision. Any person, firm, corporation or entity that violates
this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be
fined a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) if the violation relates to the public
health and sanitation, otherwise the fine shall be a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars
($500.00). Each continuing day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. The penal
provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude the Wylie from filing suit to enjoin
the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state
and federal law.
SECTION 45: Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict
with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall
not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal
prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of
the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 46: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase
of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it
is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full
force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each
Ordinance No.2009-12
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section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more
sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid.
SECTION 47: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its
passage and publication as required by the City Charter and by law.
WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 28th day of April, 2009.
Eric Hogue, Mayor
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary
Date of publication in The Wylie News—May 6,2009
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A.Water and Sewer Service Deposit.
Each water customer shall make a deposit to the City of Wylie, Texas for water service
and sewerage service in accordance with the following schedule:
(i) Water Deposits
(1) 3/4 inch meter domestic $75.00
(2) 3/4 inch meter irrigation with domestic account $50.00
(3) 3/4 inch irrigation meter without domestic account $125.00
(4) 1 inch meter domestic $125.00
(5) 1 inch irrigation with domestic account $75.00
(6) 1 inch irrigation without domestic account $200.00
(7) 2 inch meter domestic $225.00
(8) 2 inch irrigation with domestic account $115.00
(9) 2 inch irrigation without domestic account $340.00
(ii) Sewer Deposit
(1) Residential $20.00
(2) Commercial $20.00
B. Water Rates.
(1) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all domestic residential
customers within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas. ALL PRICES
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered
water consumption: $8.90
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons:
1,001 to 10,000 gallons: $2.82
Over 10,000 gallons: $3.68
(2) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all domestic commercial
customers, (other than apartments, mobile home parks and other multi-unit
dwellings not individually metered) within the corporate limits of the City of
Wylie, Texas:
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of
metered water consumption: $12.15
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(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding
1,000 gallons: $3.22
(3) The following water rates shall apply to all domestic apartments, mobile home
parks, and other multi-unit dwellings, not individually metered, within the
corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding
1,000 gallons $3.22
(4) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all irrigation meters within the
corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water:
(1) Residential irrigation $8.90
(2) Commercial & Multifamily $12.15
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons:
(1) Residential irrigation $4.08
(2) Commercial irrigation $4.08
(5) The monthly water charge for any customers (residential, commercial, apartment,
mobile home park, or other multi-unit dwelling not individually metered) located
outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be at the rate of one
hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the rate charged customers inside the corporate
limits of the City.
(6) Any bulk water customer who desires to withdraw water from a hydrant or other
source not metered and charged directly to them, shall fill out a water application
form and sign the form in the same manner as a regular metered customer. Bulk
water rate charges are to be charged in twenty-five (25) gallon increments at the
same rates as the commercial customers.
C.Sewage Collection and Treatment Rates.
(1) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to all
residential customers of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) Customers who are 65 years of age or older and have a homestead
exemption on the service address which appears in the tax
records $20.00
(b) Customers who are disabled and have a homestead exemption on the
service address which appears in the tax records $20.00
(c) All other customers $27.00
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(2) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to all
commercial customers of the City of Wylie, Texas:
(a) Monthly minimum charge first 1,000 gallons of metered water...... $21.50
(b) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons ..$ 1.82
(3) A sewer fee of twenty-seven dollars ($27.00) shall be charged for each apartment
unit, multiple-family unit, or mobile home space and special areas such as
washateria, swimming pools, etc., where the apartment, multiple-family
development or mobile home park is on a master meter for water consumption
with the City of Wylie, Texas.
(4) The monthly sewer charge for any customers (residential, commercial, apartment,
mobile home park, or other multi-unit dwelling not individually metered) located
outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be at the rate of one
hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the rate charged customers inside the corporate
limits of the City.
(5) The monthly water and sewer rate charge for residential and commercial
customers located outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall
be at the rate of one hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the rate charged customers
inside the corporate limits of the City.
D.Returned Check Charge.
Each and every check or bank draft, used as payment to the City for services, which is returned
for insufficient funds, shall have a charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) assessed against the
E. Utility Account Establishment Charge.
Each time a customer changes his place of occupancy and requests water service or a change in
billing address or a new account is established, a charge of five dollars ($5.00) shall be made.
F. Past Due Account Penalty; Restoration Charges.
(1) The charges for water and or sewer service shall be billed and collected monthly as a
utility charge payable to the City of Wylie, Texas. All charges not paid within fourteen
(14) days from the date that the bill is rendered shall be delinquent, except when the
fourteenth (14th) day falls on Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday under which condition
such bill shall be due by 5:00 p.m. Central Time, on the next working day following such
Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
(2) All payments made after the fourteenth (14th) day will bear a late charge or penalty of
five (5%)percent on amounts over twenty dollars ($20.00).
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(3) A customer's utility service may be disconnected if a bill has not been paid or a deferred
payment agreement entered into within twenty-six (26) days from the date of issuance of
a bill, if proper notice has been given. Proper notice shall consist of a separate mailing or
hand delivery at least ten (10) days prior to a stated date of disconnection, with the words
"termination notice" or similar language prominently displayed on the notice. The
information included in the notice shall be provided in English and Spanish as necessary
to adequately inform the customer. Attached to or on the face of the termination notice
shall appear a statement notifying the customer that if they are in need of assistance with
payment of their bill, they may be eligible for alternative payment programs, such as
deferred payment plans, and to contact the water department of the City of Wylie, Texas
for more information. If mailed, the cutoff day may not fall on a holiday or weekend, but
will be on the next working day after the tenth (10) day. Service may not be discontinued
for non-payment of a residential account if a permanent occupant of the residence will
become seriously ill as a result of discontinued service. If a customer seeks to avoid
termination on this basis, the customer must have the attending physician call or contact
the water department within fourteen (14) days of the issuance of the bill. A written
statement must be received by the water department from the physician within twenty-six
(26) days of the issuance of the bill. The limit on termination shall last sixty-three (63)
days from the issuance of the bill or a lesser period if agreed by the parties. The customer
who makes such request shall enter into a deferred payment plan to accomplish payment
of the bill.
(4) If it is necessary to terminate water service for nonpayment, a charge of fifty dollars
($50.00) shall be paid prior to restoration of the service if the service is restored between
the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Central Time, on weekdays. At other times, the
restoration charge shall be sixty-five dollars ($65.00).
(5) If water and sewer service are terminated by customer request, the charge for restoring
the service shall be ten dollars ($10.00) which will be added to the next month's bill.
G Temporary Connection Charge.
A fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be paid in advance for temporary water service to a utility
customer for activities such as cleaning, plumbing checks, remodeling and so forth. This service
will be for three (3) working days, excluding the date the fee is paid.
H Special Service Connection Fee.
Upon receipt of an application for service and payment of all required deposits, connection of
utility service shall be made by the City. If requested by the customer, and if the application and
deposit are received prior to 12:00 noon, all reasonable efforts will be made to connect service
by the end of the same working day. If the application and deposit are received after 12:00 noon,
and upon payment in advance of a twenty-five ($25.00) special service connection fee, service
will be connected by the end of the same working day. Otherwise, all reasonable efforts will be
made to connect service by the end of the following day.
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L Special Meter Reading Charge.
A special meter reading charge of ten dollars ($10.00) shall be charged on the existing water bill
when requested by a customer if the reading is determined to be correct. No reading charge will
be made if it is determined the original reading was not correct.
J.Development/Subdivision Water Charges.
All developers or sub-dividers who are tying into the water and sewer system of the City of
Wylie, Texas shall pay an initial fee equivalent to the gallon capacity of their water system
distribution lines multiplied by a factor of three (3) at the prevailing lowest rate per one thousand
(1,000) currently in effect at the time actual usage occurs. The final determination of the amount
of gallons to be charged shall be determined by the City Engineer. Any water used subsequent to
the initial loading and flushing of the installed lines shall be accomplished by the developer or
sub-divider securing a meter attachment to a fire hydrant. This fee shall be due and payable prior
to approval of the final plat.
K. Charge for Replacing Meter Box.
The cost for replacement of 1 inch and under plastic water meter box is seventy-five ($75.00).
L. Charge for Replacing Sewer Clean Out Caps.
The cost for replacement of property line sewer clean out caps is five dollars ($5.00).
M Meter Testing Fee.
When any utility customer is of the opinion that a water meter is registering incorrectly, the
customer may make a request to the City for testing of the meter. A field test will be provided
for the customer's meter without charge once every two (2) years. If the customer desires a
calibration and certification test, then at the time such request is made, the customer shall make
a twenty-five ($25.00) deposit with the City. If the test shows that the meter is registering
consumption in excess of actual flow by more than two (2) percent, the meter shall be replaced
with an accurate one at the expense of the City, and the twenty-five dollars ($25.00) deposit
shall be returned to the customer. If the test shows that the meter is registering consumption at
less than actual flow or in excess of actual flow by two percent or less, the twenty-five dollars
($25.00)deposit shall be retained by the City to defer the cost of such test.
N. Threshold Conditions
In regards to implementation and enforcement of the Drought Contingency Plan (the "Plan"), the
City Manager is designated as the official responsible for implementation and enforcement, and
the guidelines for the threshold determinations as listed in the Plan are hereby adopted. In the
event severe or critical conditions persist (as defined in the Plan) for an extended period of time,
the City may ration water usage and/or terminate service to selected users of the system in
accordance with the following sequence of increasing priority:
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(1) Recreation Users
(2) Commercial Users
(3) Industrial Users
(4) School Users
(5) Residential Users
(6) Hospitals, Public Health and Safety Facilities
O. Penalty
(1) Users of City water except for the City, that do not comply with Section 3 of this
Ordinance shall be subject to a penalty and fine of not less than one hundred dollars
($100.00) per day no more than one thousand dollars ($1000.00) per day for each day of
non-compliance and/or disconnection or discontinuance of water services to such users
by the City. The fines shall be listed on Table B of the Plan.
(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to do, commit or assist in committing any of the
following things or acts in the City:
Remove any water meter that has been placed by the City, or changing, interfering with
or tampering with any water meter in any manner; prevent water, by any means or
devices, from passing through any meter connected directly or indirectly with the lines or
mains of the City waterworks, whether sewer service customer only or both water and
sewer; prevent a meter from registering the amount of water passing through such meter,
or prevent or obstruct a meter from accurately registering the quantity of water supplied;
or in any way interfere with a water meter's purpose, action or just registration; or
whoever, without the consent in writing of the director of the water department diverts
any water from any pipes, lines or mains of the waterworks, or otherwise uses or causes
to be used any water produced or distributed by the waterworks, or retains possession
thereof shall be fined one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) and pay for the water
estimated by the City to have been used without proper metering. This fine is in addition
to any criminal penalties that may be imposed by the City.
(3) The presence at any time on or about any meter, water lines or mains of the City, whether
such meter, if any, is owned or operated by the City or others, of a pipe or any device or
pipes resulting in the diversion of water or the prevention of its free passage and
registration by any such meter, or resulting in the diversion from such meter, or resulting
in the prevention of water reaching the meter, or resulting in the prevention of just
registration of the meter or meters or resulting in the taking of any water except through a
lawfully installed meter shall constitute prima facie evidence on the part of the person
owning or having custody or control of the room, building, place or premises where such
device or pipe is located, of knowledge of the existence thereof and/or knowledge of such
existence to the person who would be benefited by the failure of the water to be
accurately metered shall further constitute prima facie evidence of intention on the part of
such person or persons to defraud and tamper with a meter, and shall bring such person
prima facie within the scope, meaning and penalties of this section. This section shall not
apply to employees or agents of the City when acting in their official capacity.
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543350.v 1
(4) That a convenience fee of three dollars ($3.00) per transaction be collected at the point of
sale for those persons wishing to use a credit/debit card to purchase city services.
(a) A convenience fee of three dollars ($3.00) per transaction will be collected at the
point of sale for those persons wishing to use a credit/debit card to purchase city
(5) That a convenience fee per transaction of one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) for
residential customers and business customers be collected at the time of sale for those
persons wishing to use credit/debit card to purchase city services on-line.
A. Residential Fee; Deposits.
(1) The collection and removal of garbage, rubbish and brush in one (1) polycart container
from residential premises, one (1)time per week and one recycle polycart one (1) time per
week, shall be made for a charge of eleven dollars and thirty cents ($11.30) per residential
unit for each calendar month.
(2) Nonresidential customers shall be required to make a deposit equivalent to three (3)
months' charges, or a minimum thirty-four dollars ($34.00).
(3) Residential fees for each unit of single-family detached or duplex (not master metered)
either curbside or alley side service, shall be eleven dollars and thirty cents ($11.30) per
month and shall be charged each month on the utility bill.
(4) The following collection fees are based upon the type of establishment or collection, to
(a) Duplex, per unit $11.30 per unit
(b) Multifamily $11.30 per unit
(c)Trailer park $11.30 per unit
(5) Each additional Polycart $4.00
1&Commercial Charges.
(1) Commercial Hand Collection, per ninety-five (95) gallon polycart
Automated Collection Cost:
Once (1) per week $22.94
Two (2) carts once (1)per week. $43.58
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(2) Front Load Container Rates
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 $ $ $ $ $ $
1 1 ► i i
3 $ $ $ $ $ $
I 1 i 1
4 $ $ $ $ $ $
I I i i
6 $ $ $ $ $ $
I I I ! r
8 $ $ $ $ $ $
I I I ! ,
(3) Additional Charges
Additional charge of$8.75 per pick up for containers on Casters
Additional charge of$8.75 per pick up for containers with 4 sided enclosures
Additional charge of$8.75 per pick up for containers with locks
8 cubic yard Cardboard Recycling Container 1 X per week $84.28
8 cubic yard Cardboard Recycling Container 2 X per week $176.74
Front load container exchange charge $78.94
(4) Extra Pick Ups
2 cubic yard $47.37
3 cubic yard $48.42
4 cubic yard $49.47
6 cubic yard $51.58
8 cubic yard $52.63
(5) Refills
2 cubic yard $36.84
3 cubic yard $37.89
4 cubic yard $38.95
6 cubic yard $41.05
8 cubic yard $42.11
(6) Rolloff Charges:
20 cubic yard per haul $482.31 (M-F)
30 cubic yard per haul $492.84 (M-F)
40 cubic yard per haul $524.42 (M-F)
Delivery and Exchange $369.76 (M-F)
Daily Container Rental $7.89
(7) Compactors:
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6 cubic yard compactor haul charge $265.11 (M-F)
8 cubic yard compactor haul charge $297.79 (M-F)
30 cubic yard compactor haul charge $492.84 (M-F)
35 cubic yard compactor haul charge $492.84 (M-F)
42 cubic yard compactor haul charge $492.84 (M-F)
Disposal will be billed at $29.23 per ton; rates based on 4 ton minimum.
(8) Returned Check Charge. $26.31
(10) Front Load Container Rates
Size/Pickup 1 x week 2 x week 3 x week 4 x week 5 x week 6 x week
2 Cu Yd $ 67.03 $128.08 $178.35 $248.86 $322.99 $398.30
3 Cu Yd $ 74.21 $140.05 $193.91 $268.61 $362.09 $430.17
4 Cu Yd $ 79.00 $147.23 $207.08 $288.36 $370.78 $460.44
6 Cu Yd $ 92.17 $168.78 $237.01 $326.54 $424.37 $524.17
8 Cu Yd $102.94 $190.32 $266.93 $366.04 $473.63 $586.30
WISD front load rates are net to contractor, does not include billing fee, franchise fee and
sales tax do not apply.
C. Fees for Special Collection of Brush and Bulky Waste Items.
Special collection of brush and bulky items, in excess of twenty-four (24) cubic yards per
resident per year, will be made available to residents at the rate negotiated between the
contractor and the resident.
D. Denial of Service.
In the event of nonpayment of charges for the above services, the City shall have the right to
deny further service to such nonpaying person or customer.
A. Building,Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Permit Fees.
When a building, plumbing, mechanical or electrical permit is required by the Building,
Plumbing, Mechanical or Electrical code adopted by the City of Wylie, Texas the following fees
shall be assessed:
EXCEPTION: Permit fees shall not be required when the permit is for a building owned and
occupied by a public agency.
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Consolidated Fee Ordinance Page 16
(1) New Single-Family Fees (including duplexes) - $700.00 + .10 cents a square foot
(a) A non-refundable plan review deposit of fifty dollars ($50.00) is due at
time of plan submittal. The plan review deposit will be applied toward the
cost of the building permit only if the building permit fee is paid within six
(6) months of the date the plan was submitted for review.
(2) New Multi-Family Fees (3 attached units or more) - $250.00 per unit
(a) A non-refundable plan review deposit equal to ten percent (10%) of the
permit fee is due at time of plan submittal. The plan review deposit will
be applied toward the cost of the building permit only if the building
permit fee is paid within six (6) months of the date the plan was submitted
for review.
(3) New Commercial Fees
(a) Building Permit Fees for New Construction
1. $200.00 + .08 cents a square foot
2. Fees for tenant finish out and shell buildings will be seventy-five
percent (75%) of the above fees.
3. A non-refundable plan review deposit equal to fifty percent (50%)
of the building permit fee is due at the time of plan submittal. The
plan review deposit will be applied toward the cost of the building
permit only if the building permit fee is paid within six (6) months
of the date the plan was submitted for review.
(b) Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical fees for New Construction(each)
1. $50.00 + .03 cents a square foot
2. Fees for tenant finish out and shell buildings will be seventy-five
percent (75%) of the above fees.
(4) Fees for Additions, Alterations, Repairs, Demolition, Screening Walls, Retaining
Walls and Accessory Buildings.
The following fees shall be charged for small construction jobs involving
additions, alterations and repairs. Larger projects that involve substantial work
shall be charged as new construction at the sole discretion of the Building
Value of Construction Permit Fee
$0.00 to $2,500.00 $ 50.00
$2,500.01 to $5,000.00 $ 60.00
$5,000.01 to $10,000.00 $ 75.00
$10,000.01 to $25,000.00 $100.00
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Consolidated Fee Ordinance Page 17
$25,000.01 to $50,000.00 $150.00
$50,000.01 to $100,000.00 $225.00
$100,000.01 or more $300.00 for the first $100,000.00
plus $50.00 for each $50,000.00
or fraction thereof.
B. Miscellaneous Fees.
Any activity listed below shall be charged the following fee associated with the activity:
Commercial Certificate of Occupancy or Completion $75.00
(Existing building/space or unoccupied clean and show,applicable to shell or structure/space)
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy $75.00
(Charged for all Temporary Certificates of Occupancy(ies))
Commercial Temporary Utilities Releases (Electrical or Gas Services) $100.00
Residential Temporary Utilities Releases (Electrical or Gas Services) $50.00
(All temporary utility releases require signed affidavit by contractors/builders)
Manufactured Home Construction Permit Fee $300.00
Manufactured Home License Application Fee $500.00
(All original license applications and license transfers shall be accompanied
by a fee of $500.00)
Manufactured Home Space Fee $50.00 per space
Manufactured Home Park Annual Inspection Fee ..$10.00 per occupied space
Manufactured Home Park License Fee $500.00
Minimum Miscellaneous Permit Fee (Residential) $50.00
Minimum Miscellaneous Permit Fee (Commercial) $100.00
Fence Permit $40.00
In-ground swimming pool $300.00
Spa or above-ground pool $100.00
Lawn Sprinkler $50.00
Tent $50.00
Construction trailer $75.00
Drive Approach $50.00 per approach
Sidewalk $50.00 per lot
Structure Moving Permit $75.00
(Any structure moved through or into the City of Wylie,Texas that exceeds 250 square feet)
Additional Plan Review $50.00 per hour(Minimum one hour)
Appeal to the Construction Board $150.00
Duplicate Building Permit $10.00
Garage Sale $5.00
Administrative fee/change contractor or change on issued permit..$25.00 per contractor
Re-stamp Plans $50.00 per hour-Minimum one hour
Sign Permit $75.00
Promotional Signs $ 40.00
Dance Hall License $100.00
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Pool Hall License $100.00
Massage Establishment Permit $500.00
Individual License to Perform Massage $50.00
Sexually Oriented Business License $500.00
Food Service Establishment Permit (annual) $50.00
Retail Food Store Permit Fee(annual) $50.00
Junkyard or Salvage yard License $250.00
Dangerous Building Abatement Administrative Fee $750.00/per lot
C. Registration and License Fees.
General, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical and Irrigation contractors shall not be eligible to
receive a permit within the City of Wylie, Texas until they have registered with the City as a
contractor and paid the following fee. Fees shall be paid annually and registration will be valid
from January 1 through December 31. Registrations received and fees paid between December 1
and December 31 of any calendar year shall be valid from that date until December 31 of the
following calendar year.
General Contractor $100.00
Plumbing Contractor $100.00
Mechanical Contractor $100.00
Irrigation Contractor $100.00
Backflow Tester $100.00
Pool Contractor $100.00
Fence Contractor $100.00
Electrical Contractor $100.00
Master Electrician $25.00
Journeyman Electrician $10.00
Residential Specialist $10.00
Master Sign Electrician $25.00
Journeyman Sign Electrician $10.00
D. Special Inspection Fees.
Re-inspection Fee $50.00
After Hours Inspection $75.00/hr-3hr minimum
Special Inspection $75.00
House Moving Inspection Fee $100.00
House Moving Inspection Mileage Reimbursement... current government mileage
reimbursement rate
A. Water and Sewer Impact Fees
(i) Service unit - means the standardized measure of consumption, use, generation or discharge
attributable to an individual unit of development that has been calculated in accordance with the
Ordinance No.2009-12
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543350.v 1
generally accepted engineering and/or planning standards. The water and wastewater service
unit is defined to be a 3/4-inch water meter. Other meter sizes can be compared to the 3/4-inch
meter through a ratio of water flows as published by the American Water Works Association and
as shown in Table No. 7 of the "Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update 2005-2015" which is
attached as Exhibit A to Ordinance 2006-25 and incorporated by reference herein, as may be
amended from time to time.
(1) Calculating Impact Charges
For each single family living unit equivalent (SFLUE) to be served by the water system
there shall be a water impact fee of one thousand three hundred four dollars and ninety
seven cents ($1,304.97). For each SFLUE to be served by the sewerage system there
shall be a sewerage impact fee of one thousand two hundred thirty one dollars and one
B. Thoroughfare Impact Fees
(i) Service unit - means the standardized measure of consumption, use, generation or discharge
attributable to an individual unit of development, that has been calculated in accordance with the
generally accepted engineering and/or planning standards, as indicated in the land use
equivalency tables located in the "Roadway Impact Fee 2008-2017" report which is attached as
Exhibit A to Ordinance 2007-34 and incorporated by reference herein, as may be amended from
time to time.
(1) Calculating Impact Charges
Thoroughfare Impact Fees shall be calculated at the rate of four hundred thirty four
dollars and eighty-two cents ($434.82) per service unit for the Western zone and seven
hundred eighteen dollars ($718.00) per service unit for the Eastern zone.
C. Special District Fees.
(1) In addition to all other fees, the City Council may designate by ordinance, certain special
districts. These districts shall be formed in order to collect pro rata fees to offset the cost
of capital improvements to the water and sewer system that benefit only a particular
section of the City.
(2) When such action is deemed appropriate by the City Council, said area shall be deemed
by clearly understood boundaries. Then the fee per unit shall be determined by using the
following formula:
No. of Units per Total Cost of Project
Acres x Acre = No. of Shares = Special District Fee
(3) Units existing within the special district prior to the establishment by the City Council
shall not be charged the determined special district fee unless the parties involved
request such service be provided.
D. Engineering Inspection Fees
Farh project shall be charged an engineering inspection fee. The fee shall be three percent(3%)
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543350.v 1
of the City's estimate for the cost of the public work utilities and streets of new construction
which are to be dedicated to the City of Wylie, Texas as well as private commercial parking
areas. Such items shall include, but not be limited to: street paving, storm drainage, water mains,
sewer mains, commercial parking areas and other items designated for conveyance to the City
after completion of improvements through the process of public dedication. These fees shall be
paid prior to the start of construction.
E. Grading Fees
(1) Grading Permit $100.00
(2) Grading Permit Deposit:
One acre or less $500.00
Once acre or more $500.00 for first acre+ $100.00 for each additional acre
A. Shelter Impound Fees (All Animals).
First Offense $40.00
Second Offense $60.00
Third Offense $80.00
B. Boarding Fees (Daily Rates).
All Animals $10.00 (per calendar day)
C. Adoption Fee.
$75.00 (includes $50.00 voucher for sterilization)
D. License, Registration for Dangerous Dogs, Euthanasia, Disposal, Surrender Fees and
Trap Deposits.
License Fee $10.00 per animal
Fee for Lost License Tag. $2.00 per animal
Euthanasia Fee. $25.00 per animal
Disposal Fee $10.00 per animal
Surrender Fee $15.00 per animal
Trap Deposits $60.00 per trap
Annual Registration Fee for Dangerous Dog $50.00 per animal
Fee to register dangerous dog at new address $25.00 per animal
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543350.v 1
A. Maintenance Bonds.
Refer to Subdivision Regulations Section 6.7: Maintenance and Guarantee of Public
The property owner shall maintain all required public improvements for a period of two (2) years
following acceptance of the subdivision by the City, and shall also provide a two (2) year
maintenance bond (warranty) that all public improvements will be free from defects for a period
of two (2) years following such acceptance by the City.
B. Zoning and Platting Fees.
Zoning Change Application $325.00 + $15.00/acre
(Including standard districts,planned development districts and special use permits)
Zoning Change Re-notification/Re-publication $200.00
(When request is tabled by applicant)
Site Plan Application $250.00
Preliminary Plat Application $200.00 +$12.00/acre
Final Plat/Amended Re-plat/Minor Application $325.00 +$25.00/acre
Annexation/Disannexation Application $200.00
Variance Application $100.00
(Zoning Board of Adjustment and all others i.e. commission waive planned development acreage, alleys,
Verification Letter $50.00
(Zoning,comprehensive plan,utilities)
Right-of-Way Abandonment $50.00
(fee toward appraised market value)
C. Material
Comprehensive Plan $10.00 + Sales Tax
Zoning Ordinance $20.00 + Sales Tax
Subdivision Regulations $15.00 + Sales Tax
Prints of Plats and As-Builts (24 x 36) $3.00/sheet+ Sales Tax
Special Area Study Map (8 '/2 x 11 x 36) $5.00/sheet+ Sales Tax
City-Wide Planning Maps $15.00/sheet+ Sales Tax
(Land use,zoning thoroughfare,development trends,city limits)
CD Copies $5.00 each+ Sales Tax
(Scanned plats,as-builts)
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Parade Permit Fee $25.00
Special Event Permit Fee
Registration Fee $75.00
Permit Fee $75.00
Fingerprinting Fee $5.00
Accident Report Fee
Copy of accident report $6.00
Certified copy accident report $8.00
Open records request $.10 cents (per page)
Certify Open Records Request $2.00
Barcode Fee $1.00
DVD Case Fee $3.00
Lost Item Cost of material+ $3.00
Damaged Item Cost of material + $3.00
Black and white $.10 per page
Color $.25 per page
Fax $.50 per sheet
Library Replacement Card $1.00
Extended Use Fee
DVD $.50 per day/per item
All other $.10 per day/per item
Interlibrary request fee $2.00
Book Jacket Fee $1.00
Art Work(DVD) $1.00
CD Case(Music) $1.00
CD Case (Books) $3.00
(replacement) $1.00
Spine Label $1.00
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5433 50.v 1
A. Pavilion Rental (excluding neighborhood parks)
Boy/Girl Scouts No Fee
Non-Profit Groups $5.00 per hour
Residents $10.00 per hour
Non Residents $25.00 per hour
B. Wylie Wave Fees/Summer Program Fees
Participant per week $75.00
Scholarship per week $15.00
(reduced lunch status)
Scholarship per week $10.00
(free lunch status)
Activity fee per week $15.00
(does not apply to scholarship participants)
Cancellation fee (per week):
Regular participant $35.00 (past deadline)
Reduced lunch scholarship $15.00 (past deadline)
Free lunch scholarship $10.00 (past deadline)
Summer sports program fees:
Track, per summer session $100.00
Tennis, per summer session $100.00
Tennis minicamps, per session $75.00
Minihawk(ages 4-7), one week $100.00
Regular Skyhawks, one week $100.00
Regular Skyhawks, Parent and Me, one week 45.00
C. Athletic Field Reservation Fees.
Per person, per sport season, 18 and under $5.00
Per person, per sport season, 19 and older $10.00
Athletic field light per hour/per field $18.00
Tournament or single use—per field reservation $10.00 per hour+ lights
Light Key $100.00 deposit
Late payment fee (athletic fields) Amount owed+ 10%
D. Community Center Rental Fees.
(2 hour minimum)
($100.00 deposits required on large events)
Room Rental:
Boy scouts/Girl scouts No Charge
Non-profit groups 12.50 per hour
Residents $25.00 per hour
Non residents $62.50 per hour
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543350.v 1
Kitchen Use Fee:
Boy scouts/Girl scouts No Charge
All others $25.00 per event
Cancellation fee $50.00
(within 10 days of rental date)
E. Continuing Education Classes.
Full session, 20 classes (10 weeks 2x per week) $140.00
Half session $85.00
Drop in,per class $10.00
F. Park Land Dedication Fees.
(Land Dedication—Minimum 5 acres and 5 acres per 100 lots.)
Five or more lots per acre $1,500.00 per lot
3 or 4 lots per acre $2,000.00 per lot
1 or 2 lots per acre $3,000.00 per lot
Apartment units $800.00 per unit
Water Tap $2500.00
(Residential or commercial)
Wastewater Tap—0' to 8' deep $3000.00
Wastewater Tap—Greater than 8' deep Cost plus $310.00
Fire Hydrant Installation $3000.00
(In City ROW)
Tap/Fire Hydrant Inspection $200.00
A. Development Fees
Residential Fire Development Fees $626.00 per lot
Commercial Fire Development Fees $.30 cents per sq. ft.
B. Annual Contractor Registration Fees
After Hours Inspections $100.00 additional
(before 8 a.m.and after 5 p.m.)
Combustible Liquid Storage Tanks $100.00
Fire Sprinkler Backflow $100.00
Hazardous Materials Storage $100.00
Hydrant Flow $100.00
Overhead Sprinkler $100.00
Paint Booth $100.00
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Re-inspection Fee $75.00
Temporary Structure $100.00
Underground/Above Ground Storage Tanks $100.00
Underground Sprinkler $100.00
Vent-A-Hood $100.00
C. Permit Fees
Aircraft Refueling Vehicles(annual) $25.00
Asbestos Removal (per job) $25.00
Assembly $25.00
(parties with 50 or more guests including weddings)
Automobile Wrecking Yard (annual) $25.00
Backflow $10.00
Bowling pin or Alley Refinishing Job (per job) $25.00
Burn Permit $25.00
Candles and Open Fames in Assembly Areas (annual) $25.00
Carnivals and Fairs $50.00
Cellulose Nitrate Film (annual) $25.00
Cellulose Nitrate Storage (annual) $25.00
Combustible Fiber Storage (annual) $25.00
Combustible Material Storage (annual) $25.00
Commercial Fire Alarm Installation Permit
(Per building)
Less than 10 devices $50.00
11 to 25 devices $75.00
25 to 100 devices $150.00
100 to 200 devices $200.00
More then 200 devices $400.00
Commercial Limited Access Security Gates and Perimeter Fencing $100.00
Commercial Rubbish Handling Operation (annual) $25.00
Compressed Gasses (annual) $25.00
Cryogens (annual) $25.00
Dry Cleaning Plants (annual) $25.00
Dust-Producing Operations (annual) $25.00
Explosives and Blasting Agents (annual or per job) $25.00
Fireworks Event(per event) $500.00
Fire Sprinkler Overhead Permit (suppression system)
(per sq.ft.of building area)
0- 100,000 sq. ft $0.015 per sq. ft
100,001 -300,000 sq. ft $.014 per sq. ft
($1,500 for the first 100,000 sq. ft.plus$0.014 for each additional sq. ft. of area or fraction
300,001 + sq. ft $0.009 per sq. ft
($4,200 for the first 300,000 sq. ft.plus$0.009 for each additional sq. ft. of area or fraction
(includes two inspections per system and on re-inspection)
Fire Sprinkler Underground Permit(suppression system) $250.00
(Includes three inspections per system: Visual, Hydrostatic Test, Flush and one re-inspection.)
Fruit Ripening(annual) $25.00
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Fumigation or Thermal Insecticidal Fogging (annual) $25.00
Hazardous Production Materials (annual) $25.00
High Piled Combustible Storage $25.00 per building
Hydrant Flow Test $50.00 (2 hydrants)
Hydrant Installation $50.00
(per installation)
Liquid or Gas Fueled Vehicles or Equipment in Assembly Building
(annual or event) $25.00
Lumber Yard (annual $25.00
Magnesium Working(annual) $25.00
Mall, Covered (annual or event) $25.00
Organic Coatings (annual) $25.00
Ovens, Industrial Baking and Drying(annual) $25.00
Paint Booth $50.00
Radioactive Material (annual) $25.00
Refrigeration Materials (annual) $25.00
Spaying or Dipping (annual) $25.00
Special Fire Suppression System Permit $75.00
Temporary Structure $25.00 per tent
(tents and temporary membrane structures)
Tire Storage (annual) $25.00
Trench Burns $500.00/$100.00
($500 initial and$100 per re-inspection)
Underground/Above Ground Storage Tanks $250.00
(Includes flammable and combustible liquid storage and liquefied petroleum gas,per tank)
Vent-A-Hood $50.00
Welding and Cutting Operations $50.00
(annual fixed occupancy or per job)
D. Plan Reviews
1 — 100,000 sq. ft $0.02 cents per sq. ft.
(per sq.ft.of building area,minimum$60.00)
100,001 —300,000 sq. ft $0.17 cents per sq. ft.
($3,500 for the first 100,000 sq. ft.plus$0.017 for each additional sq. ft.)
300,001 + sq. ft $0.01 cent per sq. ft.
($6,900 for the first 300,000 sq. ft.plus$0.01 for each additional sq. ft.)
E. Annual Alarm Permit Fees
Burglar Alarm Permit Fee $50.00
(commercial or residential)
Other Alarms Permit Fee $50.00
(All alarm systems that are not burglar alarms, including,but not limited too,panic, fire,and EMS
alarms,whether commercial,residential or otherwise.)
False Alarm Notification Fee $50.00
(If after three(3)false alarms in the twelve month period immediately preceding any false alarm,the
permit holder shall be assessed a service fee of$50.00 for such false alarm.)
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Municipal Court Building Security Fee $3.00
Municipal Court Technology Fund $4.00
Driving Safety Course Administrative Fee $10.00
Warrant Fee $50.00
Consolidated Court Costs $40.00
Judicial Fee
County $5.40
City $.60
Arrest Fee $5.00
State Jury Fee $4.00
Time Payment Fee—Efficiency $2.50
Time Payment Plan
Local $10.00
State $12.50
Traffic Fund $3.00
State Traffic Fee $30.00
Administrative Fee $20.00
Consolidated Court Costs $17.00
Corrections Management Fee $.50
Fugitive Apprehension $5.00
Juvenile Delinquency $.50
Judicial Training $2.00
Child Safety Fee $25.00
Indigent Defense Fee $2.00
School Crossing Guard Fee $20.00
Juvenile Crime/Delinquency Act $.25
Compensation to Victims Crime Fund $35.00
Ordinance No.2009-12
Consolidated Fee Ordinance Page 28
74/ Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: June 8, 2010 Item Number: 2
Department: Planning
(City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code:
Date Prepared: 05/27/10 Budgeted Amount:
Exhibits: 2
Consider, and act upon, approval of additional locations of kiosk plazas in accordance with Ordinance 2009-21,
Section 9.E.
Motion to approve the location of additional kiosk plazas in accordance with Ordinance 2009-21, Section 9.E.
In moving forward in providing homebuyers and citizen's directions to housing developments, public facilities
and community events within the city, staff is presenting additional locations for the Kiosk program in
accordance with Ordinance 2009-21.
Ryland Homes has requested kiosk plazas in an effort to direct traffic to Birmingham Ranch Subdivision
(Exhibit "A"), platted in 2005 and located west of Parker Road Loop, east of Birmingham Farms Phase 14B
and will consist of approximately 53 single-family lots on 16.039 acres. In accordance with Section 9.E the
approved sign contractor is seeking approval for additional locations to be placed within public rights-of-way.
Location WY56 - represents the location at the southwest corner of Park Blvd. and Westgate Way. In
accordance with the Ordinance, a kiosk plaza shall not be located on private property or within a utility
easement. The subject plaza WY56 shall be installed 40 feet south of Park Blvd. and 100 feet west of Westgate
Way directing traffic south to Ann Drive.
Location WY57 - represents the location at the southwest corner of Ann Dr. and Westgate Way. The subject
plaza WY57 shall be installed 56 feet south of Ann Drive and 22 feet west of Westgate Way and oriented for
traffic traveling east.
Location WY58 represents the location 25 feet south from the midpoint of the intersection of Ann Drive and
Marbury Way and will be oriented to guide traffic north along Marbury into the Birmingham Ranch
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director RO 05/27/10
City Manager f {� 1,AV
Page 1 of 1
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At This data has been compiled for
City of yl i City of Wylie.Various official and
unofficial sources were used to i
"l i `irki. err „1 to"ti> http:// yI1e. fwmaps.Comi gather this information.Every
effort was made to ensure the
�.. accuracy of this data,however,
no guarantee is given or implied I
as to the accuracy of said data^
Exhibit "B"
i.it`2't�',atttteteetc3,{tat'�:$"ss>r,; �L �:kz.,
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Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: June 8, 2010 Item Number: 3.
Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code:
Date Prepared: May 28 2010 Budgeted Amount: N/A
Exhibits: 4
Consider, and act upon an Ordinance to disannex a 2.0 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina
Survey, Abstract No. 688, Block 1, Tract 201, Collin County, Texas, generally located east of Paul Wilson
Road and south of Skyview Drive. DA2010-01
(1) Motion to Approve an Ordinance to disannex a 2.0 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina
Survey, Abstract No. 688, Collin County, Texas, generally located east of Paul Wilson Road and south
of Skyview Drive by adoption of ordinance disannexing property from City;
(2) Motion to Deny request for disannexation of a 2.0 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina
Survey, Abstract No. 688, Collin County, Texas, generally located east of Paul Wilson Road and south
of Skyview Drive.
At the direction of Council, staff has gathered additional information regarding the request to dis-annex a 2.0
acre tract, citing failure of the City to provide city services to the property.
The closest sewer line to the subject property is on Fairmount Drive. Typically the option is to extend a gravity
sewer line along Paul Wilson Road which would then serve other properties in the future. However, there is a
large diameter water line owned by NTMWD just north of Fairmount which prevents this option.
The 2nd option would be for the property owner to install a small private lift station and approximately 2,600
linear feet of small diameter force main which would then serve only that property. The cost to the property
owner would be in the range of$30,000 - $40,000 ($10,000 for the lift station and $10 per foot for the force
The 3rd option would be to install an On-Site Sewer Facility (OSSF). The cost of the OSSF could vary from
$5,000 to well over $10,000 depending on the use. The property is currently zoned Commercial Corridor. In
order for the owner to install a residential system the property would require rezoning to allow for residential
Page 1 of 2
Page 2 of 2
The County would have to approve and issue a permit for OSSF in accordance with Court Order No. 2008-187-
03-11, which references The Rules, Title 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapters 30 and 285 as
promulgated by TCEQ. Staff spoke with the Development Services Department of Collin County and they
would allow a property within city limits to submit for an OSSF.
The City Code of Ordinance Article V, Section 114-111 states that property owners within city limits where
sanitary sewers exist or where they may hereafter exist within a distance of 500 feet of any building are required
to connect the buildings with the city sanitary sewer main within 90 days after notification. This is to require
property owners to tie on as development occurs and sewer lines are extended by the developer. The subject
property is more than 2,000 feet away from an existing line.
The City of Wylie is obligated to provide normal municipal services, including public sewer as well as police
and fire response, to all newly annexed areas within a reasonable time. The specifics of when and how such
public services are to be provided to annexed areas are to be incorporated into an Annexation Service Plan,
which serves as a legal contract. However, no such plan was formulated and adopted in 1984 when the
annexation occurred. Water is provided by the Wylie Northeast Special Utilities District rather than the City of
Although the property owner petitioned the city to dis-annex pursuant to Section 43.141 of the Texas Local
Government Code stating that the municipality failed to provide services to the area, the conditions required by
TLGC for filing a petition for disannexation for failure to provide services have not been met. However, despite
the property owner's failure to meet all the requirements set forth in Section 43.141, the City does have the
authority as a Home Rule City to disannex the property under Section 43.142 of the TLGC and Section 3(D) of
the City Charter, as long as the City Council finds that disannexation is appropriate or in the best interest of the
1. Originally annexed into the City of Wylie as part of a 46.5 acre parcel in September of 1984, at the
voluntary request of the property owner at that time.
2. The subject property is surrounded on three sides by unincorporated Collin County.
3. The area is a mix of single-family residential, industrial and warehouse uses.
4. Most of these neighboring properties are sparsely developed in rural residential uses, utilizing onsite
septic systems with no public sewer services.
5. The closest City sewer services are located at least 2,000 feet to the southwest. Thus providing sanitary
sewer service to the subject area would be a very expensive endeavor.
6. The City has no current plans to provide sewer services and urban streets to this area.
7. The subject tract is vacant land with no plans for development at this time.
8. If the area is disannexed, it may not be annexed again within 10 years after the date of disannexation.
9. In accordance with Section 43.148 of the TLGC, no refund is due to the current property owner.
10. Furthermore, the subject property is currently provided "like services" and no less services than are
provided to other undeveloped properties which were brought into the City as part of the 1984
The Council may grant the request by adoption of an ordinance disannexing the subject tract, or can deny the
request to disannex.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director RO 05/28/10
City Manager 9 /1'1 al -( (,4 (,t
WHEREAS, upon the request of the then owner of the subject property the City of
Wylie, Texas (the "City") annexed said property on or about the 25th day of September, 1984, by
virtue of Ordinance No. 84-58, which was duly passed and adopted on said date; and
WHEREAS, the current owner of a tract of land located within the subject property, and
more specifically described and depicted on Exhibit A, which is attached to and made a part of
this Ordinance (the "Property") has attempted to file a petition with the City Secretary pursuant
to Section 43.141 of the Texas Local Government Code, requesting disannexation of the
Property from the City on the basis of the City's having failed to provide services; and
WHEREAS, the City has determined that the conditions required by Texas Local
Government Code §43.141 for requesting disannexation for failure to provide services have not
been met; and
WHEREAS, despite the property owner's failure to meet all the requisite conditions in
Section 43.141 of the Texas Local Government Code, the City has authority as a home rule city
to disannex the Property pursuant to Texas Local Government Code §43.142 and Section 3(D) of
the Wylie City Charter, so long as the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas (the "City
Council") finds that disannexation is appropriate and/or in the best interest of the City; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated, heard and considered public testimony,
and determined that it is appropriate and in the best interest of the City to disannex the Property.
SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into
the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth.
SECTION 2: Disannexation of the Property. The Property is hereby disannexed from
the corporate limits of the City, and the City's boundaries are contracted accordingly. The City
Manager and/or her designee shall take all necessary steps to amend any and all official maps to
show that the Property is removed from the City's corporate boundaries. This disannexation,
however, shall not be considered a waiver of the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. The Property
shall remain within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction, in accordance with state law,
Ordinance Disannexing 2.0 Acre Tract Page 1
regardless of its disannexation from the City.
SECTION 3: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of
this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is
expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full
force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each
section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or
more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid.
SECTION 4: Penalty. Any person, firm, corporation or entity violating this Ordinance,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined a sum not
exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Each continuing day's violation under this
Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under this
Ordinance shall not preclude Weston from filing suit to enjoin the violation. The City retains all
legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law.
SECTION 5: Savings/ Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict
with this Ordinance are hereby repealed; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution
for violation of the repealed Ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent prosecution from being
commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the Ordinance. Any remaining
portions of conflicting ordinances shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 6: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its
SECTION 7: All other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby
repealed to the extent of any such conflict or consistency, the above referenced Ordinance No.
84-58 and the territory annexed thereby shall be unaffected by the provisions hereof except as to
the Property.
DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie,
Texas, this day of , 2010.
Eric Hogue, Mayor
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary
Ordinance Disannexing 2.0 Acre Tract Page 2
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Exhibit 4
Amount Paid by Expenditures Per Capita
Year Value M&O Tax Rate Property Owner General Fund Population Gen. Fund Expend.
2002 28000 0.503900 141 9,403,592 18,350 512
2003 42000 0.534000 224 10,599,111 21,350 496
2004 50000 0.555900 278 12,596,080 26,150 482
2005 60000 0.561900 337 16,137,358 29,800 542
2006 60000 0.561947 337 16,630,156 33,000 504
2007 60000 0.561950 337 18,462,787 35,500 520
2008 60000 0.561950 337 20,647,934 40,709 507
2009 50000 0.561950 281 20,952,761 41,461 505
$ 2,273 $ 4,069
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This data has been compiled for
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Junoffic soe:' t ,.0 htt :/ ll .d1\ mS.com� gather thisial informatiourceswern.Everyused 1.(,•
effort was made to ensure the
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no guarantee is given or implied
as to the accuracy of said data.
udget ork Session
Fiscal Year 2010-2011
June 8, 2010
Budget j�ork Session Agenda
Presentation of 2010-11 Initial Budget
• Property value is estimated at a 4.5% decrease.
Sales tax is projected to remain flat.
• Home starts are projected to be 200 (same as FY 2010).
• New personnel for Recreation Center and Library to be hired at various
starting dates; revenues to partially offset this cost will begin FY 2011.
• Continuing with the public safety radio system project in partnership with the
cities of Murphy, Plano and Allen. For FY 2011, $880,932 will be used from
the General Fund — fund balance.
• Municipal Complex operating costs.
$ 2184.2 $ 2222.6 $ 2122.5*
2200 $ 2024.7
2000 r $ 1785.5
1800 $ 1566.7 la
1600 ME
1400 I'M
0 1200
200 riMI
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
Average Single Family Home Value for 2010-11 is: $ 152,564
*Estimated property valuation assuming the 4.5% decrease.
5 i4 t!' r!,
if kyAtio.,411,,4
nl kti
r (4 {.,4,04,4444 41 ' 1. fir) 1'..il,,,4,,,„„k11,411, (tilt",,,,k,1)11, ,s,, ,74,,,,!lilt;
ii,:,,,i,it ' Aft;4:14311,A;b11) "'.
3ki„,,,,!;91),4410,44;litlikit tAyk:fsi
2.5 11111 '
:;:'"'i:V.;4;::t'tik;;tkf':k4:111;;:14')I Aft,tyAlt flkt,,
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-2011
Includes estimated figures for FY 09-10 and proposed figures for FY 10-11.
$2,219,182 $548,107 $172,000 $455,000 $880,932 $11,873,754
10% 3% 1% 2% 4% 53%
r7r , 4ir,
Ad Valorem Taxes-$11 873,754
$219,030 ,
Sales Taxes-$2,598,112
r t
''" Franchise Fees-$2,320,000
���Intergovernmental Revenues-$606,267
®Service Fees-$2,219,182
$2,320,000 Court Fees-$548,107
11% Intrest&Misc Income-$172,000
Transfers from Other Funds-$455,000
is Use of Fund Balance-$880,932
Sales Tax
Department Position(s)
O Library Administrative Assistant (December — Full Time)
O Library Library Technician (December — Full Time)
• Library Young Adult Librarian (January — Full Time)
O Library Reference Assistant (January — Full Time)
O Library Five Reference Assistants (January — Part Time)
O Library Library Technician (January — Part Time)
O Library Two Clerks (January — Part Time)
• These requests amount to 12 new staff members which equates to 8 new Full Time Equivalents.
• Including equipment and supplies for the new positions, the personnel expense (not in expense
budget) would be approximately $260,000 for FY 2011.
After FY 2011, these employees' expenses would be approximately $334,000 for the full year.
• Additional non-personnel IT requests are approximately $100,000 for FY 2011 (in expense
• Added 2 full time and 1 part time employees in FY 2010 during the year. Cost for FY 2010
related to this personnel is $95,217. Cost for FY 2011 related to this personnel is $145,806.
Department Position(s)
Parks Parks Manager (January — Full Time)
* Including equipment and supplies for the new position, the personnel expense would be
approximately $55,000 for FY 2011. For a full year, this position's cost would be $72,000 (not in
expense budget) .
* This is part of the reorganization of the Parks department resulting in a $46,000 savings to the
City. This position is in lieu of the Parks Superintendent.
Department Position(s)
• Recreation Recreation Superintendent to Parks & Recreation
Superintendent (No salary implications).
• Recreation Rec Center Recreation Programmer (January — Full
• Recreation Rec Center Recreation Attendant (Upgrade from
Building Monitor)
• Recreation Community Center Recreation Attendant (Increase in
O Recreation Community Center Recreation Monitor (Increase in
Ili 1 1 •
0 Including equipment and supplies for the new position, the personnel expense would be
approximately $342,500 for FY 2011. After FY 2011, these employees' expenses would be
approximately $451,500 for the full year.
0 Added 2 full time employees in FY 2010 during the year. Cost for FY 2010 related to this
personnel is $51,238. Cost for FY 2011 related to this personnel is $111,791.
Streets Community Services
4% 12% General Government
Development Services
n General Government-$8,846,140
Public Safety-10,691,526
Development Services-$1,260,419
•Community Services-$2,873,783
Public Safety
ievemiie $21 E92 'N-118
Less Ex3enses $2 17631.r#39
2 871I/55
rc ides $81/1111 ass 'r proceni tax reverie 8sed a aSSU ied L'ecrease ir assessed V8 ie.
Funds Provided to Cover Above:
Bond Fund Interest Earnings 500,000 (b)
5 Days Furlough (about 1.9% Pay Decrease) 225,0000
1% Police/Fire way Decrease 90,000
Use of GF FB to Lower DS Tax Rate 150,000 (b}
Use of Emer. Comm. FB to Lower Trans. 250,000 (b)
Frozen .Asst. Fire Chief 122,000
Savings from Parks. Reorganization 46,,00n
Addl. Decrease in Debt Service Pmt. 200,F000
Addl. Use of GF F: to Lower DS Tax Rate 400,000 (bj
TOTAL 1„95.3,000
Potential Additional Fund Requirements 8,45.5
b) Can be done in 2011 and 2012 if needed
GF Fund Bal. Est®:
Required based on estimated exp in 2011
Policy 15% 3,582,43
Goal 25% 5,97De727
Est. 9/30/10 7413A32S
Radio Sys. 2011 (S80,932)
Est. 9/30/11 6,532,396
If 55(000 used in 2011 25%
If 550,000 used in 2012 23%
Step Increase of 0%
Cost of Living Allowance Increase of 0%
Pay reduction of 1.9% (equivalent of 5 days pay) for non-public safety full time
employees with an additional 5 days of paid elective leave.
Public safety employees would incur a 1% salary decrease for FY 2011.
Health insurance must be re-bid summer 2010. Costs are projected to increase 25%.
0.898900 0.898900 0.898900
0.74 0.706780 0.733250
0.695000 0.695000
2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
•A$0.01 rate increase would provide approximately $200,000 in additional revenue
* 2010-2011 Preliminary Tax Rate
• FY 2011 budget is being prepared with no change in tax rate?
• Once the Library, City Hall, and Recreation Center come online, the
estimated Total Tax Rate, including I&S, could be a maximum of $.92 in FY
2010-11. This point was made during 2005 bond election and discussed during
FY 2010 budget process.
• Municipal Complex Grand Opening?
• Debt restructure to level debt service payments — possible additional funds for
new roof and space planning of current City Hall and Library.
• Use of 4B funds to supplement Recreation Center costs.
• Future use of existing Library?
City Manager
Mindy Manson
Finance Director
Linda Bantz