05-25-2010 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council CITY i F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda May 25, 2010 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North Eric Hogue Mayor M. G. "Red" Byboth Mayor ProTem David Goss Place 1 Kathy Spillyards Place 3 Bennie Jones Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Carter Porter Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three(3)minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. May 25,2010 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the May 11, 2010 Regular Meeting and the May 18, 2010 Special Called Canvass Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, approval for a Re-plat of the Williams Addition, Block A, Lots 3-5 creating three commercial lots. Subject property being generally located north of FM 544 and approximately 825 feet west of Springwell Parkway. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) C. Consider and act upon executing a contract between the Corp of Engineers and the City of Wylie for Lake Patrol. (Police Department) D. Consider and place on file the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Reports as of April 30,2010 (L. Bantz, Finance) E. Consider, and place on file, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of April 30, 2010. (S. Satterwhite, Wylie Economic Development Corporation) F. Consider, and act upon awarding a bid for the purchase and installation of a new emergency generator. (J.. Holcomb, Purchasing) REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Conduct a Public Hearing for the dis-annexation of a 2.0 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, Block 1, Tract 201, Collin County, Texas, generally located east of Paul Wilson Road and south of Skyview Drive. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Executive Summary This dis-annexation is at the written request of the property owner, MICHELLE BLOCKER. She is requesting that the City dis-annex the subject property, citing failure of the City to provide city services to the property. Owners who reside on property to be dis-annexed can force dis-annexation for non-provision of services. Ms. Blocker does not reside on the property and cannot force the City to dis-annex. However, the Council may grant the request, though it does not have to,by adoption of an ordinance dis-annexing the property. May 25,2010 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 General Business 2. Consider and act upon the final art design recommendation for the Founder's Park CIP Public Art Project and authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement to commission the art. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary/Public Arts Advisory Board) Executive Summary The Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board is recommending the selection of"Catch" by artist Madeline Wiener as the final design for the Founder's Park Public Art Project. The proposed space for the art project is located in a circular area in the middle of the main concession stand/restroom area near the soccer fields. In the course of the presentation to both the selection panel and the board,different designs were reviewed to accomplish the best design to enhance both the art space and the activities that would be taking place in the park. The artist and panel/board members also discussed the best way to display the art from a pedestrian vantage point, coming into this area from either walkway.The board also wanted to insure there was space within the area for seating. The final design creates two sculptures catching an imaginary ball. The board added larger risers to each sculpture to allow additional seating. The"catcher"will measure 6 feet in width by 6 feet in length and will be installed on a riser 9 feet in width and 18"in height bringing the total height to over 7 feet. The sculpture throwing the imaginary ball will be 5 feet in width by 5 feet in length and will be installed on a 6 foot riser with 18" height, bringing the total height to over 6 feet. This will still leave ample space within the circular art space (26' in diameter) and will allow both interaction with the sculptures and areas for rest. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article III, Section 13-D. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 21st day of May, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas..gay. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie City Council Tuesday, May 11, 2010 - 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. with the following Wylie City Council members present: Mayor Pro Tem Red Byboth, Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman David Goss, Councilman Carter Porter, Councilman Bennie Jones and Councilman Rick White. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Planning Director, Renae' 011ie; Building Official, Mike McAnnally; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; Public Services Director, Mike Sferra; Finance Director, Linda Bantz; Library Director, Rachel Orozco; WEDC Executive Director; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Fire Chief Randy Corbin gave the invocation and Junior Girl Scout Troop 1516 led the Pledge of Allegiance. Troop members present included: Kennedy Russel, Niki McVicker, Katherine Hairston, Savanna Bearden, Brittany Blythe, Reilly Clark, and Emily Gray. Troop Leader Twana McVicker was also in attendance. PRESENTATIONS • Presentation from Ryan Tomlinson, a student of the TPSP/Independent Study class at Wylie High School to present a special project for the South Ballard Overlay District. (R 011ie, Planning Director) Planning Director Renae' 011ie introduced Mr. Ryan Tomlinson, a student of the TPSP/Independent Study class at Wylie High School. Mr. Tomlinson explained that as a class project he had decided to research the newly proposed South Ballard Overlay project for the City of Wylie. He explained he was interested in pursuing a career in architecture and felt this project would benefit both the city and his future studies. Mr. Tomlinson displayed several ideas for multi-use "brownstone" designed buildings ranging from 1,600 square feet to 3,700 square feet. He presented several options of floor plans and explained that within the two to three story structures, business offices and retail shops could be Minutes May 11, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 1 housed on the ground floors. Additionally, a bridge linking south Ballard to north Ballard was presented. He explained this would allow easy access to both downtown areas across SH 78. Council members thanked Mr. Tomlinson for his research and presentation. Mr. Tomlinson invited those present to his final presentation on May 25, 2010 at the Wylie High School. • Presentation to 5th Six Weeks Star Students Demonstrating the Character Trait of "Fairness." (Mayor Eric Hogue) Mayor Hogue and Mayor Pro Tern Byboth presented medallions to students demonstrating the character trait of"Fairness." Each six weeks one student from each WISD campus is chosen as the 'star student." • Presentation of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month. (Mayor Hogue) Mayor Hogue presented a proclamation designating the month of May as "Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month." Members of the Wylie Black Sheep Motorcycle Club were present to receive the proclamation. • Presentation for a proposed new Wylie Senior Center (Don Hallum) Don Hallum, Reverend Al Draper, and Rita Smith presented a proposal to use the current Rita and Truett Smith Public Library for a new senior adult center. He explained that once the library moved to the new location within the complex on SH 1378, the current library would be available and would provide additional space for the seniors currently using the Bart Peddicord Community Center. He noted that funding could be raised to offset some of the costs of renovating the current library for this purpose. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. There were no citizens present to address council during citizen's comments. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the April 27, 2010 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Byboth to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA Tabled Item from 4-27-2010 Minutes May 11, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 2 Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter to remove Item #1 from the table and consider. Consensus of the council was to remove and consider. 1. Consider and act upon approval of Ordinance No. 2010-06, establishing speed zones for SH 78 from south of Sanden Blvd. to north of Kirby Street and from Oak Street to Spring Creek Parkway. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) Executive Summary City Engineer Hoisted addressed council stating that the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has a widening project currently under construction from north of the President George Bush Tollway to Spring Creek Parkway. TxDOT has requested that the City lower the speed limit along SH 78 to 45 miles per hour. The reduction in speed will provide a safer working environment for the workers and help reduce traffic accidents by allowing the installation of a low profile median barrier which provides better site distance for motorists. Mr. Hoisted explained that he had contacted TxDOT and they had recommended the additional wording to allow the speed limits to be enforced during construction periods only. The approved Ordinance will be forwarded to TxDOT and will authorize them to install the appropriate speed limit signs. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve Ordinance No. 2010-06 establishing speed zones for SH 78 from south of Sanden Blvd. to north of Kirby Street and from Oak Street to Spring Creek Parkway. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 2. Consider, and act upon, the appointment of a 2010 Board and Commissions City Council Interview Panel to conduct the June 2010 board applicant interviews. (C.Ehrlich, City Secretary) Staff Summary Each year the City Secretary's Office solicits and compiles applications from Wylie residents wishing to serve on various Wylie Boards and Commissions. These applications are received through the year until May 31st of each calendar year. Additionally, in June of each year, the applications are compiled into appointment timeframes to allow the three council member panel to interview each applicant and subsequently choose a list of applicants to recommend to the full Council to serve two year terms on the various boards. The terms are staggered so each year approximately half of the members serving on each board and commission are appointed. Mayor Hogue asked council for a motion to appoint the 2010 three member panel. Mayor Pro Tem Byboth noted that since the Mayor Pro Tem was a member of this panel and the selection of the 2010 Mayor Pro Tem position would not be determined until May 18th, could the item be tabled to that meeting. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilwoman Spillyards to table consideration of the 2010 Boards and Commissions Interview Panel to the May 18, 2010 Special Called Meeting. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Minutes May 11, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 3 READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article 111, Section 13-D. City Secretary Ehrlich read the caption to Ordinance No. 2010-06 into the official records. WORKSESSION • Work session with staff regarding recommendations from the Parks and Recreation Board for the new Recreation Center's operating names, business hours, facility rental fees, membership dues, daily use fees and employee membership fees. Recreation Supervisor Robert Diaz addressed council stating that after the last work session regarding facility fees, membership fees and naming of the new facility, staff and the parks board revised some of the proposed fees to be in line with the direction given by council. Mr. Diaz presented comparisons of fees charged by other cities with regard to membership and rental of the facilities. He reported the fees presented were very much in line with other cities. Diaz explained that in the new proposal for membership fees, option #3 allowed cost recovery of up to 91% (12 month period) of the operating expenses. He reported the fees at this level were still much lower than commercial fitness facilities and provided many services. Diaz reported the parks board had recommended naming the facility the Wylie Recreation Center. Direction from council was to further research fees charged on rentals to clean the rooms and cancellation fees charged by other cities ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the Wylie City Council, a motion was made by Councilman Goss, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Byboth to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Consensus of the council was to adjourn. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes May 11, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 4 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Special Called Meeting Agenda May 18, 2010 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers 2000 North Highway 78 Wylie, Texas CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. with the following city council members present: Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Mayor Pro Tern "Red" Byboth, Councilman David Goss, Councilman Rick White, Councilman Carter Porter, and Councilman Bennie Jones. Staff present were: City Manager Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE John Spillyards, husband of Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards gave the invocation and Austin Goss, son of Councilman David Goss and Barbara Goss led the Pledge of Allegiance. CANVASS OF ELECTION • Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2010-19(R) declaring the results of the Official Canvass of the General Election of May 8, 2010. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Byboth, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve Resolution No. 2010-19(R) declaring the results of the official canvass for the general election of May 8, 2010 and electing Place 1, David Goss and Place 3, Kathy Spillyards to the Wylie City Council for a three year terms. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES TO ELECTED COUNCIL MEMBERS • Presented by Judge Art Maldonado Minutes— May 18, 2010 Special Called Meeting Canvass of May 8, 2010 General Election Wylie City Council Page 1 Judge Art Maldonado presented Kathy Spillyards and David Goss with the Certificates of Elected Council Members. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE FOR ELECTED COUNCIL MEMBERS • Administered by Judge Art Maldonado Judge Art Maldonado administered the oath of office to newly elected members Kathy Spillyards and David Goss. Family members of the newly elected council members were present for the administering of the oath. Each member took their place on the Wylie City Council. APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR PRO TEM • Consider, and act upon, appointment of the Mayor Pro Tem for a one year term beginning May 2010 and ending May 2011. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilwoman Spillyards to appoint Councilman "Red" Byboth to serve as Mayor Pro Tern for a one year term beginning May 2010 and ending May 2011. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA Tabled Item from 5-11-2010 Motion to remove from the table and consider and act upon. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman White to remove consideration of the appointment of a three council member boards and commissions interview panel from the table. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 1. Consider, and act upon, the appointment of a 2010 Board and Commissions City Council Interview Panel to conduct the June 2010 board applicant interviews. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary Staff Summary Each year the City Secretary's Office solicits and compiles applications from Wylie residents wishing to serve on various Wylie boards and commissions. These applications are received through the year until May 31st of each calendar year. Additionally, in June of each year, the applications are compiled into appointment timeframes to allow the three council member panel to interview each applicant and Minutes—May 18, 2010 Special Called Meeting Canvass of May 8, 2010 General Election Wylie City Council Page 2 subsequently choose a list of applicants to recommend to the full council to serve two year terms on the various boards. The terms are staggered so each year approximately half of the members serving on each board and commission are appointed. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman White to appoint Mayor Pro Tern "Red" Byboth, Kathy Spillyards and Bennie Jones as the 2010 Wylie Boards and Commissions Interview Panel. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Mayor Pro Tern Byboth addressed Mayor Hogue and the council asking if an alternate to this panel could be appointed in the event one of the panel members was unable to attend one of the scheduled meetings. Mayor Hogue asked the council if they wished to reconsider this item to include an alternate. Council Action to Reconsider A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman White to reconsider action on Item #1. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman White to appoint Mayor Pro Tem "Red" Byboth, Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, and Councilman Bennie Jones to the 2010 Wylie Boards and Commissions Interview Panel and Councilman Porter to serve as an alternate in the event one of the panel members was unable to attend. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-1 with Mayor Hogue, Mayor Pro Tem Byboth, Councilwoman Spillyards, Councilman Jones, Councilman Porter and Councilman White voting for and Councilman Goss voting against. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the Wylie City Council, a motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Byboth to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 pm. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. A reception was held immediately following the Special Called Meeting to honor the newly elected council members Kathy Spillyards and David Goss. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes—May 18, 2010 Special Called Meeting Canvass of May 8, 2010 General Election Wylie City Council Page 3 • Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 25, 2010 Item Number: B Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: May 18, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Replat of Williams Addition, Block A, Lots 3-5 creating three commercial lots. Subject property being generally located north of FM 544 and approximately 825 feet west of Springwell Parkway. Recommendation Motion to deny a Replat for Williams Addition, Block A, Lots 3-5 creating three commercial lots. Subject property being generally located north of FM 544 and approximately 825 feet west of Springwell Parkway. Discussion Due to on-going revisions of site plan and replat submitted by the applicant and reoccurring amendments to the circulation layout; staff has concerns regarding the development of this property. The Site Plan was approved by the Commission on April 20`h. Over the next few weeks the applicant made significant changes to the circulation, but did not reflect those changes on the Replat. In addition, fire lanes were added to the approved Replat, but not to the Site Plan. The proposed revisions do not correspond with Planning & Zoning Commission's recommendation. Therefore, staff is recommending that this item be denied without prejudice. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 05/18/10 City Manager =% 5-6-e)///0 r ,. Page 1 of 1 I OWNER: STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY or cou DESCRIPTION 1N Wylie Center, LLC BEING all A-eii.Ie a being o In i t.1 andwyi2,61erknACo Tex., Additionf Me Nom a recorded Ste. 507 Forest Lane fonew• ,Pap•and of •Plat Reeds Call.county,/teas,end being funs ode deer..as Oa Iles, TX 7530 BEGINNING al a 1/2 inch steel rod -RPLS SAhd•on rh•North •of F.M.Highway o.3..at the Southwest comer of found d of t(Willi°m, Ilion),and al the n Southeast comer .Rdax of the Moss Addition las`reca ee Voume N,Pap•583 of the Plot Records SURVEYOR: No. Collin County.T • m which found e I.Southwest comer 1(Moss Addition)bears South 89 dears.50 mined 34 seconds west,390%3 foes for witness, S B.'16'f 1'E THENCE North 00 degrees 21 minutes 48 seconds Last(Bearing Bost,).379.64 fool Rabid 5/6 Inc a1oa.«Y aM •.undo,sow...`c a south right a o I f uanas Boundary steel nsit(IOW).al the e. come of d Lot I(Wuhan,or and t the w Solutions ——— 162.85' 5 8,64'E 5ns on. 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E BLOCK A NOW,THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thal,Wylie Center, LLC,de hereby.opt this plat designating tM1 above described probe.a. 00 eI • ins AddHan.Lots -5,Bloch A.a ddltlen to tIhe City a Yld,Collin County, Ii 2ES 29S29O. FT. s pae•d pen,a ight f-loa as own.Sold/and ker. l all r other t and all respective Me ona li Q•a Na'a• cd.-rrr:tic '2 S F e«R.rman o INS.E COOT STATED TEXASA /J rnl ELK COUNTY OF Notary l„J(/ �O<,,, 88,K BEFORE r me,It he undersigned oumB«k�rmen,t known theaMe or the State of Texas,on this who.non. 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THAT, Bones o • and one t Inc c pro erly place Q 0 Y} Chairman.Planning Zoning Commission Date undo, yY my verso a sup 9 v City of W✓Id,Texas I l' FLOOD NOTE: tlin °f TIPS BI REVIEW/ONLY.n fact° nwrjnwilnrntM1•Plaiting uds and Mena n ~ 3-J= F •Appra.«d for Construction" J et u..w n• see from FIRM Ma I.DOCUMENT-r sHAu NOT E ( * J CO Z Sublet tract n Zen• Ric FORA PURPOSE Q (n LL Pan•1 b065COa15Jltdoted Ju X2,n2009i• HM1 w Busby RP.L.S.3>31 _ J 6.Y O O 1 /Noy.,City of Y Texas --- Dad chore• Arsoa •ermin to be outside rho 0.2%annual � WM = Q U . c•IloodPlam. d STATE OF TEXAS W ♦-r d Acc p.d W Ile -t�,(�■ COUNTY F COLLIN LL O(n U? May Clly of wr••r.xa�--- Dad--�— L5BEFORE ma, rslgn•e authority.•Y.e Vnorn rPublic fo and for th•Slat*of Texas.o this O J U) O ar y :ua•pfb:eclly otipolnp n.rram.nr one oaRnowl.dp•d m.that n....ccl.ea n.se.for W U TM underelpn•d.Mo City S City a Wylie,T M1•rsbY eertlNo,m ' %l i. - Me purpose done considerations Mon n e gress•tl. I` Q rorweing final plat o •Ro of of Williams Addl.,`an Texas, d fho Ca a r.a.. J 0 woo,ubmlo d COT Council ___ 0 11010, the I. 1 CL— bDyfb,rmal ten,then h M del...° Y....,.o I C� GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL Of DirKE tnr,____day el 2010. W void Council places,and end sed Me Mayer re note Oho neo<•p ones th•rs•f by ot forth in and upon'roe r•ia,and NJ as hanlnaba.e subserlbed. .ipnlnv n I.B30• CC Witness to,hand We__d Y of writ..2010. Notary Public In and for Collin Le y,Texas 0' 30 60' 90• 720' c N My Commission Expire O I ei Wrb:r.xo. emmbsle n. US ATLANTIC CORPORATION April 30,2010 Charles H Lee AICP Senior planner City of Wylie Planning RE:Williams Addition Block A Lots RR PLAT Dear Charles, As per my meeting with you yesterday regarding the common driveway connecting our lot to the Quick Trip Lot. At this time we are expecting to have some minor changes to the driveway. This will be necessitated in order to align it with the Quick Trip. Therefor it is requested that our application be put on hold and not be presented to the City Council until the time we present you with the revised site plan. Sincerely, 1 ), Dinesh Mehra 2000 EAST LAMAR BLVD #600 • ARLINGTON/TX • 76006 PHONE: 8178817841 • FAX: 1 866 560 1307 74 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 25, 2010 Item Number: C Department: Police Department (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Lt Mike Atkison Account Code: Date Prepared: May 12, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, a Cooperative agreement for additional Law Enforcement Services, Between the City of Wylie, Lavon Lake, Texas initiates Agreement no. W9126G-10-P-0220 and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This agreement is for the provisions of additional Law enforcement Services from May 28, 2010 through September 06, 2010 for a sum not to exceed $56,561.40 Recommendation Authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers for the provision of additional law enforcement services from May 28, 2010 through September 06, 2010 for a sum not to exceed $56,561.40 Per Agreement no. W9126G-10-P-0220. Discussion Each summer the U.S Army Corp of Engineers contracts with the city of Wylie to provide police officers to patrol the lake parks which are inside the city limits. The officers patrol East Fork Park, Avalon Park, the corps office and spillway area, Lavonia Park, Motocross area, Mallard Park, Little Ridge Park, and Pebble Beach Park. The Corp of Engineers pays for all costs associated with the delivery of services including officers pay and benefits, administrative support, and mileage. The Corp also pays all costs associated with bringing in additional dispatchers on the weekend due to Lake Patrol activity. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MRA 05/12/2010 City Manager Page 1 of 1 SOLICITATION/CONTRACT/ORDER FOR COMMERCIAL ITEMS 1.REQUISITION NUMBER PAGE 1 OF 56 OFFEROR TO COMPLETE BLOCKS 12, 17,23,24,AND 30 Wd5XMA01243338 2.CONTRACT NO. 3.AWARD/EFFECTIVE DATE 4.ORDER NUMBER 5.SOUCITATION NUMBER 6.SOLICITATION ISSUE DATE W9126G-10-P-0220 10-May-2010 W9126G-10-T-0111 04-May-2010 7.FOR SOLICITATION a NAME b.TELEPHONE NUMBER (No Collect Calls) 8.OFFER DUE DATE/LOCALTIME INFORMATION CALL ELIZABETH J KELLEY 817-886-1044 02:00 PM 14 May 2010 9.ISSUED BY CODE W9126G 10.THIS ACQUISITION IS 11.DELIVERY FOR FOB 12.DISCOUNT TERMS X UNRESTRICTED DESTINATION UNLESS Net 30 Days US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS FORT WORTH - BLOCK IS MARKED 819 TAYLOR ST,RM 2A19 SET ASIDE: %FOR FORT WORTH TX76102-0300 -- 0 SEE SCHEDULE SB - HUBZONE SB 13a.THIS CONTRACT IS A RATED ORDER - -UNDER DPAS(15 CFR 700) 8(A) - 13b.RATING SVC-DISABLED VET-OWNED SB TEL: (817)886-1267 EMERGING SB 14.METHOD OF SOLICITATION - FAX: (817)886-6403 SIZE STD: NAICS:922120 X RFQ ❑IFB -RFP 15.DELIVER TO CODE 1 W45XMA 16.ADMINISTERED BY CODE US ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT,FORT VVORTH NO CONTACT 819 TAYLOR ST FORT VVORTH TX 76102-0300 SEE ITEM 9 17a.CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR CODE 311B5 18a.PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CODE 964145 WYLIE,CITY OF MILLINGTON 2000 N HWY 78 USAGE FINANCE CENTER,ATTN:CEFC-AO P WY LI E TX 75098-6043 5722 INTEGRITY DRIVE MILLINGTON TN 38054-5005 FACILITY TEL CODE - 17b.CHECK IF REMITTANCE IS DIFFERENT AND FUT 18b.SUBMIT INVOICES TO ADDRESS SHOWN IN BLOCK 18a.UNLESS BLOCK - SUCH ADDRESS IN OFFER BELOW IS CHECKED ❑ SEE ADDENDUM 19.ITBN NO. 20.SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIES/SERVICES 21.QUANTITY 22.UNIT 23.UNIT PRICE 24.AMOUNT SEE SCHEDULE 25.ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 26.TOTAL AWARD AMOUNT(For Govt.Use Only) See Schedule $56,561.40 ❑27a.SOLICITATION INCORPORATES BY REFERENCE FAR 52.212-1.52.212-4.FAR 52.212-3.52.212-5 ARE ATTACHED. ADDENDA[ARE--ARE NOT ATTACHED ❑27b.CONTRACT/PURCHASE ORDER INCORPORATES BY REFERENCE FAR 52.212-4.FAR 52.212-5 IS ATTACHED. ADDENDA[ARE DARE NOT ATTACHED 28.CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT AND RETURN 0 COPIES 29.AWARD OF CONTRACT:REFERENCE W9126G-10-T-0111 TO ISSUING OFFICE.CONTRACTOR AGREES TO FURNISH AND DELIVER ALL ITEMS 17 OFFER DATED 07-Mav-2010 . YOUR OFFER ON SOLICITATION SET FORTH OR OTHERWISE IDENTIFIED ABOVE AND ON ANY ADDITIONAL SHEETS ILI(BLOCK 5),INCLUDING ANY ADDITIONS OR CHANGES WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SPECIFIED HEREIN. SET FORTH HEREIN,IS ACCEPTED AS TO ITEMS: SEE SCHEDULE 30a.SIGNATURE OF OFFEROR/CONTRACTOR 31a.UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER) 31c. DATE SIGNED ftt/.SE- L aj�/4 / 12-May-2010 30b.NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER 30c.DATE SIGNED 31b. NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (TYPE OR PRINT) (TYPE OR PRINT) JUNE WOHLBACH / CONTRACT OFFICER TEL: 817-886-1069 EMAIL: june.wohlbach@usace.army.mil AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPRODUCTION STANDARD FORM 1449 (REV 3/2005) PREVIOUS EDITION IS NOT USABLE Prescribed by GSA FAR(48 CFR)53.212 SOLICITATION/CONTRACT/ORDER FOR COMMERCIAL ITEMS PAGE 2 OF56 (CONTINUED) 19.ITEM NO. 20.SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIES/SERVICES 21.QUANTITY 22.UNIT 23.UNIT PRICE 24.AMOUNT SEE SCHEDULE 32a.QUANTITY IN COLUMN 21 HAS BEEN —RECEIVED ❑INSPECTED ❑ ACCEPTED,AND CONFORMS TO THE CONTRACT,EXCEPT AS NOTED: 32b.SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT 32c.DATE 32d.PRINTED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE REPRESENTATIVE 32e.MAILING ADDRESS OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 32f.TELEPHONE NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 32g.E-MAIL OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 33.SHIP NUMBER 34.VOUCHER NUMBER 35.AMOUNT VERIFIED 36.PAYMENT 37.CHECK NUMBER CORRECT FOR ❑COMPLETE ❑PARTIAL ❑FINAL PARTIAL FINAL 38.S/R ACCOUNT NUMBER 39.S/R VOUCHER NUMBER 40.PAID BY 41a.I CERTIFY THIS ACCOUNT IS CORRECT AND PROPER FOR PAYMENT 42a.RECEIVED BY (Print) 41b.SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER 41c.DATE 42b.RECEIVED AT(Location) 42c.DATE REC'D (YY/MM/DD) 42d.TOTAL CONTAINERS AUTHORIZE FOR LOCAL REPRODUCTION STANDARD FORM 1449 (REV 3/2005) BACK PREVIOUS EDII1ON IS NOT USABLE Prescribed by GSA FAR(48 CFR)53.212 Section B-Supplies or Services and Prices ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0001 804 Hours $70.35 $56,561.40 Funded Amt: $56,561.40 Law Enforcement Services-City of Wylie NAICS CD:922120 FY10 Law Enforcement Services-City of Wylie Police Department for Lavon ,FSC CD: S206 Lake.,TX. PROJECT NO.: 155702 SOW Contract for Increased Law Enforcement Services Lavon Lake—2010 City of Wylie Police Department SCOPE OF WORK 1,. The City of Wylie Police Department agrees to provide supplemental law enforcement services (enforcement of state criminal and civil laws and local criminal and civil laws above and beyond normal coverage) on U.S. Government Property within the city limits of Wylie at Lavon Lake. Standard surveillance will be concentrated primarily in developed park areas. Standard surveillance will include vehicular patrol of the areas listed below and other areas of government property as requested by Corps personnel (e.g. outlying areas of government property experiencing problems with off-road vehicles, etc.). Lavon Lake: East Fork Park, Avalon Park, Spillway area, Lavon Dam, Lavonia Park, Mallard Park, Little Ridge Park, and Pebble Beach Park. 2. Wylie Police Department agrees to provide the following law enforcement services: a. Patrol the areas listed in paragraph one. b. Maintain order in the park areas. c. Control traffic by visual observation and other means normally utilized by the Department. d. Inform park users of federal, state, and local laws and regulations through personal contacts. e. Cite or arrest violators committing applicable offenses. f. Respond to calls for assistance by Corps of Engineer Park Rangers. g. Assist with the nightly closures at sunset of Mallard Park, Little Ridge and Pebble Beach Parks or other areas requested by Corps personnel. 3. Patrols will begin on the first scheduled day shown on the patrol schedule after receiving notice that this agreement has been approved by the Contracting Officer, US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District. 4. Wylie Officers will adjust their patrol schedules and routes to serve specific parks or other areas as requested by Corps personnel. Permanent Park Rangers may make temporary adjustments in patrol schedules and routes, as circumstances require. 5. The Wylie Chief of Police (or his designee) and the Lavon Lake Manager(or his designee) will agree to and approve all permanent schedule adjustments. 6. Officers will prepare a Daily Law Enforcement Log (Attachment 2 to this Scope of Work). The log will be completed in detail and submitted to Lavon Lake Office at the end of each week. Copies of arrest reports and accident reports (for arrests and accidents occurring on government property)will be submitted or faxed to the Lavon Lake Office as soon as possible. The fax number for the Lavon Lake Office is 972/442-1109. Copies of log sheets for Wylie Police Department records will be the responsibility of the Police Department. 7. Lake Patrol Officers will remain in the lake area(in the parks and/or moving between parks or other areas of government property). If an emergency situation arises that makes it necessary for a deputy to leave the lake area,that officer will, if possible, contact a Park Ranger on duty and advise him or her of the situation. The officer will also note the time he or she left the lake area, the purpose for having to leave, and the time returned to the lake area on the Daily Law Enforcement Log. 8. All officers will wear the standard uniforms normally worn by Wylie Police Department personnel. 9. All patrol vehicles will have the standard insignia and markings normally used by Wylie Police Department. Patrol vehicles will also be equipped with standard law enforcement type lights, radios, and any other equipment necessary to perform the required services. Wylie Police will be responsible for all vehicle costs. This includes insurance, fuel, maintenance, and any other costs associated with the operation of each vehicle. 10. Officers will notify a Park Ranger on duty of any accidents, fatalities, missing persons, or serious crimes that occur on government property. 11. The duration of this agreement has a start date of the 28th of May 2010 and an end date of the 6th of Sep. 2010. Patrol schedule is included in this scope of work as Attachment#1. 12. A patrol unit will consist of a vehicle, one certified law enforcement officer, and all the equipment necessary for the performance of the officer's duties. 13. The Wylie Police Department will provide the Lavon Lake Manager with a request for payment for reimbursable services performed each month. The request for payment will be based on the number of patrol hours involved,which must correspond to the Daily Law Enforcement Log. The request for payment must include the starting and ending dates of the billing period in question. The request for payment will be submitted no later than five calendar days after the close of the month being reported. Failure to meet the criteria mentioned above may result in delayed payment. 14. The following individuals are designated to issue and receive requests for reimbursable law enforcement services under this agreement: Corps of Engineers Representative Heath McLane Lavon Lake Manager 3375 Skyview Drive Wylie, TX 75098 972/442-3141 Fax 972/442-1109 Wylie Police Department Representative John Duscio Chief of Police 2000 N. Hwy 78 Wylie, TX 75098 972/442-8171 15. An orientation for all Wylie Police Officers who plan to volunteer for this patrol shall be conducted to familiarize them with the policies and procedures of the Corps of Engineers and to familiarize Corps personnel with the function and duties of the local law enforcement- contracting agency. This orientation will be no longer than one hour and paid for under this contract at the hourly rate agree upon in this contract. 16. State and local law enforcement agencies generally have the same authority and responsibilities on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' property as they do elsewhere in their respective jurisdictions. Therefore,requests by the Corps of Engineers for emergency law enforcement or responses by Wylie Police Department to situations occurring outside of the scope of this agreement will not be reimbursable. (E.g. officers responding to a call on government property after the scheduled patrol hours, officers working a call on government property and having to stay past the scheduled patrol time, etc W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 6 of 55 DAILY LOG Attachment 2 Contract for Increased Law Enforcement Services Lavon Lake—2010 Wylie Police Department DAILY LAW ENFORCEMENT LOG Date : Day: Officers Name: Beginning of shift (time): End of shift (time): Total shift hours worked on this contract (today): Log (time and details) of calls, complaints, visitor assists, enforcement actions, etc.: W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 7of55 (cont. on back if needed) W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 8 of 55 Section E-Inspection and Acceptance INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE TERMS Supplies/services will be inspected/accepted at: CLIN INSPECT AT INSPECT BY ACCEPT AT ACCEPT BY 0001 N/A N/A N/A Government W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 9 of 55 Section F-Deliveries or Performance DELIVERY INFORMATION CLIN DELIVERY DATE QUANTITY SHIP TO ADDRESS UIC 0001 POP 28-MAY-2010 TO N/A US ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT,FORT W45XMA 06-SEP-2010 WORTH NO CONTACT 819 TAYLOR ST FORT WORTH TX 76102-0300 817-886-1059 FOB: Destination W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 10 of 55 Section G-Contract Administration Data POINTS OF CONTACT Contact Information Heath McLane Lavon Lake Manager 3375 Skyview Drive Wylie, TX 75098 Email: Heath.R.McLaneAusace.army.mil 9'72-442-3141 9'72-442-1109 (FAX) And Elizabeth J. Kelley USACE- SWF-CT P.O. Box 17300 Fort Worth, TX76102-0300 or Elizabeth.J.Kelley2(a,usace.army.mil Contractor Information Lt. Mike Atkinson Wylie Police Department 2000 N. Highway 78 Wylie, TX 75098 9'72-442-8183 972-429-8662 FAX MIKE.ATKISONAWYLIETEXAS.GOV ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA AA:96X31230000 082455 2520D4D7K5009580 NA 96412 AMOUNT:$56,561.40 CIN W45XMA012433380001:$56,561.40 W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 11 of 55 Section H-Special Contract Requirements WAGE DETERMINATION WD 05-2509 (Rev.-9) was first posted on www.wdol.gov on 11/10/2009 ************************************************************************************ REGISTER OF WAGE DETERMINATIONS UNDER U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR THE SERVICE CONTRACT ACT EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION By direction of the Secretary of Labor WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION WASHINGTON D.C. 20210 Wage Determination No.: 2005-2509 Shirley F. Ebbesen Division of Revision No.: 9 Director Wage Determinations Date Of Revision: 11/04/2009 State: Texas Area: Texas Counties of Collin, Cooke, Dallas, Delta, Denton, Ellis, Fannin, Grayson, Henderson, Hopkins, Hunt, Kaufman, Lamar, Navarro, Rains, Rockwall, Smith, Van Zandt, Wood **Fringe Benefits Required Follow the Occupational Listing** OCCUPATION CODE - TITLE FOOTNOTE RATE 01000 - Administrative Support And Clerical Occupations 01011 - Accounting Clerk I 14.36 01012 - Accounting Clerk II 16.13 01013 - Accounting Clerk III 18.03 01020 - Administrative Assistant 25.99 01040 - Court Reporter 17.29 01051 - Data Entry Operator I 13.15 01052 - Data Entry Operator II 14.36 01060 - Dispatcher, Motor Vehicle 19.42 01070 - Document Preparation Clerk 13.45 01090 - Duplicating Machine Operator 13.45 01111 - General Clerk I 11.32 01112 - General Clerk II 12.54 01113 - General Clerk III 15.30 01120 - Housing Referral Assistant 21.60 01141 - Messenger Courier 10.78 01191 - Order Clerk I 13.51 01192 - Order Clerk II 14.75 01261 - Personnel Assistant (Employment) I 16.10 01262 - Personnel Assistant (Employment) II 18.02 01263 - Personnel Assistant (Employment) III 20.09 01270 - Production Control Clerk 21.36 01280 - Receptionist 13.60 01290 - Rental Clerk 15.30 01300 - Scheduler, Maintenance 17.32 01311 - Secretary I 17.32 01312 - Secretary II 19.38 01313 - Secretary III 21.60 01320 - Service Order Dispatcher 15.88 01410 - Supply Technician 25.99 01420 - Survey Worker 17.29 01531 - Travel Clerk I 13.07 01532 - Travel Clerk II 14.04 01533 - Travel Clerk III 15.06 01611 - Word Processor I 12.80 01612 - Word Processor II 15.30 01613 - Word Processor III 17.29 05000 - Automotive Service Occupations 05005 - Automobile Body Repairer, Fiberglass 20.00 05010 - Automotive Electrician 23.04 05040 - Automotive Glass Installer 20.93 05070 - Automotive Worker 22.02 05110 - Mobile Equipment Servicer 18.52 05130 - Motor Equipment Metal Mechanic 22.16 05160 - Motor Equipment Metal Worker 20.93 05190 - Motor Vehicle Mechanic 22.99 05220 - Motor Vehicle Mechanic Helper 17.27 05250 - Motor Vehicle Upholstery Worker 19.82 05280 - Motor Vehicle Wrecker 20.93 W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 12 of 55 05310 - Painter, Automotive 24.22 05340 - Radiator Repair Specialist 20.93 05370 - Tire Repairer 12.44 05400 - Transmission Repair Specialist 22.16 07000 - Food Preparation And Service Occupations 07010 - Baker 11.26 07041 - Cook I 9.39 07042 - Cook II 10.63 07070 - Dishwasher 8.38 07130 - Food Service Worker 9.61 07210 - Meat Cutter 13.11 07260 - Waiter/Waitress 8.25 09000 - Furniture Maintenance And Repair Occupations 09010 - Electrostatic Spray Painter 15.32 09040 - Furniture Handler 10.24 09080 - Furniture Refinisher 15.32 09090 - Furniture Refinisher Helper 12.02 09110 - Furniture Repairer, Minor 13.78 09130 - Upholsterer 16.53 11000 - General Services And Support Occupations 11030 - Cleaner, Vehicles 10.81 11060 - Elevator Operator 9.70 11090 - Gardener 12.94 11122 - Housekeeping Aide 9.46 11150 - Janitor 9.70 11210 - Laborer, Grounds Maintenance 10.39 11240 - Maid or Houseman 8.04 11260 - Pruner 11.58 11270 - Tractor Operator 12.58 11330 - Trail Maintenance Worker 11.07 11360 - Window Cleaner 11.12 12000 - Health Occupations 12010 - Ambulance Driver 15.63 12011 - Breath Alcohol Technician 19.80 12012 - Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant 26.02 12015 - Certified Physical Therapist Assistant 24.86 12020 - Dental Assistant 19.08 12025 - Dental Hygienist 36.14 12030 - EKG Technician 28.89 12035 - Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist 28.89 12040 - Emergency Medical Technician 15.63 12071 - Licensed Practical Nurse I 17.70 12072 - Licensed Practical Nurse II 19.80 12073 - Licensed Practical Nurse III 21.27 12100 - Medical Assistant 15.37 12130 - Medical Laboratory Technician 19.22 12160 - Medical Record Clerk 15.45 12190 - Medical Record Technician 15.92 12195 - Medical Transcriptionist 17.00 12210 - Nuclear Medicine Technologist 33.52 12221 - Nursing Assistant I 10.43 12222 - Nursing Assistant II 11.72 12223 - Nursing Assistant III 12.80 12224 - Nursing Assistant IV 14.36 12235 - Optical Dispenser 15.48 12236 - Optical Technician 12.53 12250 - Pharmacy Technician 14.30 12280 - Phlebotomist 14.36 12305 - Radiologic Technologist 23.47 12311 - Registered Nurse I 25.82 12312 - Registered Nurse II 31.58 12313 - Registered Nurse II, Specialist 31.58 12314 - Registered Nurse III 38.19 12315 - Registered Nurse III, Anesthetist 38.19 12316 - Registered Nurse IV 45.78 12317 - Scheduler (Drug and Alcohol Testing) 24.53 13000 - Information And Arts Occupations 13011 - Exhibits Specialist I 18.77 13012 - Exhibits Specialist II 23.25 13013 - Exhibits Specialist III 28.44 13041 - Illustrator I 24.95 13042 - Illustrator II 30.91 13043 - Illustrator III 35.26 13047 - Librarian 31.56 W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 13 of 55 13050 - Library Aide/Clerk 14.33 13054 - Library Information Technology Systems 25.95 Administrator 13058 - Library Technician 14.81 13061 - Media Specialist I 18.72 13062 - Media Specialist II 20.94 13063 - Media Specialist III 23.34 13071 - Photographer I 15.23 13072 - Photographer II 17.04 13073 - Photographer III 21.16 13074 - Photographer IV 25.83 13075 - Photographer V 31.25 13110 - Video Teleconference Technician 19.70 14000 - Information Technology Occupations 14041 - Computer Operator I 15.84 14042 - Computer Operator II 17.72 14043 - Computer Operator III 20.78 14044 - Computer Operator IV 24.67 14045 - Computer Operator V 27.31 14071 - Computer Programmer I (see 1) 26.27 14072 - Computer Programmer II (see 1) 14073 - Computer Programmer III (see 1) 14074 - Computer Programmer IV (see 1) 14101 - Computer Systems Analyst I (see 1) 14102 - Computer Systems Analyst II (see 1) 14103' - Computer Systems Analyst III (see 1) 14150 - Peripheral Equipment Operator 15.84 14160 - Personal Computer Support Technician 24.67 15000 - Instructional Occupations 15010 - Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Non-Rated) 33.42 15020 - Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Rated) 38.09 15030 - Air Crew Training Devices Instructor (Pilot) 41.90 15050 - Computer Based Training Specialist / Instructor 32.25 15060 - Educational Technologist 28.93 15070 - Flight Instructor (Pilot) 41.90 15080 - Graphic Artist 22.70 15090 - Technical Instructor 22.61 15095 - Technical Instructor/Course Developer 26.97 15110 - Test Proctor 18.16 15120 - Tutor 18.16 16000 - Laundry, Dry-Cleaning, Pressing And Related Occupations 16010 - Assembler 9.32 16030 - Counter Attendant 9.32 16040 - Dry Cleaner 11.86 16070 - Finisher, Flatwork, Machine 9.32 16090 - Presser, Hand 9.32 16110 - Presser, Machine, Drycleaning 9.32 16130 - Presser, Machine, Shirts 9.32 16160 - Presser, Machine, Wearing Apparel, Laundry 9.32 16190 - Sewing Machine Operator 12.50 16220 - Tailor 13.33 16250 - Washer, Machine 10.19 19000 - Machine Tool Operation And Repair Occupations 19010 - Machine-Tool Operator (Tool Room) 19.18 19040 - Tool And Die Maker 22.04 21000 - Materials Handling And Packing Occupations 21020 - Forklift Operator 15.02 21030 - Material Coordinator 19.45 21040 - Material Expediter 19.45 21050 - Material Handling Laborer 12.80 21071 - Order Filler 13.57 21080 - Production Line Worker (Food Processing) 15.02 21110 - Shipping Packer 13.52 21130 - Shipping/Receiving Clerk 13.52 21140 - Store Worker I 10.77 21150 - Stock Clerk 15.61 21210 - Tools And Parts Attendant 14.96 21410 - Warehouse Specialist 15.02 23000 - Mechanics And Maintenance And Repair Occupations 23010 - Aerospace Structural Welder 29.75 23021 - Aircraft Mechanic I 28.39 23022 - Aircraft Mechanic II 29.75 23023 - Aircraft Mechanic III 31.14 23040 - Aircraft Mechanic Helper 19.25 W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 14 of 55 23050 - Aircraft, Painter 25.32 23060 - Aircraft Servicer 22.08 23080 - Aircraft Worker 23.34 23110 - Appliance Mechanic 17.18 23120 - Bicycle Repairer 12.44 23125 - Cable Splicer 19.60 23130 - Carpenter, Maintenance 17.25 23140 - Carpet Layer 16.43 23160 - Electrician, Maintenance 20.94 23181 - Electronics Technician Maintenance I 24.56 23182 - Electronics Technician Maintenance II 26.35 23183 - Electronics Technician Maintenance III 29.34 23260 - Fabric Worker 16.68 23290 - Fire Alarm System Mechanic 19.04 23310 - Fire Extinguisher Repairer 15.48 23311 - Fuel Distribution System Mechanic 19.28 23312 - Fuel Distribution System Operator 16.29 23370 - General Maintenance Worker 17.70 23380 - Ground Support Equipment Mechanic 28.39 23381 - Ground Support Equipment Servicer 22.08 23382 - Ground Support Equipment Worker 23.34 23391 - Gunsmith I 15.48 23392 - Gunsmith II 17.79 23393 - Gunsmith III 19.76 23410 - Heating, Ventilation And Air-Conditioning 19.31 Mechanic 23411 - Heating, Ventilation And Air Contditioning 20.23 Mechanic (Research Facility) 23430 - Heavy Equipment Mechanic 18.86 23440 - Heavy Equipment Operator 16.51 23460 - Instrument Mechanic 22.51 23465 - Laboratory/Shelter Mechanic 18.74 23470 - Laborer 11.46 23510 - Locksmith 18.99 23530 - Machinery Maintenance Mechanic 20.83 23550 - Machinist, Maintenance 17.52 23580 - Maintenance Trades Helper 13.22 23591 - Metrology Technician I 22.51 23592 - Metrology Technician II 23.59 23593 - Metrology Technician III 24.69 23640 - Millwright 22.28 23710 - Office Appliance Repairer 17.15 23760 - Painter, Maintenance 16.85 23790 - Pipefitter, Maintenance 22.46 23810 - Plumber, Maintenance 21.38 23820 - Pneudraulic Systems Mechanic 19.76 23850 - Rigger 21.28 23870 - Scale Mechanic 17.79 23890 - Sheet-Metal Worker, Maintenance 18.28 23910 - Small Engine Mechanic 16.15 23931 - Telecommunications Mechanic I 23.56 23932 - Telecommunications Mechanic II 24.66 23950 - Telephone Lineman 21.34 23960 - Welder, Combination, Maintenance 17.75 23965 - Well Driller 19.02 23970 - Woodcraft Worker 19.53 23980 - Woodworker 14.17 24000 - Personal Needs Occupations 24570 - Child Care Attendant 10.73 24580 - Child Care Center Clerk 13.39 24610 - Chore Aide 7.26 24620 - Family Readiness And Support Services 12.46 Coordinator 24630 - Homemaker 17.11 25000 - Plant And System Operations Occupations 25010 - Boiler Tender 22.92 25040 - Sewage Plant Operator 17.35 25070 - Stationary Engineer 22.92 25190 - Ventilation Equipment Tender 14.16 25210 - Water Treatment Plant Operator 17.35 27000 - Protective Service Occupations 27004 - Alarm Monitor 17.51 27007 - Baggage Inspector 12.90 27008 - Corrections Officer 18.17 W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 15 of55 27010 - Court Security Officer 23.50 27030 - Detection Dog Handler 16.68 27040 - Detention Officer 19.99 27070 - Firefighter 20.79 27101 - Guard I 14.10 27102 - Guard II 16.92 27131 - Police Officer I 26.53 27132 - Police Officer II 29.49 2E000 - Recreation Occupations 28041 - Carnival Equipment Operator 11.95 28042 - Carnival Equipment Repairer 12.69 28043 - Carnival Equpment Worker 9.26 28210 - Gate Attendant/Gate Tender 13.60 28310 - Lifeguard 11.19 28350 - Park Attendant (Aide) 15.21 28510 - Recreation Aide/Health Facility Attendant 11.10 28515 - Recreation Specialist 16.36 28630 - Sports Official 12.12 28690 - Swimming Pool Operator 21.99 29000 - Stevedoring/Longshoremen Occupational Services 29010 - Blocker And Bracer 17.12 29020 - Hatch Tender 17.12 29030 - Line Handler 17.12 29041 - Stevedore I 15.37 29042 - Stevedore II 17.08 30000 - Technical Occupations 30010 - Air Traffic Control Specialist, Center (HFO) (see 2) 37.03 30011 - Air Traffic Control Specialist, Station (HFO) (see 2) 25.54 30012 - Air Traffic Control Specialist, Terminal (HFO) (see 2) 28.12 30021 - Archeological Technician I 17.54 30022 - Archeological Technician II 20.27 30023 - Archeological Technician III 25.23 30030 - Cartographic Technician 25.23 30040 - Civil Engineering Technician 23.51 30061 - Drafter/CAD Operator I 18.20 30062 - Drafter/CAD Operator II 20.36 30063 - Drafter/CAD Operator III 22.70 30064 - Drafter/CAD Operator IV 27.94 30081 - Engineering Technician I 15.96 30082 - Engineering Technician II 17.91 30083 - Engineering Technician III 20.03 30084 - Engineering Technician IV 24.82 30085 - Engineering Technician V 30.36 30086 - Engineering Technician VI 36.74 30090 - Environmental Technician 24.73 30210 - Laboratory Technician 22.28 30240 - Mathematical Technician 25.23 30361 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant I 17.84 30362 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant II 22.10 30363 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant III 27.03 30364 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant IV 32.70 30390 - Photo-Optics Technician 25.23 30461 - Technical Writer I 24.36 30462 - Technical Writer II 29.81 30463 - Technical Writer III 36.06 30491 - Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician I 23.54 30492 - Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician II 28.48 30493 - Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician III 34.13 30494 - Unexploded (UXO) Safety Escort 23.54 30495 - Unexploded (UX0) Sweep Personnel 23.54 30620 - Weather Observer, Combined Upper Air Or (see 2) 22.70 Surface Programs 30621 - Weather Observer, Senior (see 2) 25.23 3:000 - Transportation/Mobile Equipment Operation Occupations 31020 - Bus Aide 10.18 31030 - Bus Driver 14.88 31043 - Driver Courier 15.51 31260 - Parking and Lot Attendant 8.87 31290 - Shuttle Bus Driver 16.96 31310 - Taxi Driver 9.76 31361 - Truckdriver, Light 16.96 31362 - Truckdriver, Medium 19.69 31363 - Truckdriver, Heavy 21.04 31364 - Truckdriver, Tractor-Trailer 21.04 W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 16 of55 99000 - Miscellaneous Occupations 99030 - Cashier 9.50 99050 - Desk Clerk 9.75 99095 - Embalmer 20.31 99251 - Laboratory Animal Caretaker I 10.06 99252 - Laboratory Animal Caretaker II 11.00 99310 - Mortician 22.94 99410 - Pest Controller 17.25 99510 - Photofinishing Worker 13.54 99710 - Recycling Laborer 15.88 99711 - Recycling Specialist 19.54 99730 - Refuse Collector 14.05 99810 - Sales Clerk 13.65 99820 - School Crossing Guard 9.30 99830 - Survey Party Chief 21.89 99831 - Surveying Aide 13.11 99832 - Surveying Technician 16.80 99840 - Vending Machine Attendant 14.09 99841 - Vending Machine Repairer 17.03 99842 - Vending Machine Repairer Helper 14.05 ALL OCCUPATIONS LISTED ABOVE RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: HEALTH & WELFARE: $3.35 per hour or $134.00 per week or $580.66 per month VACATION: 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year of service with a contractor or successor; 3 weeks after 5 years, and 4 weeks after 15 years. Length of service includes the whole span of continuous service with the present contractor or successor, wherever employed, and with the predecessor contractors in the performance of similar work at the same Federal facility. (Reg. 29 CFR 4.173) HOLIDAYS: A minimum of ten paid holidays per year, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. (A contractor may substitute for any of the named holidays another day off with pay in accordance with a plan communicated to the employees involved.) (See 29 CFR 4174) THE OCCUPATIONS WHICH HAVE NUMBERED FOOTNOTES IN PARENTHESES RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING: 1) COMPUTER EMPLOYEES: Under the SCA at section 8(b), this wage determination does not apply to any employee who individually qualifies as a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional employee as defined in 29 C.F.R. Part 541. Because most Computer System Analysts and Computer Programmers who are compensated at a rate not less than $27.63 (or on a salary or fee basis at a rate not less than $455 per week) an hour would likely qualify as exempt computer professionals, (29 C.F.R. 541. 400) wage rates may not be listed on this wage determination for all occupations within those job families. In addition, because this wage determination may not list a wage rate for some or all occupations within those job families if the survey data indicates that the prevailing wage rate for the occupation equals or exceeds $27.63 per hour conformances may be necessary for certain nonexempt employees. For example, if an individual employee is nonexempt but nevertheless performs duties within the scope of one of the Computer Systems Analyst or Computer Programmer occupations for which this wage determination does not specify an SCA wage rate, then the wage rate for that employee must be conformed in accordance with the conformance procedures described in the conformance note included on this wage determination. Additionally, because job titles vary widely and change quickly in the computer industry, job titles are not determinative of the application of the computer professional exemption. Therefore, the exemption applies only to computer employees who satisfy the compensation requirements and whose primary duty consists of: (1) The application of systems analysis techniques and procedures, including consulting with users, to determine hardware, software or system functional specifications; (2) The design, development, documentation, analysis, creation, testing or modification of computer systems or programs, including prototypes, based on and related to user or system design specifications; W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 17 of 55 (3) The design, documentation, testing, creation or modification of computer programs related to machine operating systems; or (4) A combination of the aforementioned duties, the performance of which requires the same level of skills. (29 C.F.R. 541.400) . 2 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS AND WEATHER OBSERVERS - NIGHT PAY & SUNDAY PAY: If you work at night as part of a regular tour of duty, you will earn a night differential and receive an additional 10% of basic pay for any hours worked between 6pm and 6am. :[f you are a full-time employed (40 hours a week) and Sunday is part of your regularly scheduled workweek, you are paid at your rate of basic pay plus a Sunday premium of 25% of your basic rate for each hour of Sunday work which is not overtime (i.e. occasional work on Sunday outside the normal tour of duty is considered overtime work) . HAZARDOUS PAY DIFFERENTIAL: An 8 percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that represents a high degree of hazard when working with or in close proximity to ordinance, explosives, and incendiary materials. This includes work such as screening, blending, dying, mixing, and pressing of sensitive ordance, explosives, and pyrotechnic compositions such as lead azide, black powder and photoflash powder. All dry-house activities involving propellants or explosives. Demilitarization, modification, renovation, demolition, and maintenance operations on sensitive ordnance, explosives and incendiary materials. All operations involving regrading and cleaning of artillery ranges. A 4 percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that represents a low degree of hazard when working with, or in close proximity to ordance, (or employees possibly adjacent to) explosives and incendiary materials which involves potential injury such as laceration of hands, face, or arms of the employee engaged in the operation, irritation of the skin, minor burns and the like; minimal damage to immediate or adjacent work area or equipment being used. All operations involving, unloading, storage, and hauling of ordance, explosive, and incendiary ordnance material other than small arms ammunition. These differentials are only applicable to work that has been specifically designated by the agency for ordance, explosives, and incendiary material differential pay. ** UNIFORM ALLOWANCE ** If employees are required to wear uniforms in the performance of this contract (either by the terms of the Government contract, by the employer, by the state or local law, etc.), the cost of furnishing such uniforms and maintaining (by laundering or dry cleaning) such uniforms is an expense that may not be borne by an employee where such cost reduces the hourly rate below that required by the wage determination. The Department of Labor will accept payment in accordance with the following standards as compliance: The contractor or subcontractor is required to furnish all employees with an adequate number of uniforms without cost or to reimburse employees for the actual cost of the uniforms. In addition, where uniform cleaning and maintenance is made the responsibility of the employee, all contractors and subcontractors subject to this wage determination shall (in the absence of a bona fide collective bargaining agreement providing for a different amount, or the furnishing of contrary affirmative proof as to the actual cost) , reimburse all employees for such cleaning and maintenance at a rate of $3.35 per week (or $.67 cents per day) . However, in those instances where the uniforms furnished are made of "wash and wear" materials, may be routinely washed and dried with other personal garments, and do not require any special treatment such as dry cleaning, daily washing, or commercial laundering in order to meet the cleanliness or appearance standards set by the terms of the Government contract, by the contractor, by law, or by the nature of the work, there is no requirement that employees be reimbursed for uniform maintenance costs. The duties of employees under job titles listed are those described in the "Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations", Fifth Edition, April 2006, unless otherwise indicated. Copies of the Directory are available on the Internet. A links to the Directory may be found on the WHD home page at http://www.dol. gov/esa/whd/ or through the Wage Determinations On-Line (WDOL) Web site at http://wdol.gov/. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL CLASSIFICATION AND WAGE RATE (Standard Form 1444 (SF 1444) 1 Conformance Process: The contracting officer shall require that any class of service employee which is W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 18 of55 not listed herein and which is to be employed under the contract (i.e., the work to be performed is not performed by any classification listed in the wage determination), be classified by the contractor so as to provide a reasonable relationship (i.e., appropriate level of skill comparison) between such unlisted classifications and the classifications listed in the wage determination. Such conformed classes of employees shall be paid the monetary wages and furnished the fringe benefits as are determined. Such conforming process shall be initiated by the contractor prior to the performance of contract work by such unlisted class(es) of employees. The conformed classification, wage rate, and/or fringe benefits shall be retroactive to the commencement date of the contract. {See Section 4.6 (C) (vi) } When multiple wage determinations are included in a contract, a separate SF 1444 should be prepared for each wage determination to which a class(es) is to be conformed. The process for preparing a conformance request is as follows: 1) When preparing the bid, the contractor identifies the need for a conformed occupation(s) and computes a proposed rate(s) . 2) After contract award, the contractor prepares a written report listing in order proposed classification title(s) , a Federal grade equivalency (FGE) for each proposed classification(s) , job description(s), and rationale for proposed wage rate(s) , including information regarding the agreement or disagreement of the authorized representative of the employees involved, or where there is no authorized representative, the employees themselves. This report should be submitted to the contracting officer no later than 30 days after such unlisted class(es) of employees performs any contract work. 3) The contracting officer reviews the proposed action and promptly submits a report of the action, together with the agency's recommendations and pertinent information including the position of the contractor and the employees, to the Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, for review. (See section 4.6(b) (2) of Regulations 29 CFR Part 4) . 4) Within 30 days of receipt, the Wage and Hour Division approves, modifies, or disapproves the action via transmittal to the agency contracting officer, or notifies the contracting officer that additional time will be required to process the request. 5) The contracting officer transmits the Wage and Hour decision to the contractor. 6) The contractor informs the affected employees. Information required by the Regulations must be submitted on SF 1444 or bond paper. When preparing a conformance request, the "Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations" (the Directory) should be used to compare job definitions to insure that duties requested are not performed by a classification already listed in the wage determination. Remember, it is not the job title, but the required tasks that determine whether a class is included in an established wage determination. Conformances may not be used to artificially split, combine, or subdivide classifications listed in the wage determination. W 9126G-10-P-0220 Page 19 of 55 GASP QUALITY ASSURANCE SURVEILLANCE PLAN Contract for Increased Law Enforcement Services Lavon Lake - 2010 WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. Overview: This contract establishes a specific increased level of law enforcement services to be provided by Wylie Police Department within their corporate limits to the US Army Corps of Engineers at Lavon Lake. This is a sole-source contract, since the Wylie Police Department is the only agency with the requisite authority and responsibility to provide these services. 2. Definition of Services: Increased services are defined in the contract's Scope of Work (SOW) as the contractor's provision of a dedicated officer and vehicle to patrol and enforce applicable state and local laws in accordance with their agency policy, procedures, and interpretations. Services will be performed in accordance with the schedule contained in the SOW. Contracted services are to supplement the year-round duties and activities which the contractor is responsible to perform even absent the contract. 3. Surveillance of Services: Officers providing service under this contract are required to complete and submit a Daily Enforcement Action Summary documenting their activities performed during their work shifts, and to turn the logs into their supervisor at the end of each shift. The completed daily enforcement logs will then be submitted to the Lake Manager. 4. Surveillance Documentation: a. The contractor shall provide a request for payment each month for reimbursable services performed. The request for payment shall include the number of man-hours worked during the billing period (which must correspond with the Daily Law Enforcement Logs) and the total monthly expenses. Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) will examine logs to ensure accuracy prior to authorizing payment. b. The COR will document verification of the contractor's performance monthly for Quality Assurance. These reports will become part of the formal QA documentation. The COR will maintain a complete QA file, containing copies of all evaluations and related documentation. The COR will forward these records to the Contracting Officer at completion of the contract. W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 20 of 55 c. The services provided by the contractor are subject to inspection by the COR to ensure adherence to the terms of the Scope of Work. If the contractor fails to provide the services as specified, the Government reserves the right to terminate the contract. W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 21 of 55 Section I-Contract Clauses CLAUSES INCORPORA fED BY FULL TEXT 52.203-7 ANTI-KICKBACK PROCEDURES. (JUL 1995) (a)Definitions. "Kickback,"as used in this clause,means any money,fee,commission,credit,gift,gratuity,thing of value,or compensation of any kind which is provided,directly or indirectly,to any prime Contractor,prime Contractor employee, subcontractor,or subcontractor employee for the purpose of improperly obtaining or rewarding favorable treatment in connection with a prime contract or in connection with a subcontract relating to a prime contract. "Person,"as used in this clause,means a corporation,partnership,business association of any kind,trust,joint-stock company,or individual. "Prime contract,"as used in this clause,means a contract or contractual action entered into by the United States for the purpose of obtaining supplies,materials,equipment,or services of any kind. "Prime Contractor,"as used in this clause,means a person who has entered into a prime contract with the United States. "Prime Contractor employee,"as used in this clause,means any officer,partner,employee,or agent of a prime Contractor. "Subcontract,"as used in this clause,means a contract or contractual action entered into by a prime Contractor or subcontractor for the purpose of obtaining supplies,materials,equipment,or services of any kind under a prime contract. "Subcontractor,"as used in this clause,(1)means any person,other than the prime Contractor,who offers to furnish or furnishes any supplies,materials,equipment,or services of any kind under a prime contract or a subcontract entered into in connection with such prime contract,and(2)includes any person who offers to furnish or furnishes general supplies to the prime Contractor or a higher tier subcontractor. "Subcontractor employee,"as used in this clause,means any officer,partner,employee,or agent of a subcontractor. (b)The Anti-Kickback Act of 1986(41 U.S.C. 51-58)(the Act),prohibits any person from- (1)Providing or attempting to provide or offering to provide any kickback; (2)Soliciting,accepting,or attempting to accept any kickback;or (3)Including,directly or indirectly,the amount of any kickback in the contract price charged by a prime Contractor to the United States or in the contract price charged by a subcontractor to a prime Contractor or higher tier subcontractor. (c)(1)The Contractor shall have in place and follow reasonable procedures designed to prevent and detect possible violations described in paragraph(b)of this clause in its own operations and direct business relationships. (2)When the Contractor has reasonable grounds to believe that a violation described in paragraph(b)of this clause may have occurred,the Contractor shall promptly report in writing the possible violation. Such reports shall be made to the inspector general of the contracting agency,the head of the contracting agency if the agency does not W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 22 of 55 have an inspector general,or the Department of Justice. (3)The Contractor shall cooperate fully with any Federal agency investigating a possible violation described in paragraph(b)of this clause. (4)The Contracting Officer may(i)offset the amount of the kickback against any monies owed by the United States under the prime contract and/or(ii)direct that the Prime Contractor withhold,from sums owed a subcontractor under the prime contract,the amount of any kickback. The Contracting Officer may order the monies withheld under subdivision(c)(4)(ii)of this clause be paid over to the Government unless the Government has already offset those monies under subdivision(c)(4)(i)of this clause. In either case,the Prime Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer when the monies are withheld. (5)The Contractor agrees to incorporate the substance of this clause,including this subparagraph(c)(5)but excepting subparagraph(c)(1),in all subcontracts under this contract which exceed$100,000. CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.204-4 PRINTED OR COPIED DOUBLE-SIDED ON RECYCLED PAPER(AUG 2000) (a)Definitions.As used in this clause-- "Postconsumer material"means a material or finished product that has served its intended use and has been discarded for disposal or recovery,having completed its life as a consumer item.Postconsumer material is a part of the broader category of"recovered material."For paper and paper products,postconsumer material means "postconsumer fiber"defined by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)as-- (1)Paper,paperboard,and fibrous materials from retail stores,office buildings,homes,and so forth,after they have passed through their end-usage as a consumer item,including:used corrugated boxes;old newspapers;old magazines;mixed waste paper;tabulating cards;and used cordage;or (2)All paper,paperboard,and fibrous materials that enter and are collected from municipal solid waste;but not (3)Fiber derived from printers'over-runs,converters'scrap,and over-issue publications. "Printed or copied double-sided"means printing or reproducing a document so that information is on both sides of a sheet of paper. "Recovered material,"for paper and paper products,is defined by EPA in its Comprehensive Procurement Guideline as"recovered fiber"and means the following materials: (1)Postconsumer fiber;and (2)Manufacturing wastes such as-- (i)Dry paper and paperboard waste generated after completion of the papermaking process(that is,those manufacturing operations up to and including the cutting and trimming of the paper machine reel into smaller rolls or rough sheets)including:envelope cuttings,bindery trimmings,and other paper and paperboard waste resulting W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 23 of 55 from printing,cutting,forming,and other converting operations;bag,box,and carton manufacturing wastes;and butt rolls,mill wrappers,and rejected unused stock;and (ii)Repulped finished paper and paperboard from obsolete inventories of paper and paperboard manufacturers, merchants,wholesalers,dealers,printers,converters,or others. (b)In accordance with Section 101 of Executive Order 13101 of September 14, 1998,Greening the Government through Waste Prevention,Recycling,and Federal Acquisition,the Contractor is encouraged to submit paper documents,such as offers,letters,or reports,that are printed or copied double-sided on recycled paper that meet minimum content standards specified in Section 505 of Executive Order 13101,when not using electronic commerce methods to submit information or data to the Government. (c)If the Contractor cannot purchase high-speed copier paper,offset paper,forms bond,computer printout paper, carbonless paper,file folders,white wove envelopes,writing and office paper,book paper,cotton fiber paper,and cover stock meeting the 30 percent postconsumer material standard for use in submitting paper documents to the Government,it should use paper containing no less than 20 percent postconsumer material.This lesser standard should be used only when paper meeting the 30 percent postconsumer material standard is not obtainable at a reasonable price or does not meet reasonable performance standards. (End of clause) CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.204-7 CENTRAL CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION(APR 2008) (a)Definitions.As used in this clause-- Central Contractor Registration(CCR)database means the primary Government repository for Contractor information required for the conduct of business with the Government. Data Universal Numbering System(DUNS)number means the 9-digit number assigned by Dun and Bradstreet,Inc. (D&B)to identify unique business entities. Data Universal Numbering System+4(DUNS+4)number means the DUNS number assigned by D&B plus a 4- character suffix that may be assigned by a business concern.(D&B has no affiliation with this 4-character suffix.) This 4-character suffix may be assigned at the discretion of the business concern to establish additional CCR records for identifying alternative Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT)accounts(see the FAR at Subpart 32.11)for the same parent concern. Registered in the CCR database means that-- (1)The Contractor has entered all mandatory information,including the DUNS number or the DUNS+4 number, into the CCR database;and (2)The Government has validated all mandatory data fields,to include validation of the Taxpayer Identification Number(TIN)with the Internal Revenue Service(IRS),and has marked the record"Active".The Contractor will be required to provide consent for TIN validation to the Government as a part of the CCR registration process. (b)(1)By submission of an offer,the offeror acknowledges the requirement that a prospective awardee shall be registered in the CCR database prior to award,during performance,and through final payment of any contract,basic agreement,basic ordering agreement,or blanket purchasing agreement resulting from this solicitation. W 9126G-10-P-0220 Page 24 of 55 (2)The offeror shall enter,in the block with its name and address on the cover page of its offer,the annotation "DUNS"or"DUNS+4"followed by the DUNS or DUNS+4 number that identifies the offeror's name and address exactly as stated in the offer.The DUNS number will be used by the Contracting Officer to verify that the offeror is registered in the CCR database. (c)If the offeror does not have a DUNS number,it should contact Dun and Bradstreet directly to obtain one. (1)An offeror may obtain a DUNS number-- (i)Via the Internet at http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform or if the offeror does not have internet access,it may call Dun and Bradstreet at 1-866-705-5711 if located within the United States;or (ii)If located outside the United States,by contacting the local Dun and Bradstreet office.The offeror should indicate that it is an offeror for a U.S.Government contract when contacting the local Dun and Bradstreet office. (2)The offeror should be prepared to provide the following information: (i)Company legal business. (ii)Tradestyle,doing business,or other name by which your entity is commonly recognized. (iii)Company Physical Street Address,City, State,and Zip Code. (iv)Company Mailing Address,City,State and Zip Code(if separate from physical). (v)Company Telephone Number. (vi)Date the company was started. (vii)Number of employees at your location. (viii)Chief executive officer/key manager. (ix)Line of business(industry). (x)Company Headquarters name and address(reporting relationship within your entity). (d)If the Offeror does not become registered in the CCR database in the time prescribed by the Contracting Officer, the Contracting Officer will proceed to award to the next otherwise successful registered Offeror. (e)Processing time,which normally takes 48 hours,should be taken into consideration when registering.Offerors who are not registered should consider applying for registration immediately upon receipt of this solicitation. (f)The Contractor is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data within the CCR database,and for any liability resulting from the Government's reliance on inaccurate or incomplete data.To remain registered in the CCR database after the initial registration,the Contractor is required to review and update on an annual basis from the date of initial registration or subsequent updates its information in the CCR database to ensure it is current, accurate and complete.Updating information in the CCR does not alter the terms and conditions of this contract and is not a substitute for a properly executed contractual document. (g)(1)(i)If a Contractor has legally changed its business name,"doing business as"name,or division name (whichever is shown on the contract),or has transferred the assets used in performing the contract,but has not completed the necessary requirements regarding novation and change-of-name agreements in Subpart 42.12,the W 9126G-10-P-0220 Page 25 of 55 Contractor shall provide the responsible Contracting Officer a minimum of one business day's written notification of its intention to(A)change the name in the CCR database;(B)comply with the requirements of Subpart 42.12 of the FAR;and(C)agree in writing to the timeline and procedures specified by the responsible Contracting Officer.The Contractor must provide with the notification sufficient documentation to support the legally changed name. (ii)If the Contractor fails to comply with the requirements of paragraph(g)(1)(i)of this clause,or fails to perform the agreement at paragraph(g)(1)(i)(C)of this clause,and,in the absence of a properly executed novation or change-of-name agreement,the CCR information that shows the Contractor to be other than the Contractor indicated in the contract will be considered to be incorrect information within the meaning of the"Suspension of Payment"paragraph of the electronic funds transfer(EFT)clause of this contract. (2)The Contractor shall not change the name or address for EFT payments or manual payments,as appropriate,in the CCR record to reflect an assignee for the purpose of assignment of claims(see FAR Subpart 32.8,Assignment of Claims).Assignees shall be separately registered in the CCR database.Information provided to the Contractor's CCR record that indicates payments,including those made by EFT,to an ultimate recipient other than that Contractor will be considered to be incorrect information within the meaning of the"Suspension of payment" paragraph of the EFT clause of this contract. (h)Offerors and Contractors may obtain information on registration and annual confirmation requirements via the interne at http://www.ccr.gov or by calling 1-888-227-2423,or 269-961-5757. (End of clause) CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.215-8 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE--UNIFORM CONTRACT FORMAT(OCT 1997) Any inconsistency in this solicitation or contract shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: (a)The Schedule(excluding the specifications). (b)Representations and other instructions. (c)Contract clauses. (d)Other documents,exhibits,and attachments. (e)The specifications. (End of clause) CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.222-1 NOTICE TO THE GOVERNMENT OF LABOR DISPUTES(FEB 1997) If the Contractor has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of this contract,the Contractor shall immediately give notice,including all relevant information,to the Contracting Officer. W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 26 of 55 (End of clause) CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.222-3 CONVICT LABOR(JUN 2003) (a)Except as provided in paragraph(b)of this clause,the Contractor shall not employ in the performance of this contract any person undergoing a sentence of imprisonment imposed by any court of a State,the District of Columbia,Puerto Rico,the Northern Mariana Islands,American Samoa,Guam,or the U.S.Virgin Islands. (b)The Contractor is not prohibited from employing persons-- (1)On parole or probation to work at paid employment during the term of their sentence; (2)Who have been pardoned or who have served their terms;or (3)Confined for violation of the laws of any of the States,the District of Columbia,Puerto Rico,the Northern Mariana Islands,American Samoa,Guam,or the U.S.Virgin Islands who are authorized to work at paid employment in the community under the laws of such jurisdiction,if-- (i)The worker is paid or is in an approved work training program on a voluntary basis; (ii)Representatives of local union central bodies or similar labor union organizations have been consulted; (iii)Such paid employment will not result in the displacement of employed workers,or be applied in skills,crafts, or trades in which there is a surplus of available gainful labor in the locality,or impair existing contracts for services; (iv)The rates of pay and other conditions of employment will not be less than those paid or provided for work of a similar nature in the locality in which the work is being performed;and (v)The Attorney General of the United States has certified that the work-release laws or regulations of the jurisdiction involved are in conformity with the requirements of Executive Order 11755,as amended by Executive Orders 12608 and 12943. (End of clause) CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.222-21 PROHIBITION OF SEGREGATED FACILITIES(FEB 1999) (a)Segregated facilities,as used in this clause,means any waiting rooms,work areas,rest rooms and wash rooms, restaurants and other eating areas,time clocks,locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas,parking lots, drinking fountains,recreation or entertainment areas,transportation,and housing facilities provided for employees, that are segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the basis of race,color,religion,sex,or national origin because of written or oral policies or employee custom.The term does not include separate or single-user rest rooms or necessary dressing or sleeping areas provided to assure privacy between the sexes. W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 27 of 55 (b)The Contractor agrees that it does not and will not maintain or provide for its employees any segregated facilities at any of its establishments,and that it does not and will not permit its employees to perform their services at any location under its control where segregated facilities are maintained.The Contractor agrees that a breach of this clause is a violation of the Equal Opportunity clause in this contract. (c)The Contractor shall include this clause in every subcontract and purchase order that is subject to the Equal Opportunity clause of this contract. (End of clause) CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.222-26 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY(MAR 2007) (a)Definition.United States,as used in this clause,means the 50 States,the District of Columbia,Puerto Rico,the Northern Mariana Islands,American Samoa,Guam,the U.S.Virgin Islands,and Wake Island. (b)(1)If,during any 12-month period(including the 12 months preceding the award of this contract),the Contractor has been or is awarded nonexempt Federal contracts and/or subcontracts that have an aggregate value in excess of $10,000,the Contractor shall comply with this clause,except for work performed outside the United States by employees who were not recruited within the United States.Upon request,the Contractor shall provide information necessary to determine the applicability of this clause. (2)If the Contractor is a religious corporation,association,educational institution,or society,the requirements of this clause do not apply with respect to the employment of individuals of a particular religion to perform work connected with the carrying on of the Contractor's activities(41 CFR 60-1.5). (c)(1)The Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color,religion,sex,or national origin.However,it shall not be a violation of this clause for the Contractor to extend a publicly announced preference in employment to Indians living on or near an Indian reservation,in connection with employment opportunities on or near an Indian reservation,as permitted by 41 CFR 60-1.5. (2)The Contractor shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed,and that employees are treated during employment,without regard to their race,color,religion,sex,or national origin.This shall include, but not be limited to,(i)employment,(ii)upgrading,(iii)demotion,(iv)transfer,(v)recruitment or recruitment advertising,(vi)layoff or termination,(vii)rates of pay or other forms of compensation,and(viii)selection for training,including apprenticeship. (3)The Contractor shall post in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment the notices to be provided by the Contracting Officer that explain this clause. (4)The Contractor shall,in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor,state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color,religion,sex,or national origin. (5)The Contractor shall send,to each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding,the notice to be provided by the Contracting Officer advising the labor union or workers'representative of the Contractor's commitments under this clause,and post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. W 9126G-10-P-0220 Page 28 of 55 (6)The Contractor shall comply with Executive Order 11246,as amended,and the rules,regulations,and orders of the Secretary of Labor. (7)The Contractor shall furnish to the contracting agency all information required by Executive Order 11246,as amended,and by the rules,regulations,and orders of the Secretary of Labor.The Contractor shall also file Standard Form 100(EEO-1),or any successor form,as prescribed in 41 CFR part 60-1.Unless the Contractor has filed within the 12 months preceding the date of contract award,the Contractor shall,within 30 days after contract award, apply to either the regional Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs(OFCCP)or the local office of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for the necessary forms. (8)The Contractor shall permit access to its premises,during normal business hours,by the contracting agency or the OFCCP for the purpose of conducting on-site compliance evaluations and complaint investigations.The Contractor shall permit the Government to inspect and copy any books,accounts,records(including computerized records),and other material that may be relevant to the matter under investigation and pertinent to compliance with Executive Order 11246,as amended,and rules and regulations that implement the Executive Order. (9)If the OFCCP determines that the Contractor is not in compliance with this clause or any rule,regulation,or order of the Secretary of Labor,this contract may be canceled,terminated,or suspended in whole or in part and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts,under the procedures authorized in Executive Order 11246,as amended.In addition,sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked against the Contractor as provided in Executive Order 11246,as amended;in the rules,regulations,and orders of the Secretary of Labor;or as otherwise provided by law. (10)The Contractor shall include the terms and conditions of this clause in every subcontract or purchase order that is not exempted by the rules,regulations,or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued under Executive Order 11246, as amended,so that these terms and conditions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. (11)The Contractor shall take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the contracting officer may direct as a means of enforcing these terms and conditions,including sanctions for noncompliance; provided,that if the Contractor becomes involved in,or is threatened with,litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of any direction,the Contractor may request the United States to enter into the litigation to protect the interests of the United States. (c)Notwithstanding any other clause in this contract,disputes relative to this clause will be governed by the procedures in 41 CFR 60-1.1. (End of clause) CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.222-35 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR SPECIAL DISABLED VETERANS,VETERANS OF THE VIETNAM ERA,AND OTHER ELIGIBLE VETERANS(SEP 2006) (a)Definitions.As used in this clause-- All employment openings means all positions except executive and top management,those positions that will be filled from within the Contractor's organization,and positions lasting 3 days or less.This term includes full-time employment,temporary employment of more than 3 days duration,and part-time employment. Executive and top management means any employee-- W 9126G-10-P-0220 Page 29 of 55 (1)Whose primary duty consists of the management of the enterprise in which the individual is employed or of a customarily recognized department or subdivision thereof; (2)Who customarily and regularly directs the work of two or more other employees; (3)Who has the authority to hire or fire other employees or whose suggestions and recommendations as to the hiring or firing and as to the advancement and promotion or any other change of status of other employees will be given particular weight; (4)Who customarily and regularly exercises discretionary powers;and (5)Who does not devote more than 20 percent or,in the case of an employee of a retail or service establishment, who does not devote more than 40 percent of total hours of work in the work week to activities that are not directly and closely related to the performance of the work described in paragraphs(1)through(4)of this definition.This paragraph(5)does not apply in the case of an employee who is in sole charge of an establishment or a physically separated branch establishment,or who owns at least a 20 percent interest in the enterprise in which the individual is employed. Other eligible veteran means any other veteran who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized. Positions that will be filled from within the Contractor's organization means employment openings for which the Contractor will give no consideration to persons outside the Contractor's organization(including any affiliates, subsidiaries,and parent companies)and includes any openings the Contractor proposes to fill from regularly established"recall"lists.The exception does not apply to a particular opening once an employer decides to consider applicants outside of its organization. Qualified special disabled veteran means a special disabled veteran who satisfies the requisite skill,experience, education,and other job-related requirements of the employment position such veteran holds or desires,and who, with or without reasonable accommodation,can perform the essential functions of such position. Special disabled veteran means-- (1)A veteran who is entitled to compensation(or who but for the receipt of military retired pay would be entitled to compensation)under laws administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs for a disability-- (i)Rated at 30 percent or more;or (ii)Rated at 10 or 20 percent in the case of a veteran who has been determined under 38 U.S.C.3106 to have a serious employment handicap(i.e.,a significant impairment of the veteran's ability to prepare for,obtain,or retain employment consistent with the veteran's abilities,aptitudes,and interests);or (2)A person who was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability. Veteran of the Vietnam era means a person who-- (1)Served on active duty for a period of more than 180 days and was discharged or released from active duty with other than a dishonorable discharge,if any part of such active duty occurred-- (i)In the Republic of Vietnam between February 28, 1961,and May 7, 1975;or (ii)Between August 5, 1964,and May 7, 1975,in all other cases;or W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 30 of 55 (2)Was discharged or released from active duty for a service-connected disability if any part of the active duty was performed-- (i)In the Republic of Vietnam between February 28, 1961,and May 7, 1975;or (ii)Between August 5, 1964,and May 7, 1975,in all other cases. (b)General.(1)The Contractor shall not discriminate against the individual because the individual is a special disabled veteran,a veteran of the Vietnam era,or other eligible veteran,regarding any position for which the employee or applicant for employment is qualified.The Contractor shall take affirmative action to employ,advance in employment,and otherwise treat qualified special disabled veterans,veterans of the Vietnam era,and other eligible veterans without discrimination based upon their disability or veterans'status in all employment practices such as-- (i)Recruitment,advertising,and job application procedures; (ii)Hiring,upgrading,promotion,award of tenure,demotion,transfer,layoff,termination,right of return from layoff and rehiring; (iii)Rate of pay or any other form of compensation and changes in compensation; (iv)Job assignments,job classifications,organizational structures,position descriptions,lines of progression,and seniority lists; (v)Leaves of absence,sick leave,or any other leave; (vi)Fringe benefits available by virtue of employment,whether or not administered by the Contractor; (vii)Selection and financial support for training,including apprenticeship,and on-the-job training under 38 U.S.C. 3687,professional meetings,conferences,and other related activities,and selection for leaves of absence to pursue training; (viii)Activities sponsored by the Contractor including social or recreational programs;and (ix)Any other term,condition,or privilege of employment. (2)The Contractor shall comply with the rules,regulations,and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor issued under the Vietnam Era Veterans'Readjustment Assistance Act of 1972(the Act),as amended(38 U.S.C.4211 and 4212). (c)Listing openings.(1)The Contractor shall immediately list all employment openings that exist at the time of the execution of this contract and those which occur during the performance of this contract,including those not generated by this contract,and including those occurring at an establishment of the Contractor other than the one where the contract is being performed,but excluding those of independently operated corporate affiliates,at an appropriate local public employment service office of the State wherein the opening occurs.Listing employment openings with the U.S.Department of Labor's America's Job Bank shall satisfy the requirement to list jobs with the local employment service office. (2)The Contractor shall make the listing of employment openings with the local employment service office at least concurrently with using any other recruitment source or effort and shall involve the normal obligations of placing a bona fide job order,including accepting referrals of veterans and nonveterans.This listing of employment openings does not require hiring any particular job applicant or hiring from any particular group of job applicants and is not intended to relieve the Contractor from any requirements of Executive orders or regulations concerning nondiscrimination in employment. W 9126G-10-P-0220 Page 31 of 55 (3)Whenever the Contractor becomes contractually bound to the listing terms of this clause,it shall advise the State public employment agency in each State where it has establishments of the name and location of each hiring location in the State.As long as the Contractor is contractually bound to these terms and has so advised the State agency,it need not advise the State agency of subsequent contracts.The Contractor may advise the State agency when it is no longer bound by this contract clause. (d)Applicability.This clause does not apply to the listing of employment openings that occur and are filled outside the 50 States,the District of Columbia,the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands,American Samoa,Guam,the Virgin Islands of the United States,and Wake Island. (e)Postings.(1)The Contractor shall post employment notices in conspicuous places that are available to employees and applicants for employment. (2)The employment notices shall-- (i)State the rights of applicants and employees as well as the Contractor's obligation under the law to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified employees and applicants who are special disabled veterans,veterans of the Vietnam era,and other eligible veterans;and (ii)Be in a form prescribed by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Department of Labor(Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor),and provided by or through the Contracting Officer. (3)The Contractor shall ensure that applicants or employees who are special disabled veterans are informed of the contents of the notice(e.g.,the Contractor may have the notice read to a visually disabled veteran,or may lower the posted notice so that it can be read by a person in a wheelchair). (4)The Contractor shall notify each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement,or other contract understanding,that the Contractor is bound by the terms of the Act and is committed to take affirmative action to employ,and advance in employment,qualified special disabled veterans, veterans of the Vietnam era,and other eligible veterans. (f)Noncompliance.If the Contractor does not comply with the requirements of this clause,the Government may take appropriate actions under the rules,regulations,and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to the Act. (g)Subcontracts.The Contractor shall insert the terms of this clause in all subcontracts or purchase orders of $100,000 or more unless exempted by rules,regulations,or orders of the Secretary of Labor.The Contractor shall act as specified by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor to enforce the terms,including action for noncompliance. (End of clause) CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.222-36 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES(JUN 1998) (a)General.(1)Regarding any position for which the employee or applicant for employment is qualified,the Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant because of physical or mental disability.The Contractor agrees to take affirmative action to employ,advance in employment,and otherwise treat qualified individuals with disabilities without discrimination based upon their physical or mental disability in all employment practices such as-- W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 32 of 55 (i)Recruitment,advertising,and job application procedures; (ii)Hiring,upgrading,promotion,award of tenure,demotion,transfer,layoff,termination,right of return from layoff,and rehiring; (iii)Rates of pay or any other form of compensation and changes in compensation; (iv)Job assignments,job classifications,organizational structures,position descriptions,lines of progression,and seniority lists; (v)Leaves of absence,sick leave,or any other leave; (vi)Fringe benefits available by virtue of employment,whether or not administered by the Contractor; (vii)Selection and financial support for training,including apprenticeships,professional meetings,conferences,and other related activities,and selection for leaves of absence to pursue training; (viii)Activities sponsored by the Contractor,including social or recreational programs;and (ix)Any other term,condition,or privilege of employment. (2)The Contractor agrees to comply with the rules,regulations,and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor (Secretary)issued under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973(29 U.S.C.793)(the Act),as amended. (b)Postings.(1)The Contractor agrees to post employment notices stating-- (i)The Contractor's obligation under the law to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified individuals with disabilities;and (ii)The rights of applicants and employees. (2)These notices shall be posted in conspicuous places that are available to employees and applicants for employment.The Contractor shall ensure that applicants and employees with disabilities are informed of the contents of the notice(e.g.,the Contractor may have the notice read to a visually disabled individual,or may lower the posted notice so that it might be read by a person in a wheelchair).The notices shall be in a form prescribed by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Contract Compliance of the U.S.Department of Labor(Deputy Assistant Secretary)and shall be provided by or through the Contracting Officer. (3)The Contractor shall notify each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract understanding,that the Contractor is bound by the terms of Section 503 of the Act and is committed to take affirmative action to employ,and advance in employment,qualified individuals with physical or mental disabilities. (c)Noncompliance.If the Contractor does not comply with the requirements of this clause,appropriate actions may be taken under the rules,regulations,and relevant orders of the Secretary issued pursuant to the Act. (d)Subcontracts.The Contractor shall include the terms of this clause in every subcontract or purchase order in excess of$10,000 unless exempted by rules,regulations,or orders of the Secretary.The Contractor shall act as specified by the Deputy Assistant Secretary to enforce the terms,including action for noncompliance. (End of clause) W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 33 of 55 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.222-37 EMPLOYMENT REPORTS ON SPECIAL DISABLED VETERANS,VETERANS OF THE VIETNAM ERA,AND OTHER ELIGIBLE VETERANS(SEP 2006) (a)Unless the Contractor is a State or local government agency,the Contractor shall report at least annually,as required by the Secretary of Labor,on-- (1)The number of disabled veterans and the number of veterans of the Vietnam era in the workforce of the contractor by job category and hiring location;and (2)The total number of new employees hired during the period covered by the report,and of that total,the number of disabled veterans,and the number of veterans of the Vietnam era. (b)The above items shall be reported by completing the form entitled"Federal Contractor Veterans'Employment Report VETS-100." (c)Reports shall be submitted no later than September 30 of each year beginning September 30, 1988. (d)The employment activity report required by paragraph(a)(2)of this clause shall reflect total hires during the most recent 12-month period as of the ending date selected for the employment profile report required by paragraph (a)(1)of this clause.Contractors may select an ending date:(1)As of the end of any pay period during the period January through March 1st of the year the report is due,or(2)as of December 31,if the contractor has previous written approval from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to do so for purposes of submitting the Employer Information Report EEO-1 (Standard Form 100). (e)The count of veterans reported according to paragraph(a)of this clause shall be based on voluntary disclosure. Each Contractor subject to the reporting requirements at 38 U.S.C.4212 shall invite all disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam era who wish to benefit under the affirmative action program at 38 U.S.C.4212 to identify themselves to the Contractor.The invitation shall state that the information is voluntarily provided;that the information will be kept confidential;that disclosure or refusal to provide the information will not subject the applicant or employee to any adverse treatment;and that the information will be used only in accordance with the regulations promulgated under 38 U.S.C.4212. (f)Subcontracts.The Contractor shall include the terms of this clause in every subcontract or purchase order of $100,000 or more unless exempted by rules,regulations,or orders of the Secretary. (End of clause) CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.222-41 SERVICE CONTRACT ACT OF 1965 (NOV 2007) (a)Definitions.As used in this clause-- "Act," means the Service Contract Act of 1965 (41 U.S.C.351,et seq.). "Contractor,"when this clause is used in any subcontract,shall be deemed to refer to the subcontractor,except in the term"Government Prime Contractor." W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 34 of 55 "Service employee,"means any person engaged in the performance of this contract other than any person employed in a bona fide executive,administrative,or professional capacity,as these terms are defined in Part 541 of Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations,as revised.It includes all such persons regardless of any contractual relationship that may be alleged to exist between a Contractor or subcontractor and such persons. (b)Applicability.This contract is subject to the following provisions and to all other applicable provisions of the Act and regulations of the Secretary of Labor(29 CFR Part 4).This clause does not apply to contracts or subcontracts administratively exempted by the Secretary of Labor or exempted by 41 U.S.C.356,as interpreted in Subpart C of 29 CFR Part 4. (c)Compensation.(1)Each service employee employed in the performance of this contract by the Contractor or any subcontractor shall be paid not less than the minimum monetary wages and shall be furnished fringe benefits in accordance with the wages and fringe benefits determined by the Secretary of Labor,or authorized representative, as specified in any wage determination attached to this contract. (2)(i)If a wage determination is attached to this con-tract,the Contractor shall classify any class of service employee which is not listed therein and which is to be employed under the contract(i.e.,the work to be performed is not performed by any classification listed in the wage determination)so as to provide a reasonable relationship (i.e.,appropriate level of skill comparison)between such unlisted classifications and the classifications listed in the wage determination. Such conformed class of employees shall be paid the monetary wages and furnished the fringe benefits as are determined pursuant to the procedures in this paragraph(c). (ii)This conforming procedure shall be initiated by the Contractor prior to the performance of contract work by the unlisted class of employee.The Contractor shall submit Standard Form(SF) 1444,Request For Authorization of Additional Classification and Rate,to the Contracting Officer no later than 30 days after the unlisted class of employee performs any contract work.The Contracting Officer shall review the proposed classification and rate and promptly submit the completed SF 1444(which must include information regarding the agreement or disagreement of the employees'authorized representatives or the employees themselves together with the agency recommendation),and all pertinent informa-tion to the Wage and Hour Division,Employment Standards Administration,U.S.Department of Labor.The Wage and Hour Division will approve,modify,or disapprove the action or render a final determination in the event of disagreement within 30 days of receipt or will notify the Contracting Officer within 30 days of receipt that additional time is necessary. (iii)The final determination of the conformance action by the Wage and Hour Division shall be transmitted to the Contracting Officer who shall promptly notify the Contractor of the action taken.Each affected employee shall be furnished by the Contractor with a written copy of such determination or it shall be posted as a part of the wage determination. (iv)(A)The process of establishing wage and fringe benefit rates that bear a reasonable relationship to those listed in a wage determination cannot be reduced to any single formula.The approach used may vary from wage determination to wage determination depending on the circumstances. Standard wage and salary administration practices which rank various job classifications by pay grade pursuant to point schemes or other job factors may,for example,be relied upon.Guidance may also be obtained from the way different jobs are rated under Federal pay systems(Federal Wage Board Pay System and the General Schedule)or from other wage determina-tions issued in the same locality.Basic to the establishment of any conformable wage rate(s)is the concept that a pay relationship should be maintained between job classifications based on the skill required and the duties performed. (B)In the case of a contract modification,an exercise of an option,or extension of an existing contract,or in any other case where a Contractor succeeds a contract under which the classification in question was previously conformed pursuant to paragraph(c)of this clause,a new conformed wage rate and fringe benefits may be assigned to the conformed classification by indexing(i.e.,adjusting)the previous conformed rate and fringe benefits by an amount equal to the average(mean)percentage increase(or decrease,where appropriate)between the wages and fringe benefits specified for all classifications to be used on the contract which are listed in the current wage W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 35 of 55 determination,and those specified for the corresponding classifications in the previously applicable wage determination.Where conforming actions are accomplished in accordance with this paragraph prior to the performance of contract work by the unlisted class of employees,the Contractor shall advise the Contracting Officer of the action taken but the other procedures in subdivision(c)(2)(ii)of this clause need not be followed. (C)No employee engaged in performing work on this contract shall in any event be paid less than the currently applicable minimum wage specified under section 6(a)(1)of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938,as amended. (v)The wage rate and fringe benefits finally determined under this subparagraph(c)(2)of this clause shall be paid to all employees performing in the classification from the first day on which contract work is performed by them in the classification.Failure to pay the unlisted employees the compensation agreed upon by the interested parties and/or finally determined by the Wage and Hour Division retroactive to the date such class of employees commenced contract work shall be a violation of the Act and this contract. (vi)Upon discovery of failure to comply with subparagraph(c)(2)of this clause,the Wage and Hour Division shall make a final determination of conformed classification,wage rate,and/or fringe benefits which shall be retroactive to the date such class or classes of employees commenced contract work. (3)Adjustment of Compensation.If the term of this contract is more than 1 year,the minimum monetary wages and fringe benefits required to be paid or fur-nished thereunder to service employees under this contract shall be subject to adjustment after 1 year and not less often than once every 2 years,under wage determinations issued by the Wage and Hour Division. (d)Obligation to Furnish Fringe Benefits.The Contractor or subcontractor may discharge the obligation to furnish fringe benefits specified in the attachment or determined under subparagraph(c)(2)of this clause by furnishing equivalent combinations of bona fide fringe benefits,or by making equivalent or differential cash payments,only in accordance with Subpart D of 29 CFR Part 4. (e)Minimum Wage.In the absence of a minimum wage attachment for this contract,neither the Contractor nor any subcontractor under this contract shall pay any person performing work under this contract(regardless of whether the person is a service employee)less than the minimum wage specified by section 6(a)(1)of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938.Nothing in this clause shall relieve the Contractor or any subcontractor of any other obligation under law or contract for payment of a higher wage to any employee. (f)Successor Contracts.If this contract succeeds a contract subject to the Act under which substantially the same services were furnished in the same locality and service employees were paid wages and fringe benefits provided for in a collective bargaining agreement,in the absence of the minimum wage attachment for this contract setting forth such collectively bargained wage rates and fringe benefits,neither the Contractor nor any subcontractor under this contract shall pay any service employee performing any of the contract work(regardless of whether or not such employee was employed under the predecessor contract),less than the wages and fringe benefits provided for in such collective bargaining agreement,to which such employee would have been entitled if employed under the predecessor contract,including accrued wages and fringe benefits and any prospective increases in wages and fringe benefits provided for under such agreement.No Contractor or subcontractor under this contract may be relieved of the foregoing obligation unless the limitations of 29 CFR 4.1b(b)apply or unless the Secretary of Labor or the Secretary's authorized representative finds,after a hearing as provided in 29 CFR 4.10 that the wages and/or fringe benefits provided for in such agreement are substantially at variance with those which prevail for services of a character similar in the locality,or determines,as provided in 29 CFR 4.11,that the collective bargaining agreement applicable to service employees employed under the predecessor contract was not entered into as a result of arm's length negotiations.Where it is found in accordance with the review procedures provided in 29 CFR 4.10 and/or 4.11 and Parts 6 and 8 that some or all of the wages and/or fringe benefits contained in a predecessor Contractor's collective bargaining agreement are substantially at variance with those which prevail for services of a character similar in the locality,and/or that the collective bargaining agreement applicable to service employees employed under the predecessor contract was not entered into as a result of arm's length negotiations,the Department will issue a new or revised wage determination setting forth the applicable wage rates and fringe benefits. Such W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 36 of 55 determination shall be made part of the contract or subcontract,in accordance with the decision of the Administrator,the Administrative Law Judge,or the Administrative Review Board,as the case may be,irrespective of whether such issuance occurs prior to or after the award of a contract or subcontract(53 Comp.Gen.401 (1973)). In the case of a wage determination issued solely as a result of a finding of substantial variance,such determination shall be effective as of the date of the final administrative decision. (g)Notification to Employees.The Contractor and any subcontractor under this contract shall notify each service employee commencing work on this contract of the minimum monetary wage and any fringe benefits required to be paid pursuant to this contract,or shall post the wage determination attached to this contract.The poster provided by the Department of Labor(Publication WH 1313)shall be posted in a prominent and accessible place at the worksite. Failure to comply with this requirement is a violation of section 2(a)(4)of the Act and of this contract. (h)Safe and Sanitary Working Conditions.The Contractor or subcontractor shall not permit any part of the services called for by this contract to be performed in buildings or surroundings or under working conditions provided by or under the control or supervision of the Contractor or subcontractor which are unsanitary,hazardous,or dangerous to the health or safety of the service employees.The Contractor or subcontractor shall comply with the safety and health standards applied under 29 CFR Part 1925. (i)Records.(1)The Contractor and each subcontractor performing work subject to the Act shall make and maintain for 3 years from the completion of the work,and make them available for inspection and transcription by authorized representatives of the Wage and Hour Division,Employment Standards Administration,a record of the following: (i)For each employee subject to the Act-- (A)Name and address and social security number; (B)Correct work classification or classifications,rate or rates of monetary wages paid and fringe benefits provided, rate or rates of payments in lieu of fringe benefits,and total daily and weekly compensation; (C)Daily and weekly hours worked by each employee;and (D)Any deductions,rebates,or refunds from the total daily or weekly compensation of each employee. (ii)For those classes of service employees not included in any wage determination attached to this contract,wage rates or fringe benefits determined by the interested parties or by the Administrator or authorized representative under the terms of paragraph(c)of this clause.A copy of the report required by subdivision(c)(2)(ii)of this clause will fulfill this requirement. (iii)Any list of the predecessor Contractor's employees which had been furnished to the Contractor as prescribed by paragraph(n)of this clause. (2)The Contractor shall also make available a copy of this contract for inspection or transcription by authorized representatives of the Wage and Hour Division. (3)Failure to make and maintain or to make available these records for inspection and transcription shall be a violation of the regulations and this contract,and in the case of failure to produce these records,the Contracting Officer,upon direction of the Department of Labor and notification to the Contractor,shall take action to cause suspension of any further payment or advance of funds until the violation ceases. (4)The Contractor shall permit authorized representatives of the Wage and Hour Division to conduct interviews with employees at the worksite during normal working hours. (j)Pay Periods.The Contractor shall unconditionally pay to each employee subject to the Act all wages due free and clear and without subsequent deduction(except as otherwise provided by law or regulations,29 CFR Part 4),rebate, W 9126G-10-P-0220 Page 37 of 55 or kickback on any account.These payments shall be made no later than one pay period following the end of the regular pay period in which the wages were earned or accrued.A pay period under this Act may not be of any duration longer than semi-monthly. (k)Withholding of Payments and Termination of Contract.The Contracting Officer shall withhold or cause to be withheld from the Government Prime Contractor under this or any other Government contract with the Prime Contractor such sums as an appropriate official of the Department of Labor requests or such sums as the Contracting Officer decides may be necessary to pay underpaid employees employed by the Contractor or subcontractor.In the event of failure to pay any employees subject to the Act all or part of the wages or fringe benefits due under the Act,the Contracting Officer may,after authorization or by direction of the Department of Labor and written notification to the Contractor,take action to cause suspension of any further payment or advance of funds until such violations have ceased.Additionally,any failure to comply with the requirements of this clause may be grounds for termination of the right to proceed with the contract work.In such event,the Government may enter into other contracts or arrangements for completion of the work,charging the Contractor in default with any additional cost. (1)Subcontracts.The Contractor agrees to insert this clause in all subcontracts subject to the Act. (m)Collective Bargaining Agreements Applicable to Service Employees.If wages to be paid or fringe benefits to be furnished any service employees employed by the Government Prime Contractor or any subcontractor under the contract are provided for in a collective bargaining agreement which is or will be effective during any period in which the contract is being performed,the Government Prime Contractor shall report such fact to the Contracting Officer,together with full information as to the application and accrual of such wages and fringe benefits,including any prospective increases,to service employees engaged in work on the contract,and a copy of the collective bargaining agreement.Such report shall be made upon commencing performance of the contract,in the case of collective bargaining agreements effective at such time,and in the case of such agreements or provisions or amendments thereof effective at a later time during the period of contract performance such agreements shall be reported promptly after negotiation thereof. (n)Seniority List.Not less than 10 days prior to completion of any contract being performed at a Federal facility where service employees may be retained in the performance of the succeeding contract and subject to a wage determination which contains vacation or other benefit provisions based upon length of service with a Contractor (predecessor)or successor(29 CFR 4.173),the incumbent Prime Contractor shall furnish the Contracting Officer a certified list of the names of all service employees on the Contractor's or subcontractor's payroll during the last month of contract performance.Such list shall also contain anniversary dates of employment on the contract either with the current or predecessor Contractors of each such service employee.The Contracting Officer shall turn over such list to the successor Contractor at the commencement of the succeeding contract. (o)Rulings and Interpretations.Rulings and interpretations of the Act are contained in Regulations,29 CFR Part 4. (p)Contractor's Certification.(1)By entering into this contract,the Contractor(and officials thereof)certifies that neither it(nor he or she)nor any person or firm who has a substantial interest in the Contractor's firm is a person or firm ineligible to be awarded Government contracts by virtue of the sanctions imposed under section 5 of the Act. (2)No part of this contract shall be subcontracted to any person or firm ineligible for award of a Government contract under section 5 of the Act. (3)The penalty for making false statements is prescribed in the U.S.Criminal Code, 18 U.S.C. 1001. (q)Variations,Tolerances,and Exemptions Involving Employment.Notwithstanding any of the provisions in paragraphs(b)through(o)of this clause,the following employees may be employed in accordance with the following variations,tolerances,and exemptions,which the Secretary of Labor,pursuant to section 4(b)of the Act prior to its amendment by Pub.L.92-473,found to be necessary and proper in the public interest or to avoid serious impairment of the conduct of Government business: W 9126G-10-P-0220 Page 38 of 55 (1)Apprentices,student-learners,and workers whose earning capacity is impaired by age,physical or mental deficiency,or injury may be employed at wages lower than the minimum wages otherwise required by section 2(a)(1)or 2(b)(1)of the Act without diminishing any fringe benefits or cash payments in lieu thereof required under section 2(a)(2)of the Act,in accordance with the conditions and procedures prescribed for the employment of apprentices,student-learners,handicapped persons,and handicapped clients of sheltered workshops under section 14 of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938,in the regulations issued by the Administrator(29 CFR Parts 520,521, 524,and 525). (2)The Administrator will issue certificates under the Act for the employment of apprentices,student-learners, handicapped persons,or handicapped clients of sheltered workshops not subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938,or subject to different minimum rates of pay under the two acts,authorizing appropriate rates of minimum wages(but without changing requirements concerning fringe benefits or supplementary cash payments in lieu thereof),applying procedures prescribed by the applicable regulations issued under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938(29 CFR Parts 520,521,524,and 525). (3)The Administrator will also withdraw,annul,or cancel such certificates in accordance with the regulations in 29 CFR Parts 525 and 528. (r)Apprentices.Apprentices will be permitted to work at less than the predetermined rate for the work they perform when they are employed and individually registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program registered with a State Apprenticeship Agency which is recognized by the U.S.Department of Labor,or if no such recognized agency exists in a State,under a program registered with the Office of Apprenticeship Training,Employer,and Labor Services(OATELS),U.S.Department of Labor.Any employee who is not registered as an apprentice in an approved program shall be paid the wage rate and fringe benefits contained in the applicable wage determination for the journeyman classification of work actually performed.The wage rates paid apprentices shall not be less than the wage rate for their level of progress set forth in the registered program,expressed as the appropriate percentage of the journeyman's rate contained in the applicable wage determination.The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen employed on the contract work in any craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the Contractor as to his entire work force under the registered program. (s)Tips.An employee engaged in an occupation in which the employee customarily and regularly receives more than$30 a month in tips may have the amount of these tips credited by the employer against the minimum wage required by section 2(a)(1)or section 2(b)(1)of the Act,in accordance with section 3(m)of the Fair Labor Standards Act and Regulations,29 CFR Part 531.However,the amount of credit shall not exceed$1.34 per hour beginning January 1, 1981.To use this provision-- (1)The employer must inform tipped employees about this tip credit allowance before the credit is utilized; (2)The employees must be allowed to retain all tips(individually or through a pooling arrangement and regardless of whether the employer elects to take a credit for tips received); (3)The employer must be able to show by records that the employee receives at least the applicable Service Contract Act minimum wage through the combination of direct wages and tip credit;and (4)The use of such tip credit must have been permitted under any predecessor collective bargaining agreement applicable by virtue of section 4(c)of the Act. Disputes Concerning Labor Standards.The U.S.Department of Labor has set forth in 29 CFR Parts 4,6,and 8 procedures for resolving disputes concerning labor standards requirements. Such disputes shall be resolved in accordance with those procedures and not the Disputes clause of this contract.Disputes within the meaning of this clause include disputes between the Contractor(or any of its subcontractors)and the contracting agency,the U.S. Department of Labor,or the employees or their representatives. W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 39 of 55 (End of clause) CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.222-50 COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS(FEB 2009) (a)Definitions.As used in this clause-- Coercion means-- (1)Threats of serious harm to or physical restraint against any person; (2)Any scheme,plan,or pattern intended to cause a person to believe that failure to perform an act would result in serious harm to or physical restraint against any person;or (3)The abuse or threatened abuse of the legal process. Commercial sex act means any sex act on account of which anything of value is given to or received by any person. Debt bondage means the status or condition of a debtor arising from a pledge by the debtor of his or her personal services or of those of a person under his or her control as a security for debt,if the value of those services as reasonably assessed is not applied toward the liquidation of the debt or the length and nature of those services are not respectively limited and defined. Employee means an employee of the Contractor directly engaged in the performance of work under the contract who has other than a minimal impact or involvement in contract performance. Forced Labor means knowingly providing or obtaining the labor or services of a person-- (1)By threats of serious harm to,or physical restraint against,that person or another person; (2)By means of any scheme,plan,or pattern intended to cause the person to believe that,if the person did not perform such labor or services,that person or another person would suffer serious harm or physical restraint;or (3)By means of the abuse or threatened abuse of law or the legal process. Involuntary servitude includes a condition of servitude induced by means of-- (1)Any scheme,plan,or pattern intended to cause a person to believe that,if the person did not enter into or continue in such conditions,that person or another person would suffer serious harm or physical restraint;or (2)The abuse or threatened abuse of the legal process. Severe forms of trafficking in persons means-- (1)Sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force,fraud,or coercion,or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age;or (2)The recruitment,harboring,transportation,provision,or obtaining of a person for labor or services,through the use of force,fraud,or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude,peonage,debt bondage,or slavery. W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 40 of 55 Sex trafficking means the recruitment,harboring,transportation,provision,or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act. (b)Policy.The United States Government has adopted a zero tolerance policy regarding trafficking in persons. Contractors and contractor employees shall not-- (1)Engage in severe forms of trafficking in persons during the period of performance of the contract; (2)Procure commercial sex acts during the period of performance of the contract;or (3)Use forced labor in the performance of the contract. (c)Contractor requirements.The Contractor shall-- (1)Notify its employees of-- (i)The United States Government's zero tolerance policy described in paragraph(b)of this clause;and (ii)The actions that will be taken against employees for violations of this policy.Such actions may include,but are not limited to,removal from the contract,reduction in benefits,or termination of employment;and (2)Take appropriate action,up to and including termination,against employees or subcontractors that violate the policy in paragraph(b)of this clause. (d)Notification.The Contractor shall inform the Contracting Officer immediately of-- (1)Any information it receives from any source(including host country law enforcement)that alleges a Contractor employee,subcontractor,or subcontractor employee has engaged in conduct that violates this policy;and (2)Any actions taken against Contractor employees,subcontractors,or subcontractor employees pursuant to this clause. (e)Remedies.In addition to other remedies available to the Government,the Contractor's failure to comply with the requirements of paragraphs(c),(d),or(f)of this clause may result in-- (1)Requiring the Contractor to remove a Contractor employee or employees from the performance of the contract; (2)Requiring the Contractor to terminate a subcontract; (3)Suspension of contract payments; (4)Loss of award fee,consistent with the award fee plan,for the performance period in which the Government determined Contractor non-compliance; (5)Termination of the contract for default or cause,in accordance with the termination clause of this contract;or (6)Suspension or debarment. (f)Subcontracts.The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause,including this paragraph(f),in all subcontracts. (g)Mitigating Factor.The Contracting Officer may consider whether the Contractor had a Trafficking in Persons awareness program at the time of the violation as a mitigating factor when determining remedies.Additional W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 41 of 55 information about Trafficking in Persons and examples of awareness programs can be found at the website for the Department of State's Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons at http://www.state.gov/g/tip. (End of clause) CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.223-3 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA(JAN 1997) (a)"Hazardous material",as used in this clause,includes any material defined as hazardous under the latest version of Federal Standard No.313(including revisions adopted during the term of the contract). (b)The offeror must list any hazardous material,as defined in paragraph(a)of this clause,to be delivered under this contract.The hazardous material shall be properly identified and include any applicable identification number,such as National Stock Number or Special Item Number.This information shall also be included on the Material Safety Data Sheet submitted under this contract. Material Identification No. (If none, insert"None") (c)This list must be updated during performance of the contract whenever the Contractor determines that any other material to be delivered under this contract is hazardous. (d)The apparently successful offeror agrees to submit,for each item as required prior to award,a Material Safety Data Sheet,meeting the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1200(g)and the latest version of Federal Standard No.313, for all hazardous material identified in paragraph(b)of this clause.Data shall be submitted in accordance with Federal Standard No.313,whether or not the apparently successful offeror is the actual manufacturer of these items. Failure to submit the Material Safety Data Sheet prior to award may result in the apparently successful offeror being considered nonresponsible and ineligible for award. (e)If,after award,there is a change in the composition of the item(s)or a revision to Federal Standard No.313, which renders incomplete or inaccurate the data submitted under paragraph(d)of this clause,the Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer and resubmit the data. (f)Neither the requirements of this clause nor any act or failure to act by the Government shall relieve the Contractor of any responsibility or liability for the safety of Government,Contractor,or subcontractor personnel or property. (g)Nothing contained in this clause shall relieve the Contractor from complying with applicable Federal, State,and local laws,codes,ordinances,and regulations(including the obtaining of licenses and permits)in connection with hazardous material. (h)The Government's rights in data furnished under this contract with respect to hazardous material are as follows: W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 42 of 55 (1)To use,duplicate and disclose any data to which this clause is applicable.The purposes of this right are to-- (i)Apprise personnel of the hazards to which they may be exposed in using,handling,packaging,transporting,or disposing of hazardous materials; (ii)Obtain medical treatment for those affected by the material;and (iii)Have others use,duplicate,and disclose the data for the Government for these purposes. (2)To use,duplicate,and disclose data furnished under this clause,in accordance with subparagraph(h)(1)of this clause,in precedence over any other clause of this contract providing for rights in data. (3)The Government is not precluded from using similar or identical data acquired from other sources. (End of clause) 52.223-5 POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RIGHT-TO-KNOW INFORMATION(AUG 2003) (a)Definitions.As used in this clause-- Priority chemical means a chemical identified by the Interagency Environmental Leadership Workgroup or, alternatively,by an agency pursuant to section 503 of Executive Order 13148 of April 21,2000,Greening the Government through Leadership in Environmental Management. "Toxic chemical means a chemical or chemical category listed in 40 CFR 372.65." (b)Executive Order 13148 requires Federal facilities to comply with the provisions of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986(EPCRA)(42 U.S.C. 11001-11050)and the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990(PPA)(42 U.S.C. 13101-13109). (c)The Contractor shall provide all information needed by the Federal facility to comply with the following: (1)The emergency planning reporting requirements of section 302 of EPCRA. (2)The emergency notice requirements of section 304 of EPCRA. (3)The list of Material Safety Data Sheets,required by section 311 of EPCRA. (4)The emergency and hazardous chemical inventory forms of section 312 of EPCRA. (5)The toxic chemical release inventory of section 313 of EPCRA,which includes the reduction and recycling information required by section 6607 of PPA. (6)The toxic chemical,priority chemical,and hazardous substance release and use reduction goals of sections 502 and 503 of Executive Order 13148. (End of clause) 52.225-13 RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN FOREIGN PURCHASES(JUN 2008) W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 43 of 55 (a)Except as authorized by the Office of Foreign Assets Control(OFAC)in the Department of the Treasury,the Contractor shall not acquire,for use in the performance of this contract,any supplies or services if any proclamation,Executive order,or statute administered by OFAC,or if OFAC's implementing regulations at 31 CFR chapter V,would prohibit such a transaction by a person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. (b)Except as authorized by OFAC,most transactions involving Cuba,Iran,and Sudan are prohibited,as are most imports from Burma or North Korea,into the United States or its outlying areas.Lists of entities and individuals subject to economic sanctions are included in OFAC's List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons at TerListl.html.More information about these restrictions,as well as updates,is available in the OFAC's regulations at 31 CFR chapter V and/or on OFAC's Web site at http://www.treas.gov/offices/enforcement/ofac/. (c)The Contractor shall insert this clause,including this paragraph(c),in all subcontracts. (End of clause) 52.229-3 FEDERAL, STATE,AND LOCAL TAXES(APR 2003) (a)As used in this clause-- "Contract date"means the date set for bid opening or, if this is a negotiated contract or a modification,the effective date of this contract or modification. "All applicable Federal, State,and local taxes and duties"means all taxes and duties,in effect on the contract date, that the taxing authority is imposing and collecting on the transactions or property covered by this contract. "After-imposed Federal tax"means any new or increased Federal excise tax or duty,or tax that was exempted or excluded on the contract date but whose exemption was later revoked or reduced during the contract period,on the transactions or property covered by this contract that the Contractor is required to pay or bear as the result of legislative,judicial,or administrative action taking effect after the contract date.It does not include social security tax or other employment taxes. "After-relieved Federal tax"means any amount of Federal excise tax or duty,except social security or other employment taxes,that would otherwise have been payable on the transactions or property covered by this contract, but which the Contractor is not required to pay or bear,or for which the Contractor obtains a refund or drawback,as the result of legislative,judicial,or administrative action taking effect after the contract date. Local taxes includes taxes imposed by a possession or territory of the United States,Puerto Rico,or the Northern Mariana Islands,if the contract is performed wholly or partly in any of those areas. (b)The contract price includes all applicable Federal,State,and local taxes and duties. (c)The contract price shall be increased by the amount of any after-imposed Federal tax,provided the Contractor warrants in writing that no amount for such newly imposed Federal excise tax or duty or rate increase was included in the contract price,as a contingency reserve or otherwise. (d)The contract price shall be decreased by the amount of any after-relieved Federal tax. (e)The contract price shall be decreased by the amount of any Federal excise tax or duty,except social security or other employment taxes,that the Contractor is required to pay or bear,or does not obtain a refund of,through the Contractor's fault,negligence,or failure to follow instructions of the Contracting Officer. W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 44 of 55 (f)No adjustment shall be made in the contract price under this clause unless the amount of the adjustment exceeds $250. (g)The Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer of all matters relating to any Federal excise tax or duty that reasonably may be expected to result in either an increase or decrease in the contract price and shall take appropriate action as the Contracting Officer directs. (h)The Government shall,without liability,furnish evidence appropriate to establish exemption from any Federal, State,or local tax when the Contractor requests such evidence and a reasonable basis exists to sustain the exemption. (End of clause) 52.232-1 PAYMENTS(APR 1984) The Government shall pay the Contractor,upon the submission of proper invoices or vouchers,the prices stipulated in this contract for supplies delivered and accepted or services rendered and accepted,less any deductions provided in this contract.Unless otherwise specified in this contract,payment shall be made on partial deliveries accepted by the Government if-- (a)The amount due on the deliveries warrants it;or (b)The Contractor requests it and the amount due on the deliveries is at least$1,000 or 50 percent of the total contract price. (End of clause) 52.232-8 DISCOUNTS FOR PROMPT PAYMENT(FEB 2002) (a)Discounts for prompt payment will not be considered in the evaluation of offers.However,any offered discount will form a part of the award,and will be taken if payment is made within the discount period indicated in the offer by the offeror.As an alternative to offering a discount for prompt payment in conjunction with the offer,offerors awarded contracts may include discounts for prompt payment on individual invoices. (b)In connection with any discount offered for prompt payment,time shall be computed from the date of the invoice.If the Contractor has not placed a date on the invoice,the due date shall be calculated from the date the designated billing office receives a proper invoice,provided the agency annotates such invoice with the date of receipt at the time of receipt.For the purpose of computing the discount earned,payment shall be considered to have been made on the date that appears on the payment check or,for an electronic funds transfer,the specified payment date.When the discount date falls on a Saturday,Sunday,or legal holiday when Federal Government offices are closed and Government business is not expected to be conducted,payment may be made on the following business day. (End of clause) 52.232-9 LIMITATION ON WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS(APR 1984) W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 45 of 55 If more than one clause or Schedule term of this contract authorizes the temporary withholding of amounts otherwise payable to the Contractor for supplies delivered or services performed,the total of the amounts withheld at any one time shall not exceed the greatest amount that may be withheld under any one clause or Schedule term at that time;provided,that this limitation shall not apply to-- (a)Withholdings pursuant to any clause relating to wages or hours of employees; (b)Withholdings not specifically provided for by this contract; (c)The recovery of overpayments;and (d)Any other withholding for which the Contracting Officer determines that this limitation is inappropriate. (End of clause) 52.232-23 ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS(JAN 1986) (a)The Contractor,under the Assignment of Claims Act,as amended,31 U.S.C.3727,41 U.S.C. 15 (hereafter referred to as"the Act"),may assign its rights to be paid amounts due or to become due as a result of the performance of this contract to a bank,trust company,or other financing institution,including any Federal lending agency.The assignee under such an assignment may thereafter further assign or reassign its right under the original assignment to any type of financing institution described in the preceding sentence. (b)Any assignment or reassignment authorized under the Act and this clause shall cover all unpaid amounts payable under this contract,and shall not be made to more than one party,except that an assignment or reassignment may be made to one party as agent or trustee for two or more parties participating in the financing of this contract. (c)The Contractor shall not furnish or disclose to any assignee under this contract any classified document (including this contract)or information related to work under this contract until the Contracting Officer authorizes such action in writing. (End of clause) 52.233-1 DISPUTES. (JUL 2002) (a)This contract is subject to the Contract Disputes Act of 1978,as amended(41 U.S.C.601-613). (b)Except as provided in the Act,all disputes arising under or relating to this contract shall be resolved under this clause. (c)Claim,as used in this clause,means a written demand or written assertion by one of the contracting parties seeking,as a matter of right,the payment of money in a sum certain,the adjustment or interpretation of contract terms,or other relief arising under or relating to this contract.However,a written demand or written assertion by the Contractor seeking the payment of money exceeding$100,000 is not a claim under the Act until certified.A voucher,invoice,or other routine request for payment that is not in dispute when submitted is not a claim under the Act.The submission may be converted to a claim under the Act,by complying with the submission and certification requirements of this clause,if it is disputed either as to liability or amount or is not acted upon in a reasonable time. (d)(1)A claim by the Contractor shall be made in writing and,unless otherwise stated in this contract,submitted within 6 years after accrual of the claim to the Contracting Officer for a written decision.A claim by the W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 46 of 55 Government against the Contractor shall be subject to a written decision by the Contracting Officer. (2)(i)The contractors shall provide the certification specified in subparagraph(d)(2)(iii)of this clause when submitting any claim exceeding$100,000. (ii)The certification requirement does not apply to issues in controversy that have not been submitted as all or part of a claim. (iii)The certification shall state as follows: "I certify that the claim is made in good faith;that the supporting data are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief;that the amount requested accurately reflects the contract adjustment for which the Contractor believes the Government is liable;and that I am duly authorized to certify the claim on behalf of the Contractor. (3)The certification may be executed by any person duly authorized to bind the Contractor with respect to the claim. (e)For Contractor claims of$100,000 or less,the Contracting Officer must,if requested in writing by the Contractor,render a decision within 60 days of the request. For Contractor-certified claims over$100,000,the Contracting Officer must,within 60 days,decide the claim or notify the Contractor of the date by which the decision will be made. (f)The Contracting Officer's decision shall be final unless the Contractor appeals or files a suit as provided in the Act. (g)If the claim by the Contractor is submitted to the Contracting Officer or a claim by the Government is presented to the Contractor,the parties,by mutual consent,may agree to use alternative disput resolution(ADR).If the Contractor refuses an offer for ADR,the Contractor shall inform the Contracting Officer,in writing,of the Contractor's specific reasons for rejecting the request. (h)The Government shall pay interest on the amount found due and unpaid from(1)the date the Contracting Officer receives the claim(certified,if required);or(2)the date that payment otherwise would be due,if that date is later,until the date of payment. With regard to claims having defective certifications,as defined in(FAR)48 CFR 33.201,interest shall be paid from the date that the Contracting Officer initially receives the claim. Simple interest on claims shall be paid at the rate,fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury as provided in the Act,which is applicable to the period during which the Contracting Officer receives the claim and then at the rate applicable for each 6- month period as fixed by the Treasury Secretary during the pendency of the claim. (i)The Contractor shall proceed diligently with performance of this contract,pending final resolution of any request for relief,claim,appeal,or action arising under the contract,and comply with any decision of the Contracting Officer. (End of clause) 52.233-4 APPLICABLE LAW FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT CLAIM(OCT 2004) United States law will apply to resolve any claim of breach of this contract. (End of clause) 52.237-2 PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS,EQUIPMENT,AND VEGETATION(APR 1984) W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 47 of 55 The Contractor shall use reasonable care to avoid damaging existing buildings,equipment,and vegetation on the Government installation.If the Contractor's failure to use reasonable care causes damage to any of this property,the Contractor shall replace or repair the damage at no expense to the Government as the Contracting Officer directs.If the Contractor fails or refuses to make such repair or replacement,the Contractor shall be liable for the cost,which may be deducted from the contract price. (End of clause) 52.242-15 STOP-WORK ORDER(AUG 1989) (a)The Contracting Officer may,at any time,by written order to the Contractor,require the Contractor to stop all, or any part,of the work called for by this contract for a period of 90 days after the order is delivered to the Contractor,and for any further period to which the parties may agree. The order shall be specifically identified as a stop-work order issued under this clause.Upon receipt of the order,the Contractor shall immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the work covered by the order during the period of work stoppage.Within a period of 90 days after a stop-work is delivered to the Contractor,or within any extension of that period to which the parties shall have agreed,the Contracting Officer shall either-- (1)Cancel the stop-work order;or (2)Terminate the work covered by the order as provided in the Default,or the Termination for Convenience of the Government,clause of this contract. (b)If a stop-work order issued under this clause is canceled or the period of the order or any extension thereof expires,the Contractor shall resume work.The Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment in the delivery schedule or contract price,or both,and the contract shall be modified,in writing,accordingly,if-- (1)The stop-work order results in an increase in the time required for,or in the Contractor's cost properly allocable to,the performance of any part of this contract;and (2)The Contractor asserts its right to the adjustment within 30 days after the end of the period of work stoppage; provided,that,if the Contracting Officer decides the facts justify the action,the Contracting Officer may receive and act upon the claim submitted at any time before final payment under this contract. (c)If a stop-work order is not canceled and the work covered by the order is terminated for the convenience of the Government,the Contracting Officer shall allow reasonable costs resulting from the stop-work order in arriving at the termination settlement. (d)If a stop-work order is not canceled and the work covered by the order is terminated for default,the Contracting Officer shall allow,by equitable adjustment or otherwise,reasonable costs resulting from the stop-work order.. (End of clause) 52.243-1 CHANGES--FIXED-PRICE(AUG 1987) (a)The Contracting Officer may at any time,by written order,and without notice to the sureties,if any,make changes within the general scope of this contract in any one or more of the following: W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 48 of 55 (1)Drawings,designs,or specifications when the supplies to be furnished are to be specially manufactured for the Government in accordance with the drawings,designs,or specifications. (2)Method of shipment or packing. (3)Place of delivery. (b)If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of,or the time required for,performance of any part of the work under this contract,whether or not changed by the order,the Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment in the contract price,the delivery schedule,or both,and shall modify the contract. (c)The Contractor must assert its right to an adjustment under this clause within 30 days from the date of receipt of the written order.However,if the Contracting Officer decides that the facts justify it,the Contracting Officer may receive and act upon a proposal submitted before final payment of the contract. (d)If the Contractor's proposal includes the cost of property made obsolete or excess by the change,the Contracting Officer shall have the right to prescribe the manner of the disposition of the property. (e)Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be a dispute under the Disputes clause.However,nothing in this clause shall excuse the Contractor from proceeding with the contract as changed. (End of clause) 52.246-4 INSPECTION OF SERVICES--FIXED-PRICE(AUG 1996) (a)Definitions. "Services,"as used in this clause,includes services performed,workmanship,and material furnished or utilized in the performance of services. (b)The Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to the Government covering the services under this contract.Complete records of all inspection work performed by the Contractor shall be maintained and made available to the Government during contract performance and for as long afterwards as the contract requires. (c)The Government has the right to inspect and test all services called for by the contract,to the extent practicable at all times and places during the term of the contract.The Government shall perform inspections and tests in a manner that will not unduly delay the work. (d)If the Government performs inspections or tests on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor,the Contractor shall furnish,and shall require subcontractors to furnish,at no increase in contract price,all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safe and convenient performance of these duties. (e)If any of the services do not conform with contract requirements,the Government may require the Contractor to perform the services again in conformity with contract requirements,at no increase in contract amount.When the defects in services cannot be corrected by reperformance,the Government may(1)require the Contractor to take necessary action to ensure that future performance conforms to contract requirements and(2)reduce the contract price to reflect the reduced value of the services performed. (f)If the Contractor fails to promptly perform the services again or to take the necessary action to ensure future performance in conformity with contract requirements,the Government may(1)by contract or otherwise,perform the services and charge to the Contractor any cost incurred by the Government that is directly related to the performance of such service or(2)terminate the contract for default. W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 49 of 55 (End of clause) 52.246-25 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY--SERVICES(FEB 1997) (a)Except as provided in paragraphs(b)and(c)below,and except to the extent that the Contractor is expressly responsible under this contract for deficiencies in the services required to be performed under it(including any materials furnished in conjunction with those services),the Contractor shall not be liable for loss of or damage to property of the Government that(1)occurs after Government acceptance of services performed under this contract, and(2)results from any defects or deficiencies in the services performed or materials furnished. (b)The limitation of liability under paragraph(a)above shall not apply when a defect or deficiency in,or the Government's acceptance of,services performed or materials furnished results from willful misconduct or lack of good faith on the part of any of the Contractor's managerial personnel.The term"Contractor's managerial personnel,"as used in this clause,means the Contractor's directors,officers,and any of the Contractor's managers, superintendents,or equivalent representatives who have supervision or direction of-- (1)All or substantially all of the Contractor's business; (2)All or substantially all of the Contractor's operations at any one plant,laboratory,or separate location at which the contract is being performed;or (3)A separate and complete major industrial operation connected with the performance of this contract. (c)If the Contractor carries insurance,or has established a reserve for self-insurance,covering liability for loss or damage suffered by the Government through the Contractor's performance of services or furnishing of materials under this contract,the Contractor shall be liable to the Government,to the extent of such insurance or reserve,for loss of or damage to property of the Government occurring after Government acceptance of,and resulting from any defects and deficiencies in,services performed or materials furnished under this contract. (End of clause) 52.249-4 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT(SERVICES)(SHORT FORM) (APR 1984) The Contracting Officer,by written notice,may terminate this contract,in whole or in part,when it is in the Government's interest.If this contract is terminated,the Government shall be liable only for payment under the payment provisions of this contract for services rendered before the effective date of termination. (End of clause) 52.249-8 DEFAULT(FIXED-PRICE SUPPLY AND SERVICE)(APR 1984) (a)(1)The Government may,subject to paragraphs(c)and(d)of this clause,by written notice of default to the Contractor,terminate this contract in whole or in part if the Contractor fails to-- (i)Deliver the supplies or to perform the services within the time specified in this contract or any extension; (ii)Make progress,so as to endanger performance of this contract(but see subparagraph(a)(2)of this clause);or W 9126G-10-P-0220 Page 50 of 55 (iii)Perform any of the other provisions of this contract(but see subparagraph(a)(2)below). (2)The Government's right to terminate this contract under subdivisions(a)(1)(ii)and(1)(iii)of this clause,may be exercised if the Contractor does not cure such failure within 10 days(or more if authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer)after receipt of the notice from the Contracting Officer specifying the failure. (b)If the Government terminates this contract in whole or in part,it may acquire,under the terms and in the manner the Contracting Officer considers appropriate,supplies or services similar to those terminated,and the Contractor will be liable to the Government for any excess costs for those supplies or services.However,the Contractor shall continue the work not terminated. (c)Except for defaults of subcontractors at any tier,the Contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs if the failure to perform the contract arises from causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor.Examples of such causes include(1)acts of God or of the public enemy,(2)acts of the Government in either its sovereign or contractual capacity,(3)fires,(4)floods,(5)epidemics,(6)quarantine restrictions,(7) strikes,(8)freight embargoes,and(9)unusually severe weather.In each instance the failure to perform must be beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor. (d)If the failure to perform is caused by the default of a subcontractor at any tier,and if the cause of the default is beyond the control of both the Contractor and subcontractor,and without the fault or negligence of either,the Contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs for failure to perform,unless the subcontracted supplies or services were obtainable from other sources in sufficient time for the Contractor to meet the required delivery schedule. (e)If this contract is terminated for default,the Government may require the Contractor to transfer title and deliver to the Government,as directed by the Contracting Officer,any(1)completed supplies,and(2)partially completed supplies and materials,parts,tools,dies,jigs,fixtures,plans,drawings,information,and contract rights(collectively referred to as"manufacturing materials"in this clause)that the Contractor has specifically produced or acquired for the terminated portion of this contract.Upon direction of the Contracting Officer,the Contractor shall also protect and preserve property in its possession in which the Government has an interest. (f)The Government shall pay contract price for completed supplies delivered and accepted.The Contractor and Contracting Officer shall agree on the amount of payment for manufacturing materials delivered and accepted and for the protection and preservation of the property.Failure to agree will be a dispute under the Disputes clause.The Government may withhold from these amounts any sum the Contracting Officer determines to be necessary to protect the Government against loss because of outstanding liens or claims of former lien holders. (g)If,after termination,it is determined that the Contractor was not in default,or that the default was excusable,the rights and obligations of the parties shall be the same as if the termination had been issued for the convenience of the Government. (h)The rights and remedies of the Government in this clause are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. (End of clause) 52.252-2 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE(FEB 1998) This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference,with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text.Upon request,the Contracting Officer will make their full text available.Also,the full text of a clause may be accessed electronically at this/these address(es): W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 51 of 55 www.fars ite.h i l 1.a£m i l (End of clause) 52.253-1 COMPUTER GENERATED FORMS(JAN 1991) (a) Any data required to be submitted on a Standard or Optional Form prescribed by the Federal Acquisition Regulation(FAR)may be submitted on a computer generated version of the form,provided there is no change to the name,content,or sequence of the data elements on the form,and provided the form carries the Standard or Optional Form number and edition date. (b) Unless prohibited by agency regulations,any data required to be submitted on an agency unique form prescribed by an agency supplement to the FAR may be submitted on a computer generated version of the form provided there is no change to the name,content,or sequence of the data elements on the form and provided the form carries the agency form number and edition date. (h) If the Contractor submits a computer generated version of a form that is different than the required form,then the rights and obligations of the parties will be determined based on the content of the required form. (End of clause) 252.203-7002 REQUIREMENT TO INFORM EMPLOYEES OF WHISTLEBLOWER RIGHTS(JAN 2009) The Contractor shall inform its employees in writing of employee whistleblower rights and protections under 10 U.S.C.2409,as described in Subpart 203.9 of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. (End of clause) 252.204-7000 DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION(DEC 1991) (a)The Contractor shall not release to anyone outside the Contractor's organization any unclassified information, regardless of medium(e.g.,film,tape,document),pertaining to any part of this contract or any program related to this contract,unless-- (1)The Contracting Officer has given prior written approval;or (2)The information is otherwise in the public domain before the date of release. (b)Requests for approval shall identify the specific information to be released,the medium to be used,and the purpose for the release. The Contractor shall submit its request to the Contracting Officer at least 45 days before the proposed date for release. (c)The Contractor agrees to include a similar requirement in each subcontract under this contract. Subcontractors shall submit requests for authorization to release through the prime contractor to the Contracting Officer. (End of clause) W 9126G-10-P-0220 Page 52 of 55 252.225-7001 BUY AMERICAN ACT AND BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM(JAN 2009) (a)Definitions.As used in this clause-- (1)Commercially available off-the-shelf(COTS)item-- (i)Means any item of supply(including construction material)that is-- (A)A commercial item(as defined in paragraph(1)of the definition of"commercial item"in section 2.101 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation); (B)Sold in substantial quantities in the commercial marketplace;and (C)Offered to the Government,under a contract or subcontract at any tier,without modification,in the same form in which it is sold in the commercial marketplace;and (ii)Does not include bulk cargo,as defined in section 3 of the Shipping Act of 1984(46 U.S.C.40102),such as agricultural products and petroleum products. (2)Component means an article,material,or supply incorporated directly into an end product. (3)Domestic end product means-- (i)An unmanufactured end product that has been mined or produced in the United States;or (ii)An end product manufactured in the United States if— (A)The cost of its qualifying country components and its components that are mined,produced,or manufactured in the United States exceeds 50 percent of the cost of all its components.The cost of components includes transportation costs to the place of incorporation into the end product and U.S.duty(whether or not a duty-free entry certificate is issued).Scrap generated,collected,and prepared for processing in the United States is considered domestic.A component is considered to have been mined,produced,or manufactured in the United States (regardless of its source in fact)if the end product in which it is incorporated is manufactured in the United States and the component is of a class or kind for which the Government has determined that-- (1)Sufficient and reasonably available commercial quantities of a satisfactory quality are not mined,produced,or manufactured in the United States;or (2)It is inconsistent with the public interest to apply the restrictions of the Buy American Act;or (B)The end product is a COTS item. (4)End product means those articles,materials,and supplies to be acquired under this contract for public use. (5)Foreign end product means an end product other than a domestic end product. (6)Qualifying country means any country set forth in subsection 225.872-1 of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. (7)Qualifying country component means a component mined,produced,or manufactured in a qualifying country. W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 53 of 55 (8)Qualifying country end product means-- (i)An unmanufactured end product mined or produced in a qualifying country;or (ii)An end product manufactured in a qualifying country if the cost of the following types of components exceeds 50 percent of the cost of all its components: (A)Components mined,produced,or manufactured in a qualifying country. (B)Components mined,produced,or manufactured in the United States. (C)Components of foreign origin of a class or kind for which the Government has determined that sufficient and reasonably available commercial quantities of a satisfactory quality are not mined,produced,or manufactured in the United States. (8)United States means the 50 States,the District of Columbia,and outlying areas. (b)This clause implements the Buy American Act(41 U.S.C. Section 10a-d).In accordance with 41 U.S.C.431,the component test of the Buy American Act is waived for an end product that is a COTS item(see section 12.505(a)(1) of the Federal Acquisition Regulation).Unless otherwise specified,this clause applies to all line items in the contract. (c)The Contractor shall deliver only domestic end products unless,in its offer,it specified delivery of other end products in the Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate provision of the solicitation.If the Contractor certified in its offer that it will deliver a qualifying country end product,the Contractor shall deliver a qualifying country end product or,at the Contractor's option,a domestic end product. (d)The contract price does not include duty for end products or components for which the Contractor will claim duty-free entry. (End of clause) 252.232-7003 ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF PAYMENT REQUESTS AND RECEIVING REPORTS (MAR 2008) (a)Definitions.As used in this clause-- (1)Contract financing payment and invoice payment have the meanings given in section 32.001 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. (2)Electronic form means any automated system that transmits information electronically from the initiating system to all affected systems.Facsimile,e-mail,and scanned documents are not acceptable electronic forms for submission of payment requests.However,scanned documents are acceptable when they are part of a submission of a payment request made using Wide Area WorkFlow(WAWF)or another electronic form authorized by the Contracting Officer. (3)Payment request means any request for contract financing payment or invoice payment submitted by the Contractor under this contract. (b)Except as provided in paragraph(c)of this clause,the Contractor shall submit payment requests and receiving reports using WAWF,in one of the following electronic formats that WAWF accepts:Electronic Data Interchange, W 9126G-10-P-0220 Page 54 of 55 Secure File Transfer Protocol,or World Wide Web input.Information regarding WAWF is available on the Internet at https://waw£eb.mil/. (c)The Contractor may submit a payment request and receiving report using other than WAWF only when-- (1)The Contracting Officer authorizes use of another electronic form.With such an authorization,the Contractor and the Contracting Officer shall agree to a plan,which shall include a timeline,specifying when the Contractor will transfer to WAWF; (2)DoD is unable to receive a payment request or provide acceptance in electronic form; (3)The Contracting Officer administering the contract for payment has determined,in writing,that electronic submission would be unduly burdensome to the Contractor.In such cases,the Contractor shall include a copy of the Contracting Officer's determination with each request for payment;or (4)DoD makes payment for commercial transportation services provided under a Government rate tender or a contract for transportation services using a DoD-approved electronic third party payment system or other exempted vendor payment/invoicing system(e.g.,PowerTrack,Transportation Financial Management System,and Cargo and Billing System). (d)The Contractor shall submit any non-electronic payment requests using the method or methods specified in Section G of the contract. (e)In addition to the requirements of this clause,the Contractor shall meet the requirements of the appropriate payment clauses in this contract when submitting payments requests. (End of clause) 252.232-7010 LEVIES ON CONTRACT PAYMENTS(DEC 2006) (a)26 U.S.C.6331(h)authorizes the Internal Revenue Service(IRS)to continuously levy up to 100 percent of contract payments,up to the amount of tax debt. (b)When a levy is imposed on a payment under this contract and the Contractor believes that the levy may result in an inability to perform the contract,the Contractor shall promptly notify the Procuring Contracting Officer in writing,with a copy to the Administrative Contracting Officer,and shall provide-- (1)The total dollar amount of the levy; (2)A statement that the Contractor believes that the levy may result in an inability to perform the contract,including rationale and adequate supporting documentation;and (3)Advice as to whether the inability to perform may adversely affect national security,including rationale and adequate supporting documentation. (c)DoD shall promptly review the Contractor's assessment,and the Procuring Contracting Officer shall provide a written notification to the Contractor including-- (1)A statement as to whether DoD agrees that the levy may result in an inability to perform the contract;and W9126G-10-P-0220 Page 55 of 55 (2)(i)If the levy may result in an inability to perform the contract and the lack of performance will adversely affect national security,the total amount of the monies collected that should be returned to the Contractor;or (ii)If the levy may result in an inability to perform the contract but will not impact national security,a recommendation that the Contractor promptly notify the IRS to attempt to resolve the tax situation. (d)Any DoD determination under this clause is not subject to appeal under the Contract Disputes Act. (End of clause) ATTACHMENT#1 Contract for Increased Law Enforcement Services Lavon Lake—2010 City of Wylie Police Department PATROL SCHEDULE May 2010 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 3 4 5 6 7 1/8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 30 31 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=41-irs 52 hours June 2010 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1300-2130=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1300-2130=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1300-2130=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1300-2130=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 27 28 29 30 1500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs I900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 216 Hours July 2010 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 248 Hours August 2010 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 29 30 31 224 hours 1500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs September 2010 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1500-2330=8hrs 1900-2300=4hrs 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 64 hours 804 Total Hrs. Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 25, 2010 Item Number: D Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Date Prepared: May 5, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Revenue and Expenditure Exhibits: Monthly Report Subject Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for April 30, 2010. Recommendation Motion to accept and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for April 30, 2010. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Approved By Initial Date Department Director LB 05/05/10 City Manager `4p Page 1 of 1 CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT April 30,2010 ANNUAL CURRENT YTD ACTUAL Benchmark BUDGET MONTH ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL AS A PERCENT 58.33% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 2009-2010 OF BUDGET GENERAL FUND REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 15,748,774 7,313 13,363,082 84.85% A FRANCHISE FEES 1,984,240 525 729,952 36.79% B LICENSES AND PERMITS 292,030 4,656 313,132 107.23% C INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 645,027 4,511 440,315 68.26% SERVICE FEES 2,250,032 34,545 1,087,203 48.32% D FINES AND FORFEITURES 548,107 5,490 228,233 41.64% E INTEREST INCOME 61,000 0 16,061 26.33% F MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 248,407 588 134,390 54.10% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 455,000 0 455,000 100.00% TOTAL REVENUES 22,232,617 57,628 16,767,368 75.42% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL 132,460 0 58,965 44.52% CITY MANAGER 784,440 21,057 427,214 54.46% CITY SECRETARY 272,235 5,854 160,819 59.07% CITY ATTORNEY 173,000 0 107,820 62.32% FINANCE 739,324 12,554 413,846 55.98% FACILITIES 180,400 156 94,791 52.54% MUNICIPAL COURT 311,022 5,140 159,185 51.18% HUMAN RESOURCES 195,700 4,457 111,169 56.81% PURCHASING 113,518 3,043 65,718 57.89% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 530,681 6,105 296,253 55.83% POLICE 5,196,773 135,704 2,997,966 57.69% FIRE 5,161,562 113,457 3,069,436 59.47% ANIMAL CONTROL 257,983 6,061 140,802 54.58% PLANNING 384,345 9,843 217,617 56.62% BUILDING INSPECTION 702,568 17,115 381,900 54.36% CODE ENFORCEMENT 194,600 3,436 91,791 47.17% STREETS 1,237,551 20,015 564,129 45.58% PARKS 1,535,405 18,253 790,463 51.48% RECREATION 232,440 0 7,799 3.36% LIBRARY 878,024 19,790 483,931 55.12% COMBINED SERVICES 5,438,087 901 4,125,310 75.86% G TOTAL EXPENDITURES 24,652,118 402,941 14,766,924 59.90% REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES -2,419,501 -345,313 2,000,444 15.52% A. Property Tax Collections for FY09-10 as of April 30 are 93.90%, in comparison to FY08-09 for the same time period 97.39%. B. Franchise Fees:The majority of franchise fees are recognized in the third and fourth quarter with electric fees making up the majority. C. Licenses and Permits:Are recognized periodically, but we have seen an increase in plumbing, electrical and mechanical permits. D. Service Fees:Animal control fees/fines are down 5.6%with the remaining fees coming from WAVE and other seasonal fees. E. Fines and Forfeitures: Municipal Court Fines are down 8.43%and court admin/warrant fees are down 7.93%. F. Interest Income: In relation to the last 6 months in FY 09,the current interest is in line, however, is lower by 32%than benchmark. G. Combined Services:The increase is due to the transfer of funds to the emergency services of$1,400,000 that was scheduled to take place. Throughout the remainder of the year this will level out and should adhere to the budgeted amount. CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT April 30,2010 ANNUAL CURRENT YTD ACTUAL Benchmark BUDGET MONTH ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL AS A PERCENT 58.33% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 2009-2010 OF BUDGET UTILITY FUND REVENUES SUMMARY SERVICE FEES 9,400,000 1,152 4,960,300 52.77% INTEREST INCOME 30,000 0 16,070 53.57% MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 30,000 287 22,541 75.14% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 100.00% TOTAL REVENUES 10,960,000 1,439 6,498,911 59.30% UTILITY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY UTILITY ADMINISTRATION 569,765 13,603 323,308 56.74% UTILITIES-WATER 1,109,986 16,048 559,489 50.41% CITY ENGINEER 489,070 8,930 195,634 40.00% UTILITIES-SEWER 500,660 7,377 266,754 53.28% UTILITY BILLING 566,017 8,450 270,507 47.79% COMBINED SERVICES 7,561,582 0 4,688,507 62.00% A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10,797,080 54,408 6,304,199 58.39% REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES 162,920 -52,969 194,712 0.91% A. Combined Services:The increase is due to the scheduled transfer of funds of$450,000 to the General Fund as well as Bond payments. Throughout the remainder of the year this will level out and should adhere to the budgeted amount. Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT g Meeting Date: 5-25-10 Item Number: E Department: WEDC (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Sam Satterwhite Account Code: Date Prepared: 5-13-10 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and place on file, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of April 30, 2010. Recommendation Accept, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of April 30, 2010. Discussion The Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Board of Directors approved the attached financials on May 20, 2010. Approved By Initial Date Department Director SS 5-13-10 City Manager Page 1 of 1 5-18-2010 12:08 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS 0. : APRIL 30TH, 2010 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNT$ TITLE ASSETS 1000-10110 CLAIM ON CASH AND CASH EQUIV. 673,796.86 1000-10115 CASH - WEDC - INWOOD 0.00 1000-10135 INWOOD BANK - ESCROW 0.00 1000-10180 DEPOSITS (EARNEST MONEY) 0.00 1000-10198 OTHER - MISC CLEARING 0.00 1000-10341 TEXPOOL 0.00 1000-10343 LOGIC 0.00 1000-10481 INTEREST RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-11511 ACCTS REC - MISC 0.00 1000-11517 ACCTS REC - SALES TAX 0.01 1000-12996 LOAN REC - JACOBY 0.00 1000-12997 ACCTS REC - JTM TECH 0.00 1000-12998 ACCTS REC - SAVAGE 361,236.86 1000-14112 INVENTORY - MATERIAL/ SUPPLY 0.00 1000-14116 INVENTORY - LAND 2,811,424.40 1000-14118 INVENTORY - BAYCO/ SANDEN BLVD 0.00 1000-14310 PREPAID EXPENSES - MISC 0.00 1000-14410 DEFERRED CHARGES 379,614.20 4,226,072.33 TOTAL ASSETS 4,226,072.33 LIABILITIES 2000-20110 FEDERAL INCOME TAX PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20111 MEDICARE PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20112 CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20113 CREDITT UNION PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20114 IRS LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20115 NATIONWIDE DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20116 HEALTH INSUR ?AY-EMPLOYEE ( 228.57) 2000-20117 TMRS PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20118 ROTH IRA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20119 WORKERS COMP PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20120 F_:CA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20121 TEC PAYABLE 0.00 2000-2022 STUDENT LOAN LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20123 ALIMONY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20:24 BANKRUPTCY PnVn3LS 0.00 2000-20125 VALIC DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20126 ICMA PAYABLE J.00 2000-20130 FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT 800.00 2000-20151 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20180 ADDIT EMPLOYEE INSUR PAY 1.46 2000-20199 MISC PAYROLL PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20201 AP PENDING 2,507.46 2000-202:0 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20530 PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20540 NCTES PAYABLE 379,614.20 2000-208:0 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 5-18-2010 12:08 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 2010 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC REVEL CORP ACCOUNT# TITLE 2000-22270 DEFERRED REVENUE 262,319.66 2000-22915 RENTAL DEPOSITS 1,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 646,014.21 EQUITY 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIG 3,812,134.15 TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY 3,812,134.15 TOTAL REVENUE 563,517.18 TOTAL EXPENSES 795,593.21 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES ( 232,076.03) TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 3,580,058.12 TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 4,226,O72.33 5-12-2010 07:37 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 2010 922-GEN LONG TERM DEBT (WEDC) ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS 1000-10312 GOVERNMENT NOTES 0.00 1000-18110 LOAN - WEDC 0.00 1000-18120 LOAN - BIRMINGHAM 0.00 1000-18210 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED 0.00 1000-18220 BIRMINGHAM LOAN 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ASSETS 0.00 LIABILITIES 2000-20310 COMPENSATED ABSENCES PAYABLE 36,069.88 2000-20311 COMP ABSENCES PAYABLE-CURRENT 0.00 2000-21410 AIP - GO/CO BONDS 0.10 2000-28205 WEDC LOANS - CURRENT 69,847.90 2000-28220 BIRMINGHAM LOAN 0.00 2000-28230 INWOOD LOAN 446,505.57 2000-28240 HUGHES LOAN 222,478.21 2000-28250 CITY OF WYLIE LOAN 0.00 2000-28260 PRIME KUTS LOAN 175,505.00 2000-28270 BOWLAND/ANDERSON LOAN 36,261.58 2000-28280 CAPITAL ONE CAZAD LOAN 146,718.99 TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,133,387.23 EQUITY 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIG( 1,133,387.23) TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY ( 1,133,387.23) TOTAL REVENUE 0.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 0.00 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES 0.00 TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) ( 1,133,387.23) TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 0.00 5-12-2010 37:38 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 2013 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP FINANCIAL SUMMARY CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET 6 OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 1,295,556.00 89,119.23 0.00 504,723.33 0.00 790,832.67 38.96 INTEREST INCOME 3,000.00 112.59 0.00 1,261.96 0.00 1,738.04 42.07 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 82,900.00 4,254.00 0.00 57,531.89 0.00 25,368.11 69.40 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES 1,381,456.00 93,485.82 0.00 563,517.18 0.00 817,938.82 40.79 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 2,092,321.00 53,631.40 0.00 795,593.21 400.00 1,296,327.79 38.04 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,092,321.00 53,631.40 0.00 795,593.21 400.00 1,296,327.79 38.04 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 710,865.00) 39,854.42 0.00 ( 232,076.03) ( 400.00) ( 478,388.97) 32.70 5-12-200 07:38 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 2010 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET 8 OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET TAXES 4000-40210 SALES TAX 1,295,556.00 89,119.23 0.00 504,723.33 0.00 790,832.67 38.96 TOTAL TAXES 1,295,556.00 89,119.23 0.00 504,723.33 0.00 790,832.67 38.96 INTEREST INCOME 4000-46050 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46110 ALLOCATED INTEREST EARNINGS 3,000.00 112.59 0.00 1,261.96 0.00 1,738.04 42.07 4000-46140 TEXPOOL INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46143 LOGIC INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46210 BANK MONEY MARKET INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST INCOME 3,000.00 112.59 0.00 1,261.96 0.00 1,738.04 42.07 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 4000-48110 RENTAL INCOME 82,900.00 4,100.00 0.00 34,900.00 0.00 48,000.00 42.10 4000-48310 RECOVERY - PRIOR YEAR EXPEN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-48410 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0.00 154.00 0.00 22,631.89 0.00 ( 22,631.89) 0.00 4000-48430 GAIN ON SALE OF PROPERTY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 82,900.00 4,254.00 0.00 57,531.89 0.00 25,368.11 69.40 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 4000-49160 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-49325 BANK NOTE PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES 1,381,456.00 93,485.82 0.00 563,517.18 0.00 817,938.82 40.79 5-12-2010 07:38 AM CITY CF WYLIE PAGE: 3 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 2010 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET 8 OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 5611-51110 SALARIES 166,778.00 12,832.50 0.00 91,102.67 0.00 75,675.33 54.63 5611-51130 OVERTIME 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 960.00 0.00 0.00 868.00 0.00 92.00 9C.42 5611-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,924.00 0.00 0.00 1,925.04 0.00 ( 1.04) 100.05 5611-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 11,320.00 870.78 0.00 6,182.54 0.00 5,137.46 54.62 5611-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 3,456.00 265.84 0.00 1,885.62 0.00 1,570.38 54.56 5611-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51310 TMRS 20,142.00 1,529.62 0.00 10,708.76 0.O0 9,433.24 53.17 5611-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 15,145.00 1,309.78 0.00 10,546.86 0.0C 4,598.14 69.64 5611-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 951.00 38.22 0.00 305.76 0.00 645.24 32.15 5611-51440 FICA 11,404.00 840.22 0.00 4,240.63 0.00 7,163.37 37.19 5611-51450 MEDICARE 2,667.00 196.50 0.00 1,449.48 0.00 1,217.52 54.35 5611-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 464.00 0.00 0.00 384.85 0.00 79.15 82.94 5611-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 540.00 378.00 0.00 378.00 0.00 162.00 70.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 235,751.00 18,261.46 0.00 129,978.21 0.00 105,772.79 55.13 SUPPLIES 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,750.00 200.42 0.00 2,243.62 0.00 2,506.38 47.23 5611-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 1,250.00 25.24 0.00 210.71 0.00 1,039.29 16.86 5611-52130 TOOLS/ EQUIP - UNDER $100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 5,872.00 837.04 0.00 2,442.32 0.00 3,429.68 41.59 5611-52990 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 11,872.00 1,062.70 0.00 4,896.65 0.00 6,975.35 41.25 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5611-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 1,596.49 0.00 903.51 63.86 5611-54990 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 1,596.49 0.00 903.51 63.86 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5611-56030 INCENTIVES 1,163,826.00 887.47 0.00 411,134.79 0.00 752,691.21 35.33 5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 27,330.00 1,939.90 0.0C 18,728.37 0.00 8,601.63 68.53 5611-56080 ADVERTISING 35,360.00 225.00 0.00 18,888.41 0.00 16,471.59 53.42 5611-56090 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 42,363.00 9,285.14 0.00 28,998.14 0.00 13,364.86 68.45 5611-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 3,440.00 434.39 0.03 2,437.20 0.00 1,002.80 70.85 5611-56180 RENTAL 15,900.00 1,346.67 0.00 11,008.88 0.00 4,891.12 69.24 5611-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 25,452.00 4.22 0.00 5,299.74 0.00 20,152.26 20.82 5611-5625C DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 8,163.00 0.00 0.00 5,656.20 0.00 2,506.80 69.29 5611-56310 INSURANCE 303.00 0.00 0.00 303.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 5611-56510 AUDIT & LEGAL SERVICES 12,600.00 0.00 0.00 5,744.00 0.00 6,856.00 45.59 5611-56570 ENGINEERING/ARCHITECTURAL 12,956.00 0.00 0.00 3,610.00 400.00 8,946.00 30.95 5611-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 3,500.00 618.86 0.00 1,943.11 0.00 1,556.89 55.52 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,351,193.00 14,741.65 0.00 513,751.84 400.00 837,041.16 38.05 5-12-2010 37:38 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 4 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: APRIL 30TH, 2010 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET 8 OF BUDGET PERIOD PC ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REPL 5611-57110 DEBT SERVICE-BOND DEBT 235,005.00 19,565.59 0.00 139,721.50 0.00 95,283.50 59.45 5611-57710 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REPL 235,005.00 19,565.59 0.00 139,721.50 0.00 95,283.50 59.45 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5611-58110 LAND-PURCHASE PRICE 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250,000.00 0.00 5611-58120 DEVELOPMENT FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-58210 STREETS & ALLEYS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 648.52 0.00 351.48 64.85 5611-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 251,000.00 0.00 0.00 648.52 0.00 250,351.48 0.26 OTHER FINANCING (USES) 5611-59111 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 5611-59190 TRANSFER TO THORUGHFARE IMP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-59990 PROJECT ACCOUNTING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING (USES) 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 2,092,321.00 53,631.40 0.00 795,593.21 400.00 1,296,327.79 38.04 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,092,321.00 53,631.40 0.00 795,S93.21 400.00 1,296,327.79 38.04 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 710,865.00) 39,854.42 0.00 ( 232,076.03) ( 400.00) ( 478,388.97) 32.70 *** END OF REPORT *** Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Subledger April 30, 2010 Inventory-Land Date of Pur. Address Acreage Improvements (sq. ft.) Cost Basis McMasters 7/12/05 709 Cooper 0.48 n/a 202,045.00 Heath 12/28/05 706 Cooper 0.46 3,625 186,934.22 Perry 9/13/06 707 Cooper 0.491 n/a 200,224.00 Bowland/Anderson 10/9/07 Cooper Dr. 0.372 n/a 106,418.50 KCS 8/1/08 Cooper Dr. 0.406 n/a 60,207.87 Hughes 7/25/06 211 -212 Industrial 0.74 10,000 420,361.21 R.O.W. 0.18 41,585.26 Prime Kuts 10/8/07 207 Industrial 0.20 4,550 229,284.00 R.O.W. 0.11 n/a 77,380.45 Cazad 3/17/08 210 Industrial 0.27 3,900 200,781.55 Ferrell 9/29/05 2806 F.M. 544 1.09 n/a 239,372.00 Sale of R.O.W. 2/14/07 -0.09 -20,094.48 Crossroads 6/12/09 2804 F.M. 544 0.44 4,750 171,842.02 Premier Plaza 8/26/05 Martinez Lane 25.00 n/a 639,000.00 Sale to Savage 5/28/08 -3.87 -98,917.20 Premier Industrial Park 7/12/07 Hensley 3.2 n/a 155,000.00 Total 29.47 2,811,424.40 *A Journal entry was made by auditors to adjust the cost of the Hughes land by$4,638.79. This amount was for taxes owed and therefore not part of the land value. `Prime Kuts total purchase price was $306,664.45. The distribution between 207 Industrial and R.O.W. purchased was developed by Seller for tax purposes. Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Sub ledger April 30, 2010 Notes Payable Payment Beginning Bal. Principal Interest Principal Balance March 31, 2010 $1,111,338.15 April Inwood(#54 of 120) $9,669.72 $490,600.43 7,319.77 $2,349.95 $483,280.66 Hughes (#45 of 120) 3,774.70 238,176.41 2,583.82 1,190.88 235,592.59 Prime Kuts (#30 of 120) 2,539.59 185,305.20 1,613.07 926.53 183,692.13 Bowland(#30 of 60) 773.31 22,155.99 662.53 110.78 21,493.46 Anderson(#3o of so) 773.31 22,155.98 662.53 110.78 21,493.45 CapitalOne(#25 of 120) 2,034.96 152,944.14 1,185.86 ' 849.10 151,758.28 April 30, 2010 14,027.58 $5,538.02 $1,097,310.57 Note: Principal and Interest payments vary by date of payment. Wylie Economic Development Corporation Loan Term Sheet As of April 30, 2010 Property Date of Purchase Interest Rate Current Balance Inwood(#54 of 120) 8/26/05 5.75% $483,280.66 Hughes(#45 of 120) 7/25/06 6.00% 235,592.59 Prime Kuts(#30 of 120) 10/8/07 6.00% 183,692.13 Bowland(#30 of 60) 10/9/07 6.00% 21,493.46 Anderson(#30 of so) 10/9/07 6.00% 21,493.45 CapitalOne(#25 of 120) 3/17/08 6.25% 151,758.28 Total $1,097,310.57 WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUE FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 2010 MONTH WEDC WEDC WEDC DIFF % DIFF 2008 2009 2010 09 VS 10 09 VS 10 DECEMBER $82,384 $90,500 $81,014 -$9,486 -10.48% JANUARY 89,898 101,531 91,593 -9,938 -9.79% FEBRUARY 132,441 145,246 153,281 8,035 5.53% MARCH 86,460 87,584 89,717 2,133 2.43% APRIL 86,004 86,040 89,119 3,079 3.58% MAY 130,208 130,966 144,953 13,987 10.68% JUNE 99,523 94,993 JULY 98,845 95,282 AUGUST 132,563 117,541 SEPTEMBER 112,165 104,015 OCTOBER 100,202 100,312 NOVEMBER 142,985 144,326 Sub-Total $1,293,678 $1,298,336 $649,676 $7,809 1.20% AUDIT ADJ TOTAL $1,293,678 $1,298,336 $649,676 $7,809 1.20% WEDC SALES TAX ANALYSIS $180,000 - $160,000 - -- $140,000 ---- $120,000 - - - -ft _ r $100,000 �' # 11., t $80,000 13j ec - 102009, - _` $60,000 �. i 12 .- 1' ) --I-- ri- Y ri ri $20,000 - t - -:' L� - S A'' A 3r. � � N Z. Z. L = �. 47 a N L C d 7 7 2 n O OI E 9 Q � O y N ..0 Q d U d N u_ O O 0 (n Z Wylie City Council CI_ittt TY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 25, 2010 Item Number: F Department: Purchasing (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jim Holcomb Account Code: 131-5641-58850 Date Prepared: May 13, 2010 Budgeted Amount: $150,000 Exhibits: Bid Subject Consider, and act upon awarding a bid for the purchase and installation of a new emergency generator. Recommendation Motion to award a bid to Willaby Electric in the amount of$138,687 for the purchase and installation a new emergency generator. Discussion The existing emergency backup generator for the Municipal Complex is not capable of supporting the current 911 system, public safety communications, HVAC, EOC and network servers in the event of a power outage. Money has been allocated in the Emergency Communications Fund for the purchase and installation of a new 500kva diesel generator set capable of powering all necessary systems in the event of an outage. Competitive sealed bids have been solicited in accordance with Chapter 252 of the Texas Local Government Code. One bid was submitted by Willaby Electric. The total lump sum bid is $138,687 to provide all necessary equipment and labor, including engineering services for MEP and site plan drawings. Approved By Initial Date Department Director JH 5-13-2010 City Manager 57;0/7�� Page 1 of 1 CITY OF WYLIE INVITATION FOR BIDS EMERGENCY GENERATOR The City of Wylie is soliciting competitive bids for the purchase and installation of one new 500kva diesel generator set. Bids shall be sealed, clearly marked and delivered to: City of Wylie Office of the Purchasing Agent 2000 North Highway 78 Wylie, Texas 75098 Bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. May 12, 2010 at which time all duly received bids will be publicly opened. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept the bid that provides the best value for the City. SPECIFICATIONS AND SCOPE OF WORK Contractor shall furnish and install one new 500kva diesel generator set with 48 hour capacity fuel tank. The generator shall be tied into the existing 800amp 480v service for the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 North Highway 78 in Wylie, Texas. The generator will power the entire facility in the event of a power outage. Generator to be installed on North side of building in a parking space adjacent to the existing power company transformer. Contractor shall furnish and install one new Automatic Transfer Switch in the main electrical room of the facility. City will be responsible for relocation of existing phone equipment in electrical room as needed to provide space for transfer switch. Contractor shall also remove existing Automatic Transfer Switch in the other electrical room and rewire. Contractor shall demo existing feeder to old generator. Contractor shall disconnect 800amp feeder coming in to main panel from transformer and feed to new transfer switch. Contractor shall re-feed main panel from new transfer switch and install 800amp feeder from transfer switch in equipment room outside to generator set. Contractor shall furnish and install one annunciator panel in main electrical room for monitoring system. Contractor shall provide 120v control circuits to the generator set for battery charger and block heater and one]20v circuit to the remote annunciator. Contractor shall provide concrete pad for generator in accordance with City- approved plans. City will be responsible for installation of protective bollards. Contractor shall be responsible for providing necessary MEP and site plan drawings. Contractor shall provide crane to off load and set up new generator. Contractor shall obtain all applicable City permits (permit fees waived). BID SUBMITTAL BID ITEM BID AMOUNT GENERATOR SET, ALL OTHER COMPONENTS, INSTALLED (7 i ? Cm , u (-} FEEDER RELOCATION, ASSOCIATED WIRING TO COMPLETE SYSTEM ;'yf lu 7S . cJ (} MEP AND SITE PLAN DRAWINGS GI die) . 0 6 (Aker CONCRETE WORK -t'-RG )* , . I. r1rP ,, _yet_S , OFF LOAD & SET-UP GENERATOR, INCLUDING CRANE SERVICE 3 o 00 TOTAL LUMP SUM BID, ALL ITEMS /. , '"- . u C i LIST EXCEPTIONS/EXCLUSIONS i ,,+/-0.'v . f r� �.�//(. htN 0 744 a�,fs .4,, 4 0AI, ,{ L`dAA,►J.z e ,e,y, /A.la .f rfi-/fL.-1r-P f'l" �r C tA/E/� I41/ 8,I BIDDER INFORMATION COMPANY NAME & ADDRESS /LI r r] 1'Vir!./,�- � �t I L. .��''6 �if/�/1v' ��7'�/ �'�Cf 1� PHONE NUMBER & s e EMAIL �1.7-7 ' `/4/ " 7/ % 7 iv, 4_,e,le(>4 C pavt. roa ,,.. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE de/1/1/1 SIGNATURE Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 25, 2010 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: March 4, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 4 Subject Conduct a Public Hearing for the disannexation of a 2.0 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, Collin County, Texas, generally located east of Paul Wilson Road and south of Skyview Drive. DA2010-01 Recommendation ALTERNATIVES: (1) Grant request for disannexation of a 2.0 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, Collin County, Texas, generally located east of Paul Wilson Road and south of Skyview Drive by adoption of ordinance disannexing property from City; OR (2) Deny request for disannexation of a 2.0 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, Collin County, Texas, generally located east of Paul Wilson Road and south of Skyview Drive. Discussion This disannexation is at the written request of the property owner, MICHELLE BLOCKER. She is requesting that the City dis-annex the subject property, citing failure of the City to provide city services to the property. Owners who reside on property to be disannexed can force disannexation for non-provision of services. Ms. Blocker does not reside on the property and cannot force the City to disannex. However, the Council may grant the request,though it does not have to, by adoption of an ordinance disannexing the property. The subject property is a 2 acre tract of vacant land and was rezoned from Single-Family Residential (SF- 8.5/17) to Commercial Corridor (CC) to allow for mini-warehouse for boats and other self-storage uses at the request of the property owner in March of 2003. The vacant tract was originally annexed into the City of Wylie as part of a 46.5 acre parcel in September of 1984, at the voluntary request of the property owner at that time. The subject property is surrounded on three sides by unincorporated Collin County. Paul Wilson Road is a rural asphalt roadway. A 4 acre tract containing a residential use and barn are located to the north, an approximate 2 acre tract containing a single family residential structure and barn/warehouse type structures are located to the south, North Texas Municipal Water District treatment and storage plant is located to the east, which limits potential expansion and further development of the existing rural settlement. Most of these neighboring properties are now sparsely developed in rural residential uses, utilizing onsite septic systems with no public sewer services. Page 1 of 3 Page 2 of 3 In April 1994, the City disannexed approximately 14 acres of that 46.5 acre tract at the request of several new property owners, who cited the City's failure to provide municipal sewer services in a timely manner. Those dis-annexations were at the request of new property owners who claimed to not have been aware that the properties were in the city limits. The original owner sold off the tracts prior to the annexation being finalized. The tracts disannexed in 1994 abuts to the north and south of the land Ms. Blocker now owns. In October of 2001, a request was made for disannexation of an 80 acre tract along Sachse Road for similar reasons as the request currently under consideration. The Council denied that request and the applicant sued. The courts have thus far upheld the Council's denial, based on arguments that the statute of limitations for redress of the annexation had expired and that the property owner should have known that public sewer services could not likely be provided in a timely manner. The applicant petitioned the city in September of 2002 to disannex the subject property stating failure to provide city services. It was the decision of the Council to deny the request stating that if the property was disannexed we would still provide emergency services, as we would to all areas within our jurisdiction. Further, that we would prefer that when a structure is built, it be built to City codes as opposed to County codes in the event of a fire. The City of Wylie is obligated to provide normal municipal services, including public sewer as well as police and fire response, to all newly annexed areas within a reasonable time. The specifics of when and how such public services are to be provided to annexed areas are to be incorporated into an Annexation Service Plan, which serves as a legal contract. However, no such plan was apparently formulated and adopted in 1984 when the annexation occurred. Water is provided to the tract by the Wylie Northeast Special Utilities District rather than the City of Wylie. The closest City sewer services are located at least 2,000 feet to the southwest in the Kensington Manor Subdivision, but cannot be tapped into as it is a force main. Thus providing sanitary sewer service to the subject area would be a very expensive endeavor. The City has no current plans to provide sewer services and urban streets to this area. The Comprehensive Land Use Map adopted in 2006 recommends that the subject property be developed as Low Density Residential uses, permitting single-family dwellings on lots of one acre and larger. This recommendation is somewhat consistent with the character of existing development surrounding the subject tract. The County cannot control uses of land within city limits, and only the City Zoning Ordinance can regulate uses and development regulations to assure that whatever is constructed on the vacant subject tract is compatible with the existing development. Section 43.141 of the Texas Local Government Code states that a "majority of the qualified voters of an annexed area may petition the governing body of the municipality to disannex the area if the municipality fails or refuses to provide services to the area. If the governing body fails or refuses to disannex the area within 60 days after the date of the petition, any one of the signers of the petition may bring a cause of action in a district court of the county in which the area is located to request that the area be disannexed. The District Court shall enter an order disannexing the area if the court finds that a valid petition was filed with the municipality and the municipality failed to perform its obligations in accordance with the annexation service plan. If the area is disannexed, it may not be annexed again within 10 years after the date of disannexation." Sec. 43.148. REFUND OF TAXES AND FEES of the Texas Local Government Code states that(a) If an area is disannexed, the municipality disannexing the area shall refund to those landowners of the area the amount of money collected by the municipality in property taxes and fees from those landowners during the period that the area was a part of the municipality less the amount of money that the municipality spent for the direct benefit of the area during that period. Page 3 of 3 (b) A municipality shall proportionately refund the amount under Subsection(a) to the landowners according to a method to be developed by the municipality that identifies each landowner's approximate pro rata payment of the taxes and fees being refunded. (c) A municipality required to refund money under this section shall refund the money to current landowners in the area not later than the 180th day after the date the area is disannexed. Money that is not refunded within the period prescribed by this subsection accrues interest at the rate of: (1) six percent each year after the 180th day and until the 210th day after the date the area is disannexed; and (2) one percent each month after the 210th day after the date the area is disannexed. A refund of$2,273 would be due based on an M&O Tax Rate multiplied by the number of years the current property has been within the city limits under the current owner. State law allows the municipality to deduct the amount of money that the municipality spent for the direct benefit of the area during that period. Based on the City's Per Capita Expenditures, the City has spent $4,069.00 for the direct benefit of the property. The per capita amount is based on Public Safety benefits and those departments within the General Fund, including but not limited to: Planning, Building Inspections, Code Enforcement& Library. Therefore, in accordance with Section 43.148 of the Texas Local Government Code, no refund is due to the current property owner. Furthermore, the subject property is currently provided "like services" and no less services than are provided to other undeveloped properties which were brought into the City as part of the 1984 annexation. The Council may grant the request by adoption of an ordinance or resolution disannexing the subject tract, or can deny the request to disannex. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 05/18/10 City Manager �% 57,—y" 1-' EXHIBIT "A " r a J a._,,,._„ _,fir T.,_.._,t.,._ F «.., �, Mf` ���II ,,,,.• .. kBlvd,,,.- ... Prat nv � Proposed Park B1VCf.:. .... �Proposed Park Blvd, t__.:r:�„;__ __._, ..,.. ...,»...................... t jY._,._ , _ _ o tv t tx a E rt 1 I i i X • t f 1 1 I F M <3t5l4.` .YV6 [ i t d ace a r y : 4 - f 4 i ( 11 tj {,_.5,..i..._„:R"11 1 0. � 3 �u�C g ? Ann r i CL1 t i T 't 2 1l 1 + $ I. r � w tom, E ii 1 Y* 'if g..,.. ,» p t 'C. .-may'J t .. ... ! i i I MYe Town t - t C Stre ika II 11v74, xt Brawn Street i DA 201 0-01 file:///KVAnnexation-Disannexations/A0688%20B1k%201%20Tr%2...%20F.%20DELA%2OBLOCK%201%20TRACT%20201%20ACRES%202.0000.txt From: Michelle Blocker Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 3:58 PM To: Renae' 011ie Subject: dis-annex request for ABSTRACT A0688 PINA, F. DELA, BLOCK 1, TRACT 201, ACRES 2.0000 Hi Renae, I am requesting that the city of Wylie dis-annex the property I own at the following location: ABSTRACT A0688 PINA, F. DELA, BLOCK 1, TRACT 201, ACRES 2.0000. I am requesting this due to the lack of city services on the property. I have owned the property for over seven years and no development or changes in services have been made during this time. Please let me know if you need further information from me to process this request. You can reach me via email at r by phone at 214- 876-9807. Thank you, Michelle Blocker file:///KI/Annexation-Disannexations/A0688%20B1k%...LA%20BLOCK%201%20TRACT%20201%20ACRES%202.0000.txt[5/10/2010 10:44:57 AM] r "rye , • • • • • • "W • k, n 1 t4{i )t 4 Y llay t , ea <„ w.„ a'a"«•r,,P,`, ,,,. f,, • .� ' 1�1 Aott1�,',`s,+,o. ijj:pw j„ ', DISCLAIMER This data has been compiled for City Wylie pity of Wylie.Various official and J unofficial sources were used to " � a y:f•a' 1 W lI .0 W111c }S.Com gather this infomation.Every effort was made to ensure the u accuracy of this data,however, no guarantee is given or implied as to the accuracy of said data. Exhibit 4 Amount Paid by Expenditures Per Capita Year Value M&O Tax Rate Property Owner General Fund Population Gen. Fund Expend. 2002 28000 0.503900 141 9,403,592 18,350 512 2003 42000 0.534000 224 10,599,111 21,350 496 2004 50000 0.555900 278 12,596,080 26,150 482 2005 60000 0.561900 337 16,137,358 29,800 542 2006 60000 0.561947 337 16,630,156 33,000 504 2007 60000 0.561950 337 18,462,787 35,500 520 2008 60000 0.561950 337 20,647,934 40,709 507 2009 50000 0.561950 281 20,952,761 41,461 505 $ 2,273 $ 4,069 11/ Wylie City Council CITY of WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 25, 2010 Item Number: 2 Department: City Secretary/Art Liaison (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: C. Ehrlich Account Code: Date Prepared: May 14, 2010 Budgeted Amount: $54,000 Exhibits: Design/Contract Subject Consider, and act upon, the final artist and art design for the Founder's Park Public Art Project and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract to commission the art. Recommendation A motion approving the final art design, "CATCH" by Madeline Wiener and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract between Madeline Wiener and the City of Wylie, in the amount of$40,000 to commission the art piece for the Founder's Park Public Art Project. Discussion The Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board is recommending the selection of"Catch" by artist Madeline Wiener as the final design for the Founder's Park Public Art Project. Artist, Madeline Wiener was one of the semi-finalists in the Municipal Complex call for artists. Although Wiener was not the final artist chosen for Site #2, the board and selection panel thought her work would be very appropriate for a park setting. The board used direct selection and chose Wiener to prepare three proposals for the Founder's Park Public Art Project. The proposed space for the art project is located in a circular area in the middle of the main concession stand/restroom area near the soccer fields. In the course of the presentation to both the selection panel and the board, different designs were reviewed to accomplish the best design to enhance both the art space and the activities that would be taking place in the park. The artist and panel/board members also discussed the best way to display the art from a pedestrian vantage point, coming into this area from either walkway. The board also wanted to insure there was space within the area for seating. The final design creates two sculptures catching an imaginary ball. The board added larger risers to each sculpture to allow additional seating. The "catcher" will measure 6 feet in width by 6 feet in length and will be installed on a riser 9 feet in width and 18" in height bringing the total height to over 7 feet. The sculpture throwing the imaginary ball will be 5 feet in width by 5 feet in length and will be installed on a 6 foot riser with 18" height, bringing the total height to over 6 feet. This will still leave ample space within the circular art space Page 1 of 1 Page 2 of 2 (26' in diameter) and will allow both interaction with the sculptures and areas for rest. Staff collaborated with the design architect, landscape architects, park staff and the artist to determine the best material to install within the space. It was recommended that decomposed granite with a stabilizer be used for this art space. Additionally native grasses will be installed at the edge of each walkway entrance within the circle (see diagram)to soften the area and give additional movement to the sculptures. At the April 29, 2009 joint meetings of the Public Arts Advisory Board and the Founder's Park Selection Panel, all members unanimously recommended this selection for the final art design and directed staff to create a contract between Madeline Wiener and the City of Wylie, to commission the art. The proposed contract has been reviewed and approved by the city attorney. Madeline Wiener will be present by Skype to answer any question the council may have. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CE 5-2-2010 City Manager ��1% ,S ` r)/l AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS (CITY) AND MADELINE WIENER (ARTIST) FOR THE FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION OF THE PROPOSED FOUNDERS PARK IMPROVMENTS PUBLIC ART PROJECT 851 HENSLEY LANE WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 Made as of the 25th day of May, in the Year 2010 BETWEEN the City: The City of Wylie,Texas 2000 State Highway 78 Wylie,Texas 75098 Telephone 972-442-8100 Facsimile and the Artist(s): Madeline Wiener 1335 35th Street Denver,CO 80205 Telephone: 303-297-1429 Facsimile: 303-627-9320 For the following Project: Fabrication and Installation of the proposed Founder's Park Public Art Project The City and the Artist agree as set forth below. THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered by and between the City of Wylie,Texas, a Home-Rule Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as (the "City"), and Madeline Wiener, hereinafter referred to as (the "Artists"), to be effective from and after the date as provided herein, hereinafter referred to as (the "Agreement"). WHEREAS, the City desires to engage the services of the Artist to fabricate and install the proposed Founder's Park Public Art Project, hereinafter referred to as the"Project";and WHEREAS, the Artist desires to render such services for the City upon the terms and conditions provided herein. NOW,THEREFORE,KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That for and in consideration of the covenants contained herein,and for the mutual benefits to be obtained hereby,the parties hereto agree as follows: Agreement for Founder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 574350.v2 ARTICLE 1 ARTIST'S SERVICES I.I Employment of the Artist -The City hereby agrees to retain the Artist to perform the services set forth herein in connection with the Project. Artist agrees to perform such services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 1.") Scope of Services - The parties agree that Artist shall perform such services as are set forth and described in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. The parties understand and agree that deviations or modifications to the scope of services described in Exhibit "A", in the form of written change orders. may be authorized from time to time by the City. 1.3 Schedule of Work - The Artist agrees to commence work immediately upon execution of this Agreement and receipt of first payment, and to proceed diligently with said work to completion as described in the Completion Schedule/Project Billing/Project Budget attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes, but in no event shall the Project be completed any later than December 15,2010. ARTICLE 2 THE CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 Project Data - The City shall furnish required information, that it currently has in its possession, as expeditiously as necessary for the orderly progress of the work, and the Artist shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness thereof. 3.2 City Project Manager- The City shall designate, when necessary, a representative authorized to act on the City's behalf with respect to the Project(the "Project Manager"). The City or such authorized representative shall examine the documents submitted by the Artist and shall render any required decisions pertaining thereto as soon as practical so as to avoid unreasonable delay in the progress of the Artist's services. ARTICLE 3 ARTIST'S COMPENSATION 3.1 Compensation for Artist's Services - As described in "Article 1. Artist's Services", compensation for this Project shall be Forty Thousand Dollars ($ 40.000.00) ("Artist's Fee") and will cover all services to be rendered and materials to be provided in accordance with this Agreement. The Artist's Fee shall be paid in accordance with Article 3 and the Completion Schedule/Project Billing/Project Budget as set forth in Exhibit "B", attached hereto. The final fifteen (15) percent of the Artist's Fee, or Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) shall not be paid until the Artist has completed, delivered and installed, where applicable, all of the Artwork services and tasks described in Exhibits"A" and"B",attached hereto. 3.2 Invoices—No payment to the Artist shall be made until Artist tenders an invoice to the City. Payments are payable to the Artist within thirty (30) days from the date of invoice as long as the invoice is mailed to City within three (3) days of the date of the invoice. Invoices are to be mailed to City immediately upon completion of each individual task listed in Exhibit"A". If any invoice remains outstanding and unpaid for more than sixty (60) days from the date of invoice, and Artist has fully performed its obligations as set forth herein, the Artist has the option upon written notice to the City, to suspend all work specified under this Agreement until the account is brought current. Continued performance and/or completion of work by the Artist under this Agreement shall resume upon the payment of the earned fees by the City. 3.3 Failure to Pay - Failure of the City to pay an invoice, for a reason other than cause, to the Artist within sixty (60)days from the date of the invoice shall grant the Artist the right, in addition to any and all other rights Agreement for Founder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 57.4350 v2 provided, to, upon written notice to the City, refuse to render further services to the City and such act or acts shall not be deemed a breach of this Agreement. The City shall not be required to pay any invoice submitted by the Artist if the Artist breached any provision(s)herein. 3.4 Adjusted Compensation - If the Scope of the Project or if the Artist's Services are materially changed, the amounts of the Artist's compensation shall be equitably adjusted as approved by City. Any additional amounts paid to the Artist as a result of any material change to the Scope of the Project shall be agreed upon in writing by both parties before the services are performed. 3.5 Project Suspension - If the Project is suspended or abandoned in whole or in part, by the City for more than three(3) months,Artist shall be entitled to compensation for any and all work completed to the satisfaction of City in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement prior to suspension or abandonment. In the event of such suspension or abandonment, Artist shall deliver to City all finished or unfinished documents,data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, reports, photographs and/or any other items prepared by Artist in connection with this Agreement prior to Artist receiving final payment. If the Project is resumed after being suspended for more than three (3)months,the Artist's compensation shall be equitably adjusted as approved by the City. Any additional amounts paid to the Artist after the Project is resumed shall be agreed upon in writing by both parties before the services are performed. ARTICLE 4 OWNERSHIP AND COPYRIGHT 4.1 Ownership of Work - The Project is the property of the City, and the Artist shall not make any duplicate work of the same or substantially similar size, nor shall the Artist grant permission to others to do so except with the written permission of the City. The City shall be entitled to copies of the plans and the maquette, which are prepared by the Artist in connection with the development and fabrication of the Project under this Agreement. The ownership of the art for Founder's Park Public Art Project transferred to the City upon full payment of Artwork described in Exhibits"A"and"B"attached hereto. 4.2 Ownership of Copyright- Artist shall retain the copyright to the Artwork. Artist shall take all steps, at his own expense,to protect the copyright of the Artwork. 4.3 License to City - The Artist irrevocably licenses the City, its employees, representatives, officers and agents, the right to make photographs, two dimensional reproductions, and adaptations of the work for educational, public relations, arts promotional and other non-commercial purposes. For the purposes of this Agreement,the following, among others,are deemed to be reproductions and/or adaptations for non-commercial purposes: reproduction in exhibition catalogues, websites, books, slides, photographs, postcards, posters, and calendars; in magazines, books, art and news sections of newspapers; in general books and magazines not primarily devoted to art but of an educational, historical or critical nature; slides, videos and film strips not intended for a mass audience, and television from stations operated for educational purposes or on programs for educational and news purposes from all stations. 4.4 Copyright Notice—The City undertakes to use its reasonable efforts to include in any reproductions which it makes of the Artwork a copyright notice in the following form: Copyright Madeline Wiener, Artist" 4.5 Representations and Warranties Regarding Copyright—The Artist represents and warrants that the Artwork is an original creation of Artist's and will not infringe the copyright, trademark, or other intangible rights of any third party. Agreement for Founder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 574350.v2 ARTICLE 5 FABRICATION 5.1 Specifications—Artist will fabricate the Artwork, or cause it to be fabricated, in substantial conformity with the Design approved by City as set forth in Exhibit"A". 5.2 Changes — Any significant changes to the Artwork by either Artist or as requested by City will be approved in writing by the other party. For purposes of this Agreement, a "significant change" will mean any change, including but not limited to, a change in the scope, design, color, size, or material of the Artwork,which affects cost, installation, site preparation, maintenance and concept as represented in the Design described in Exhibit "A". If Artist wishes to make a significant change to the Artwork, he/she must request written approval from the City of the change in writing at the address provided in Section 14. City will provide a written response within thirty(30)calendar days. 5.3 Review of the Artwork — The City will be given access to the Artwork during reasonable business hours at Artist's or fabricator's studio in order to review the Artwork and Artist's or fabricator's progress with fabrication of the Artwork. Alternatively, the City requests and shall be given photographic documentation of Artist's progress to verify each stage that triggers payment pursuant to Section 3.1 above. 5.4 Notification of Fabrication Completion —Artist will notify the City in writing pursuant to Section 15 below when the Artwork is completed and ready for delivery. Designated representatives of the City will have the opportunity to inspect the Artwork for conformity with the design and structural requirements prior to delivery and to give written approval or disapproval of the Artwork for thirty (30) business days following notice from the Artist. As an alternative to the studio inspection, photographic documentation may be submitted to the City upon completion of the Artwork. 5.5 Preparation of Site—Due to the nature of the site project and installation of the Artwork, cooperation from the City's designated Landscape Architect is required. City will provide Artist with the specifications and drawings for the specific area at the site where the Artwork is to be installed. Artist is responsible for obtaining and forwarding to City design drawings and calculations for the installation of the Artwork prepared by a professional structural engineer. The drawings will illustrate the Artwork's support system, including without limitation, connection to the base. The Landscape Architect will utilize these drawings and if, during installation, the Artwork is found to differ from the specifications noted in the drawings, it will be the Artist's responsibility to remedy the discrepancy and bring the Agreement into conformance with the drawings. 5.6 Warranty of Craftsmanship —The Artist warrants that the Artwork will be free of defects in workmanship and materials. In the event that any defects become apparent in the workmanship or materials within five(5)years of the execution of this Agreement, Artist will remedy any defects at Artist's sole cost and expense. ARTICLE 6 STORAGE 6.1 Storage — The Artist shall be solely responsible for any and all necessary storage and transportation costs associated with this Agreement and/or the Project. Artist shall remain solely responsible for ensuring the safety of the Artwork until the permanent installation is completed and the Artist receive final approval of artwork as required herein. Agreement for Founder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 574350.v2 ARTICLE 7 FINAL APPROVAL OF ARTWORK Within ten (10) business days of the permanent installation of the Artwork, the City will inspect the Artwork to determine whether it conforms to all of the requirements of this Agreement. If the City desires any modifications to the Artwork or finds that any aspect of the Artwork is not in conformance with this Agreement, the City will notify Artist in writing within seven (7) business days of the inspection. Artist will have an opportunity to address and cure any defects, requests or concerns of the City within fifteen (15)days of the date of the City's notice provided pursuant to Article 7. ARTICLE 8 INTEGRITY OF THE WORK 8.1 Repairs and Maintenance - The City undertakes to exercise reasonable care to protect, repair, and maintain the work. Artist agrees to cooperate with and advise the City in connection with any such non-routine maintenance, including,without limitation, damage by acts of God, vandalism, conservation and/or replacement of any portion of the Artwork to the extent that he or she is able to do so. During Artist's lifetime, the City will not undertake any non-routine maintenance on the Artwork without attempting to consult with the Artist or his or her authorized representative unless an emergency requires the City to do so. 8.2 Relocation of the Work—To the extent that the Artwork is capable of being relocated, the City shall have the right to do so. If feasible, the City shall attempt to consult with the Artist concerning the relocation of the Artwork prior to any such relocation; however,the Artist's approval is not required for the relocation, if any. If the Artist is not pleased with such relocation, he or she shall have the right to renounce credit for the Artwork. If Artist renounces credit for his Artwork, this would include, among other things, relinquishment and abandonment of the copyrights described herein. 8.3 Credit—The City agrees, at its own expense,to prepare and install at or near the Project a public notice, the form and exact location of which shall be solely determined by City, giving Artist credit for the creation of the Artwork. ARTICLE 9 INSURANCE COVERAGE Artist shall provide and maintain the types and amounts of insurance set forth herein for and during all aspects and phases of this Project. Artist shall be required to provide and maintain general liability insurance with a minimum of One Million and No/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence and Two Million and No/100 Dollars ($2,000,000.00) aggregate. In addition, Artist shall provide and maintain insurance for loss (including theft, fire and damage)and employee health and disability insurance,as well as any statutorily required workers' compensation insurance. All insurance and certificate(s)of insurance shall contain the following provisions: 1. Name the City, its officers,agents, representatives,and employees as additional insured are as to all applicable coverage with the exception of workers' compensation insurance. 2. Provide for at least thirty(30)days prior written notice to the City for cancellation, non- renewal,or material change of the insurance. 3. Provide for a waiver of subrogation against the City for injuries, including death, property damage, or any other loss to the extent the same is covered by the proceeds of insurance. Agreement for Founder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 574350.v2 Insurance company qualification: All insurance companies providing the required insurance shall be authorized to transact business in Texas and rated at least"A"by AM Best or other equivalent rating service. Certificate of insurance: A certificate of insurance evidencing the required insurance shall be submitted no later than the date of the execution of this Agreement. If this Agreement is renewed or extended by the City, a certificate of insurance shall also be provided to the City prior to the date the Agreement is renewed or extended. ARTICLE 10 AUDITS AND RECORDS/PROHIBITED INTEREST/VENDOR DISCLOSURE The Artist agrees that at any time during normal business hours and as often as City may deem necessary, Artist shall make available to representatives of the City for examination all of its records with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement, and will permit such representatives of the City to audit, examine, copy and make excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all contracts, invoices, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, conditions of employment and other data relating to all matters covered by this Agreement, all for a period of four (4) years from the date of final settlement of this Agreement or for such other or longer period, if any,as may be required by applicable statute or other lawful requirement. The Artist agrees that it is aware of the prohibited interest requirement of the City Charter, which is repeated on the Affidavit, and will abide by the same. Further, a lawful representative of Artist shall execute the Affidavit attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. Artist understands and agrees that the existence of a prohibited interest during the term of this Agreement will render the Agreement void able. The Artist agrees that it is further aware of the vendor disclosure requirements set forth in Chapter 176, Local Government Code, as amended, and will abide by the same. In this connection, a lawful representative of the Artist shall execute the Conflict of Interest Questionnaire, Form ClQ, attached hereto as Exhibit "D" and incorporated herein for all purposes. ARTICLE 11 TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT/REMEDIES 11.1 Artist Default — Failure or refusal of the Artist to perform any act herein required, unless mutually agreed to in writing by the City and the Artist shall constitute a default. In the event of a default, in addition to any other remedy available to the City, this Agreement may be terminated by the City upon ten (10)day written notice. Such notice does not waive any other legal remedies available to the City. 11.2 Conditions for Termination of Agreement Other than Artist's Default — If the City deems, in its sole discretion, the Project design is inappropriate or unworkable for the site, or if the deadlines specified herein are not met due, in whole or in part,to the Artist's actions and/or omissions, or if cost estimates indicate that the Project cannot be completed within the Project budget,the City retains the right to terminate this Agreement and is released from the obligation to enter into fabrication and installation of the Artist's design concept for the Project. In the event of any termination, Artist shall deliver to City all work,entirely or partially completed. The Artist shall receive as compensation, full payment for services satisfactorily, as solely determined by the City, performed as outlined in Exhibit"B",as applicable,to the date of the termination notice received. The City shall make this final payment within thirty(30)days of notifying the Artist. Agreement for Founder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 574350.v2 The rights and remedies provided by this Agreement are cumulative, and the use of any one right or remedy by either party shall not preclude or waive its rights to use any or all other remedies. These rights and remedies are given in addition to any other rights the parties may have by law, statute,ordinance or otherwise. ARTICLE 12 DISPUTE RESOLUTION/MEDIATION In addition to all remedies at law, the parties may resolve/mediate any controversy, claim or dispute arising out of or relating to the interpretation or performance of this Agreement, or breach thereof, by voluntary mediation to be conducted by a mutually acceptable mediator. ARTICLE 13 INDEMNITY ARTIST SHALL RELEASE, DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS CITY AND ITS CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS, OFFICERS, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES AND EMPLOYEES FROM AND AGAINST ALL DAMAGES, INJURIES (INCLUDING DEATH), CLAIMS, PROPERTY DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF USE), CLAIMS FOR PATENT, TRADEMARK AND/OR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT AND/OR ANY OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND/OR PROPRIETARY CLAIM, LOSSES,DEMANDS,SUITS,JUDGMENTS AND COSTS, INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING ATTORNEYS' FEES AND EXPENSES INCURRED IN ENFORCING THIS INDEMNITY), CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENT, GROSSLY NEGLIGENT, AND/OR INTENTIONAL ACT AND/OR OMISSION OF ARTIST, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, EMPLOYEES, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES, INVITEES OR ANY OTHER THIRD PARTIES FROM WHOM ARTIST IS LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE, IN ITS/THEIR PERFORMANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT AND/OR ARISING OUT OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICES PROVIDED BY ARTIST PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT, REGARDLESS OF THE JOINT OR CONCURRENT NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY OF TIIE CITY (HEREINAFTER "CLAIMS"). THIS INDEMNIFICATION PROVISION AND THE USE OF THE TERM "CLAIMS"IS ALSO SPECIFICALLY INTENDED TO APPLY TO,BUT NOT LIMITED TO,ANY AND ALL CLAIMS,WHETHER CIVIL OR CRIMINAL, BROUGHT AGAINST CITY BY ANY GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY OR AGENCY RELATED TO ANY PERSON PROVIDING SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT THAT ARE BASED ON ANY FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW AND ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, DAMAGES, ACTIONS AND CAUSES OF ACTION OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE,KNOWN AND UNKNOWN,EXISTING OR CLAIMED TO EXIST, RELATING TO OR ARISING OUT OF ANY EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ARTIST AND HIS EMPLOYEES OR SUBCONTRACTORS AS A RESULT OF THAT SUBCONTRACTOR'S OR EMPLOYEE'S EMPLOYMENT AND/OR SEPARATION FROM EMPLOYMENT WITH ARTIST, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY DISCRIMINATION CLAIM BASED ON SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION OR PREFERENCE, RACE, RELIGION, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AGE OR DISABILITY UNDER FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL LAW, RULE OR REGULATION, AND/OR ANY CLAIM FOR WRONGFUL TERMINATION, BACK PAY, FUTURE WAGE LOSS, OVERTIME PAY, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, INJURY SUBJECT TO RELIEF UNDER THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACT OR WOULD BE SUBJECT TO RELIEF UNDER ANY POLICY FOR WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE,AND ANY OTHER CLAIM, WHETHER IN TORT,CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE. ARTIST IS EXPRESSLY REQUIRED TO DEFEND CITY AGAINST ALL SUCH CLAIMS. IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION, CITY SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO APPROVE OR SELECT DEFENSE COUNSEL TO BE RETAINED BY ARTIST AT A REASONABLE AND CUSTOMARY COST, IN FULFILLING ITS OBLIGATION HEREUNDER TO DEFEND AND INDEMNIFY CITY, UNLESS SUCH RIGHT IS EXPRESSLY WAIVED BY CITY IN WRITING. CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO PROVIDE A PORTION OR ALL OF ITS OWN DEFENSE; HOWEVER,CITY IS UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO DO SO. ANY SUCH ACTION BY CITY IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS A WAIVER OF ARTIST'S OBLIGATION TO DEFEND CITY OR AS A WAIVER OF Agreement for Founder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 574350.v2 ARTIST'S OBLIGATION TO INDEMNIFY CITY PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT. ARTIST SHALL RETAIN CITY APPROVED DEFENSE COUNSEL WITHIN SEVEN (7) BUSINESS DAYS OF CITY'S WRITTEN NOTICE THAT CITY IS INVOKING ITS RIGHT TO INDEMNIFICATION UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. IF ARTIST FAILS TO RETAIN COUNSEL WITHIN SUCH TIME PERIOD,CITY SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO RETAIN DEFENSE COUNSEL ON ITS OWN BEHALF,AND ARTIST SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ALL COSTS INCURRED BY CITY. ARTICLE 14 NOTICES Artist agrees that all notices or communications to City permitted or required under this Agreement shall be delivered to City at the following addresses: Mindy Manson City Manager Carole Ehrlich Public Arts Coordinator City of Wylie 2000 State Highway 78 Wylie,Texas 75098 City agrees that all notices or communication to Artist permitted or required under this Agreement shall be delivered to Artist at the following address: Madeline Wiener 1335 35th Street Denver, CO 80205 Any notice provided for under the terms of this Agreement by either party to the other shall be in writing and may be effected by registered or certified mail,return receipt requested. All notices or communication required to be given in writing by one party or the other shall be considered as having been given to the addressee on the date such notice or communication is postmarked by the sending party. Each party may change the address to which notice may be sent to that party by giving notice of such change to the other party in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. ARTICLE 15 MISCELLANEOUS 15.1 Complete Agreement - This Agreement, including the exhibits hereto labeled "A" through "D", all of which are incorporated herein for all purposes, constitute the entire agreement by and between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and/or contemporaneous written and/or oral understandings. This Agreement may not be amended, supplemented, and/or modified except by written agreement duly executed by both parties. To the extent that any provision of this Agreement should conflict with the provisions of an exhibit,the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail. 15.2 Assignment and Subletting - The Artist agrees that neither this Agreement nor the work to be performed hereunder will be assigned or sublet without the prior written consent of the City. The Artist further agrees that the assignment or subletting of any portion or feature of the work or materials required in the performance of this Agreement shall not relieve the Artist of its full obligations to the City as provided by this Agreement. All such approved work performed by assignment or subletting shall be billed through Artist, and there shall be no third party billing. Agreement for Founder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 574350.v2 15.3 Successors and Assigns -City and Artist, and their partners, assigns, successors, subcontractors, executors, officers, agents, employees, representatives, and administrators are hereby bound to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 15.4 Severability- In the event a term, condition, or provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, illegal, void, unenforceable, or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, then that term, condition, or provision, shall be deleted and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if such invalid,illegal,void, unenforceable or unlawful provision had never been contained herein. 15.5 Venue - This entire Agreement is performable in Collin County, Texas and the venue for any action related directly or indirectly, to this Agreement or in any manner connected therewith shall be Collin County, Texas,and this Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of Texas. 15.6 Execution/Consideration - This Agreement is executed by the parties hereto without coercion or duress for any substantial consideration,the sufficiency of which is forever confessed. 15.7 Authority - The individuals executing this Agreement on behalf of the respective parties below represent to each other that all appropriate and necessary action has been taken to authorize the individual who is executing this Agreement to do so for and on behalf of the party for which his or her signature appears, that there are no other parties or entities required to execute this Agreement in order for the same to be an authorized and binding agreement on the party for whom the individual is signing this Agreement and that each individual affixing his or her signature hereto is authorized to do so, and such authorization is valid and effective on the date thereof. 15.8 Waiver - Waiver by either party of any breach of this Agreement, or the failure of either party to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement, at any time, shall not in any way affect, limit or waive such party's right thereafter to enforce and compel strict compliance. 15.9 Headings - The headings of the various sections of this Agreement are included solely for convenience of reference and are not to be full or accurate descriptions of the content thereof. 15.10 Multiple Counterparts-This Agreement may be executed in a number of identical counterparts,each of which shall be deemed an original for all purposes. A facsimile signature will also be deemed to constitute an original if properly executed. 15.11 Sovereign Immunity—The parties agree that the City has not waived its sovereign immunity by entering into and performing its obligations under this Agreement. 15.12 Representations — Each signatory represents this Agreement has been read by the party for which this Agreement is executed and that such party has had the opportunity to confer with its counsel. 15.13 Miscellaneous Drafting Provisions — This Agreement shall be deemed drafted equally by all parties hereto. The language of all parts of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning, and any presumption or principle that the language herein is to be construed against any party shall not apply. 15.14 Death of Artist—In the event the Artist dies or becomes incapacitated during the term of this Agreement, the fabrication, delivery, and installation of the Artwork shall be completed pursuant to the Artist's design, conception, and plans by: Josh Wiener,Artist. 15.15 No Third Party Beneficiaries—Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any right in any third party not a signatory to this Agreement,and the parties do not intend to create any third party beneficiaries by entering into this Agreement. Agreement for Founder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 574350.v2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement and caused this Agreement to be effective on the latest day as reflected by the signatures below. EFFECTIVE DATE: May 25,2010 CITY: ARTIST: The City of Wylie,Texas Madeline Wiener,Artist By: By: Mindy Manson,City Manager Print Name: Madeline Wiener Title: Artist Approved as to Form: By: c Abernathy, Roeder, Bo &Joplin, P.C. City Attorneys STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for this State of Texas, on this day personally appeared MINDY MANSON, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purpose and consideration expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this 25h day of May,2010. Notary Public in and For the State of Texas Agreement for Founder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 574350.v2 STATE OF § COUNTY OF § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for this State of this day personally appeared Madeline Wiener, Artist, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribe$•;•; to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purpose and.• consideration expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of , 2010. . . . Notary Public in and For the State of Agreement for Founder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 574350.v2 EXHIBIT"A" SCOPE OF SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS (CITY) AND MADELINE WIENER(ARTIST) FOR THE FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION OF THE PROPOSED FOUNDER'S PARK CIP ART PROJECT 200 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD. WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 Project Description Founder's Park Public Art Project To fabricate and install the proposed Founder's Park Public Art Project artist Madeline Wiener will perform the following tasks: A) Following a site visit, submit final schematic drawings of the proposal, based upon submitted maquette to City staff and the Public Arts Advisory Board for their review and approval within sixty(60) days of the receipt of this agreement. These drawings will include: ■ Detailed information of every physical feature of the construction of the Artwork and its integration with the site with any proposed changes to the previously submitted concept highlighted. (Final Design). ■ A description of any issues involved in the construction, integration and maintenance of the Artwork, as well as any third party subcontractors needed to work on the project. ■ A final project budget breakdown not to exceed$40,000. ■ An installation timeline. B) Following formal approval by the Public Arts Advisory Board, and the Wylie City Council, the Artist shall submit drawings stamped by an engineer, licensed by the State of Texas and paid for by the Artist, for certification that the Artwork, foundation, and its connection will be structurally sound. C) The Artist shall fabricate and install the Artwork in substantial conformity with the approved design. Any significant changes in the concept, as defined in Article 5.2, must be approved by the City. It is the responsibility of the Artist to coordinate with the City, the Project Landscape Architect, and Contractor to ensure that the site is prepared to receive the Artwork. The Artist will be responsible for preparation of the site, including installation of the foundation base, risers, sculptures and lighting. The City will be responsible for landscaping around the space and electrical power to the site. D) Upon completion of the permanent installation and clean-up of the site, the City Project Manager will inspect the work and give notice of acceptance, as provided in this Agreement. The Artist will complete the City's maintenance worksheet and submit it to the City within ten (10) days of City's final acceptance of the Artwork. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Materials and Care Information Sheet(to be filled out by the artist and submitted upon completion of the project prior to final payment.) Artist: Madeline Wiener Date: 05/21/2010 Title of Work: "Catch" Media: Adair Dolomitic/Concrete Plinths Specific materials used(Brand name and type of all materials, i.e.type of paper and fiber content, mental alloy, chemical composition of patina, etc.) Dolomitic Limestone Specific techniques used in the fabrication of the Artwork. (Airbrush painting, lost wax casting, TIG welding,etc.): Cutting with hydraulic chain saw and diamond blades of varying sizes;finishing with various sanding accessories. Fabricator name and address(if other than artist): Installation materials and techniques(Attach as-built drawings as appropriate): Forklift and mortar mix Recommended Maintenance Procedures: (Be as specific as possible about techniques and materials): Coat figures with silicon impregnator, stone pro once a year. If art is stained, it can be power washed. Cautions regarding maintenance, handling, etc: If stains should persist; cold wax with Johnsons Acrylic Floor Wax and simply wash as needed. Agreement for Founder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 513257.v1 EXHIBIT"B" COMPLETION SCHEDULE/PROJECT BILLING/PROJECT BUDGET AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS (CITY) AND "MADELINE WIENER" (ARTISTS) FOR THE FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION OF THE PROPOSED FOUNDER'S PARK PUBLIC ART PROJECT LOCATED AT 851 HENLSEY LANE,WYLIE TEXAS 75098 Completion Schedule and Project Billing TASK DESCRIPTION PAYMENT TIMELINE 1 Execution of Agreement and Notice to Proceed. $20,000. 5-25-10 Insurance documentation sent to City. 2 Submit final design and budget breakdown for approval to city staff. Stamped engineered drawings submitted. 3 Artist begins work upon issuance of city permit. 6-25-10 - 7-10-10 4 Artist carving stone (half complete) confirmed $10,000. 9-15-10 with staff. (pictures or examination) 5 Artist ships work from studio to site 12-10-10 6 Artist installs work at site $4,000. 12-14-10 7 City inspection and approval-final signoff $6,000. 12-15-10 TOTAL $40,000. Agreement for Founder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 574350.v2 EXHIBIT"C" AFFIDAVIT THE STATE.OF § COUNTY OF § I, /l11/jifL et/� Artist,make this affidavit and hereby on oath state the following: I, and/or a person or persons related to me, have the following interest in a business entity that would be peculiarly affected by the work or decision on the project(check all that apply); _ Ownership of 10%or more of the voting shares of the business entity. Ownership of$2,500 or more of the fair market value of the business entity. Funds received from the business entity exceed 10%of my income for the previous year. Real property is involved and I have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair market value of at least $2,500. None of the above. A relative of mine has substantial interest in the business entity or property that would be affected by my decision of the public body of which I am a member, Other: Upon the filing of this affidavit with the City of Wylie, Texas, I affirm that no relative of mine, in the first degree by consanguinity or affinity as defined in Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code, is a member of the public body which took action on the agreement. SIGNED this.p day of DilAti ,20 J 0 . i nature of Official/Title BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority,this day personally appeared and on oath stated that the facts hereinabove stated are true to the best of his/her knowledge or belief. Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of,20T Notary Public in and for The State of My commission expires: Agreement for rounder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 57435D.v2 EXIBIT"D" CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FORM CIQ For vendor or other person doing business with local governmental entity Page 2 4.1 Name of local governlnont officer with wttornflier has alfltitatlonor business relationship, (Co moletetliis section only ifthe answer to A,B.or 0 is YES.) lids section.Item 5 Including subparts A. B.G&D, must be completed for each officer with whom the filer has affiliation or business relationship. Attach additional pages to this Form CIO as necessary. A. Is the local government officer named in this section receiving or likely to receive taxable Income tram the titer of the questionnaire? aYes �Vo B. Is the filer orb*questionnaire receiving or likely to receive taxable Income from or at the direction of the local government officer named In this section AND the taxable income is not from the local governmental entlty7 EDYes [No C. Is the Der of this questionnaire affiliated with a corporation or other baainess entity that the local government officer serves as an officer or director,or holds an ownership of 10 percent or more? 0 Yes "/,No D. Describe each affiliation or business retatlonslvp. Describe any Other atittfadon or business relationship that might cause acontlict of Interest. of person doing buSeass with the governmental entity i7ale MtedeE Dimon" Agreement for Founder's Park Public Art Project,Madeline Wiener,Artists 574350.v2 o, ? ",i' >� a r, "„, "i''i°a�4,4";;" a` 1;'�,' !"• "'9;'d"}4','y,44 ">tlh"4,4""'„' ° `,,„ ' 'Af ,° `R`",,,„,r' " „,, „, ^ Mv" „t a r„ \R y'"t I A'�4'4 " ^ ' tl r'' la A'W` J"bin , '? 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"AqY niiiiin iiv„ 4omi�iP r V" iiiiiiM� 'M"`)' dry•d „" N9uu uuuu101 ndiin " „n���q, ,,pN",8,' 'ire r^M, "�AA „ , M'rilu'.,"w ndM1 m' ' ," "",4^+"d tl�Vupollr o i� ��u 'li '�,�„ , u « ♦fie 4 777 a0°'h' , ,,,"p,,"ro'n°';9r9^'mr`,y�•r' ' "" ,sma n ,Jwy�r ' »b^n,u„ ''u " , ��„ t,n 1 „ w „�,WWqv „''!y,^"4 al„• P,fM,vN ;�'„°i,',�4 M,,, .a ,, tl'i\fM1 yy,„ n "'.� m red, "wJYB„', RAU„rmydt°0'",,wMv«'rvoW»;,";„,�,„,•,a,", �nIt;�,d r; w»,fli,ci,w,y,�„ „ 'r"'C,v+rye n „zWr Presentation for Founder's Park Wylie, Texas "Catch " May 25, 2010 Submitted by: Madeline Wiener Sculptor 1335 35th Street Denver, Colorado 80205 (303) 297-1429 studio (303) 627-9320 fax madeline@madelinewiener.corn www.madelinewiener.corn TABLE OF CONTENTS for Founder's Park Wylie, Texas "Catch" Reference Work 3 Proposed Design 4 Proposed Art Site "5 Concept Statement .. 6 Budget 7 Timeline ".8 Resume 9-10 References 11 Stone Sculpture Reference Work 44 OA i . rr. are'. "':.. :,x u 1, 0 4 a c�;4,' xyu., t'"�ti x�h`.',�Y�".+x?,�y�'�{� g Y'i4 • 1u...: ..,.tS* ..�\�,O�,� • ,h"n"° • :um vtip;q�. '� `, 't. ,,, ,: ktkik q��. g e&i YPd '''lpVe � 11 v wYF.: "\1.. w,+ms .,.,�,\, i��� �' �.,F W' Ysw,•k,Ms tn,: rt„ ; I .., ,a ..", " v: Jflw',^ �':'�rr.:.....,„,.rti>*'"'. .��n,„mPutM�•,"". 44 . .. ^f a ,.,w t'. .nu^Z.eetmv e ::rv°,d.:4a.: n .. f k..., ,' Even'afternoon when I pick up my grandson kindergarten at ,,,,00. Do vie venient410t,School,we spend time on pour"'.e ightJid sculpture, )estrr�dar heout that 6 people. couldsit onthe large piece o th00p,e Rl���, r m girl reading, where more cr t n than not, a real girl is actually reading . Noo Ronan's favorite piece is the one closest to the Recreation Center He sits ' ,, .=� nea e front and 1 sit on the t area, with my back to his, Then he drives or 0.* '' flies rrrsrsomewhere, 3e love the ,w warmth, theco/nib rrt bodies c youngand l cal ' ,:. ';.Iro ,..:, the snit and the htrrrrcrr in " tarry°tire "�, It`s ama,�magnet lo00 t,,,r�kids and adults. Thank von. " Deborahr,Arts Educator anFounderof Playwrights Project .,:;�s.>',.--,. • 4 f '', 40044, w. „ 1` s4»4,+L4 "qF. „� ^p,,, ;fig.. 4, »� Y�`�a'ik iiii . ,: ,.: �.; 1 . Proposed Design 'C htt IP .ah t:A 11t0 • : ` �,d `,5 �" * 4 x x, " ,„. m - ' ma a d r i .i m Y " J0 6emµ t. 'V" 'A' Wy y, • aJk ; yk itt 7iht • 4 m sI4xx y ,. ` £i a{ �n �a , � SS ltt ...r,y r l H ^x .1 ti ' ` � v t } r, i .03 „, • ,) ' *w .¢ lp l rki r, . 41, ; } �\ �al . 1 ta a ` °4 ?v,,i .; � 'Y4 tr :}militrc < m"' a\ w4m`xVie . 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The overwhelming response to the interactive spirit of my sculpture leads me to believe that my sculptures would be well suited for this recreational park. In viewing the proposed area for the sculptures I'm presenting, I immediately felt the excitement of going to a sporting event —and creating sculptures that suggest just the sport that can be viewed in Founder's Park. I have created an installation in my contemporary style that suggests one figure of a girl throwing a ball and one figure running to catch it. These figures in "action" suggest movement in the space. The setting is perfect for these figures as there is room for people to move around and mimic them by tossing a ball around and to just feel the excitement of going to a sporting event. I have seen the same familiar scene each time I have gone to a baseball game—be it in my local park where I've lived and raised my sons or at a Colorado Rockies game. People of all ages are tossing a ball to their friends, dad, grandparent, or sibling and playing catch in exhilaration of being at a baseball game. The larger figure would be approximately 6' x 6' x 2' and the smaller figure would be 5' x 5' x 2'. The figures will be created out of Dolomitic Limestone, a very durable stone that would work beautifully with the surroundings. This stone is heavily used in architecture for its ability to look new after a hundred years. It can be partially polished and textured to create a beautiful contrast. This material is impenetrable by acid and is my personal favorite for heavy use because it is very integral and durable for interactive, outdoor sculpture. I have created numerous other interactive sculptures out of this stone and they are all holding up perfectly under constant use. The pieces will be sealed with silicon impregnators and the best state of the art sealer, making them easily restored from graffiti or stains. Stone requires little to no maintenance and holds up very well with the seasonal temperature extremes, remaining comfortable to sit on throughout the year. The sculptures will be pinned;therefore,they will need two separate foundations, one for under each piece. The sculptures will be installed with a forklift and placed on quickset mortar-mix. I will "tuck point"the bottoms to the concrete pads, giving each element a professional, finished look, leaving the installation neat and attractive. We will need water in order to mix the mortar-mix. Being a figurative artist, I have been designing public sculptures that are both visually and physically interactive for many years. I enjoy exaggerating lines and creating movement with stone. The movement happens with a gesture that is created with a simple line, a twist, and volume. I respond to the people who live in the communities where my sculptures are going, and with their help,the art often becomes the icon for the community. At the time of the installation and/or dedication, I usually hold mini-workshops for the community to participate by going over the sculptures with fine sanding pads, giving them the experience of finishing a sculpture(even though the pieces are finished when installed). At that time, I will explain how the sculptures were created. I even hand out chips that were part of the stone so they will be able to 'own a piece of the sculpture',thus taking `ownership' of the artwork. Engaging the community enables the people to know more about the selected artwork and not be left with unanswered questions. This is a great way to get the community involved and has proven to be an essential step for curious community members and insures a greater positive acceptance and response to the overall commission. I enjoy creating work that will be both functional and visually pleasing. It is always my desire through my work to engage viewers and entice them to come close and experience my stone sculpture. My style is timeless, so it can fulfill the needs of future generations. My sculptures have been found to be entertaining, stimulating, and memorable. All my public work evokes some sort of expression in that I get feedback from the public and the commissioning bodies suggesting that the work is successful. All of my past projects have been on time and within budget. "Every afternoon when I pick up my grandson from kindergarten at Doyle Elementary School, we spend time on your delightful sculpture. Yesterday he figured out that 6 people could sit on the large piece of the girl reading, where more often than not, a real girl is actually reading. Ronan's favorite piece is the one closest to the Recreation Center. He sits near the front and I sit on the flat area, with my back to his. Then he drives or flies us somewhere. We love the warmth, the comfort for bodies young and old, the wit and the humor in "Storytime". It's a magnet for kids and adults. Thank you. " Deborah Salzer, Arts Educator and Founder of Playwrights Project 6 BUDGET for Founder's Park Wylie, Texas "Catch" Artist Fees Fabrication& Design fee $ 7,900 Professional Consultation Fees Engineering $ 500 Materials Stone(6' x 6' x 2' and 5' x 5' x 2') $ 7,900 Concrete for foundation $ 3,000 Tools(diamond chainsaw blade, diamond blades, fuel) $ 1,000 Sealer $ 400 Sub-total $ 12,300 Shipping Delivery of stones to studio $ 3,300 Delivery of sculptures to site $ 1,700 Sub-total $ 5,000 Forklift(setting stones in studio/picking sculpture up from studio) $ 2,000 Installation Fork-lift at installation site $ 1,000 Excavation and Foundation $ 2,000 Travel $ 600 Site Restoration $ 1,500 Assistant at site $ 1,000 Sub-total $ 6,100 General Operating Insurance $ 500 Studio $ 1,000 Administrative $ 700 Sub-total $ 2,200 Contingency $ 4,000 Total $ 40,000 7 ESTIMATED TIMELINE for Founder's Park Wylie, Texas "Catch" *Deliver & install sculpture — 8 months from signing of Contract This Timeframe includes: City approval* (— 8 weeks) Signing of Contract/Receipt of Deposit* (— 8 weeks) Order & Ship stones to studio (—4 weeks) Begin carving (at receipt of signed contract & down payment) (*pending city approval/signing of contract/receipt of deposit meets the estimated timeline presented here) 8 RESUME Personal: Born in New York,NY, 1947. Married. Two children. Education: 1967-74: New York School of Visual Arts. Commissions: Numerous indoor and outdoor commissions, including: 2011 Chanticleer Park, Santa Cruz, CA 2010 City of Campbell/East Campbell Avenue Improvement Project,Campbell, CA 2010 San Juan Regional Medical Center(Healing Garden), Farmington,NM 2010 Norview Community Center,Norfolk, VA 2010 Canyon Country Park, Santa Clarita, CA 2009 Brooks College of Health,Jacksonville, FL 2009 The Gainsboro Library, Roanoke, VA 2009 Little Toots Park, Steamboat, CO 2009 Ocean Springs Library, Ocean Springs, MS 2009 Goodson Recreation Center, Centennial, CO 2008 City of Novato Bench Project,Novato, CA (2-sites) 2008 "Intersection of Art& Function" Bench Project, Aurora, CO 2007 Rancho Cielo, Santa Barbara, CA 2006 Kohl Children's Museum, Glenview, IL 2005 Benson Park, Loveland, CO 2005 University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India 2004 Denver University, Chambers College for Women, Denver, CO 2004 The Valley School, Bangalore, India 2003 Doyle Park, San Diego, CA 2003 Pine Lane Primary School, Douglas County, CO 2002 Denver University, Center for Performing Arts, Denver, CO 2001 Denver University, Lamont School of Music, Denver, CO 2000 The Cable Center, Denver, CO 2000 Sculpture Park at Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla, CA 2000 Ritchie Center, Denver University, Denver, CO 1999, 1998 Montrose Library, Montrose, CO 1999, 1992 Museum of Outdoor Arts, Denver, CO 1999 Adichunchanagiri Medical College, Karnataka, India 1998 Monarch Contemporary Art Center, Tenino, Washington 1996 Cadzow Glen Sculpture Park, Hamilton, Scotland 1996 The Lake House, Evergreen, CO 1996(annually) National Sports Center for the Disabled, Winter Park, CO 1995 Livingston Development Corporation, Livingston, Scotland 1992 Artist in Residency, Greenwood Village/Cherry Creek High School, Denver, CO 1991 Colorado Council on the Arts& Humanities, Art in Public Places CO 1991 Humana Hospital, Los Angeles, CA Selected Collections: Museum of Outdoor Arts, Englewood, CO Loveland Museum Denver Broncos University of Denver Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Colorado Benson Park, Loveland, Colorado Wells Fargo Remax Corporation Coors Foundation Hertz Denver Post Texaco Little Nell Hotel, Aspen, CO Colorado Rockies First National Bank, Trinidad Town of Hamilton, Scotland Rocky Mountain News Town of Livingston, Scotland Seal Furniture, San Diego, CA Town of Evergreen, Colorado US West, CO 9 Madeline Wiener Résumé Selected Exhibitions: 2009, 08,, 07, 06, 05, 04, 03 Invited Artist, "Sculpture in the Park", Loveland, CO 2008, 2005, 2004 Governor's Invitational at Loveland Museum, Loveland, CO 2008 "Character Sketches" Exhibition at Loveland Museum, Loveland, CO 2008 "Sculpture on the Fax",Aurora, CO 2009, 2010 City of Atlanta Public Artists Registry,juried 2008, 2007 Pre-qualified Artist Pool juried, El Paso, TX 2008-2009 City of Evanston's pre-qualified database-juried, Evanston, IL 2007, 2005, 2004 Arts Student League Invitational Show, Denver, CO 2007 Best in Sculpture, Manhattan Arts International 24th Anniversary competition 2007 Manhattan Arts On-line Gallery 2007 International Sculpture Center/Sculpture Magazine Portfolio 2007 Access Gallery, Denver CO 2007 Functional Park Art Catalog for City of Colorado Springs, CO 2004 October Armory Art Center—Master Artist Exhibition, W. Palm Beach, FL, CO 2001 Historical Museum, Stone Sculpture Exhibition, Denver, CO 2000 January The Invisible Museum, Denver, CO 1999 May-November Museum of Outdoor Arts, Englewood, CO 1999 May Celebrate Colorado Artists, Denver, CO 1999 May Museum of Outdoor Arts, Englewood, CO 1998 December Indoor exhibit, Museum of Outdoor Arts, Englewood, CO 1998 August Art Concepts Gallery, Tacoma, WA 1993 Nov/Dec Loveland Museum, Loveland, CO 1993 Naropa Institute, Boulder,CO 1992, 1991, 1990 Colorado Historical Museum/Art Students League of Denver, Denver, CO 1990, 1989 North American Sculpture Exhibition, Golden, CO 1990 Colorado Sampler,JFK Center for the Performing Arts, Washington DC 1989, 1988, 1987 Saks Gallery/Art Students League of Denver, Denver, CO 1989 Greenwood Village all Colorado Exhibition 1988 Loveland Museum Biennial, Loveland, CO 1987, 1980, 1979 Gilpin County Arts Assoc., Central City, CO 1986, 1984, 1979 Jewish Community Center, Denver, CO 1980 Edgar Britton Gallery, one-woman show, Denver, CO 1979 Petroleum Club, Denver, CO 1976 Unicorn Gallery,New York,NY 1976 Gallimaufry Gallery, Croton-on-Hudson,NY 1975 School of Visual Arts,New York,NY 1974 Lynn Kottler Gallery,New York,NY Teaching& Speaking Engagements: 1989-annually Founder, Director and Instructor, MARBLE/marble Symposium, Marble, CO 2008 Guest speaker/stone carving demonstration, Denver Art Museum, Denver CO 2008, 1993 Guest speaker at Loveland Museum, Loveland, CO 2007 Guest speaker, "Sculpture in the Park" seminar, Loveland, CO 2005 Instructor, Armory Art Center Master Artist Workshop, W. Palm Beach, FL 2005 Guest speaker, Mesa State College, Grand Junction, CO 2003 Workshop with Installation of`Storytime', Doyle Park, San Diego, CA 2000 Workshop with Installation of`Family Reflections', La Jolla, CA 1998 Guest speaker, Monarch Center for Contemporary Art,Olympia, WA 1995-1987 Instructor in stone carving, Art Students League of Denver, CO 1982 Workshop, Rehabilitation Center for Blind, Denver, CO Selected Publications: Sculptors of the Rockies book, Southwest Art publ., 2009 • LUXE, Fall 2007 • Reporter-Herald/Loveland, CO, August 12, 2007 • Southwest Art Magazine, July 2007 • The Valley Journal/Marble, CO, July 19-25, 2007 • Stone in America, 2006 • Sculptural Pursuit Magazine, 2005 • American Parade, 2005 • Sunset Magazine, 2004 • The Leher Report, 2004 • Sculpture Review magazine, 2003 • Westward, 2003 • Sculpture Magazine, 1995 • Good Afternoon CO, Denver Channel 9, 1993 • CO Homes& Lifestyles 1984 • Denver Post& Rocky Mountain News, numerous 10 REFERENCES 1. Karen Rudd, Cultural Affairs Manager City of Norfolk, 208 East Main Street,Norfolk, Virginia 23510 Phone: (757)664-6883 E-mail: Karen.Rudd@norfolk.gov Project: "Storyteller", 2009, Norview Community Center, Norfolk, VA 2. Winnie DelliQuadri City of Steamboat Springs, PO Box 775088, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 Phone: (970) 879-2060 E-mail: wdelliquadri@steamboatsprings.net Project: "Let the Music Play", 2009, Little Toots Park, Steamboat Springs, CO 3. Susan Jennings, Public Art Coordinator City of Roanoke, Department of Economic Development, 117 W. Church Ave, Roanoke VA 24011-1905 Phone: (540) 853-5652 E-mail: susan.jennings@roanokeva.gov Project: "Healing Garden", 2009, Gainsboro Library, Roanoke, VA 4. Jacquie Kitzelman South Suburban's Goodson Recreation Center, 6315 South University Blvd., Centennial, CO Phone: (303) 798-5131 E-mail: hijac@q.com Project: "Stretch", 2009, Goodson Recreation Center, Centennial, CO 5. Polly Juneau, LHPAC Board of Directors Loveland High Plains Arts Council, P.O. Box 7006, Loveland, CO 80537-0006 Phone: (970)663-2940 Fax: (970) 669-7390 E-mail: pollyj@frii.com Project: "The Conversation", 2005, Benson Park, Loveland, CO 6. Naomi McLean, Chairperson Doyle Community Park Recreational Council, 4089 Caminito Terviso, San Diego, CA 92122 Phone: (858)453-5450 Fax: (858)457-4144 E-mail: mcleans1@hotmail.com Project: "Storytime", 2003, Doyle Community Park, San Diego, CA 7. Kathy Kormos, Deputy Director City of Novato, Purchasing Agent, 75 Rowland Way#200,Novato, CA 94947 Phone: (415) 899-8987 E-mail: kkormos@ci.novato.ca.us Project: "Bench Girl"& "Portly Man", 2008, City of Novato Bench Project, Novato, CA (2-sites) 8. Mary Trieschmann Kohl Children's Museum of Greater Chicago, 2100 Patriot Boulevard, Glenview, IL 60026 Phone: (847) 832-6600 Fax: (847) 724-6469 Project: "Once upon a time... there was a tully monster", 2006, Chicago, IL 9. Mark Rodgers, University Architect University of Denver, 2400 S. Race St., Denver, CO 80208 Phone: (303) 871-4746 E-mail: m44rodgers@earthlink.net Project: Set of Bronze Gates for Private Residence (Chancellor Ritchie), 2007, Rancho Cielo, Santa Barbara, CA Project: "Celebration of Women", 2004, University of Denver, CO Project: "Porch Performers with Throne", 2002, University of Denver, CO Project: University of Denver/Lamont School of Music, 2000, University of Denver, CO Project: Ritchie Center, Marion Gottesfeld Ballroom, 2000, University of Denver, CO 10.Chancellor Daniel Ritchie, University of Denver,July 1989-June 2005, Chairman Emeritus, DU Board of Trustees University of Denver, 2199 S. University Boulevard, Denver, CO 80208 Phone: (303) 871-2122 E-mail: dritchie@du.edu Chairman and CEO, Denver Center for Performing Arts, 1101 Thirteenth Street, Denver CO 80204 Phone: (303)446-4819 E-mail: dritchie@dcpa.org Project: Set of Bronze Gates for Private Residence (Chancellor Ritchie), 2007, Rancho Cielo, Santa Barbara, CA Project: "Celebration of Women", 2004, University of Denver, CO Project: University of Denver/Lamont School of Music, 2000, University of Denver, CO Project: Ritchie Center, Marion Gottesfeld Ballroom, 2000, University of Denver, CO 11