07-22-2002 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES Monday, July 22, 2002 6:30 p.m. Planning and Zoning Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER This meeting was called to order. Those present were Dan Chesnut, Leonard Esquivel, Anne Hiney, Lisa Williams, Ivan Holmes, and Eugene Garner. David Willey was not in attendance. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION N/A APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. A motion to approve the minutes from the March 25 meeting was made by Anne Hiney. Ivan Holmes 2nd the motion. The Board approved unanimously. ACTION ITEMS 2. Discuss and consider establishing a policy for the selling of items in Community and Founders Park and changes to Section 78-150 in the Code of Ordinances. The Board discussed current procedures for vendors using the parks/facilities and decided to keep the current Ordinance in place but adding a standardized form so as to expedite the process for requests. Staff will create a new form to use and provide a copy of it at the next meeting. Thus, no action was taken to change the current Ordinance and staff was notified by the Board that any future requests needed to follow existing ordinances. 3. Discuss and consider the Preliminary Plat for the Southplace Estates Phase V and Phase VI. After viewing the plats the Board decided that an access to Community Park was needed from the development similar to the access in the Twin Creeks Subdivision. Eugene Garner made a motion that an easement was needed for park access (to be determined by staff and the developer), a concrete walk connecting the Southplace development and the current Community Park trail was needed, and the Board would like to see the end result of the access at the next meeting. Lisa Williams 2nd the motion and the Board approved unanimously. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Discuss upcoming projects and grants i.e. Collin County Grant proposals and W.I.S.D. Stadium proposal Staff briefed the Board and4ev�c� �...��`,�j� �?s and the proposed W.I.S.D. stadium near Founders Park. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. with a motion by Ivan Holmes and 2nd by Lisa Williams.