06-28-2004 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Monday, June 28, 2004—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Work Session Room 2000 State Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Board members present were David Willey, Eugene Garner and Frankie Delgado. Anne Hiney and Jamie VanEaton were absent. Staff members present were Director of Community Services, Mike Sferra,Parks Superintendent,Bill Nelson, Assistant Parks Superintendent,Robert Diaz, and Parks&Recreation Board Secretary,Julie Gilbert. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION Jim Griffin attended the meeting to observe. INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATIONS 1.Approval of the Minutes for March 22,2004. 2.Approval of the Minutes for April 26,2004. Note: May meeting was cancelled due to lack of a quorum. A motion was made by Eugene Garner, seconded by David Willey to approve the Minutes for March 22, 2004 and the Minutes for April 26, 2004. The board approved the motion 4 — 0, with Anne Hiney and Jamie VanEaton absent. 3. Consider and act upon amending the Blackland Prairie Foundation Playground name for the community built playground at Founders Park from "Pirate Cove Playground in Founders Park," to a version reflecting the"Founders theme." Board Chairman Dan Chesnut commented that he thought this had already been approved. Robert Diaz explained the board did approve the name, but staff had previously suggested that a founders name be included in the name of the playground. As a result of staff's suggestion, Anne Hiney reviewed possible founders name to incorporate into the name of the playground. Frank Delgado explained for Ann Hiney(who was absent)that she researched potential names, and the person she wanted to incorporate was Hamilton Howrey who was a town marshal for the City of Wylie. This would make the name for the playground "Hamilton flowery Pirate Cove Playground in Founders Park." The Blackland Prairie Foundation wanted to keep the "Pirate Cove Playground in Founders Park" in the playground name because the W.I.S.D.children picked that name. Minutes—June 28,2004 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 After much discussion, a motion was made by David Willey to accept the name "Pirate Cove Playground in Founders Park" that was voted on and approved by the children of Wylie and upon the completion of the park to install a dedication plaque to the city founders. The motion was seconded by Frankie Delgado. The board approved the motion 4—0 with Anne Hiney and Jamie VanEaton absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Update on proposed park and grant projects. The Board reviewed the"Statement of Revenues and Expenditures"and"Parkland Acquisition and Improvement Revenue Projections for FY 04-05". The Board and Staff discussed the 2004—2005 projects and costs of what can be done during the new budget year. • NEXT MEETING DATE: July 26,2004 ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the Parks and Recreation Board a motion was made by David Willey, seconded by Eugene Garner to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.The board approved the motion 4-0 with Anne Hiney and Jamie VanEaton absent. Daniel Chesnut, Parks&Recreation Chairman Julie Gilbert Parks&Recreation Board Secretary Minutes—June 28,2004 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2