11-29-2004 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
Monday, November 29, 2004— 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Work Session Room
2000 State Highway 78 North
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:37 with the following board members
present; Frankie Delgado,Anne Hiney,Brandi Lafleur,and Ronnie Rogers. Board members Eugene
Garner and David Willey were absent.
Staff members present were Bill Nelson, Parks Superintendent,Robert Diaz,Assistant Parks
Superintendent, and Rachael Hermes, Park Board Secretary.
There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes for October 25,2004 meeting.
Board Action
Board member Frankie Delgado made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Board member Anne Hiney
seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Eugene Gamer and David Willey
2. Consider and act upon amending the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws.
Board Action
Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to approve the amendments to the Bylaws. Board member Ronnie
Rogers seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Eugene Gamer and David
Wiley absent.
Chairman Daniel Chesnut requested that the discussion move to all other Items before Item 3.
4. Park naming for Sage Creek North and Cimarron Parks.
Board Discussion
Board members agreed to the list of suggested names for the park to be located in Sage Creek North. Board
member Frankie Delgado suggested researching historical names for the naming of the park to be located in
Cimarron Estates. It was a consensus of the Board to allow Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz to compile
additional historical names for Cimarron and provide them at the next Board meeting."The Board again agreed that
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the names would eventually be presented to Akin and Groves Elementary students to assist in the final selection of
perspective park names.
5. Update of Parkside Development from the Parsons Group and the Tradition Development by DR
Staff Comments
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz informed the Board that the Planning&Zoning Board recommended
denial of the Tradition Development by DR Horton. Mr. Diaz also stated that the Planning and Zoning Board
recommended approval of the Parkside Development and both items would be presented to City Council.
Board member Anne Hiney inquired about land surrounding the proposed Parkside Development. Mr. Diaz stated
that he would provide the Board with an updated site plan for their review.
6. Property located in the area around Brown St.and FM 1378.
Staff Comments
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz stated that it appears that the property in the area around Brown St.and
FM 1378 will be acquired by the City of Wylie. Mr. Diaz explained that the City is in the process of receiving
proposals from consultants regarding master plans. He stated that he would continue to keep the Board informed
and will appreciate their input as the process progresses.
7. City of Wylie Facilities Study.
Staff Comments
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz explained that the acquisition of the property located at Brown St. and
FM 1378 may have some affect on the Facilities Study. He informed the Board that more information on the
Facilities Study will be provided as it is made available to him.
8. Update on current park development projects-Olde City,Sage Creek North and Cimarron Parks.
Staff Comments
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson addressed the Board with updates to current park development projects. He
stated that opening of bids for tree installation in Sage Creek North and Cimarron Park as well as bids for purchase
of playground equipment would soon be opened. He further stated that dirt-work had been completed in Sage
Creek and Cimarron as well as planting of rice seed in Sage Creek North. Mr. Nelson explained that he is
preparing to receive bids for pavilion shelters,concrete work and irrigation systems.
The Board moved the discussion back to Item 3.
3. Parkland Dedication Ordinance.
Board Comments
Chairman Daniel Chesnut inquired about the possibility of a member of city staff evaluating property to determine
if land to be dedicated is suitable for the use intended. Mr. Chesnut felt that City Council would then be provided
with more information regarding the land to be dedicated.
Board member Anne Hiney reminded the Board that the Ordinance states that land dedication should be in
accordance of the Master Plan based on suitability. Board members agreed to the possibility of referencing Section
78-74 to include more information regarding the acceptance of flood plains. The Board expressed concern that
easements and unusable land may be submitted as Parkland Dedication.
It was a consensus of the Board that emphasis should be made that all land dedication must meet the intent of the
Master Plan.
Chairman Daniel Chesnut noted that Section 78-26 should be updated to reflect Bylaws.
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Staff Comments
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz suggested referencing the Bylaws within the Ordinance.
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson noted Section 78-73 (B) and proposed that it may limit parks to one per zone.
Assistant Parks Superintendent suggested editing the section to allow for the addition of community and regional
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson suggested clarification of Section 78-75 (C)to clearly define when payment for
land dedication is required.
Board Action
With no further business,Chairman Daniel Chesnut made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:05.The motion
was seconded by Anne Hiney. A vote was taken and passed,5-0 with Board members Eugene Garner and David
Willey absent.
Daniel Chesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman
Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary
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