04-18-1995 (WEDC) Minutes Minutes
Tuesday, April 18 1995
The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. met in regular session at 6:00
PM, Tuesday, April 18, 1995 in the Chamber of Commerce Board Room at 108 Marble
Street, Wylie, Texas. A quorum was present and notice of the meetings had been posted in
the time and manner required by law. Present were President John Yeager, Vice-President
John Mondy, Sec-Treas. Marvin Fuller, Director Irene Messenger, Director Bud Naish,
Executive Director Charlie Womack, City Manager Steve Norwood and Secretary Barbara
Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM by President John Yeager.
ITEM NO. 1 - Consider approval of minutes from regular meeting held on March 21, 1995.
Marvin Fuller noted that Irene Messenger had seconded the motion on Item No. 11, not
Marvin Fuller. There being no further corrections or additions, a motion was made by
Marvin Fuller to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Irene Messenger. All in
favor, motion carried.
ITEM NO. 2 - Consider approval of Treasurer's Report ending March 31, 1995. The report
reflected ending Total Funds Available 3/31/95 of $236,350.63. Income plus available funds
totaled $255,139.24 including sales tax revenue of $18,177.47; expenses $15,805.97; Petty
Cash Balance 4/1/95 $201.81; Total Funds Available 4/1/95 $239,535.08. Motion was made
by John Mondy to approve the treasurer's report as submitted. Seconded by Bud Naish, all in
favor. Motion carried.
ITEM NO. 3 - Report from Executive Director. Mr. Womack stated in a letter to the
Directors, that he was substituting, in place of a monthly activity report, a copy of a quarterly
report addressed to the City Council. Mr. Womack gave an oral update on the status of
current activities. • Mr. Womack has had meetings with Mr. Osborne of Osborne
Construction of Plano with regard to the possible purchase of the old Century Redi-Mix Plant
site on FM544, with the intention of relocating his operation. Mr. Osborne has received a
contract purchase price of $320,000, and has already obtained guaranteed financing for 75%
of the purchase price. He will put up $40,000 for the down payment and is requesting the
Corporation to provide a matching $40,000 for the down payment. Mr. Womack
recommended a loan rather than a grant with terms to be negotiated. • Mr. Womack further
advised he has been contacted by representatives of the Staubach Co. They have clients
looking for some acreage for the purpose of constructing commercial buildings. An update
on the current status of the Rockwall prospect reveals they are ready to start drafting plans for
the Wylie location.
ITEM NO. 4 - Discuss and consider approval of a payment totalling $2850.00 for professional
services performed by The Hogan Corporation. A motion was made by Marvin Fuller to
approve payment as described. Seconded by Bud Naish.
Tuesday, April 18, 1995
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ITEM NO. 5 - Discuss and consider approval of payment in the amount of $1236.00 for legal
services performed by Vial, Hamilton, Koch & Knox, L.L.P. in the James H. Hale land
purchase. Following a brief discussion, a motion was made by John Mondy to approve
payment as described above. Seconded by Irene Messenger. All in favor - motion carried.
ITEM NO. 6 - Discuss and Consider a possible short term grazing ground lease on the
Premier Industrial Park land. Mr. Womack said he had some inquiries regarding a short-term
grazing lease on the above described property. Discussion of possible terms included
securing limited liability exposure for the Corporation, fee negotiable, at least one time of
mowing, notification time of approximately 10 days to remove livestock from the property.
It was the consensus that the primary factors were to keep the grass within City code
requirements and a very limited liability for the Corporation. The fee is a secondary matter.
The tenant would be required to make a cash deposit, to be returned after the lot(s) have been
mowed. Mr. Womack was directed to proceed.
ITEM NO. 7 - Discuss and consider approval to employ the professional services from one of
the five consulting firms that have submitted proposals to conduct a study and analyze the
current economic environment in Wylie. Mr. Womack distributed a letter from Cloe Johnson
of Johnson & Associates, asking to be removed from consideration due to previous
commitments. Following the discussion, a motion was made by John Mondy to contact the
Cornerstone Group to conduct their Module 1, 2 day assessment and workshop for a fee not
to exceed $3500; with no obligation for further commitment by the City. Seconded by Mavin
Fuller. All in favor - motion carried.
ITEM NO. 8 - Citizen Participation. None.
ITEM NO. 9 - ADJOURNMENT . There being no further business, a motion was made for
adjournment. Meeting adjourned by President, John Yeager.
øbolriresi dent
ar ara LeCocq, Sec etary