04-26-2004 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
Monday, April 26, 2004— 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Work Session Room
2000 State Highway 78 North
Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Board members present were Jamie
VanEaton, Anne Hiney, David Willey, Eugene Garner and Frankie Delgado
Staff members present were Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson, Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz,
and Parks&Recreation Board Secretary,Julie Gilbert.
1. Approval of the Minutes for March 22,2004.
The Approval of the Consent Agenda Item 1 was tabled until the next meeting May 24, 2004. Dan Chesnut
requested to hear the tape from the February 23,2004 meeting regarding the Brand Tract park dedication.
A motion to Table Consent Agenda Item 1 until the May 24, 2004 meeting when the tape from the February 23,
2004 meeting will be brought back was made by Anne Hiney and Second by Frankie Delgado. The Board
approved the motion 6—0 with Ivan Holmes absent.
2. Consider and act upon the Wylie Chapter of Cowboys for Christ event on Saturday,May 22,2004.
3. Consider and act upon allowing the following groups to sell items for the Summer Concert Series that
begins June 3,2004 at Community Park: Friends of the Smith Library, Blackland Prairie Foundation and
the Wylie Chamber of Commerce.
A motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 2 and 3 by Anne Hiney, seconded by David Willey. The board
approved the motion 6-0 with Ivan Holmes absent.
4. Discuss and consider dedication of parkland to two commercial sites off of Sanden Boulevard.
Sam Satterwhite, Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC)Director, gave a presentation
concerning proposed parkland located behind industrial properties on Sanden Blvd. Southern Fastening
Systems and WEDC want to dedicate a section of flood plain land, approximately 60 feet wide,to the City
for a hike and bike trail along the creek. Since the WEDC is closely affiliated with the City,Mr.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Satterwhite also requested that the Parks and Recreation board waive the approximate$8,000 parkland
dedication fee.
Board Discussion
Robert Diaz commented that a trail in this location is identified in the Master Plan. Eugene Garner wanted to
know about crossing the creek and who would be responsible for building bridges. Robert Diaz stated that this is a
concept plan and that at this time, acquiring the land would be the first step to accomplish. A larger consideration
associated with a future trail system would be how to cross a main thoroughfare like Highway 544. Dan Chesnut
wanted to know how much of the land was usable and how much of it was flood plain. Sam Satterwhite explained
that a flood plain study was done about six years ago. Most of the land is usable, and the drainage area was
corrected when the highway was reconstructed. Anne Hiney thought the waiver of the fee was no problem since
the WEDC is closely affiliated with the City.
Frankie Delgado wanted to understand just what the WEDC does for the city. Sam explained that the WEDC
collects 4A sales tax (passed in 1990) for industrial recruitment, expansion of local businesses, recruiting outside
businesses and giving incentives for new businesses.
Board Action
A motion to accept the parkland dedication was made by Anne Hiney and seconded by Jamie Van Eaton.
Dan Chesnut asked about how much land is actually flood plain. Robert Diaz stated that it is all flood plain and
will be used for hike and bike trail purposes only. Dan Chesnut explained there could be future potential problems
with developers if Parks and Recreation accepted dedications of flood plain.
After much discussion, Frankie Delgado stated that if the Parks and Recreation Board turned this down the City
Council might still decide to accept the land for development of a hike and bike trail. Dan Chesnut explained that
the Park and Recreation Board needed support for accepting flood plain even if it is from the WEDC. He said that
if the Parks and Recreation Board accepted this, it may cause problems with developers. Anne Hiney asked if the
Parks and Recreation Board can put a disclaimer in the Parkland Dedication ordinance for clarification. Bill
Nelson commented that he did not anticipate this problem when the ordinance was recently revised, but since it is
commercial property and not a residential developer dedicating the property, it is a different situation. Dan
Chesnut commented that the ordinance did not anticipate commercial development dedicating land to the Parks
Department. Robert Diaz commented that a revision of the ordinance would clarify similar occurrences in the
Motion passed 6—0 with Ivan Holmes absent
Sam Satterwhite was asked about what commercial developments will be coming into Wylie. Sam discussed that
several companies are looking at the Wylie areas for future business developments. The Board thanked Sam for
his time.
5. Discuss and consider naming the future community playground at Founders Park.
Board Discussion
Robert Diaz explained that staff understood that facilities located in Founders Park were to be named after
founders of the City.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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,.. Anne Hiney commented that the "Children's Committee" turned in a list of approximately 200 names for the
playground,and this was refined to ten names and then finally to three names,which were submitted to the schools
for the children to choose their favorite. The name that was chosen was"Pirate Cove".
Robert Diaz asked if all of the elementary schools were involved with choosing the name of the park. Anne stated
that she thought all of the schools participated.
David Willey asked just what was to be named after the founders—ball fields, etc. Robert confirmed that was true.
Dan Chesnut explained that Founders Park was a community concept. He thought naming the playground "Pirate
Cove Playground in Founders Park"would be acceptable.
Anne Hiney stated she let the Council know that she sent out the list for the children to name the playground and
received no response from them being against it.
Board Action
Motion was made to accept the recommendation of naming the playground at Founders Park "Pirate Cove
Playground in Founder's Park" by Frankie Delgado and seconded by David Willey. The Board approved the
motion 6—0 with Ivan Holmes absent.
• Future Park and Grant Projects
Staff Comments
The Board turned in their top ten lists of projects to Robert Diaz. Their recommendations will be forwarded to the
City Council.
Dan Chesnut said there are a lot of relatively small items on the list and that there is existing funding to address
them. He suggested that implementing the smaller items with existing funding might make Council more receptive
towards budgeting and implementing the larger items.
There was discussion of the"Comparison of Proposed Projects to Mater Plan Priorities"and the"Preliminary
Project Budget".
Board Comments
At the next meeting Dan Chesnut would like to see how much funding is available in the Park Acquisition and
Improvement Fund and the anticipated revenues.
Robert Diaz stated that staff will ascertain revenue projections.
With no further business before the Parks and Recreation Board, a motion was made by David Willey,seconded by
Eugene Garner to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.The board approved the motion 6-0 with Ivan Holmes absent.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Daniel Chesnut, Parks&Recreation Chairman
Julie Gilbert Parks& Recreation Board Secretary
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