10-24-2005 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
Monday, October 24, 2005— 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room
2000 State Highway 78 North
Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 with the following Board members present;
Anne Hiney,Eugene Garner,Brandi Lafleur,and David Willey.Board members Benny Jones and Ronnie
Rogers were absent.
Staff members present were Mike Sferra,Public Services Director,Bill Nelson,Parks Superintendent,Robert
Diaz,Assistant Parks Superintendent,Tori Hindman,Recreation Supervisor and Rachael Hermes,Park
Board Secretary.
Perform Officer Elections for Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for the next year.
Nominations for Chairperson
Board member Daniel Chesnut was nominated for Chairman of the Board.
Nominations for Vice-Chairperson
Board member David Willey was nominated for Vice-Chairman of the Board.
Board Action
Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to elect Daniel Chesnut as Chairman and David Willey as Vice-
Chairman. Board member Eugene Garner seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with
Board members Benny Jones and Ronnie Rogers absent.
There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation.
Chairman Chesnut requested that the Board move to Item 4.
4. Tabled item from 9/12/05: Consider and act upon a request from the Lions Club to sell"Picnic
Packs"as a fundraiser during the fall 2005 and spring 2006 sports seasons at Community and
Founders Park.
Staff Comments
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson stated that the concessionaire opted not to sell drinks in coordination with
the Lions Club.
Board Action
Board member David Willey made a motion to approve the request. Board member Brandi Lafleur seconded
the motion. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board member Anne Hiney abstaining and Board
members Benny Jones and Ronnie Rogers absent.
Minutes—October 24,2005
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Chairman Chesnut requested that the Board move back to Item 1.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the August 22,2005 meeting.
Board Action
Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to approve the minutes. Board member David Willey seconded
the motion.A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Benny Jones and Ronnie Rogers absent.
Chairman Chesnut requested that the Board move to Item 3.
3. Consider and act upon a request from the Cub Scout Pack 301 to have a fundraiser at the Bart
Peddicord Community Center on January 21,2006.
Staff Comments
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz discussed the request from Cub Scout Pack 301 to hold a
fundraiser at the Community Center.
Board Action
Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to approve the request. Board member David Willey seconded
the motion.A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Benny Jones and Ronnie Rogers absent.
Chairman Chesnut requested that the Board move back to Item 2.
2. Consider and act upon revising the rental fees and policies at the Bart Peddicord Community
Center,2"d revision.
Staff Comments
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz displayed a chart comparing rates from various surrounding
cities. Recreation Supervisor Tori Hindman explained the cost per hour to have the center open as well as
the cost per hour to have the center staffed.
Board Discussion
Chairman Chesnut asked about any future fees should new facilities be built. Chairman Chesnut inquired
about the intent of establishing new fees. Public Services Director Mike Sferra stated that the intent was to
cover the costs of the use of the center. Chairman Chesnut expressed his concern regarding different fees for
varying organizations. Board member Eugene Garner stated that he felt that the original item presented to
Council addressed the intent. Board member Anne Hiney recommended adopting Option 2 and revisiting
the fee schedule in two years. Public Services Director Mike Sferra requested that a Board member attend
the Council meeting to present the Board's recommendation.
Board Action
Chairman Chesnut made a motion to approve Option 2 (combining A and B as one), assessing $10/$20/$30
fee structure, requiring a $100 deposit for large events only, requiring 2 hour minimum rental, maintaining
standing reservation policy and maintaining the$50 cancellation fee for large events. Board member David
Willey seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 4-1 with Eugene Garner opposed and with Board
members Benny Jones and Ronnie Rogers absent.
5. Presentation from Dallas Cothrum,Consultant for the TXU development,at Hwy. 78 and
Brown/Eubanks area.
There was no presentation or discussion of this item.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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6. Memorial areas within an existing or future park.
Staff Comments
Public Services Director Mike Sferra discussed a resolution passed in 2003 to name two streets after specific
Vietnam Veterans from Wylie. Mr. Sferra discussed the possibility of naming two streets going into city
parks in honor of the Veterans.
Board Discussion
The Board stated that they had no objections to the possibility and suggested bringing the issue as an agenda
item for the next scheduled meeting.
7. Staff updates on the following:
Bond Committee report
Alanis parkland dedication
Construction status on Olde City Park,Eureka,and Riverway Parks
Staff Comments
Mr. Sferra discussed the Bond Committee report and the Alanis parkland dedication.
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson addressed the Board with updates to current park development projects.
Mr. Nelson stated that both Eureka and Riverway Parks had basically been completed with the exception of
some minor additions. Mr.Nelson stated that there would soon be additional work done at Olde City Park.
Board Action
With no further business, Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:10. The
motion was seconded by David Willey. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Benny Jones
and Ronnie Rogers absent.
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meanie Chesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman
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Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary
Minutes—October 24,2005
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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