01-24-2005 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Monday, January 24, 2005 — 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Work Session Room 2000 State Highway 78 North CALL TO OI ER Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 with the following board members present; Eugene Garner,Anne Hiney,Ronnie Rogers, and David Willey. Board members Frankie Delgado and Brandi Lafleur were absent. Staff members present were Mike Sferra, Public Services Director,Bill Nelson, Parks Superintendent, Robert Diaz, Assistant Parks Superintendent,Tori Hindman,Recreation Supervisor and Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation. INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes for November 29,2004 meeting. 2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes for December 13,2004 meeting. Board Discussion Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut inquired about the discussion that took place regarding a potential flag system to be used on athletic fields. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz explained that details of the system have not been determined and more input would be needed to establish such a system. Chairman Chesnut expressed his concern that an individual should be present to enforce field rules. Chairman Chesnut proposed the idea of establishing an ordinance to be posted in an attempt to further enforce field regulations. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz stated that the idea could be evaluated. Board Action Board member Ronnie Rogers made a motion to approve the minutes for both meetings as submitted. Board member Eugene Garner seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Frankie Delgado and Brandi Lafleur absent. 3. Consider and act upon a request from Girl Scout Troop #2426 to sell cookies at Founders/Community Parks as a fundraiser on February 22 and 26,2005. 4. Consider and act upon a request from the Wylie High School Girls Softball program to sell concessions as a fundraiser at the Tanya Jo Memorial Softball Tournament on March 3-5,2005. Minutes—January,24,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 Board Action Board member David Willey made a motion to approve the requests. Board member Eugene Garner seconded the motion.A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Frankie Delgado and Brandi Lafleur absent. 5. Consider and act upon amending the Athletic Field Policy sports season dates. Board Discussion Board member Ronnie Rogers clarified that the Baseball/Softball season begins the second week in February as opposed to the third week in February. Board Action Board member David Willey made a motion to amend the Athletic Field Policy sports season dates. Board member Eugene Garner seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Frankie Delgado and Brandi Lafleur absent. IIISCU:m t .. .rims S 6. Woodbridge South Development. Board Discussion Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut inquired about including easements in Parkland Dedication. Public Services Director Mike Sferra explained that any easements in the dedication would be owned by the City but could be subject to restrictions. Board member Anne Hiney suggested that some easements could be used to provide connection of walking trails. Chairman Chesnut stated that he would like to receive more information from the power company detailing what can be done within easements. Chairman Chesnut expressed concern regarding the number of acres proposed by the developer to be dedicated. It was a consensus of the Board that their acceptance of Parkland Dedication should be carefully considered. 7. Braddock Place Development. Board Discussion Board member David Willey expressed apprehension that the developer had not responded to the Board's concerns from previous meetings. The Board requested that City Council be informed that the Skorburg Corporation had not yet addressed their questions. Board member Anne Hiney noted the location of the proposed future school and discussed the question of access. Ms.Hiney also stated that the Board had previously requested a copy of the audio from the February 2004 meeting. The Board requested that they review the February 2004 audio at the next meeting. 8. Park Memorial policies. Staff Comments Public Services Director Mike Sferra stated that the Board might consider establishing qualifications needed for naming of park memorials. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz asked the Board if they would like to place any restrictions on the park memorial naming policy. Board Discussion Board member Ronnie Rogers suggested that a stipulation be included stating that the naming must come before the Board on a case-by-case basis. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut suggested researching the policy and wording used in other cities. Chairman Chesnut suggested that the Parks Department be responsible for acceptance/denial of memorial naming. Minutes—January,24,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 9. Parkland dedication ordinances. Staff Comments Public Services Director Mike Sferra discussed Section 78-24 through Section 78-27 regarding coordination of the Code of Ordinances and Bylaws. Mr. Sferra explained that the City Secretary suggested establishing Code of Ordinances and then modifying Bylaws to correspond. Mr. Sferra stated that the City Secretary advised that Section 78-24 should stay as written because it is a function of the City Council. Mr. Sferra stated that the City Secretary advised that Section 78-26 only include the election of a Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Mr. Sferra stated that the Secretary or Assistant Secretary is a function of City staff and should not be included. Mr. Sferra asked the Board to provide direction pertaining to Section 78-27 regarding the location of Board meetings and explained that the Code of Ordinances and Bylaws do not currently match. Mr. Sferra stated that the City Secretary suggested additional wording in Section 78-27 to include the event of Executive Session. Mr. Sferra recommended revising Ordinance to refer to all parks as municipal parks. Mr. Sferra recommended Section 78-72 suggest approval by the Park Board and subsequent approval by the City Council. Mr. Sferra recommended Section 78-73 be revised to suggest that dedication may be required to be in cash only. Mr. Sferra recommended Section 78-75(C) be revised to suggest that funds be required upon acceptance of each phase. Mr. Sferra recommended Section 78-76(A) suggest that land be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Board Discussion Board member Anne Hiney expressed concern that the term "usable land" can be open to interpretation. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut stated that he would like City Council to have clear understandings why the Board may choose to approve/disapprove. Chairman Chesnut and Board member Anne Hiney suggested including all requirements relating to accessibility, parking, and drainage in the Ordinance to further establish guidelines. Board member David Willey suggested including details regarding weather conditions and park hours within the Ordinance. Chairman Chesnut requested that a penalty be considered for individuals that do not adhere to park hour policy. 10. Staff update on park naming for Sage Creek North and Cimarron Parks. Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz informed the Board that he had contacted the principal of Akin Elementary. Mr.Diaz stated that he has not yet been able to contact the principal of Groves Elementary. Mr.Diaz stated that he would update the Board as soon as he had more information. 11. Update on current park development projects-Olde City,Sage Creek North and Cimarron Parks. Staff Comments Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson addressed the Board with updates to current park development projects. He stated that tree installation had begun and irrigation systems were being designed for Sage Creek North and Cimarron Parks. Mr.Nelson stated that he is awaiting notification from TXDOT with approval for tree installation along Highway 78. Mr. Nelson stated that playground equipment had been ordered for both Cimarron and Olde City Parks. Public Services Director Mike Sferra informed the Board that an engineering contract had been signed for the pedestrian bridge to be located in Sage Creek North Park. Mr. Sferra also stated that City Council would sign for the property referred to as the Wells property at the next Council meeting. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson stated that improvements would soon begin at the park located in Creekside Estates. Mr. Nelson also stated that he would soon be meeting to discuss irrigation and playground equipment to be located at the park in Sage Creek VIII. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz informed the Board that the City of Wylie will host a fireworks show at Founders Park in July. Minutes—January,24,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 Board Discussion It was a consensus of the Board that the acquisition of the Wells property would enhance the quality of parkland available to the citizens of Wylie. Board members expressed their concern that the land be used for that purpose. _. e1 NNia,1,_ NT4 I��NIa V1V,--kt �a��e �, .�_„ 4INI1413M. . Board Action With no further business,Board member David Willey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20.The motion was seconded by Anne Hiney.A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Frankie Delgado and Brandi Lafleur absent. Dan I Chesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman SUBMITTED BY: r o 1dU4 Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary Minutes—January,24,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 4