09-22-2003 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, September 22, 2003 6:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. August 25, 2003 ACTION ITEMS N/a DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Updates on the following: Park Naming Project— Quail Meadow/Birmingham Southbrook Development (near Twin Lakes of off Ballard St.) Birmingham Park Phase 4 (near Dodd Elementary) Grant Projects Akin Pavilion Improvements Review approved budget items for FY2003-04 Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation status ADJOURNMENT Posted this the�D 2003 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 972-442-8100 OR TDD 97 eVYYNC"44.. 9/acC/o3 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT/EXPANDED LEVELS OF SERVICE SUMMARY FUNDED IN FY2004 General Fund Library City Manager Increase Part-time Staffing 20 hours a week 9,800 HR Assistant,Part-time 23,570 Books,Audio Visual materials 7,000 IS Technician 67,380 Books in Print Database 2,200 90,950 Replacement Computers 2,700 Municipal Court 21,700 Automated phone attendant with '„ on-line inquiry/payments processing 15,300 Total General Fund 970,390 Fire Proof Safe 1,610 16,910 Facilities Utility Fund Air Conditioning at Municiplal Complex 24,000 Utilities(Water) Crewleader and Vehicle 96,870 Police Equipment Operator 43,180 Patrol Officer(2) 128,040 Maintenance Worker 40,910 CID Secretary 45,250 Extended Cab Pick up Truck 21,990 Computer Network Upgrade 20,500 Trailer,2 axle Belche 7,500 Reclass Records Clerk(7N to 8N) 1,310 Fleet Maint.Coordinator Vehicle,split 411 9,720 k-9 Police Vehicle w/o Fleet Fees 29,580 220,170 Video Camera 3,150 Engineering Mobile Radio 2,600 Computer System 3,. 1,500 ' Computer and Printer 1,200 36"plotter split with Plankg 5,620 Upgrade/retrofit new vehicles to Tahoes(3) • 16,500- Xerox Copier split with glanning 4,120 248,130 -a 11,240 Fire '`,.` Fire Prevention Inspector and vehicle 88,700 Utilities(Sewer) Three fulltime Firefighters replacing three 70,760 Valentine Creek Wastewater Line 90,000 Air Truck SCBA Compressor 43,430 Jet Machine/Vac CombotfrFleet Fees 108,100 Quint Maintenance 25,000 Trailer i, 7,500 k-12 Rescue Saw 1,600 Jack Hammer&Post Hole Digger 10,700 Health and Wellness Program 3,000 216,300 Treadmills(3) 1,500 Universal ten station weight set(2) 1,500 Utility Billing PDA 2,500 Upgrade AP Clerk from Parttime to Fulltime 23,890 Fire Hose Repair Press 2,650 Riding Lawn Mowers for Stations(2) 5,000 Total Utility Fund ;,' 471,600 Additional Ambulance Runs 49,360 295,000 _ Animal Control 4B Sales Tax -Fund I Repair Brickwork 1,000 I Parks -,♦ Portable Radio 2,270 Pickup Truck for Two Maint.Workers 22,300 3,270 Riding Lawn Mowers(2) 19,600 I Planning I Trailers(2) 10,400 35"Plotter,split with Engineering 5,720 Athletic Infield Machine 10,500 Copier,split with Engineering 4,120 Chemical Sprayer Tank 5,500 Computer 1,500 ITractorTiller 2,500 Land Use Maps 2,500 Riding Line Cutter 5,700 13,840 Athletic Field Poles 10,000 I Building Inspections I"New"Backflow Devices 4,000 Permit Technician 49,830 Banners&Benches for Downtown 15,000 Internet Based Permit Issuance 6,000 I 105,500 I Demolition of structures 20,000 75,830 I Total 4B Sales Tax Fund 105,500 ( Streets 1 - - - - - - 1- Pickup Truck split 411/712 11,670 Fleet Replacement Fund Street&Alley Maintenance 44,000 Passenger Van 20,000 55,670 CID Vehicle,2 Patrol Vehicles 60,000 r s ~"" - Tractor,Dump Truck 80,000 Maintenance Workers(2) 88,680' Funding for Jet/Vacuum Combo 17,000 Trailer attachment 50 Compact Pickup Truck 15,000 I Add on,Athletic Infield machine-4B 450 Add on,Chemical Sprayer Tank-4B 450 I Total Fleet Replacement Fund 192,000 Add on,Tractor Tiller-4B 150 Add on,Riding Line Cutter-4B 400 Total Ali Funds 1,739,490 Seasonal workers,Summer(3) 17,760 II Anticipated Utilities-Electric 10,000 Sod Cutter/Welder 750 Special Services-flu shots 500 ...... Backflow devices 5,900 125,090 I - - _ _t 22 Robert Diaz From: msferra[msferra@mail.ci.wylie.tx.us] lent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 7:16 AM To: Robert Diaz Subject: Re: Park Board Yes, there are a couple of things: Southbrook came in and they want to spend their parkland dedication of$110,000 by themselves within the development, after submitted a plan to us. Sounds like a good idea. I have a copy of the plat that can be put in the packet. And Birmingham Farms Phase 4 is coming to DIRT today, and they want to build a street in Dodd Park-sounds like a bad idea- I think Claude and I will shoot it down. I have a copy of the plat. And if you can take photos of the sidewalk at Birmingham and the new fencing and security at Akin,we can put them on the overhead for a project update. Maybe we can cruise by the mountain bike trail to see if there is anything to see and take some photos. Since Council approved the budget,we might want to give the Board an overview of what we're getting in terms of people and equipment. I'm going to be busy most of the day with DIRT, the funeral, and a utility contractor, but call anytime and we might be able to hook up for lunch or some other time. Mike Original Message -rom: "Robert Diaz" <rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us> Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 16:44:33-0500 >Do we have anything? I left a message with Claude. The naming of Quail >Meadow and Birmingham I thought I would work on that in October, since the >playground stuff is going on this month. Plus, Mark is busy now and I will >need his help. >Talk at you tommorrow. >Robert Diaz >Assistant Superintendent >City of Wylie >Parks and Recreation Department >2000 Hwy. 78 North >Wylie, Texas 75098 >972-442-8197 >972-442-8198 fax >email-rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us<mailto:rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us> i x f ¥ t CITY O. IYLIE 1 2003-2004 BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS AMBULANCE BOARD Staff Liaison-Chief Shan English 972/442-8111 PLACE NAME ADDRESS I HOME PHONE I EMAIL ORIGINAL I CURRENT TERM APPT. APPT. EXPIRES 1 Randle Henry 3006 Springwell Pkwy. 214/474-0062 972/478-3273 rhenrv( vartec.net 7/01 7/02 7/04 2 Eric Hogue 102 N. Westgate Way 972/442-6938 972/797-9409 ehogueaci.wylie.tx.us 7/01 7/01 7/03 3 Kenneth Quiesenberry 424 Elliott 972/442-7472 972/216-6267 7/02 7/04 4 Sharon Trongaard 217 Martin 972/442-9485 214/345-7489 sharon.trongaard@verizon.net 7/01 7/03 5 Warner Washington 621 Stoneybrook 972/442-0282 972/442-2765 7/02 7/04 CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD Staff Liaison Building Official Dale Jackson 972/442-8151 1 Jess Calhoun 708 W. Georgetown Dr 972/442-6092 7/02 7/02 7/04 2 William Jowers 603 Haymeadow Dr. 972/442-1435 972/422-1210 7/02 7/02 7/04 3 Frankie Delgado 1011 Meandering Dr. 214/474-1000 972/479-6594 frankie.delgado@fnc.fuiitsu.com 7/01 7/02 7/04 4 Jerry Coombs 1710 Stonecrest Tr. 214/474-0974 972/783-8686 coombsib@ev1.net 7/03 7/03 7/05 5 Mike Phillips 417 Woodhollow 972/442-5714 214/837-3542 , 7/01 7/03 7/05 6 Steve Repasky 316 S. Fourth Street 972/442-4301 972/392-0560 7/03 7/05 7 Frank Spingola 508 Rustic Place 972/442-6909 972/247-1081 fmspingola@aol.com 7/03 7/05 LIBRARY BOARD Staff Liaison-Library Director Mignon Morse 972/442-0177 1 Pauline Akin 303 N. Keefer Drive 972/442-5091 pakin@worldnet.att.net 7/01 7/03 7/05 2 Liz Allen 108 S. Rustic Trail 972/442-6358 972/205-4188 2/01 7/02 7/04 3 Shirley Burnett 327 S. Fourth Street 972/442-5767 shirlev426@aol.com 7/03 7/05 4 Scott Ames 1406 Anchor Drive 972/442-0858 972/684-0597 scooter@nortelnetworks.com 7/03 7/03 7/05 5 Grace Morrison 118 Glen Knoll 972/442-1689 gracem1@airmail.net 7/02 7/04 6 Adrian Sanchez 1304 Leeward Lane 972/442-9262 972/761-2074 asanchez@fdic.gov 7/02 7/04 7 Joe Murphy 1704 Lincoln 972/442-2119 469/893-6812 joe.murphv@ps.net 7/03 7/03 7/05 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Staff Liaison-Asst.Parks Director Robert Diaz 972/442-8197 1 Eugene Gamer 1010 Lake Dallas Dr. 972/429-2251 7/02 7/02 7/04 2 Daniel Chesnut 200 Picadilly Circle 972/442-1375 972/941-2145 ag_gienuts@aol.com 7/03 7/05 3 Larry Bowles 906 Fountain Drive 214/641-4701 oktxva@aol.com 7/03 7/03 7/05 4 Anne Hiney 301 Cottonbelt 972/442-0370 anne hinev(yahoo.com 7/02 7/04 5 Ivan Holmes 1508 Coral Reef Ln. 972/442-7586 214/718-7581 ivan-holmes@verizon.net 7/02 7/03 7/05 6 Frankie Delgado 1011 Meandering Dr. 214/474-1000 972/479-6594 frankie.delgado@fnc.fuiitsu.com 1/03 1/03 7/04 7 David Willey 706 Nickelville 972/442-9127 972/562-0670 DwandDAWillev@aol.com 7/02 7/02 7/04 PARKS AND RECREATION 4B BOARD 1 Shirley Burnett 327 S. Fourth Street 972/442-5767 shirlev426@aol.com 7/03 7/05 2 Dan Chesnut 200 Picadilly Circle 972/442-0103 972/941-2145 aggienuts@aol.com 7/03 7/05 3 Anne Hiney 301 Cottonbelt 972/442-0370 anne hinev@yahoo.com 1/03 7/03 7/05 4 Eric Hogue 102 N. Westgate Way 972/442-6938 972/797-9409 ehoque@ci.wvlie.tx.us 7/01 7/03 7/05 5 John Mondy 114 Douglas 972/442-3882 972/578-2039 mayor@ci.wvlie.tx.us 7/02 7/04 6 Chris Trout 708 Nickelville 972/442-2487 972/442-4235 ctrout@ci.wvlie.tx.us 7/02 7/04 7 J.C. Worley 335 Donna Drive 972/442-1511 972/442-6293 jworlev( ci.wvlie.tx.us 7/02 7/04 L:1Board Commissions\2003-2004 Board Member Data rev 6/25/03 CITY 0 WYLIE 2003-2004 BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS ORIGINAL CURRENT TERM PLACE NAME ADDRESS HOME PHONE WORK PHONE EMAIL APPT. APPT. EXPIRES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD Staff Liaison-Planning Director Claude Thompson 972/442-8159 1 Chris Seely 1415 Quail Meadow 972/429-7177 972/335-3580 chris.seely@kimlev-horn.com 7/03 7/03 7/04 2 William Chapman P.O. Box 268 972/442-2720 None 7/03 7/05 3 Michael George 1020 Oakbrook 972/429-9533 . mkgeorge131aearthlink.net 7/03 7/05 4 Mike Phillips 417 Woodhollow 972/442-5714 214/384-7591 4/01 7/02 7/04 • 5 Carter Porter 413 N. Gaston Drive 972/429-1355 972/442-7652 burchell@airmail.net 7/02 7/04 6 M.G. Red Byboth 2722 W. FM 544 972/442-3734 972/509-5333 , redthemover.com 7/03 7/03 7/05 7 Don Hughes P.O. Box 1329 972/442-1166 972/979-8993 7/02 7/04 WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD Staff Liaison-Sam Satterwhite 972/442-7901 1 Gary Bowland 700 Westwind Lane 972/442-1467 7/01 7/04 2 Marvin Fuller 355 Donna Drive 972/442-6565 7/01 7/04 3 Kevin St. John 202 Cedar Ridge 972/442-1041 972/442-3544 7/03 7/06 4 John Yeager P.O. Box 40 972/442-3123 972/442-3505 7/03 7/06 5 Merrill Young 200 Westgate Way 972/442-7916 mvoungaci.wvlie.tx.us 7/03 7/06 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS Staff Liaison Planning Director Claude Thompson 972/442-8159 1 Weldon Bullock 1820 McMillen Road 972/442-2859 972/8394156 none 7/03 7/05 2 Randle Henry 3006 Springwell Pkwy. 214/474-0062 972/478-3273 rhenrvavartec.net 7/03 7/03 7/05 3 Linda Jourdan 423 Gaston/POBox 894 972/442-1746 972/701-7058 jourdan@hhdulaw.com 7/03 7/03 7/05 4 Marilyn Herrera 503 Dogwood 972/442-1688 7/02 7/04 5* Layne LeBaron 224 Rush Creek 972/442-5867 7/01 7/02 7/04 6 Wayne Morman 138 Glen Knoll 972/429-6207 972/424-6021 7/02 7/04 7* Eric Alexander 419 N. Gaston 972/429-1601 972/479-4762 eric.alexander( fnc.fuiitsu.com 7/02 7/02 7/04 NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD Jim Parks,Executive Director,NTMWD 1 Harry Tibbals P.O. Box 56 5/03 5/05 2 Marvin Fuller 355 Donna Drive 972/442-6565 5/03 5/04 *Denotes Alternate Please contact the City Secretary's Office with any revisions to this list. L:\Board Commissions\2003-2004 Board Member Data rev 6/25/03 Park A& I Statement of Revenue and Expenditures As of 09/22/2003 West Central East Revenue Parkland Dedication $ 127,500 $ 110,000 $ 25,000 County Grants - 22,036 - Total Revenue 127,500 132,036 25,000 Transfer From General Fund 114,328 (11,438) 82,948 Expenses Tools & Equip. $ 414 $ - $ - Botanical &Agricultural 14,470 - (975) Recreational Supplies 338 - 546 Land Betterments 16,833 - 2,613 Furniture & Fixtures 958 6,362 205 Outdoor Equipment 32,029 59,376 4,931 Major Tools, Mach., & Equip. 1,420 1,420 1,420 Special Services 1,300 - - Total Expenses 67,761 67,159 8,739 Total $ 174,067 $ 53,439 $ 99,209 * Remaining County Grants to collect $ 25,007 $ 100,000 Monthly Status Report Park A & I Statement of Revenue and Expenditures As of 09/22/2003 West Central East Revenue Parkland Dedication $ 127,500 $ 110,000 $ 25,000 County Grants - 22,036 - Total Revenue 127,500 132,036 25,000 Transfer From General Fund 114,328 (11,438) 82,948 Expenses Tools & Equip. $ 414 $ - $ - Botanical & Agricultural 14,470 - (975) Recreational Supplies 338 - 546 Land Betterments 16,833 - 2,613 Furniture & Fixtures 958 6,362 205 Outdoor Equipment 32,029 59,376 4,931 Major Tools, Mach., & Equip. 1,420 1,420 1,420 Special Services 1,300 - - Total Expenses 67,761 67,159 8,739 Total $ 174,067 $ 53,439 $ 99,209 * Remaining County Grants to collect $ 25,007 $ 100,000 141 Reportl