08-30-2002 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Friday, August 30, 2002 6:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN PARTICIPATION N/A APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. August 26, 2002 ACTION ITEMS 2. Discuss and consider the Planned Development Conceptual Plans for the Birmingham Farms Phase 4A, 4B, 13, and 14. 3. Discuss and consider the Preliminary Plat for The Village Development. 4. Discuss and consider the Preliminary Plat for the Stiles Crossing Development. DISCUSSION ITEMS N/A ADJOURNMENT GArY1*-"--1. Posted this thec).11 Day offs 1002 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 972-442-8100 OR TDD 972-442-8170 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Communication for August 30, 2002 Issue Discuss and consider the Planned Development Conceptual Plans for the Birmingham Farms Phase 4A, 4B, 13, and 14. Background A Planned Development Concept Plan has been submitted for Birmingham Farms Phase 4A, 4B, 13, and 14 which is located in the northwest portion of the City adjacent to FM 1378. In order to meet the parkland dedication ordinance requirements of the property, the development will need to provide: Phase 4A/4B .69 acres (1.5 acres per 100 lots)of parkland $23,000 (46 lots x$500) in fees or some combination Phase 13 3.58 acres(1.5 acres per 100 lots)of parkland $119,500 (239 lots x$500) in fees or some combination Phase 14 3.54 acres(1.5 acres per 100 lots)of parkland $118,000 (236 lots x$500) in fees or some combination None of the concept plans showed parkland dedication. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendations Staff recommends acceptance of fees in lieu of parkland dedication. ?P.2 Atfachp ents Concept Plans for Birmingham Farms Phases 4A, 4B, 13, and 14. .7).7 Prepared by N i 1-- 1 I N — 1 T ' -, L;OCA1 - _.. f I I 1 .9 '7'• I i • rs Aw -IL... - 1 r y . • . . . 1 I /I �_ . .i . . . . ,•-_ r- • . . , ,... D I I • VICINITY MAP • PHASE 4A • • DATA SUMMARY' PHASE 4A ! I .-,--_ -. GROSS SITE AREA 5.51 ACRES C257.439 4 01 In. ——— I R.0./.OEOCATION US ACRES 15483A.4 all r r II,' MI MI MIIIIMOIMMIM11411•1111111111=11111M• NET SITE AREA 4.72 ACRES 12054032 if/ k—� '- raurtai°SIY#_ ' TTPCAL LOT SIZE 7r z 120' '''''n TOTAL LOTS IS INTS Sr • NET OENSITT 341Ou/AC 25• I • i 7r 1 1 _ ITI[AL LOT °HASE 48 1 PHASE 3A DATA SUMMARY' PHASE 4 N.7 S. GROSS SITE AREA S.04 ACRES 1350.222.4 d) Al ' R.O.R.OECCATON OA ACRES 111.271..4 ell af I I NET SITE AREA 7.85 ACRES 1341.544.0 if) TYPICAL LOT SIZE 71•z 120• • TOTAL LOTS 25 LINTS ([I1 ( NET DENSITY 3.57 CO/AC... ''. . ,t-- PLANNED DEVELOPMENT . • • DEVELOPMENT PLAN BIRMINGHAM FARMS if PHASES 4A & 4B, City of Wylie,Collin County,Texos Carter N Burgess arr.am m n°a•n_ a D)(� � IEQdC� Lr AUG 28 2002 IF-3y___ tar* Welk M I \ MOW, kviiT,A r L.. II ' �f,,,k Rr1111111.MME C R�_ .R .�u ,illi ' WI \1111 m min \ PHASE 6AIL =MN__ 1 MINIM I Ir 11 I I.I 1 ft*.�l �"' 0000�A 00000 if-elm , ' % -i; 12S Ell . . ®o /000 000O�d 0 ; 1- S• n. lo . oo °,#oo°°o'O°ooga®® � f la :PHAS,.. ago°°o 000°oo _ T.�LLLOT . oo °oo°°o °oo°; N.T.S. Ili f3_ . . II nilaan 0000000 000 /� _.._. . IIIf I : : I o01 OWioo r7 1 ... ��:= QATA SIJIIAARYI , . . a0 ��� - tl101S SaE AREA 142 ACRES I1A99)lOJ11,1 1f 11`° • �� OO • , ' -, `-_ - FLOC1'L MN 5.49 ACRES/67.706.0 123 Au Min - ME LANDSCAPE EASEMENT 1.311 ACRES 1$0.004.! `/. `, �� NET SITE AREA R1M ACRES 13.A3)ASSS • • Ella • TTPEAL LOT E NY 0 1' I i �+ S�• r TOTAL LOTS LSE UN IIIT I. . v� / NET MINTY 2.50 011, ,�� PLANNED DEVELOPMEI� 1 '� I CONCEPTUAL PLAN �2 C ..' BIRMINGHAM FARMS III TJ IP3 F 'il 1 „. �,, City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas I° - -_ A111110 Carter=Burg / ow.M.I. : ‘i.‹... lit moat 11.1RN CAA ME RO.01- PROJECT N0.111-2736-I0 1 1 @ ] 7F _, . AUG 282002 By -# I 1 il E \ 1 , j - o 90 - t I • • ____. .ld•' / //, / i"s � �` l� 1 -- ' t - - P[R BOUL[VYN —[C R.0.,I. 111C.T.ON , ifit �'f • 1 I t t 1 • : • . ' • et e : lit , .-r.-r;T 7 • „ Al ''.-i- HI 25• • RHASE.19 � a 0 ®• 1 ' S Nal I ' I Y. Y'—PHASE 13• 125' • • . . I • , 1„ . �� , I..,i I I TYPICAL LOT ° I •• •.s •, I .f.: i s s i i -I - i : I , I N.T.S. • I • . 1 _ I''MEAQQOWS OF . • , • PHASE 2A' ;I, .BIRMINGHAM , - I' PHASE!2 - ATA SUMMARY; t __ • 00v00�0� o = I I GROSS SITE AREA 80.17 ACRES (3.518.210.5! f e P 1- ! .r" • i ' i ' ! ' I I I�®� R.O.w.DEDICATION 1.60 ACRES 169.696.0 s .1 • • • e • DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1.88 ACRES 181.892.8 sl I s • • NET SITE AREA 77.29 ACRES (3.366.752.4 • . '; \ • .1 I . r ` I ° i 1 ' . • • ♦ "65'X 131' • ,fir•• TYPICAL LOT SIZE JI I "., I -►•r • TOTAL LOTS 236 UNITS .—: • _ - ' , ,l E •♦ NET DENSITY 3.05 DU/AC J i GMEADOWS OF " �" `;[ BIRMINCHAM F PHASE•J PLANNED DEVELOPMENT • ,. • CONCEPTUAL PLAN } ` _- _ ' BIRMINGHAM FARMS -..y ` I ��� A . ,•' ' • PHASE 14 y X S . T (t.+ i ... -..PROJECT --4 3i.' A'. '' City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas �'1 ..-1 1,,r kip / kg, rs.,---;- ,s� t �� :-If,, '.w 1 Carter=Burgess ill M I 1 o[.,Rn MOMS YAM A.1002 r" L f :L i,:a VICINITY MAP ,9NA —.rs. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Communication for August 30, 2002 Issue Discuss and consider the Preliminary Plat for The Village Development. Background A Preliminary Plat has been submitted for The Village which is located in the north central portion of the City adjacent to Westgate Way and Fleming Drive. In order to meet the parkland dedication ordinance requirements of the property, the development will need to provide 1.96 acres (1.5 acres per 100 lots) of parkland or $65,500 (131 lots x $500) in fees or some combination. This plat did not show parkland dedication. This is a townhome/duplex zoning which is still considered "single-family" housing therefore is subject to the parkland dedication ordinance. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendations Staff recommends acceptance of fees in lieu of parkland dedication. Attachments Preliminary Plat for The Village. Pre ared by i' P:10217 Wyiie rnaster110217masten.dvlg,Preliminary,08/26/02 04:07:30 PM,Copyright®Dal-Tech Engineering,Inc. I _I1 = - BLOCK tt O bORCH3HIRC UNt • ti a a a (So•wut-a-s.) E egAs.o • w atP PHASE 2 • p z _ CAR. PC 7 Kti.C.T. - n 8 ' - a - a a- a Y ,- a a Pf r'- n s.AK*'2'0141/0142- BLOCK IC rx use u >tu tea �cmc or auk.a,....t) A Y 0'WONT-OF-NAY) sB94•51610\AVEL.1789-86. - j 2 s. 4. e..aci.to.--- P a= 2�." s _ -4-, aN C? _`: . A Q, V a Z. n1,4 U 'nao tt 4 ti _ aN a� e ' a v, o V a •e o �, o xxx -0 II u C :ADP,♦ Q� BLOCK A • , 'ti '—J L J$ _ FLE!lING DRI�E� -- _ CEO'R:G.r-Of-war) ealatiC OJyE G (PROPOSfO) •+oowto sr aar-or-.,. \ A G P., �[acy}r fQ• ,.t) ? q Q V V 4 Ca . N (A S a d 'TTiHJ7?7 rtV4u + DRAT (PROPOSED) o t. qw ) t V•wIOarit-L.""-,„.• Ya q -, �r y, u, () -./.—C---„--._-_-M-• , -)\ . w L to S = ti I s- _ iP . NI4 ea ei -,t CV x BLOCK C COtt.', a -J MN a' N CI t) CO rpi., �V N 6' 3 R' q, _ o z t =! G1 ito ,1 ..= a VI N p 13 . 1 M = 7 ts OR iiet,.--,- PE p �•, ,tvE 1 • _ $1.4 a$ - x o I `tt _ , :sag tiiIii �1 Drw -i:r d —A 1 lw.ai • r or_., y .04.7.= .N. Apilibriv-- am► ______Lj 84.0 palla DA LAS 1agEA RA*{0 it RANSITlit `PROPEftTY ACQUSSiT10N CORPORATION 1 7_pr_„nt-.n�3.:.,rc..s o:n.cc.t. _ Pate n .oE•Mo+ %— Iii--- -.Rix_ Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Communication for August 30, 2002 Issue Discuss and consider the Preliminary Plat for the Stiles Crossing Development. Background A Preliminary Plat has been submitted for Stiles Crossing which is located in the central portion of the City adjacent to Ballard and Brown Streets. In order to meet the parkland dedication ordinance requirements of the property, the development will need to provide 1.5 acres(1.5 acres per 100 lots)of parkland or $50,000 (100 lots x$500) in fees or some combination. This plat did not show parkland dedication. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendations Staff recommends acceptance of fees in lieu of parkland dedication. Attachments Preliminary Plat for Stiles Crossing. Prepared by , 1. 1. , . 31 I ANN M. ' 90140W 1 '11423 — 1 9 N 8845\.,,fit/.--,--..121----:7__1-8-'.,'/11-,(/0,,7,1„Ei3 5 ,/°,,,.2,211,.144 13 12 1/°13'D 4:I":8(7.1/'_9,/2, 4\'',z•'3A411/N'''/CI 112‘)1 8//.1g//''''1/.1 N'')3''..-1'.'1':14.1.-..4.'''7 I/'\\476.'5'2:3-'' 716- 1 1 12 ' \ ,, :, :820.,/,,: 16 3 1111201835576 \i 71,1:\z.,/1 0 X 100. 15 8 ---\ ‘„ N N 8 /,-'' , . ,Z6 11 10 g 10 14 _ __ 9 8 I I , . 15 ''''' 2 I 47 14'''.// -•/ al csi 6 S 9 / ' 5 '.------ -/ / 12 ,,' / 17 - 41?4?"ii). • rn '‘e / - 4 o / -..., ... / / .1 8 - / # # u o LA 3 ---•-----, I/ / 18 ... I- , /I. - I/ -/ 1 2 \\\\ 16 ----// //i....------.--i-4.----j- --'-lj 1 VIM I.N. 501.10W 'i"'''''..7.".'''.-'.......'......1 . 's\ 1 s /\,------,-;'"-':-- ------- _,---:.....,,---.,,,,„,..- • ,------------7... Stiles Crossing 32 .... ,,,.... _______ \ , I WYLIE, TEXAS r---_-- ..---- _ ---- ' 28 \ 'v., __---1. „...-- / 24 / \ i s't • 31 / 29 27 \ -------1,T \ 26 I co ) 25 IP ip / V f to) S 88'23'53" E 605.17 Z S 3c $sq r +e ' ° . 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