09-23-2002 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Monday, September 23, 2002 6:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN PARTICIPATION N/A APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. August 30, 2002 ACTION ITEMS 2. Discuss and consider Parks and Recreation Department Emblem DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Update on the Planned Development Conceptual Plans for the Birmingham Farms Phase 4A, 4B, 13, and 14. 4. Update on the Preliminary Plat for The Village Development. 5. Update on the Preliminary Plat for the Stiles Crossing Development. 6. Construction update for Quail Meadow Park. 7. Review a draft copy of the parkland dedication fees account balance. ADJOURNMENT Posted this th Day of 002 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 972-442-8100 OR TDD 972-442-8170 Parks and Recreation Board Notes: Enclosed in the approved Parks and Recreation Emblem. Enclosed is TRAPS Conference information, if you want to attend let Robert know by Tuesday morning, October 29. The City will pay for your registration fees, please do not commit unless you are sure you can go. Holiday Events: Halloween Downtown Thursday, October 31 Downtown Trick or Treat 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Community Center Events 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. There will be a carnival and haunted tunnel at the Community Center in addition to the downtown trick or treating. There will be a nominal fee for activities at the Community Center; all monies raised will go to supporting senior activities. For more information call Sandy Bussey, Community Center Coordinator at 972-442-8119. Downtown Holiday Parade and Tree lighting Saturday, December 7 Parade will begin at 6:30 p.m.; tree lighting will follow immediately after Due to potential construction at the intersection of Ballard St. and Hwy. 78, the tree lighting will be held at the Birmingham House. The City is in discussions with the Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Merchants Assoc. on parade details and route. The proposed route would have the parade begin on Oak St. (near the Community Center) and proceed north on Ballard St. ending near the Birmingham House. The parade route will be finalized the last week of October and advertisement for the event will begin in early November. If you have any questions call Robert. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Communication for September 23, 2002 Issue Discuss and consider a new parks and recreation emblem. Background Staff has been working with a graphic designer and Parks and Recreation Board member Anne Hiney with the recommendations from the August 26, 2002 meeting in the design of a new emblem for the department. The emblem decided upon includes the city"W,"a park bench, and tree. This emblem is what staff would like to use for shirts, banners, signage, and included in the completion of the Parks and Open Space Master Plan. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendations N/A Attachments Cop of new emblems repare by Page 1 of l Vie CITY OF YLIE CITY OF 'VYLIE i'e . tee :•T'• *: ft** + 1 Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation , u CITY OF , 4LYLIE CITY OF YLIE A Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\parksrec51.jpg 09/18/2002 Page 1 of 1 w CITY OF YLIE CITY OF ' LYLIE r a Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation CITY O F 4''--YL I E CITY OF YLIE +-'+fill-, 41114 1.` .s w �+1 I'i71t i 1 • - . A Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\parksrec51.jpg 09/06/2002 City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department-Parkland Dedication Fees CURRENT REVENUES CURRENT REVENUES CURRENT REVENUES West Zone Developer/Subdivision Central Zone Developer/Subdivision East Zone Developer/Subdivision TOTAL 88,500 McCreary 100 Partners LP 14,850 Westgate Phase III 18.450 Harvest Bend I 66,000 McCreary 100 Partners LP 14,625 Stonebridge Estates 33,500 Harvest Bend II 80,325 Newport Harbor 10,350 Ballpen Venture(Southplace) 29.12E Oak Meadow 600 Unknown 600 Unknown 3,825 Heather-wood 600 Unknown SUBTOTAL 235,425 40,425 85.500 361,350 PENDING REVENUES PENDING REVENUES PENDING REVENUES 156,000 Country Ridge • 81,667 Southbrook 50.000 Stiles Crossing 74,500 Wooded Creek 39,500 Southplace Phase V and VI 1,00,000 Collin County- Birmingham Grant 101,470 Collin County-Quail Meadow Grant 47,143 Collin County-Community Park Grant 144,000 Birmingham 4A,4B and 13 116,500 Birmingham 14 13.834 Irrigation Repair Reimbursement 65,500 Village Apartments 171 Irrigation Repair Reimbursement SUBTOTAL 489,804 350,481 150,000 990,285 TOTAL REVENUES 725,229 (Current+Pending Revenues) 390,906 (Current+Pending Revenues) 235,500 (Current+Pending Revenues) 1,351,635 CURRENT EXPENDITURES CURRENT EXPENDITURES CURRENT EXPENDITURES 13,834 Irrigation Repair-Founders Park 2,151 Relocated Lights-Community Park 2.5"2 Picnic Tables-Kirby 5,130 Drinking Fountains-Founders Park 1,413 Signage-Community Park 1,726 Stripes/Bumps-Community Park 8,000 2"Water Line-Community Park 624 Fence Installation-Community Park 15,042 Picnic Shelter-Community Park 171 Irrigation Repair-Community Park 11,668 Asphalt Overlay-Valentine Park 5,965 Underground Electric-Olde City Park 5,104 Picnic Tables-Valentine/Community SUBTOTAL 18,964 51,864 2.552 73,380 PENDING EXPENDITURES PENDING EXPENDITURES PENDING EXPENDITURES 43,150 Grant Match-Quail Meadow 47.173 Grant Match-Community Park 10Q_Q00 Grant Match-Birmingham SUBTOTAL 43,150 47,173 100,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 62,114(Current+Pending Expenditures) 99,037(Current+Pending Expenditures) 102,552 ;Curren,.Pending Expenditures 263,703 PENDING BALANCE 663,115(Total Revenue-Total Expenditures) 291,869(Total Revenue-Total Expenditures) 132,948 !Total Revenue-Total Expenditures 1,087,932 CURRENT BALANCE 216,461 (Current Rev-Current Exp) -11,439 (Current Rev-Current Exp) 82.948 (Current Rev-Current Exp) 287,970 Parkland ..ation Fee Status October 15 2002 a 1I 1 I _ i _.W �11111111 '�,I • i �rl IIIII;pC LN. ,-- ' )11111:1:11 - - . 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I. . - - \ TYPICAL LOT SIZE T10'X 12S' I '�i /- TOTAL LOTS 242 IRIS _1. /J ,,, NE DENSITY 2.80 OW AC `\`� -- G fr PLANNED DEVELOPMENT � � I I I I I I "„' � CONCEPTUAL PLAN I° � � ,t ?►; ; ` / BIRMINGHAM FARMS IL PHASE 13 1111 1 City of Wylie.Cohn County,Texas 11 I • - _ �1111®� cartes=sou T _���,�` , ,. errou tNw,v.11.x It i /111 mom Pam CAE ERE NE.01- PROJECT NO.II-2336.110 1 [l -Pi J AUG 2 8 2002 .J By 1 1 II .1�'- 14 t� ' O C A L - e 'I I. T-i 1 ` I A m 1P "'ll^- 1 C II �, r ~CI I L if • i¢ VICINITY MAP i PHASE 4A DATA SUMMARY' PHASE 4A I CROSS SITE AREA S.31 AGES/25T.US.5 40 In' ___ R0.�.OEOCATIOR IA ACMES 151.{XA s11 r r r- • Pura•Pw.c le PET SITE AREA 4.72 AGES 12oS.iO3.2 sit rrHCM.tot SIZE Tr 120" I .1.7 TOTAL LOTS U UNTS Sf i NET DENSITY 3�1ou/At In. 4 PHASE 48-I I • OATH SL���T��A�E�B rrr[A,�Lor PHASE 3Aft 3 ' 1 CROSS sat AREA 1 G.0A ACMES 1350.222.4 MI S.O.S.• OEO CAT011 Oil AGES 111.211,4 40 PET SITE AREA 7.13S ACHES 1341.S4S.0 MI TTP CAL LOT SIZE Tr s 120' /// TOTAL LOTS 2S 154TS Uri 1 PET Or/61TT 1ST OU/AC T'':—"---J - . --—--- si- PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN BIRMINGHAM FARMS PHASES 4A & 4B City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas Carter.Burgess 0?iE (� F_F 0 d1 f!i1, AUG 2R2002 I • I P:10217 Wylielmaster110217masten.dwg,Preliminary.08/26/02 04:07:30 PM,Copyright®Dal-Tech Engineering,Inc. . - _ c - - Iu - jj �� _ - z. Wick ll - wcoa u 1 bURCNSNIR6 LANE (Mr $ R,;- • MMIMESTGaTE PHt 2 xi Z cat.Pe 7 r.Lt.C.T. _ ,,' 2 I PROPtI11 i- BLOCK to " ..sr roc at i s►r tr cmc or.ut•,Kat.-1 ALLEY oa•26 rT-Or-xar1 sari/wing ff t' --, am KIPEO. n'at ur Cl...Cs- Pick' MOS renr- ZA A x q G X : a ti _. °to °a a ♦ ta by p + c .. w a, a --4 °P to °g °t3 .112 n 4R BLACK A ° a ,` p p - J I< c. _ FLEa1NG ORIVO ravINO DRIyE 1rLE LNG ARM (a0`aar-or_w.q (PROPOSED) asp no.axt.Cc nar_.<-... -'y""' '° G f �+eg r :n 1 1 �� �� p0Q" q° _ th L u + p as °v el 7i, c C °Ce a s 0 .t a s w u N - k3 BLOCK B it • .. -` ` we.,m. C.eCN nr 11.4 8 51 N •.on1 *" Tr (� r Z - " ,. a _� i w . w O 3 x ft m DOKNY BROOK a, 4 DRtYI (PROPOSED) e - 1¢a . u 4 • 12 iota w o t�O� f.1 • Q �'p ��' �i� .�' i . 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I ail `' T"BIRMINGHAM / i ' I PHASE'I PLANNED DEVELOPMENT `' - j:;, '1��: j :•' CONCEPTUAL PLAN _,— i1L 1p \ BIRMINGHAM FARMS -,,� Ih�l:�� PHASE 14 .PAGIJECT ._•-••I= `u \C1 F; LocAK-j fir' ; ' 'P J City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas ,.,-l.r 4, -Ahlik:‘,_ , G= ••,:c;. ;:,3 f Carter■Burgess l aEytl ‘. ` I oaw.n nr,r.rn I 4L"\.j(1_' a:.^.,-rc:i/( 1 _ ,r— nwi.w,.r .wun 61 ;e VICINITY MAP 1'2 r _ ba• MN LN. i mow 6/1 N 88'45'38" W 7 80.22' N 89'13'30" W 476 28' 18 20 --- \� on. • M s t. -- - --- I I MI r ��� 15 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 I 5 6 '_ 19 \ 1 1 is\ ' !--\. ..,. 14 18 NOON tN 3 ( 1 13 17 8 11 10 9 8 2 A 7 I. \\ 12 16 9 11 15 10 ! 7 � 6 10 9 ..\ 10 14 11 12 / • 3 5 i 9 li ��—'� 4 `y 13 1 I 12 1/ 4 '',� '�� �i 12 / / 13 y, I i 15 2 • ��/ i� 7 3 \ / / 14 / ni ni ; J/ 4, Tr 7 8 �\ Hr �� 1 15 �,' co 6 g 9 -� / �. , 10 i '-/ .4, 4. . 3 5 � ��� /11 / �16 �'�o,ono v6 ;w / 12 / 17 `ry oo A.!?�:` \ m 2 "3 (n 3 5 13 �, c) Q ii 19 v' 2 4 \ 14 • 20 \ /\\/ 3 15 / 1 21 / w.aa u+. 2 WIMI 16 / //•1 Stiles Crossing WYLIE, TEXAS /i 28 �� 23 31 / 29 \i ] a_______ _ 24 I S 8823'53" E 605.17' DRAFT vs.2_Parkland Dedication Fees September 6, 2002 REVENUES: Stonebridge Farms $ 14,625.00 Centex Homes (Newport Harbor) 80,325.00 Ballpen Venture 10,350.00 D R Horton (Heatherwood Estates) 3,825.00 Harvest Bend 18,450.00 Unknown 1,800.00 Oak Meadows 29,125.00 J Baker Corp (Westgate Phase III) 14,850.00 McCreary 100 Partners LP 88,500.00 McCreary 100 Partners LP 66,000.00 B&D Land (Harvest Bend II) 33,500.00 Total Revenues 361,350.00 EXPENDITURES: Relocate gurad lights at Community Park 2,151.00 Signage at Community Park 1,412.66 Safety Stripes/Bumps at Community Park 1,725.59 2" Water Line at Community Park 8,000.00 Fence Installation at Community Park 624.00 Picnic Shelter at Community Park 15,042.00 Irrigation Repair at Community Park 170.88 Irrigation Repair at Founders Park 13,833.90 Drinking Fountains at Founders Park 5,130.00 Asphalt overlay at Valentine Park 11,668.30 Underground Electric Lines at Olde City Park 5,964.75 Picnic Tables at Vaalenting, Kirby & 7,656.00 Community Parks Total Expenditures 73,379.08 Remaining Funds $287,970.92