07-28-2003 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, July 28, 2003 6:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North Swearing in of new and returning Board members by the City Secretary. Ivan Holmes,Dan Chesnut, and Larry Bowles. CALL TO ORDER Nominations and approval of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. June 23, 2003 ACTION ITEMS 2. Discuss and consider revised concept plan for Wylie Lakes Subdivision. Presentation will be made by the Developer, Mark Stiles. 3. Discuss and consider revised concept plan for Avalon 2 Subdivision. Presentation will be made by the Developer, Scott Massy. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Update on grant projects, Founders/Pirate Stadium, and mountain bike trail at Sage Creek. 5. Discuss sites for community built playground. ADJOURNMENT C AlL Post this the,Vay o 2003 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIG TERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 972-442-8100 OR TDD 972-44 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES Monday, June 23, 2003 6:30 PM Council Chambers Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER This meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM. Those present were: Dan Chesnut, Eugene Garner, Anne Hiney, and Frankie Delgado. Ivan Holmes and David Willey were not present. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Anne Hiney spoke about the Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation with the Board and staff. Troy Sargent updated the Board on the Sage Creek Bike Trail. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. A motion to approve the minutes from the June 2, 2003 meeting was made by Anne Hiney. Eugene Garner 2nd the motion. The Board approved the motion 4-0. ACTION ITEMS 2. The Board discussed and considered the Code of Conduct Policy for the Bart Peddicord Community Center. A motion was made by Eugene Garner to accept the code of conduct as is with no changes. Anne Hiney 2nd the motion. The Board approved the motion 4-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. The Board discussed the concept plan for Creek Hollow subdivision. Staff notified the Board that the Planning and Zoning Board approved the development and carried some of the Board's recommendations with their approval, i.e. 20' easement for parkland access. The proposed 1.94 acres of dedicated parkland passed the Planning and Zoning Board and it was going to be up to the City Council to overturn the dedication. Board members wanted it known that they want the proposed floodplain dedication of 4.5 acres (not counting toward the dedication requirement) but they did not want the 1.94-acre linear park. They felt the 1.94-acre park would be more appropriate for an HOA to maintain. 4. Staff updated the Board on grant projects and the Sage Creek Bike Trail. ADJOURNMENT At 8:00 PM Eugene Garner made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Anne Hiney 2nd the motion. The Board approved the motion 4-0. Parks and Recreation Board Agenda Communication for July 28, 2003 Issue Discuss and consider the conceptual plan for Wylie Lakes Subdivision. Background A Concept Plan has been submitted for the Wylie Lakes Subdivision located in the northeastern portion of the City north of Hwy 78. The developer is proposing to build 293 homes requiring approximately 4.395 acres of parkland dedication or $146,500 in funds in lieu of the parkland dedication requirements. The Developer will not utilize any U.S. Corps of Engineer property in the concept plan. The developer will speak to the amount of dedication that will be in the floodplain or easement areas. The Parks and Recreation Board first saw the concept plan for Wylie Lakes in April 2003. The Board tabled the item until staff could find out the process for leasing land from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for developing parkland near the development. In June 2003 (May meeting) the Board untabled the item and approved taking the fees in lieu of land. The Wylie City Council did not approve the first concept plan. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/Commission Recommendation The current concept plan has not yet gone before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Staff Recommendations N/A Attachments Co plan P ared by EX.SINOIE.FAMILV DEVELOPMENT ft IX MANUFACTURED T:TT' HOME AND COMMERICAL ESTATE io�� L —so 2ro /.,\ DEVELOPMENT _I - n �w �1'Y LOT 20'./ DDS UVON ,j RANCHETTES \ Cab A Slide 148 LAKE LAVON \. / — / U,SA Vd.714,P0.841 / It _SK yiFW nR \ \ \ PARKLAND F �.� •,•.+�.F S Fr` POND _ 't I I _f 1i I I_ _ I I— i t— U6A a' PARKLAND 8 45/1 7 I Vd.714,Pg.841 \ \ \ — I i� I / 1 _, / v 18 I L /, \ / / Wylie Lakes `14 A MIXED USE COMMUNITY • ' , ie CONCEPT PLAN NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL \ .. tlt"f / WATER DISTRICT - -- "' EXHIBIT'C' Vd3715,Pi,471 TRACT 0 ,'°' \\ �j � JULY 10, 2003 NORTH Tw 9AUMCIPAL A4ry0� DISTRICT ESAR. C,�y-Ms'P �,---,�) Vd.888,PQ.438 DRCCOTx -� � 1 �01� t85-SF-8.5/17(184 shown) 80-TH(77 shown) \ NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT `' 29 Ac. ESM. 28-SF-t A/26(28 shown) Vol ees.PQ.438 DRccou. 293-TOTAL SF•8 5/17. �4q F t / GREG EDWARDS // ENGINEERING SERVICES,INC. 4 �I�+,'.r 1821 AMANDA COURT,PONDER,TX 78256 'e' Ph.(840)482.2927 Fu,KM0)482-8126 (/, .__,_, 4 WWW.DeeB.US �.. Parks and Recreation Board Agenda Communication for July 28, 2003 Issue Discuss and consider the Conceptual Plan for Avalon 2. Background A Concept Plan has been resubmitted for Avalon 2, which is located in the eastern portion of the City south of Brown Street, adjacent to Kryemer Lane and directly across the street from the Avalon 1 subdivision. In order to meet the parkland dedication ordinance requirements of the property, the development will need to dedicate a minimum of 5.175 acres of parkland or pay fees equal to $172,500.00 (345 lots x $500) or provide some combination of land dedication and fees. The Concept Plan shows a dedication of 12.451 acres. The developer will speak to the amount of dedication that will be in the floodplain. The first concept plan for Avalon 2 was taken to the Parks and Recreation Board in February of 2003 and the Board approved taking funds in lieu of land due to the proximity of two other parks in the area, Cimarron and Avalon Phase 1 and 2. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendations Per Claude Thompson, Planning Director, the developer is trying to annex the additional property in the southeast portion of the development, until then he will not be able to rezone the development. The developer will not be able to get rezoning until August 12, 2003. P. 2 Attachments Concept Plan for Avalon 2 Prepared by w • : Tsar`} t 1. �• ' :„, .-°. / i , - str?rr* ., ,. 27-3ii, .„.. -, .-,,, . _ . ,. L. / :• ', • '- f~ '�•.v �` +i+..• o 'jA1! ;u4r_ -�'c n'.- r� I yr F ' :'•yi. •.. t� ram_ ilk ,t 1 ♦ .. ` ito ' ' :, � 1 i 7_ ' i • I•1 . . .III •. ` n.��. F! �:..4'" _ y' tk lei `' .0 f'- r i• ; ti ,Pa. '. �`~,♦ �- /.� e . 03 \...,,, li 0 tik. ' ,' , ; .., ' t '!'",; , ' ' .itir ,p+- . fr , ,, ,. . : :, .. i ... •1 I .•v• • ' l *M \\ t — raclx+'r;ti ' •, ! 4 � •1 \\ seal i i ' 4M Ati 'h,i. ? .•.c, . , �+ ,,• `i ' . _...• ... ...�;u..-.r.-..,`\ �~ _ ♦ . F1-C ll Mi•i_ •d`1•�,y.4- ..�, a..w -.`�yr_ .,`�• !•,, • J(�/,( '}` •\• •, • 7+ - • .,-• ilp :� i 1/4 Ar, ! Ir - p . . . .. „,...,„ .. ,.. .._ , , .... . . , • .- ------ t.,..-4 ,.. ti . .. _.. _ .0.. 0: . .. .._...,., , ,. . -:—... Ali- ,r � - t• • _ c2713 ,_ -:• ,fib 1; � • - ` l i. {?i I Jt. _ AJ-. L. ... -. •Vi �•A �, _ 4,_ 1_ . - 4• • tT;t�1,An'R,•J J ! 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EX.SINGLE-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT - - _ — . .. . ... 1 5""":Oo soa EX. /*Cliff MANUFACTURED NONE AND COMMERICAL I ESTATE DEVELOPMENT Lor2DnYNHE.rEs' — CabA Side 198 LAKE LAVON / U.S.A. / SKYVIEW DRIVE _ ^*�,''""" Ill I 1 iI mN.� rPARKUVOI ir 7 - U SA PARKLAND • . — r NINIIIII Vol.]i9,Pg.894 \ \ 1 - - / #/ /71 S/ Wylie Lakes /' A MIXED USE COMMUNITY I I /Alb If A/ CONCEPT PLAN � / EXHIBIT'C' 40 \ j „it ‘V,„,", .1'- ,w / / JULY 10, 2003 • / �6'� off° •'-��. -/ -/\ es ,c,,..°�f. / (p0e 185-SF-8.5/17(184 shown) / NORTH Tns MUNICIP ': r B0-TN(77 shown)m Px WATER DISTRICT• ., — ? - SIlO Vd.3)13 Pg.],TRA 3 / .:� 04�p0 26(28 wn)28-3F 1A/ / Se' 1 \ / ��s;, 293-TOTAL Ak AAA PPe4.,K^" j' _ Pi' :• Neighborhood Service(Commercial)±5.7 /' "a� Acres Aiwa"— Ippgy \I Park outside easment:±2.1 Acres 44.; 0— x NORTH 8 Pg 93 MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT / ` ,�`+ ESMr. Park inside easement:±3.4 Acres • I_ a.`s"'"`„,^ Vol.BBF,Pg.a38 DRCCOT4. // /L (41 I I I I:1 i 4‘iii 1 ir.' I I 1.. \---‘9 r ,,,,e2., /e" N" ,,, F GREG EDWARDS i1 4/ , M F •.""""`"'—' rIA ENGS'IEERING SERVICES,INC. T "•m-e''''"'^ o,� Ph(990)98�2-298]D az:l 9D)9 8 2-81 28 625 9 Water Su.pptiy CotpofiatLon. P.O. Box 1029 . 745 Parker Road• Wylie, TX 75098 July 23, 2003 Nancy Sanka Greg Edwards Engineering Services, Inc. 1621 Amanda Court Ponder, Texas 76259 Re: Wylie Lakes- Waterline Easement Dear Nancy: The waterline easement could be used for recreational use, such as ball fields, walking/biking trails, etc., with the following understanding. If you plant or build inside the easement area and we have to repair inside that easement, the restoration of fences or land- scaping will be the member's or owners responsibility. When repairs are made in the area, orange tape indicating a safety hazard are set up until all appropriate repairs are complete. Sincerely, Sue Jones General Manager Web: kttp://eann,eetto/wnewse S-Mat wnewse@gte.net 872-442-2075 • Fax. 872-428-8413