04-28-2003 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
Monday, April 28, 2003
6:30 PM Council Chambers Conference Room
Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North
This meeting was called to order at 6:33 PM. Those present were: Dan Chesnut, Eugene
Garner, David Willey, Anne Hiney, and Ivan Holmes.
Troy Sargent spoke about a need for the City to develop trails for mountain bike
enthusiasts. Staff agreed to contact him and suggested that he visit the Trinity Trail
system to see if this trail system is suitable for the sport.
1. A motion to approve the minutes from the March 24, 2003 meeting was
made by Eugene Garner. David Willey 2nd the motion. The Board
approved the motion 5-0.
2. The Board discussed and considered a request from the Wylie Merchants
Association, Wylie Seniors Group, Wylie Lions Club, and Friends of
Smith Library to sell concessions at Olde City Park during the Summer
Concert Series. A motion to approve the request was made by Anne
Hiney. Ivan Holmes 2nd the motion. The Board approved the motion 5-0.
3. The Board discussed and considered financial participation with the
developer to develop Creekside Estates Park as proposed by the developer
with the exception of including an eight-foot wide sidewalk in lieu of the
proposed four-foot wide sidewalk. A motion to participate in the
development of the park was made by Eugene Garner. David Willey 2nd
the motion. The Board approved the motion 5-0.
4. The Board discussed and considered the conceptual plan for the Wylie
Lakes Subdivision. The Board desired more information about the lease
restrictions available from the Army Corps of Engineers on the property
adjacent to the proposed development, and they wanted to be advised of
the Planning and Zoning Board's impending recommendation on the same
item. A motion to table the item was made by Anne Hiney. Ivan Holmes
2nd the motion.
5. The Board reviewed and discussed several park naming policies from
neighboring municipalities and directed staff to bring a draft park naming
policy to the next scheduled Board meeting for consideration.
6. Staff updated the Board on the status of current grant projects and
improvements to existing facilities.
At 8:15 PM Eugene Garner made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ivan Holmes 2nd the
motion. The Board approved the motion 5-0.