03-06-2003 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Thursday, March 6, 2003 (Rescheduled from Monday, February 24, 2003) 6:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North Swearing in of Frankie Delgado to the Parks and Recreation Board and Anne Hiney to the 4B Development Board CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. January 27, 2003 ACTION ITEMS 2. Discuss and consider the Conceptual Plan for Avalon 2. 3. Discuss and consider athletic field sign policy. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Discuss report from the joint City Council and Park and Recreation Board meeting on January 28, 2003. 5. Discuss potential community playground ideas. ADJOURNMENT aArr't ft Posted this the.1 Day of(9itw .003 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 972-442-8100 OR TDD 972-442-8170 h.11 \IcaIr 101111111311 •',. i-k..14.. ...111111••• '.I ..II% •I., %1.1•1. 1,11 .,1 -• '...x.-, ., 1 ,r r• n .,.. . r ..., , . . '. 1 . 6.61.61•6•616 ......... i ' • .... . • .. .6... . i • ' 'Mr—. _....... 1 ____ I .,. •-•, I ,' .• : • - 11 . III r . r \ ,:. 1'2, Ili ji. 11 . .... • I ..: . . 0. •••r'' , lb '1 I • ......• . _j--/ 4.e•,,,, ' 114, • EU NW ........ --,-........ ........,.,_—' .." .. -1 1 i I 1 tt if' ' I i ......___`. ..—. vi ' . _-if • 4 it dib 5,2p>, • . ,. •,,, ".3. 2 r,-4,„,,,, . ;/'''• .''..._ .''' ... / •_ .• •, . - II - •• -——.....-• A.......,.......... ,!.e.., .a t .../,.......---,,...e.,,... .. 6., . , la my••//1•6 1661. .....4.6.0..16. .. '.. ,• El.—re.e•• NA.4.•-•ft u ............ Am••••••me Laths Ray eirovirahl ei...or••*V& •••••elle••.M.•• 1r,,..." 1,...-...• ....•1••••••••••-• •4 I , I ; CI....or 11...011••I E.........e.o.Wer .......-..........I I 0.,....-.61.•••• i I br-ommirr M .:••••,4 Li 1 I er.............. •ftm,•Ihornegb Niro gt ••.•-,•... a................ C 4 or Image P. ••...V•••••••Vt.,* I :•11.1•0••••1.46.414•0 • I C.4,...-• a 11 rOam..111•1••••11,6%kW. 1 .. 411,........-. .1.Wmal .2.4k......_„, . . r •••t.feaft ,P •*mar wow lio•••• . ' , '''-' ,,,.... . IN 111111111111 I Ltell 1111-. . . 11L-7, - (/"."-N.:--,',.............. 'rim—.._.......... ••• -- _.•••• ,..._____ ,_, ,..._ 1111.au.•a•err yr. In I some.sger Y. 71 1,S.Mt 2.4WM1,11\ MI I.*4/... 9,••••••••••• 9.4 ...................... NMs......r......=1. •a.1.... la •am.,•••••11mer. is ado..1.....o..... 1/11 11111.1111•110.41.111w er u.......... 4111.111radv"••••mom alle Iliml•••• ••.1 49 a.,..... Oslo•ile.rtadimpe %WM d111 Mali•••••••1.•• Yd. 2,./MIr X Om 4Pg. Sum.MP OPOW.IMPIO