02-24-2003 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, February 24, 2003 6:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North Swearing in of Frankie Delgado to the Parks and Recreation Board and Anne Hiney to the 4B Development BoarnL CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Presentation by Claude Thompson, Planning Director, on Tree Preservation and Aquatic Centers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. January 27, 2003 ACTION ITEMS 2. Discuss and consider the Conceptual Plan for Avalon 2. 3. Discuss and consider athletic field sign policy. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Discuss report from the joint City Council and Park and Recreation Board meeting on January 28, 2003. 5. Discuss potential community playground ideas. ADJOURNMENT Posted this the Day okilluo 2003 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED A ITENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 972-442-8100 OR TDD 972-442-8170 City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department Menlo To: Park and Recreation Board Members From: Robert Diaz,Assistant Superintendent CC: Mike Sferra, Director of Development Services Bill Nelson,Superintendent Date: 02/27/2003 Re: Reschedule of February Meeting Lets try this again, the February Park and Recreation Board meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 6, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. I am enclosing with this memo a new agenda,we will cover the topics that were covered on the last agenda so all information you currently have will be all you need for the new meeting (except Claude's presentation, I will hold off until regular March meeting). If we are not able to have this meeting we will have our regular meeting in March and cover the items on the current agenda. If you have any questions let me know. If you will be unable to attend contact me as soon as possible, thanks. 1 Parks and Recreation Board Agenda Communication for February 24, 2003 Issue Discuss and consider the Conceptual Plan for Avalon 2. Background A Concept Plan has been submitted for Avalon 2, which is located in the eastern portion of the City south of Brown Street, adjacent to Kryemer Lane and directly across the street from the Avalon 1 subdivision. In order to meet the parkland dedication ordinance requirements of the property, the development will need to dedicate a minimum of 2.715 acres of parkland or pay fees equal to $90,500.00 (181 lots x $500) or provide some combination of land dedication and fees. The Concept Plan shows a dedication of 3.536 acres, meeting the requirement. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendations Staff recommends acceptance of fees in lieu of parkland dedication due to the saturation of small pieces of existing/future parkland in the area i.e. Cimarron Park (4.5 acres), Avalon Phase 1 (4.8 acres), and Avalon Phase 2 (2.0 acres). P.2 Attachments Concept Plan for Avalon 2 P ared by Parks and Recreation Board Agenda Communication for February 24, 2003 Issue Discuss and consider athletic field sign policy. Background The Board discussed development of an athletic field sign policy at the January 27, 2003 meeting. They requested that staff develop a draft policy for review at the next meeting. Staff developed a draft of the policy and permit form in cooperation with the Wylie Baseball Association. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendations N/A Attachments Athletic Field Sign Policy Athletic Field Sign Permit P epared by CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ATHLETIC FIELD SIGN POLICY I. POLICY ADMINISTRATION 1. The Park Superintendent, or designee, shall have the responsibility for administering the Athletic Field Sign Policy. 2. Under the direction of the Park Superintendent, only non-profit organizations or charitable groups shall be permitted to install signs on the athletic fields. 3. All requests to install signs must be submitted via a completed Sign Permit form available from the Park Superintendent. Proof of non-profit status must accompany the request. 4. No signs shall be installed without the approval, via a signed permit, of the Park Superintendent. 5. Signs shall be installed only in the location(s) designated by the Park Superintendent. II. SIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1. Signs shall be one of two sizes: 8' x 4' (+/- 4 inches) or 4' x 4' (+/- 4 inches). Any deviation of these sizes must be approved and noted on the sign permit by the Park Superintendent. 2. Signs shall be professionally constructed of corrugated plastic and professionally lettered with vinyl lettering and/or symbols. Any deviation of the material of construction must be approved and noted on the sign permit by the Park Superintendent. III. MOUNTING SPECIFICATIONS 1. Signs shall be constructed with at least four, corrosion-resistant metal grommets, one in each corner, of sufficient size and strength to allow for mounting by either cotton rope, vinyl rope, plastic wire ties, or other soft, corrosion-resistant material. Signs and all mounting hardware shall be installed and removed by the Permit Holder. 2. The bottom of all signs shall be no closer than two inches above the bottom of the fence to allow for maintenance operations of the athletic fields. All mounting procedures shall be performed in a professional workmanlike manner, and the sign shall be level and plumb. 3. No nuts, bolts, metallic, wire, or sharp fasteners or protrusions shall be allowed, and excess mounting material must be trimmed to a length of less than one each after being securely fastened. Any deviation of the mounting specifications must be approved and noted on the sign permit by the Park Superintendent. IV. DISPLAY PERIOD 1. Signs shall be displayed only during the corresponding spring and fall athletic seasons. No signs shall be installed or displayed at any other time. V. DAMAGED SIGNS 1. Any sign that is damaged, vandalized, or not properly maintained shall be removed immediately by the Park Superintendent, and the Permit Holder shall be notified to retrieve the sign. Any sign not retrieved within five business days after notification shall be properly disposed of by the Park Superintendent. City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department Athletic Field Sign Permit Please print clearly and fill out the following information. APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant Name: Organization Name: Address: Address: City,State,Zip Code: City,State,Zip Code Phone Number: Phone Number: Fax: Fax Email: Email: SIGN DETAILS Length(in feet and inches): Feet Inches Material of Construction: Width(in feet and inches): Feet Inches Total Square Footage: Feet Inches Type of Mounting Hardware: Wording on Sign: Date to be installed: Date to be removed: Note:Signs not removed by the date above shall be removed and destroyed by the Park Department,and the applicant shall not obtain any permits in the future. Applicant Signature: ti , Date: 44PM ,.. • CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION TO PARK BOARD February 24, 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 Improve Existing Facilities 1 Land Acquisition 2 Develop New Policies 3 Partner with Other Entities 4 Conclusion 4 Appendix A- Collin County Appraisal District Property Information 5 Report to Park Board-Feb 2003 CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION TO PARK BOARD Introduction On January 28, 2003, a joint Park Board and Wylie City Council meeting was held in the Municipal Complex. The minutes of the meeting say that, "Mr. Johnson stated that staff would provide the Park Board with a report identifying a clear direction for the board to be working toward." To accomplish that directive, staff has identified four areas in which the Board can participate and receive support from City staff. The objectives are in compliance with the principles identified in the recently completed Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan (Master Plan). This scope of this report will be to examine four potential objectives that can be implemented to achieve the goals identified in the Master Plan. Additional categories, goals, and objectives are identified in the Master Plan and can be undertaken at any time with the recommendation of the Park Board. At this time, the four categories identified by staff are: • Improve existing facilities; • Land acquisition; • Policy implementation; and • Coordination with adjacent municipalities and entities. Improve Existing Facilities The Park Board has requested that funds already acquired in the Parkland Dedication fund be utilized to improve existing park and recreation facilities. Part VII of the Master Plan, Recommendations/Priorities, recommends specific quantities of infrastructure to address needs identified in the Wylie community. To accomplish some of the common recommendations of the Board and the Master Plan, staff has recently made the following purchases with funds available from Parkland Dedication fees: Quail Meadow Park • Swing set installation, play curbs, and wood chips; • Two picnic tables (one ADA compliant and one standard); • One picnic shelter (24' x 24'); • Sidewalk installation to the picnic shelter; and • Nine trees (six sweetgums, two burr oaks, and one live oak). Page 1 of 4 Report to Park Board-Feb 2003 Community Park (Equipment Storage Area) • Gravel, lighting, and chain link security fence complete with screening material, box vents, and zip ties. Cimarron Park • Concrete pads including the installation of six benches and two picnic tables; and • Bermuda grass, fertilizer, and wildflower seed to be installed in spring 2003. In addition to the above expenditures, funds in the Park Department operating budget have been used to purchase wood chips to replenish the existing playgrounds at Community Park, Valentine Park, and Olde City Park. Also, wood chips will be installed in the median area located in Quail Creek Boulevard. The Park Department recently accepted the responsibility for maintaining this median strip. Previously, it had been maintained by neighboring residents of the subdivision. Future expenditures from the Parkland Dedication fees will involve a grant match for Birmingham Park ($100,000) and for Community Park ($47,000). Land Acquisition Page 102 of the Master Plan addresses land acquisition needs for the City by the year 2006. It states that, "To meet locally adopted standard of 12.50 acres per 1,000 population for a projected population of 25,600, the City would need to acquire 50+ acres." Currently, the population of Wylie is estimated to be • approximately 22,000 and is rapidly approaching the 2006 estimate. There are several opportunities to acquire land for development of future parkland. G One opportunity to acquire 39.76 acres of land for park use is readily availabl o the City. The City owns a closed landfill located on Alanis Drive between State .0 A ivy Highway 78 and South Ballard Street. Staff will contact representatives from the \Vic Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to discuss the requirement and restrictions for converting this land from a closed landfill into usable parkland. Generally, requirements stipulate that the protective earthen cap of a closed landfill site is not allowed to be penetrated, but TCEQ will be able to provide the entire range of related requirements and restrictions. A second possibility involves the Frances B. Wells properties located on the east and west side of FM 1378 just north of FM 544. A total of 267.1843 acres, 191.40 acres on the east side and 75.7843 acres on the west side, border this state right-of-way. This area is currently zoned agricultural, but since it is located in a rapidly growing area of the City, it is likely to be re-zoned and developed in Page 2 of 4 Report to Park Board-Feb 2003 the near future. The road is scheduled to be rehabilitated by a combination of state, county, and local efforts in the next several years, and the present engineering plans require realignment of the road. It is possible to arrange contact with Ms. Wells and ask her if she would be willing to dedicate some of her holdings to the City of Wylie in to hold in perpetuity for development of parkland. Another potential to acquire parkland would involve an analysis of the existing trail system. The trails and links already acquired by the citywide can be verified, and then staff could identify any missing portions that need to be acquired to complete the system. Once identified, land acquisition procedures can be recommended to the City Council. Potential future links include the Woodbridge subdivision, which is not yet developed, and the area between Woodbridge and the site for the new Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (MCRVVWTP) which is located along Pleasant Valley on the City's south side. Before the Woodbridge Golf Course was built, the City installed sanitary sewer lines under what is now the developed golf course. The line were placed to establish a future conveyance between the City's existing wastewater treatment plant, located on Alanis, and the MCRWWTP after construction is completed. It may be possible to contact the property owners and request dedications or to purchase land necessary to complete trail systems linkages already in the area or that are planned for the future. Existing trails are already incorporated into the Woodbridge Golf Course, and future development of the Muddy Creek Preserve will also include a trail system. Develop New Policies Section VIII of the Master Plan addresses the development of new policies and ordinances. In order to take initial steps toward achievement of this goal, staff can bring two draft policies to the Park Board for their review. Additional topics for development of new policies can be requested at any time by the Board. The first draft policy will deal with writing and implementing a park naming policy. A review of other Texas municipal codes at the http://www.municode.com/ website reveals that surrounding cities have a variety of methods and procedures for naming and renaming city parks. Some policies give total authority to the Park Board for naming parks, ball fields, and open space while other policies specify that the Park Board is to make recommendations to their City Council. The City of Wylie has no park naming policy at this time, and it will need one to address the future development of parks, playing fields, and open spaces. Many cities have policies and procedures in place that allow residents to dedicate a tree, bench, or picnic table to honor the memory of a deceased Page 3 of 4 Report to Park Board-Feb 2003 person or to commemorate special events or milestones. The City of Wylie recently honored two such requests. For instance, a tree was planted and a marker was placed in Quail Meadow Park in the memory of a deceased Wylie High School graduate. The friends of the deceased paid for the tree and marker, and the work was performed under the direction of the Park Superintendent. Another request involved the dedication of a park bench at Community Park. Even though these two requests were fulfilled, the City of Wylie currently has no formal policy in place. Development of such a policy would facilitate the accommodation of future requests for these services. Partner with Other Entities On page 115 of the Master Plan, it states that, " The Wylie Parks and Recreation Department should continue communications with the adjacent municipalities, Collin County and the Corps of Engineers . . . the City and WISD should formalize and expand the (joint use) agreement." Many opportunities exist for cooperative efforts with these and other entities. Linkage of trail systems, joint use agreements, regional park development, and partnership on grant applications are just a few possibilities that can be pursued. The Board can provide direction to staff on specific items it may wish to pursue to accomplish long-range goals. Then, staff can make arrangements to meet with the various entities to discuss strategic planning, sharing ideas, and the potential pooling of resources and report back to the Board. Conclusion It is hoped that the above information will assist the Park Board in deciding what steps can be taken in the near future toward implementing the goals identified in the Master Plan. Staff will be responsive to the Board's input and suggestions. Page 4 of 4 Report to Park Board-Feb 2003 APPENDIX A IVEY 1 v•TuE CIrt UIPATT ? ?f411:At T .w f 54�rio N COLLIN Properties Page 1 of 4 COLLIN CAD Property Information COLLIN Short Account Number: 424044 Long Account Number: R-6196-000-0010-1 Owner's Name WELLS FRANCES BATES and Mailing 6800 COIT RD Address PLANO, TX 75023-1003 Location WYLIE, Legal A0196 CURTIS, JOHN W., TRACT 1, ACRES 75.7843 Description Taxing Entities Code Name 2002 Tax Rate CWY WYLIE CITY 0.715000000 GCN COLLIN COUNTY 0.250000000 JCN COLLIN CO COM COLLEGE 0.091946000 SWY WYLIE ISD 1.610000000 Data up to date as of 2003-01-24. PROPERTY VALUE INFORMATION '2002 Certified' Exemptions (See Below) Improvement Value SUBJ To HS $0.00 Other Improvement Value $0.00 Freeze Amount 0.00 Total Improvment Value $0.00 Improvements Land Acres 0.00757843 Land Market Value $886,765.00 AG Productivity Value Land $13,641.00 Deed Date 01301991 Deed Volume WILL Total Market Value $886,765.00 Deed Page PCM 90-136 Agent Code If 2002 Total Values are 0 or all blank, this is possibly a new property for 2003 and values have not yet been set. EXEMPTION INFORMATION Exemption Code Exemption Description http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=424044 2/5/03 COLLIN Properties Page 2 of 4 IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION Imp. ID State Category Descr SEGMENT INFORMATION Imp ID Seg ID Description Area Actual Year Blt Total Living Area 0 LAND INFORMATION Land ID State Category Size-Acres Size-Sqft 203930 CROPLAND 50.7843 0 203931 CROPLAND 25 0 DEED HISTORY Deed Seller Name Buyer Name Deed Deed Deed Page ID Date Vol 333132 MATHEWS CLARINDA WELLS FRANCES 01/30/91 WILL PCM 90- MISS BATES 136 142074 MATHEWS CLARINDA MISS CERTIFIED VALUE HISTORY Tax Year 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 Improvements Land Market Ag. Land $757,843 $757,843 $757,843 $530,600 $530,600 $530,600 $530,600 $530,600 Market TOTAL $757,843 $757,843 $757,843 $530,600 $530,600 $530,600 $530,600 $530,600 MARKET Land Ag. Use $12,959 $12,883 $13,111 $13,871 $14,781 $14,781 $14,781 $14,781 http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=424044 2/5/03 COLLIN Properties Page 3 of 4 10%Limited Adjustment TOTAL $757,843 $757,843 $757,843 $530,600 $530,600 $530,600 $530,600 $530,600 MARKET Exemptions Special Exemptions Over-65 Freeze Year Over-65 Freeze Amount Improvement Sketch In order to view and print the sketches,you must use a Java enabled browser that supports printing of Java applets,such as Internet Explorer 4.01 OR Netscape 4.03-4.04 with the JDK 1.1 patch OR Netscape 4.05 with JDK built in. Earlier releases of browsers may be able to view but not print the sketches. See_FAQs for more details. http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=424044 2/5/03 ,,.. ft* ait -'- -`-'- wn;e.cC!Y116. ,rnv 0 • a 2 Pet_ 3 t�T r9i 410 A 3 4111144118 4KEp Ar►CAVW COLLIN Properties Page 1 of 4 COLLIN CAD Property Information COLLIN Short Account Number: 427014 Long Account Number: R-6563-000-0020-1 Owner's Name WELLS FRANCES BATES and Mailing 6800 COIT RD Address PLANO, TX 75023-1003 Location WYLIE, Legal A0563 MILLIRON, M, TRACT 2, ACRES 191.4000 Description Taxing Entities Code Name 2002 Tax Rate CWY WYLIE CITY 0.715000000 GCN COLLIN COUNTY 0.250000000 JCN COLLIN CO COM COLLEGE 0.091946000 SWY WYLIE ISD 1.610000000 Data up to date as of 2003-01-24. PROPERTY VALUE INFORMATION '2002 Certified' Exemptions (See Below) Improvement Value SUBJ To HS $0.00 Other Improvement Value $0.00 Freeze Amount 0.00 -------- Total Improvment Value $0.00 Improvements Land Acres 0.01914 Land Market Value $2,965,000.00 AG Productivity Value Land $34,452.00 Deed Date 01301991 Deed Volume WILL Total Market Value $2,965,000.00 Deed Page PCM 90-136 Agent Code If 2002 Total Values are 0 or all blank, this is possibly a new property for 2003 and values have not yet been set. EXEMPTION INFORMATION Exemption Code Exemption Description http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=427014 2/5/03 COLLIN Properties Page 2 of 4 .444 `. IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION Imp. ID State Category Descr SEGMENT INFORMATION Imp ID Seg ID Description Area Actual Year Blt Total Living Area 0 LAND INFORMATION Land ID State Category Size-Acres Size-Sqft 204192 CROPLAND 100.4 0 204193 CROPLAND 91 0 DEED HISTORY Deed Seller Name Buyer Name Deed Deed Deed Page ID Date Vol 333134 MATHEWS CLARINDA WELLS FRANCES 01/30/91 WILL PCM 90-' MISS BATES 136 159959 MATHEWS CLARINDA MISS CERTIFIED VALUE HISTORY Tax Year 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 199, Improvements Land Market Ag. Land $2,871,000 $2,296,800 $1,531,200 $861,300 $861,300 $861,300 $861,300 $861,301 Market TOTAL $2,871,000 $2,296,800 $1,531,200 $861,300 $861,300 $861,300 $861,300 $861,301 MARKET ' Land Ag. Use $32,729 $32,538 $33,112 $35,026 $37,323 $37,323 $37,323 $37,32: http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=427014 2/5/03 COLLIN Properties Page 3 of 4 10%Limited Adjustment TOTAL $2,871,000 $2,296,800 $1,531,200 $861,300 $861,300 $861,300 $861,300 $861,301 MARKET Exemptions Special Exemptions Over-65 Freeze Year Over-65 Freeze Amount Improvement Sketch In order to view and print the sketches,you must use a Java enabled browser that supports printing of Java applets,such as Internet Explorer 4.01 OR Netscape 4.03-4.04 with the JDK 1.1 patch OR Netscape 4.05 with JDK built in. Earlier releases of browsers may be able to view but not print the sketches. See FAQs for more details. http://www.collincad.org/collindetail.php?theKey=427014 2/5/03 Page 1 of 1 Robert Diaz From: Michael B. Sferra[msferra@ci.wylie.tx.us] Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 10:57 AM To: Robert Diaz Subject: sign permit here's the corrected sign permit. the original version is included in the park board agenda, but this one has the changes. 03/06/2003 CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ATHLETIC FIELD SIGN POLICY I. POLICY ADMINISTRATION 1. The Park Superintendent, or designee, shall have the responsibility for administering the Athletic Field Sign Policy. 2. Under the direction of the Park Superintendent, only non-profit organizations or charitable groups shall be permitted to install signs on the athletic fields. 3. All requests to install signs must be submitted via a completed Sign Permit form available from the Park Superintendent. Proof of non-profit status must accompany the request. 4. No signs shall be installed without the approval, via a signed permit, of the Park Superintendent. 5. Signs shall be installed only in the location(s) designated by the Park Superintendent. II. SIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1. Signs shall be one of two sizes: 8' x 4' (+/- 4 inches) or 4' x 4' (+/- 4 inches). Any deviation of these sizes must be approved and noted on the sign permit by the Park Superintendent. 2. Signs shall be professionally constructed of corrugated plastic and professionally lettered with vinyl lettering and/or symbols. Any deviation of the material of construction must be approved and noted on the sign permit by the Park Superintendent. III. MOUNTING SPECIFICATIONS 1. Signs shall be constructed with at least four, corrosion-resistant metal grommets, one in each corner, of sufficient size and strength to allow for mounting by either cotton rope, vinyl rope, plastic wire ties, or other soft, corrosion-resistant material. Signs and all mounting hardware shall be installed and removed by the Permit Holder. 2. The bottom of all signs shall be no closer than two inches above the bottom of the fence to allow for maintenance operations of the athletic fields. All mounting procedures shall be performed in a professional workmanlike manner, and the sign shall be level and plumb. 3. No nuts, bolts, metallic, wire, or sharp fasteners or protrusions shall be allowed, and excess mounting material must be trimmed to a length of less than one each after being securely fastened. Any deviation of the mounting specifications must be approved and noted on the sign permit by the Park Superintendent. IV. DISPLAY PERIOD 1. Signs shall be displayed only during the dates specified on the sign permit. No signs shall be installed or displayed at any other time. V. DAMAGED SIGNS 1. Any sign that is damaged, vandalized, or not properly maintained shall be removed immediately by the Park Superintendent, and the Permit Holder shall be notified to retrieve the sign. Any sign not retrieved within five business days after notification shall be properly disposed of by the Park Superintendent. Page 1 of 1 Robert Diaz From: Michael B. Sferra[msferra@ci.wylie.tx.us] Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 10:54 AM To: Robert Diaz Subject: athletic field sign policy you must have the early version of the athletic field sign policy included in the park board agenda. the correct one is attached. the only change is in part IV concerning the display times. you might want to mention the minor change at the board meeting. 03/05/2003 City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department Athletic Field Sign Permit Please print clearly and fill out the following information. APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant Name: Organization Name: Address: Address: City,State,Zip Code: City,State,Zip Code Phone Number: Phone Number: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: SIGN DETAILS Length(in feet and inches): Feet Inches Material of Construction: Width(in feet and inches): Feet Inches Total Square Footage: Feet Inches Type of Mounting Hardware: Wording on Sign: Date to be installed: Date to be removed: Note:The Park Department shall remove and dispose of any signs not removed by the above date,and the applicant may forfeit the right to obtain future sign permits. Applicant Signature: Date: `fir a �rsweu� s x� P s I;a N err t �ti� ur �tr �� TERM PLACE I NAME I ADDRESS I HOME PHONE I WORK PHONE I EMAIL I ORIIGIINTAL I CAP NT I EXPIRES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Staff Liaison-Asst.Parks Director Robert Diaz 972/442-8197 office-972/989-2718 cell-rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us email I Eugene (Garner 1010 Lake Dallas Dr. 972-429-2251 July-02 July-02 July-04 2 Daniel Chesnut 200 Picadilly Circle 972/442-1375 as ienutsCrD_aol.com July-01 July-03 3 Leonard Esquivel 114 Martin 214/597-6986 February-02 July-03 4 Anne Hiney 301 Cottonbelt 972/442-0370 anne hineyayahoo.com July-02 July-04 5 Ivan Holmes 1508 Coral Reef 972-442-7586 972/429-1213 ivan.holmes(rD_verizon.net July-02 July-02 July-03 6 Frankie Delgado 1011 Meandering Dr. 214/474-1000 214/499-1335 February-02 July-04 7 David Willey 706 Nickelville 972-442-9127 972-562-0670 July-02 July-02 July-04 As of 2-20-03 CITY OF WYLIE V 2000 BOARD & COMMISSIONS MEMBERS I 004/ July 2000 Appointments AMBULANCE BOARD ,9 _ .,t. . name address phone appointed - expires Reta Allen 311 Hilltop 442-2535 7/99(r) 7/01 Sharon Trongaard 217 Martin 442-9485 7/99(r) 7/01 Glen Meeks 1514 Schooner Bay 442-9413 7/99 7/01 Warner Washington 621 Stoneybrook 442-0282 7/98(r) 7/02 Kenneth Quisenberry 424 Elliott 442-7472 7/98(r) 7/02 CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD name address phone appointed - expires Frank Spingola 508 Rustic Place 442-6909 7/99 7/01 Jim Chaney P. O. Box 114 442-9905 7/99(r) 7/01 Ty Paul 721 W. A. Allen Blvd. 424-3976 7/99 7/01 Steve Repasky 316 S. 4th Street 442-4301 7/99 7/01 George Ross 331 Hooper 442-3935 7/99 7/01 Dwight Lancaster 1001 SH 78 #102 429-0578 7/99(r) 7/01 Erick Gray 205 S Second St. 978-4971 7/00 7/02 LIBRARY BOARD name address phone appointed - expires Dan Hendrix 305 Meadow Ct. 442-9035 7/99 7/01 Mary Starnes 1004 Memorial 442-7229 7/00(r) 7/02 Shirley Burnett 327 S. Fourth 442-5767 7/99(r) 7/01 Adrian Sanchez 1304 Leeward Ln 442-9262 7/00 7/02 Kathy Spillyards 301 N. Jackson 442-0228 9/00 7/01 Gerry Whitt 820 Foxwood Lane 442-3144 7/00(r) 7/02 Grace Morrison 118 Glen Knoll 442-1689 7/00(r) 7/02 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD name address phone appointed - expires Janice Neely 315 Callie Court 442-2993 7/99(r) 7/01 Daniel Chesnut 200 Piccadilly Circle 442-1375 7/99(r) 7/01 Douglas House 209 Cedar Ridge 442-9207 7/99(r) 7/01 Greg Zimmerman 1307 Old Knoll 429-0314 7/00 7/02 Anne Hiney 301 Cottonbelt 442-0370 7/00 7/02 Ted th Lane 442-2126 '' '—Lisa Williams 1200 Leeward Ln 4429-5626 7/00 7/02 PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION name address phone appointed - expires M. Shirley Burnett 327 S. Fourth 442-5767 7/99 7/01 Dan Chesnut 200 Picadilly Circle 442-0103 7/99(r) 7/01 Gerry Whitt 820 Foxwood Lane 442-3144 7/99 7/02 Chris Trout 408 Kamber 442-2487 7/98 7/02 Joel Scott 507 N. Ballard 442-5014 7/99(r) 7/01 John Mondy 114 Douglas 442-3882 7/98(r) 7/02 J. C. Worley 335 Donna Drive 442-1511 7/98(r) 7/02 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD name address phone appointed - expires Gary Wiseman 112 Westgate Way 442-2833 7/00(r) 7/02 Tony Snider 809 Heatherwood 429-0037 7/00 7/01 Michael George 1020 Oakbrook 429-9533 7/99 7/01 William Chapman P.O. Box 268 442-2720 5/00 7/01 Carter Porter 413 N. Gaston Drive 429-1355 7/00(r) 7/02 Phillip Tramell 345 Callie Court 442-7177 7/00 7/02 Steve Ahrens 409 Gaston Drive 429-1355 7/00 7/02 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS name address phone appointed - expires Marilyn Herrera 503 Dogwood 442-1688 7/98(r) 7/02 Jeff McCoy 205 Browntown 442-7410 7/98(r) 7/02 Gerald Clark 505 Quail Creek 442-6863 7/99(r) 7/01 Derek Green 208 Tanglewood 442-9776 7/99 7/01 Weldon Bullock 1820 McMillen Rd. 442-2859 7/99(r) 7/01 Alternates: Mike Phillips 27 Lucy Lane 442-5714 7/00 7/02 VACANT WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION name address phone appointed - expires John Yeager 402 Woodhollow 442-3123 7/98(r) 7/02 Gary Bowland 700 Westwind Ln 442-1467 7/99(r) 7/01 Kevin St. John 202 Cedar Ridge 442-1041 7/98(r) 7/02 Marvin Fuller 355 Donna Drive 442-6565 7/99(r) 7/01 Merrill Young 200 Westgate Way 442-7916 7/99(r) 7/02 Rev 9/00 C:\OFFICE\BOARDS\SPRING20\LIST2000.W PD . . • . . . _ . . . • _-_.= --....-------"--r7-_:_---- I.-",..1,--z-••-,....-.-._ k•-•,...--_-,,,..---,--.-,--.-- ;_.,...,_.....___ :--._ ,,,-,-'',..-_-7.•.:-...__ ---,,- :_.-...--:-...,*---,,,;_="...,---- I .. 7 a-tk .., ,._-_.___ ._,_ „•••,_-_,_„.„. r r.----,7-..,---.; •:.-.,-----.-----.1.---'2'.... ----,_:.., „:;,..7,-. ,,...,......--,...,...-4,-....,---r.- I , .... - :,-.--,.....--...„,, . ..._ , - --.-2-7,-,-• 7---- '.:7- ---- -_,•-• 77-'-'-'•:'-'7E-..-.----.---,. .--,.-• _.. .-- -.---...--- --' .. 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