03-25-2002 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Monday, March 25, 2002 6:30 P.M. Planning and Zoning Conference Room (Site moved due to City Council Meeting in Chambers on Monday) Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 25, 2002 ACTION ITEMS: 2. Discuss and consider the Concept Plan for the Southwest Medical Foundation Development — Presentation by Jerry Sylo with Gensler Inc. (representing Southwest Medical Foundation Development) DISCUSSION ITEMS: 3. Summ5 and Spring activities (Clean up Green up, Wylie Wave, Summer Concerts) 4. Collin County Parks and Open Space grant status ADJOURNMENT Posted this the Day of , 2002 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD 442-8170 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Communication for March 25, 2002 Issue Discuss and consider the Concept Plan for the Southbrook Development. Background The Concept Plan has been submitted for the Southbrook Development, which is located in the south central portion of the City(off of Elm Rd. near the Twin Lakes Subdivision). In order to meet the parkland dedication ordinance requirements of the property the development will need to provide 3.25 acres of parkland or(217 lots x$500) $108,500.00 in fees. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations The Comprehensive Plan does reflect parkland dedication(other than floodplain)and green space linkages in this Concept Plan. Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/commission Recommendation The Planning and Zoning Commission has approved the zoning for this area and the City Council will vote on the zoning at the February 26, 2002 meeting. Staff Recommendations This is a zoning concept plan that is in need of input by the Park and Recreation Board regarding all of the Park and Open space options given by the developer. Attachments Conce t Plan Pre ared by F P `‘A/ftti -51 V0,1 A), :." 011A/A/1/4'' ItilPH/j" (tt,S1 • to 4)4 --- . i A I I ,041(1(52d 1 / 1 tvA/c1 $ 21 e0A/Lap.iiL- 5int' oir/vc' _ 1,,,," ) 1 /;//,--/,/ .,, ,\,z, 1 tAk.,,..,_, 3 '(/' 03 c ( c)c (1/e1-0 (T? Gensler r erry Sylo, AICP ' 214. . 1628 �\ , i 27 3 \ 1\Y 5430 LBJ Freeway ;IV( Thre: ' : Centre ,/.� Dallas Texa c/e Tel: 214. 273. 1500 , „ /� r Fax: 214. 273. 1505 , i CIt y_s•err lo ensler.com Vi-V1-/ J y Y@ g aTYOF�E — NNSI'W E 1.9N.00'_ I ( -1 hus '- __ j Gable Gircie /J _� ��-- f __� T-�_`=-Q-_ / i �,_ n --- --- / _�! ( @! ��_ _ Project Information N 11 c _ 'El' i I j T� /eI ' Site Area:68.11 +/-Acres m Park'Open Space:9.37+/-Acres(14%of site) 'L . t J I��- �_-__J [_- 1 so , r ,lir�y2 , Regional Park/Open Space. 1�4 56+1-Acres Tst �{ � � _ Greenview Drive � • a \ ' Neighborhood Park:3.49+/-Acres r/� � i ' Neighborhood Open Space:1 32+/-Acres i \A / Approximate Number of Lots:155 (2.27 lots/acre) 1---- ----� --- ';---- �f--- .\ ) ,,/ ; (10.000 sq.ft.min.) 0 ,,___ ._ _ 47,s: \ // , !-------...___) ,\\\717 \I W .,, // 7 \-- /e< z -,,, ,___,It 'l (, 4 :;:l ' t____-_- ,(---\-----"'s, \,- \_- ,,--1-\,,, -- , 1 ! , ,,, "� :.! ,_ �Grand Road - i.---- -- Garden Lane -7-- j 16) - tr 9r i)YMr-w PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD- .,• _ fir^D 62so' �, -- -- -- 'a /J / r). _/ - DiLLL4S COUNTY `�� �'��+z° s CONCEPT PLAN N J Southwestern Medical Foundation Wylie, Texas ,;;,....„ Exhibit "A" Gensler Zoning case No. 2001-17 X r 1 ..,1- . MI ti r it / 9ruMo!mu 1 -J L — rop piaiipa0 itI 1 ...... 1 (�TTI TI TI v_ r E!sisi it li ii? ire q 1 ...r \.L—L L L — OriA;i111 tri rgilkMi 4 L 1 FT 7 -[7—1 I— i� i ij kt � p ,9 L 4 L J� J-J.J rIr 1III ' 4r1t F IA 17-1 -- i II it 1 1 1 I IA / 1 z* _1 114.,\_71 4 1 —— .1 ttII gleCitiii ! rt r -� l (- Firb. g i i ,,,ate r--1 r � -i I i3 � �� ! ! ! i. h.:� # � - r--1� LJ JJ 4 1—r— i * J I——I r—i -� —1 — \ ! I I / I--1LJ.J14 — -I i--1 L J J J 4 — it !iii rti F 1 il! 1 \ I r-—1 —1 i_— —---I r—T,- tirilit ii \ ,, r--i---i i_ iiii grei Hi tig e 91i s, rti ot 9 p iirk4g.p.o. > 1 ,_ _Tqz".-1 i__ 1 j1411-7117-1 __ A ;dig re il !.1 at it I. / 1 1 10 'es gi g 4 tvl-IN -J L -1 L---7 -- 1 -or a It `n ` Ili 0 i; 1 ——a II — li i.__ 0 el iti!a 47084 ____1 I--'dP--I __- ---- -- 511: ! i� a ; -d gi vlg il 1 ,04. 1-- 1 I Fil I ho „titr � 1 � `. - ---I ii e,r f` 14 [ 4r 4 --I I- �-i- --1 1-----1 i 1\4''' .‘- __/ - E1 : I {L- MViRG WARM pW! —I I 4 L i Ems—-I---a 1--- . .-- 1. 4 1 I i lj 01 i____L__I 1--- ,k% 111 , iiii i5 ;' R<' a 1g0m ¢_N 8 i 1115, P pi c• \riririV)`pr r rim ovr5/C'? 7s: ni PM