04-25-2005 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
Monday, April 25, 2005 —6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room
2000 State Highway 78 North
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 with the following Board members
present; Frankie Delgado,Brandi Lafleur,Ronnie Rogers,and David Willey.Board members Eugene
Garner and Anne Hiney were absent.
Staff members present were Bill Nelson,Parks Superintendent,Robert Diaz, Assistant Parks
Superintendent, and Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary.
There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the March 28,2005 meeting.
Board Action
Board member Ronnie Rogers made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Board member Frankie
Delgado seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Eugene Garner and Anne
Hiney absent.
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut requested that the Board move to Item 3.
3. Consider and act upon a request from Steven Salinas to use the B.P.Community Center for a`Battle
of the Bands 2"concert May 13,2005.
Staff Comments
Public Services Director Robert Diaz stated that the previous "Battle of the Bands" was a successful event. Mr.
Diaz explained that final approval by Council would be required to hold the event.
Reouestor Comments
Steven Salinas introduced additional band representatives in attendance. Mr. Salinas stated that a police officer
would be hired for the event to provide security. Mr.Salinas stated that they would require a$2.00 cover charge
for attendance.Mr.Salinas explained that all proceeds from the cover charge would be donated to a charity. Mr.
Salinas also stated that the band would sell CD's for profit.
Board Action
Board member David Willey made a motion to approve the request. Board member Ronnie Rogers seconded the
motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Eugene Garner and Anne Hiney absent.
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut requested that the Board move back to Item 2.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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2. Consider and act upon approving the changes/updates to the Parks and Recreation Section,Chapter 78,
in the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances(Article I through Article VI).
Staff Comments
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz requested that the Board review all proposed changes/updates. Mr.
Diaz noted Section 78-110 regarding "Prohibited Acts". Mr. Diaz explained that the Section had been modeled
after ordinances adopted by the City of Allen.
Board Discussion
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut asked if any information had been collected regarding enforcement of Ordinances.
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz suggested that the revisions be forwarded to the city attorney for
determination of enforcement procedures. Chairman Chesnut inquired about the authority that would be given to
the proposed new Parks and Recreation employee. Chairman Chesnut questioned whether the employee would be
considered a code enforcement officer or an employee of the Parks Department. Chairman Chesnut requested that
the city attorney review the changes/updates and advise the Board and Staff regarding enforcement of adopted
Ordinances. Board member Ronnie Rogers suggested that league sanctioning would further encourage compliance
with park regulations. Chairman Chesnut requested that Division wording be addressed with the city attorney to
determine if the both the new and existing restrictions could be subject to fines.
Board member Ronnie Rogers noted Section 78-110 (20)and stated that circulation of petitions and promotion of
business has taken place in city parks. Board member David Willey suggested revising(20)to state"except with
written permission from the Director". Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson noted Section 78-108 and recommended
revising Section to state"or a sports association".
It was a consensus of the Board that the Item be tabled until further input was obtained from the city attorney.
Board Action
Board member Frankie Delgado made a motion to table the Item until input is obtained from city attorney. Board
member Ronnie Rogers seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board member Eugene
Garner and Anne Hiney absent.
4. Continue discussion regarding league sanctioning guidelines.
Staff Comments
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz shared the information that he had received from Board member
Ronnie Rogers and explained that he had made minor revisions to the document.
Board Discussion
Chairman Chesnut asked if insurance would be required for all leagues. Board member Ronnie Rogers stated that
all sanctioned leagues would be required to provide proof of insurance. Mr. Rogers discussed the idea of
establishing league deadlines to acquire Texas Amateur Athletic Federation certification. Assistant Parks
Superintendent Robert Diaz stated that he would contact Plano Sports Association to discuss their procedures.
Chairman Chesnut suggested scheduling an August meeting for all league representatives to inform them of
upcoming changes. The Board discussed a target season of Fall 2006 to implement changes. Board members were
in agreement that the guidelines would promote a quality and positive environment for Wylie youth.
5. Staff updates on current park development projects: Board tour dates,Information from the"Vision
North Texas" meeting from Anne Hiney,and status on Eureka and Riverway Parks.
Staff Comments
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson updated the Board on current park development projects. Mr.Nelson stated that
irrigation installation at Riverway Park would soon be complete. Mr. Nelson stated that bids would soon be
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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opened for concrete at Eureka Park and the Community Center. Mr.Nelson stated that bids would soon be opened
for installation of picnic pavilions at both Sage Creek North and Eureka Parks.
Board Discussion
The Board agreed to hold a special meeting to conduct a city tour. It was a consensus of the Board to hold the tour
on May 20th at 3:00 p.m.
Chairman Chesnut noted the successful installation of the community built playground and commended Anne
Hiney for her hard work and dedication. Board members and Staff were in agreement that the project was well
received by citizens and a positive addition to the city.
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Board Action
With no further business, Board member Frankie Delgado made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:16. The
motion was seconded by Ronnie Rogers.A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with all Board members Eugene Garner
and Anne Hiney absent.
meanie Chesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman
Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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