02-28-2005 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF MEETING WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, February 28, 2005 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 CALLr ) ER. CITIZENS PATTIcIPATON t I I)UA O S P T.I€1O . . 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the January 24,2005 meeting. 2. Consider and act upon reviewing the proposed concept plan for the Braddock Place Development. 3. Consider and act upon reviewing the proposed concept plan for Sage Creek Phase 9 Development. 4. Consider and act upon the park names recommended by the children at Akin Elementary for Cimarron Park and Groves Elementary for Sage Creek North Park. 5. Consider and act upon a request from Jason Ridings to use the B.P.Community Center for a"Battle of the Bands"concert April 1,2005. DISC..SSIO .ITE S:. 6. Review changes to the Parkland Dedication Ordinance(Article IV, City of Wylie Code of Ordinances)and review the Park Regulations(Article V and Article VI,City of Wylie Code of Ordinances). 7. Review meeting minutes from February of 2004. 8. Staff updates on current park development projects-Park Memorial Policy, Wells Property, Facilities Study,and other projects. ADJ UR1 MENfi : . ... . ... . . In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,the Parks and Recreation Board may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be open. Should the Parks and Recreation Board elect to convene into Executive Session;those exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any subsequent action,as a result of this Executive Session,will be teiseiri epfl recorded in open session. I certify that this Notice of Meetiekg`�v o recorded this 25th day of February, at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.04 `�v ►ecas;tevyment Code and that the appropriate news media contacted. As a courtesy,this agenda is a stbd to the Wylie Website at www.ci. lie.tx.us --/''''''. • ----- ' Carole Ehrlich,Ct etary a otice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is WhIkIc jr acttSSt `interpretation or o er special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance 0 htini �,Q Secretary's office at 972/442-8100 or TDD72/442-8170. iltttiini e CITY OF WYLIE Item No. City Secretary's Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: February 28. 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: February 21. 2005 Budgeted Amount: N/a Exhibits: Site Plan AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon reviewing the proposed concept plan for the Braddock Place Development. RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: Since the March 2004 meeting the development now called Braddock Place has been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning and City Council numerous times. The development you are reviewing has been modified from the original to now show all the lot sizes,potential school site,and park areas. The current version shows 13.4 acres of parkland in the southwest corner, 13.7 acres in the northeast corner for a total of 27.2 acres. Here are the options that the developer has given for consideration in regards to the total number of lots: Option 1- ft If we accept the parkland the development would have 500 lots. Option 2- If the parkland is accepted and the school site approved the development would have 460 lots. Option 3- If the school site is accepted only then the development would have 560 lots and the dedication requirements would be made in cash. The total acreage of the site is 185.2 acres. Since the January meeting: The development was reviewed at a joint work session of Planning and Zoning and City Council on January 25,2005. Both groups looked favorably on the changes to the development. Planning and Zoning will look at the zoning on March 1,2005 and the City Council will take action at their March 22,2005 meeting. The current site plan shows the modifications made by the developer from both groups.The options listed above still apply to the current site plan. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ City Manager: \ Yahoo! Mail - coachz89@yahoo.com Page 1 of 1 IngiCADL., MAIL Print- Close Window Subject: FW: Braddock Place Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 10:05:21 -0600 From: "Ryan Betz" <RyanBetz@SkorburgCompany.com> To: coachz89@yahoo.com, "Mike Sferra" <msferra@ci.wylie.tx.us> Ryan Betz Skorburg Company (0) 214.522.4945 x 1 (C)469.682.2212 ryanbetz@skorburgcompany.com From: Ryan Betz Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 3:25 PM To: rdiaz@mail.ci.wylie.tx.us Subject: Braddock Place Robert- I am still waiting on my letter from Hubert Nelson @ TMPA explaining what improvements are allowed on the easement. Please call me to discuss. Ryan Betz Skorburg Company (0)214.522.4945 x 1 (C)469.682.2212 ryanbetz@skorburgcompany.com Attachment 10s_gray.TlF .tif file Attachment n FINAL_braddock_place_zone_exhbt.pdf .pdf file http://us.f212.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?box=lnbox&MsgId=853 9_646248_43284_... 2/18/2005 CITY OF WYLIE Item N se City Secretary's Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: February 28. 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: February 21. 2005 Budgeted Amount: N/a Exhibits: Site Plan AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon reviewing the proposed concept plan for the Sage Creek Phase 9 Development. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approval based on the location of the trail in relation to the Master Plan and the construction of the trail by developer. SUMMARY: The Sage Creek Phase 9 Development is located in the Sage Creek subdivision on the northwest section of Wylie(adjacent to Sage Creek Phase 8). Their total acreage for Phase 9 is 59 acres, 23 acres are being proposed to be developed for homes. The developer is proposing to use the remaining 36 acres for open space and trails. Most of the property being dedicated would be located in the 100 year floodplain. The developer is proposing to also build 2000 l.f. of concrete trail in the dedicated parkland tying into the Sage Creek Phase 8 trail (currently under construction). Property Data: Total Project area-59.24 acres Estimated Park fees-$300,000.00 (100 lots @ $3,000.00 per lot—this is the correct amount disregard amount on the developer information on the next page) Amount of dedicated parkland-36 acres Amount of proposed trail-2,000 l.£ APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ City Manager: \ 9 CITY OF WYLIE Item No. City Secretary's Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: February 28. 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: February 21. 2005 Budgeted Amount: N/a Exhibits: School letters AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon the park names recommended by the children at Akin Elementary for Cimarron Park and Groves Elementary for Sage Creek North Park. RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: From directives given by the Parks and Recreation Board at the end of 2004 to staff concerning the naming of Cimarron and Sage Creek North Park, staff is now received the results from the schools. Students from Akin Elementary submitted two names: 1st Chioce-Eureka and 2nd Choice-Gallagher. The students from Groves Elementary submitted Riverway Park as their only choice. Please read the attachments regarding the groups involved and the process they followed. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ City Manager: \ CITY OF WYLIE Item No. 7 City Secretary's Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: February 28. 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: February 21. 2005 Budgeted Amount: N/a Exhibits: Tape/minutes AGENDA SUBJECT: Discussion Item-Review meeting minutes from February 2004. RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: Per the January 2005 meeting, staff was asked to bring in the tape from the February 2004 meeting to review the comments made in regards to certain discussion items. If changes need to be made they can be added at the February 2005 meeting and then referenced to the previous meetings. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ City Manager: \ MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Monday, February 23, 2004 —6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Work Session Room 2000 State Highway 78 North OATH OF OFFICE City Secretary Carole Ehrlich gave the Oath of Office to new Parks and Recreation Board Member Jamie VanEaton. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairman Daniel Chesnut. Board members present were Eugene Garner,Jamie VanEaton,Anne Hiney,and David Willey. Ivan Holmes arrived at 7:30 p.m. Staff members present were Community Services Director Mike Sferra, Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson, Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz, City Secretary Carole Ehrlich, and Parks & Recreation Board Secretary Julie Gilbert. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Eugene Garner, seconded by Anne Hiney to approve the minutes for January 26, 2004. The board approved the motion 5-0 with Ivan Holmes and Frankie Delgado absent. ACTION ITEMS 1. Discuss and consider request from the Wylie Preparatory Academy to have a fund raiser carnival at Olde City Park and the Bart Peddicord Community Center on May 1,2004. Board Action A motion was made by Ann Hiney, seconded by David Willey to approve the use of Olde City Park and the Bart Peddicord Community Center by the Wylie Preparatory Academy on May 1, 2004. The board approved the motion 5-0 with Ivan Holmes and Frankie Delgado absent. 2. Discuss and consider naming Sage Creek Park or park facility located within Sage Creek Park in memory of the late Park and Recreation Board member,Larry Bowles. Board Discussion The Board discussed the responses to the e-mails that were received to have the Sage Creek Park or park facility named for the late Park and Recreation Board member, Larry Bowles. Dan Chesnut explained the problems with naming the full park for Larry Bowles with reference to park policy. The majority of board members felt the naming of the walking trail and plaque in honor of Larry Bowles would be an appropriate memorial as he was instrumental in the construction of the trails. Staff recommended providing the plaque and memorial area at no charge to the family. Board Action Minutes—February 23,2004 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 A motion was made by David Willey, seconded by Anne Hiney to approve naming the walking trail in Sage Creek Park "Larry Bowles Nature Trail" in memory of Larry Bowles. The board approved the motion 5-0 with Ivan Holmes and Frankie Delgado absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Skorburg Developments Developer Presentation Mr. Ryan Betz with Skorburg Development addressed the board stating that he would like to propose two areas in which the development company would like to purchase and develop land within the City of Wylie. He explained that these designs and projected dedication areas were not completed but wanted to allow the Parks and Recreation Board an opportunity to view and comment on the plans before final plans were made to see if the projections were within the Parkland Dedication guidelines. Rice Tract Mr. Betz presented a design for a 22 acre Parkland Dedication which included: 6 acre linear park to include hike and bike trails leading to the village center and a 16 acre park which would include a gazebo, benches, sitting areas, playing fields, natural grasses and trees leading to the trail head. He explained that the plan was more natural in design and the proposed play area would accommodate a passive play space and a middle school soccer field. Board Discussion Board member Anne Hiney had some concern with the power line easement that ran through the edge of the proposed park. Mr. Betz stated that he had been in contact with Texas Municipal Power, owner of the power lines and concluded that there would be some vegetation that could be planted in the area where the power lines ran. He also commented that there were approximately 11 acres of the proposed area that was not in the easement. Board member David Willey asked how the hike and bike trails and the park area would be connected due to the land in between not purchased by Skorburg. Mr. Betz stated that the trail instead of moving diagonal could be lengthened to connect from one side to the other on property owned by Skorburg and then at some later date the property in question could be purchased. Brand Tract Mr. Betz presented a proposed development which included 50 acres of Parkland Dedication. The Parkland Dedication included a lake which was part of the Muddy Creek Reservoir, fishing pier, lawn amphitheatre, nature path, open lawn and sports field,and pedestrian trail connection to the neighborhood. The area would have wetland plantings and grasses making the area a natural trail. Board Discussion Some board members were concerned with the depth of the lake and dock construction when the water was low and control of the lake in regard to ownership and silt dredging. Another area of concern was the value of improvements based on the acceptance of wetland dedication. Consensus of the board was for Mr. Betz to come back to the board with monetary values for the proposed improvements to the parkland dedication for both tracts and to try and improve the proposed amenities to compensate for some of the required parkland dedication fees. • Landscape Requirements Minutes—February 23,2004 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 Staff Comments Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson addressed the board stating that he would like to see the board review landscape requirements to include types of trees and space requirements for sidewalks and planting areas. Board Direction The consensus of the board was to allow Parks and Recreation staff to review the existing requirements with the Planning and Zoning Department staff and come back to the board with recommendations to the existing landscape requirements. • Sage Creek Phase VIII Concept Development Plan Staff Report Assistant Superintendent for Parks and Recreation Robert Diaz reported that Ashton Development Company had submitted a conceptual plan for parkland dedication for Sage Creek Phase VIII. The development is located generally south of the Sage Creek North Development and northeast of the existing Lakeside Estates Development. He went on to explain that this development would be one that is subject to the recently-adopted Parkland Dedication Ordinance and fees and the developer had not provided any specifics as to the number of acres of dedicated parkland or the amount of funds in lieu of parkland, due to the fact that this is only a conceptual plan. He showed the location of the proposed area and commented that it would possibly have a trail linkage along Muddy Creek and the existing Sage Creek parkland. • Grant Projects Update Staff Report Parks Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz reported on current improvements to Joel Scott Park with park benches now installed, trees planted and rye grass has been planted and some is coming up. Mr. Diaz presented pictures of the completed project at the Joel Scott Park. Diaz reported that at Founder's Park trees and irrigation were completed. Community Park had the benches, sidewalks, and the playground area complete. He stated that the sidewalk connecting the playground to the library is completed. Mr.Diaz reported that some seeding was still needed along the sidewalks at Community Park and Joel Scott Park. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the Parks and Recreation Board a motion was made by Ivan Holmes, seconded by Jamie VanEaton to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. The board approved the motion 6-0 with Frankie Delgado absent. Dan Chesnut,Chairman Julie Gilbert,Parks and Recreation Board Secretary Minutes—February 23,2004 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 IG CITY OF WYLIE Item No. City Secretary's Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: February 28. 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: February 21. 2005 Budgeted Amount: N/a Exhibits: AGENDA SUBJECT: Discussion Item-Staff updates on current park projects-Wells Property, Facilities Study, and other projects. RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: Staff will discuss with the Board the various projects that are currently in progress. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ City Manager: \ CITY OF WYLIE Item No. City Secretary's Use my PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: February 28. 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: February 21. 2005 Budgeted Amount: N/a Exhibits: Article IV,V,VI AGENDA SUBJECT: Discussion Item-Review changes to the Dedication Ordinance (Article IV, City of Wylie Code of Ordinances) And review the Park Regulations(Article V and VI, City of Wylie code of Ordinances). RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: Per the January 2005 meeting, staff was to make final revisions to Article IV and then put Articles V and VI on the agenda to be discussed at the February meeting. A review of the Articles V and VI will be made at the February meeting and finalized at the March meeting. These revisions will then be forwarded to the City of Wylie Council for their review in April 2005. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ City Manager: \ ASHTON WOODS PROPOSED LAND DEDICATION AND TRAIL CONSTRUCTION FOR SAGE CREEK PHASE 9 PROJECT WYLIE, TEXAS Ashton Woods Homes (AWH) has submitted a zoning change application with the City of Wylie in order to develop approximately 59 acres of property located adjacent to the Sage Creek Community. The net usable land for development is approximately 23 acres yielding a maximum of 100 lots. The remaining 36 acres of property is the area AWH proposes to dedicate to the City of Wylie for parks, trails and other uses. AWH proposes to dedicate, in lieu of paying park fees, approximately 36 acres (actual value will vary slightly depending on final engineering data) to the City. We also will include construction of an 8' trail system in the area of the creek. This proposed trail would tie into the trail system to the north in Sage Creek Phase 8. Other areas of the dedicated land may be used other park features. The following is a summary of the data for this project: Total Project Area: 59.24 ACRES Lot Yield: MAX. 100 LOTS Estimated Park Fees: $300,000 (100 lots @ $1,000 per lot) Proposed Land to be Dedicated: Approx. 36 ACRES (5 acres required by City Ordinance) Length of Proposed 8' Trail: Appox. 2,000 If AWH has been an active participant in making park and trail improvements throughout the life of the Sage Creek Community. AWH has dedicated significant park land, constructed trails and install playground areas. This proposal is made in an effort to, not only benefit the residents of Sage Creek, but also allow the City of Wylie to meet it's needs in terms of more parks and completion of the master trail plan currently in place. We look forward to again working with the Parks Board. If you have any questions, please contact Neal Heckel at (214) 869-4943 .. , . ',//7/7 . ,'"': 40. • , _ 7 / , . , 1pi , 1 'A' K /fiDi 6 -11(D , / 446/A i , //// //, .. Adi . '-' 4 f i f er g },-A (,4. �, .. .. .. . ,,,,,.,,,, _ • ._. : 4•' A, '9,,, .,.. .. EXHIBIT PREPARED FEBRUARY 2005 SAGE CR PHASE NINE DOWDEY,ANDERSON w &ASSOCIATES,INC. 5223 Yee Oeek Di$v Site 200 Plano Tea 75093 Phone 972-931.0694 Fax 972931953E e•., Ty. ... k.. a —, v • y .1 II i� ®• / ,/ / i �� s�vorii ------ /, / ice! Pi gilioMri— n wil , .,„ iii /�,� 1 IOA pPRDWOYEAR4jQ',OS ' LOO‘DP JAIN AM ki;0, • . .___ "� i, ___.., , 7 11 r 0 s a J, '�A. .moo, . i ,,,A .1 ma ,... ,.. k . I • ... . , , ., . . „. \h„........... . „ ....,--4, • , :,........t....,. .„. ..... ,___ , ,,,d) - .... • 0 , __ ..... • „..., , ,,„„.,,, •k . -........, s ... __,.. , A lio AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH'FAKEN OCTOBER 2004 0 NOT TO SCALE THIS IS A CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT AND DOES NOT DEPICT THE PROJECT AS IT SHALL FINALLY BE DEVELOPED. r 1 .,___ _ t _ - _1 1 i I I I I I I I I I I I i 1- -I- 1- -I- 1- 4 --1- � T\-I\-- -I .- - - _ 1 r _ _ _ I I I I I I I I I I I 11 — � - I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 L-- _1 _,_ SAGE CREEK L —1 J \ N I- - -1 I PHASE EIGHT % I _ J — — - r —r —(L01'SIZES: 50s&60s) 7 '\ — I r L _ _ , I I I I I I I 1 1 I \\ i L _ _ __II I I I I I I I I I \ - I Ei J _ I 1 1 1 I I I ,, \ 1- - a w t ,. ....._, 4.4, Es I SAGE CREEK It PHASE FOt'R _ it III (LOT Si'/,IS:ri : I 6 I I C-1 r — — -ir:----._ LALIS . PROPOSED r — — I" AMENITY Y 1 • SAGE CREEK PHASE.SEVEN - ' MITI I PLOW (L01'SIZES: 60s) _ I I I 1 • . .S I 1 1 I - - -- — 1 © I J 1 I 4 I _ - Jv1 1 I I - - - I 1 �I I / _fIIL _ LiJ U Sp<uiish OakTr. - - I —1 � ' I DEVELOPMENT DATA i - - -1 r - - -11 W001)ED CREEK ESTATES Max.No.of Lots r- - PHASE ONE Average Lot Size (LOT SIZES: 60s) Area %of Lots By Area Over 1 Acre III %of Lots By Area Under 1 Acre Proposed Amenity Area SCALE: 1" =50' 8'Trail Length THIS IS A CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT AND DOES NOT DEPICT THE PROJECT AS IT SHALL FINALLY BE DEVELOPED. ✓ `► •0 I ` • 9 iy A gr r goC. 4 • g a , 0, <V, py ® •Ilbw 4 0 *A • o . e %• - a * % 0 ® ` „ti x _- sue_% • ,7 .. '• • i71 R3° + , 46 —# I 1.* iiV%-011 01.6 di es ,.. an 't •¢ \ti:yam( a° ;366 41 - .i `4 '-. ;II* dilir . 7 t _ .r ..� ".gi •.-'y . ,,,,,1/40. 11 7„,J ,N YEAR ' alal. k +) • �w ' :r^. L.'s la !Nal a ' .•ii " �� � . IMF ,ki . .41 = 100 = 25,800 s.f. =59.2 acres SA G//�q CREEK =62% =38% PHASE NINE = 1.30 Ac.± = 1,180.38' DOWDEY,ANDERSON &ASSOCIATES,INC. 5225 Vr3age Creep Dive,Suite 200 Plano,Texas 75093 Phone 972.931-0694 Fax 972 9319530 ______ _ _ _ ASHTON WOODS - H . il 1 r 1 2 3 I 4 5 6 I 7 8 9 10 I i 11 I 6 1 i 1 © I I' 1 12 — 1 11111111 I I I it 1`1 11 III 7 11 I _ __ 1 t3 12 J�I '1 11 j 1 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 1 \ 1 13 I i � 1 1 ff OB I I �L — _ _ _ " 1` 1 I{I ME t1 i1 it-- _ -1L - - - �tl 1 \ \ I 11 I I I a 10 I j I 1 i 2 3 111 4 5 6 7 8 ��1 I 11 I'�II II fr �I 12 I 122 21 20 � 19 I 16 17 16 15 1a 13 12 IIII i 1 r'�i� ---- II I fit— --J� —r 7_7_ —4 -- — --J lI� I I I 15 I 1- N.sk.'‘'H 14 1 I 1F-26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 // 16 1 1 15 I I ® // I 'i I y — ---- --�---� t E 4 N99'28'04'E 1813. 29.09 ACRES tf RONNIE JOE HOUSEWRIGHT and wife 0 1 -; SUZANNE I. HOUSEWRIGHT . VOLUME 3180, PAGE 615 _ m D.R.C.C.T. ____ Li f o x .. 10.1 ACRES n " N NET OF FLOODPLAIN a A ..t 1 - _ 1; 30.15 ACRES 4, RONNIE JOE HOUSEWRIGHT and SUZANNE , HOUSEWRIGHT 1 d VOLUME 2324, PAGE 94 H D.R.C.C.T. t s, u t A 4,...... 13.49 ACRES NET OF FLOODPLAIN 1 , 1 q 989'22'48`W 208$. ,-,i-.y— R ii a I - 4 , 5 1 i s USEWRIGHT TRACT _ ...-, , . ..... . I 1 ....-"' - ,.. . ..- ' - , ./". ..... ,.." ...'''' ......". ......., ...'.. ......, 111111111111 - ......., .... ....."' I ./7 ....'"' .,...- ../. /..'....... 11 ......., ../".' ...."' ..," • I . ..- . ....."' .."'....".".......' \ I-- . 4.. - . GRAPHIC SCALE TOO 30" ..., \ _ ( IN FEET) W ,. ....-:,.........----'Z...'• 1 1 Inch. 100 It t ------** ___ _------. . . .. <".....-....--....-. *A. •'N9 27.30"E 91.'9 40' - .- . ._ - 18.99 ACRFn — ,I. . . . !illiillININV _ . . - . 11111101iM - ,---,,,, ,...__- , ati 2 3fr - - -.- .,.-- .-;-..----- - ---.:- . .,.._ . • -_ -.._ - - - A ,---...,,.....=,....*........ - --, '.. - •.',... - - 16.66 ACE'l - , • . _ • m _ . • .... _ APPROX. AREA OF LAND DEDICATION _...,, SAGE CREEK PHASE NINE PRELIMINARY BOUNDARY EXHIBIT 1 . CITY OF WYLIE COLON COUNTY,TEXAS riDOWDEY,ANDERSON&ASSOCIATES,INC.k\ 5225 Wate Cfeek Rim,Sung 200 Plano,Imo 75093 372-531-0694 „CESICN I OP.SW1,fa-W.14E0i_.'.T%TT:—r-_ SCALE 1 1011 SHEET -.----- Parks and Recreation Agenda Submission Schedule 2005 Meeting Date Submission Due Date Staff Review Due Date January 24 January 10 January 17 February 28 February 14 February 21 March 28 March 14 March 21 April 25 April 11 April 18 May 23 May 9 May 16 June 27 June 13 June 20 July 25 July 11 July 18 August 22 August 8 August 15 September 26 September 12 September 19 October 24 October 10 October 17 November 28 November 14 November 21 December 19* December 5 December 12 *December meeting date has changed due to the holidays. } ill;_... 35' MIN. 4$ SPLIT RAIL 1 FENCE 1L 4:1 (1 SLOPE11 q _5• /SUBJECT t \ /PROPERTY -'�a BERM DETAIL 30' OPEN SPACE WITH CEDARS a 30' 0.C. i VICINITY MAP (OR OTHER EVERGREENS) NTS -T---- rrrr rir/47-7rr ,r,r Z, 7,7 rrr7'; t I 80' TYP (70' MIN) 65' TYP (65' MIN) ----- j I I —•---0--•—•-1 �— s s L r R — Al 20' _. I 20' ! ,• E B R ►E'A N I ), i ly -7' OR 10% 18 --6.5' OR 1 0'/. t o Ad= 4.1 j is i>- S i i POTENTIAL r'" - ! j i ELEMENTARY 'i i i lin I� 1 SCHOOL SITE i j N — y % i ! i 25' FRONT I^ 20' FRONT I i--_--'L - i i . j 1 r' 1 i TYPE A TYPE B {L DRI-\(E___ .___ i II TYPICAL LOT DIMENSIONS --"-PARK -- " NTS j . A MINIMUM OF 607. OF THE TOTAL LOTS MUST ---- '-., 41 BE 10,000 SF, OR TYPE 'A' LOTS. I 4 l • MAXIMUM HEIGHT = 36 FT .--.1- j � I N.C.1, , ,.�._1 I I I 1 r , , , , , , , r , , , , •, , , , r , r , , :1 . , rrir , ...• --- 1 . . �... i ! ,,----- ..----fil I FT •.li„,et ir , 1 PARK -,�I\_ \ - i • --- --- L \10•4110110---. 1 i Mg i // 4 ,,,, . i , , , fr.:v. . .. . . •/ .. / . Alir, , , \N 401IC i I FFk COLLIN COUNTY" -_` �'` :�� ` .\_�\ Ay,. Ir . DALLAS COUNTY/ .�, \ ,•� j _._.._.� r . I \ / i �• \ r r �. i 1. ALL COMMON AREAS, INCLUDING BERMS ALONG FM 544, ARE _ 'Q� TO BE MAINTAINED BY HOA. '�/�� �e."#..r i 2. 10% OF THE TOTAL LOTS WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION SHALL BE 'M. �.• .t• " ! /\ A MINIMUM OF 12,000 SF. '"r 3. MINIMUM LOT SIZES OF 12,000 SF SHALL BE REQUIRED ADJACENT i T i TO THE 30' OPEN SPACE AT THE NORTH EDGE OF THE TRACT. y_.._.-_0' 400' 800' 4. MINIMUM LOT SIZES OF 10,000 SF SHALL BE REQUIRED ALONG =ME= I THE SOUTHWESTERN PROPERTY LINE OF THE TRACT. SCALE: I" = 400' PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: BRADDOCK PLACE SKORBURG COMPANY KENNEDY CONSULTING, INC. ZONING EXHIBIT 3838 OAK LAWN AVE., SUITE 1212 808 S. COLLEGE ST., SUITE 300 '185.2 ACRE TRACT DALLAS, TX 75219 214-522-4945 MCKINNEY, TX 75069 972-542-1754 WYLIE, TEXAS ASHTON WOODS PROPOSED LAND DEDICATION AND TRAIL CONSTRUCTION FOR SAGE CREEK PHASE 9 PROJECT WYLIE, TEXAS Ashton Woods Homes (AWH) has submitted a zoning change application with the City of Wylie in order to develop approximately 59 acres of property located adjacent to the Sage Creek Community. The net usable land for development is approximately 23 acres yielding a maximum of 100 lots. The remaining 36 acres of property is the area AWH proposes to dedicate to the City of Wylie for parks, trails and other uses. AWH proposes to dedicate, in lieu of paying park fees, approximately 36 acres (actual value will vary slightly depending on final engineering data) to the City. We also will include construction of an 8' trail system in the area of the creek. This proposed trail would tie into the trail system to the north in Sage Creek Phase 8. Other areas of the dedicated land may be used other park features. The following is a summary of the data for this project: Total Project Area: 59.24 ACRES Lot Yield: MAX. 100 LOTS Estimated Park Fees: $300,000 (100 lots @ $1,000 per lot) Proposed Land to be Dedicated: Approx. 36 ACRES (5 acres required by City Ordinance) Length of Proposed 8' Trail: Appox. 2,0001f AWH has been an active participant in making park and trail improvements throughout the life of the Sage Creek Community. AWH has dedicated significant park land, constructed trails and install playground areas. This proposal is made in an effort to, not only benefit the residents of Sage Creek, but also allow the City of Wylie to meet it's needs in terms of more parks and completion of the master trail plan currently in place. We look forward to again working with the Parks Board. If you have any questions, please contact Neal Heckel at (214) 869-4943 1 "., t ti. LL I � _ , �. • 1 II POTENTIAL / j i ELEMENTARY - i i SCHOOL SITE -/ i I I 1 i..J. / • .• • 1 'I / 1 1 I- -' 1 1 1 1- 1 :I : et El II 1 1 I I I I 1 11 • -.... IN` El •1 1• 1 I I 1 1 I I I I * � �Si il1r I1 •S i i i 1 1 1 1 1 I I •p - d � i •t i - MIN ;! : i A., whitiam!• i! : i .*Iplgiloglii,-.---\ NIP to) go_.._._,.11..:,.li !i .\ A ,.**air mi : , ..) ' 4 IV •!NI i i : ./ - \ .--....-*dim!IP : 1 ! r ./ / r ra ! i. i. ....„ ,. •. ........„0„,_ , _ - -., ...„ . . . -... ./ / isoilv..!,II . i.i. , ...... • ./ .,,,„./*N., di;0 '. !i \. . .•{•'441PW4i..N \. \ 14 4 r i ii i :: N.,._.....--•....,. . \ .. : !! I •-•,t4PA,_ . ,, \. # * .*.,#./.t.,. ._.._, -.... • . \#•*It:.'/: / i ..r-E-T I.1-"' I ....../ ' i• ¢„ V' 3 • V .v. I - • v ( ` -p x ��.5 •,.,may " j,:` - 14 , .., .. . . ... . , ) / } AgrA Vgilt .dr ii(7/ A qt. r pi / /_ . i 0 1011 F PR 1,OS�D 100 YEAR 4, LoobP,Aix ANI illkeliiiikTri .1.7 . ArAP ,plpm„ .:44: lig 1114 Ella um -7-1 , ...... iiiiiiimilliih.. A 3 r .• i . :, • . 1 _14 .. ......., . li - ..,.... .... hipm,...., AI RI AI PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN OCTOBER 2004 • NOT TO SCALE THIS IS A CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT AND DOES NOT DEPICT THE PROJECT AS IT SHALL FINALLY BE DEVELOPED. pir i;01z:A•;xi,p re ra d d rozzo of p r pr rf„,,,,;r„gc,•„A t, AlvAl A. . Arai _ Orffer7CIPI , 1 'A • K "IF A i„„,,E. c i T 0 4611 i� A A i v-J irrrrrs�/r Aairr/rr/i/®.��/rA irr/r///r/rrr/r/rr/r % //rri// r/ -A . .///4'4' :j:,ii•:. .10;. :40%4 ,.-.., . ' 4. ; ', ' Ay ._ EXIBBrr PREPARED FEBRUARY 2005 S; iG.E cM1EEK PHASE NINE DOWDEY,ANDERSON w &ASSOCIATES,INC. 5225Y1ageO'eek Driver Suite 200 Phta,Tab 5093 Phone972-931.0694 Fax972-931453e l ASHTON WOODS H II I r .— __. —: —1— - 9 10I I ,I .I : i B 6 I Il I 11 2 3 4 © 6 �7 I I I I 12 I 11 I� —�— I I V 1 1 11 7 I l ,� 1 yl ----VI" 120 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 '� 1, 1 ll 'I I i 13 ®8 I I L _ — ---/` p\ 1I •1 11 - ---- _ __- - - ,` 9 _ ---- �I ' I I 10 I I rr� — —— — '- 9 t0 „ ,111 1 111 1 1 1 t4 1 2 3 I I 4 5 7 8 1 1 I 11 I I I II II I -_a 12 122 21 20 11 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 i I r'�I'I----- ---- 11 13 26 �_, J 1 ' 17— 14 I I I 25 24 23 22 21 11Hi /' I ' . T-1 1489'28'04'E 16137 "`•+s i 29.09 ACRES RONNIE JOE HOUSEWRIGHT and wife SUZANNE I. HOUSEWRIGHT 0 VOLUME 3180, PAGE 615 n m m D.R.C.C.T. N f 10.1 ACRES III r NET OF FLOODPLAIN I a m _______ \ a 30.15 ACRES RONNIE JOE HOUSEWRIGHT and SUZANNE = HOUSEWRIGHT a VOLUME 2324, PAGE 194 ; ' co. D.R.C.C.T. U U I 13.49 ACRES i NET OF FLOODPLAIN 1 yi a 1 889'22'48'W 2083.4 • . 9 i o g 1 i I 9 • USEWRIGHT TRACT . .. ....._ . _.. .. . • . .... .... . . , , .. ...... ... . .. .. .1 ... .... ..... ......... .... ..... ,,..„. .... .... ... ...._ . ....-- ....... .. ,.......„- ...... ....-- .....-- ...„ ...... ,• ....----- ,-- .... ..--- ..... ..., NI . .. _. \\ ....... .- .... ...- . ....- , 7. ... \ ..- GRAPHIC SCALE .-- ..... (IN \ 11 MT) 1 inch 100 0_ `.......___,....., Ns\.\\..... \ \ . ------- _ ... -•1 , .............- N 1•11W2 7%30%9119.40 . _ . . 1 18.99 ACRE A-. ........... 4,4 - • • _ . i.,,,._:-..,-.t' ,. - - . -.. .•2612.3r —.--____ ___i______ -- .-.-•.----___:-. ,, ,. . .... - . '-;--L1:-:i-----:.•-•;-- -.- _- - _ ____ . .._ ._-___,-,_.,,...--...-7,-..--.. .--.--_ -..'..:=-j__.... ._ . • .- -_ -. --,'. -77 --...-. . _ .,. _ ... - . .- -- ....". . • ' ' . .... - i - . .7.- _ APPROX. AREA OF LAND DEDICATION . • ___.--- SAGE CREEK PHASE NINE PRELIMINARY BOUNDARY EXHIBIT CRY OF WYLIE thLLINCOUNTY,'FJCA.S . .. iik05225,\AlvoaDmErsu ,0p ej,ANDERSON2 &11. aT 7 3 ,n53 S 0A ES.,11194C. LL-.1.F.c1C1*1'012.i1M,i C-IECKEU_ Li 108 .._1 SKEET,...... -- - - _1 i i I I I I I I I I I • h- -,- I - -I- I- 4 - - F- -1t_L -I = == -IL -- r _ _ _ I I I I I I I i I I I I I - - _- - - -� I - I I I I I I I I I I I I L. _1I - I - - - I _1_ SAGE CREEK L J 1 \ I- - - 1 PHASE EIGHT % -- N - _ - F- - r —(LOT SI""/,I:S: 50s tt 60s) '\ — , I r L _ — _ I II I I I I I I I '\ _ L _ _ _1 I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I �_I l I I I I I I r . 1 ' 1,--------- 1p . ) t SAGE CREEK I PHASE FOI'R _ (LOT SIZES: 50s K 60s) I - jv0„.elaao eitoro�naoNIcon I I I HrII1 - PRO 7.' . . AMENITY - I \c;E CREEK Pt LASE SEVEN - I m0"TM (LOT SIZES: 60s) _ - 1 i - - - - fb— .)-- - 4 1110\ . I 1 MOM - - - I _ _ J 9.;1 I 1 __ _ r 1 -,?.:1 I I ) - -- -- -L- -- -- __I ig L_ __ LJ 7, } I I j Spanish Oak Ti-. it -- -- --I-- -- -- -1 I?, I- -- -- 1 \I _ - DEVELOPMENT DATA -1 i - - --11 WOODED CREEK ESTATES Max. No.of Lots r- - PHASE ONE Average SIZES: 60s) Lot Size Area %of Lots By Area Over 1 Acre ® %of Lots By Area Under 1 Acre Proposed Amenity Area SCALE: 1" =50' 8'Trail Length THIS IS A CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT AND DOES NOT DEPICT THE PROJECT AS IT SHALL FINALLY BE DEVELOPED. \ I • 4. ` ,OF -11--11- ". /1 7 , *SO . ,- a—---- a—li--- ----7-7W 411r4 NV dk 0-.. C SI` 4,*k_ * id :S Att .. •::,...,2 . .....‘, p.t .. , , . ...... INAttj I IP • N.,''•'.''‘. 1 ..- • t4 .rt) :i` 2 r. 7 3 `1, • \'� e j . ' ' AiiiPPS *' • o° ''3 '' _,..Z. _ 'eir, .' t- iii:kg., . . * . = 100 = 25,800 s.f. =59.2 acres SAGE çPEEK =38% PHASE NINE = 1.30 Ac.± = 1,180.38 , /�`DOWDEY&ASSOCIATESANDERSON,INC. 5225 Vnmge Creek Drive,Suite 200 Plano,Tent 75093 Phase 972-9310694 Fax 9729319538