03-22-2004 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Monday, March 22, 2004 —6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Work Session Room 2000 State Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Board members present were Jamie VanEaton,Anne Hiney,David Willey and Frankie Delgado Staff members present were Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson, Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz, and Parks&Recreation Board Secretary Julie Gilbert. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Anne Hiney, seconded by Jamie VanEaton to approve the minutes for February 23, 2004. The board approved the motion 5-0 with Ivan Holmes and Eugene Garner absent. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION Tony Molina discussed the proposed Cinco de Mayo event at Community Park on Sunday May 9,2004. John Pierce gave a short film presentation for disc golf courses. The Board discussed the type of location needed for a disc golf course. There was discussion about other parks in the Metro area that now have disc golf courses. Frankie Delgado asked about people using the sidewalks being in danger of being hit by a disc. John Pierce explained that the players are very courteous and to his knowledge a disc has hit no one. Robert Diaz brought up working with Corp of Engineers for a course along Lake Lavon. The Board thought this was a good idea. They want John Pierce to look at some areas in the Wylie area with enough acreage to put in a disc golf course and come back to the next Board meeting. ACTION ITEMS 2. Discuss and consider a Cinco de Mayo event planned by Wylie resident Tony Molina for Community Park on Sunday,May 9,2004. Board Discussion The Board requested a layout of the booths along the sidewalk so that the sidewalks will be clear for people using them. Bill Nelson also wanted to make sure that 110 amps would be enough electricity for the band to use. Bill Nelson reminded the Board that this has to be a non-profit event. It was confirmed that any profits would go to pay for the band,trophies, T-shirts,etc.to be given out. Vending booths will also contribute to the band that will play during the event. Board Action A motion was made by Anne Hiney, seconded by Jamie VanEaton to approve the Cinco de Mayo event at Community Park on Sunday May 9, 2004. The board approved the motion 5-0 with Eugene Garner and Ivan Holmes absent. Minutes—February 23,2004 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 3. Discuss and consider establishing a"Coordination Committee"with the Wylie I.S.D.to coordinate future development of school and park sites. Board Discussion Dan Chesnut explained that there is poor communication between the school district and City. The"Coordination Committee" was tried before, but it was unsuccessful in creating long-term communications. Frankie Delgado suggested the need for developing a charter stating the city needs something with more accountability. Jamie VanEaton suggested that a Parks&Recreation Board member attend the W.I.S.D. Board meetings to keep up with what the school system is doing. David Willey made a recommendation for Mike Sferra to set up a workshop and invite the City Council,W.I.S.D.and Parks&Recreation Board members to get together. Board Action A motion was made by Anne Hiney for the City of Wylie staff to reopen a line of communication with the W.I.S.D. staff, and depending on the outcome of that, recommend holding a meeting of W.I.S.D. staff, City Council and the Parks Board members to reestablish a joint use committee for mutual benefit for both. Jamie VanEaton seconded the motion. The Board approved 5 —0 with Eugene Garner and Ivan Holmes absent 4. Discuss and consider establishing a Policies and Procedures for seniors attending programs at the Bart Peddicord Community Center. Board Discussion Dan Chesnut asked if everyone had a chance to go over the Policies and Procedures for seniors that were attached to the agenda. Robert Diaz explained the need for procedures for seniors who went to the Bart Peddicord Community Center. The Community Center staff can handle just those who can take care of themselves. Bill Nelson went over the responsibilities and accountability of the seniors. Miasp Board Action A motion to approve the Policies and Procedures for Senior Programs was made by Frankie Delgado and seconded by David Willey. The Board approved 5—0 with Eugene Garner and Ivan Holmes absent. 5. Discuss and consider renaming Quail Meadow Park Board Discussion The Board looked at the names that were suggested from Children at Dodd Elementry School to rename Quail Meadow Park. Anne Hiney indicated that the park would probably have Pirate in the name, as that is the Wylie Schools' mascot name. Dan Chesnut brought up that we would have more schools built with the possibility of another high school. David Willey liked the name "The Children's Place" due to the park being a small park. Jamie VanEaton liked "Friendship Park". It was decided to pick three names then vote on which one everyone liked best. The three names chosen were"Rainbow Park","Pirate Playland"and"Friendship Park". Board Action The Board voted on the three park names chosen: "Rainbow Park" 0 votes, "Pirate Playland" 1 vote and "Friendship Park"4 votes. A motion to make a recommendation to the City Council to rename Quail Meadow Park to Friendship Park was made by Frankie Delgado and seconded by Jamie VanEaton. The Board approved 4 — 1 with David Willey opposing and Eugene Garner and Ivan Holmes absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Landscape Requirements Minutes—February 23,2004 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 Staff Comments Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson addressed the board stating that he is working with Claude Thompson. • Grant Projects Update Staff Comments Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson stated that everything is basically completed for Community and Joel Scott Parks. Staff also notified Board members that they were beginning to plan projects for the fiscal year 2004-2005 and grant projects. Board Comments Board members commented that they would like some input on future park and grant projects. It was suggested to staff that future projects would be welcomed for review and comment at the next meeting. • Moving meeting dates Staff Comments Robert Diaz asked the Board if they wanted to change locations and go back into the Council Chambers for their meetings or change dates for their meeting. The Zoning Board of Adjustments meets on the same night as the Park Board,and they hold their meetings in the Council Chambers. Board Comments Dan Chesnut stated that Mondays are getting harder for him to attend due to his job. He said every third Thursday would be better. He would like to have the meetings when Claude Thompson could come in from time to time to keep the Parks Board updated with what developments are coming into the City of Wylie. Both Bill Nelson and Jamie VanEaton stated that Thursdays were not good days for them. David Willey suggested to just changing which Monday they have the meeting on. Robert Diaz will confer with Claude Thompson to see if the Zoning Board of Adjustment is changing their meeting date and will try to coordinate something with him and bring ideas back to the Parks & Recreation Board next month. Skorburg Developments Staff Report Robert Diaz explained that Ryan Betz was invited back to present numbers and updates for the Brand Tract. Robert Diaz reported that Bill Nelson and he went to the Brand Tract to look at the proposed park area. They were impressed with the area for the park and felt like it had a lot of potential and would benefit the neighborhood and city. They would be happy to take the other board members out there to look at the site. They discussed directions to the Brand Tract at the end of Lakefield Street. Developer Presentation Brand Tract Ryan Betz explained that this would be 160 lots on 100 acres development including the 50-acre park with five acres out of the flood plain. There is room for unlighted soccer fields,a trail through the park,a fishing pier and a small amphitheater that will have at least three rows of seating for approximately 50 people. Minutes—February 23,2004 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 Board Discussion David Willey asked about parking for soccer tournaments. Ryan explained that this would be used more for soccer practice on unlighted fields. Frankie Delgado wanted to know if this would take away from the Rice Tract. Ryan explained that it would not take away from the Rice Tract, as that is a separate development. Jamie VanEaton asked about the noise problem from the amphitheater. Ryan explained that it is a small amphitheater away from the street. There was a discussion about the Parks and Recreation Ordinances. David Willey thinks Ryan Betz presented a good proposal. Bill Nelson was concerned about the roadway improvements and sidewalks in that area. Robert Diaz explained that we could make some adjustments if needed. Bill Nelson stated the Parks and Recreation Board needs to make it clear to the city council that in the future someone will have to pay for dredging the pond. Robert Diaz said that this discussion was good because it provided Ryan with good input from the Parks and Recreation Board. The Parks and Recreation Board were satisfied with the concepts for the Brand Tract with a few changes. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the Parks and Recreation Board a motion was made by David Wiley, seconded by Frankie Delgado to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. The board approved the motion 4-0 with Daniel Chesnut having to leave early,Eugene Garner and Ivan Holmes absent. Daniel Chesnut,Parks&Recreation Chairman Julie Gilbert Parks&Recreation Board Secretary Minutes—February 23,2004 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 4