12-13-2004 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
Monday, December 13, 2004— 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—City Council Chambers
2000 State Highway 78 North
Board Vice-Chairman Eugene Garner called the meeting to order at 6:36 with the following board
members present; Frankie Delgado, Anne Hiney, Brandi Lafleur, Ronnie Rogers, and David Willey.
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut was absent.
Staff members present were Mike Sferra,Director of Community Services, Bill Nelson, Parks
Superintendent, Robert Diaz, Assistant Parks Superintendent,Dennis Sewell,Athletic Field Supervisor,
and Rachael Hermes, Park Board Secretary.
There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation.
Minutes from the November 29, 2004 meeting were not completed prior to this scheduled meeting. The minutes
from November 29,2004 and December 13,2004 will be brought to the Board for review in January 2005.
1. Wylie Sports Annual Forum 2004(Discussion panel with sports league representatives.)
Attendees to the Forum included Roy Fuentes, Lake Cities Girls Fastpitch Softball Association, Dale Hawkins,
Jolly Trolley Snocones of Texas, Shannon Mathers, Wylie Football League, Jeff Murray, Wylie Youth Soccer
Association, Shannon Nolan,Wylie Baseball Association,and Matt Willis,Wylie Baseball Association.
Staff Comments
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz explained that the Annual Forum was initiated to review policies and
issues concerning youth and adult athletics. Mr.Diaz reviewed items concerning concession policies,athletic field
policies/scheduling, and future park development. Mr. Diaz also provided information concerning the Texas
Amateur Athletic Federation.
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson explained budgetary limitations on providing city staff members during weekend
games. Mr. Nelson also stressed the importance of league representatives supporting city staff decisions regarding
game cancellations.
Board/Sports League Comments
Board member Frankie Delgado expressed concerns regarding field conditions and notification of game
cancellations or delays. Wylie Youth Soccer Association representative Jeff Murray suggested the implementation
of a flag system to help notify team members of game cancellations.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Wylie Baseball Association representative Shannon Nolan expressed concern that parents have been unable to
access the hotline to determine if their child's game has been cancelled. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert
Diaz informed the representatives that he would obtain more information regarding the implementation of a flag
system. Mr.Diaz discussed the possibility of requesting a city employee specifically designated to the fields in the
next fiscal year. Mr.Diaz also stated that he would consider providing additional information on the city website.
Wylie Football League representative Shannon Mathers expressed concern regarding dry field conditions. Parks
Superintendent Bill Nelson explained the difficulty in preventing cracks in the fields.
Mr. Nelson mentioned the possibility of relocating the soccer league from Community to another park location in
an attempt to resolve traffic and safety problems. Wylie Baseball League representative Shannon Nolan discussed
relocating team pictures in an effort to prevent additional congestion at Community Park.
Wylie Youth Soccer Association representative Jeff Murray stated that additional fields might be needed for next
season. League representatives were in agreement that coordination of scheduling would be essential due to
increased league participation. League representatives discussed concern that the W.I.S.D. would not allow
leagues to use school properties for additional practice areas. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz stated
that he would discuss the issue with the school district and try to compile a list of alternative practice areas.
Jolly Trolley Snocones owner Dale Hawkins discussed lack of ventilation in the pavilion. Wylie Baseball
Association representative Shannon Nolan inquired about possible improvements to irrigation systems, grass, and
bathroom facilities. League representatives discussed being unable to host tournaments because of lack of facilities
and suggested that potential revenue is being lost as a result. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz stated
that specific figures would need to be proposed in the budget to fund upgrades.
Wylie Youth Soccer Association representative Jeff Murray requested that the Board consider adoption of an
additional fee to help offset their costs for field maintenance. Mr.Murray explained that other organizations utilize
the fields with minimal costs yet do not pay the maintenance fees. Board members were in agreement that an
additional fee could be considered.
2. Park naming for Sage Creek North and Cimarron Parks.
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz provided the Board with historical names to be considered for
Cimarron Park. Board members agreed to using a historical name for Cimarron Park and eliminating"Bozman"
from the list of suggestions. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz agreed to submit lists with narratives to
Akin and Groves Elementary for voting by students.
3. Staff update of Parkside Development from the Parsons Group.
Staff Comments
Director of Community Services Mike Sferra informed the Board that City Council would be reviewing the
Parkside Development at the next council meeting. Mr. Sferra also stated that discussion would take place
regarding possible road development connecting Parkside to FM 1378. He also informed the Board that, if
approved,the Master Plan may be updated to include the Wells property and additional parcels of land.
Board Comments
Board member Anne Hiney inquired about a parcel of property not included in the Parkland Dedication. Director
of Community Services Mike Sferra informed the Board that he would acquire information on the property at the
Council meeting and provide it to the Board.
4. Staff update on current park development projects-Olde City,Sage Creek North and Cimarron Parks.
Staff Comments
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson addressed the Board with updates to current park development projects. He
stated that dirt-work had been completed at Cimarron Estates and bids had been opened for tree installation in Sage
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Creek North/Cimarron Parks and Hwy 78. Mr. Nelson stated that bids for purchase of playground equipment and
installation would soon be opened for Cimarron and Olde City Parks. Mr. Nelson explained that he is preparing to
receive bids for pavilion shelters,concrete work,irrigation systems,and underground drainage system.
Board Action
With no further business,Board member David Willey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:19.The motion
was seconded by Anne Hiney. A vote was taken and passed,6-0 with Board member Daniel Chesnut absent.
Daniel Chesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman
Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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