04-22-2002 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Monday, April 22, 2002 6:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. March 25, 2002 ACTION ITEMS 2. Discuss and consider establishing the prohibited parking areas per Ordinance 78-147 at Founders Park.. 3. Discuss and consider the Preliminary Plat for the Southbrook Development. DISCUSSION ITEMS N/a • ADJOURNMENT Posted this the Day of , 2002 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 972-442-8100 OR TDD 972-442-8170 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Communication for April 22, 2002 Issue Discuss and consider establishing the prohibited parking areas per Ordinance 78-147 at Founders Park. Background Since the beginning of the spring 2002 softball season at Founders Park, Parks staff and the Police Department have been working to move visitors off of areas in and around the dugouts at Founders Park. Staff and Police have viewed that there is sufficient concrete parking at Founders Park but those visiting the park are not willing to walk from the concreted areas to the softball fields. Staff has posted signage near the soccer fields and on the pathway leading to the softball fields saying"Authorized Vehicles Only,"that have been ignored by visitors to the Park. The reason for keeping visitors out of the grassy non-concrete areas of the park are the destroying of grass, ruts in the turf, and the potential for destroying electrical and irrigation boxes. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Ordinance 78-147—The city parks and recreation board is hereby authorized to recommend areas in which parking of motor vehicles should be prohibited, and/or hours during which motor vehicle parking should be prohibited in any city park or recreation or community center facility. Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/commission Recommendation N/a Staff Recommendations Establishing the prohibited parking areas were signage could then be erected, thus creating better enforcement of the prohibited parking areas. Attachments Copy of Ordinance 788--147 P pared by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Communication for April 22, 2002 Issue Discuss and consider the Preliminary Plat for the Southbrook Development. Background The Preliminary Plat has been submitted for the Southbrook Development, which is located in the south central portion of the City(off of Elm Rd. near the Twin Lakes Subdivision). In order to meet the parkland dedication ordinance requirements of the property the development will need to provide 3.3 acres of parkland or(220 lots x$500)$110,000.00 in fees or some combination. The Preliminary Plat shows the dedication of.68 acres of parkland in connection to existing parkland. The dedication of 1.62 acres of floodplain was also submitted(this land does not count toward the parkland dedication ordinance). Thus,there would be fees given in addition to the dedicated parkland. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/commission Recommendation The Park and Recreation Board approved the Concept Plan for this development at its February 25, 2002 meeting. The Planning and Zoning Commission has approved the zoning for this area and the City Council approved the zoning at the February 26, 2002 meeting. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Preliminary Plat at its April 21, 2002 meeting. Staff Recommendations N/a Attachments Planning and Zoning agenda for Southbrook Preliminary Plat P ared by Rp 16 02 10: 17a City Of Wylie Planning 1972) 442-8115 p. 2 - 7 rI_ �itYlre Action Item No.2 Preliminary Plat Southbrook Addition Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: April 16,2002 Owner: S.C. Parsons,Inc. Surveyor/Engineer: Tipton Engineering,Inc. • Location: Generally located north of Elm Road (C.R. 381 and east of South Ballard Street,south of the Twin Lakes Addition Existing Zoning: Planned Development District(PD 02-01)for Single- Family Residential Uses Summary: The Preliminary Plat for the Southbrook Addition includes 66.85 acres and will create 220 single-family residential lots and provide for 2.3 acres of public open space, as well as provide part of the right-of-way for the future widening of Elm Road. The Planned Development District (PD 02-01) which established the zoning requirements was approved by the City Council on February 26, 2002, and provides for a minimum lot size of 8,000 square feet. Section 212.005 of the Texas Local Government Code states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats must approve a plat that satisfies all applicable regulations". Section 212.009(a) states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats shall act upon a plat within 30 days after the date the plat is filed. A plat is considered approved by the municipality unless it is disapproved within that time period" Rp, 16 ,02 10: 17a City Of Wylie Planning (972) 442-8115 p. 3 Preliminary Plat—Southbrook Issues: 1. The Preliminary Plat substantially conforms to the Concept Plan of the approved Planned Development District. The Plat also complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. 2. The Plat dedicates right-of-way for the future widening of Elm Road, as a six-lane parkway with a divided median. 3. The required park land dedication for 220 lots is 3.3 acres. The Plat provides 0.6788 acres of park land which links to the existing neighboring park and the applicant will provide for the remaining required dedication with equivalent improvements to the park and/or funds. An additional 1.62 acres of floodplain is dedicated as public open space to serve as a future trail linkage. Land is also provided for a landscaped perimeter and entry feature, to be maintained by the private homeowners association. Financial Considerations: Plat application fees—Paid The applicant is aware that development impact fees must be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit on each lot. Staff Recommendation: Approval. The Departments of Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Preliminary Plat 1 1 „ '' \ \'\ ' ' \ , - \ ' ' ' .......... ......... ... ...miennom .•11m. s , 1 1 i . .,, . --"'-'-'-'- , •\ V-----'--- FU117/THME ....„.-- - --- \ , \,:\\ , , ,„\,,,, : 1 e , v\\\\\\\.,\\\, AI=HEM Cr(4) 14.41 , ' \ A ''', '\\\'' ,,,V\\ _....- \\\' „..---- •-•" , \0 \\\\ ,\„\\ STABEVE ____ --II 1 ----- ,-- , ' ‘ , '' ,, , '- --- I 1 i 1 1:11:114 1' _...../" _... \\\\ _......._ \‘' \\\\\,.\ ,k\\\ ,, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 1-64, _..../4A ..... .-- itar i *V\\\\\\\ i I II 41 °}Z \\, \ , ,,\\‘6 0,A\V„ c.._ \ ''\\\\\\:\\\\\\"\ \ \\\\\\\A\ ,'' _.....---""" / I cTir:4 I -------AA \ ---"' , „ , ' - \ '' '''':\\\\\\\\\ --------- J V\ ' I , 1' 1 + 4 ___--- FUTTIREE t ceg \\ , ,, ii, /'' SWITIMILL MELO) ,1 ,\ ,11,, ///, , / ---i 1 43; I:kri 0.00 MA111141$ ::‘ \ _ _ __ ______ - 1 \ I 1 1/ : / I, I , I ,\r: ,:-,----___,_ -------- _,, \ \ _ _ - - -_ - --__„,---2-__-- /1'' ' \ .__7- ,i 1 I I \\ l'iroultik .. It . / . fr.....„, ------"--- AZ fl n0(f 0 WIT,---PRIASE II 1 I I.. Er u ia, '0. ___, I ....._... _.--- AN, 14:r. I i'i X• isirrta 1\ mi \---- , v a- __ - _ _ _ _ ___ ----A ) \\\ ROWE II ,lapirrguva rato .---\-\\ . ..,.. , Ia-i-m-o-s•-•.=---- t-_-_ - PARKS AND RECREATION §78-153 duties to be in any municipal park between the Sec. 78-150. Peddlinge and vending of arti- hours of 12:01 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.unless one of the s. exceptions of this section apply. It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for (Ord. No. 78-18,art.I,§ 1,6-13-78;Code 1991,ch. sale, vend, peddle, sell or offer to sell any cold 1, § 6.01; Ord. No. 93 45, § 1(6.01), 10-12 93) drinks, cigars, tobaccos, cigarettes, fruits, can- dies, goods, wares or merchandise of any kind or Sec. 78-147 ' : nature whatsoever within the city park or recre- (a) The city parks and recreation board is hereby ation or community center facility;provided,how- authorized to recommend areas in which parking ever, that this section shall not apply to any of motor vehicles should be prohibited, and/or person, organizations, firms or corporations, or hours during which motor vehicle parking should the agents of any person, or organization, firm or be prohibited in any city park or recreation or corporation, or employees of any person who are community center facility. recommended by the parks and recreation board (b) It is hereby required that signs be erected and approved by the city council to operate a marking the no parking areas and giving re- concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods, wares, and merchandise within the city stricted hours during which motor vehicles may park or recreation or community center facilities not be left parked. It shall be unlawful for any of the city. person to park a motor vehicle within the desig- of nated no parking areas in any city park, or (Ord.No. 78-18, art.I,§7,6-13-78;Code 1991,ch. 1 § 6.06) recreation or community center facility or to have a motor vehicle parked in any city park or recre- ation or community center facility other than Sec. 78-151. Horseback riding. ,... during designated hours in which parking is It shall be unlawful to ride or lead a horse or allowed. pony anywhere or any place within the city par (Ord.No. 78-18,art.I,§2,6-13-78;Code 1991,ch. k or recreation or community center facilities, ex- 1, § 6.02) cept on streets or paths designated by signs for Sec. 78-148. Feeding of animals. such purpose.(Ord.No. 78-18,art.I,§8,6-13-78;Code 1991,ch. It shall be unlawful for any person to feed any 1, § 6.07) animal in any city park, recreation or community center facility, except that breads, fruits, vegeta- Sec. 78-152. Speed limits for vehicles. bles and nuts may be fed to the birds and squir- rels. It shall be unlawful to operate any motor vehi- (Ord. No. 78-18, art. I,§3,6-13-78;Code 1991,ch. cle of any kind or nature whatsoever or any 1, § 6.03) bicycle or motor bike at a speed in excess of 20 miles per hour within the city park or recreation Sec. 78-149. Possession, consumption and or community center facilities. use of alcoholic beverages;glass (Ord.No. 78-18,art.I,§9,6-13-78;Code 1991,ch. containers. 1, § 6.08) State law reference—Regulating speed in public parks, (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, V.T.C.A.,Transportation Code§542.202(aX6). give away, possess or consume any alcoholic bev- erage, as defined in V.T.C.A., Alcoholic Beverage Sec. 78-153. Disorderly conduct. Code § 1.04, in any city park. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to pos- It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully sess or use any glass container of any kind or interfere with, disrupt, or prevent the orderly nature in any city park. conduct of any supervised play or amusement (Code 1991, ch. 1, § 6.05; Ord. No. 92-1, § 1, program being conducted by the city parks and . 1-14-92) recreation department or the city sports associa- CD78:7 II 13 CD __ __ __ 0 �'._ II THIN 416PICA 3VB st�SSION N r u�,":.:�."",`�'-. MAF'rry DRIVE - .iC ..I O c. .__, , 1 i --1-- �(""_ �a�C.'n^ TWIN I HDNISION GI 1 _ •• _ LAKES SV 't� e 'om - <� re . ^ wn sa <oq le �e„37 ak Jl Je cs ,• „ �z ra n.o zs ae z, z4 zs zr Hi �`tz ^ `xoLti PHASE 1 c.n sot - ,,. ;.�� ♦u" �f J scn,I r ;co. ' 1 ` -_..���...�._.� ^ 4n, ` .�. 211 P �� iiiii (L Peed-Inge sioxe en the sadlii L`k Sugar.,F k I ; �p ( r V • \ t�i, rY it 4 "_u cc C. 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MAWR DAM—_ ,__ CITY OF 17!!6 600 3ae1 fMGNFDIMG a ' RNM4G �'.,O A.Sala C.CM,,4,a.a,lined.HOO�(4E)?36-igeJ i _ � � ; �--- A �� ���� FUTURE w o � ' 1 ATHLETIC � v \ � �\ 1_, `' \\\\ \\ \ \ STADIUM 1 i �'�, �, ' , AA v \ � ,. \\0 \ \ \ \ ' ' o v \\ v v \\\\\� \ \\,� , v y \\\\\\\ ; A— \\�\\\ / �� \\\\\V�\ \��� I \ � 1A \\ \ \ i \ FUTURE \ ` V\ \V �- ��� �l \ SOFTBALL FIELD , \ \ ` A y y ,� ////� \ \\\ _= I ) ( ( r i � / \ II \ � - �J ( ' i ___---_, C1 1 1 PARKING LOT-PHASE I C P cl 1 i r-- , 1 , \ ... \ ...,--- FUTURE \ G - PARKING -- - - \ PHASE I LOT SOFTBALL FIELD t� -_ A EPXPOLRRR PIPELINE ROXIMAT' IO('e?�i�,'� —._ Rp. 02 10: 17a City Of Wylie Planning (972) 442 8115 p. l CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING AND ZONING FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET 7O FROM: REd/0eAt- DI x Claude Thompson COMPANY: DATE: FAX NUMBER: TOTAL 0.OF PACES INCLUDING COVER: PHONE NUMBER. RE: SENDER'S REFERENCE NUMBER: 0 URGENT IR POR REVIEW 0 PLEASE COMMENT ❑PLEASE. REPLY 0 PLEASE RECYCLE NOTES/COMMF.N'1'S: 1 I 6.41 &Area/4/ LA)14.44A*4 tern&- WW1' Coltolcki. 47"( ills.Kbei• Thai tit me. 4[44.6 e ,r 4tur .i2 wIA re5 d - -kluA A/a-- pla , 64-6 rw-tticin4,0641. ) yvt,054 w '4 lA-e- 4r.4..‘4.4 5 d f Q d e e C n ;1), Tta,w( avey[Led 4,1) cte,GLL (4 4 PI". l'ervj (Gut R4+ ac 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH, WYLIE TEXAS 75098 (972) 442-8159-TELEPHONE (972) 442-8115 FAX