06-27-2005 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Monday, June 27, 2005 — 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North �.. stiri'IGp��`&""b ,- ` q, - � yi itl,r^`�. `� Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 with the following Board members present; Anne Hiney,Brandi Lafleur,Ronnie Rogers and David Willey. Board member Eugene Garner was absent. Staff members present were Robert Diaz, Assistant Parks Superintendent, and Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary. There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation. A441 ,. .,��'�.`� �,.,�,,a`�i.`.ae�, � ..,. �tik 9Y'.�..... 4 s1,1-4ta 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the May 20,2005 meeting. Board Action Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Board member David Willey seconded the motion.A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board member Eugene Garner absent. 2. Consider and act upon a request from the Tiara Totin Tootsies to sell tickets to a "Red Hat Society Chapter,"event to be held at the Bart Peddicord Community Center on August 27,2005. Board Action Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to approve the request as submitted. Board member David Willey seconded the motion.A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board member Eugene Garner absent. DISCUSSION 4$6; 3. Staff updates on current park development projects: Sage Creek Phase 9,Status of Code of Ordinances changes, Bond Committee report, WISD issues, Collin County Grant, Wells Property naming, Status of Eureka and Riverway Parks. Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz displayed a map indicating the proposed amenity center to be located within Sage Creek Phase 9. Mr.Diaz noted and discussed Condition 13 "Access Construction". Mr. Diaz updated the Board regarding the changes to be made to the Code of Ordinances. Mr.Diaz stated that the proposed changes had been sent to the city attorney's office for their review. Mr. Diaz stated that the police chief would review Ordinances upon completion of review by attorney. Minutes—June 27,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 Mr. Diaz discussed issues regarding WISD. Mr. Diaz discussed league sanctioning and facility usage and stated that more information would be obtained in the future regarding the resolution of these issues. Mr. Diaz stated that an application for a Collin County grant would be filed to obtain funds for completion of Joel Scott Park. Mr. Diaz discussed the naming of the Wells property and stated that naming may not be pursued until more planning has been completed. Mr.Diaz explained that the playground,irrigation system and tree installation had been completed at Eureka Park. He stated that irrigation installation had been completed at Riverway Park,park ID signs and picnic shelters would soon be installed at both Eureka and Riverway Parks,bids for underground drainage at Olde City Park would soon be accepted,and the construction of a parking lot across the street from the Community Center had begun. Mr.Diaz noted the resignation of Frankie Delgado. Board Discussion Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut stated that Condition 13 proposed for Sage Creek Phase 9 was not proposed in any previous discussion with the developer. The Board was in agreement that they did not approve the condition and it would have to be presented to them for their recommendation. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz discussed low trails and the presence of water on some trails. The Board agreed that new proposals could address this issue. Chairman Chesnut discussed his participation on the Bond Committee and informed the Board of the determined propositions. Chairman Chesnut specifically noted the proposed completion of Founders and Community Parks as well as funds proposed for a recreation center and administration. Chairman Chesnut stated that no funds had been propositioned for use on the Wells property. Board member Anne Hiney stated her concern that the wishes of the Wells family be remembered by preserving acreage for parkland on the Wells property. Chairman Chesnut and Board member Ronnie Rogers discussed the importance of getting some resolutions to problems or potential problems regarding facility usage and sanctioning. Board member Ronnie Rogers expressed his desire to keep athletic opportunities available to Wylie youth. 'w4ip Board Action With no further business, Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50. The motion was seconded by David Willey.A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board member Eugene Garner absent. 'anie hesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman SUBMITTED BY: / r 9 litatal Rachael Hermes Park Board Secretary Minutes—June 27,2005 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2