07-25-2005 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF MEETING WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, July 25, 2005 6:30 p.m. Meet at Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Perform officer elections for Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for the next year. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the June 27,2005 meeting. 2. Consider and act upon a request from the Diva Dolls to sell tickets to a"Red Hat Society Chapter,"event to be held at the Bart Peddicord Community Center on August 20,2005. 3. Consider and act upon a revision to the Athletic Field Policy moving the football season start date from the third in week in August to August 1. 4. Consider and act upon approving the final changes/updates to the Parks and Recreation Section, Chapter 78,in the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances(Article I through Article VI). 5. Consider and act upon revising the rental fees and procedures at the Bart Peddicord Community Center. 6. Consider and act upon the proposed street connection in Sage Creek Phase 8 in the development for Sage Creek Phase 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS 7. Staff updates on current park development projects: Bond Committee report WISD issues Status on Olde City Park,Eureka,and Riverway Parks ADJOURNMENT In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,t elr F,�el�and Recreation Board may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda.` ►�i�et lcf Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be open. Should the Parks and Recreation Board elect to convene into.) re ut esslf�{{{ exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any subsequent action,as a result of this Executive Session,will belt Ce4�a td•fecordea'in�Qc�ion. I certify that this Notice of Meetine';1osted t god day of July, at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of[he Ttxa -GoverumeUt Cade and that the appropriate news media contacted. As a courtesy,this agen ' also posed to theNity`aftWylte Wasite at www.ci.wylie.tx.us P� SOS e E rlich, lty Secretary '��//i�Y�I E•'(E�x•`‘ Date otice Removed �1,llllllllll "-% The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's office at 972/442-8100 or TDD72/442-8170. CITY OF WYLIE Item No. City Secretary's Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: July 25, 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No.#: Date Prepared: June 21, 2005 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Vendor registration form AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon a request from the Diva Dolls to sell tickets to a"Red Hat Society Chapter," event to be held at the Bart Peddicord Community Center on August 20, 2005. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approval. SUMMARY: The Diva Dolls are a Red Hat Society group that has had many activities at the BP Community Center with no problems. They are having this event to basically cover their costs for food and activities. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ City Manager: \ 1 CITY O F l 1 E t f /111►gifeQ'd6gl�r CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION VENDOR REGISTRATION FORM NAME OF GROUP,ORGANIZATION,INDIVIDUAL,ETC. EVENT INFORMATION Name Diva Dolls Location Bart Peddicord Community Center PO Box 367 Lavon,Texas 75766 Date(s) August 20,2005 972-442-9797 Start Time 5:00pm End Time 10:00pm Contact Person Name Kathy Goodwin Number of Individuals Vending Items tickets Address 972-442-9797 Target Audience Red Hat Society members Phone No. Anticipated Number in Attendance at Event 100-125 Alternate Phone No. Specific Items to be Sold Emergency Contact Name $8.00 for tickets that include dinner and program Address Auction benefiting The Christian Care Center. Phone No. Alternate Phone No. Helpful Information The City of Wylie has an exclusive contract that allows the sale of only Pepsi products within all park, recreation,community center facilities, and other city facilities. If food is prepared on-site or if food is prepared off-site and brought to the location to be sold, the vendor must contact the City Inspections Office at 972-442-8150 in order to obtain a Health Permit prior to the sale of such products. An Inspector must examine the food preparation and food storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers. Section 78-150 of the City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,vend, peddle,self or offer to sell any cold drinks, cigars,tobaccos, cigarettes, fruits, candies,goods,wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the city park or recreation or community center facility; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any person, organizations, firms or corporations, or the agents of any person, or organization,firm or corporation, or employees of any person who are recommended by the parks and recreation board and approved by the city council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods,wares, and merchandise within the city park or recreation or community center facilities of the city. CITY OF WYLIE Item No. 3 city Secretary's use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: July 25, 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No.#: Date Prepared: June 21, 2005 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Athletic field policy AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon a revision to the Athletic Field Policy moving the football season start date from the third week in August to August 1. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approval. SUMMARY: In order to accommodate the early practices of the youth football leagues, staff is recommending the Athletic Policy reflect the change of starting the football season earlier. The current policy has the fall football season starting the third week in August, it would be changed to August 1. Staff does not see any conflicts or issues with moving the start date up two weeks. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ City Manager: \ 1 Athletic Field Policy City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department This policy is to be administered by the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department(C.O.W.P.A.R.D.)in regard to the use of outdoor public recreation areas for athletic activities. The purpose of this policy is to serve as a guide for the comprehensive and effective usage of outdoor athletic areas owned, leased,scheduled or otherwise controlled by the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department. It is the intent of this policy to provide a basis for establishing the following objectives: 1) A method of communicating the available inventory of allocatable athletic facilities to qualified requestors for usage of such facilities. 2) The implementation of a system of facilities allocation producing results most beneficial to those persons living within the City of Wylie city limits and those living within the boundaries of the Wylie Independent School District(W.I.S.D.) 3) The Athletic Field Policy is by the terms a guideline for the use and operation of the athletic facilities, and as such the terms and provisions are necessarily subject to same variance and deviation. Provided, however,that any such variance shall be allowed only on the written approval of the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent of Parks and Recreation,and such written approval shall be effective if all of the following conditions have been satisfied: A) The effect or result of the requested variance will not result in allowing any actions or activities which are in conflict with the spirit and intent of the general purpose of the policy; B) There is not sufficient time to bring the issue before the Park and Recreation Board and City Council for approval;and C) The variation is approved by the City Manager or his or her representative. Sport Season Season Sport Spring Soccer/Football Third week in January through last weekend in May Spring/Summer Baseball/Softball Second week in February through July 3 Fall Soccer Third weekend in August through first weekend in December Baseball/Softball August 1 through third weekend in November Football Third week in August through last weekend in November Winter None Athletic Field Allocation Individuals,organizations or groups requiring facilities for practice and/or league games shall submit their request in writing to the C.O.W.P.A.R.D.not earlier than 60 days nor later than 30 days prior to the beginning of the Sport Season. Any request less than 30 days before the beginning of the Sports Season may be accommodated if all others who met the 60/30-day requirement field needs have been met and fields are still available for play. All requests shall address the following: I) Individuals/Organization/Group name 2) Starting and ending dates for practice and league play 3) Day(s)of week,time(s)and field(s)being requested. 4) Participation estimates P.2 Field allocations will be based upon total game units per week as per available in order to maximize use of all facilities. The C.O.W.P.A.R.D.will respond to each request with a written approval,denial or statement of conditions to be met upon acceptance of approval. Final registration estimates and current participant registration figures must be submitted by each approved individual/organization or group two(2)calendar weeks after the start of the specific sport season. If actual registration numbers are more/less than the registration numbers,the C.O.W.P.A.R.D.may increase/decrease the individual/organization's or group's field allocations in order to insure an equitable allocation of fields to all individuals/organizations/or groups. Athletic Field Reservations Athletic fields will be reserved as equitably as possible to accommodate as many individuals,organizations,or groups as possible. Youth who live in the City of Wylie city limits or reside within the boundaries of the W.I.S.D. will be given first priority on field scheduling in all sports. Youth will have priority over softball/baseball fields March 1 though July 31 and August 1 through the third weekend in November on Monday,Tuesday,Thursday, Friday and Saturdays. Adult teams with at least 70%of the players living or working within the City of Wylie city limits or within the boundaries of the W.I.S.D.will be given second priority. Adults will have priority over softball/baseball fields March 1 through July 31 and August 1 through the third weekend in November on Wednesdays and Sundays. Youth and/or Adults who live outside the City of Wylie city limits or boundaries of the W.I.S.D.will be given last priority. Note-all league rosters shall be given to C.O.W.P.A.R.D.staff no later than two(2)weeks after the start of a new sport season. Rosters shall include sport played and participant name/address. The use of athletic fields by the general public during non-reserved/non-City maintenance times are on a first come first serve basis. Reserved fields/City maintenance will take priority over non-scheduled activities. The C.O.W.P.A.R.D. will be the final authority as to athletic field reservation use. Athletic Field Reservation Time Slots Athletic Fields will be reserved in one(1)hour increments with the first usage beginning at 8:00 a.m.and the last usage ending at 12:00 midnight,Monday through Saturday. Sunday field usage begins at 12:00 noon and ends at 11:00 p.m. Miscellaneous Refer to Ordinance 2002-10 for all Athletic Field Fees. The C.O.W.P.A.R.D.will provide home plate,pitching rubbers,and will drag and mark baseball/softball infields for a fee paid game/tournaments reservations. Soccer fields will be marked for fee/paid game reservations. Athletic fields for non-reserved general public use or reserved practices are accepted on an as-is basis. A person may cancel a field's reservation up to 24 hours prior to the field reservation and be issued a credit or refund. If less than 24 hour notice of cancellation is received,a credit or refund will be issued if the C.O.W.P.A.R.D. is able to rent the athletic field(s)to another party or if field maintenance preparation of the reservation has not started. This paragraph does not apply to Tournament use. (See Athletic Field Reservation for Tournament use) Any and all athletic field use may be canceled by the C.O.W.P.A.R.D.due to weather conditions,wet field conditions or for necessary maintenance. If a reservation is canceled by the C.O.W.P.A.R.D.,a credit or refund will be issued. It will be the responsibility of the C.O.W.P.A.R.D.to determine the playing ability of each field. Athletic field information will be placed on the C.O.W.P.A.R.D.Athletic Hotline no later than 4:00 p.m.(during playing seasons only),Monday through Friday. The Athletic Field Hotline Number is 972-442-8199. In the event of said conditions occurring after 4:00 p.m.,Monday though Friday or all of Saturday and/or Sunday, league officials,commissioners,or the umpires can cancel games. In the event that play is allowed and significant damage is done to the athletic field(s),the responsible person/party who allowed play will be held responsible and sanctions may be imposed. P.3 Any and all parties seeking athletic fields for use accept responsibility for the well being and cleanliness of facilities during and after their use. A tournament is defined as a team competition involving the payment of an entry fee or additional fees in which to participate and is separate and distinct from league play. Pre or post season league play shall not be considered to be a tournament. League practices and/or games shall take priority over tournaments. A curfew of 12:00 midnight shall be imposed on all tournaments utilizing lights,Monday through Thursday,and 1:00 a.m.on Friday and Saturday. A curfew of 11:00 p.m.shall be imposed on Sundays. CITY OF WYLIE Item No. `' Crty Secretary's Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: July 25, 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: July 21, 2005 Ch. 78 C.O.W. Code of Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Ordinances AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon approving the final changes/updates to the Parks and Recreation Section, Chapter 78, in the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances (Article I through Article VI). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approval. SUMMARY: Per the January 2005 meeting,staff was to make final revisions to Article IV and then put Articles V and VI on the agenda to be discussed at the February meeting. A review of the Articles V and VI will be made at the February meeting and finalized at the March meeting. The April 25,2005 Parks and Recreation board meeting will provide the Board final review of all of the changes made to Chapter 78 of the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances. Additional items discussed in the past few meetings such as"no golfing"and damage to park property has also been included in the new Ordinance. If the Ordinance is approved the next step will be for the City Attorney to review it and then it will be forwarded to the City Council in May 2005. Staff has also included comments sent from other cities regarding park rules for your review. Please also note that all of the changes are noted in this version so Board members can review/compare the old version to the new one. Following the April meeting,the Board directed staff to have the City Attorney review the ordinance prior the Board's approval. The staff forwarded the ordinance to the City Attorney and a cover letter and attorney changes are now being brought back to the Board for review and approval. Following the May 2005 meeting forwarded the approved changes to the City Attorney for their review. The City Attorney has incorporated the changes and staff is bringing this final version back to the Board for approval. The Police chief is also currently reviewing the ordinance for, staff should have his opinion prior to the July meeting. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ City Manager: 1 Chapter 78 PARKS AND RECREATION* *Charter references: Parks and recreational facilities, art. XI, § 16. Cross references: Administration, ch. 2; environment, ch. 42; floods, ch. 50; health and sanitation, ch. 54; library, ch. 66; personnel, ch. 86; planning, ch. 90; streets, sidewalks and other public places, ch. 102; zoning, app. A; subdivision regulations, app. B; fee schedule, app. C. State law references: Authority of municipalities to operate and maintain parks, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 331.001; park to be open for public use under rules prescribed by local governing authority, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 331.007; home-rule municipality has exclusive control over public grounds, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 282.001. Article I. In General Sec. 78-1. Standards of care, city youth programs. Secs. 78-2--78-20. Reserved. Article II. Parks and Recreation Board Sec. 78-21. Definitions. Sec. 78-22. Creation. Sec. 78-23. Composition; appointment and terms of office of members. Sec. 78-24. Removal of members. Sec. 78-25. Vacancies. Sec. 78-26. Officers. Sec. 78-27. Meetings. Sec. 78-28. Jurisdiction. Sec. 78-29. Limitations of authority. Secs. 78-30--78-50. Reserved. Article III. Parks and Open Space Master Plan Sec. 78-51. Adopted. Sec. 78-52. Park zones. Secs. 78-53--78-70. Reserved. Article IV. Parkland Dedication Sec. 78-71. Purpose of article. Sec. 78-72. Dedication procedures. Sec. 78-73. Money in lieu of land. Sec. 78-74. Comprehensive plan considerations. Sec. 78-75. Park acquisition and improvement fund; right to refund. Sec. 78-76. Additional requirements. Sec. 78-77. Minimum park improvements. Sec. 78-78. Biennial review. Sec. 78-79. Offense. Secs. 78-80--78-100. Reserved. Article V. Park Regulations Division 1. Generally Sec. 78-101. Hours open to the public. Sec. 78-102. Parking. Sec. 78-103. Feeding of animals. Sec. 78-104. (Reserved) Sec. 78-105. Peddling and vending of articles. Secs. 78-106-78-107 (Reserved) Sec. 78-108. Disorderly conduct. Sec. 78-109. Offense. Secs. 78-110. Prohibited acts. Sec. 78-111. Penalty Secs. 78-112--78-130. Reserved. Division 2. Parking in Municipal Parks Sec. 78-131. Definitions. Sec. 78-132. Offense to violate division. Sec. 78-133. No parking areas. Sec. 78-134. Signs and markers notifying public of no parking zones. Sec. 78-135. Enforcement of division. Secs. 78-136--78-150. Reserved. Article VI. Watercraft Regulations Sec. 78-151. Public launching sites. Sec. 78-152. Watercraft prohibited. Sec. 78-153. Water intake structures. Sec. 78-154. Lavon Dam inlet and outlet structure. Sec. 78-155. Commercial marinas and/or floating concession facilities. Sec. 78-156. Endangering life or property prohibited. Sec. 78-157. Other areas. Sec. 78-158. Offense. ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Sec. 78-1. Standards of care, city youth programs. The Wylie Youth Program Standards of Care for Wylie Youth Programs, as detailed in Attachment"A" to Ord. No. 2004-06, are hereby adopted by reference. Secs. 78-2--78-20. Reserved. ARTICLE II. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD* *Charter references: Parks and recreation board, art. VIII, § 2. Sec. 78-21. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Parks and recreation board means the Wylie Parks And Recreation Board. (Ord. No. 78-18, art. II, § 1, 6-13-1978; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 7.01; Code 1997, § 78-31) Cross references: Definitions generally, § 1-2. Sec. 78-22. Creation. There is hereby created in and for the city and for the surrounding community, the city parks and recreation board. (Ord. No. 78-18, art. II, § 1, 6-13-1978; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 7.01; Code 1997, § 78-32) Sec. 78-23. Composition; appointment and terms of office of members. The membership and terms of office of the parks and recreation board shall be as provided for in section 2(B) of article VIII of the city's home rule Charter. (Code 1991, ch. 1, § 7.02; Code 1997, § 78-33) Sec. 78-24. Removal of members. The city council may remove from office any member of the parks and recreation board for any cause deemed by the city council to be in the best interest of the city and surrounding community. (Ord. No. 78-18, art. II, § 4, 6-13-1978; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 7.03; Code 1997, § 78-34) Sec. 78-25. Vacancies. Should a vacancy occur in the membership of the parks and recreation board, the city council shall appoint a successor for the unexpired term. (Ord. No. 78-18, art. II, § 5, 6-13-1978; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 7.04; Code 1997, § 78-35) Sec. 78-26. Officers. The parks and recreation board shall be organized by electing one chairman and one vice-chairman. The officers of the board shall serve for one year or until their successors are appointed/elected and qualified. This section shall not operate so as to extend the term of any board member. (Ord. No. 78-18, art. II, § 6, 6-13-1978; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 7.05; Code 1997, § 78-36) Sec. 78-27. Meetings. The parks and recreation board shall hold meetings as may be determined by it and may set regular meeting dates as frequently as the board may desire. Special meetings may be called for the transaction of any business, and a quorum of members of the board at any meeting shall be determined as a minimum of the majority. All meetings of the parks and recreation board shall be open to the public as required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, but the meeting place may be designated by the parks and recreation board. Meetings do not have to be held at the city hall. (Ord. No. 78-18, art. II, § 7, 6-13-1978; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 7.06; Code 1997, § 78-37) Sec. 78-28. Jurisdiction. (a) The jurisdiction of the parks and recreation board shall be to work with any citizen, individual or group for the development, construction and beautification of any park, parkway, recreation or community center facility, under the jurisdiction of the city, and to advise and counsel with the city council in its development, construction and beautification of any such parks, parkways, recreation and community center facilities under the jurisdiction of the city. (b) The parks and recreation board shall make recommendations to the city council concerning any rules and regulations that it deems proper for enhancing the enjoyment of the parks, parkways, recreation and community center facilities and for the regulation of their use. (Ord. No. 78-18, art. II, § 8, 6-13-1978; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 7.07; Code 1997, § 78-38) Sec. 78-29. Limitations of authority. The parks and recreation board shall not have any authority to make contracts or create any legal obligation or liability for the city. (Ord. No. 78-18, art. II, § 9, 6-13-1978; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 7.08; Code 1997, § 78-39) Secs. 78-30--78-50. Reserved. ARTICLE III. PARKS AND OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Sec. 78-51. Adopted. On January 23, 1996, the parks and open space master plan for the city, as filed with the city secretary, was officially adopted. (Code 1991, ch. 1, § 8.01; Code 1997, § 78-71) Sec. 78-52. Park zones. The park zones necessary for the implementation of the park dedication ordinance are declared to have the boundaries as delineated upon the park zone map, said map being adopted by reference as part of this article for all purposes. (Ord. No. 87-14, 1-27-1987; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 8.02; Code 1997, § 78-72; Ord. No. 99-8, § 1, 4-14-1999) Secs. 78-53--78-70. Reserved. ARTICLE IV. PARKLAND DEDICATION Sec. 78-71. Purpose of article. (a) This article is adopted to provide recreational areas in the form of municipal parks as a function of subdivision development in the city. This article is enacted in accordance with the home rule powers of the city, granted under the state constitution, and the statutes of the state including, but not by way of limitation, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 54.004, and ch. 212. It is hereby declared by the city council that recreational areas in the form of municipal parks are necessary and in the public welfare, and that the only adequate procedure to provide for municipal parks is by integrating such a requirement into the procedure for planning and developing property or subdivision in the city, whether such development consists of new construction on vacant land or rebuilding and remodeling of structures on existing residential property. (b) Municipal parks are those parks providing for a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities and within convenient distances from a majority of the residences to be served thereby. The park zones established by the parks and recreation department and shown on the official parks and recreation map for the city shall be prima facie proof that any park located therein is within such a convenient distance from any residence located therein. The primary cost of municipal parks should be borne by the ultimate residential property owners who, by reason of the proximity of their property to such parks, shall be the primary beneficiaries of such facilities. Therefore, this article is adopted to effect the purposes stated. (Ord. No. 87-15, § 1, 1-27-1987; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 9.01; Code 1997, § 78-106) Sec. 78-72. Dedication procedures. (a) Whenever a final plat is filed on record with the county clerk of Collin, Dallas or Rockwall County for development of a residential area in accordance with the subdivision, planning and zoning ordinances of the city, such plat shall contain a clear fee simple dedication of an area of land to the city for park purposes, which area shall equal five acres for each 100 proposed dwelling units. (b) The city council declares that development of an area smaller than five acres for public park purposes is impractical. Therefore, if fewer than 100 units are proposed by a plat filed for approval, the developer may be required to pay the applicable cash in lieu of land amount provided by section 78-73(c), rather than to dedicate any land area. No plat showing a dedication for park purposes of less than five acres shall be approved unless such plat and dedication is recommended for approval by the city parks and recreation board and subsequently approved by the city council. (c) In all other instances, the city shall have the right to accept the dedication for approval on the final plat, or to refuse the dedication, after consideration of the recommendation of the planning and zoning commission and the parks and recreation board, and to require payment of cash in lieu of land in the amount provided by section 78-73(c), if the city determines that sufficient park area is already in the public domain in the area of the proposed development, or if the recreation potential for that zone would be better served by expanding or improving existing parks. (Ord. No. 2004-01, § 2, 1-13-2004) Sec. 78-73. Money in lieu of land. (a) Subject to approval of the city council, a land owner responsible for dedication under this article may elect to meet the requirements of section 78-72, in whole or in part, by a fee payment in lieu of land, in the amount set forth in subsection (c) of this section. Such payment in lieu of land shall be made at or prior to the time of final plat approval. Nonpayment of fee shall constitute grounds sufficient to deny approval of proposed plat. (b) The city may, from time to time, decide to purchase land for parks in or near the area of actual or potential development. If the city does purchase park land in a park zone, subsequent park land dedications for that zone may be required to be in cash only, and calculated to reimburse the city's actual cost of acquisition and development of such land for parks. The fee amount shall be set out in the fee schedule in appendix C to this Code. Once the city has been reimbursed entirely for all such park land within a park zone, this section shall cease to apply, and the other subsections shall again be applicable. (c) To the extent that subsection (b) of this section is not applicable, the dedication requirement shall be met by a payment of cash, in lieu of dedication of land, at a per acre price set from time to time by resolution by the city council, sufficient to acquire land and provide for adjacent streets and utilities for a municipal park to serve the park zone in which such development is located or to improve or expand existing park land in the park zone. Unless changed by the city council, such per acre price shall be based on a fee as set out in the fee schedule located in appendix C to this Cash payments may be used only for acquisition or improvement of a neighborhoo rk located within the same zone as the development, or, upon recommen ation of a park board and approval of the city council, funds from any and all park zones y be combined for special,\ purposes with or without the option to reimburse the con touting zones. (Ord. No. 2004-01, § 3, 1-13-2004) Sec. 78-74. Comprehensive plan considerations. The city shall create and maintain a master park plan for the city and its extraterritorial jurisdiction. The city shall further designate the size of the parks and the zones which are to be supportive of these parks. Dedication of park land shall be in accordance with the master plan. The city will determine, the park location based on land suitability. This plan may be, from time to time, updated and amended at the pleasure of the approving authorities and as the review of proposed plats for development within those zones. (Ord. No. 2004-01, § 4, 1-13-2004) Sec. 78-75. Park acquisition and improvement fund; right to refund. (a) There is hereby established a special fund for the deposit of all sums paid in lieu of land dedication under this article or any preceding article or any preceding ordinance, which fund shall be known as the park acquisition and improvement fund. Such fund may be subdivided to create as many separate funds as become necessary in order to ensure that all funds are separated by park zone and spent wholly and completely within such park zone. Upon recommendation of the park board and approval of the city council, funds from any and all park zones may be combined for special purposes. Each fund shall be separately audited in the annual audit of the city and shall be available for public review. (b) The city shall account for all sums paid in lieu of land dedication under this article with reference to individual plats involved. Any funds paid for such purposes must be expended by the city within five years from the date received by the city for acquisition or development of a municipal park. Such funds shall be considered to be spent on a first in, first out basis. If not so expended, the owners of the property, on the last day of such period, shall be entitled to a pro-rata refund of such sum computed on a square footage of area basis. The owners of such property must request such refund within one year of entitlement, in writing, or such right shall be barred. (c) When residential developments occur in phases, all phases of the development shall meet applicable dedication requirements. If land dedication is to occur in a latter phase of the overall development, the dedication requirement for the initial phases shall be met by placing funds into an escrow account as directed by the city upon acceptance of each phase by the city. When the actual land dedication occurs, the escrowed funds plus interest shall be returned to the depositor. The depositor must request such refund within one year of entitlement, in writing, or such right shall be barred. If land dedication does not occur within five years of completion of the initial phase of the overall development, the escrowed funds plus interest shall be forfeited by the depositor and the funds shall become the property of the city. (Ord. No. 2004-01, § 5, 1-13-2004) Sec. 78-76. Additional requirements. (a) Any land dedicated to the city under this article must be suitable for park and recreation uses. The following characteristics of a proposed area are generally unsuitable: (1) Any area primarily located in the 100-year floodplain. (2) Any areas of unusual topography or slope which renders same unusable for organized recreational activities. Such characteristics of a park land dedication area may be grounds for refusal of any preliminary plat. The city parks and recreation board shall consider the usability of any proposed dedications of land in the 100-year floodplain or in any easement on a case-by-case basis. The board's recommendation to accept or deny the proposed dedication shall be forwarded to the city council with supporting justification explaining the recommendation. (b) Land that is deemed to be unsuitable by the city parks and recreation board as listed in subsection (a) of this section may be accepted by the city council, provided that suitable land in the proper amount is dedicated which is contiguous with the unsuitable land. (c) Drainage areas may be accepted as part of a park if the channel is constructed in accordance with city engineering standards, and if no significant area of the park is cut off from access by such channel. (d) Each park must have ready access to a public street. (e) Unless provided otherwise in this section, an action by the city shall be by the city council, after consideration of the recommendations of the planning and zoning commission and the parks and recreation board and its recommendation to the city council. (Ord. No. 87-15, § 6, 1-27-1987; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 9.06(a)--(e); Code 1997, § 78-111) Sec. 78-77. Minimum park improvements. In cases where land dedication is chosen, the following minimum criteria must be adhered to by the developer, at the developer expense, prior to acceptance of the improvements by the city: (1) Grading and clearing of unwanted vegetation, to be determined by the city; (2) Installation of sub-grade drainage. No open drainage channels will be permitted on land being dedicated for park purposes; (3) Provision of water and sewer service to the site; and (4) Provision of adequate accessibility from the adjacent public street in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and as approved by the city park and recreation staff. (Ord. No. 2004-01, § 6, 1-13-2004) Sec. 78-78. Biennial review. Prior to one year after the effective date of this ordinance, the park board shall review the park land dedication ordinance and make any recommendations for revision to the city council. Thereafter, at least once every two years, the park board shall review the park land dedication ordinance and make any recommendations for revision to the city council. (Ord. No. 2004-01, § 7, 1-13-2004) Sec. 78-79. Offense. It shall be an offense for any person, firm, corporation or business entity to violate this article. The penal provisions imposed under this Chapter shall not preclude the city from filing suit to enjoin the violation. The city retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. (Ord. No. 2004-01, § 9, 1-13-2004) Secs. 78-80--78-100. Reserved. ARTICLE V. PARK REGULATIONS DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec. 78-101. Hours open to the public. (a) The municipal parks shall be open to the general public only between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 12:01 a.m. unless a ball game or other recreational or community activity unexpectedly exceeds the 12:01 a.m. curfew, in which event the time for closing the particular facilities involved will be extended to 1:00 a.m., at which time all activities in such facilities will cease, and the facilities will be closed to the public until 6:00 a.m. the next morning. (b) The curfew restrictions as provided in subsection (a) of this section may be waived by the city council, on a case-by-case basis, on the written request of the sponsor of an activity or event, if the council determines that such activity or event will be conducted in such a fashion so as not to cause disruption of the peace of the neighborhood, and not otherwise adversely effect the safety or welfare of citizens or city facilities. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person except for municipal employees engaged in the performance of their official duties to be in any municipal park between the hours of 12:01 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. unless one of the exceptions of this section apply. (Ord. No. 78-18, art. I, § 1, 6-13-1978; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 6.01; Ord. No. 93-45, § 1(6.01), 10-12-1993; Code 1997, § 78-146) Sec. 78-102. Parking. (a) The city parks and recreation staff is hereby authorized to recommend areas in which parking of motor vehicles should be prohibited, and/or hours during which motor vehicle parking should be prohibited in any municipal park. (b) It is hereby required that signs be erected marking the no parking areas. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle within the designated no parking areas in any municipal park, or recreation or community center facility or to have a motor vehicle parked in any municipal park or recreation or community center facility other than during designated hours in which parking is allowed. (Ord. No. 78-18, art. I, § 2, 6-13-1978; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 6.02; Code 1997, § 78- 147) Sec. 78-103. Feeding of animals. It shall be unlawful for any person to feed any animal in any city park, recreation or community center facility, except that breads, fruits, vegetables and nuts may be fed to the birds and squirrels. (Ord. No. 78-18, art. I, § 3, 6-13-1978; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 6.03; Code 1997, § 78- 148) Sec. 78-104 (Reserved) Sec. 78-105. Peddling and vending of articles. It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale, vend, peddle, sell or offer to sell any cold drinks, cigars, tobacco, cigarettes, fruits, candies, goods, wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facility; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any person, organizations, firms or corporations, or the agents of any person, or organization, firm or corporation, or employees of any person who are recommended by the parks and recreation board and approved by the city council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods, wares, and merchandise within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facilities of the city. (Ord. No. 78-18, art. I, § 7, 6-13-1978; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 6.06; Code 1997, § 78- 150) Sec. 78-106 to 78-107 (Reserved) Sec. 78-108. Disorderly conduct. It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully interfere with, disrupt, or prevent the orderly conduct of any supervised play or amusement program being conducted by the city parks and recreation department or a city sports association in any building, swimming pool, playground or park area located in or on any public property within the city. (Ord. No. 87-27, 5-26-1987; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 6.09; Code 1997, § 78-153) State law references: Disorderly conduct, V.T.C.A., Penal Code § 42.01. Sec. 78-109. Offense. It shall be an offense to violate the provisions of the fee schedule, or any part thereof. In addition to being subject to penalty provisions an offender shall not be allowed the permit, privilege or license to which the fee pertains. (Ord. No. 99-8, § 2, 4-14-1999) Secs. 78-110. Prohibited acts. It shall be unlawful for any person to commit any one or more of the following acts in a park: (1) To hitch, fasten, lead, drive or let loose, any animal, reptile or fowl of any kind, provided that this shall not apply to domestic animals or defined by the Animal Control Code when led by a static cord or chain not more than ten (10) feet long or a retractable cord not more than fifteen (15) feet long, except in designated areas. (2) To ride or drive any horse or other animal, except in designated areas. (3) To ride, drive or go at a rate of speed greater than the posted speed limit, upon any bicycle, motorcycle, in- line skates, automobile or any other vehicle whatsoever, upon any parking lot or area, drive or street in any park, provided however bicycles and in- line skating are allowed on park trails; (4) To ride, drive or park any motorcycle, automobile, motorized scooter, or other motorized vehicle upon, over or across any park, curb, sidewalk, grass, lawn, hike or jogging trail or park land, except authorized City vehicles, and in designated areas, unless authorized by the parks and recreation staff. (5) To carry a firearm, except those persons who are duly licensed by the State of Texas to carry a concealed handgun in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Concealed Weapons Act, as amended. (6) To carry, (unless permitted under (5) above), or discharge firearms, fireworks, bb guns, airguns, bows and arrows, slingshots, blowgun, rockets or paint-ball guns unless authorized by the parks and recreation staff. (7) To hit golf balls except in designated areas. (8) To damage, move, cut, break, injure, deface or disturb any tree, shrub, plant, rock, building, monument, fence, bench, equipment or other structure, apparatus or property, or to pluck, pull up, cut, take or remove any shrub, bush, plant or flower, or to mark or write upon, paint or deface in any manner any building, monument, fence, bench, equipment or other structure. (9) To cut or remove any wood, turf, grass, soil, rock, sand, gravel, wood chips or fertilizer. (10) To swim, bathe, wade in or pollute the water of any fountain, pond, lake or stream except when authorized by the parks and recreation staff. (11) To make or kindle a fire, except in picnic stoves, braziers, fire pits or designated areas provided for that purpose. (12) To place, abandon or leave garbage, cans, bottles, papers, or other refuse in any public park except in proper waste receptacles. (13) To participate or engage in any activity or any public park area when such activity will create a danger to the public, a public nuisance, or cause damage to public park property (i.e., playing on fields deemed not fit for play by city staff). (14) To camp, sleep or stay overnight in any park unless authorized by the parks and recreation staff in writing. (15) To remain, stay or loiter in any park between the hours of 12:01 a.m. and 6 a.m. of the same day, or remain, stay, or loiter in any park except during the posted hours of operation, unless authorized by the parks and recreation staff in writing. (16) To possess or consume any alcoholic beverages. • (17) To disturb in any manner any picnic, meeting, service, concert, exercise or exhibition. (18) To distribute, post, place or erect any static or mobile advertising, handbill, circular bill, notice, paper or other advertising device unless authorized by the parks and recreation staff in writing. (19) To practice, carry on, conduct or solicit for any trade, occupation, business or profession, or to circulate any petition of whatsoever kind or character except with the written permission of the parks and recreation staff. (20) For any person over the age of six (6) years to use the restrooms and washrooms designated for the opposite sex, unless assistance is necessary. (21) To place•or dump any trash, refuse, solid waste, grass clippings, leaves, or other objectionable or unsightly matter in any park. (22) To allow a domestic animal to defecate in any park without immediate removal and disposal of such feces in proper waste receptacles. (23) Seining minnows or fish from the creeks, ponds, and lakes in any park. (24) To abandon, place, remove or injure any animal, domestic or wild, including but not limited to dogs, cats, cows, horses, birds, mammals, reptiles, fowls, and livestock; to catch and remove any fish when the person is required to obtain a fishing license from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, such persons being restricted to catch and release only. (25) To use or operate any motorboat, boat, or watercraft on any creek, pond, lake, or water within any park except Lake Lavon. (26) To use or operate any gas operated remote controlled airplane, boat, car, or other motorized model device, including radio-controlled devices (except radio controlled boats), or helicopter, parasail, hang glider, or hot air balloon, unless otherwise designated by the parks and recreation staff. (27) Use of mechanical loudspeakers or amplified music, sound, or voices except when authorized by the parks and recreation staff, or in connection with use of the any amphitheater provided the amplified music or sound is within the prescribed levels governed by State or local law, measured at the property boundary. (28) To conduct or participate in any tournament, camp, or organized sporting activity which has not been specifically authorized by the parks and recreation staff or which conflicts with a scheduled activity or event authorized by the parks and recreation staff. (29) To use glass containers. (30) To violate any Park Rules which are conspicuously posted at or near the main entrance to a park or park facility. (31) To operate any vehicle in a park facility parking lot after normal hours of operation. (32) To park or operate a commercial vehicle in park facility parking lots except on official business or when attending a park function. (33) To park or operate any truck-tractor, trailer, semi-trailer, pole-trailer in a park facility parking lot at any time, unless there on official business. Sec. 78-111 Penalty. (a) Whenever in this Chapter or in any ordinance of the city an act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful, an offense or a misdemeanor, or wherever in this Chapter or ordinance the doing of an act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, and no specific penalty is provided therefor, the violation of any such provision of this Chapter or any such ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding $500.00, except for: (1) Violations of municipal ordinances that govern fire safety, zoning, public health and sanitation, including dumping of refuse, in which case the maximum fine shall be $2,000.00 for each offense; and (2) Violations of traffic laws and ordinances which are punishable as a class C misdemeanor shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $200.00. No penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or a similar offense under the laws of the state. (b) Each day any violation of this Code or of any ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. (Code 1991, ch. 1, § 1.06; Code 1997, § 1-9) State law references: Ordinance, rule or regulation necessary to carry out other powers, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 51.001; amount of fine or penalty imposed by the city, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 54.001; abatement of health nuisances, V.T.C.A., Health and Safety Code § 341.011 et seq.; jurisdiction of municipal court, V.T.C.A., Government Code § 29.003. Sec. 78-112--78-130. Reserved. DIVISION 2. PARKING IN MUNICIPAL PARKS Sec. 78-131. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: No parking means an area designated for unobstructed access on a street, path or road. (Ord. No. 96-26, § 1, 7-9-1996; Code 1997, § 78-186) Cross references: Definitions generally, § 1-2. Sec. 78-132. Offense to violate division. It shall be an offense to violate any provision of this division. (Ord. No. 96-26, § 5, 7-9-1996; Code 1997, § 78-187) Sec. 78-133. No parking areas. No parking shall occur where designated no parking signs are placed within municipal parks. Only emergency vehicles will be allowed in these designated areas. �.. (Ord. No. 96-26, § 2, 7-9-1996; Code 1997, § 78-188) Sec. 78-134. Signs and markers notifying public of no parking zones. The city manager, or his designee, shall be responsible for installing markers and, if necessary, signs to properly notify the public of the location of the no parking zones. (Ord. No. 96-26, § 3, 7-9-1996; Code 1997, § 78-189) Sec. 78-135. Enforcement of division. The no parking zone provided in this division shall in no way be obstructed. The police department is authorized to issue citations and/or remove or cause to be removed any material or vehicle other than an emergency vehicle which is obstructing a no parking zone at the expense of the owner of such material or vehicle. (Ord. No. 96-26, § 4, 7-9-1996; Code 1997, § 78-190) Secs. 78-136--78-150. Reserved. ARTICLE VI. WATERCRAFT REGULATIONS* *State law references: Local regulation of public waters and lakes, V.T.C.A., Parks and Wildlife Code § 31.092. Sec. 78-151. Public launching sites. (a) Each of the public launching sites including, but not limited to, East Fork Park, East Fork Marina, Avalon Park, Lavonia Park, Mallard Park, Little Ridge Park and Pebble Beach Park, on Lake Lavon, City of Wylie, Collin County, are zoned "No Wake Areas" and will be properly identified as such, by placement of at least two "can" type buoys displaying "No Wake" encircled, 200 feet out from the launching ramps and 200 feet apart. (b) All public launching sites are zoned "No Swimming Areas" and wilt be identified as such by placement of a sign which reads "Swimming and Bathing Prohibited in Approaches to or on the Boat Ramps" or equivalent at each launching site. (Ord. No. 2002-4, § 2, 10-22-2002) Sec. 78-152. Watercraft prohibited. (a) Each of the swimming areas on Lake Lavon, City of Wylie, Collin County, including, but not limited to Little Ridge, East Fork, Avalon, Mallard and Pebble Beach Parks are zoned "No Boating Area" and will be identified as such by placement of "can" type buoys marked "Swimming Area -- Keep Out" LUU teet out and along the perimeter of the swimming area which will be further identified by placement of a "capsule" buoy line outlining the perimeter of the designated swimming area. (b) In any area zoned a "No Boating Area", all watercraft are prohibited, including, but not limited to, power boats, motor boats, personal watercraft, any motor-driven craft and any wind- or man-powered crafts. (Ord. No. 2002-4, § 3, 10-22-2002) Sec. 78-153. Water intake structures. (a) Two North Texas Municipal Water Utilities intake structures. The water area 300 feet in front of both water intake structures owned and operated by North Texas Municipal Water Utilities, is zoned as "Danger Areas" will be identified as such by placement of a sign on the face of the structures which reads "Dangerous Current -- Stay 300 Feet Away," and/or buoys displaying the universal markings of a diamond with inner cross and the words "Danger-- Keep Out." (b) Garland Power Plant, inlet and outlet channels. The water area 300 feet in front of the Garland Electric Power Plant intake structure and 300 feet below the end of the outlet structure are zoned "Danger Areas" and will be identified by placement of "can" type buoys displaying the universal markings of a diamond with inner cross and words "Danger -- Keep Out" on a perimeter of 300 feet on the water side of both structures. (c) East Fork and Avalon intake structures. The water area 300 feet in front of the water intake structures known as East Fork and Avalon are zoned as "Danger Areas" will be identified as such by placement of a sign on the face of the structures which reads "Dangerous Current -- Stay 300 Feet Away," and/or buoys displaying the universal markings of a diamond with inner cross and the words "Danger -- Keep Out." (Ord. No. 2002-4, § 4, 10-22-2002) Sec. 78-154. Lavon Dam inlet and outlet structure. (a) The water area 300 feet upstream on the Lavon Dam gate facilities is zoned a "Danger Area" and will be identified as such by placement of "can" type buoys displaying the universal markings of a diamond with inner cross and the words "Danger -- Keep Out" on a perimeter of 300 feet upstream from the face of the gate facilities. (b) Also, due to the slippery surfaces and strong water current and undertow, the immediate shoreline adjacent to the gate facilities is zoned a "Danger Area" and will be so marked by signs reading "Restricted Area -- Keep Out." (c) The water area below the dam to the railroad bridge approximately 400 feet downstream, is zoned a "Danger Area" and will be so identified by signs reading "Danger No Floats, Boats or Wading Beyond This Point" located to face downstream and adjacent bank fishing areas. (Ord. No. 2002-4, § 5, 10-22-2002) Sec. 78-155. Commercial marinas and/or floating concession facilities. The water areas of marinas and/or concession areas under license agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Lavon Lake are zoned "No Wake Areas" and will be so identified by placement of "can" type buoys displaying "No Wake" encircled, as prescribed by the Universal State Waterways marking system, on the perimeter of the controlled area and/or upon approaches to the controlled area, whichever is more practical. (Ord. No. 2002-4, § 6, 10-22-2002) Sec. 78-156. Endangering life or property prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any boat or other watercraft on any portion of Lake Lavon lying within the corporate limits of the city in such a manner as to endanger life or property (Ord. No. 2002-4, § 7, 10-22-2002) Sec. 78-157. Other areas. Other areas where the city identifies a hazard to life or property may be designated as "No Boating Area" or "No Wake Area" with installation of appropriate markings. These areas may include future marina sites, barge areas, shoals, shoreline abutments, and other water hazards. (Ord. No. 2002-4, § 8, 10-22-2002) Sec. 78-158. Offense. It shall be an offense to violate any portion of this article. (Ord. No. 2002-4, § 9, 10-22-2002) CITY OF WYLIE Item No. Staff use only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: July 25, 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: July 21, 2005 BP Rental Policy Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Chart of fees AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon revising the rental fees and policies at the Bart Peddicord Community Center. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approval of changes. SUMMARY: ._ Staff has reviewed the fees and policies at the Bart Peddicord Community Center and feels that with the rising costs of staff and the fact that fees have not been changed since the Center has opened in 1997,it is time for a change. Staff has researched the fees and policies of surrounding cities only to find that for comparable faculties Wylie is not receiving the revenue it could be. The major issues revolve around our current fee structure which is$10 for residents per hour,$15 for non-residents per hour,and no charge for non-profit groups. Staff is proposing to change this to$40 for residents per hour,$60 for non-residents per hour,and a$20 per hour for all non-profit groups(i.e.church's,sports leagues,Chamber of Commerce). At this time a large percentage of rentals are for non-profit groups that are not paying for the time they use the Center,even though we are required to maintain staffing for the center. Please review the attached chart and compare the rates for reference. In addition to the fee changes staff is recommending the following policy changes: **Recommendations: *Increase rental rates to the following: $20 per hour for non-profit groups(currently$0 per hour) '$40 per hour for residents(currently$10 per hour) $60 per hour for non-residents(currently$15 per hour) *$100 deposit is not currently required of non-profits except in cases of large events,such as dinners. Implement a policy that non- profits are now required to place a$100 deposit for all events. *Implement a minimum number of hours per rental-2 hours *Implement a policy regarding non-profits such that there will no longer be any"standing"reservations,i.e.every Tuesday,etc. We have three groups that currently have contracts through December with standing reservations and the recommendation would be to allow them to continue those meetings through December 2005,but that we would not renew those contracts after their last meeting in December. *Implement a policy that non-profit groups and others can only have one reservation at a time. Patrons cannot create a reservation for a new event date until the last one is used. *Maintain the current cancellation policy which charges a$50 fee for cancellations within 10 days of the rental date. 1 Event Date: Start Time: End Time: Confirmation Number: Hold Until: BART PEDDICORD COMMUNITY CENTER RENTAL AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1) A deposit,rental fees, and signed agreement are required to reserve the Center. A cancellation fee of$50 will be charged if a reservation is cancelled less than 10 calendar days prior to the event. All cancellations must be done in writing. Refunds of deposits will be processed within 15 calendar days upon satisfactory completion of the terms and conditions of the Rental Agreement. 2) Lessee may use the center ONLY during reserved time. Set-up and clean up must be included in reserved hours. 3) No more than 150 persons are allowed in the facility by order of the City of Wylie Fire Marshall. 4) Nothing may be attached to the walls, ceilings,or fans with any tapes, staples,tacks,etc. Tables may be decorated. Balloons should be anchored to tables or chairs, not free flowing. ANYTHING APPLIED TO TABLES OR CHAIRS MUST BE REMOVED. 5) Only equipment reserved will be available during your rental period. 6) Lessee is responsible for all set-up and clean-up. Restore the Community Center to its original condition and original table/chair arrangement. Lessee will be provided with cleaning instructions and a checklist. The Building Monitor will certify that the Community Center is left in good condition and Lessee and the Building Monitor must sign the checklist. Failure to properly clean/restore the Community Center or damage to the building or equipment could result in forfeiture of your deposit and/or additional fees. 7) At least 1 Adult chaperones for every children MUST be present and remain during all events. CHILDREN ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE STORAGE ROOM OR JANITOR'S CLOSET. 8) The City of Wylie and staff members are not responsible for any accidents that occur. Access is prohibited to all locked areas including the front office, senior room, and kitchen pantry. 9) Please consider safety when using dim lighting during any events. Safety lights should be kept on at the entrance of the Community Center and at the entry areas to the restrooms. . 10) NO alcoholic beverages on the premises or in the parking lot of the Community Center. The Community Center is also a smoke free building. Civic and Non-Profit Organizations Only As a non-profit organization, I understand that deposits or fees may not apply to my organization,however,the above stated guidelines and policies do apply. I also understand that failure to comply with said conditions might result in loss of my organization's regular use of the Community Center or a request for a security deposit and/or fees. Signature: Date: ALL OTHERS I understand the above stated guidelines and procedures for the rental of the Community Center. I also understand that failure to comply with said conditions might result in cancellation of my event, and/or loss of my deposit. Signature: Date: Hold Harmless Agreement: (All—Please print) I, ,hereby agree to release and hold harmless the City of Wylie,Texas, its officers, employees,agents,and elected officials from and against any and all suits, actions, losses, liability or damages of any character. I agree that all stated officials and agents will not be responsible to, from or against cost and expenses including, in part, Attorney's fees incidental to the defense of such suits, claims, losses, damages or liability on account of injury,disease, sickness(including death)to any person or minor children or to any property damage, occurring in connection with,resulting from or caused by the rental or use of the Community Center. Authorized Signature for Group or Organization Date Address Phone Number Email Fax Number 1 1 CITY Plano Allen McKinney Frisco I Carrollton Cedar Hill WISD Wylie I Wylie Current Proposed RESIDENT $75 $60 $40 $175/$100 1 $75 $90 '', $430/$100 $10 $40 2 hr/extra hrs 4hr/extra hr NON-RESIDENT $85 j $80 j $45 1 $195/$120 cannot rent j $90 ! cannot rent $15 $60 NON-PROFIT $75 ! $60 no policy 1 $20 1 $75 '� $90 ! $430/$100 $0 $20 4hr/extra hr DEPOSIT $0 1 $100 $100/$300 $75 $100.00 $200.00 $500 $100 $100 for all MIN HOURS 21 2! 4 2 3! 2! 4 no min. 1 2 CANCEL FEES $5admin fee $5admin fee j fees refunded $5admin fee forfeit deposit forfeit deposit $50 cancel same $forfeit if deposit see notes deposit if cancel if cancel less fee if w/in Ji cancel w/in forfeit if w/in 7 days. than 24 hr 10 days 10 days - cancel w/in - -- Ti l -�----- -- -- i 72 hrs. ' _ prior to i I event Notes: *Frisco Cancellation Policy: if cancelled 30 or more days before event, all deposit is refunded; 14-29 days, forfeit 50%of deposit; 7-13 days, forfeit 75% of deposit; 6 days or less, forfeit 100% of deposit. Non-Profit Groups: Must pay the same deposit as regular users. Must provide copy of non-profit status. *Plano Non-Profit Groups: May only schedule one event at a time. After that event can try to schedule next event. No standing reservations, i.e. every Tuesday. *McKinney Deposit: $100 for all meetings & special events; $300 for weddings,parties, reunions. *Wylie ISD Non-resident groups may not rent. All non-school groups, private or non-profit, pay the same rates. *Rental Rates: All cities have a difference in price for resident and non-residents. Most of the cities charge the same fee for non-profits as they charge the residents. *Non-profits: All cities indicated that they do not allow a"standing"reservation for anyone. We currently do allow non-profits, such as Girl Scout troops, Chamber, etc, to have 2-4 times per month meetings. *Cancellation policy: Most of the cities are in line with what we do now for cancellation. A certain amount of fees/deposit are forfeited if the cancellation is made within a short amount of time of the rental date. Most cities have an administrative fee, usually $5.00, for any change or cancellation, which we don't currently do. **Recommendations: *Increase rental rates to the following: $20 per hour for non-profit groups (currently $0 per hour) $40 per hour for residents (currently $10 per hour) $60 per hour for non-residents (currently$15 per hour) *$100 deposit is not currently required of non-profits except in cases of large events, such as dinners. Implement a policy that non-profits are now required to place a$100 deposit for all events. *Implement a minimum number of hours per rental-2 hours *Implement a policy regarding non-profits such that there will no longer be any"standing" reservations, i.e. every Tuesday, etc. We have three groups that currently have contracts through December with standing reservations and the recommendation would be to allow them to continue those meetings through December 2005,but that we would not renew those contracts after their last meeting in December. *Implement a policy that non-profit groups and others can only have one reservation at a time. Patrons cannot create a reservation for a new event date until the last one is used. *Maintain the current cancellation policy which charges a$50 fee for cancellations within 10 days of the rental date. CITY OF WYLIE Item No. Staff Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: July 25, 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No.#: Date Prepared: July 21, 2005 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Site Plan AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon the proposed street connection in Sage Creek Phase 8 related to the development for Sage Creek Phase 9. RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: Staff has been directed to have the Board look at the proposed bridge connection on Riverway Drive over the dedicated parkland along the creek area. This northern connection off of Riverway Drive will provide a secondary access for residents in Sage Creek 8 subdivision currently under construction. This bridge would be added as a condition of the Sage Creek 9 subdivision that was approved by the Board in February 2005. Currently the Planning Department and the City Engineer are working the residents of this area to study the current traffic flow and potential traffic flow with the buildout of Sage Creek 8 and Sage Creek 9(if built). The Board needs to provide staff with comments pertaining to the building of the bridge on dedicated parkland. The Board discussed this item at the June 2005 meeting and expressed concern over the locations of the potential bridge. Staff is now bringing forth the options provided by the developer for the potential bridge that were not available in June. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ 1 �� . '��a OPTION ` niAr .ii,. w,"" „, ,' *wt..' ,.. ;',„ J. iti ,,,,,7,,,:.,,,,,,,, , . . ,, ,.„11 ,4, ,„ , . ..,.,,_ ,J ....,:,,wii.04, -,,,,:,:„... • ,o, , ------- ii ..„,.. 1.,.f; . ,.:i.: ._,c,..,,,,, ,,,,,,,,.....;.. „ft si. \ "•ot.4` , •-. , - ,..4' 1011114isoip t t ! 'i'':' .. < s --` e' - OPTION ,;. _ ar�3. . . `.on . . 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""fi OPYZON ,a ¢ c , rq-0t Se. r s ;1.4 E a .' ,�5 > , - ,eau.;,J ' '# +« ri 6' iii„ 1,, :.....iii.: ..1.....,:„... ., . .. , ii , c ., 1z �,a I r A9 4 (T7 C1"1:.74-,A PROPOSED CONNECTION EXHIBIT PHASE EIGHT Ilk .AN� SCALE: 1"=50' ms y0,N,rs ti.�3" CITY OF WYLIE Item No. staffuse 0n4, PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: July 25, 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No.#: Date Prepared: July 21, 2005 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: n/a AGENDA SUBJECT: Staff updates on the following: Bond Committee report WISD issues Construction status on Olde City Park,Eureka,and Riverway Parks RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/a SUMMARY: '"`"" Staff will update the Board on current parks and recreation developments and projects i.e. Eureka and Riverway Parks. i APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: \ 1 r ft (-An't"-• IDLA -4> 1-tuA e9u,k4,1 — Lwci 6-=74,-/-5(pit'A-11-C 72(1' uz4v,-S 106,)--euz e I 760 5— sizt cL.s — uLok vvi - PleLSLA c,i0c 2 ":2-(A40 7-97 ,Ap„;44 — c) l>cLui Z_ revk-e MAA- ( CC - ; cti441,e, 44:* Cdlit (,2 t `•A,<?t, ( . ,„ iktv 7-2c-c.c. 4A4 ' 3-2TIO'h ('4:L/1A' ik-) Csria1/1- 1d5-44 3i-64 1 1 04 GA u/{C5 Z 0 ta. ‘7244,12 2 Al qv/awa --'26vvv4.`k. tLit,p yk,L OPrargorz; - /AI— '12AANIAA.- --Z) cy.p i'vve ku,j5 :\p vok 67' V--;AAA —7,,,vo;kk 4,4 a tt Ult ( ic .k c ) • 41 ocis- b-tir IA. -b Concession RFP Scoresheet Jolley Trolly Sunshine Concessions Wylie Baseball Association Quality and Variety 30 items at Community Park 16 items. Did not differentiate 12 items. Did not differentiate of Food Items and 20 items at Founders between Community Park and between Community Park and (30 points) Park. (30 points) Founders Park. (20 points) Founders Park. (20 points) Pricing (25 points) $0.25-$3.50 (25 points) $0.25-$3.00 (25 points) $0.25-$3.50 (25 points) 15% Offered 5%to City Percentage Christian Care and 5%to 15% or$3,500 flat fee. (20 points) 15% (20 points) (20 points) Wylie Sports Associations • (15 points) Three years experience. Experience and 15 years experience. Five Eight years experience with Wylie References Three listed references plus municipal references and YMCA High School Athletics. No other two years with City of Wylie. (15 points) (15 points) event. (5 points) references. (5 points) Thoroughness, completeness,and 12 page submittal with Six page submittal with signature Two page submittal, no signature insurance signature includes proof of includes affidavit of insurance. and no insurance information. documentation insurance. (10 points) (10 points) (5 points) (10 points) 100 Possible Points 95 80 75 1 I CITY Plano Allen McKinney Frisco Carrollton Cedar Hill WISD Wylie Wylie Current Proposed RESIDENT $75 $60 $40 j $175/$100 $75 $90 $430/$100 $10 $40 2 hr/extra hrs 4hr/extra hr NON-RESIDENT $85 $80 $45 $195/$120 cannot rent $90 cannot rent $15 $60 , NON-PROFIT $75 $60 no policy $20 $75 $90 $430/$100 $0 $20 4hr/extra hr DEPOSIT $0 $100 $100/$300 $75 $100.00 $200.00 $500 $100 $100 for all MIN HOURS 2 2 4 2 3 2 4 no min. 2 CANCEL FEES $5admin fee $5admin fee fees refunded $5admin fee forfeit deposit forfeit deposit $50 cancel same $forfeit if deposit see notes deposit if cancel if cancel less fee if w/in cancel w/in forfeit if w/in 7 days than 24 hr 10 days 10 days cancel w/in prior to 72 hrs. event ..,,,, .., is... ....,‘ - N., " . ,,,,. 10,.. 71 -. . . . , - . . . ir- ag Nov , i _ y f r.. x .. . , _ __ Existing Sanitary r Sewer Crossing ' A T if t 1 • S, i Li", 0 .1' .- - , 4 . IA' lik . . 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