02-28-2005 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Monday, February 28, 204—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—City Council Chambers 2000 State Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:37 with the following board members present;Frankie Delgado,Eugene Garner,and Anne Hiney.Board members Brandi Lafleur, Ronnie Rogers and David Willey were absent. Staff members present were Bill Nelson,Parks Superintendent,Robert Diaz,Assistant Parks Superintendent,Claude Thompson,Planning Director and Rachael Hermes, Park Board Secretary. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation. INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the January 24,2005 meeting. Board Action Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Board member Eugene Garner seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board members Brandi Lafleur, Ronnie Rogers and David Willey absent. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut requested that the Board move to Item 5. 5. Consider and act upon a request from Jason Ridings to use the B.P.Community Center for a"Battle of the Bands"concert April 1,2005. Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz stated that Jason Ridings would be paying for the use of the facility and for an off-duty police officer to be present during the time of the concert. Board Action Board member Eugene Garner made a motion to approve the request. Board member Frankie Delgado seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board members Brandi Lafleur, Ronnie Rogers and David Willey absent. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut requested that the Board move to Item 4. 4. Consider and act upon the park names recommended by the children at Akin Elementary for Cimarron Park and Groves Elementary for Sage Creek North Park. Minutes—February 28,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 Board Discussion The Board discussed the responses given by both Akin Elementary and Groves Elementary. Board member Anne Hiney suggested that the final suggestions from the schools be used as the perspective park names. Board member Frankie Delgado expressed particular appreciation for the involvement from the students and faculty at Akin Elementary in selecting a park name. Chairman Chesnut suggested that the names "Eureka Park" and"Riverway Park"be used as voted upon by students from both schools. Board Action Board member Eugene Garner made a motion to approve the names as recommended. Board member Frankie Delgado seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board members Brandi Lafleur, Ronnie Rogers and David Willey absent. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut requested that the Board move to Item 2. 2. Consider and act upon reviewing the proposed concept plan for the Braddock Place Development. Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz informed the Board that some changes had been made since the last time the Board had spoken with Mr.Ryan Betz with the Skorburg Company. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson stated that one of the utility lines within the easements is very tall and would allow for planting of some trees. Mr. Nelson reminded the Board that anything placed within easements could be subject to removal if deemed necessary. Mr.Nelson informed Mr.Betz that they would be responsible for water service,sewer service,clearing and accessibility. Requestor Comments Mr.Ryan Betz with the Skorburg Company addressed the Board. Mr.Betz stated that approximately 4 acres of the total 28 acres proposed to be dedicated as parkland would include easements. Mr. Betz stated that the easements would be approximately 200 feet in width and could be used to place park benches, sidewalks, drinking fountains and shrubs or flowers. Mr. Betz stated that large trees and permanent structures would not be allowed within the easements. Mr. Betz stated that the new plan allowed for an active space across Elm Drive and a passive space near Cottonwood Creek. Mr. Betz explained that the size of the parkland dedication has increased in the new proposal. Board Discussion Board member Frankie Delgado requested that Mr. Betz define the term "active space". Mr. Betz explained that the active space he refers to has no trees and would allow for practice fields or similar use in the area. Board member Eugene Garner asked Mr.Betz if a walking trail could run directly underneath the utility lines. Mr. Betz stated that trails could run underneath the lines. Chairman Chesnut asked Mr. Betz about the property ownership around the 185-acre development site. Mr. Betz stated that the developer did not own the surrounding areas. Board member Anne Hiney asked Mr. Betz about running a trail to connect the neighborhood to the school. Mr. Betz stated that the Mayor had requested that a road include a sidewalk to connect the two areas. Mr. Betz stated that the sidewalk would be on both sides of the street. Board member Frankie Delgado expressed his concern that sidewalks be 8 feet wide to better fit the needs of the citizens. Mr. Delgado asked Mr. Betz about the use of the land should the school district decide not to use it for a school. Mr. Betz stated that the land would be used for residential purposes to include a maximum of 40 homes. Mr.Betz stated that he did not foresee the school district choosing not to use the land. Board member Anne Hiney inquired about the parking that would be available near the parks. Mr. Betz stated that there would be room and accessibility for parking and suggested the possibility of using land underneath the power lines for parking. Board member Eugene Garner inquired about the street width and possibility of parking on the side of the street. Mr.Betz stated that he did not think the streets would be wide enough to provide parking on both sides of the street. Board member Frankie Delgado asked if they should accept the plan based on the understanding that the school would be built in the location suggested. Mr. Betz stated that preliminary plats would be given as the development progresses. Minutes—February 28,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 Board Action Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to accept the plan as presented. Board member Frankie Delgado seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board members Brandi Lafleur,Ronnie Rogers and David Willey absent. 3. Consider and act upon reviewing the proposed concept plan for Sage Creek Phase 9 Development. Developer Comments Neal Heckel with Ashton Woods Homes addressed the Board. Mr.Heckel stated that approximately 23 of the 59 acres would be developed for homes. Mr.Heckel explained that the remaining land would utilized as dedicated parkland as well as continuation of the existing trail system. Mr.Heckel stated that Ashton Woods has been in discussion with Sage Creek H.O.A.to determine what type of facility would be constructed within the development of Phase 9. Board Discussion Board member Frankie Delgado inquired about floodplain being dedicated as parkland. Mr.Heckel stated that the proposed dedicated area is primarily within the floodplain.Mr.Delgado inquired about the creek area included in the proposed dedication and asked if other portions of the creek had already been accepted as parkland dedication. Planning Director Claude Thompson stated that it had been accepted. Mr.Delgado expressed his concern that the dedication is floodplain. Mr.Heckel stated that the floodplain could be utilized to gain additional access to water in the future. Mr.Delgado asked Mr.Heckel to provide detail concerning installation of additional trails. Mr. Heckel stated that a 30-foot wide area would be cleared and a 8-foot wide trail would be installed. Board member Eugene Garner asked if the developer was to include connection from the proposed amenity center to the public trail. Mr.Heckel stated that a walkway would be connected from the amenity center to the trail. Board member Anne Hiney inquired about the amount of parking that would be needed for the proposed amenity center. Mr. Heckel proposed a shared parking area for both the amenity center and trails. Mr.Heckel asked for input as far as the parking area that would be necessary and stated that the space would probably accommodate 10-15 parking spaces. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut stated that the parking needed would be dependent upon the actual use of the proposed amenity center area. i,,-j w‘1\ Staff Comments — ' ~ Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson stated that there were plans to build a bridge near Riverway to connect Sage Creek Phase 8 and Sage Creek Phase 9. Planning Director Claude Thompson stated that acceptance of this parkland dedication would increase access to Muddy Creek. Planning Director Claude Thompson later clarified that the PD for Sage Creek states that improvements may be made within any of the Sage Creek phases. Board Action Board member Frankie Delgado made a motion to accept the plan as presented. Board member Eugene Garner seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board members Brandi Lafleur,Ronnie Rogers and David Willey absent. It was a consensus of the Board that their acceptance of the developer's plan was with the understanding that Sage Creek Phase 9 will meet the parkland dedication requirements upon acceptance of the 36 acres. DISCUSSION ITEMS 6. Review changes to the Parkland Dedication Ordinance(Article IV,City of Wylie Code of Ordinances) and review the Park Regulations(Article V and Article VI,City of Wylie Code of Ordinances). Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz explained that modifications had been made to reflect the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances. Mr.Diaz asked the Board members to review the previous modifications and see if Minutes—February 28,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 there are any other changes that should be made. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson recommended Section 78-76 be revised to include utility easements. Mr.Nelson recommended clarification on Section 78-76(B). Board Discussion Board member Anne Hiney inquired about Section 78-75(B)and asked if the homeowner could be reimbursed for funds not spent. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz stated that he understood it to represent the developer but would need to be evaluated for a clear interpretation. Ms. Hiney asked how the parkland dedication funds are tracked and noted that information on funds is stated to be accessible to public for their review. Mr. Diaz stated that all parkland dedication funds are accepted by the Planning Department upon filing of final plat. Mr. Diaz stated that he would obtain more information and present it to the Board. Chairman Chesnut asked if there was any new information regarding penalties for use of the fields. Mr.Diaz explained that they had contacted Chief Butters and they did not see the issue as being one that an Ordinance with a resulting penalty could be written for. Mr. Diaz proposed addressing the issue in the athletic field policy and implementing a park employee to monitor fields. Board members expressed concern that a penalty be in place to discourage disregard of field policies. Chairman Chesnut noted that park hours be changed to reflect current policy/facilities. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson recommended Section 78-101(C) be revised to include Public Works employees. Chairman Chesnut suggested revising it to include all city personnel. Chairman Chesnut suggested changing Section 78-102 to state"Parks and Recreation Parking". Mr.Nelson suggested continuation of replacing"city"to"municipal"parks. Board member Frankie Delgado suggested revising Section 78-107 to refer to posted speed limit. Chairman Chesnut referenced Section 78-108 and discussed interpretation of disorderly conduct. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz stated that he would obtain more information regarding the behavior the section refers to. 7. Review meeting minutes from February of 2004. Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz informed the Board that he reviewed the February 2004 tape regarding the Skorburg Company. Mr.Diaz stated that he had the audio for the Boards'review. Board Discussion It was a consensus of the Board that it was not necessary to review the audio of the February 2004 meeting. The Board determined that the issue was no longer relevant. 8. Staff updates on current park development projects-Park Memorial Policy,Wells Property,Facilities Study,and other projects. Staff Comments Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson addressed the Board with updates to current park development projects. Mr. Nelson stated that trees had been installed along Hwy 78 and in both Sage Creek North and Cimarron Park. Mr. Nelson stated that irrigation bids for Sage Creek North and Cimarron Parks would be accepted the following week. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz stated that the Park Memorial Policy was being evaluated by staff and compared with other cities. Mr. Diaz stated that the Wells property had been acquired by the city. Mr.Diaz stated that a work session would take place regarding the facilities study. Mr. Nelson stated that Capital Improvement Projects had been submitted to include improvements/completion of parks. Board Discussion Board member Anne Hiney inquired about the playground equipment installed in Olde City Park. Mr. Nelson stated that the city purchased an additional piece of equipment that would also be installed. The Board requested that they be informed of any park improvements either by presentation or notification. ADJOURNMENT Board Action With no further business, Board member Frankie Delgado made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:21. The motion was seconded by Anne Hiney. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board members Brandi Lafleur, Ronnie Rogers and David Willey absent. Minutes—February 28,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 4 D iel hesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman SUBMITTED BY: e Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary Minutes—February 28,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 5