03-24-2003 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, March 24, 2003 6:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Presentation by Claude Thompson, Planning Director, on Tree Preservation and Aquatic Centers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. March 6, 2003 ACTION ITEMS N/A DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Discuss timeline for Parks and Recreation Board future goals and objectives. 3. Discuss recent meeting with WISD re: Founders Park/Stadium/properties. 4. Update on grant projects and existing facility improvements. ADJOURNMENT G;CYv•14.11\SVYY•9-1--, Posted this then Day of- 2003 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 972-442-8100 OR TDD 972-442-8170 CITY OF WYLIE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Memo To: John Spies, Sam Terry, T. J. Theisen, Mark Ball, Bill Nelson, Mindy Manson, Robert Diaz, John Simmons, John Fuller, and Ed Howrey From: Michael Sferra, Director of Development Servicesp\5 Date: March 20, 2003 Re: Summary of City of Wylie and WISD Meeting on March 19, 2003 Attached for your review is the list of discussion items and subsequent notes from the meeting held at the WISD Administration Building on March 19, 2003. Please let me know if you have any corrections, changes, or additions. Also attached is a copy of the Joint Resolution between the Wylie City Council and the WISD Board of Trustees that was discussed at the meeting. Topics for Discussion with WISD Founders Park Issues • Responsibility and scheduling for clean-up after City or WISD events (blowing trash, trash cans, parking lots). The consensus was that whoever held the event would be responsible for cleaning up in time for the next event even if it means cleaning up at night. Communication and coordination between the City and WISD would be maintained in order to know each entity's schedule of events. . • Maintenance of parking lots (striping, concrete repair, signs, lights, etc.) It was agreed that the WISD would maintain the parking to the north and east of the stadium and the area immediately adjacent to the surrounding sidewalk on the south side of the stadium. The City would maintain the parking lot south of the stadium. It was agreed that both entities would communicate with one another in efforts to economize and share the cost of future parking lot striping and rental of equipment to perform light maintenance. • Maintenance of grounds (mowing, irrigation repairs, landscape islands within the parking lots) It was agreed that the WISD would maintain the grounds to the north and east of the stadium and the grounds immediately adjacent to the surrounding sidewalk on the south side of the stadium. The City would maintain the unpaved open space located southwest of the stadium. The WISD agreed to consider installation of asian jasmine groundcover, instead of sod, within the landscape islands in the parking lot on the south side of the stadium (which would be maintained by the City). • Maintenance and operation of tennis courts —will they be available for public use during school tournaments or practices? Responsibility for maintenance of lights, nets, windscreen, etc. Operation of lights by general public and WISD (hours available for operation, manual operation after sunset). The City will be responsible for the installation, maintenance, and operation of the tennis court lighting, lighting equipment, timers, controls, etc. WISD agreed to accept responsibility for the maintenance of the tennis courts including court striping, nets, windscreens, and related appurtenances. The City will install signage indicating the hours of usage reserved for WISD and post similar information on its website. • Point of contact to coordinate long range City and WISD schedules of events to avoid conflicts. Includes events that will use parking lots, ball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, and stadium. It was agreed that Sam Terry and Robert Diaz would be the points of contact for WISD and the city, respectively, and they will communicate and coordinate on the scheduling of events. • Will the stadium be used for other events such as track meets, cheerleader competitions, concerts, or leased out to third parties? WISD representatives stated that the stadium maybe used to host ROTC events, . band competitions, track meets and other activities in the future, but it will not be leased to third parties. Other Issues • Future school site at intersection of Kreymer and Brown. Does WISD intend to hold onto it? Yes, this is a future school site. • Does WISD intend to install security fencing around all school campuses? Could cause restriction to access of adjacent park sites. WISD stated that the fence installed between Dodd Elementary and the adjacent parkland would be removed when the parkland is developed. The same approach would be applied to other similar locations. • Joint use agreement suggested continual dialogue be maintained between City and WISD to coordinate with one another. Should representatives from each entity establish and maintain contact? Who? It was decided that for the time being, Sam Terry and Robert Diaz would be the points of contact for WISD and the city, respectively. Also, the consensus was that Joint Resolution between the City and WISD should be reviewed and formalized for the benefit of both parties (the joint resolution is attached). After discussing the above items, the City inquired about the possibility of the sale of Pepsi Cola products on the visitors'side of the stadium which is situated on City property(the City has a concession contract with Pepsi, and the WISD has a contract with Coca-Cola). The City offered to review its contract with Pepsi and both parties agreed that although some anrangement may be possible, further study would be needed to determine if any legal constraints prevented such an arrangement. Resolution A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, DECLARING BY POLICY A WORKING PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT; ESTABLISHING AN ACTION PLAN TO ENACT CERTAIN GOALS FOR THAT PARTNERSHIP; AND ESTABLISHING AN ANNUAL REVIEW AND REVISION PROCESS FOR THE ACTION PLAN. WHEREAS, the Wylie Independent School District (WISD) and the City of Wylie have for many years cooperated to provide the Wylie community with such services as parks and recreation facilities, safe transportation at school sites, and library services; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the WISD and the Wylie City Council have adopted such joint activities because they believe cooperation provides higher quality services at lower costs to taxpayers; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the WISD and the Wylie City Council want to secure this relationship with a formal declaration of policy that ensures continued communication and cooperation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, THAT: SECTION 1: The WISD and the City of Wylie consider themselves partners in public service; that the two will actively support each other's missions by communicating and cooperating at all levels of their organizations. SECTION 2: The Board of Trustees of the WISD and the Wylie City Council hereby adopt the Joint Action Plan, attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution for all purposes. The Joint Action Plan is a dynamic plan and is subject to change with mutual agreement of both the Board of Trustees and the Wylie City Council. SECTION 3: The Board of Trustees of the WISD and the Wylie City Council shall evaluate annually the results of the action items within the Plan, and amend the Plan or adopt a new Plan each year as necessary. JOINT ACTION PLAN WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT CITY OF WYLIE Adopted, November 14, 1995 Revised, September, 1998 Purpose. This Action Plan aims to: A. secure the relationship between the Wylie Independent School District (WISD) and the City of Wylie by formalizing present and new policies and programs, and B. provide for the continuous improvement of services to the community that help fulfill the missions of both organizations. II. Goals. The following goals represent the joint action agenda for the WISD/City partnership. A. Complete jointly, the planning and development of the Central Park area which is comprised of a multi-use athletic field complex, the WISD football stadium, a tennis center, and hike&bike trails. B. Provide safe access for school children to and from their schools, and safe, healthy environments at school sites that promote learning. C. Meet together as governing bodies and exchange information, develop new plans, and consider new programs on behalf of the citizens of Wylie. 1. Jointly approve a Conceptual Plan for the Central Park area on or before December, 1995. D. Enter into a Joint Use Agreement, as necessary, for new projects and programs. 1. Jointly approve a Joint Use Agreement for the Central Park area on or before January, 1996 JOINT USE AGREEMENT - CENTRAL PARK/ATHLETIC FIELD COMPLEX WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT CITY OF WYLIE POLICY Through the adoption of a joint Resolution, the WISD and the City have established a working partnership by which the two entities agree to actively support each others missions at all levels of their organizations in order to provide for the continuous improvement of services to the community. Specifically, WISD and the City recognize that a cooperative effort to provide such services as park and recreational facilities will result in the provision of higher quality services at lower costs to the citizens of Wylie. PURPOSE The purpose of this Joint Use Agreement is to define, subject to later agreements, the implementation of the joint use of the Central Park area (the Property), the methodology by which such joint use shall be shared during the term of this agreement, the method of communications between the parties, and general administrative issues. The rules and regulations contained in this Joint Use Agreement shall be reviewed and renewed annually with the goal of maintaining an efficient procedure for implementing joint use of the Property which is mutually beneficial to the WISD and the City. PLANNING, DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION It is recognized that the WISD has the responsibility for designing and providing facilities for educational purposes and the City shares similar responsibilities for recreational purposes. This Joint Use Agreement acknowledges the need for joint planning and design of the facilities to more effectively use the tax dollar through joint utilization. Toward this effort, each entity shall be represented in the planning and design process through the establishment of a Planning Committee to consist of two members appointed by the WISD and two members appointed by the City in addition to designated staff to be determined by the Superintendent and the City Manager. Through this committee, either entity may request that features be included in the plan, at their expense, which may be of benefit for their programming but not normally provided by the other entity. The same committee may meet as needed to ensure compliance with the procedures and to resolve any issues which may arise. PROGRAMMING/APPROVED USES WISD and the City agree to cooperate with each other for the operation of the Property. The scheduling and coordination of the Property shall be governed by the following provisions. The individual responsible for scheduling events and representing the WISD shall be the Superintendent, or his designee. The individual responsible for the scheduling of events and • representing the City shall be the City Manager or his designee. The WISD shall have scheduling responsibilities and priority use of the Football Stadium and WISD practice fields. The City shall have scheduling responsibilities and priority use of the soccer fields and the softball/baseball complex. The WISD and the City agree to supply to each other any known scheduled use of the fields and park area as soon as those schedules become available. All facilities shall be available to the general public as scheduling permits. Consideration should be given to the provision of service by one entity to the other to prevent duplication of services where one entity possesses the expertise, staff, equipment and facility to better provide the service. MAINTENANCE The maintenance of grounds, equipment and facilities utilized for joint programming shall be performed as agreed by both entities in such a manner as to realize the greatest savings to the taxpayer, and which best meets the standards adopted for specific facilities. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Both parties anticipate that additional capital expenditures will be required from time to time to improve the joint facilities, to replace existing improvements and equipment, and to acquire or develop other facilities. ill capital expenditures shall require the consent and approval of both entities and allocation of the cost and expense thereof, and any other matters relating to such capital expenditures shall be made by agreement of the entities. FINANCES The site development costs shall generally be incurred by the primary using entity. In the case of joint development of facilities, such as parking lots, each entity will pay its own proportionate share of the costs consistent with applicable State law and local policies. The respective shares will be mutually agreed upon in advance by the respective governing bodies, based on the proportionate benefit to each entity. AMENDMENT This Agreement is dynamic in nature and is subject to change with the mutual agreement of both the WISD and the City.