10-14-2003 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Special worksession meeting with City Council
6:00 PM Council Chambers Conference Room
Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North
This meeting was called to order at 7:50 PM following the worksesion with the City
Council. Those present were: Anne Hiney, Frankie Delgado, Eugene Garner, and David
Willey, Ivan Holmes, and Dan Chesnut. Larry Bowles was not present for the regular
Parks and Recreation Board meeting, but he was present for the joint worksession with
the City Council.
1. A motion to approve the minutes from the September 22, 2003 meeting
was made by David Willey, Frankie Delgado 2nd the motion. The Board
approved the motion 6-0. Staff made a typo change to item#2, it had read
2. Discuss and consider request from the Blackland Prairie Playground
Foundation to sell items such as fence pickets and hand painted tiles
through the Fall 2004 sports seasons at Founders and Community Parks.
Board members wanted some changes made to the vendor registration
form: "Location: Community/Fo ers/Olde City Parks...Dates:
(S),4;v4t— October 14, 2003 to September 30 2 LOP tems to be sold: Hand-painted
4 , fence pie ets, and accepting general donations for the playground."
Ivan Holmes made a motion to approve the request with the changes,
David Willey 2nd the motion. The motion was approved 6-0.
3. Discuss and consider request from Sara Lawrence, a private vendor, to sell
photo buttons to the general public at Community Park. After much
discussion of the Board, Frankie Delgado made a motion to deny the
request. Eugene Garner 2nd the motion. The motion to deny the request
was approved 5-0-1, with Ivan Holmes abstaining from the vote.
4. Discuss and consider request from the Wylie Seniors, Teens that Care, and
Girl Scouts to sell admission to the Haunted Tunnel and game booths at
the Bart Peddicord Community Center on October 30 and November 1,
2003. A motion was made to approve the request by Anne Hiney. Ivan
Holmes 2nd the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0.
5. Discuss and consider request from the Summitt Church to sell items at
Olde City Park for their Halloween event on October 30, 2003. A motion
to approve the request was made by David Willey. Eugene Garner 2nd the
motion. The motion was approved 6-0.
6. Discuss and consider naming a park after former Councilman Joel Scott.
After much discussion by members of the Board, Board Chairman Dan
Chesnut made a motion to table the agenda item until an unspecified date.
7. Discuss items from the joint Council work session and holiday meeting
dates. The Board discussed the various items that were addressed in
worksession with the City Council. The Board directed staff to begin the
process of amending the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, begin to look at
revenue makers in other cities (i.e. WetZone in Rowlett), and begin
discussions with other cities and the U.S. Corps of Engineers regarding
joint projects. The Board also set their meeting dates for November and
December due to the holidays;November 3 and December 1, 2003.
At 9:00 PM Anne Hiney made a motion to adjourn the meeting. David Willey 2nd the
motion. The Board approved the motion 6-0.