11-03-2003 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, November 3, 2003 6:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. October 14, 2003 ACTION ITEMS N/a DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Updates on the following: Parkland Dedication Changes Park Naming Wylie Lakes Phase I update Kreymer Ln. Property Grant Projects Trust for Public Land ADJOURNMENT • Posted this th ay of October, 2003 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 972-442-8100 OR TDD 97 ................ Page 1 of 1 Robert Diaz From: Anne Hiney[anne hney©mac.com] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 7:54 PM To: Robert Diaz; Bill Nelson; Mike Sferra; Ivan Holmes; Dan Chesnut; Frankie Delgado; David Willey; Mindy Manson; Biff Johnson Subject: FYI Hello everyone! I wanted to let you all know that I have contacted an organization that speciali7.es in assisting communities with acquiring park land. They are called the Trust for Public Land; a 30 some odd year old non-profit organization with tons of experience in helping getting bonds passed, finding funding sources, and those sort of things. There is an article about them in the Summer 2003 TRAPS magazine. I've spoken with three different people from the organization and they seem very willing to come talk to us about ways we can get things done. They are sending me information about themselves and will be in contact about coming to visit with us. I'll have more information to present at our next meeting, but just wanted to let you all know that I was taking a proactive approach rather than sitting back and waiting for things to maybe develop. I took councils suggestion for the board to get some ideas together literally. I'll keep everyone posted. Anne Anne Hiney Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation General Coordinator 972-672-4133 (cell) 972-442-0370(home) anne_hiney@mac.com Imagined by Our Children-Built by Our Community 10/30/2003 Summer 2003 T H E TRUST F 0 R PUBLIC The Trust for Public Land LAND History and Mission The Trust for Public Land(TPL)is a national nonprofit land conservation organization Conserving Land founded in 1972 to conserve land for people,to improve the quality of life in our for People communities and to protect our natural and historic resources for future generations. TPL's commitment to land conservation ranges from community gardens and playgrounds to regional parks,historic landmarks and wilderness areas. Since its first project in 1973,TPL has added more than 1.5 million acres of land valued at more than $3 billion to our nation's common wealth of public open space. Through these efforts, TPL has been able to pass on more than$474 million in savings(by sometimes negotiating below fair-market deals)to communities and public agencies with which it has worked. In Texas,TPL has protected over 23,000 acres for communities across the state. The TPL Texas State Office was established in 1993. TPL's land conservation efforts include: • Parks, gardens,playgrounds, and greenways in urban neighborhoods and fast-growing communities,through our Green Cities Initiative ■ Watershed lands that provide safe drinking water to millions • Recreation lands and wilderness • Scenic and historic places What We Do To government agencies,TPL offers the flexibility of a nonprofit partner to secure land for permanent protection and public use.TPL provides assistance with real estate transactions,planning,coalition building, and financing strategies--and can act quickly, using bridge financing,to take important land off the market until funds are available for public acquisition. For example,in San Antonio,TPL was able to negotiate transactions with willing private landowners, and purchase the properties and convey them to the City. To landowners,TPL offers tax planning,confidential negotiations,and transactions structured to meet timing and financial needs. Landowners prefer to deal with TPL rather than with a public agency directly,because TPL agrees,as part of the acquisition agreement with the private landowner, to keep all details of the transaction confidential. TPL provides training,technical assistance,and advice to community organizations, and offers a comprehensive conservation finance program to help communities to design,pass and implement public funding measures for land conservation. The Trust for Public Land "`Texas State Office .15 Brazos Street,Suite 400 s�. Austin,TX 78701 (512)478-4644 Fax(512)478-4522 Page 1 Earth Share http://www.tpl.org ,' OF TEXAS Summer 2003 TPL Landmark Projects Barnegat Bay Initiative,New Jersey Barton Springs Wilderness Park,Austin,Texas Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area,Georgia Chattanooga Riverwalk,Tennessee Chief Joseph Preserve(Nez Perce tribal lands),Oregon Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area,Oregon and Washington Cypress Creek Watershed(for the Katy Prairie Conservancy),Houston,Texas Denali National Park and Preserve,Alaska Everglades,Florida Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California Government Canyon State Natural Area,San Antonio,Texas Gwynns Fall Trails,Baltimore,Maryland Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge,Kauai,Hawaii Kleb Forest Preserve,Harris County,Texas Martin Luther King,Jr. National Historic Site,Atlanta, Georgia Monroe Elementary School Topeka, Kansas Mountains to Sound Greenway,Washington Russ Pitman Park,Bellaire,Texas Sam Houston National Forest,Lake Conroe,Texas San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge,Brazoria County,Texas Sterling Forest,New York Walden Woods, Concord,Massachusetts National Office: TPL National Office Will Rogers,President&CEO 116 New Montgomery Felicia Marcus,COO San Francisco, CA 78207 Holden Lee, CFO Ph: (415)495-4014 (800)714-LAND Texas Staff and Contact Information: TPL Texas State Office Valarie Bristol, State Director 815 Brazos St., Suite 400 Amy Morris,Project Manager Austin,TX 78701 Paige Cooper,Conservation Finance Director Ph: 512-478-4644 Jason Corzine,Project Manager Fax: 512-478-4522 Anjali H. Kaul,Director of Development Linda Shead,Program Director,Greater Houston Area TPL San Antonio Office Benjamin Larkin, Senior Marketing Ph: 210-226-7700 &Public Affairs Associate Fax: 210-227-7503 TPL Houston/Galveston Office Ph: 713-226-7200 Fax: 713-226-7229 Page 2 C1 ,�a,.1 11w ,AtNi f 7 f V't — • A • What? A Community-Built Playground IAGeneral Coordinators r • Children's ideas help design the playground L Anne Hiney • Professional design firm to oversee all stages of project OJudy Burkhart • Public,private and home school children involved 11.0 Treasurer Our mission is to Where? Founders Park-Behind Wylie High School WTI Wylie Area es Barbara Beebe • Fully handicap accessible Childcare create a safe and • Stroller friendly 0 r' accessible outdoor • Special tot area,musical area,and cooling misters located Sandy Stroud Community—Built •... environment that in playground Children's Committee • Picket fence surrounds playground • CI Trona Jurden fosters imaginative • Restrooms located by the baseball fields0 Playground rOt nd Project OPurchased Materials play and • New Pirate Stadium overlooks playground Jay Davis developmental Who? Everyone Gets Involved! O Food learning for the • Volunteers coordinate project VKim Arellanes Children of VV lie •• Playground completely built in"barn raising"style effort Fundraising y • Families&businesses contributing together and theell Frankie Delgado When? Several Phases jEric Alexander neighboring • Design,Organization,Construction,Post Construction 4.1 Public Relations/Media communities while • Fund-raising ongoing through all stages ilizr ir k/( i\ • Actual building takes an average of five to ten days S� Bill Hineyunitingand •!- = • Construction scheduled to begin mid September zoo4 Design/Special Needs strengthening ourCIL ,', Eric Alexander Why? For Our Children O Tools community by • To bring a playground to the children of Wylie and the8 O 1A 1 utilizing volunteer surrounding areas that meets the needs of ail children. EScott Farley • To promote a community effort that will bringour town ( , , labor and locallyp y �r\t "" Site Captain together to achieve a common goal. � . O Bill Nelson obtained materialsMI How. Donations St Volunteers g /-, VWeb Master in the Community- • Through tax deductible donations and grants e \ J, )( Chris Sommers Built Process • Fund-raising projects including engraved fence pickets -- '`. , s° I ' ff, \��,fjj and children's handprint tiles \.,y. " - i ( AlF • Volunteer time and volunteer labor ' �i'�,, r i) /4 4 t • Donated materials and equipment Wylie's Community-Built Playground • Barn-raising approach to building N—1 Donor Levels P are Ship Playground For general information call: Artwork bvryler5vboda-Hartman Elemenrary5cnooi All donations are tax deductible. Anne Hiney at 97z 67z 4g33 or . Donor Minimum Recognition Donor .� Level Donation of Donation Title Judy Burkhart at 972 741 5993 1 $15 Handprint Tile Ships Crew s Kelp Us Turn A Dream • Or send an e-mail to: • z $3o Fence Picket Pirate Pete210 '. Into A Reality! 3 $zso Plaque cannoneer wylieplayground@a yahoo.com 4 $i,000 Plaque or Donor Sign Marauder MS Or visit our website at: s $5,000 Plaque or www.wylieplaygroundproject.org Donor Sign Buccaneer 6 $io,000 Plaque or Donor Sign Captain : ap , kl, Imagined by Our Children vrwi PI ' 7 $zs,000 Plaque or 'I obi w r` . "c*,F...4 •. ' Built by Our Community and above Donor Sign Admiral W:WrliOt Wylie independent School oistnct i A Call To Our Community Equipment and Structure Sponsorship I Want to Help Make the Below is a partial list of playground equipment and structures that are available Playground a Reality! The Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation,in partnership with for sponsorship. Choose one or more that you would like to provide for the playground. Selections will be honored as received-so reserve your the City of Wylie and WISD,is coordinating a community built choice now! Plaques recognizing sponsors of equipment or structures If you would like to contribute to the playground by donating, playground project for the children of Wylie and the surrounding valued at$250 and above will be placed on or near the sponsored item. sponsoring and/or volunteering your time and talents we would communities. Although a preliminary plan has been created we still Major Structures/Items: Sound Play Instruments: love to include you in the fun! need the support of the community to make this dream a reality. Pirate Ship $6,500 (Custom built for our playground) Area businesses and families are working together to fund and build Wheelchair Access Ramping $6,000 Metallophone(Bass) $2..400 Name this playground. The playground has been custom designed Castle Maze $z,000 Metallophone(Soprano) $1,400 Address uniquely for our community with areas inspired by ideas from our Alligator Sandbox $,,zoo Alligator Tongue Drum $,,zoo children. A large pirate ship will be one of many features included Slides, Climbers, etc.: Tongue Drums City State Zip in the playground. By building the playground ourselves the cost Twisty Slide $3,500 set of 4 with 8 mallets $ 800 will be significantly less than purchasing prefabricated structures. Tube Slide $z,000 Palm Pipe Drums Soo Phone# Mobile# Wave Slide $i,zoo Rain Wheel $ 400 Our goal is to raise at least 075,000. By working together we can Rock Wall $1,000 soundwall $ 400 E-Mail show our children how to unite as a community and work toward a Wiggle Bridge $ 950 Swings: common goal. cargo Net $ aoo Triple Swing Set (z)each _I would like to donate$3o for an engraved fence picket. Rainbow Tot Slide $ 750 w/Handicap Accessibility sa,soo (inscription may be 17 letters/spaces or less-please print below) We are in need of the following: Small Slide $ 75o Tire Swing $,,soo • Tax-deductible donations and sponsorships Climbing Wall $ 790 Extras: • Volunteers for project committees and building Fire Pole $ 700 Mister Station (a)each $z,000 Bouncy Bridge $ 6so Pipe Phone System $ 450 I would like to make a donation. Amount: Thank you for helping us turn our vision into a fantastic Cradle Climber $ 625 Site Improvements: legacy for the children of our community! Tot Rubber Bridge $ sso Trees (so)each $ 400 I would like to sponsor a part of the playground. Chain Bridge $ 530 Benches (so)each $ 525 Component or Structure: Rings on Chains $ 500 Wylie's Community-Built Playground Sonkey Bars s 450 Additional items available for Total Amount Enclosed$. treasure Chest $ 45o sponsorship will be added to this list Volunteer Opportunities as the project moves forward. Cave $ 4o0 Please check the web site for Low Rings $ 30o changes to the pians for the Ifyou would like to volunteer your time to helpwith the If you are interested in helping with the playground project playground. Low Ladder $ sso please check beside one of the areas below. please consider working with one of the following Sponsors and donors will be listed on playground Rope Walk $ sso our website as donations are committees. The project still needs several enthusiastic Snake Balance Beam $ zoo received. Refer to Donor Level We will contact you soon. individuals to assist in all areas. chin-up Pipe (a)each $ ,so Chart for more information. d like to help with fundraising. • Childcare Committee I'd like to volunteer my time to help build the ,'' a._ playground. (All skill levels are needed to help build!) • Donated Materials Committee I'd like to donate materials or services. • Food Committee ` «. _I have tools to loan during the build. • Fundraising Committee r'' ��:, I'd like to help with the children's activities during • Public Relations/Media Committee building. I'd like to help feed the volunteers during the build. • Purchased Materials Committeeiiv I'd like to be a construction captain during the build. • Design and Special Needs Committee ' 04, + 4:440 I'd like to help with public relations. • Tools Committee g� I have artistic ability to contribute. • Volunteers Committee 't,s ;� • Construction Captains `gr ,N''' .i Please complete the above form,make a copy for your records m and return it with your tax-deductible contribution made Don't hesitate to call or e-mail if you would like more information Irv®" ►f'Li �.� y�r payable to: about anyof the above committees. All of the committees have �'!I¢ ' '+ Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation or BPPF, chairpersons inplace who would greatlyappreciateyour help. +t �' BCHerAncr.Arp P PP ►� y ,___.__. ��� P.O. Box 484, Wylie,TX 75098. Community involvement is what makes acommunity-built ,a ,H _ - project a success. Get involved!^ Thank you for your support! Many thanks to Stone&Associates Printing of Wylie for donating this brochure!