03-28-2005 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Monday, March 28, 2005 — 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:31 with the following Board members present; Frankie Delgado, Eugene Garner, Anne Hiney, Brandi Lafleur, Ronnie Rogers, and David Willey. Staff members present were Mike Sferra, Public Services Director, Bill Nelson, Parks Superintendent, Robert Diaz, Assistant Parks Superintendent, and Rachael Hermes, Park Board Secretary. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation. INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the February 28,2005 meeting. Staff Comments Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson noted Item 3 in Minutes regarding the bridge to be built near Riverway. Mr. Nelson clarified that the bridge will connect Sage Creek Ph 8 to Sage Creek North,not Sage Creek Ph 8 to Sage Creek Ph 9 as stated in minutes. Board Action Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to approve the minutes with the above correction. Board member Frankie Delgado seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 7-0 with all board members in attendance. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut requested that the Board move to Item 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Potential proposed connection through the Sage Creek Development. Staff Comments Public Services Director Mike Sferra introduced Brooks Verschoyle with Ashton Woods Homes. Mr. Sferra displayed a map of the area surrounding the proposed connection. Rea uestor Comments Brooks Verschoyle with Ashton Woods Homes stated that some-residents within Sage Creek have expressed concerns regarding traffic on Claybrook Drive. Mr. Verschoyle stated that the proposed connection through Sage Creek would provide additional access through the subdivision and help deter some traffic currently on Claybrook Drive. Mr. Verschoyle stressed that the design he presented to the Board was a preliminary design and encouraged the Board to provide him with suggestions. Minutes—March 28,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 Board Discussion Board member Frankie Delgado stated that he had some concerns in splitting the greenbelt area currently in the subdivision. Mr.Delgado stated that creating a road at the proposed location would eliminate the only greenbelt area that allows for children to access the park without traffic. Mr. Verschoyle proposed the idea of continuing the trail underneath the road and stated that he would research to see if the idea was feasible. Mr. Verschoyle stated that the proposal allowed for pedestrian walkways on the bridge. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut inquired about existing sidewalks and questioned if new sidewalks would have to be created. Mr. Verschoyle stated that new sidewalks would probably have to be created but the project would help to provide continuity for existing trails. Chairman Chesnut asked if the proposed connection within the subdivision was necessary. Mr. Verschoyle stated that a traffic study had been performed and indicated the additional road was not necessary. Mr. Verschoyle explained that the proposal was created to address the concerns of residents and help to lighten the load of traffic on existing streets. 4. Park Memorial Policy. Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz provided the Board with information he obtained from other cities regarding their park memorial policies. Mr. Diaz requested the Board evaluate the current policy and provide input as to what requirements they would like to establish. Public Services Director Mike Sferra discussed the possible need to set written qualifications within the policy. Board Discussion Board member Ronnie Rogers expressed his concern in creating a policy with specific stipulations. It was a consensus of the Board that it was not necessary to expand upon the current memorial policy. The Board was in agreement that the Parks Superintendent review memorials. 5. "No golfing" ordinance in the parks. Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz requested input from the Board regarding implementing an ordinance to prohibit golfing in the parks. Board Discussion Chairman Chesnut stated that he was in support of the ordinance but felt provisions should be made to enforce any current or future ordinances adopted. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson stated that some ordinances might be difficult to enforce. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz discussed the possible difficulty of issuing citations for something that may be considered a subjective call. Public Services Director Mike Sferra suggested that staff research to evaluate the policies of other cities regarding field conditions. Mr. Nelson discussed the possibility of implementing a new city staff position to enforce field policies. Mr. Diaz stated that he would collect information and present it to the Board. 6. League sanctioning guidelines. Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz requested input from the Board regarding creation of guidelines to sanction athletic leagues. Board Discussion Board member Ronnie Rogers expressed concern that there are no current guidelines established for the leagues. Mr. Rogers stated that he would provide staff with a list of requirements that he would like to see implemented. Chairman Chesnut discussed the idea of requiring a representative from each league work specifically with the city to ensure requirements have been satisfied. Minutes—March 28.2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut requested that the Board move back to Item 2. 2. Changes/updates to the Park Regulations(Article V and Article VI,City of Wylie Code of Ordinances). Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz asked the Board to review the previous modifications and determine if there were any other changes to be made. Board Discussion Board member Frankie Delgado recommended continuation of replacing terms to refer to parks as"municipal" parks. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson recommended removal of items 1,2 and 3 within Section 78-134 as well as the last sentence within the first paragraph. 7. Staff updates on current park development projects:Bond Committee appointment and video presentation of Wells Property purchase. Staff Comments Staff presented video regarding purchase of Wells property. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson stated that playground equipment was currently being installed in Eureka Park and installation of equipment had been completed at Olde City Park. Mr.Nelson stated that irrigation bids had been opened and awarded for both Riverway and Eureka Parks. Board Discussion Chairman Chesnut discussed his appointment to the Bond Committee and expressed his views regarding the use of the Wells property. Board member David Willey suggested the Board tour the city. Public Services Director Mike Sferra encouraged the Board to determine when they would like to tour and expressed his support of the idea. Chairman Chesnut suggested that developers present letters to the Board regarding potential use of areas within easements in an effort to provide further explanations to Council upon the Boards' acceptance/denial of parkland dedication. Board member Anne Hiney reminded the Board of the upcoming community park project and informed the Board of her invitation to attend a North Central Texas Council of Governments meeting as a representative of the city. N R- Ut h 5 �" 'TA,,„_: n �'i ,yAN: rt aw s � ;; r nc. 7 `k Board Action With no further business, Board member Frankie Delgado made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50. The motion was seconded by David Willey.A vote was taken,and p ssed 7-0 with all Board members in attendance. 'IYani 1 Chesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman SUBMITTED BY: at ("e/11/Xj---- •-. Rac ael Hermes,Park Board Secretary Minutes—March 28,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3