02-23-2004 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, February 23, 2004 6:30 P.M. Council Chambers Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North Swearing in ceremony for new Parks and Recreation Board Member, Jamie VanEaton. CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN PARTICIPATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. January 26, 2004 ACTION ITEMS 2. Discuss and consider request from the Wylie Preparatory Academy to have a fundraiser carnival at Olde City Park and the Bart Peddicord on May 1, 2004. 3. Discuss and consider naming Sage Creek Park or a park facility located within Sage Creek Park in memory of the late Park and Recreation Board member, Larry Bowles. DISCUSSION ITEMS -Skorburg Developments -Landscape requirements -Sage Creek Phase VIII Concept Development Plan -Grant projects update ADJOURNMENT ‘a4,0.1C ??2#...e.i&Posted this the o� Day o , 2004 at 5:00 p.m. &`"ccoo THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 972-442-8100 Or TDD 972-442-8170. Parks and Recreation Board Agenda Communication for February 23, 2004 Issue Discuss the current Landscape Requirements and their potential impact on the structural integrity of sidewalks and recommend any changes or revisions. Background At the February 10, 2004 Wylie City Council meeting,the Council directed staff advisory board liaisons to take the current Landscape Requirements to their respective boards for review. The review should consider, but is not limited to, what impacts the Landscape Requirements may have on the structural integrity of sidewalks located throughout the City. Any recommended changes to the Landscape Requirements are to be forwarded to the Wylie City Council for review and consideration. The City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance was adopted on November 11, 2001 and amended on September 26, 2003. Section 7.7 of the Zoning Ordinance replaced Section 22, Chapter XII, Landscape and Screening Standards, Section 22-436 through 22-442 of the Wylie Code of Ordinances. Section 7.7 of the Zoning Ordinance currently governs landscaping requirements throughout the City. One issue discussed at the February 10, 2004 Wylie City Council meeting involved what kind of impact certain trees, i.e., mulberry trees, may have upon the structural integrity of sidewalks in residential neighborhoods. It was noted that trees or other types of landscaping with large and shallow root systems may have the potential to negatively affect sidewalks. Such root systems, if established in close proximity to a sidewalk, can undermine the sidewalk and cause a section of sidewalk to separate and lift upward thus creating a tripping hazard. Section 7.7, B., 2 states: "This section does not apply to lots containing only single-family and/or duplex uses where only one single-family or two- family structure is constructed." Therefore, in their present form, the Landscaping Requirements are not applicable to residential neighborhoods or subdivisions. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendations N/A Attachments Zoning Ordinance Section 7.7—Landscape Requirements. .//441b Pr ared by itie Zoning Ordinance 7. To accommodate grade changes of six inches or greater,a retaining wall or tree well of rock, brick, landscape timbers or other approved materials shall be constructed around the tree no closer than the drip line of the tree. The top of the retaining wall or tree well shall be constructed at the new grade. E. Enforcement 1. Any person that removes a protected tree(s) from any real property, including any injury to a protected tree resulting from the failure to follow required tree protection measures that causes or may reasonably be expected to cause the tree to die shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as follows: a. A monetary penalty of 100 dollars per caliper inch of width of the protected tree(s) removed, payable to the City of Wylie. Funds paid to the City as tree removal penalties shall be deposited in a special account or fund and used by the City to provide and/or support supplemental landscape plantings in public areas of Wylie. Or b. Replacement with new trees having a total tree caliper width equivalent to that of the removed tree(s). The replacement trees shall have a minimum caliper width of three inches. measured at six inches above ground level, and a minimum height of at least six feet, and shall be planted in a location(s)as approved by the City 2. All trees planted as a requirement of this subsection shall meet the standards and specifications for landscaping provided in Section 7.7 Landscape Requirements SECTION 7.7 LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS A. Purpose The process of urban development with its alteration of the natural topography, vegetation, and creation of impervious cover can have a negative effect on the ecological balance of an area by causing increases in air temperatures and accelerating the processes of runoff, erosion, and sedimentation. The economic base of the City can and should be protected through the preservation and enhancement of its unique natural beauty, environment, and vegetative space. This section has the following specific purposes: 1. To implement the Wylie Comprehensive Plan. 2. To aid in stabilizing the environment's ecological balance by contributing to the processes of air purification, oxygen regeneration, groundwater recharge, and (storm water) runoff retardation, while at the same time aiding in noise, glare and heat abatement. 3. To insure that landscaping is an integral part of development, not an afterthought. 4. To provide visual buffering between land uses of differing character to alleviate the harshness of urban life. 5. To enhance the beautification of the City. 6. To safeguard and enhance property values and to protect public and private investments. 7. To preserve and protect the unique identity and environment of the City of Wylie and preserve the economic base attracted to the City of Wylie because of these qualities. 8. To conserve energy. Page 170 ARTICLE 7-GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Adopted November 2001 Amended September 2003 Zoning Ordinance 9. To protect the public health, safety and general welfare. B. Applicability 1. Except as otherwise provided below,these landscape regulations shall apply to all land located in the City of Wylie. These landscaping requirements shall become applicable to each individual lot when a site plan is submitted for Commission review or an application for a building permit on the lot is made. The maintenance requirements in subsection G of this section shall apply to all applications for building permits. 2. This section does not apply to lots containing only single-family and/or duplex uses where only one single-family or two-family structure is constructed. 3. This section applies to the following: a. Multifamily Districts b. Neighborhood Services Districts c. Community Retail Districts d. Commercial Corridor Districts e. Business Center Districts f. Industrial Districts g. Planned Development Districts h. Specific Use Permits i. Applications for building permits or for certificates of occupancy for a change in use. _. j. Applications for building permits for construction work that: (1) Increases the number of stories in a building on the lot; or (2) Increases by more than ten percent or 10,000 square feet, whichever is less, the combined floor areas of all buildings on the lot; or (3) Increases the non-permeable lot coverage by more than 2,000 square feet. k. Building permit applications for exterior remodeling with a value equal to or greater than $10,000.00 exclusive of maintenance and repair. 4. When the ordinance becomes applicable to a lot, its requirements are binding on all current and subsequent owners of the lot. 5. When establishing or amending a planned development district, or amending a special use permit, the Council shall, as a minimum, impose landscaping requirements as a part of any ordinance, that are reasonably consistent with the standards and purposes of this section. All landscaping requirements imposed by the Council must be reflected in landscape and irrigation plans that comply in form and content with the requirements of Subsection C. Submission Requirements. 6. The Board may grant a special exception to the landscaping requirements of this section upon making a special finding from the evidence presented that strict compliance with the requirements of this Article will result in substantial financial hardship or inequity to the applicant without sufficient corresponding benefit to the City and its citizens in accomplishing the objectives and purposes of this section. The applicant, to be considered for special exception, must submit a justification statement that describes: a. Which of the requirements set forth in this section will be met with modifications, ..— b. Which project conditions justify using alternatives, and Adopted November 2001 ARTICLE 7—GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Page 171 Amended September 2003 pill Zoning Ordinance ..,. c. I-low the proposed measures equal or exceed normal compliance. C. Submission Requirements 1. The landscape and irrigation plans submitted under this section shall: a. Include 6 folded blue or black line copies for review. b. Have a scale of one inch equals 100 feet or larger(e.g., one inch equals 50 feet, or one inch equals 40 feet, etc) and be on a standard drawing sheet of a size not to exceed 24 inches by 36 inches. In the event a single sheet is not practicable, multiple sheets may be used if, on each sheet: (1) Match lines are indicated; and (2) A composite drawing is provided that shows the entire proposed development, location of the match lines, sheet numbers, and the location of the sheet within the proposed development by the shading in of the appropriate area on the composite. 2. Landscape and irrigation plans required under this section must contain the following information: a. Date, scale, north arrow, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of both the property owner and the person preparing the plan. b. Project name, street address, and lot and block description. c. Location of all buildings, parking areas, walks, and other improvements. d. Location, height, and material of proposed screening and fencing (with berm to be delineated by one-foot contours). e. The location, type and size of all existing trees on the lot must be specifically indicated. f Complete description of proposed plant materials shown on the plan, including names (common and botanical name), locations, quantities, container or caliper sizes, heights, spread, and spacing. g. Complete description of landscaping and screening to be provided in or near off-street parking and loading areas, including information as to the amount (in square feet)of landscape area compared to gross site square feet. h. Size, height, location, and material of proposed seating, lighting, planters, sculptures, decorative paving, and water features. i. Cross section drawing of berms and grading plan showing berm contours. j. Location of sprinkler heads, valves, double-check valve, water meter, automatic controller and rain and freeze sensors. k. Landscape plans shall contain the certification and a stamp of a landscape architect licensed in the State of Texas that the plans have been reviewed by an architect and satisfy all requirements of these landscape regulations. 1. Irrigation plans shall contain the certification and stamp of an irrigator licensed by the State of Texas Board of Irrigators that the plans were prepared by an irrigator and satisfy all requirements of these landscape regulations. D. General Requirements 1. Once landscaping is installed according to an approved plan, a landscape architect licensed in the State of Texas shall review the installation and certify that it is in accordance with the approved plan. Page 172 ARTICLE 7—GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Adopted November 2001 Amended September 2003 l Zoning Ordinance 2. Due to seasonal planting problems and a lack of plant availability, approved landscape plans may require minor revisions. Revised landscaping plans shall be accepted if: a. there is no reduction in the quality of plant material, b. no significant change in size or location of plant materials, c. the new plants are of the same general category(i.e., shade, ornamental, or evergreen trees) d. have the same general design characteristics (mature height, crown spread) as the materials being replaced. 3. All plant material (including street trees and planting within the public right-of-way) shall be watered with an automatic irrigation system subject to the following requirements. a. Irrigation sprinkler layouts shall be designed to minimize the amount of spray that will fall on sidewalks, neighboring properties, and adjacent buildings. b. Backflow prevention devices shall be placed in compliance with City of Wylie standards. c. The City encourages the use of water-conserving system design and materials including the use of drip irrigation where appropriate. d. Separate valves for turf and non-turf areas shall be installed to accommodate different water use requirements within the landscaped area. e. Rain sensors are encouraged to be installed and operational to reduce water use. 4. Landscaping in visibility triangles. No landscaping shall obstruct the view between access drives and dedicated streets, parking aisles, or access drives of parking lots. Landscaping within visibility triangles, as defined in subsection 7.8, shall comply with the following requirements: a. No plants with a height greater than 2.5 feet are allowed in the visibility triangle, except single trunk trees with a minimum branching clearance of seven feet from the ground to the first branch. b. Trees are to be of a size and so spaced that a visual obstruction that represents a traffic hazard is not created. c. Plants shall not reduce or limit visibility to such an extent that a safety hazard is presented. Plants normally considered as effective screens shall be unacceptable for use in the visibility triangle. E. Landscape Design Requirements Specific landscape requirements are provided in Article 3, Residential District Regulations and Article 4,Nonresidential District Regulations, Approved landscape plans shall comply with all base standards and shall have the number of points required to gain approval of a site plan or building permit as specified in Article 3 and 4. F. Landscape Standards and Specifications 1. Plant Materials.All plant materials should be native or adapted to the north Texas region. The Director shall maintain and make available for distribution, a list of acceptable locally-adapted trees and shrubs to meet minimum planting requirements of these regulations. 2. Plant materials shall conform to the requirements described in the latest edition of American Standard For Nursery Stock, published by the American Association of Nurserymen. 3. Plants shall conform to the measurements and specifications listed below, with caliper measurements taken 12 inches above grade. Minimum branching height for all shade trees shall be six feet. Adopted November 2001 ARTICLE 7—GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Page 173 Amended September 2003 rell Zoning Ordinance a. Minimum size for shade trees shall be three inches in caliper and 14 to 16 feet in height. Tree heights shall be from tops of root balls to nominal tops of plants. b. Trees shall be healthy, vigorous, full-branched, well-shaped and symmetrical. c. Root balls shall be firm, neat, slightly tapered and well-burlapped. d. Trees shall be free of physical damage such as scrapes, bark abrasions, split branches, mistletoe or other parasitic growth. e. Minimum size for ornamental shade trees shall be three inches in diameter. f. Minimum size for ornamental flowering trees shall be eight to ten feet in height. g. Minimum size for evergreen trees shall be eight to ten feet in height. h. Minimum size for shrub containers shall be five gallon. Substitution of three gallon material meeting the height requirement of five gallon shrubs is acceptable. Shrubs shall be full bodied, well-shaped and symmetrical. i. Ground cover spacing shall be eight inches on center maximum for four-inch pots and 16 inches on center maximum for one-gallon containers. 4. The City shall reject any trees delivered and/or planted not meeting the minimum size and shape standards set forth above. 5. All shrub beds shall be edged using steel, concrete, masonry, or pre-cast concrete edging and all plant materials mulched with a two-inch laver of bark or shredded Cypress mulch. G. Landscape Maintenance 1. All landscaped areas must be kept in a healthy and growing condition. All seasonal plantings must be replaced at the appropriate time as indicated in the landscape plan. Any plant materials that die during a time of year where it is not feasible to replant, shall be replaced as soon as possible. 2. Landscape maintenance includes, but is not limited to, the following: a. Prompt removal of all litter, trash, refuse and waste; b. Lawn mowing on a periodic basis during the growing season; c. Shrub pruning according to accepted practices of landscape professionals to maintain plants in a healthy condition; d. Tree pruning according to latest edition of the Tree-Pruning Guidelines published by the International Society of Arboriculture; e. Watering of landscaped areas on a regular basis to maintain good plant health; f. Keeping landscape lighting in working order; g. Keeping lawn and garden areas alive, free of weeds, and attractive; cleaning of abutting waterways and landscaped areas lying between public right-of-way lines and the property unless the streets, waterways or landscaped areas are expressly designated to be maintained by applicable governmental authority. 3. All required landscaped areas shall be irrigated using one of the following methods: a. Conventional automatic sprinkler system, installed underground, and using spray and/or bubble type heads; b. Drip or leaky-pipe system using an automatic or manual underground system in conjunction with a water saving system such as drip heads, or leaky-pipes. Page 174 ARTICLE 7—GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Adopted November 2001 Amended September 2003 reZoning Ordinance c. Landscaped areas using xeriscape plants and installation techniques, including native grasses and wildflowers may use a temporary above ground irrigation system. H. Enforcement 1. Any property owner or tenant that fails to meet any of the above maintenance requirements shall: a. Be given a written notice of the failure by the City; b. Within ten days after receiving the notice the property owner or tenants must correct any maintenance shortcomings. c. Should any property owner fail to fulfill this duty and responsibility within the required period, the City may: (1) Revoke any building permits, certificates of occupancy, or other approvals or permits previously issued for the premises; or, (2) Withhold approval for building permits, certificates of occupancy, and other permits or approvals relating to the premises; or (3) Have the right and power to enter onto the premises and perform care and maintenance. The property owner and tenants of any part of the premises on which the work is performed shall jointly and severally be liable for the costs of the work and shall promptly reimburse the City for the costs. If the property owner or tenant shall fail to reimburse the City within 30 days after receipt of a statement for the work from the City, the said indebtedness shall be a debt of all of said persons jointly and severally, and shall constitute a lien against the premises on which the work was performed. The lien may be evidenced by an affidavit of costs filed in the real property records. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed $2,000.00 and a separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 7.8 VISIBILITY TRIANGLES A. Protected Area A person shall not erect, place, or maintain a structure, berm, plant life, or any other item on a lot if the item is: 1. In a visibility triangle as defined in paragraph 2 below; and 2. Between the height of 2.5 feet and seven feet, measured from the top of the adjacent street curb, except as provided in subsection 7.7, Landscape Requirements. If there is no adjacent street curb, the measurement is taken from the grade of the paved portion of the street adjacent to the visibility triangle. B. Visibility Triangle Defined For the purposes of paragraph 1, above,the term "visibility triangle" means: 1. For all street intersections, the portion of a corner lot within a triangular area formed by connecting together the point of intersection of adjacent street curb lines (or, if there are no street curbs, what would be the normal street curb lines) and points on each of the street curb lines created by a sight line projected from the centerline of the nearest on-coming travel lane, starting at the minimum sight distance for a stopped vehicle based on the design speed of the through roadway, corrected for grade, (see chart showing minimum sight distances and grade correction distances) and a point Adopted November 2001 ARTICLE 7—GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Page 175 Amended September 2003 . Parks and Recreation Board Agenda Communication for February 23, 2004 Issue Discussion of the conceptual plan for parkland dedication in the proposed Sage Creek Phase VIII Subdivision. Background The Ashton Development Company has submitted a conceptual plan for parkland dedication for Sage Creek Phase VIII. The development is located generally south of the Sage Creek North Development and northeast of the existing Lakeside Estates Development This development would be one that is subject to the recently-adopted Parkland Dedication Ordinance and fees. The developer has not provided any specifics as to the number of acres of dedicated parkland or the amount of funds in lieu of parkland, due to the fact that this is only a conceptual plan. The developer is showing possible trail linkages along Muddy Creek and the exsisting Sage Creek parkland. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendations N/A Attachments Sage Creek Phase VII location map Parkland dedication conceptual plan for Sage Creek Phase VII P pared by an NI itu ,,• ,,,� aa ate' ��BOLL fr111 V+11A �, 011116 11M.10 ..... r cam. i :111111 `1M11111 t■ r /h1m1 11MOIL v.yfUokrT. riUllluunnr 1nu+uunnuU - AB 1Y11 — „tu. 1r rr Illlrl 11 0uwulr1= -1uiI'Iyrtt'J subject i iO =i1 J PtopeAy _ p111111 w vasllll rsfinimm: � ti.11/111111 1 Alma 3 "a'ut n uulu� f__-.mus, �� 9 -1 .mum�v:i 'M'MINI -�. tL'- 1u111u p p E 3 C fw ��pp�E...1..1f� g: i 4\4pW111u,M. .- t Hu 'Viimimppn►`lla ! �' 1U 1iidnia111111111.11 - wo n a__i mnmm - .. �. ...uuwn� .c I.. r I< r., W11 __ ..ram . .....'.i.'..i�-.L. _____ifirEzt,N♦ a�I--nnry .1.17:411:iiiuni-nil � 1=�g���i� 511► Ww=fmt, -uum um III rnn Vi_N`„�" I PPP 1 U 1 %p-l�•uII ! �w1 '�•inn. mnu1n1m1• U1 uuViy i — �j' �11i1i Il11 wp _ ! —I i. r! 1 LI /lam. EI. ' H,,,,,..n...•--humfienn —1 c ;GG•u� ,_ � p_ja , 1 j t II n���/���:ri i t 11 1 l I l I, i t WA',1� L . 1/ L k �� Jor.2, t, . _ . m� ' -. .•►iu"DEA&..: . ,/ ,i0.eau n• ; w1 nu.:~ft .-. mu mnml —�• , 1 IP wsiraZip.firagE57•3F.,=-3 lir:0-=E a a E:''5:S1.ri:E:::S'S=Nunn ., 1 1J 1 _ri. ° i �r�1111m�� - , . - qi 1• 1L i t c1 • 1 -� - 1 , 1 1 N_ LOCATION MAP SAGE CREEK PHASE 8 Parks and Recreation Board Agenda Communication for February 23, 2004 Issue Discuss and consider naming Sage Creek Park or a park facility located within Sage Creek Park in memory of the late Park and Recreation Board member, Larry Bowles. Background The Board discussed this issue at the January 26, 2004 meeting, and the issue was tabled to allow the board members to visit the site prior to the February meeting. The Board discussed creating and naming a landscaped area or amenity within Sage Creek Park in the memory of Larry Bowles. Staff also clarified the exact location of Sage Creek Park. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendations Staff has reviewed the attached policies and contacted Mrs. Bowles in the interest of determining the wishes of the family. Mrs. Bowles stated that she is aware that the Sage Creek Homeowners Association (HOA) has shown an interest in naming a park in memory of her late husband; however, she did not give staff a clear understanding of the immediate family's wishes on this issue. Staff communicated that it would recommend that the Board name an existing 10.3 acre tract after Larry Bowles. The suggested name is the "Larry Bowles Nature Area". The tract is adjacent to Riverway Lane and is located immediately to the north of the existing Sage Creek Amenity Center. A sign that will be in close proximity to the Bowles' residence can be located on the site. This tract is already developed with irrigation, a concrete walking trail, benches, and litter receptacles. Mr. Bowles was influential in working with staff to have the benches and litter receptacles installed at this site. This area will eventually be connected to and become an integral part of an expansive walking trail system as indicated in the Wylie Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. The trail system would extend generally in a north/south direction and follow Muddy Creek. As development occurs adjacent to Muddy Creek, staff works with developers to assure that parkland is dedicated to the City for the trail system. Attachments Park Naming Policy Park Memorial Dedication Policy Plat for Sage Creek Phase IV Prepared by 66,,,4-. (A-w I ‘ --------- ---- ..... Items for February meeting Larry Bowles P11/411.1 CF'ark naming Quail Meadow) (AP/tA70/1 ,4_,N,A• ) .._, ___________ a„---014,vii,k ii Athletic Policy change i.e. seasons .....____ * (Yu` Sr. Program policy '1'krt,4v,,, 0 IAA fjC00 (ACIAJV -- b1"2"'- _466•Ar..)V (--- 1144-C, \ A-ekt714N t AertAIVtli - re*"(-1% 91/14t/lh ----:--t -T4-1---"-----------lj — _____- --------- ------tt- f fistja. 61,01/4i{,,,f_ R-01 tA\A/4b'kt i 4)16 /iiiip rdp , ) 4 lur' _.------"' ,,, tillile 4fik°A(A ,e 1,717tAA -- 14°4-1 4/1.',, S. •)/t, a. . —31)(,1 6 4tre)., et,-d-- * — 0/viAA. zwtt.e, i a Ct-e4k Page 1 of 2 Robert Diaz From: Aimee Nemer[anemer@ci.wylie.tx.us] Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 4:01 PM To: 'Robert Diaz' Subject: RE: New Board Member Ok, Our office will send a letter notifying her of the appointment. Here is the contact info I have from her original app - Jamie VanEaton 1001 Oakbrook Drive Wylie, Texas 75098 972/429-4982 cleochatra2000@yahoo.com Aimee Nemer Administrative Assistant City Secretary's Office 972/442-8100 972/442-8106 fax anemer@ciwylie.tx.us City of Wylie • 2000 Highway 78 North • Wylie, Texas 75098 • www.ci.wylie.tx.us Original Message From: Robert Diaz [mailto:rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us] Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 3:52 PM To: Aimee Nemer Subject: RE: New Board Member I have not contacted her, I don't have any information...can you forward to me? Original Message From: Aimee Nemer[mailto:anemer@ci.wylie.tx.us] Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 3:09 PM To: ROBERT DIAZ Subject: New Board Member Robert, Have you contacted Ms.VanEaton to let her know of her appointment?I am getting ready to email her to verify contact information before I update the B&C list but I wanted to make sure she has been notified first. I will also invite her to Tuesday's Council meeting in honor of the outgoing Board Members. 02/04/2004 February 4,2004 Ms.Jamie VanEaton 1001 Oakbrook Drive Wylie,Texas 75098 Re: Appointment to the Parks&Recreation Board Dear Ms.VanEaton, On behalf of the Wylie City Council and the City Staff, we would like to offer our congratulations for your recent appointment to the Parks & Recreation Board. The Council made the appointment at the Regular Meeting of January 27, 2004 to fill an unexpired term ending in July of 2005. We realize that your time and personal commitments are important to you and we would like to extend our appreciation for your willingness to serve on the Parks&Recreation Board. The Community is fortunate to have citizens, such as you,who choose to make a difference with generous donations of time and commitment. The Council and Staff recognize your efforts and appreciate your willingness to work together for the betterment of Wylie. If we can offer our assistance with your service to the Parks& Recreation Board, please contact this office and we will be happy to accommodate you. Congratulations once again on your recent appointment. Enclosed is a listing of the City of Wylie Boards & Commissions, and a Board Member Profile for you to complete. Please complete this information and bring it with you to your first Board meeting. You may also email it to anemer@ci.wylie.tx.us. The Park Board Staff Liaison,Robert Diaz will be contacting you with information about your first meeting. Sincerely, Carole Ehrlich,TRMC Aimee Nemer City Secretary Administrative Assistant /aen Enclosures Feb 18 04 01: 16p City of Wylie Bldg Insp 9724428154 p. 2 -, . �.. a :: .»w - - »wu«w.N { 1. i 'I i . '. . \ . j (..\.'N" 1 g 11 / ., . . .. , • !lig;11. I. ' " ti i I • 1,46Cii I tin 1j 1x Kt. S .,maw.: d 1Jhii. l . . a fill d z — 1• - f----' w ' .:, ) 0 i - - .... ,_ . ---______-_,1----Isis ri : o -' ` ' OWNS\taiga , �® , { 1!lloi Neel ( '"" 1 /� 110111E111 H!= 1 ° • MINIM 111110111311 i r MIN MEIN I 11111:111111 111511110E1 1 . ( �Q MEE 1 11!!Q1 M11 1 A I ii/�ii1 � 1QE�1 � 1m® 1Q11:111 i R 1 ��MII NE ]mem, 1 �� ) Lam_ J \ __.---..Ira:7 1 t ! • M 4 i ! f1 iI $ - i — , _ liallacjimmil i err !_ai4 i lezlis!IR& L.___ 1 1 Ailiki i _ City of Wylie Parks and Recreation De • artment Memo To: Parks and Recreation Board Members From:Robert Diaz, Assistant Superintendent CC: Bill Nelson, Superintendent Mike Sferra, Director of Community Services Date: February 20, 2004 Re: Update on the "Larry Bowles" Park Naming/Update on minute taking This memo is to update you on events that have taken place since the "Larry Bowles Park Naming" issue was tabled at the last Parks and Recreation Board Meeting which was held on January 26, 2004. I received several email messages voicing concern over the issue. I also responded to these emails after sharing them with management. I am attaching the emails and the response message so you can see what has transpired leading up to the pending Parks and Recreation Board meeting on February 23, 2004. Staff has reviewed its minute taking procedures and starting at the February 23, 2004 meeting Administrative Secretary, Julie Gilbert will begin taking the minutes for all Parks and Recreation Board meetings. For the February 23, 2004 meeting only Carol Ehrlich, City Secretary, will also be in attendance to supervise Julie on proper minute taking procedures. If you have any questions or clarifications of this memo prior to the February 23, 2004 meeting, please let me know. 1 Message Page 1 of 1 Robert Diaz From: Diana Hull[Diana.Hull@sage-soft.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 9:27 PM To: rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us Subject: RE: Larry Bowles Mr. Diaz, We are in complete agreement that Larry Bowles did a lot for our community and with his passing; we would like to remember him with naming the park in rememberance of him. Thank you for your time, Jon & Diana Hull 3202 Warwick Ct. Wylie, TX 75098 Phone: 972-429-0273 02/20/2004 Page 1 of 1 Robert Diaz From: Vicki Dessart[dessart5@advantexmail.net] Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 2:55 PM To: rdiaz©ci.wylie.tx.us Subject: Sage Creek Park Mr Rob Diaz, I live in Sage Creek and am concerned over the fact that our park in Sage Creek is no longer going to be called "Larry Bowles" park. This is very disheartening. Before Larry died he was told that the park would be named after him and now that the man dies, you change your mind. What does Sage creek North have to do with this situation?They would not mind if the Park continued to be named after Larry Bowles. Larry did alot for this neighborhood and deserves this honor, we should not take that away from him. What do WE need to do to make sure that the park is named after Larry? A Sage Creek Resident Darin and Victoria Dessart dessart5@advantexmail.net 02/20/2004 Page 1 of 1 Robert Diaz From: Sidra[gsburget@advantexmail.net] Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 9:21 PM To: rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us Subject: Fw: Sage Creek Park Original Message From: Sidra To: parks@ci.wylie.tx.us Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 4:43 AM Subject: Sage Creek Park Dear Mr. Diaz, I am writing you in response to an e-mail I recieved about Larry Bowles. I talked to you a couple of months ago about naming the new Sage Creek Park after Larry and you said that you thought that there would be no problem. We all were at the tree planting ceremony for Larry before he died and told him that the park would be named after him. He sobbed tears of joy. He was so instrumental in helping us to get this park that it is only fitting that it be named after him. He was such a good, kind man and deserves this honor. I really don't think that anyone in Sage Creek North will care what the name of the park is. People go to parks to play, not to discuss the name of it. It would really mean a lot to all of the Sage Creek residents and to Larry's family to have this named in his honor. Please reconsider. We will all come to your next park meeting if need be. Please keep me informed. Thank you for your time, Sincerely, Sidra Burget 02/20/2004 Page 1 of 1 Robert Diaz From: Shelly Riley [shelly_riley@yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 3:43 PM To: rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us Subject: Playground Name in Sage Creek Dear Mr. Diaz, I live in Wylie and would like for you accept this email as a protest to have the park in Sage Creek to be named under Larry Bowles, our dear friend and neighbor we lost recently. It would mean so much to our neighborhood to have this park named after Larry. He was loved in the neighborhood and we would like nothing more to see his name as we drive by the Park and play there. Respectfully, Shelly Riley Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online 02/20/2004 Page 1 of 3 Robert Diaz From: Sidra[gsburget@advantexmail.net] Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 1:13 AM To: Robert Diaz Subject: Re: Sage Creek Park... Mr. Diaz, I can assure you that I along with the rest of Sage Creek do not support your decision. We along with Larry were told that the park would be named after him, not a memorial set up in front of a wooded area. We will be attending your next meeting to discuss this. I really don't see what the big deal is about naming the park, you assured us that it would be no problem, so just name it and lets get on with other more important matters. It is "OUR" park, in "OUR" neighborhood, so it should be named after who"WE"want it named after. Why do you people even care? You and your children will not be playing here. Thank you for your time, I hope you reconsider, Sidra Burget ---Original Message From: Robert Diaz To: Cuseya@aol.com Cc: Mike Sferra ; Mark Witter ; Bill Nelson ; KarynMcRemax@cs.com ; Diana.Hull@sage-soft.com ; dessart5@advantexmail.net; gsburget@advantexmail.net; gsburget@advantexmail.net ; pamdurossette@comcast.net ; terronlegrand@hotmail.com ; dessart5@advantexmail.net; greggjn@yahoo.com ; mloelvia@hotmail.com ; akincaid@advantexmail.net ; KarynMcRemax@cs.com ; cyndee@9plus.net ; reynoldsfamily14@juno.com Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 9:52 AM Subject: RE: Sage Creek Park... Good morning, As city liaison to the Parks Board,I appreciate your input regarding Larry and the naming of parkland in his honor.We are aware of the respect Larry received from the Sage Creek homeowners for his HOA involvement.We,too,appreciated Larry's willingness to serve on the Parks and Recreation Board. After reviewing our naming policies,we,as staff,are going to recommend that the Parks and Recreation Board move forward with a memorial naming in Larry's honor.The decision to pursue any memorial naming would be recommended to the Parks and Recreation Board and then administered by Parks and Recreation staff. At this time,we are looking at an 11-acre nature area of trail and open space to be named in Larry's honor.Located next to the Amenities Center,this open space will eventually connect Sage Creek to the future Muddy Creek Trail. We look forward to communicating to you and the HOA residents once the memorial naming is finalized. Robert Diaz Assistant Superintendent City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department 2000 Hwy.78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 972-442-8197 972-442-8198 fax email-rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us<mailto:rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us> 02/20/2004 Page 2 of 3 Original Message From: Cuseya@aol.com [mailto:Cuseya@aol.com] Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 5:24 PM To: rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us Cc: reynoldsfamily14@juno.com; Cuseya@aol.com; cyndee@9plus.net; KarynMcRemax@cs.com; akincaid@advantexmail.net; mloelvia@hotmail.com; greggjn@yahoo.com; dessart5@advantexmail.net; terronlegrand@hotmail.com; pamdurossette@comcast.net; gsburget@advantexmail.net Subject: Sage Creek Park... February 12, 2004 Parks and Recreation Board City of Wylie 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, TX 75098 Attn: Jamie VanEaton Daniel Chesnut Frankie Delgado Eugene Garner Anne Hiney Ivan Holmes David Willey Rob Diaz Dear Rob Diaz: I am writing you this formal letter expressing concern for the change of"heart" in the naming of the park in the Sage Creek housing addition. I have been a resident of the Sage Creek housing addition for 14 months and deeply am thankful for the HOA board members of our addition. Each one of them as put forth effort to make it wonderful and pleasant for me and my growing family. But one person stands out more than others, Larry Bowles. Each member of our board has a different purpose but I have never seen one member take his/her position more seriously. Larry Bowles took his position to a whole new high, he provided to our community a voice to the Wylie Parks and Recreation Department with or without thanks. Some of his neighbors who may have not had the pleasure of personally meeting or knowing him, but did notice when we received great concrete walking path, park benches and trash cans to follow the green belt. Sage Creek thanks Larry Bowles everyday for those things, and I am a Sage Creek resident who wants those that move to our community, to know the man who made little things possible and who had a vision for something more than what shows here today. You may have not known him, but I did. "Larry Bowles City Park" is a fine name and would suit me and any other person here for years to come. The parks name may not be important to those 50 years from now, but I can tell you at least they would know the man behind it. My kids who are now 5 and 3 will remember this park and be able to say they new the man who made it possible. They may forget his name but if it were named for him they would never. Please take this letter as a formal request for naming the park in our housing addition "Larry Bowles City Park". I understand that the meetings are on Mondays and the 23rd is the next, unfortunately I will be out of town and will miss the next meeting but please understand my concerns my are expressed. If there is any other thing I can do as a Sage Creek resident to make this possible, please write back. 02/20/2004 Page 3 of 3 Sincerely, David, Andrea, McKenzie and Parker Cusey 1013 Fountain Drive Wylie, TX 75098 972-442-5143 hm, 469-323-1831 cell Concerned Sage Creek Resident 02/20/2004 Page 1 of 2 Robert Diaz From: akincaid@advantexmail.net Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 12:18 PM To: Cuseya@aol.com; rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us Cc: reynoldsfamily14@juno.com; Cuseya@aol.com; cyndee@9plus.net; KarynMcRemax@cs.com; mloelvia@hotmail.com; greggjn@yahoo.com; dessart5@advantexmail.net; terronlegrand@hotmail.com; pamdurossette@comcast.net; gsburget@advantexmail.net; Curtis Kincaid Subject: Re: Sage Creek Park... Dear Rob Diaz, I second this motion to name the new park"Larry Bowles City Park." Larry was a man that had a deep respect for people, in addition to making the community as a whole a better place to live. He never asked for a thing in return for his time, and was always willing to be a positive voice behind issues and concerns for this neighborhood in Sage Creek. He had a way with words that were always patient, and also took the time to look at both sides of each issue that was raised. Larry was a true gift to this community, and his name should never be forgotten. I was the Pool Chair for Sage Creek last year. Larry helped greatly to accomplish things within our association. He was always willing to be at a meeting to make our area a better place for the residence of Sage Creek. He greatly influenced the association to install the fence around our ammenities center, along with many other things mentioned below. What a better way to express our gratitiude to Larry's family than to fight for his name to be included in the new Sage Creek park's name. Ask yourself this question: Would it be better to name the park after someone else whom nobody in the surrounding areas have ever heard of, or would it be best to give the name to someone who was a very positive influence to this area? I think you already know the answer to this question. If you have any concerns about this issue, please call me anytime. Best Regards, Amy Kincaid (214)474-0788 3401 Cascade Court Wylie, TX 75098 *resident for 2 1/2 yrs in Sage Creek, over 15 years in Wylie ----Original Message---- From: Cuseya@aol.com To: rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us Cc: reynoldsfamily14@juno.com ; Cuseya@aol.com ; cyndee@9plus.net ; KarynMcRemax@cs.com ; akincaid@advantexmail.net; mloelvia@hotmail.com ; greggjn@yahoo.com ; dessart5@advantexmail.net ; terronlegrand@hotmail.com ; pamdurossette@comcast.net ; gsburget@advantexmail.net Sent:Thursday,February 12, 2004 5:24 PM Subject: Sage Creek Park... February 12, 2004 Parks and Recreation Board City of Wylie 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, TX 75098 Attn: Jamie VanEaton 02/20/2004 Page 2 of 2 Daniel Chesnut Frankie Delgado Eugene Garner Anne Hiney Ivan Holmes David Willey Rob Diaz Dear Rob Diaz: I am writing you this formal letter expressing concern for the change of"heart" in the naming of the park in the Sage Creek housing addition. I have been a resident of the Sage Creek housing addition for 14 months and deeply am thankful for the HOA board members of our addition. Each one of them as put forth effort to make it wonderful and pleasant for me and my growing family. But one person stands out more than others, Larry Bowles. Each member of our board has a different purpose but I have never seen one member take his/her position more seriously. Larry Bowles took his position to a whole new high, he provided to our community a voice to the Wylie Parks and Recreation Department with or without thanks. Some of his neighbors who may have not had the pleasure of personally meeting or knowing him, but did notice when we received great concrete walking path, park benches and trash cans to follow the green belt. Sage Creek thanks Larry Bowles everyday for those things, and I am a Sage Creek resident who wants those that move to our community, to know the man who made little things possible and who had a vision for something more than what shows here today. You may have not known him, but I did. "Larry Bowles City Park" is a fine name and would suit me and any other person here for years to come. The parks name may not be important to those 50 years from now, but I can tell you at least they would know the man behind it. My kids who are now 5 and 3 will remember this park and be able to say they new the man who made it possible. They may forget his name but if it were named for him they would never. Please take this letter as a formal request for naming the park in our housing addition "Larry Bowles City Park". I understand that the meetings are on Mondays and the 23rd is the next, unfortunately I will be out of town and will miss the next meeting but please understand my concerns my are expressed. If there is any other thing I can do as a Sage Creek resident to make this possible, please write back. Sincerely, David, Andrea, McKenzie and Parker Cusey 1013 Fountain Drive Wylie, TX 75098 972-442-5143 hm, 469-323-1831 cell Concerned Sage Creek Resident 02/20/2004 Robert Diaz From: KarynMcRemax@cs.com Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 11:39 AM To: rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us Cc: sgburget@advantexmail.net Subject: Sage Creek Hello I am a home owner in Sage Creek. I received a message that the city was unsure weather or not they would be naming the Sage Creek Park after Larry Bowels because they did not realize Sage Creek North was a part of our association. Larry Bowels did a lot for our community and I don't think anyone in Sage Creek North would have an issue with naming the park after Larry, especially if they knew how much time Larry contributed to the community. Is it possible that we could send out some kind of memo describing his efforts and see if anyone in Sage Creek North protest? Regards, Karyn McGinnis www.wyliehomes.com 214-796-5216 i Robert Diaz From: KarynMcRemax@cs.com Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 10:12 AM To: rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us Subject: Re: Sage Creek Park... Thank you very much for your reply. It is so nice to live in a town where voices are heard. Regards, Karyn McGinnis www.wyliehomes.com 214-796-5216 1 Robert Diaz .;�, From: Chris Cox[chris.cox@tahitianpoots.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 11:16 AM To: 'parks@ci.wylie.tx.us'; 'rdiaz@ci.wytie.tx.us' Subject: Sagecreek Dear Sirs; I am writing to ask that the name Larry Bowles Park be granted to Sagecreek. I am the chairman of the ACC committee in Sagecreek and I don't have a problem with this name. Can it at least be named Bowles Park? It is my understanding that it has been approved for Larry Bowles Park, but there was an issue and possibly having to change the name to Bowles Park. Thanks for your consideration. Respectfully, Chris Cox The information in this electronic mail message is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the person or persons to whom it is addressed. Access to this Internet delivered electronic mail message by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or action taken or omitted as a result of this message is prohibited and may be unlawful. The sender has taken due care to ensure this electronic mail message and any attachments were free of any virus, worm, Trojan horse, and/or malicious code when sent. This message and its attachments may, however become infected during transmission as a result of events over which the sender has no control. By reading this message and opening any attachments, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking all necessary protective and remedial actions to address potential viruses or other malicious code or defects. The sender is not liable for any loss o! r damage arising in any way from this message or its attachments. 1 Page 1 of 3 Robert Diaz From: Robert Diaz [rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us] Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 9:52 AM To: Cuseya@aol.com Cc: Mike Sferra; Mark Witter; Bill Nelson; KarynMcRemax@cs.com; Diana Hull [Diana.Hull@sage- soft.com]; dessart5@advantexmail.net; Sidra[gsburget@advantexmail.net]; gsburget@advantexmail.net; pamdurossette@comcast.net; terronlegrand@hotmail.com; dessart5@advantexmail.net; greggjn@yahoo.com; mloelvia@hotmail.com; akincaid@advantexmail.net; KarynMcRemax@cs.com; cyndee@9plus.net; reynoldsfamily14@juno.com Sub'e k Park... ` g2a ijoeUrI Good morning, As city liaison to the Parks Board,I appreciate your input regarding Larry and the naming of parkland in his honor. We are aware of the respect Larry received from the Sage Creek homeowners for his HOA involvement.We,too,appreciated Larry's willingness to serve on the Parks and Recreation Board. After reviewing our naming policies,we,as staff,are going to recommend that the Parks and Recreation Board move forward with a memorial naming in Larry's honor.The decision to pursue any memorial naming would be recommended to the Parks and Recreation Board and then administered by Parks and Recreation staff. At this time,we are looking at an 11-acre nature area of trail and open space to be named in Larry's honor.Located next to the Amenities Center,this open space will eventually connect Sage Creek to the future Muddy Creek Trail. , We look forward to communicating to you and the HOA residents once the memorial naming is finalized. Robert Diaz Assistant Superintendent City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department 2000 Hwy.78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 972-442-8197 972-442-8198 fax email-rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us<mailto:rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us> Original Message From: Cuseya@aol.com [mailto:Cuseya@aol.com] Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 5:24 PM To: rdiaz@ci.wylie.tx.us Cc: reynoldsfamily14@juno.com; Cuseya@aol.com; cyndee@9plus.net; KarynMcRemax@cs.com; akincaid@advantexmail.net; mloelvia@hotmail.com; greggjn@yahoo.com; dessart5@advantexmail.net; terronlegrand@hotmail.com; pamdurossette@comcast.net; gsburget@advantexmail.net Subject: Sage Creek Park... February 12, 2004 Parks and Recreation Board City of Wylie 02/20/2004 CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARK AND PARK FACILITY NAMING POLICY POLICY ADMINISTRATION 1. The park and recreation board ("board"), will be responsible for recommending a name for municipal parks and park facilities. 2. The board shall be responsible for research, study and recommendation of a proposed name to the city council. Rationale for the recommended name shall be given in writing and accompany the recommendation. 3. The recommended name will be forwarded to the city council for its consideration and approval. 4. Municipal parks and park facilities shall be named immediately prior to or during development, generally not later than 60 days after acquisition or commencement of construction or at the earliest possible date. 5. A park name or park facility name may be changed no more frequently than once every ten years. I1. GUIDELINES FOR NAMING MUNICIPAL PARKS AND PARK FACILITIES 1. Names of municipal parks and facilities should be familiar to the majority of citizens, easy to recall, unique and lasting. 2. The following guidelines are listed in order of importance. Municipal parks and facilities shall be named: a) By outstanding and/or predominate physical characteristics of the land such as: 1. Those naturally occurring, such as forested areas, streams, rivers, lakes and creeks; 2. Manmade features such as subdivisions, streets, office/industrial or commercial complexes; 3. Landmark significance, such as an identifiable manmade or naturally occurring monument; 4. Historical significance, such as the names of early residents or citizens and/or a significant event. b) In honor of a living or deceased national, state, or community leader. c) Based on the activity, event, or function of the land. CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORIAL DEDICATION POLICY POLICY ADMINISTRATION AND GUIDELINES 1. The Park Superintendent, or designee, shall have the responsibility for administering the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department Memorial Dedication Policy. 2. Under the guidance of the Park Superintendent, Wylie citizens may request the installation of memorial items including but not limited to: trees, landscaping, granite or bronze markers, benches, tables, pavilions, playground equipment, and other park-related items. 3. All requests for the installation of memorial items must be accompanied with a complete written description of the item, such as the item dimensions, material of construction, caliper size, mounting requirements, the desired location, the desired time for installation, etc. The Park Superintendent reserves the authority to limit the number, size, type, brand, variety, species, color, location, and date of installation of all memorial items. 4. Prior to installation, all costs associated with the purchase, acquisition, shipping, transportation, mounting, placement, and/or installation of the item shall be paid by the individual requesting the installation of the memorial item. 5. No memorial items shall be installed without the approval of the Park Superintendent. 6. Memorials shall be installed by the Park and Recreation Department employees and/or a Parks and Recreation Department designated contractor only. 7. The Park and Recreation Department assumes no responsibility for any damage, breakage, or vandalism occurring to the item either before, during, or after installation, nor does the Department guarantee the item's maintenance, upkeep, life span, or duration of usefulness. Exhibit "B" CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Sage Creek Phase 8 (Easterling Tract) Zoning Case#2004-03 General Conditions: 1 . This Planned D,r~-iopmert District efect any regulation within the Code of Ordinances, as speciiicali, plo11.4 , 2. All regulations of SF-8.5i 1 District set forth in Article 3, Section 3.3 A.3 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of February 27, 2002) are-included by reference and shall apply except as provided herein. 3. Development Plans shall be submitted and approved for this riopment and shall serve as a Preliminary Plat. The Development Plan is attached herewith as Exhibit C and shall conform to the written conditions of the Planned Development Special Conditions: 1. Lot Size Minimum Lot Width(at front building line) on Lots over 7200 sq. ft: 60 feet Minimum Lot Width (at front building line) of Corner Lots 60 feet Minimum Lot Width(at front building line) on Lots under 7200 sq. ft: 50 feet Minimum Lot Depth: 120 feet Minimum Cul-de-Sac Lot Depth: 90 feet Lot Mix: Minimum 49 lots will be 7200 sq. ft. or greater Minimum 10 lots will be 1 acre (43,560 sq. ft.) or greater Maximum 52 Lots will be less than 7,200 sq. ft., no lots smaller than 6,000 sq. ft Maximum number of Single Family dwelling units permitted in this Planned Development shall not exceed 111 units Cnnrlitinnc fnr Planned Tlpvpinnment-cnOP Crept'. PhacP R 1 '4 2. Dwelling Regulations Minn...„il D __ 1g SiZc .ail LUIS i I:uc I' i aci.: 1760 Minimum Dwelling Size on Lots 1 acre + 2200 sq. ft. 3. Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard 25 feet Side Yard 5 feet Side Yard of Corner Lots 15 feet Rear Yard 20 feet 4. Yard Requirements—Accessory Structures Front Yard behind rear built' :_ue of main structure Side Yard 5 feet Rear Yard 5 feet Side Yard of Corner Lots 20 feet Minimum Distance from Main Building 5 feet 'ory Sti 1. 5. Height of Structures: Main Structure 36 feet Accessory Per existing Sage Creek CCR's (currently 8 feet) 6. Alleys No alleys shall be required within this Planned Development District 7. Design Standards The following will substitute for Section 3.4, Figure 3.14 of the Zoning Ordinance Exterior Facade (Main Structure) 100% brick, stone Chimneys Chimney enclosure required Roof Pitch 8:12 or greater with architectural grade overlap shingles f nnditinnc fnr Planned Ilevelnnment-QaoP(malt PhacP R �4 Roof Materials r suhalt shingles, no wood shingles Paint rooften ^essories t ,, t�a, Units with same floor elevation and 4 lots skipped same side of street same street elevation 2 lots skipped opposite side of street and No identical floor plans side by side Front Entry Cover 14 sf minimum front porch, 5' minimum width Residential Mail Box lc,-tions Paired at Lot Line, same style throughout Garage Doors Offset, 12" minimum, maximum 50% of elevation 8. Signage, Entry Feature and Medians No signage, entry feature or median element will be required within this Planned Development District as this is an additional phase to an existing community that already has signage, entry feature and medians. 9. Sidewalk Lighting No low height solar lighting will be required within this Planned Development District. 10. Park Dedication City of Wylie Park Fees shall be waived or reduced for development within this Planned Development In`r ct, se l^rz O7-7^r,'D::veloper dedicates acreage in lieu of fees and/or uses comparable funds to provide park improvements within this Planned Development District or in the existing Sage Creek Phases 1 through 7. Cnnrlitinnc 'nr ;,lannpel rlrwalnnmant-(*am,.( -pk Phace R Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Communication for February 23, 2004 Issue Presentation and discussion of two conceptual plans for parkland dedication in proposed subdivision developments. Background The Skorburg Company has submitted two conceptual plans for parkland dedication for two different proposed subdivision developments. One development is located generally north of FM 544, east of the existing Lakeside Estates development, and west of FM 1378 (Brand Tract). The second development (Rice Tract) is generally located in the southeast portion of the City, northwest of Vinson Road, east of Pleasant Valley Road, and in the vicinity of Elm Road(County Road 381). The developer has recently visited with staff to discuss the application of the recently- adopted Parkland Dedication Ordinance and fees and how they will be applicable to the proposed developments. The developer has suggested the possibility of meeting the parkland dedication requirements by a combination of land dedication and fees. The two proposed developments reside in two different park zones. The developer estimates that there is a total of 50 acres +/- of proposed parkland dedication in the Brand Tract, and a significant portion of the proposed dedication is located within the floodplain. However, the floodplain area has been identified as a desirable trail system in the Wylie Park, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. The developer estimates that there is a total of 20 acres +/- of proposed parkland dedication in the Rice Tract, but he projects that a total of at least 30 acres +/- would be needed to meet the dedication requirement. He has suggested the possibility that consideration be given to applying a parkland dedication credit to this tract. He suggested that the 50 acres +/- in the Brand Tract is more than enough to meet the dedication requirement and that the "surplus" dedication might be applied toward the dedication requirement applicable to the Rice Tract. This is an issue that staff and the Board have not dealt with before. The Board may wish to consider several options from the developer, ask for additional information and details, and make a recommendation at a subsequent Board meeting. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Article VIII, Section 2 of the City Charter and Section 78-38 of the City Code identify the duties of the Park Board to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the planning and development of parks and recreation facilities and the regulations governing their use. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendations N/A Attachments Rice Tract location map Brand Tract location map Parkland dedication conceptual plan for the Rice Tract Parkland dedication conceptual plan for the Brand Tract Prepared b r.,_„_, "1-14-ji-j" I 1 iik: At _ st : _...._ ..... ilk I 1 I • 40". li Mork Odwie i — Aria 110141.0 I.4144,041r 7 411,4111 —r = ! i . • • ! ! i ,e ' ■•141 - ifeW0404t,' 0,01. 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