08-23-2004 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
Monday, August 23, 2004— 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Work Session Room
2000 State Highway 78 North
Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:38 with the following board members present;Anne Hiney,
Ronnie Rogers, David Willey, Eugene Garner, and newly appointed board member, Brandi Lafleur. Board Member
Frankie Delgado was absent.
Staff members present were Director of Community Services Mike Sferra, Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson,
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz,and Administrative Assistant Aimee Nemer.
Chairman Daniel Chesnut introduced and welcomed newly appointed Board Member Brandi Lafleur.
Robert Diaz introduced Mr.Jordan Hulcy,Athletic Director for Lucas Christian Academy and stated that he was here
to speak on Item 2 on the agenda.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes for July 26,2004 meeting.
Board Action
Board Member David Willey made a motion to approve the Minutes from the July 26, 2004 meeting with a second
by Board Member Anne Hiney. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 6-0 with Board Member Frankie Delgado
2. Consider and act upon the Lucas Christian Academy homecoming event at Community Park on
Saturday,October 22,2004.
Staff Comments
Assistant Park Superintendent Robert Diaz stated that Lucas Christian Academy was requesting to use Community
Park for a Homecoming Football Game on October 22, 2004. He explained that Lucas Christian Academy was a
small private school with a 6-man football team. Mr. Diaz stated that the school was requesting to sell concessions
during the event and also to charge a gate fee.
Requestor Comments
Mr. Jordan Hulcy, Athletic Director for Lucas Christian Academy addressed the Board. He explained that the
homecoming game was a district game in which the school is required by TAPS (Texas Association of Parochial
Schools)to provide a minimum of three referees. Mr. Hulcy stated that there would actually be two games, a junior
high and high school game; and that they would like to provide 4 referees for each game. He stated that the referee
costs were$50.00 per referee per game.Mr. Hulcy explained that the school would like to charge a gate fee of$4.00
for adults and$2.00 for students in addition to concession sales in order to defray the cost of the referees. He stated
that the gate charges were in line with the requirements of TAPS. Mr. Hulcy thanked the board for the opportunity to
address the board and stated that even if the gate charges were not approved,the school would be very fortunate to be
able to use the field with lighting for a night game.
Minutes—August 23,2004
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Board Comments/Discussion
Board Member David Willey asked if a gate admission fee is normally charged. Mr. Hulcy stated that the gate
admission charges are determined by TAPS and they are charged at all games.
Board Member Anne Hiney asked how the gates would be established on the field. Mr. Hulcy explained that they
would use caution tape around the perimeter of the field with two entrances staffed with gatekeepers.
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson clarified that admission charges have been charged before for other events.
Board Member Eugene Garner inquired about the policing of the event and who would be responsible for the area
during and after the game. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson stated that the renting party would be responsible. Mr.
Hulcy stated that they would be responsible.
Board Member Ronnie Rogers asked how many people were anticipated at the game. Mr. Hulcy stated that the most
would be 500. Mr. Rogers asked what kind of security would be provided. Board Chairman Dan Chesnut stated that
the WISD (Wylie Independent School District) is required to provide security at all games. Mr. Hulcy stated that
security has not been an issue in the past but he offered to talk to the City about providing an officer.Mr. Diaz stated
that if the Board approved the use of the park, arrangements could be made with the Police Department at an
affordable cost to the school to provide an officer.
Board Chairman Dan Chesnut asked if the school had approached the WISD about the use of one of the junior high
fields. Mr. Hulcy said that he was unable to contact the WISD. There was some discussion about the use of school
property. Mr. Hulcy stated that the advantage of using the park property was the cost and he explained that the
school's athletic department was operating on a very limited budget of$100.00 per game. He reiterated that the
school would be very fortunate to be able to use the park with lights for a Friday night game.
Board Member Anne Hiney asked if there would be any issues with the City's vendors. Mr. Diaz stated that there
were exceptions in the contract for special events such as this.
Board Action
With no further discussion, a motion was made by Anne Hiney to approve the event at Community Park on October
22,2004 with gate admissions and concession sales. Mr. Garner seconded the motion.A vote was taken and passed,
6-0,with Board Member Frankie Delgado absent.
In accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated (Open Meeting Act),
Section 551.
Board Chairman Dan Chesnut adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 6:55 p.m.
$551.072-Deliberation Regarding Real Property;Closed Meeting
• Discussion of future park site locations within the City of Wylie
Take any action as a result of the Executive Session.
Board Action
There was no action taken as a result of the Executive Session.
Minutes—August 23,2004
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Staff updated Board Members on the concrete at Sage Creek North.
Mr. Chesnut asked staff about asphalt repairs on the trail at Community Park. Mr. Nelson stated that the Parks
Department would check on what repairs needed to be done.
With no further discussion, a motion was made by Board Member Anne Hiney, and seconded by Board Member
David Willey to adjourn the meeting at 7:35. A vote was taken and passed, 6-0, with Board Member Frankie
Delgado absent.
Daniel Chesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman
Aimee Nemer,Administrative Assistant
Minutes—August 23,2004
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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