09-12-2005 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF MEETING — Public Hearing WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA Monday, September 12, 2005 6:30 p.m. Meet at Wylie Municipal Complex —Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER CITIZENS PARTICIPATION INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing on changes to Chapter 78-Parks and Recreation of the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances. All interested persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard, either for or against any item on the proposed changes. At the end of the hearing, the Parks and Recreation Board will make final recommendations to the City Council for their approval. 2. Consider and act upon a request from the Lions Club to sell "Picnic Packs" as a fundraiser during the fall 2005 and spring 2006 sports seasons at Community and Founders Park. DISCUSSION ITEMS ADJOURNMENT In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,the Parks and Recreation Board may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be open. Should the Parks and Recreation Board elect to convene into Executive Session;those exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any subsequent action,as a result of this Executive Session,will be taken and recorded in open session. I certify that this Notice of Meeting was`,pgsted,Q,,this 9th day of September, at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of oppvf,,fivpent Code and that the appropriate news media contacted. As a courtesy,this agenda is also ms*Itp.ttff•Ci y.o01Nie Website at www.ci.wylie.tx.us . 0 r _ SEAL _ R, ov 'Carole Ehrlich, 'ly Secretary — �� — Da Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheel air aabe*ible..5ifncistcsiTretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance bybpi 'c }die } `s,*tary's office at 972/442-8100 or TDD72/442-8170. q t t`' ` ����II1111115��.`` CITY OF WYLIE Item No. City Secretary's Use Only PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA ITEM Board Meeting Of: September 12, 2005 Originating Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code No. #: Date Prepared: September 9, 2005 Ch. 78 C.O.W. Code of Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Ordinances AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon approving the final changes/updates to the Parks and Recreation Section, Chapter 78, in the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances(Article I through Article VI). Conduct the Public Hearing. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approval. SUMMARY: Per the January 2005 meeting,staff was to make fmal revisions to Article IV and then put Articles V and VI on the agenda to be discussed at the February meeting. A review of the Articles V and VI will be made at the February meeting and finalized at the March meeting. The April 25,2005 Parks and Recreation board meeting will provide the Board final review of all of the changes made to Chapter 78 of the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances. Additional items discussed in the past few meetings such as"no golfing"and damage to park property has also been included in the new Ordinance. If the Ordinance is approved the next step will be for the City Attorney to review it and then it will be forwarded to the City Council in May 2005. Staff has also included comments sent from other cities regarding park rules for your review. Please also note that all of the changes are noted in this version so Board members can review/compare the old version to the new one. Following the April meeting,the Board directed staff to have the City Attorney review the ordinance prior the Board's approval. The staff forwarded the ordinance to the City Attorney and a cover letter and attorney changes are now being brought back to the Board for review and approval. Following the May 2005 meeting forwarded the approved changes to the City Attorney for their review. The City Attorney has incorporated the changes and staff is bringing this final version back to the Board for approval. The Police chief is also currently reviewing the ordinance for,staff should have his opinion prior to the July meeting. At the August 23, 2005 City Council meeting additional changes were made by various Council members. The Mayor also requested that a public hearing be made for citizens to make their opinions known regarding the changes to Chapter 78. The public hearing was advertised in the September 7, 2005 edition of the Wylie News and a special meeting was set up as requested by the Mayor. The Parks and Recreation Board meeting on September 12,will be the Board's opportunity to conduct the public hearing and make final comment on the changes to Chapter 78. Following the public hearing the results of any changes to Chapter 78 will be forwarded to the City Council for approval. 1 Chapter 78 PARKS AND RECREATION* *Charter references: Parks and recreational facilities, art. XI, § 16. Cross references: Administration, ch. 2; environment, ch. 42; floods, ch. 50; health and sanitation, ch. 54; library, ch. 66; personnel, ch. 86; planning, ch. 90; streets, sidewalks and other public places, ch. 102; zoning, app. A; subdivision regulations, app. B; fee schedule, app. C. State law references: Authority of municipalities to operate and maintain parks, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code§ 331.001; park to be open for public use under rules prescribed by local governing authority, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 331.007; home-rule municipality has exclusive control over public grounds, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code§282.001. Article I. In General Sec. 78-1. Standards of care, city youth programs. Secs. 78-2--78-20. Reserved. Article II. Parks and Recreation Board Sec. 78-21. Definitions. Sec. 78-22. Creation. Sec. 78-23. Composition; appointment and terms of office of members. Sec. 78-24. Removal of members. Sec. 78-25. Vacancies. Sec. 78-26. Officers. Sec. 78-27. Meetings. Sec. 78-28. Jurisdiction. Sec. 78-29. Limitations of authority. Secs. 78-30--78-50. Reserved. Article III. Parks and Open Space Master Plan Sec. 78-51. Adopted. Sec. 78-52. Park zones. Secs. 78-53-78-70. Reserved. Article IV. Parkland Dedication Sec. 78-71. Purpose of article. Sec. 78-72. Dedication procedures. Sec. 78-73. Money in lieu of land. Sec. 78-74. Comprehensive plan considerations. Sec. 78-75. Park acquisition and improvement fund; right to refund. Sec. 78-76. Additional requirements. Sec. 78-77. Minimum park improvements. Sec. 78-78. Biennial review. Sec. 78-79. Offense. Secs. 78-80-78-100. Reserved.