06-08-1995 (WEDC) Minutes Minutes DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. Called Meeting Thursday, June 8, 1995 The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. met in called session on Thursday, June 8, 1995 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 SH 78 N. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. The meeting was called for the purpose of hosting a seminar by the Cornerstone Group of Fort Worth for local business people and city officials. Cornerstone is a consulting firm providing research, planning and counseling in the field of economic development and increased job creation. They presented three fundamental steps in becoming successful in economic development. About thirty members of the private and public sectors attended. Bob Bolen and Bill Shelton presented the workshop, presenting factual information on the 1/2 cent sales tax for economic development, what makes a city competitive in attracting businesses and identifying what types of businesses the citizens want in their town. Main growth industries are telecommunications, electronics, food products, electrical machinery and transportation equipment. Meeting adjourned. •hn Y ager, President Attest: etht B rbara LeCocq, ecreta