01-15-2015 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes •
Public Arts Advisory Board
Regular Meeting
January 15, 2015 — 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Chambers/Conference Room
300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100
The Public Arts Advisory Board meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Chairman Anne Hiney.
Board members present included: Lynn Grimes, Lisa Green, and Margaret Boyd. Board members Britt
Volker, Gaynell Reed and Kathy Spillyards were absent
Staff present included Carole Ehrlich, board liaison and Craig Kelly Public Information Officer.
• Discussion with the members of the Wylie Downtown Merchants Association
regarding changes to the 2015 Bluegrass on Ballard event. (Bobby Heath, Wylie
Downtown Merchants Association)
Staff/Board Discussion
Board Liaison Ehrlich addressed the board stating that the Wylie Downtown Merchants Association have met and
discussed the 2015 Bluegrass on Ballard to be held June 27th in Historic Downtown Wylie. They have requested to
speak to the Public Arts Board regarding some suggested changes to the event.
Jeremy Meier and Bobby Heath representing the WDMA presented a proposal regarding changes to the way
merchants and vendors were accommodated and placed at the Bluegrass on Ballard event. He explained that in the
past, merchant vendors, businesses and multi-level vendors were serviced by the WDMA and arts and crafts vendors
by the PAAB (City). He explained this became very confusing to those wishing to sign up for the event.
He reported the board had proposed that the City and PAAB handle all vendors and place them in the Olde City Park
area. This would entail accepting all merchants and vendors and would require the board to honor the pricing
previously offered by the WDMA. The WDMA would retain placement of not for profit vendors offering free water; The
WDMA would also retain sponsor booth placement; vendor booth fees would be set at $75 per booth and WDMA
member booths would receive a 50% discount at$37.50 (a list of those vendors would be provided) and not for profit
booths would be free. Additionally the WDMA event committee would have oversight on placement of booths and
would be included in the meeting to set and mark the booths.
Board liaison Ehrlich asked if the not for profits receiving free entry could be only the vendors selling items that
contribute to the Wylie Community and those just handing out information. Meier replied he believed that would be
fine but would check with the committee.
Meier reported these recommendations would be taken to the WDMA board and once approved would be the
guidelines used for the 2015 event.
January 15,2015 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Regular Meeting Minutes l' a g e
• Discussion regarding the 2015 JazzArts Festival (JazzArts Fest). (C. Ehrlich, PAA,
Staff/Board Discussion
PAAB members discussed the individual committees for this year's event. Each member volunteered for an indiv d
committee. Those committees consisted of Entertainment: Britt Volker, Anne Hiney and WISD Jazz Director Rt,
Ratterree. Vendor Approval and Placement Committee: Lynn Grimes, Anne Hiney, and Kathy Spillyards. Chila�-
Activities: Lisa Green and Margaret Boyd. Artist Organization solicitation: Lynn Grimes and Kathy Spillyards
Trucks: Lynn Grimes, Carole Ehrlich and Lisa Green. Sponsorships: all members.
WISD staff members Mike Lipe and Russell Ratterree updated the board regarding high school participation and
solicitation. Russell Ratterree explained that he had sent a save the date to regional high school bands directors
Anne Hiney reported the forms would be sent to Mr. Ratterree to send to regional bands and would include a tee shi i
order should the band directors wish to purchase shirts for the schools participating. It was suggested the fee gc -
$25.00 per band. The bands ordering shirts would have their school name placed on the shirts.
The board also discussed logistics for vendor booths and band stage(s). They considered having one large stage
two slightly smaller stages. The board decided to wait until closer to the event to see how many ISD bands applied
Also discussed were fees for food trucks. Lynn Grimes reported she would to some searching to see if the be-
could solicit for fee paying food trucks and would report back to the board.
The board reviewed the brochures for 2015 and directed staff to send the brochures to prospective art vendors.
• Discussion regarding the December 6, 2014 Wylie Arts Festival. (C. Ehrlich, PAA
Staff/Board Discussion
PIO Craig Kelly presented an overview of the 2014 Wylie Arts Festival. He reported that the vendor fees. silo--
auction and sponsorships made just under $20,000 which was placed in the Public Art Fund. PAAB Liaison EhrIics
reviewed a survey sent to vendors, post event. She reported that with numbers placed from 1-10 with 10 bey-
excellent, the vendors responding were mainly in the 10-8 range, which showed vendor satisfaction excellent to go
Most vendors responding sold many items during the event and felt that set up and take down ran smoothly.
• Discussion regarding art proposals for the art project at the remodeled Public Safe'
Building. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Staff Comments
PAAB liaison Ehrlich addressed the board stating that the board had received the final clay design for the sculpturE.
the Public Safety Building by Artist Sid Henderson. Ehrlich reported that Public Safety staff was pleased with the f!r_
design. She explained that prior to sending the fabrication to the foundry for bronzing; the board would need
approve the final design. Any changes once sent to the foundry would be very costly. She asked board members -c.
comment regarding any changes they wished to see completed prior to final approval which was posted in the regu'>
agenda items. PAAB members voiced their pleasure with the fabrication and the artist keeping the board appraise
of each change in the process.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Public Arts Advisory Board minutes from the-
November 20, 2014 Regular meetings. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
January 15,2015 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Regular Meeting Minutes Pa u e 3
Board Action
A motion was made by Vice Chair Grimes, seconded by board member Green to approve the November
20, 2014 minutes as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with board members Volker,
Reed and, Spillyards absent.
2. Consider and act upon approval of the final clay fabrication design for the Public
Safety Building Public Art Project.
Board Action
A motion was made by Vice Chair Grimes, seconded by board member Boyd to approve the final design of
the sculpture for the Public Safety Building Art project. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with
board members Volker, Reed and, Spillyards absent.
With no further business before the board, a motion was made by board member Green, seconded by
board member Boyd to adjourn the meeting at 9:58 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with
board members Volker, Reed and, Spillyards absent.
1 �
Anne Hiney, Chair
Carole hrlich, Secre ary