05-20-2005 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Friday, May 20, 2005 3:00 p.m. Meet at Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL'1G'OR CITIZENS t', R'I CIPAI ION IN J►I BUAL CONSIDERA'I ON 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the April 25,2005 meeting. 2. Consider and act upon approving the changes/updates to the Parks and Recreation Section, Chapter 78,in the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances(Article I through Article VI). 3. Consider and act upon a request from the following groups to sell items at the Summer Concert Series: Wylie Chamber of Commerce, Friends of the Smith Library, Wylie Teens that Care, Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation, and Downtown Merchants Association. :1$01:$StON;:ITEI i< 4. Staff updates on current park development projects: Board tour dates, Information from the "Vision North Texas"meeting from Anne Hiney,and status on Eureka and Riverway Parks. ADJOURNMENT far Tour :: Parks and facilities tour for the Board and staff. Tour will begin at 3:45 p.m. and end at approximately 5:00 p.m. ADJOURN ENT; > In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,the Parks and Recreation Board may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be open. Should the Parks and Recreation Board elect to convene into Executive Session;those exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any subsequent action,as a result of this Executive Session,will be taken anqfficro,Y 4jp,Open session. ` F °gi 17th dayof May, at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in I certify that this Notice of Meetingw � o ,� q accordance with Section 551.042 of the *Govern t'.4ode and that the appropriate news media contacted. As a court y,this a nda is also poste ti llie City of VO bsite at www.ci.wylie.tx.us SEAL ' - Date Notice Removed Caro e Ehrlich, ecretary `. The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchair day, i t nation or other special assistance for disabled attendees by g J ary's office at 972/442-8100 or TDD72/442-8170. must be requested 48 hours in advance contact�ii t t t i �t CITY OF WYLIE Item No. City Secretary's Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: May 20, 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No.#: Date Prepared: May 17, 2005 Ch. 78 C.O.W. Code of Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Ordinances AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon approving the changes/updates to the Parks and Recreation Section, Chapter 78, in the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances (Article I through Article VI). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approval. SUMMARY: Per the January 2005 meeting, staff was to make final revisions to Article IV and then put Articles V and VI on the agenda to be discussed at the February meeting. A review of the Articles V and VI will be made at the February meeting and finalized at the March meeting. The April 25, 2005 Parks and Recreation board meeting will provide the Board final review of all of the changes made to Chapter 78 of the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances. Additional items discussed in the past few meetings such as"no golfing"and damage to park property has also been included in the new Ordinance. If the Ordinance is approved the next step will be for the City Attorney to review it and then it will be forwarded to the City Council in May 2005. Staff has also included comments sent from other cities regarding park rules for your review. Please also note that all of the changes are noted in this version so Board members can review/compare the old version to the new one. Following the April meeting,the Board directed staff to have the City Attorney review the ordinance prior the Board's approval. The staff forwarded the ordinance to the City Attorney and a cover letter and attorney changes are now being brought back to the Board for review and approval. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ City Manager: \ CITY OF WYLIE Item No. City Secretary's Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: May 20, 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No.#: Date Prepared: May 17, 2005 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Vendor registration form AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon a request from the following groups to sell items at the Summer Concert Series: Wylie Chamber of Commerce, Friends of the Smith Library, Wylie Teens that Care, Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation, and Downtown Merchants Association. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approval. SUMMARY: The Summer Concert Series is an opportunity for some of the local non-profit groups to sell items as fundraisers for their programs/groups. The staff has worked with the groups to ensure that they do not sell items that will conflict with our concessionaire contract and be of benefit to the group. These fundraisers have been apart of the Summer Concerts Series since its beginning and continue to benefit all of the groups involved. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ City Manager: \ CITY Of 'YIIf rAe CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION VENDOR REGISTRATION FORM NAME OF GROUP,ORGANIZATION,INDIVIDUAL,ETC. EVENT INFORMATION Name Wylie Chamber of Commerce,Friends of Smith Location Wylie Community Park Library,Wylie Teens that Care,Blackland Prairie Date(s) June-05 through July 2005 Playground Foundation,and Downtown Merchants Start Time 7:30pm Alternate Phone No. End Time 9:00pm Contact Person Name Robert Diaz Number of Individuals Vending Items Multiple Address 2000 Hwy.78 North Target Audience all ages Phone No.972-442-8197 Anticipated Number in Attendance at Event 3-500 Alternate Phone No. Specific Items to be Sold Emergency Contact Name Mulitple items i.e.bottled water,cotton candy,glow sticks Address Phone No. Alternate Phone No. Helpful Information The City of Wylie has an exclusive contract that allows the sale of only Pepsi products within all park, recreation, community center facilities, and other city facilities. If food is prepared on-site or if food is prepared off-site and brought to the location to be sold, the vendor must contact the City Inspections Office at 972-442-8150 in order to obtain a Health Permit prior to the sale of such products. An Inspector must examine the food preparation and food storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers. • Section 78-150 of the City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale, vend,peddle,sell or offer to sell any cold drinks, cigars, tobaccos, cigarettes, fruits, candies, goods,wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the city park or recreation or community center facility; provided, however,that this section shall not apply to any person,organizations, firms or corporations, or the agents of any person, or organization, firm or corporation, or employees of any person who are recommended by the parks and recreation board and approved by the city council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods,wares,and merchandise within the city park or recreation or community center facilities of the city. CITY OF WYLIE Item No. Staff Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: May 20, 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: May( , 2005 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Vision letter AGENDA SUBJECT: Discussion Item-Staff updates on current park development projects: Information from the"Vision North Texas" meeting from Anne Hiney and status on Eureka and Riverway Parks. RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: Staff will update the Board on current park projects i.e. Eureka and Riverway Parks. A brief review from Anne Hiney who attended the"Vision North Texas" conference regarding the future needs of parks and open space to citizens living in the North Texas area. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ Vision North Texas c/o Urban Land Institute North Texas District Council 3410 Midcourt Road, Suite 136 Vision North Texas Carrollton TX 75006 UnciersfAnd;n9 Our OPf;ons Vor Growth March 4,2005 Anne Hiney 301 N. Cottonbelt Wylie,TX 75098 Dear Anne: You are invited to participate in an important event for the future of the Dallas—Fort Worth region. On Monday,April 25, 2005, an invited group of 200 representative regional leaders will gather at the University of Texas at Arlington for Vision North Texas. This event is the beginning of an exciting new regional dialogue for our area. It is designed to: ✓ Raise awareness about the growth headed to our region—approximately 4.1 million more residents and 2.3 millior'more jobs by 2030; ✓ Examine our choices about where these people and jobs will be located; and ✓ Discuss the impact these choices will have on our communities'future success and our region's sustainability. The agenda for the event is enclosed. It combines a challenging and engaging small group exercise with presentations by national leaders and an interactive dialogue among all participants. As a participant,you will represent the interests and perspectives of thousands of other people in your community and our region. Your voice is critical to this discussion because you bring an understanding of the civic issues in your neighborhood and community. This event will lead to analysis of regional growth choices, public education about development options and continuing discussion and action to shape our region's future. Your personal involvement on April 25th is important to make Vision North Texas successful. Major sponsors of this event are the North Central Texas Council of Governments,the University of Texas at Arlington and the Urban Land Institute's North Texas District Council. Additional sponsors(through March 1, 2005)include the major civic, professional and development organizations shown on the enclosed list. Though our sponsors are providing significant support for Vision North Texas,a registration fee is necessary to help cover the project's costs. Registration includes parking at the University of Texas at Arlington,all pre-event and workshop materials,a continental breakfast,lunch and a copy of the final report after the event. Registration fees are$200 for representatives of private companies and$100 for public or non-profit representatives and individuals. A small number of scholarships are also available. Please complete the event registration form at www.visionnorthtexas.orq by Tuesday, March 15, 2005. If you are not able to attend the Vision North Texas event yourself, please contact us to suggest an alternative participant. If you have questions or need more information about Vision North Texas, please contact our project manager Karen Walz by phone at 214-320-1154 or by email at vnt(a planforaction.com. On behalf of all our sponsors, I invite you to help shape the Dallas—Fort Worth area's future by joining Vision North Texas on April 25, 2005. Sincerely, John Walsh) /Chair, LYNorth Texas District Council Vision North Texas is a collaboration led by the Urban Land Institute's North Texas District Council, the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the University of Texas at Arlington.