01-26-2004 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA
Monday, January 26, 2004
6:30 P.M. Council Chambers
Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North
Presentation by members from the Dallas office of the Trust for Public Land, Paul
Lehner and from Valarie Bristol, Texas State Director for the Trust of Public Land.
Question and answer time will be made following their presentation.
,----1. December 1, 2003
Al- Discuss and consider request from the Girl Scout Troop 2426 of Wylie to
sell Girl Scout Cookies at Community Park on February 21, 2004.
J. Discuss and consider request from the Wylie High School Girls Softball
Program to sell concessions at Founders Park and Community Park for the
Tanya Jo Thompson Memorial Softball Tournament March 4-6, 2004.
XDiscuss and consider naming Sage Creek Park or a park facility located
within Sage Creek Park in memory of the late Park and Recreation Board
member, Larry Bowles.
Updates on the following:
-Revised park plan and reimbursement agreement for the developer at
creekside Estates
'L'-Dodd Elementary/Quail Meadow Park naming project
`-t-Pending north/south road at the Avalon Development
-Creekhollow Subdivision
-Grant projects
Posted this the Day of , 2004 at 5:00 p.m.
-. CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 972-442-8100 OR TDD 972-442-8170.
Monday,December 1, 2003
6:30 PM Staff Conference Room
Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North
This meeting was called to order at 6:45 PM. Those present were Anne Hiney, Frankie
Delgado, Eugene Garner, and Dan Chesnut. Larry Bowles, David Willey, and Ivan
Holmes were not present.
1. A motion to approve the minutes from the November 3, 2003 meeting was
made by Anne Hiney, Frankie Delgado 2nd the motion. The Board
approved the motion 4-0.
2. Discuss and consider request from the North Texas State Soccer
Association to sell miscellaneous soccer related items i.e. t-shirts at
Founders Park during the NTSSA Tournament of Champions at Founders
Park December 6, 2003. Anne Hiney made a motion to approve the
vendor request to the NTSSA, Frankie Delgado 2nd the motion. The Board
approved the motion 4-0.
3. Discuss and consider naming Birmingham Park"Joel Scott Park." Anne
Hiney made a motion to name Birmingham Park the"Joel Scott Memorial
Park,"Eugene Garner 2nd the motion. The Board approved the motion
4. Discuss and consider changes to the Parkland Dedication Ordinance.
After discussing all of the documentation given to the Board prior to the
meeting the Board came up with the following changes to the Ordinance:
-Add a non-residential portion to the ordinance using wording contained in
Ordinance written by North Richland Hills.
-Changing the monetary amounts for dedication to $1500 for 5 or more
dwelling units and $800 for multi-family units.
With the changes Frankie Delgado made a motion to accept the new
ordinance for Council/City Attorney review and approval, Eugene Garner
2nd the motion. The Board approved the new ordinance with the changes
Staff updated the Board on grant projects and holiday events.
At 7:45 PM Frankie Delgado made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Anne Hiney 2nd the
motion. The Board approved the motion 4-0.
Parks and Recreation Board Agenda Communication
for January 26, 2004
Discuss and consider request from the Girl Scout Troop 2426 of Wylie to sell Girl Scout
Cookies at Community Park on February 21, 2004.
Candy Arrington leader of Girl Scout Troop 2426 would like to sell Girl Scout cookies at
Community Park on February 21, 2004.
Financial Considerations
Other Considerations
Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the
Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks
and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use.
Section 78-150 of the City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,
vend, peddle, sell or offer to sell any cold drinks, cigars,tobaccos, cigarettes, fruits,candies,goods,wares
or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the city park or recreation or community center
facility; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any person, organizations, firms or
corporations, or the agents of any person, or organization, firm or corporation, or employees of any person
who are recommended by the parks and recreation board and approved by the city council to operate a
concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods, wares, and merchandise within the city park or
recreation or community center facilities of the city.
Board/Commission Recommendation
Staff Recommendations
Staff recommends approval of the request.
Vendor Registration Form
repared by
Name Girl Scout Troop 2426 Location Community Park
Address 3204 Waterpark Date(s) 02/21/2004
Phone No.972-442-4477 Start Time 8:00 AM
Alternate Phone No. 214-565-5173 End Time 1:00 AM
Contact Person Name Candy Arrington Number of Individuals Vending Items 5
Address 3204 Waterpark Target Audience Wylie Soccer players
Phone No.972-442-4477 Anticipated Number in Attendance at Event 100??
Alternate Phone No. 214-565-5173 Specific Items to be Sold Girl Scout cookies
Emergency Contact Name Brittani Holloway
Phone No.214-565-1300
Alternate Phone No.
Helpful Information
The City of Wylie has an exclusive contract that allows the sale of only Pepsi products within all park, recreation, community center
facilities, and other city facilities. If food is prepared on-site or if food is prepared off-site and brought to the location to be sold, the
vendor must contact the City Inspections Office at 972-442-8150 in order to obtain a Health Permit prior to the sale of such products.
An Inspector must examine the food preparation and food storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers.
Section 78-150 of the City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,vend,peddle,sell or offer to
sell any cold drinks,cigars,tobaccos,cigarettes,fruits,candies,goods,wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within
the city park or recreation or community center facility;provided,however,that this section shall not apply to any person,organizations,
firms or corporations, or the agents of any person, or organization, firm or corporation, or employees of any person who are
recommended by the parks and recreation board and approved by the city council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale
of specified goods,wares,and merchandise within the city park or recreation or community center facilities of the city.
Parks and Recreation Board Agenda Communication
for January 26, 2004
Discuss and consider request from the Wylie High School Girls Softball Program to sell
concessions at Founders Park and Community Park for the Tanya Jo Thompson
Memorial Softball Tournament March 4-6, 2004.
The Wylie High School Girls Softball Program is requesting to sell concessions at
Community Park and Founders Park as a fundraiser for their program during the Tanya
Jo Memorial Tournament. This is the forth year of this event.
Financial Considerations
Other Considerations
Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the
Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks
and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use.
Section 78-150 of the City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,
vend, peddle, sell or offer to sell any cold drinks, cigars,tobaccos, cigarettes, fruits, candies, goods,wares
or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the city park or recreation or community center
facility; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any person, organizations, firms or
corporations, or the agents of any person,or organization, firm or corporation, or employees of any person
who are recommended by the parks and recreation board and approved by the city council to operate a
concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods, wares, and merchandise within the city park or
recreation or community center facilities of the city.
Board/Commission Recommendation
Staff Recommendations
Staff recommends approval of the request.
Ven egistration Form
Prepared by
Psn ti
1 4 ,44.AN
Name Heather Damron, Wylie High School Location All City Softball Fields
Address 2550 W.Hwy 544 Wylie Date(s) March 4,5,6
Phone No.972-429-3494 Start Time varied
Alternate Phone No. End Time varied
Contact Person Name Number of Individuals Vending Items varied/food drinks
Address 2550 W.Hwy 544 Wylie Target Audience High School Softball Players and Parents
Phone No.972-429-3494 Anticipated Number in Attendance at Event ?
Alternate Phone No. Specific Items to be Sold Various Concession Items
Emergency Contact Name
Phone No.
Alternate Phone No.
Helpful Information
The City of Wylie has an exclusive contract that allows the sale of only Pepsi products within all park, recreation, community center
facilities,and other city facilities. If food is prepared on-site or if food is prepared off-site and brought to the location to be sold,the
vendor must contact the City Inspections Office at 972-442-8150 in order to obtain a Health Permit prior to the sale of such products.
An Inspector must examine the food preparation and food storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers.
Section 78-150 of the City Code of Ordinances states:It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,vend,peddle,sell or offer to
sell any cold drinks,cigars,tobaccos,cigarettes,fruits,candies,goods,wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within
the city park or recreation or community center facility; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any person,
organizations,firms or corporations,or the agents of any person,or organization,firm or corporation,or employees of any person who
are recommended by the parks and recreation board and approved by the city council to operate a concession or concessions for the
sale of specified goods,wares,and merchandise within the city park or recreation or community center facilities of the city.
Parks and Recreation Board Agenda Communication
for January 26, 2004
Discuss and consider naming Sage Creek Park or a park facility located within Sage
Creek Park in memory of the late Park and Recreation Board member, Larry Bowles.
The Board discussed development of a Park Naming Policy at the April 28, 2003
meeting. They requested that staff develop a draft policy for review at the next meeting.
Staff developed a draft policy for board comment and approval. The Park Naming Policy
was approved by the Park Board at the June 3, 2003 meeting and was subsequently
approved by the City Council. The Board discussed park names at the August 25, 2003
meeting and September 22, 2003 meetings.
Larry Bowles was appointed to the Park and Recreation Board in July 2003. He had been
a distinguished member of the military and performed public service in many other
capacities throughout his life. He passed away December 2003 after a long illness.
While still an active Board member, he and his family expressed a desire to have an
undeveloped portion of City parkland named in the remembrance for all his park-related
work and dedication to the Sage Creek Home Owners' Association and to the City of
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board.
Financial Considerations
Other Considerations
Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify
the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the
planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing
their use.
Board/Commission Recommendation
Staff Recommendations
Park pig Policy
Prepared by
1. The park and recreation board ("board"), will be responsible for
recommending a name for municipal parks and park facilities.
2. The board shall be responsible for research, study and recommendation
of a proposed name to the city council. Rationale for the recommended
name shall be given in writing and accompany the recommendation.
3. The recommended name will be forwarded to the city council for its
consideration and approval.
4. Municipal parks and park facilities shall be named immediately prior to or
during development, generally not later than 60 days after acquisition or
commencement of construction or at the earliest possible date.
5. A park name or park facility name may be changed no more frequently
than once every ten years.
1. Names of municipal parks and facilities should be familiar to the majority
of citizens, easy to recall, unique and lasting.
2. The following guidelines are listed in order of importance. Municipal parks
and facilities shall be named:
a) By outstanding and/or predominate physical characteristics of the
land such as:
1. Those naturally occurring, such as forested areas, streams,
rivers, lakes and creeks;
2. Manmade features such as subdivisions, streets,
office/industrial or commercial complexes;
3. Landmark significance, such as an identifiable manmade or
naturally occurring monument;
4. Historical significance, such as the names of early residents
or citizens and/or a significant event.
b) In honor of a living or deceased national, state, or community
c) Based on the activity, event, or function of the land.
I cert dy• .n r, correct
RESOLUTION NO. 2004-01(R) cop,, t j anent.
, 1
City Secretary
WHEREAS, the City of Wylie wishes to honor the memory of Joel Wayne Scott; and;
WHEREAS, Joel Wayne Scott served on the City Council and was a public servant to the
Wylie Community for eight years, and to associate his memory with the land he loved near
Birmingham Elementary,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas:
that Birmingham Park be renamed"Joel Wayne Scott Memorial Park."
Duly passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the 13th
Day of January, 2004.
• _• John M dy, Mayo
�ii,,n i i i t oN•
Carole Ehrlich Secretary
We will be giving the group from the Trust for
Public Land a tour of the Wylie area on Monday,
January 26 from about 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Meet at the Municipal Complex near the Council
This is your invitation to tag along if you would
like. Let me know this weekend if you plan on
attending so we know to wait for you.
Thanks, Robert.
"""".". FALL 2003 • VOL.3, NO. 3
d y '
Letter from the Director
- Updates:
TPL and Nature Conservancy
Protect 709 Acres
Land Added to Austin's
Walnut Creek Trail
Open Space for Flood
A Day on the Land—
Kleb Woods Nature Preserve
Terry Hershey—A Force
of Nature
Fishing at the Sam Houston National Forest.TPL added more than 500 acres to the Forest in 1984.
"Lumpy" Kleb and the Lone Star Forest Legacy
In the fall of 1986,the story of a frail,white- Today,despite having 22 million acres of
bearded man living on his family's densely forests and woodlands—an area larger than the
forested land in Tomball,Texas received national state of Massachusetts,Connecticut,New Hamp-
attention.Elmer"Lumpy"Kleb,a reclusive fig- shire and Vermont combined—few recognize the The Trust for Public Land
ure rumored to have lived with a wounded value of these abundant resources to our state.As conserves land for people
vulture in his house,owned one of the few re- a top national producer of forest products,Texas to enjoy as parks, gardens,
maining,wooded tracts of land in this rapidly provides lumber,plywood,furniture,paper and a and other natural
growing area of northwest Houston.Simple and host of other supplies from the timber grown in places, ensuring livable
withdrawn—Elmer owed more than$150,000 on its forests.In the East Texas Piney Woods region, communities for
his family's 200-acre forested estate after refusing where the economic reliance on forestland is generations to come.
to pay property taxes for more than 20 years. most prevalent,nearly 80,000 Texans are paid
As local tax authorities threatened to acquire more than$2.9 billion in wages,salaries and
the old man's wooded sanctuary,the story of this benefits annually. W W W.tp 1.O rg
modern day Johny Appleseed was thrust into the Recognizing the importance of sustaining
national spotlight,catching the press's attention Texas'forest legacy,TPL has protected special
and others who postponed the tax sale of the forests and woodlands in Texas since 1983.Near m u
land and proposed to conserve Mr.Kleb's forest. Houston,TPL has added forestland to the Sam TRUST
In 1989,the Trust for Public Land(TPL), Houston National Forest and the Kleb Woods for
Commissioner Steve Radack,the Houston Nature Preserve.In North Texas,TPL linked the PUBLIC
Audubon Society and the Texas Parks and City of Dallas with neighborhoods to the east LAND
Wildlife Department joined together to save through additions to the Great Trinity Forest
this urban refuge.Five years later,Harris County Park in 1997.As part of the Austin's Woods
opened the Kleb Woods Nature Preserve to the Conservation Initiative,TPL has conserved
public,permanently protecting the forest retreat. timed page z
value such as timber production."This program
could not have come at a better time,"said
As a child I explored the woods of East Texas with my Andy Jones,director of The Conservation
' .> family and began a lifelong connection with the natu- Fund's Texas office."Implementation of the
;'''e ral world. We are blessed in Texas with such a variety of
Forest Legacy Program will play a key role in
landscapes,wildlife and plant life,and it is critical that we
combating the rate of land fragmentation in
look at many different ways to ensure a future that upholds
Texas by providing landowners with an additional
that diversity. The US Forest Service's Forest Legacy
Program,which will soon become available to Texas landowners(see article tool to help them stay on their land,benefiting
below), is an excellent tool that will help our state keep its forestland pro- both the local economy and the environment."
ductive and intact. Other programs are already available for communities In Texas,forests such as the Big Thicket
to provide parks and natural areas open to citizens. Each of these various National Preserve—one of the ten most endan-
approaches requires a lot of work, but the great forest heritage in Texas is gered national parks—are under serious threat
worth the effort for the next child who is awakened to the wonders of from fragmentation and pressure from new
nature. suburban development.Equally important is
TPL's Texas State Office is very pleased to introduce our newest staff increasing public access to Texas'forests.In the
member, Paul Lehner,who has joined TPL as a project manager for the East Texas Piney Woods only 7%of the forest-
North Texas Office. Paul grew up in Indiana,trained at Notre Dame and land is publically owned,making it impossible
Harvard and has worked in Dallas since the mid 1980's. He brings more than
for many Texans to access and enjoy this area of
30 years of private sector real estate experience in investment, management,
the state.
development and acquisition to TPL.
TPL has a history of protecting woods and forests in North Texas, includ In Texas'urban centers,where more than
ing forestland for the Great Trinity Forest Park in Dallas, and land for the 80%of us live,urban tree and forest populations
Cottonwood Creek Forest Preserve in southeast Dallas. Paul will explore are continually declining.Forests and woodlands
opportunities for TPL to work with citizens,cities,counties and other juris- provide the commercial products that we use
dictions in North Texas to bring awareness of the value of parks,the ways to daily in our homes,improve our water and air
finance parks and the methods of successful land acquisition. We are so quality,house diverse wildlife,boost local tourism
pleased that Paul is bringing his skills to TPL,as we continue to protect spe- and provide recreational opportunities.New
cial places across the state. / programs like the Forest Legacy Program will
„/ �� promote further forestland conservation in Texas,
!!!�"^^ but we're not quite'out of the woods'yet..
Valarie Bristol, Director
Texas State Office
"Lumpy" Kleb and the Lone Star Forest Legacy
continued from page 1
more than 4,000 acres of bottomland hardwood forest for the San Bernard
National Wildlife Refuge along Texas'Gulf Coast. TPL Ranked #1
In September,TPL along with The Conservation Fund and the Texas The Trust for Public Land was Four Star charity
Forest Service celebrated the addition of a new conservation program—the 1 ranked#1 of the best known
US Forest Service's Forest Legacy Program(FLP)—that will give charities in America by Charity _NL/ _
landowners and state and local governments a new method to protect forests in Navigator in their April 2003 /1\
Texas.The nationally funded program will help willing landowners maintain listing of America's 2,500 largest kit '
s,,' r�", .' } intact forestland to provide charities.
:VG tj 70 =A'� ',; traditional forest benefits
' iitri, r 1
,,' >~ 43 including timber harvest-
,. I' f+�" at ' - =h in ,wildlife habitat,
, 'r t , watershed protection and
mi{ ,` T. t4 t*:r i ,II, 1 open space conservation. TPL Making SmartMoney Choices
a i� i, • The program is or the fourth year in a row, Wall Street
l I' unique because it allows I Journal's SmartMoney magazine has rated
' landowners to protect the Trust for Public Land as one of the nation's
conservation values while most efficient conservation charities in its
also maintaining"working December 2003 issue.
forests"with economic
View of sunset at the Sam Houston National Forest.
Land Added to Austin's Expansion Program.The former ranchland will
Walnut Creek Trail further protect drinking water,stored under-
ground in the Edwards Aquifer—the primary
n November,TPL added nearly 8 acres,I
source of water for San Antonio.
located within the Walnut Creek watershed in TPL has pursued projects associated with
east Austin,to the City of Austin's Parks and the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone since 1990,
Recreation Department for the expansion of the protecting more than 11,500 acres over the
Walnut Creek trail. Aquifer.#
This project marks TPL's sixth effort with
the City of Austin for the Austin Greenways Open Space for Flood
and Destination Parks Program,designed to
improve park and open space access in under- Protection
served areas of Austin.Through the program, n an effort to manage the severity of flooding m
funds are earmarked for projects east of Interstate in Houston's Armand Bayou and Clear Creek
35,where many of Austin's low income and watersheds,TPL and the Harris County Flood Flowers spring up on a hilltop above
the Edwards Aquifer in San Antonio.
minority citizens live. Control District(HCFCD)teamed up to pro-
From its start at the headwaters of the creek tect more than 300 acres of existing open space n . ""
at Balcones District Park located off Duval Road, along Spring Gully in southeast Harris County.
Walnut Creek trail extends to Walnut Creek Met- The conservation effort will also help reduce the
ropolitan Park.Ultimately,the City hopes to pressure of further channelization of Armand
extend the trail to the Colorado River. Bayou,which has led to the loss of local,natural
The Walnut Creek trail initiative was one of and wildlife habitats.
the first projects aimed at improving the quality of Since the 1970s,Armand Bayou and its
life in Austin by facilitating a linear park system to watershed have received significant attention,
link neighborhoods,businesses and schools,and including the preservation of approximately
preserve open space and water quality. 2,500 acres in the Armand Bayou Nature Center, m
The property is located next to an approxi- and the designation of the lower,tidal part of
mately 198-acre property in east Austin that TPL Armand Bayou as a Texas Coastal Preserve by the A colorful prospect from a hillside at
acquired and conveyed to the City of Austin in Texas General Land Office and the Texas Parks Gallagher Ranch.
2002.. and Wildlife Department.
HCFCD hopes to partner with local entities, � .
TPL and Nature Conservancy either governments or non-profits,to provide
recreational opportunities on the property,such '•"
Protect 709 Acres over as trails or ball fields. `"
Edwards Aquifer -.1k , --i
"This is the beginning of what we hope to be '' a
In their first ever collaborative project in the a lasting partnership with the Trust for Public ��
TPL and The Nature Conservancy Land,and we look forward to future opportune- i
of Texas(TNC)transferred 709 acres of criti- ties with them,"said Flood Control District 4 4.
call sensitive open space to the Cityof San Director Mike Talbott
y P P
Antonio for permanent protection. In 2004,TPL's Houston Galveston office m A spider spins its web near
The land is part of a large historic ranch, hopes to work with the HCFCD to preserve Spring Gully.
Gallagher Ranch,the oldest dude ranch in Texas. more land in Harris County for flood manage-
It is named for its original founder,Irish immi- ment,and provide more public open space for
grant Peter Gallagher,a civil engineer who was Houston residents.
commissioned by Mexican president Antonio
Lopez de Santa Anna in 1833 to find a location TPL
for a military supply depot within a 25-mile TEXAS Ilt TPL in TEXAS
''*--radius of San Antonio de Bexar,the name of the TPL has protected more than 23,000 acres in
city under Mexican rule. Texas.For a list of projects in your area click on
In October,TPL and TNC transferred our new Texas Project Map at
the tract to the City of San Antonio for the www,tpl.org/texas
Edwards Aquifer Land Acquisition and Park
A Day on the Land—Kleb Woods Nature Preserve
by Fred Collins
oots run deep into the loam soil.Trees planted by Elmer Kleb 50 years ago,by his father 100
years ago and his grandfather perhaps as early as 1871 have deep roots in all senses of the word.
History and land are intertwined at the Kleb Woods Nature Preserve as surely as the yaupon inter-
twines the windmill by the old prairie pothole.
"A Day on the Land" Traversing this dense yaupon understory,I anticipate what new discoveries this day might bring.
is a series describing Now grown,mature pine trees,planted by Elmer about the time of his father's death,shoot up from
old crop fields,creating an open pine canopy over my head.Between 1956 and today the trees have
special lands—places moved south from Montgomery County and Elmer's plantings have prospered,creating a simplistic
in Texas that have pine forest.
been protected From old photos as well as a 1930 aerial photo I can see that these thick woods were originally
for people to open country.Tall grass prairie,with approximately 30 acres that were used for farming, 10 acres that
enjoy through the were hayed and the balance grazed with cattle,stretched over the entire property.Here,like most
early 20th century farms,cotton and corn were the two most important crops.Family letters I have
work of the read tell that other crops including white and sweet potatoes,hogs,sheep for wool,chickens and
Trust for Public Land. geese were important components of the farm of Eduard Kleb,Elmer's father.
These narratives are Yesterday we recaptured a White-throated Sparrow that we first banded last April just before it
departed north for the summer.It's home for the winter.Throughout the year these woods harbor
written by guest
more than 114 species of plants,29 species of butterflies, 16 species of reptiles and amphibians, 13
writers—people who species of mammals and 120 species of birds,but most importantly—many memories.
derive physical and Walking through the preserve I see Long-tailed Skippers,wary of my approach,skip over the
spiritual nourishment lantana that blooms at the edge of the homestead clearing.Often,White-tailed Deer bounce
from these places. through the woods.Or a Roadrunner scoots away so quickly and silently that it could be Elmer's
ghost.Red-bellied Woodpeckers drum a steady beat that blend all the sights and sounds into a sym-
phony of sensory stimulations,reminding me of Elmer's gift for all of us who will stop,watch and
listen to what these deep roots shelter.
Fred Collins is the director of the Kleb Woods Nature Preserve Project for
Harris County Precinct 3 Parks Department. He is the former Director of
AL, the Nature Discovery Center in Bellaire, former president of the Houston
Audubon Society and currently serves on the advisory board of the Katy
Prairie Conservancy.
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Elmer and sister,Myrtle in 1919. The Kh b farmhouse of 1896.
Terry Hershey—A Force of Nature
Force of Nature,"is the phrase that also one of the organizers of the Society of Per-
,,.. many of her peers in Houston have used ' `� forming Arts.At his death,Jake was a member
to describe Terese Tarlton"Terry"Hershey.An ` kOle emeritus of the Texas Philosophical Society,a di-
untiring advocate of conservation at the state and a ` "` rector of the Houston SPCA,and along with
national levels,Terry Hershey has been recog- i" Terry,a National Leadership Council member of
nized by the Houston City Magazine as one of the the Trust for Public Land.
20 most influential women in Houston.To those Terry and Jake Hershey's efforts have been
that know Terry,this comes as no surprise. recognized numerous times.Terry has received
Several major conservation organizations in several state and national awards,including the
Houston owe their existence and much of their Outstanding Citizen Environmentalist of the
success to Terry's efforts.From activating the Year,Texas Conservation Awards;Individual
Bayou Preservation Association,to creating the Awards for Volunteer Work,Texas Recreation
Citizens Who Care,which later evolved into the and Parks Society;White Hat Award,Heritage
Citizens'Environmental Coalition,Terry has Conservation and Recreation Service,Depart-
been the force behind the establishment of several organizations, ment of Interior;The Frances K.Hutchison Medal for
including the Houston Audubon Society,the Sam Houston Re- Distinguished Services to Conservation,Garden Club of Ameri-
source Conservation and Development Board,Urban Harvest, ca;Lifetime Achievement Award from the Houston Audubon
the Memorial Park Conservancy,the Park People and the San Society;The National Parks Foundation Honorable Cornelius
Jacinto Air Conservation Committee,to name a few. Amory Pugsley Award;and the National Recreation and Park As-
Terry has fought to keep Galveston Bay and the Gulf Coast sociation Ralph C.Wilson Award.
clean,and to protect the natural beauty of state waterways,rivers The Trust for Public Land is especially thankful to Terry and
and bayous.Her tireless efforts started in the early 1960s,when Jake Hershey for their support and guidance,first with Terry
Terry discovered that Buffalo Bayou—the main river in Hous- serving as a national board member from 1979 to 1992,and then
ton—was being stripped of vegetation and being channelized both as National Leadership Council members.While Jake will
with federal funds.After several months of fighting to stop this, be severely missed by TPL and conservationists across the na-
Terry took her case to her then local congressman,George tion,we are grateful that Terry continues to bring change and
H.W.Bush,who,after hearing her case,pledged his support and enlightenment to our lives.4
arranged an appearance for Terry before the House Sub-Com-
mittee on Appropriations in Congress.Upon hearing the
presentation the Committee Chair asked incredulously,"Con-
gressman,you do not want us to spend money in your district?"
to which the Congressman replied,"That is correct.There has c s the Trust for Public Land completes 31
to be a better way of managing storm water than straightening .3 .„ As
of land conservation,we are very
and concreting rivers."Over the last 35 years Terry has proved grateful to all our donors for helping TPL
him right o ' • 1- ' achieve its mission in Texas.With your help
TPL has completed over 49 projects in the state,
Throughout,Terry has relied on unwavering support from protecting more than 25,000 acres of open
her husband,Jacob Wilbur"Jake"Hershey.In 1961,Jake and w < ' space.We thank our supporters for their gen-
Terry founded the Hershey Foundation,later named the Jacob erous gifts and their commitment to TPL's"land for people"
and Terese Hershey Foundation,the primary focus of which has
been natural resource conservation.One of Jake's main goals,un- ®people in Texas.To make a contribution to our land conserve-
till his passing away in April of 2000,was to protect Galveston
tion efforts,please call Anjali Kaul at(512)478-4644,or visit our
Bay.An incorporator of the Galveston Bay Foundation,Jake was Web site at www.tpl.org.
I want to help protect Texas' open space—acre by acre. °"
• Included is my donation to the Trust for Public Land.
n >
$25 $250 Name •
$50 $500 Address
$100 Other$ City State Zip
Thank You! m
Mail your contribution to:The Trust for Public Land,Texas State Office,
815 Brazos Street, Suite 400, Austin,TX 78701 Phone(512)478-4644 Fax(512)478-4522
111C The Trust for Public Land
Texas State Office
PUBLIC 815 Brazos Street AUSTIN TX
LAND Suite 400 PERMIT NO. 2954
r Austin,TX 78701
Earth Share
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, •
Create a Legacy of
Protected LandS
Plan a bequest to TPL
Your bequest will protect lands where
future generations can play, explore,
Texas State Office Staff meditate and renew their spirits.
Valarie Bristol,State Office Director You can remember TPL in your will or
Paige Cooper,Texas Government Paul Lehner, Project Manager, North Texas living trust, or name TPL a beneficiary of
Affairs Director Amy Morris, Project Manager your IRA, qualified retirement plan or a
Anjali Kaul, Director of Development Linda Shead, Program Director, life insurance policy. Let us welcome you
Benjamin Larkin, Marketing and Public Houston/Galveston into TPL's Legacy Circle.
Affairs Associate For further information please contact
Sage Bubolo,Director of Planned Giving,
The Trust for Public Land,
116 New Montgomery St.,4th Floor,
This update is published every four months to keep the many supporters,partners San Francisco,
CA 94105-3680.
and friends of TPL up to date on our projects and programs in Texas.Your thoughts, 415)495-4014 ext.405
comments and contributions are welcome.Please contact Anjali Kaul,editor planned.gissng@tpl.org
(Anjali Kaul@tpl.org),or Benjamin Larkin,associate editor(Benjamin.Larkin@TPL.org),
or call(512)478-4644 for more information.
TRUST Texas Conservation Finance Program
F 0 R Creating Public Funding for Parks and Conservation in Texas.
LAND The Trust for Public Land's(TPL)Conservation Finance Program assists communities,citizens and
elected leaders achieve their open space and park acquisition goals by creating and expanding sources
of public funding for land conservation. TPL is the largest and oldest group in the country working on
conservation finance,with more than 25 professionals devoted to this type of work. Since 1996,TPL
has helped communities pass 192 local and state ballot measures that have generated more than$35
Conserving Land billion in new conservation-related funding,including$18 billion for land acquisition and restoration.
for People
Through the Conservation Finance Program,TPL offers the following services to communities:
Feasibility Research
To accurately assess the potential for a successful land conservation/public finance measure, Research Types
TPL has found that it is necessary to conduct background research on a variety of issues that
will affect the measures outcome.TPL's expert research staff uses the results of this • Legal Options
demographic,fiscal,legal,and election research to help communities determine the optimal • Fiscal Analysis
form of the financing mechanism(e.g. sales tax,general obligation bonds,etc.),guide the • Political Analysis
survey research development process and to assist in making informed decisions about when • Election Analysis
to place the measure on the ballot.
Public Opinion Survey Development
TPL believes that polling is an essential decision-making tool in every conservation finance 3 Important Questions
measure. A poll can help community leaders evaluate the potential success of a proposed
measure;determine voter tolerance for various levels of spending,taxation and indebtedness; 1. How much are people willing to pay,
and test the effectiveness of themes,messages and arguments(pros and cons)of a proposed 2. through what funding mechanism
3. for what purposes?
As part of this process,TPL can assist with issue identification,selection of a pollster,questionnaire design,sample
design,and analysis and presentation of results.
Measure Design
Ballot Language
Since most voters will see the measure for the first time in the voting booth,a very important
step with any successful ballot measure is developing clear,understandable ballot language. • Follows the law
TPL has extensive experience in the drafting of ballot language including legal evaluation and • Easy to read and understand
determination of appropriate ballot title and language. TPL can assist communities to create • Explains fiscal safeguards
and structure a measure so that it follows the law,and emphasizes a purpose rather than a
Campaign Strategy
Get the Word Out
TPL can also help communities organize effective promotional campaigns that educate and
inform voters about specific conservation initiatives. TPL's experts are skilled in campaign • selection of media professionals
message development,targeting,direct mail design,earned media,grassroots organizing, ▪ writing,design,and production of
direct mail
and GOTV efforts. • writing and design of radio and
television advertisements
• public education programs
• get-out-the-vote campaigns
The Trust for Public Land
Texas State Office
815 Brazos Street,Suite 400
Austin,TX 78701
Fax(512)478-4522 Earth Share
http://www.tpl.org OF TEXAS
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