01-27-2003 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES Monday, January 27, 2003 6:30 PM Council Chambers Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER This meeting was called to order at 6:33 PM. Those present were: Dan Chesnut, Eugene Garner, Leonard Esquivel, and David Willey. Anne Hiney and Ivan Holmes arrived at 6:37 PM. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Lynn Curtis recounted events concerning the disbanding of the Wylie Sports Association (WSA) and her attempts to obtain historical financial records from the WSA. Shannon Mathers and Jim Lester, from the Wylie Baseball Association (WBA), spoke to the Board and requested that a policy be developed that would allow advertising signs to be placed on the fences located on the City's athletic fields. Proceeds from the sale of advertising signs would be used by the WBA to improve the fields and to reduce player registration costs. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. A motion to approve the minutes from the November 18, 2002 meeting was made by Anne Hiney. Ivan Holmes 2nd the motion. The Board approved the motion 6-0. ACTION ITEMS 2. The Board discussed and considered a request from the Wylie High School Girls Softball Program to sell concessions at Founders Park and Community Park for the Tanya Jo Thompson Memorial Softball Tournament in March 2003. A motion to approve the request was made by Anne Hiney. David Willey 2nd the motion. The Board approved the motion 6-0. 3. The Board discussed and considered choosing a winning photograph from the entries submitted for the Photos in the Park Contest. A motion to select photograph #3 (submitted by Michele Dennis, 811 Crestview, Wylie, Texas) was made by Ivan Holmes. David Willey 2nd the motion. The Board approved the motion 6-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Staff provided an update to the Parks and Recreation Board on the current status and balance of the parkland dedication fee account. The Board requested that pending anticipated expenditures be added to the spreadsheet. The Board also recommended that the fund be used to finance a basketball court at Quail Meadow Park, additional parking at Community Park, and installation of trees at Founders Park. 5. The Board discussed development of an athletic field sign policy. They requested that staff develop a draft policy for review at the next meeting. 6. The Board discussed various topics they wished to consider at the joint City Council and Park and Recreation Board meeting scheduled for January 28, 2003. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 PM by unanimous consent.