10-25-2004 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
Monday, October 25, 2004—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Work Session Room
2000 State Highway 78 North
Board Chairman Dan Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 with the following board members
present;Eugene Garner,Frankie Delgado,Ronnie Rogers,Anne Hiney,and David Willey. Board
member Brandi Lafleur was absent.
Staff members present were Mike Sferra,Director of Community Services,Bill Nelson,Parks
Superintendent,Robert Diaz,Assistant Parks Superintendent,and Aimee Nemer,Park Board Secretary.
There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes for September 27,2004 meeting.
Board Action
Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Board member Frankie Delgado
seconded the motion.A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Board member Brandi Lafleur absent.
Chairman Chesnut then moved to Item Number 4.
4. Consider and act upon a request from the Wylie Baseball Association to sell concessions at Community
Park during their tournament the weekend of November 12-14,2004.
Board/Staff Discussion
Parks Superintendent clarified that the tournaments would be in the evening. Chairman Chesnut reminded the
board the recommendations made by the board would be subject to Council approval.
Board Action
Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to approve the request from Wylie Baseball Association to sell
concessions at the above specified dates. Board member Eugene Garner seconded the motion. A vote was taken
and passed, 5-0 with Board member Ronnie Rogers abstaining due to conflict of interest and Board member Brandi
Lafleur absent.
5. Consider and act upon a request from the Moms Club of Wylie for a spaghetti dinner fundraiser at the
Bart Peddicord Community Center on January 22,2005.
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Requestor Comments
Lori Sims, Mom's Club Representative, stated that they are a community organization that was established in
Wylie in 1999. She stated that they do fundraising events for the fire station and other community projects such as
Board Discussion
Board member Eugene Gamer asked how the funds would be used.Ms. Sims explained that they would be used for
the charitable events that the group does such as meals for the fire department, assistance to member mothers,
funding for conventions,toy drives,etc.
Board member Anne Hiney stated that the Mom's Club was a National non-profit organization.
Board Action
Board member Eugene Gamer made a motion that the board approves the request. Board member Frankie Delgado
seconded the motion.A vote was taken and passed,6-0 with Board member Brandi Lafleur absent.
6. Consider and act upon a request from the Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation to have "Spa
Days"at the Bart Peddicord Community Center on January 8,2005 and February 19,2005.
Board Action
Board member Eugene Gamer made a motion to approve the request. Board member Ronnie Rogers seconded the
motion. A vote was taken and passed, 4-0 with Board members Anne Hiney and David Willey abstaining and
Board member Brandi Lafleur absent.
Chairman Chesnut moved back to Item Number 3.
3. Consider and act upon amending the Parks and Recreation Bylaws.
Staff Comments
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz explained that this item was before the board again in order to meet the
10-day notification requirement according to the current bylaws. He explained that the only additional
amendments that have been made since the first review was changing the 10-day notification to 3-day notification.
Board Discussion
There was some discussion as to adding language to clarify special meetings in regards to including staff, and
notification period of meetings.
The question was raised as to whether the Board could call a meeting without Staff present.
Board Action
Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to approve the bylaws with the exception of Article II, Section II,until
further clarification is brought to the Board. Board member Frankie Delgado seconded the motion. A vote was
taken and passed,6-0 with Board member Brandi Lafleur absent.
Chairman Chesnut then moved to Item Number 7.
7. Consider and act upon determining the meeting dates for November and December 2004 due to the
Board Action
Board member Frankie Delgado made a motion setting the meeting dates as November 29 and December 13.Board
member David Willey seconded the motion.A vote was taken and passed,6-0.
Chairman Chesnut then moved to Item Number 2.
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2. Consider and act upon the conditions, particularly for open space, for the D.R. Horton planned
Staff Comments
Director of Community Services, Mike Sferra stated that he would answer any questions that the Board had
regarding the development. He also stated that the applicant Mike Groomer representing D.R. Horton was present
to answer any questions.
Mr. Sferra explained that the development met the parkland dedication requirements with the exception that the
land is maintained by the HOA and not for public use.
Mr. Groomer addressed the board explaining that the project was using the open space concept to add value to the
development properties.
Mr. Sferra reiterated that all of the parkland dedication would be HOA including the easement.
Board Discussion
Board member Anne Hiney asked how the current plan has changed from the last time the board reviewed it. Mr.
Groomer stated that the TXU easement was not included on the last plan as open space.
Board member Eugene Garner stated his concern that the dedication was HOA and not accessible by the public.He
asked for clarification as to how this proposal could be considered a parkland dedication if it was not public. Mr.
Sferra explained that the development was a Planned Development, which met special circumstances and did not
fall under Straight Zoning rules. He explained that a PD (Planned Development) was an alternative to Straight
Zoning in which board and Council approval was required.
Board member Frankie Delgado stated that he thought it was a great development and the open space concept
would be great for that community, however the Park Board was appointed to represent the entire city and not just
certain areas.He stated that this concept would not be good for the city as a whole.
Chairman Chesnut reiterated the Board's consensus that this was a good concept for the development but not for
the city as a whole.
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz stated that the land would be maintained by the HOA and not adding a
burden to the current Park system. He also stated that if the land was ever turned over to the parks department,due
to the layout of the parks,it would not be able to be maintained efficiently by the parks department.
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson asked the developer if there was a way to achieve the same effect with larger
open space and public. Mr.Groomer stated that he would have to take the concept back to the client.
There was some discussion of a compromise by using the TXU easement for hike and bike trails and allowing the
remainder to be HOA.Mr. Groomer stated that the easement could not be private and would be public.
Mr. Sferra clarified if the easement would also be maintained by the HOA. Mr. Groomer stated that all of the
proposed green space would be maintained by the HOA.
Board Action
Board member Frankie Delgado made a motion to deny the open space conditions for the Planned Development,
Tradition. Board member Eugene Gamer seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed, 6-0 with Brandi
Lafleur absent.
Developer Comments
Mr. Groomer inquired to the Board if approval would be made if appropriate funding was made by Horton.
Chairman Chesnut stated that would be acceptable.
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8. Parkland Dedication Ordinance.
Staff Comments
Mr. Sferra explained that the Parkland Dedication Ordinance has reached the one-year anniversary. Staff is
suggesting a review of the ordinance in order to clarify such areas as flood plain, easements, non-residential
dedication, and fees. Mr. Sferra asked the Board to thoroughly review the ordinance and mark suggested changes.
He stated that the document should be a strong ordinance with flexibility within the Board's charge. Parks
Superintendent Bill Nelson also stated that there were areas that just needed updating with information about the
new parks.
9. Park naming for Sage Creek North and Cimarron Parks.
Board Discussion
Chairman Chesnut suggested that each board member bring back a suggestion for a process to name the parks.
Board member Anne Hiney suggested opening the park naming to school children as they have done in the past.
Board member Frankie Delgado stated that students at Groves could name the Sage Creek Park and students at
Akin could name the Cimarron Park.
Mr. Sferra reminded the Board that the park name needed to be within the guidelines of the Park Naming Policy.
Board member Anne Hiney also suggested that the schools are given the guidelines with narrow parameters so as
not to have a lot of the repeated names that have already been submitted for other parks.
It was a consensus of the Board to allow the Groves and Akin students to make suggestions for each of the
perspective parks within the Park Naming Policy guidelines.
10. Update of Parkside Development from the Parsons Group.
Staff Comments
Mr. Sferra explained to the Board that this development was approved by the Board at the last meeting but denied
by Council. He stated that the development was going to be coming before the Board again with changes. Mr.
Sferra explained that the original plan contained 43 acres with 3 in the flood plain. The revised plan with an
engineering study contains 15 acres of flood plain with 34 total acres. He stated that there would still be land for
the trail system.Mr. Sferra clarified that the development was denied due to lot size,not the parkland dedication.
11. Collin County Project Funding Assistance Program Grant update.
Board Comments
Chairman Chesnut stated that the grant had been approved.
Board member Anne Hiney inquired if the Rotary Club was paying for and installing the tot lot structure. Mr.
Nelson stated that they are installing part of the equipment.
12. Update on current park development projects-Olde City,Sage Creek North and Cimarron Parks.
Mr.Nelson updated the Board on the coordination and installation of equipment with contractors.
13. Update on questions raised from the September 27,2004 meeting.
Staff Comments
• Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz updated the Board on the following issues:
• Gate at Community Park during emergency —Park cannot be shut down; Police Department will increase
policing as they can to address emergency issues and other issues such as vandalism.
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• Eliminating head-in parking on curve by library-this can also be corrected by communication to the leagues
and revising schedules.
• Scooters—this will be an issue for self-policing and communication through the leagues. There are ordinances
in place to prevent motorized vehicles.
• Lack of practice areas —Founders north of baseball fields, Avalon Phase I, City Hall, Dodd Park, Harrison;
communicate these to the leagues
• Additional exit from Community Park—this can be considered next budget year
• Facilities study—this will be forwarded to the Board once it is received by Staff
• List of projects to be completed with future bond —prioritized in Master Plan —will be addressed with any
future bond committee.
• Staff has developed Park Brochure,which will be handed out at neighborhood meetings and can be distributed
to leagues.
Board Action
With no further business,Board member Eugene Garner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30.The
motion was seconded by David Willey.A vote was taken and passed,6-0 with Board member Brandi Lafleur
Daniel Chesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman
Aimee Nemer,Administrative Assistant
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